In His Place

Story by iplank on SoFurry

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A bad day is no excuse to be an asshat, especially to a stray dog. Unfortunately for Justin a witness has a ring that can siphon attributes, and plans to put him in his place with it.

(M Attribute Theft/switch)

Justin stormed to the nearby mall after work. It had been another rough day on the job, made rougher by a fellow employee who had a way of brushing all his work onto other people. He worked from before the sun came up and got off work mid afternoon, so more often than not he ended up going to the mall and just eating a quick dinner at the food court because he was too tired to go home and cook himself something. It was approaching autumn and summer was giving its last hurrah, so the weather had been blazing for a while now, so the mall was also a choice place to linger because of its air conditioned halls. Justin went to grab a drink from the drinking fountain by the side doors and froze in disgust at what he seen there. A dog with dirty fur standing on its back legs, drinking from the fountain! A dog! He shouted at it to spook it off the fountain and the dog hopped down and went to run away, slowing as it got to the corner of a back laneway, and in the shadow of the lane Justin could see its master- a homeless man slumped against a wall.

"Oh great, filthy animal in the drinking fountain, and it belongs to a hobo! Well I guess I can never use that fountain ever again. That is fucking repulsive. Get the fuck out of here you worthless mutt."

Justin picked up a pebble from the edge of the sidewalk and threw it rather hard at the dog who yelped and dashed into the darkness with his master. As soon as Justin entered the mall proper he was met with the disapproving glare of a younger man who had been looming on the inside of the glass doors.

"Oh, sod off. You'd let some mongrel drink from the same fountain as you? Bloody disease ridden thing and his gritter mate shouldn't be tallying around here anyway. Loitering is against the law."

The young man scrunched up his brow as if having trouble determining Justin was actually serious. "Its sweltering outside, and you'd blame a homeless dog for finding water?"

"Come off it. You must be havin' a laugh if you think I care what some random bloke thinks about it in the first. Enough of this tosh, I've got things to do. Including now, finding a fountain that ain't been tainted."

As Justin hustled to find a bathroom, he failed to notice the light flicker in the young man's ring. His sister came from just around the other corner, crossing her arms. The sister wore a full finger ring made of dark metal and set with two blue amethyst ovals. The brother had a silvered metal full finger ring set with two rose quartz ovals.

"Should I murder him, Alex? I could just blink him out of existance and the world'd be better for it." He grit his teeth in anger but his sister placed a hand gently on his shoulder.

"No Sam. He will not learn his mistake if he is dead. The dead do not know to suffer. Catch up with him... I will try to find the poor dog and we will get this sorted, alright?"

Justin felt a strange energy humming in him. He thought it was just his nerves getting worked up by that random young man, trying to judge him at the doors. Slowly the feeling sank lower in his torso, making him start to wonder just what it really was. He made his way to the bathroom to splash some water on his face and take a piss before he headed to the food court. By the time he made his way there though, the odd feeling seemed to sink into his hips and then dispurse into his groin. He still felt odd, but now it was not concentrated enough for him to even put his finger on it. When he took his penis out to pee he furrowed his brows at the sight- it looked... smaller. That was not possible though, it must have just been the lighting. So he took a piss, but as he did the feeling started to condence again, this time in his shaft itself. It was getting smaller! Not just softer, but its actual size was reducing! It kept almost slipping out of his hand because it shrank out of his grip, making a right mess of the toilet as his stream wobbled. Justin was fairly large to start with, but now was below average! His mind raced trying to figure out how this could possibly happen. Some strange illness he got from being near the dog? Justin was quite well built and muscular, and those had not shrank, but without knowing who needed to get the shit kicked out of them for this, his strength did little good.

Emberassed, Justin could not do anything about his problem for now, so figured he would go about his day as normal right now. Then if it had not returned to normal after a day he would go to a doctor. If something is able to shrink it like this, surely there was something that could grow it back to normal. He walked to the food court, groaning to himself as he seen that condescending young man Sam from before. He picked up his pace to try to pass him too quick to notice.

