Mare-ied To His Work

Story by iplank on SoFurry

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Michail gets a bit too into his newfound work helping his girlfriend on her horse breeding ranch. Wanting to get in on the action, Michail uses some helpful magic to make it possible. The spell works just fine, but Michail did neglect a rather important factor besides, and now he is more involved in his work than ever!

(MtFtH TF Horse, Pregnancy)

Michail was living on a ranch with his girlfriend Andrea, who is a horse breeder, their relationship was going well. It was early spring so the horses were spending more time outside now, and Michail had been around them enough that Andrea trusted him to look after them while she went into town to be with her friends more- something she could rarely do without someone to tend the horses for her in the meantime. What Michail did not mention to her though is he missed trading places in the bedroom. Michail was bisexual, and while the sex with Andrea was fine, he also wished he could be the bottom sometimes. He couldn't bring himself to ask her if she could wear a strap on. Which to be fair, was entirely his own fault for not asking. The other problem was how he had mentioned how seeing the horses having a good time turned him on. Andrea agreed, but in a way that told him she still felt differently. He was literally jealous of the horses. The mares getting slammed by a powerful huge stallion, and the studs getting to ram their giant cocks into those big muscular rumps. Horses were good looking animals, and now Michail was on a ranch full of horses who make their living having sex. He always liked horses, but when he came to the ranch and actually started to live next to them it became a bit of an obsession. Since Andrea was spending more time with her friends in the city thanks to him, he started to hatch a plan.

Michail gathered some simple transformative magic trinkets and kept them hidden from Andrea. The simple magic kit allowed a person to mark something as a secondary form to transform into. So say you touched it to a dog- the crystal would then be able to turn you back and forth to the exact form of the dog you touched, three times before it ran out of power and crumbled. For legal reasons, the crystal was already prescripted to be unusable on humans- identity theft was not one of its intended purposes. Michail planned to touch the crystal to one of the mares, giving him their form which would then let him attract one of the stallions to ride! Theoretically he could just lure a stud to mount him using a vial of mare pheromones, but as a normal human he was just as likely to have his guts rammed out his throat as he was to successfully have sex. These were not lithe race horses, they are titanic work horses. The kind you strap a sled to, to let them drag 12 fully grown adults around on solo. The bigger and less flexible the animal, the bigger its bits need to be. Michail found the perfect chance when Andrea asked if it would be ok if she went with her friend out of town to visit her relatives and he absolutely agreed. Because she was gone overnight, Michail bolstered his nerve with a few stiff drinks and used the crystal on a mare. He was too drunk to even remember which mare he chose, but when he used it the crystal's form made a high pitched grinding sound and several bits shattered off and crumbled away, quickly turning it into a mini crystal horse totem. Some people keep multiple crystals, so they need to change their shape at least a bit so you don't mix them up.

Because Michail was drunk his memories of the night were a blur, remembering mostly just feelings. His crotch and taint felt like they were being drawn in, his ass cheeks and thigh muscles ballooning out. His hands and feet hardening as his legs and arms grew longer and stronger. The stallion ended up mounting him before he had fully transformed- but at least his hips were mostly horse at the time. Every thrust felt like it was stuffing his torso bigger and rounder. The horse sounds escaped his mouth in bursts like a sneeze you can't hold back, and caused his neck and face to stretch out more with each sound. He woke up the next morning, confused and hungover. He was... on the grass? But naked? He went to get up and realised he could not open his hand. He quickly seen it was a hoof and hazily remembered what he did the night before now! She stood up awkwardly, still not used to horse limbs and looked around for the totem. If she dropped it just anywhere a horse could step on it and then she would be trapped in the body of a horse! Michail quickly spotted it in a taller grass patch and trotted over to it. A horse's eyes are very good at tracking back and forth- that is why their pupils are horizontal. That way a horse can still see and focus on things even when running very quickly. Michail tapped the totem with her hoof and fell on his face as a human man again. His horse form exploded into colored mist, and since the limbs are so much shorter he slammed down onto the ground. He picked up the totem and scurried back to the house, since he was naked in the field and had no idea what time it was, and Andrea was coming home today. While the booze helped him get on with it, Michail was regretting drinking so much because his memory of it was so foggy, but he remembered enough to know it was amazing.

