In Sheep's Clothing

Story by iplank on SoFurry

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Mark was not cut out for ranching, but his family is having trouble so he is called in to lend a hand. He cannot bring himself to cull the herd, but a helpful spirit shows up to lend a hand and show him the balance of the land.

(M TF Ram-Wolf Hybrid)

Mark was not exactly the country type. His family owned a ranch at the far city outskirts, but he had moved into the city as soon as he was able to, and got himself an office job. Being more into books, he was never especially fit or knowledgeable with farm chores, so he was never much use. Rather than force him to learn to help out his father just let him follow his own path... he would only have gotten in the way of those who do know what they are doing already. Now though, he needed to figure it out finally. Years after he went off on his own, the ranch was struggling and could use all the help it could get. There had been several freak occurrences in the other nearby ranches that really threw a wrench into things. One rancher had up and vanished entirely, they only found two goats living in his house as if they were people. Another rancher couple vanished in some sort of magical mishap that created a hybrid abomination that merged with the bull on Mark's family ranch, forcing them to get a new one- it ain't a herd without a bull to lead it. Ontop of that, the milk truck driver up and vanished as well!

Mark was not in charge of the cows though, he was put in charge of the sheep. They were just as stubborn at times as the cows, but were much easier to convince. Sheep were easily spooked and stuck together so closely that as long as you managed to convince one to follow, all of the others would automatically follow that one- without actually knowing what he was doing. The sheep served two purposes just like the cows, except milk was not one of them. A certain population was kept for sheering and selling the wool. Once the population exceeded that, the extra were slaughtered and their mutton was sold instead. Mark liked the sound of the first part. No handling teats, or leading around animals big enough to crush him to death. Shaving cute, docile sheeps. Once deprived of their wool, sheep actually kind of look a bit dog-like. If you tried to skip sheering a sheep you'd have some trouble on your hands, because it will just refuse to go outside with the others because the heat will be too much for it. Once they were naked though, some of them became real peppy from finally being rid of their heavy coats and cause a bit of chaos burning off their extra energy- including ramming Mark playfully. He did not take it as whimsically.

Mark did not much like the idea of handling animals in general. He would rather be inside writing. But the sheep were not bad, and he came to like the cute little dimwits. Which only served to make his second task all the more brutal. Slaughter the excess sheep. The rest of his family were busy tending other chores and animals, Mark was left with the butcher's cleaver, a diagram of how and where to cut and that was it. He started to lead one toward the slaughter shack but as soon as it put up any resistance at all, Mark immediately folded. He couldn't kill these poor little things! He was charged with keeping them alive and well, and they trust him to look after them, and now he's expected to betray that trust and murder them?! He did not want to handle the other animals because it would be a far dirtier task than playing animal barber, so getting soaked in blood was not an appealing concept. Not knowing what to do, and not wanting to anger his family further by refusing AND interrupting them to tell them he refuses, he just sat with the sheep under the huge, wide tree in the middle of their field. He ended up falling asleeping surrounded by napping sheep, with his head propped against the ancient tree.

Mark looked up at the pillars of light shining down between leaves overhead, counting sheep as they jumped over him. They bounced and glided over him as if nearly weightless. He was startled just as the last one was about to touch down and the next one jumped, causing both to start to drift slowly off into the sky.

"What are you doing?"

He looked around but could not find the source of the female voice. "Counting sheep to pass the time... who... where are you?"

A pale green phantasmal woman stepped out from the tree, causing Mark to jump back a bit. "I am Marith, I was burried under this tree long, long ago. I became a Glaistig to watch over these lands and the livestock. When I asked what you were doing, I meant with the sheep. Your ranch cannot sustain too big a population, especially right now. My damned goat Baphomet ran off and caused chaos on another ranch but I don't want to wander off if this ranch isn't under control either."

Though Marith's head and torso were perfectly human, all four limbs, ears, and eyes were those of a goat. She was also adorned with long goat horns with a single twist in the middle, and a goat's tail poking from a hole in her green dress. Her dress rippled and flowed around her as if she was submerged in water. Mark explained how he was not accustomed to physical work to begin with, never mind killing. He also did not want to harm the sheep he had become friends with.

With a sigh, Marith shook her head. "Inaction is an action itself... you can harm something through inaction. Here- I shall show you for a day, the balance in these lands. I will allow you to become closer to your new friends."