"So, how do you like your new size?"

Justin froze up in surprise, gritting his teeth and turning to face Sam. "The fuck are you on about?"

Sam pointed at his crotch. "Smaller package. It was the first and easiest thing I could think to do- to make you less of a dick."

Justin actually got dizzy from the adrenaline immediately rushing his head as he slammed a hand down on the table and reached across to grab Sam and rip him right out of his seat. As soon as he grabbed him though he was hit with another, stronger wave of dizziness. This one was because of a sudden shift in perspective- his entire body shrank, and by no small ammount either. He fell face first down onto the table, watching as everything around him seemed to get bigger. His muscles softened and shrank, and his clothes suddenly became baggy! His actual size did not change that much, but because his muscles also shrank the combigned effect was more drastic. Meanwhile Sam's body audibly groaned as his muscles flexed and squirmed on their own, become more defined, tightening the skin over them. He filled his clothing more and the fabric started to stretch and hug his body a bit uncomfortably and he even gained an inch and a half in height! Because he was laying flat on the top of the table when it happened- Justin was on perfect level to see the gems in his ring glowing this time. It looked like a hazy light inside of the gems, but the haze was actually millions of tiny shifting runes, illuminated by the energy being drawn through the ring. Justin sat in the opposite seat, staring at nothing for several moments as his thoughts adjusted.

"W-what the hell did you do to me mate? Turn me back! I was the one miffed earlier, no need for you to lose the plot over it."

Sam leaned over the table and tapped the pointed end of the ring on it as if to emphasize it like a weapon. "This here is the Ring Of Narcissus. I am Sam, and my sister Alex is around here somewhere... she will join us in a bit. This ring has the power to take things from a person- anything really. You are in a good place, strong and healthy, and rather than share with the less fortunate, you hurt a poor dog. You do not deserve any of that strength."

Sam clenched his fist and the gems began glowing again. Now both his body and clothes groaned as he stretched and grew larger, and Justin again grew smaller and weaker! Justin felt like he was melting practically. He was starting to really swim in his clothing. Everything seemed to grow around him!

"S-stop! Bloody hell, I will do anything just stop!"

Suddenly the effect ended. "Anything, huh? Well, you are sounding more generous already."

Justin looked around at everyone else in the food court. There was a few people glancing at them like they are weirdos, but no one actually said anything. "Why... is no one doing anything?"

Sam produced a deck of cards and tapped them on the table. "About what? A magic ring? Probably due to no one knowing how to use magic. Also I can take anything from anyone, remember? I stole away their confusion. Everyone can see you and what is happening to you still- but they cannot think anything is unusual about it." He finished shuffling the cards. "Simple blackjack. Aces are wild. You win, I give you either your size, muscle mass, or penis size back. But... if I win, I take something more."

Justin agreed and Sam smiled as he tossed the first four cards out. Of course he would agree, this guy is all ego. His muscles won't help him in a game of cards, but he is so used to thinking highly of himself he does not even consider losing an option. He was probably having a rough day, and lashed out at the dog, but that is no excuse. An eye for an eye makes the world blind after all- if we just took our anger out on whoever, everyone would be miserable. Someone needs to just grin and bare it at some point. Sure, it is very unpleasent to have a strange dog drinking from the same place you were, but the dog clearly needed it. Justin thinks because he worked so hard to get where he is, that he shouldn't ever have to share, and everyone who has less, did not work as hard as he did. But sometimes people work their fingers to the bone and still come up with nothing. Sometimes all the effort in the world cannot repair bum luck.

Wanting Justin to suffer, Sam cheated. Justin was too nervous about what all was happening to notice, when Sam was shuffling he slowly shuffled less cards as he went- it was more like he was sorting the cards than shuffling. Of course, Justin lost, and for this Sam syphoned away the rest of his muscles, but did not touch his overall size. Sam's clothing tightened still more and some seams started to pop as he grew larger. He had never had muscles like this before, everything felt so large and tight! Meanwhile Justin felt like he could barely lift his own limbs at this point. He was scrawny and while his mind was still fully awake and full of energy, his body felt like it had been terribly worn out. Justin's clothing was draped off him, barely hanging on, and Sam's was busting open. As if to show off all he had lost, Sam leaned forward and flexed his arms, causing his sleeves to explode open.