Andrea remained in the dark that it had ever happened, and Michail was satisfied with his right good pounding to not feel the need again, at least for a while. He was tempted to go again sober, and he did still have two round trips thanks to the totem. It was hard finding a time that was right though- Andrea did not go out that long very often at all, and it would seem weird for him to actively try to get rid of her for a day or more. The other thing is he wanted to at least try to spread it out. The crystal could only be used twice more, and they were pretty expensive, it wasn't like he could just grab a new one whenever he felt like it- he would be broke real fast. After two weeks it was the lack of an opening alone that prevented him- the temptation was very strong. He found himself spacing out every now and then looking at a stallion flagging a mare. The huge mottled pillar of hot throbbing meat dangling under him like a pendulum. The flared mushroom head and the projected urethral opening like an open hand offering a dollop of pre. Because he was always facing the horses when he spaced out, Andrea and Michail himself never noticed his pupils stretch horizontally when it happens, then snap back to circular when his attention returned. When they originally got together, their taste in food would sometimes clash because Andrea always tried to eat healthier, and Michail was big on meat and heartier dishes. Now though he quickly seemed to be converting, taking a lot less meat. When Andrea questioned it, he just said he felt like eating healthier- blaming her dishes for inticing him. After two months though he started to eat a ton. He said that the vegetarian meal was not as filling even though it was delicious. While that was true, the ammount he was eating was still a bit much. His stomach even started to round out a bit. On an all vegetarian diet, that was impressive.

By late spring he was really spacing out often. One day Michail went into the barn to wash one of the stallions down. The hand that held the brush continually fell idle, while the other hand that was only meant to steady him against the horse wandered. Feeling the huge, wide contours of the stud's muscles and the heat from his body. And... the musk. Before reaching his underside with the suds, Michail bent over, breathing heavily the scent from the stallion's body. His hand wandered to the soft black sheath. He did have to check it and clean it as well- since this was a breeding stud there was many more chances of something getting caught in his sheath and potentially causing harm. He gently poked the plush skin of the opening and sunk his hand in a bit. Michail felt his body start to lean farther in on its own- not realising his legs were actually getting longer, forcing him farther forward. It was not till he heard the cracks and snaps of the bones in his feet that he realised something was wrong! The bones compacted and his toenails united and grew gargantuan blackening to hooves in his shoes, causing the ends to burst open from lack of space. His leg structure changed to that of a horse, adding extra length between ankle and hoof, forcing his legs apart to prevent rolling over forward, which caused him to stumble off the stepping stood he had been using. Michail caught his balance again, looking to the right to be face-to-face with the sheath, having stumbled under the stallion. With what little resistance and urgency he had, he tried to stand up but his head only pressed onto the hot veiny underside of the horse and immediately broke the resistance. The sheath was fatter now, the head of the delicious cock already peeking out from the touching.

Michail reached forward in a daze and cupped the huge black balls gently from below, bringing his face closer to the emerging dick. The muscles locked up in his thighs, ass, and lower back causing Michail to squirm in discomfort and momentarily snap out of it.

"Uh oh... not good. What... is happening?"

He looked at his too big legs straining his jeans, and the hooves sticking out the ends of his broken shoes. How was this happening? He had not touched the totem in around two and a half months! Did Andrea find it and activate it? He very much doubted it, but then how? He groaned as his pants became painfully tight. The waist was yanked down and off him from his hips trying to get wider, allowing his growing tailbone room to breath as it started to grow hairs. Michail felt a pleasure pulse in his junk like last time, but only one. It felt like an orgasm but started on the surface, on both cock and balls, and surged inward, causing it all to shrink along with it. But since there was only one pulse, is only shrank a little. Jeans are not easily broken, so he was grunting hard and clawing at them desperately as the seams started to groan and yank apart. They were already far too tight to take off- breaking out of them was the only way to remove them.

"Huh... oooh, whyyyaah! Hrrrr... hrreieieigh! Eieigh!"

He blurted out a loud neigh and his lower half gave a powerful surge, exploding the pants off in one go! The muscles tightened and bulged, flexing on their own as his thighs and butt ballooned massively! His lower half was getting so large it was forcing him to bend completely over against the underside of the stud. When he staggered out from under him, Michail felt the cock slide off his shoulder- it had extended out to rest over his right shoulder while he was under there. He glanced at it for that reason but then his conscious thoughts started to fade a bit again. His genitals pulsed, causing him to let out a breathy humanoid nicker as his junk shrank a bit more. His ass was already gigantic with muscle, stretching so far out that it forced his hips to make loud muffled pops and expand with it. His anus already a large puffy ring. Drool was building in Michail's mouth looking at the erecting cock, now fully emerged. He wanted it so bad, but Andrea could walk in on them potentially! Oooh, but his now huge anus felt... hungry. It was so empty and needed filling. But he wasn't supposed to be changing in the first place! There was another pulse and his penis shrank again, causing him to wobble a bit as he tried to turn and leave- hoping getting away from the stud's delicious smell would stop this.