She waved her hands at him and he felt a strange tingling feeling and woke up suddenly. He did not even realize he was asleep till now, and woke feeling the exact same thing he did in his sleep. All of the sheep who had been sleeping around him turned to look at him, surprised by his sudden awakening. The feeling Mark felt was like a dull but strong tingling in his entire body. As he concentrated on it trying to identify it, he noticed it wavered a few times, leaving some parts of him and concentrating in others before returning, like the feeling was an actual presence in him sloshing around. He went to get up off the ground but the moment he used his muscles they acted like a sponge and the tingling gathered there. It became so strong it almost felt like he was being poked with something soft thousands of times over. He plopped back down in surprise and barely felt himself touch the ground again through the sensation, and then it disbursed into him again. He shoved against the tree and tried to use that as a brace to get up using just his legs, and again the feeling condensed into his legs. He could not feel the change through the warm, blunt tingling. His bones shifted proportions from the top of his legs to the shins, and then to his feet which stretched longer but not wider. His ankles lifted out of his shoes as he started to rise from the ground, still leaning almost entirely on the tree. The bones in his feet from the ankle down all started to merge together, coming to his toes which also started to fuse quickly. Every time he tried to flex his muscles to use his legs normally the muscle movement was instead translated into change. When he became more upright and stepped down on either foot, his fused blackening nails slid farther out of the skin, revealing cloven hooves where his middle three toes had formerly been. The big and little toes migrated up the leg a bit, not having taken part in the initial stretching and regressed where they had formerly been- turning into dew claws. Though leaning against the tree, when he stopped using his muscles and just stood idle the feeling spread out again and he could once again mostly feel his legs... now quickly realizing they were not normal legs anymore.

The sheep all looked on in awe, not really comprehending what they were seeing, but finding the odd sight entertaining regardless. Mark tried to figure out what happened to his legs, they looked familiar but were clearly not like his were supposed to be. The brain is a muscle however. As soon as he tried to think hard enough on what was happening and why, the tingling condensed into his head, numbing his thoughts. Outwardly it was hard to hear, only muffled pops could be heard, but to Mark the sound of cracking and popping bone was very loud, as two short but very thick bone spurs erupted from his temples. Because of the intensity of the tingling, he was unable to feel the skin being lanced or even the two or three drops of blood trail down either side of his head. Mark groaned and held his head, trying to get his thoughts straight to figure out what was happening, but trying to think only encouraged the magic to work harder to cancle those thoughts. The bone spurs started to slide out farther, getting thicker and longer into short horns. The cracking sounds continued and the pressure in his head expanded and still they grew into long horns. Then longer. Then they started to curl, cupping the bottom of his ears, then continued to grow and curl more. His ears may have been pinched in his own horns had they not shifted shape as well, turning black and narrower with rounded ends. As the muscles formed in their base they instinctively flexed, flicking the ears out from the grasp of the growing horns. The black skin of the ears started to bleed into the rest of his body, making it almost look purple for a moment before continuing to darken to pure black. Mark's groans unintentionally transitioned to subdued bleating, causing all the watching sheep to turn their heads in confusion. It looked like something was draining the life from his hair as it turned from dark brown to faded brown, to grey, and finally fully snow white. It grew a bit longer as it did this though, and as it grew it curled.

Mark felt tremendously hot and quickly yanked his shirt off, snagging and ripping it on his horns trying to get it over his head as quickly as possible. He glanced down at his chest to see the mat of white curly hair in the middle, starting to thicken and spread. Had he always been that hairy? Every time he attempted to think about it, his brain rippled from the tingling feeling and his horns groaned like the trunk of an old tree, and curled longer and bigger. He managed to find a happy medium, where he was not entirely braindead but not concentrating on anything specifically, and that caused no change in his horns- it did however cause his pupils to stretch sideways. He continued to bleat without meaning to. The changes made him want to groan but every sound he attempted just came out as a bleat. And the more he made those sounds, the farther his face stretched, making sharp clicking sounds as the facial bones reconstructed. Again though, he could not actually feel it, because every change was accompanied by intense tingling. The bleats started to sound less like a shitty impersonation by a human and more like a real sheep. The curly woolen hair expanded down his neck, consuing it in a mane of fluff. It grew across his chest and around the sides, converging on the back and racing down his spine. It started to grow down his arms, slowing as it went and tapered off before it got to his wrists. The tingling surged a moment, almost feeling like it was seething out of his body and forced a long, loud bleating from his now completely sheep mouth! Suddenly his thoughts returned, and the tingling died off.