"Another round?"

"I... yea. I need to get back to normal and my luck can't stay bad forever!"

Sam huffed and started to shuffle the cards again. He did not even bother cheating this time. He was more just killing time till Alex got back with the dog. Justin however lost again, fair and square this time. Sam laughed hard and his ring started to glow again. Justin panicked as he felt the strange sensation in his crotch again, putting a hand over it as if he could somehow shield it.

"W-wait no! Not that! Please."

He was starting to sound pathetic at this point. Sam pointed down to his own crotch. "Then suck mine."

Justin's face turned bright red with a mix of anger and emberassment. "What!? Here?! No!" He squirmed as he felt his penis start to slowly shrink.

"Then enjoy your micro penis."

Justin looked at everyone else in the food court, and no one batted an eyelash when Sam pulled his pants down enough to flop his cock out over it. Everyone could see it happening, but no one could give a damn. Justin was in a panick, thinking his penis as some sort of life-line, like he would just keel over and die without it. Hopeing his smaller size would work in his favour now he slipped from his chair and under the table trying to keep as many eyes off him as possible and grabbed up the phallus. To think he would be trying to pleasure another man, in public at that! As awkward as his fondling was, he still got Sam to erection quickly enough. Sam was a bit of a exhibitionist, and a bit high off being able to make this man suffer. The dick was already quite large- it was not only as big as Sam already had, it was also the stolen size from Justin. Which also meant it was very slowly getting bigger as Justin continued to slowly shrink. It was like a timer- the longer he took to get Sam off, the less size he had. Normally there is very little size variants when it came to human testicles, but because it was a direct transfer of mass, Sam's balls were really big too. Justin's psyche absolutely would not allow him to do this- to the point where his eyes were almost glazing over with tears trying to force himself to do this but it going completely against his nature. The best he could manage was to convince himself that this was his own dick. Like he was somehow giving himself a blow job. Most of it was made of his own stolen mass after all. He sucked just the tip at first, working it up to full mast and then popping the full glans in before working down the shaft more with each pass. His own penis was getting tiny now. It looked like it belonged on a child, not a full grown man. He could not even get an erection anymore- his ability to was stolen into Sam as well. Because of that, Sam's veins bulged rock hard and the glans purpled like a deep bruise with blood pressure, becoming almost painfully hard- because he basically had a double-erection. A tear left Justin's eye as he glanced to the side and seen several people glancing their way in disgust. They could definately see the two. Everyone could see. But no one called the police or tried to stop them in any way because of the ring's influence. Justin's dick became so small it felt like it was inverting into itself, and it almost was. The skin of the shaft was so bunched up you almost could not see the shaft at all, it almost looked like just a tiny glans sitting on a ring of fat flesh, above two tiny grape sized balls half drawn back into his torso.Sam's cock however in constrast completely filled Justin's mouth, and at least a full inch outside of it because he could not get it all in without choking. His nuts were like tennis balls. Justin felt the shaft vibrate with rapid twitches as it approached climax and was about to pull off and jack the rest out, but Sam would not allow for that. Sam grabbed a fist full of his hair and yanked him all the way to the base of his shaft, which rammed the cock partially down his throat. Justin could not even breath like this! Sam came explosively down his throat, doubling the length of his orgasm by waiting till his was almost over before stealing the load Justin's own prostate had been building on standby. When he let go Justin immediately yanked off the shaft, gasping for air, dizzy from a lack of oxygen.

By the time Justin's vision focussed again he seen the paws of the dog from earlier walking up to him, and his heart filled with dread. Alex walked up to the side of the table. "Okay, here he is. I hope you were not too cruel while I was gone, Sam."