The moment his puffy anus turned to the stallion he snorted loudly, spun on his rear hooves and his front legs landed on either side of Michail- freezing him in fear of being trampled. The stud thrust forward a few times quickly, prodding Michail's muscular rump for a suitable opening and when it bumped his anus, the stud quickly stepped forward and rammed in! Michail had to gasp for air a moment later because the initial thrust was so huge inside of him that it kicked the air out of his lungs! The cock was giant, but so was Michail's ass now! He had to quickly scramble to brace himself on the edge of one of the pens as the stallion only had one speed- full thrust. It was so huge... too huge. It hurt, but it felt so good. It hurt sooo good. Michail's head was so hot, it started to ache from the blood pressure. When he heard the soft quiet cracks of his skull he noticed his forehead actually get longer, slanting his entire face farther out a bit. His nostrils were getting bigger, he could take even deeper breaths of the studs smell. He could smell his musky black balls from behind him. Two more surges of pleasure and Michail's penis and balls shrank more. He had to stop! He tried his best to concentrate on human thoughts, what he should look like instead of what he was turning into. Every slam of the giant cock behind him broke his concentration utterly, causing his train of thought to never get very far. Luckily- horses are not known for their sexual stamina. At all. Not even a little. They do not last very long, and the stallion stuffed Michail full of what felt like heavy glue, before quickly dismounting.

Michail staggered away a bit before he felt another pulse and his genitals shrank again. He looked down at himself and seen his penis and balls were near black like horse flesh, but also very small and incapable of becoming erect. He could not stand up completely because his lower back had been affected already, and his hips changed to quadruped, so he had to walk awkwardly with a heavy forward lean. He heard the doorknob on the front door of the house rattle and immediately panicked. He was hoping to slip behind Andrea while she was in the kitchen! He needed to get upstairs to where he hid the horse totem to fix this! Not knowing what to do, he dashed quickly over to a mare and used her as cover! He had a horse rump- if all Andrea seen was that sticking out she would just assume it?s another horse. Andrea came outside calling for Michail and as soon as she wandered farther into the field toward the barn he made a run for the house. Or as close to a run as he could manage with his deformed posture. Once inside he realised how hard his Plan A would have been when his hooves clacked on the wood floors. He quickly dashed upstairs and found everything where it should be- which means she did not find the totem. He took it out just as his genitals gave another pulse and shrank, and two broad mounds formed above them- the start of a horse udder. Using the kit the crystal came with he tested it to make sure, and sure enough- he could change into and from a horse two times still. So the totem wasn't used, something else entirely was turning him into a horse! Using one of the return charges in the totem, his horse features once again exploded off of him as mist, leaving him perfectly human again. Now the totem had two charges to turn him into a horse, but only one to turn back.

Michail rushed to the bathroom- he was so full it hurt to bend his torso. The spell did nothing to the massive amount of horse semen inside his intestines- and now that they were human again, it overfilled him greatly, and he had to get it out. Then there was the matter of explaining to Andrea why his clothes were annihilated. He managed to convince her his jeans caught on a nail and tripped him, causing them to rip fully away, but she did cock her eyebrow when he tried to pass it off as if his shoes were already pretty badly worn out and just got like that from wear and tear. She did not see why he would lie about it so she took his answer anyway. Michail was nervous for a while though- paranoid he would start changing again. The totem had not done it, which means whatever did, could still be out there.

A month went by and Michail distanced himself from the situation enough to forget his worry, he seemed safe again. He was getting quite a gut going now, but he was also eating a ton so that was his own fault. After another month he started to fantasize about the stud again. The first time he was drunk, the second time in a bit of a panic, but both times were still awesome. He felt a bit hollowed out after having the stud's meat battering ram inside of him, but it felt too good during the fact to care about that. After another month Andrea was cutting him off, giving him only normal sized portions. His gut was huge now and its weight was making him slow. He was hornier than usual as well, and kept spacing out staring at the horses. Even though he was horny, he was having trouble getting it up for Andrea, and because of his huge gut it was a bit overshadowed. What they did not realise is it was actually quite a bit smaller, and weaker.