Mark looked himself over in confusion, before concluding it must be what Marith said. She said for a day he would be closer to his sheep friends... so she made him part sheep? His entire head was completely sheep, wool and all, and his ram horns were gigantic and forced him to hunch over a bit from the weight. He had wool over a lot of his body, but not all of it. His hands, his legs, the lower part of his torso and his entire hips were all bare under his clothing. Did it not spread down there because he did not remove his pants? He tried to speak but was only able to produce bleats. He did not know how to communicate in sheep though, so while he was speaking their language technically, the sheep just looked at him as if he were spouting jibberish. Most animals spoke in conveyed emotion, but Mark was trying to speak words, so they had no idea what he was trying to say. Mark suddenly groaned as a bit of an aching throb passed through him, making his muscles squirm as if they were placed incorrectly. His groan deepened to almost a growl. All of the sheep around him immediately dashed back, leaving a very large open space between them. The sheep recognised that sound.

His iris turned gold and his face started to throb longer again! This time there was no pleasent tingle to muffle the feeling, he felt sharp jolts as the bones in his face stretched. His teeth all started to grow longer as his mouth grew a bit bigger to house them, and they all turned to pointed tips, not the dull slabs you would find in the mouth of a sheep. His fingernails started to darken but rather than pull together, they grew longer and more narrow, though still much denser than human nails. His fingers cracked almost painfully as the bones compacted and the excess flesh was drawn into the palms of his hand, gathering into puffy pads. Mark started to pant heavily from the heat generated from the changes- his wool was trapping the heat. He tried to undo his pants but his changing hands did not want to cooperate. He grew desperate enough that he just used his claws instead and tore his pants open to yank them off. He got them off just in time to see his pubic hair thickening to fur, and his foreskin reshape to a sheath, hiding his transforming dick for now. His pubic hair quickly overtook his balls and sheath now as a coat of white fur. His tailbone started to grow out, making him squirm with the sensation of the new muscles growing through his lower back. Mark lost his balance squirming with the newly grown tail and toppled over onto his hands and feet. Or, more accurately, his paws and hooves. His hands were now large paws, and had grown their own layer of snow white fur. Aside from his face which remained bare, every other part of his body that had been bare after the first changes was now covered with fur, transitioning into the wool of the same color. He had a wolf's tail, front legs, fur, and his face was an odd hybrid. His muzzle was longer and bigger than any normal sheep, but still had the nose of a sheep on the end, and was devoid of fur. Inside it was filled with the fangs and tongue of a wolf.

Mark looked at the sheep gazing at him fearfully and wanted to comfort them. He baah'ed at them in his deeper voice and they reluctantly started to approach, still not sure. Mark was filled with a new sort of energy, and felt a bit frisky for some reason. He was surrounded by sheep friends! He liked this very much. He could spend time on their level, closer to them than ever for a day. He also did not have to worry about his human responsibilities, because for the time being, he is not human. As soon as those thoughts and feelings entered his head the sheep seemed to immediately relax and approach him fully, sniffing him and rubbing up against him like he was a member of the flock. Mark did not realise he was giving off sheepish pheromones. Most animals rely more on instinct than conscious thought- so while he looked weird, he currently smelled only of sheep. So as far as any of the sheep were concerned, he is a sheep, regardless of what he looks like.

Mark bleated and let all the sheep introduce themselves to the new him. As things calmed down and they returned to sleeping in the shade of the tree or grazing he noticed one female was still standing with her back turned to him. He took a few steps but she seemed to follow, keeping her back turned. Was she... coming onto him? She was cute- just recently sheered clean by Mark in his human form, her full figure was on display, no wool to clothe her. Sheep do not have much of a butt under all that wool, but her vagina was plenty inviting, with plump labia and it projected from her a bit more at the bottom, where her clit was concealed in. Her tiny little nub tail flicked around in anticipation, hoping she captured his attention. Now that she was nude, she was full of energy, free from the weight of the wool. Mark did not know about this. It was hard to think in his heat... unlike the sheep around him, he was still carrying the burden of his full coat of wool. She did look cute... and pretty. The more he inhaled while she was in front of him, the more appealing the idea of mounting her became. He could not identify the pheromones in the air, but they still affected him all the same. Be closer to sheep. The glaistig was trying to teach him something and wanted him to be close to his sheep friends. Sheep are all friends here, friends are good. Pleasure is good. Mark like good.