Sam shrugged, not even bothering to put his dick away yet. "Proportionally cruel. So, what do you say you even the playing field between these two?"


Justin peeked out from under the table, seeing a glow from Alex's ring. "Y-you have one too?"

"Mine is the Ring Of Nemesis. The Ring Of Narcissus steals traits and gives them to the user. The Ring Of Nemesis gives traits from one source to another and is unable to affect the user. One gives the other takes. One would require both rings to have full control of traits."

Justin flinched as he felt a prickly, itchy heat over his entire body. He started scratching himself as a shadow passed over his skin. He started panting from the building heat as he realized he was growing fur! He looked to the dog in a panick to see its fur getting shorter!

"You look down on it as a 'mere animal'. But what is a human exactly? A plant? Bacteria? Last time I checked, humans are animals. Since you seem to think it is so far below you due to its lack of humanity- lets share some of your wealth. I am giving it your humanity, and you can have some of its canine attributes instead. Now you will not have a problem sharing water with it- because you will be the same as it is."

The dog's paws started to stretch out, the digits becoming longer and thinner and the nails flattening and shrinking back. Justin yelped as he accidentally cut himself trying to scratch his itchy growing fur, his nails now long and black as his fingers shortened and fattened. His palms bloating with the shifted mass becoming more like paw pads but never all the way there. He started panting heavily from the heat in him as his tongue became long and flat, his teeth all sharpening around them. Both Justin and the dog made the same whimpering sound as the face of one started to compact and the face of the other started to push out, producine the same clicks and dull cracks as the bones reshaped. They ended up identical. A muzzle but not as long as a full dog- hands that were padded like paws with short digits and long claws. Justin tried to stand up off the floor to talk to the two siblings directly and plead with them but his legs violently cracked becoming digitigrade, sending him down onto all fours. His hips did not shift so he could still walk on two legs- he just fell over from not understanding how the new limbs worked. The dog's legs remained pretty much the same but his hips shifted and popped loudly, allowing it to now walk on two legs. The dog's tail became smaller and less hairy and Justin sprouted his own tail that quickly sprouted hair. They had both become anthro dogs, identical in shape to each other. The dog was blonde with blue eyes, Justin had green eyes still and his fur matched his former hair color- so dark brown.

Alex reached down and lifted the dog up by its arms and held it there for a moment before slowly taking her hands away- showing the dog that it could walk on two legs now. "There boy, how is that? And now you have a new friend now! He was angry before but not at you. He wants to make it up to you... don't you!?"

Justin stood nervously, teetering on his new legs. "Y-yes! Anything you want, just turn me back to normal. That is all I want, I won't bother no one no more."

Alex smiled as she started to transfer the erection from Sam to the dog. "You heard him, boy. Take that ass for yourself. Knot and make-up!"

"W-wait WHAT?!"