One day Michail could not stand it anymore. He could not find the right opening to use his totem, so while Andrea was busy rearranging the basement and sorting things to get rid of, Michail went out to the barn to find the horniest stud there and suck him off! He had butterflies in his stomach as he charged in, looking straight to the groin of all studs present. Sure enough found one whose dick was peeking and immediately opened the pen. Michail's stomach squirmed as he grabbed the cock in his mouth, gently sucking the head and coaxing the rest of the shaft with his hands till it was fully erect and he began pistoning his head on it. From the corners of his eye he could see the studs on either side were getting erect at the sight. They would be next! It came pretty quickly and Michail swallowed it all gladly, burping after and chuckling at his cum-scented breath. He practically stumbled to the next stall and started sucking on the next one right away. His penis and balls surged in pleasure, and shrank a bit more. His gut felt tight. The second horse blasted cum down his throat as well and his stomach started to visibly get bigger! Michail felt a small kick, and his eyes went wide as he fell back off of the softening cock.

Oh no. That was why the totem wasn't working properly! The first time Michail took a stallion, he was fully a mare. He got pregnant! The totem can't undo a fertilized egg, because that wasn't part of the transformation! But to have an egg he needs female parts, and to have a horse embryo, he has to be a horse. So his body and the magic were struggling against each other. The totem tried to turn him back but his pregnancy could not be undone, so horse slowly leeched back into him! Michail got to his feet, struggling a bit now that his stomach was even bigger and heavier. He felt a wave of change rippling in his body as it moved up, and the feeling got stronger as it went. In a surge down his arms, they got longer and the growth forced his fingers all together, fusing them at the bases and locking his hand in that position. His biceps grew larger and he unintentionally reared his head and let out a nicker! He had to hurry! He hustled back to the house and got through the front door before staggering and falling onto the dining room table as his legs got longer! His thighs bulked up with muscle and when he went to push himself up off the table his hands fused worse and his nails started to darken and bulk up into a pseudo hoof. Andrea looked up quizzically from downstairs hearing the movement upstairs but shrugged it off, since she had plenty of sorting to do still. Michail made his way upstairs awkwardly, leaning on the arm railing, but unable to actually grip it. He reached the bedroom and his body convulsed a bit, a precursor to another wave of changes. He moaned as a pleasure pulse caught him off guard and his genitals shrank again, now his balls had vacated the scrotum leaving it a small patch of loose skin only- his penis far too small to be functional, and even the urethra was so underdeveloped he wouldn't be able to urinate properly in this state. He bent over to get the hidden box containing the kit in the closet but as soon as he tried to bend over his spine grew much thicker and a bit longer, causing him to fall completely over onto all fours. He grunted in pain- his arms and legs were not far enough long to properly take the weight, hurting his wrists and ankles from the impact. He took out the totem, having to basically knock the box back and forth till what he needed fell out. It only had one revert charge left on it, and it was activated by his will, so if his will was extra insistent maybe he will change totally back and stay back. It did not undo the pregnancy because that wasn't part of the transformation initially- but it also wasn't part of the default form its supposed to reset him to.

He touched the totem and held his pseudo hoof there- knowing the final reversion charge would vanish the moment he lets go. He focussed hard on the pregnancy and how it clearly was incorrect since he is male. He felt the magic pass through him, the changes to his body becoming saturated in mana, making them more ethereal and ready to sluff off. The magic passed back up and swirled a bit in his stomach, and his heart jumped. Wait, was it an embryo, or a fetus? How long had he been pregnant for now? A horse's gestation is nearly a full year, though. She didn't want to harm anything, especially her own little... wait, he. He is a male, even though his mate is... wait no the horse, the horse that is his... mate... no, job. It is his job to look after the horses and breed them. It is her job to breed and make more happy little horsies! He started to teeter in place, his body audibly groaning as the spell struggled to understand what he wanted. It also struggled to figure out what he was. The transformation spell was obvious, but the reversion spell did not etch what you were in the crystal, it just removes what it previously did. None of these changes were the previous spell, just a side effect of it. So the crystal was being told to turn him back to normal, and given this miss-match amalgam that doesn't biologically make sense. His thoughts got a surge of equine influence as a result of the crystal's first directive. Get rid of the pregnancy- the equine thoughts in his head now are a by-product of his mind absorbing the unborn. The crystal wasn't discarding the unborn horse, it was absorbing it into him to make them one and the same! He grunted and braced himself on all fours as his hooves started to develop further, finally becoming proper and his torso filled with pressure, trying to grow longer even as he tried to fight against it mentally. His mind kept flashing back to the other times he used the totem, and that got him thinking about the fun with the horses, and how he wanted to be a good mare and give them more young. The flash from the totem snapped him back to his senses momentarily. What happened, why did it flash? His heart tightened in dread as he realized he unintentionally used up one of the transformation charges! He told it to make him into a horse! But he was already struggling against a horse transformation! It can't make him two horses... can it? He felt a massive surge in his gut as if to answer his questions as the unborn started to grow tremendously in his misplaced womb! But its consciousness was still in his mind... it was partially merged into his body, so even if it developed how would it divide? Michail let go of the totem and placed a hoof right back on it in a panic, trying to undo the change and the totem flashed again. The totem then exploded into shimmering dust against the floor. FUCK. He only just now remembered there was no reversion charges left... he activated another transformation! He had THREE horse transformation spells on him at the same time!!