He grabbed onto her small rump with his paws and climbed himself onto her lower body better than any normal sheep could. His dick emerged from the sheath quickly enough, but it was not one of the parts of him to become sheep. Though glossy black to match the rest of his flesh, it was the cupped glans and tapered point of a canine phallus that emerged from the sheath. He had a wolf cock! He thrust in and they both let out a pleased bleat. Because he had paws instead of hooves in the front he was able to wrap his arms around his waist and hold her as he thrust in. A wolf dick is bigger than a sheeps, so she was a very tight fit. The warm sun on one side, the cool shade on the other. He was surrounded by sheep friends, feeling just pleasure with no other thoughts to clutter his mind. He came with one final thrust and they both bleated loudly. She did not know what a knot was however, and when she went to walk out from under him her hooves all slipped out from under her and she landed flat on her face, falling to her side and yanking Mark down with her. She did not know why they were stuck together, but it still felt good so she just remained with him resting on her side. Mark's knot was gigantic comapred to her little sheep vulva so they had to wait till it had fully receeded to be able to pull apart.

Mark remained under the tree with the others for about an hour after that, not really thinking of or doing anything, just relaxing and enjoying the company of the herd. He did not notice several sheep looking increasingly nervous. They started to wander away from him over time. Mark groaned as a sudden hunger took him, causing his stomach to ache, and even his head started to ache. He had gotten really hungry, really fast for some reason. The sheep all started to back away from him and baah in alert. He no longer smelled of sheep at all. He smelled of wolf, so as far as the sheep were concerned, there was a wolf among them. Mark groaned from hunger, nipping at the grass but it was not satisfying at all, and tasted bitter! His pains translated to frusteration and grew to anger. He growled in anger at an unseen enemy, not knowing where to direct his fury. So hungry. He seen the sheep running from him, he ran after them. He needed to keep up with the flock... but why? Was he keeping up, or chasing them? They would get away if he did not chase. Meat would get away. Meat? Mark hungry, want meat. Meat if Mark catches. His last clear thought was leaping onto one of the sheep from behind as it tried to get away, but was forced to turn at the fence lining the field, allowing Mark to catch up. Fangs sink in so easily. Flesh so tender, so tastey.

Mark woke up in his human body once again, startled. What happened? He was naked out in the open! The sheep were slowly wandering back toward the tree, they could no longer detect the threat, and enough time had passed that they started to feel safe again. Mark went over and picked up his clothes off the ground to quickly get dressed again and froze a moment in terror as he seen the eviscerated remains of one of the sheep at the far side of the field, most of its innards having been eaten. And as he looked down at his nude self to put his clothes on, seen he was covered in dried blood.

A phantasmal green dress appeared on one of the sheep who then looked up and spoke to Mark in a human voice. Marith had no body of her own, and ghosts cannot be seen in the harshness of daylight, so she possessed a sheep in order to be seen.

"You have been on either side now yourself. There is a balance in the land, you see. To live you must eat, to eat you must kill. The death of one feeds the life of another. Life and death constantly dance together to keep balance."

"We don't need to eat sheep to survive! We could eat other things."

"Then you value the life of sheep over others? Now your being biased. Even plants have lives, and who are you to judge the value of life? If you leave all of these sheep alive, they will kill themselves instead. There is not enough grass growing here to sustain the current population. If they do not die suddenly by your hand, they die slowly of starvation."

"Then we could release them into the wild to be free!"

"And then the same thing would eventually happen in the wild... which would also endanger many other animals at the same time. They would also be free to any other predator looming about and be under constant threat of death. At least here they are safe from predators- you do not kill their youth. You never kill enough to endanger the flock as a whole, only control it. You look after them and give them the best lives they can have, so that when the time comes to drop the cleaver onto them it is not as sad. They lived happily enough, and the flock will go on. It is better to live a happy but short life, than a long and miserable one."

Mark was silent for several moments, before finally nodding. "I get it, I guess. I will protect the herd... and butcher the over population. I mean... I am a rancher for now... it is my job." He glanced at the eaten one at the far side again. "i still feel shitty about that poor sheep though."

"Well, you took one and gave one back. It all balances out."

"Gave one back?"

Marith smiled, which looked odd in a sheep's body. "This female is pregnant. Way to go, dad."

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