Justin looked back to see the dog's form shifting more, wobbling in place trying to keep its balance as its muscles rapidly grew and its body got a bit bigger. Alex was removing the stolen traits from Sam and putting them into the dog! Justin was frozen in terror at the sight of the emerging red rocket from its fattening sheath, over the slowly swelling balls. He could hear people click their tongues and huff in disgust of the two demi-humans standing there. Justin looked down at himself, at his pants on the floor, having fallen away as soon as he helped himself stand again. He was too small for them to stay on. His shirt covered most of his torso and hung incredibly loose. He could not even tell what his own penis looked like, he had a minescule sheath and a scrotum that was no more than a slight fuzzy lump on his crotch. No longer able to get erect, his penis was trapped in the sheath out of sight forever. The dog let out several breathy barks- sounds of approval as it thrust its hips a few times like he was revving up the giant red prong. It awkwardly went over to Justin and grabbed him, already thrusting away. Justin tried to get away but in turning he fell over because the dog was still trying to hold him, which then put him down onto all fours- all but presenting his anus. The dog scooted forward quickly and rammed himself in. Justin closed his eyes in emberassment, he could not stand to see everyone looking on but doing nothing to stop it. They did not want to help him, just like he did not want to help the dog before. He felt spikes of unwanted pleasure from the large phallus in him coming close to the prostate, simply because it was so big it could not miss. And it was not stopping. All the stolen size from Justin before was being given to the dog, ontop of the size the dog already had, ontop of the fact Justin's body was now considerably smaller than it used to be. The dog was getting bigger than him, and a lot more muscular. Justin was completely at his mercy, feeling so weak. Why did the giant cock in his ass have to feel so damn good? It did not stop though. It stretched the walls of his anus, becoming a very visible bulge on his abdomen and still it grew! Justin was panting heavily and opened his eyes to once again see the table looking like it was getting taller. His perspective kept going farther down people's legs. He was shrinking again! The added size was going straight to the dog's cock! There was a gigantic bulge in Justin's stomach now, and moving up his torso as it continued to get smaller in comparison to the giant cock! It felt like all of his orgasns were being shoved aside. How was this possible? The cock was taking up more space in his body than his actual body parts! He became so small in comparison to the still growing cock that it lifted him off the ground! Justin was dangling by the dog's phallus! Not only was the dog stronger than him, the dog's dick alone was stronger than Justin. His arms and legs became numb from the huge object within cutting the circulation to them. It was so huge, and stretched him so far that his own blood flow stopped and started with the pulsing of the cock. He was not even aware through the numbness in his limbs that they were quickly devolving, losing shape and shrinking away, like they were made of melting wax. The cock grew and he shrank, forcing the penis to stretch and deform his body to be more that of its contents. His entire body was so stiff, so full, finally it ran out of room as the tapered end of the giant phallus forced its way out his mouth, dislocating his softening jawbone. The nervous system and blood flow was now the same between the two. Justin was stretched thinner and smaller as the presence of the dick grew and ate him into its mass, till there was only dick. Justin had been completely consumed- he basically was the dog's dick.

Sam slid down to the floor and motioned for the dog to roll over onto his back so Sam could give it a handy. "There, that certainly put that man in his place- he was a metaphorical dick, now he is a literal dick."

The dog's tail wagged so fast it was a blur as Sam worked his huge shaft. He could barely reach around its girth with his hand, and the knot was so monsterously huge it was like its dick swallowed an ostrich egg. Already plenty worked up, it did not take long for the dog to get off and explode goo all over the floor. As it came, it slowly started to revert back in size and shape. It was once again a normal dog by the time the puddle of cum was bigger than the table over it. From the expelled mass, Justin was reformed in his own restored body as both siblings snapped their fingers, setting off a bright flash from both rings to revert everything to its proper place. Justin took several long moments to even figure out what happened to him before he scrambled to gather his clothing and re-dress himself.

Sam nodded to him once he was dressed. "Hopefully, you learned your lesson. If we ever catch you being a dick to anyone else we will have to teach you a lesson again. Your problems are your own, do not make anyone or anything else suffer for your woes. You could have been kind to the dog and brought yourself a smile in helping it feel better, or petting its fur, seeing it wag its tail. But instead you were cruel to it. And it is not in the dog's nature to be cruel back... so, we were instead. What goes around, comes around and all that."

"R-right, I won't do it again! I swear. I didn't mean nothin' by it."

Sam huffed with a bit of a grin as he crossed his arms. "Right. Well, me and my brother will be watching."

Justin glanced at Alex then back to Sam. "Y-you mean your sister?"

The two siblings looked at eachother before laughing. "Yes, that would be confusing, wouldn't it? I am the sister. The first thing we ever did after finding the rings in the woods as children was switch bodies."

Sam nodded. "And we never switched back, so we grew up in each others bodies."

Samantha grew up in Alexandre's body and vise versa. Just another example of the power of the rings. Of course the siblings had no intention of stalking Justin, so really they were NOT watching him. But they did not need to- the threat was enough. Hate returned hate, and kindness returned kindness. Instead of spreading his bad days to others, Justin learned to make good days from good deeds. One ring was meant to take and the other to give, but on this day, they both gave an important lesson.

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