Michail bent over in exertion, trying to resist the changes but it was like trying to shield yourself from a tornado with an umbrella. His stomach grew gigantic quickly, which then forced pressure on his hips that popped and expanded massively. That set off the muscle growth, giving him huge firm butt cheeks and thighs. His back legs grew first, causing him to angle himself farther and farther forward because his front legs were so comparatively short. His empty scrotum split as a vaginal passage connected to it, and remade the scrotum into the inner labia of a new vulva- the womb finally actually connected to something and wasn't free floating in his gut. Or, HER gut- it was hard to argue she was male now with a functioning vagina. Technically she still had a penis, but it was absolutely miniscule now and the scrunched up skin was equalizing between the inner labia and what would be the clitoral hood soon. The muscle bulk shifted up following the spine, expanding her back tremendously. Her rib bones vibrated a moment and two by two; cracked, expanded, and re-set. Her labia turned black as what used to be her penis throbbed into a huge clit. No sooner had the vulva finished forming than the gigantic and still growing contents of her womb start shoving its way down, causing her to groan in pain as she was stretched out. Her long tail bone flicked back and forth in agitation and with each change of direction the hair on it grew longer. As the giant object moved down it immediately became clear there was no possible way it could fit out. But when it should have stopped, her eyes went wide and her hips went wider- the hip bone snapped in half and both segments drifted off from the spine entirely! All the strength left her back legs and she was forced to do the splits- impressive given they are horse legs. The legs were no longer attached to the rest of the solid structure of her body, so while she could move them, she couldn't put any weight on them.

No longer having any bones in the way, the massive horse moved down and started to push out- though rump first which is generally not how you want, but there was a lot of things at the moment that are not quite how they should be. It also was not the size of a foal- it was as big as an adolescent horse and still slowly growing. The form was spindly like a foal still, but as soon as it started to emerge into the open air its muscle mass swelled quickly. As Michail's chest heaved with her heavy breathing and moans of surprisingly slight pain, her torso grew over all. It seemed to grow a little every two or three breaths she took, growing her overall form. She also had to keep tossing her head to the side to get her hair out of her face- her hair had grown tremendously. Her hips felt like they were drawing back up, even though the second horse was still passing through. Michail cried out in surprise and her front legs buckled entirely, sending her face first into the floor, shaking the entire top floor slightly with her weight. Some aches, some feelings of movement, some of change, some of pleasure and arousal all flooded her head at the same time. The second horse IS fully out of her- there is no front half, it was absorbed into her body already. When the back half exited her full the top of its spine locked to the bottom of hers. What was her forming tail fused down forming a sort-of mane. What used to be her huge muscular ass was now also the shoulders of the second horse! Instead of being two animals, it was an extension of her own body- which means she was once again a he; it had a dick and balls. His pussy had been stretched into non-existence, merging with the skin of the extended body till the seam between the two was no longer there. So he had six legs, one and a half rib cages, and it was anyone?s guess how many of what organs.

He let out a happy nicker in automatic response to the pleasurable warm pressure on his halfway point, and ducked his head down to look between the legs. He was growing a horse udder- between the first set of back legs. Was he still female? He had no idea anymore. He was mostly covered in fur before he knew it- horse hide is so fine it barely felt like anything when it grew in. Michail looked down and nudged the pile of crystal dust on the floor with his front hoof. Was there nothing he could do? He made a few awkward half-human half-horse sounds as his neck convulsed, the growth was pulsing toward his head.

"Have... to re- reheieieisist. Has to be... some waiiheieih to... go back... magic... neeeieieigh! More h-horse?" The veins in his neck bulged and his spine started to pop and grow longer, dragging his neck with it. "Mur heeeieieirse. Muuuhr! Neeeihehid murh!"

His ears grew to leaf shapes and migrated up on the new muscle that would allow them to pivot. He slowly forced himself up with his buckled front legs and finally the muscle flexing of trying to lift his front half caused them to grow longer and more muscular to finally balance them with the other two sets. Just as he tried to get his train of thought back, it was shattered by an explosive pleasure firing through his body from his rump! He instinctively thrust his body back, and it managed to unintentionally line up with the bed post, which caused another pleasure spike. The second spike also incited muscle growth, and his entire body groaned and stretched larger- larger than even the work horses here. There was a third transformation spell to account for after all, he was still only two horses strong. The pleasure explosions was a new pussy opening up to the world- its already winking clit popping out as it opened up behind his large balls. He was now a hermaphrodite- two full separate sets of genitals. Because of how their genitals are positioned on their torso, there was enough room for both sets without overlapping.

"Muuurh hrrrs. Mihails trr mrr hrrs! Hrn't... feiheieight rrt..." There was so little human left; his humanity was drowning in a swelling ocean of horse.

His neck grew gigantically and his already extremely long hair continued down its length into a ludicrously long mane. His face pushed out, nostrils first, then his growing teeth forced his jaw to try and keep pace. His efforts to stop or even slow the transformation had so very little impact, he could not will himself to continue trying. There was just no point, and most of it felt good. Resisting was hard, being more horse felt good- not that he had any alternatives, but the choice was still clear. His body still bulged and squirmed a bit with growth, but more than completely horse, Michail started to move toward the stairs. It was hard getting down, but at least his weight was anchored between three sets of legs. The stairs creaked angrily at his immense weight, ready to snap. When he got to the bottom of the stairs his shoulder muscles bulged obscenely and his legs locked up. He struggled to move his front legs and they both move and did not move at the same time- splitting in half he put two NEW front legs forward while the old ones remained where they were. When the front, front legs were put down he leaned forward and concentrated on moving the others; the shoulder joints popped loudly and moved back slightly, sitting into two new sockets, and creating a slight space between the two sets of front legs. He now had eight legs total- the front four sort of clustered together. He got to the front door, put his head through and rammed both shoulders into the door frame. He was so huge and muscular his neck alone was almost as wide as the front door. Determined to get to the other horses to have more fun, he completely disregarded the house he used to live in and shoved forward, ripping the door completely off and demolishing the wall around it! Once the warm sun tickled his fresh horse hide his muscles bulged a bit bigger still, more so toward the front of his long body. His cock bobbed below him and grew in both length and width to the point the pillar of black and pink meat extended to touch the mid-point on his body! It was so long the head was just barely able to touch the back of his udder- which was also mottled, one teat was pink. Given the proportions- two of the horse transformations were male, one was female, because his udder was almost normal sized while his dick was tremendous. He noted the udder was swollen full though- the strange pseudo pregnancy still induced lactation. The very back legs bowed a bit and lost strength as the final change set in- his balls shared the increased mass with the cock, swelling gigantically till each was about the size of a soccer ball.

Michail looked around. His mouth watered at the prospect of continuing to milk the stallions till he had sucked off every stud on the ranch. But his eyes settled on the mares prancing around in the sun. He already took studs before. He was once again bisexual, it was time to feel the insides of a mare!

If nothing else, you can say that Michail takes his work as a horse breeder seriously. He personally breeds all of the horses. He mounts all of the mares and gets mounted by all the stallions. Sometimes he does both at the same time. It took Andrea a while to put together what happened to her vanished boyfriend, and where the eight legged horse came from. Yea, if she reported this she could have a special made human transformation crystal sent to her to try and fix Michail. But on the other hand, he sort of ripped off the entire front of her house. You do not look a gift horse in the mouth and he single handedly knocked up every mare on the ranch with potential super-horse babies. Andrea figured she would let him continue his fun as a triple horse for a while yet. Y'know, to pay off the repairs to the house. He is a hard worker at least, really married to his work, that one.


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