
Story by iplank on SoFurry

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A mouthy man finds an odd but pretty woman. A bit annoyed at how chatty he is, she is able to shut his mouth quickly enough, when she opens hers.

(F Snake TF, Vore)

The cute young woman trudged along in the snow, up to her shins in places where the plows had not come yet. It was the middle of winter and the snow was coming down steadily in large flake clusters. While it was already cold out- there had not been more than a light dusting yet till this day. Go figure- she finally goes out for a walk because the temperature isn't that bad and it starts dropping snow. Her eyes narrowed as her pace slowed. She was so, so tired. She spotted a bus shelter and ducked in to sit down. She would breath on her hands to try to warm them up but her breath was cold too. She shook the snow off her large grey hoodie though now that she was sheltered.

The woman was struggling to stay awake sitting there in the cold. To try and force herself to remain awake she was playing with a small rattle that hung from her hand bag like a keychain trinket. A man showed up not too long after she sat though, and quickly snapped her awake as he sat beside her in a huff. He noticed her looking at him and immediately started to rant about trouble at work. Only after his initial outburst did he actually introduce himself as Monty. When asked for her name she stuttered a bit before coming up with 'Coral'. She did not have to come up with much else as he started ranting about a new topic almost immediately. That was fine, he was pretty good looking and she wanted company anyway. Without him even noticing she slowly slid closer toward him on the seat till they were right side by side. She could feel the warmth from his body. Her eyelids got lazy again for a different reason though as Monty trailed from one rant to the next. Boy this guy was full of hot air, huh? She could swear the temperature in the bus shelter was going up just from him talking non-stop. Coral just occasionally lazily made a sound of agreement while completely tuning him out as white noise.

"And the bus is even late! I bet its because of the damn snow. You would think a big metal vehicle like a bus could get through snow no problem but nooo. Sometimes I wonder how conveniant vehicles really are, when you have to pay constantly for insurance and gas and repairs and look at them! Slipping and sliding all over the damn place because of ankle deep snow. My legs can walk through the snow just fine. Just glad I don't have work today. Hope you didn't need to get anywhere fast."

"Already here."


She pointed back over her shoulder. "My place is just here on the corner, I wasn't actually waiting for the bus, I was just taking a break."

He did not think to question why she had spent so long listening to his rants if she wasn't even waiting for the bus. Her voice was a big gravelly, but still also womanly. Monty also neglected to notice her breath was not visible in the cold.

She wedged herself up against him, leaning on his arm a bit and looking up into his eyes with want in hers. "Wanna fuck?"

Coral couldn't help but smile when Monty for once was speachless. With more eagerness and energy than she had shown this entire day she took him by the wrist and practically dragged the flabbergasted man toward her apartment. Her hands were ice cold, but quickly started to drink in the warmth from his, giving her renewed energy. Every time he tried to start talking and question the situation she gave him a quick kiss and squished herself up against him, bringing him to a stuttering stop again. She practically shoved him through the door and kicked it closed behind her as she helped him get his clothes off. She tossed them to the floor, ignoring the coat hooks within arms reach. Coral took her hood off letting her long straight brown hair out. As she hurridly removed Monty's jacket for him she moved her head close, brushing her cheek on his neck before kissing it, then giving it a playful bite before slipping away again. Monty felt very light headed for her speed and the prospects of getting to bang such a petite, cute girl completely out of the blue. That was not the reason he was getting dizzy and light headed really, but he did not know that. Just like he did not know his neck was bleeding from the two puncture holes she put in him. Her very long fangs were so sharp he did not realise she actually punctured the skin, and injected him with a powerful venom.

Coral started to playfully strip while doing some belly dancing. Monty sat on her couch to take in the show with a goofy smile on his face. His brain was not running on all cylinders at the moment, and Coral's venom was working its way through his blood stream, killing the pain receptors in his nervous system. With every swish of her hips as she danced for him, a fat little tail grew less little behind her. Her green eyes changed colours as a golden yellow bled in from the edges of the iris and consumed the entire thing as her pupils became sharp slits. She had a subdued smile on her face now that her energy was coming back to her. It was warm in her home. Coral is cold blooded, she has no body heat of her own unless she syphons it from somewhere else. Her tail quickly reached her knees and continued to grow as she danced, its thickness already matched her limbs. In his poisoned stupor Monty did not even question the obvious tail as she used it in her dance as she swirled about and undulated her body. She finally slipped her panties off and revealed the tails based was girthy enough that it was pushing her anus toward her slowly reshaping vagina. Her skin started to take on a sandy tone. She did not remove her top, but her breasts were small to begin with and shrinking now besides. They would be no more soon enough. Her tail touched the floor and continued to grow quickly. The base became to thick it forced her anus and vagina together, fusing them into a cloaka. It pressed the inside of both her thighs, threatening to absorb her legs into it.

Coral knew she could not dance for much longer like this as her legs started to grow weak and the bones softened as her body was already getting ready to repurpose the material. Her gigantic tail lashed around behind her almost as big as her entire body and still growing. Coral mounted Monty's lap and her tail draped itself over the rest of the couch. Her skin started to look like it was bubbling up as it sectioned off into diamond shaped patches that became saturated in keratin as they turned to scales. Her scales were sand colored with dark brown ring patterns here and there. Her torso started to stretch, audibly making a sound like overtaxed leather. Monty ran his hands over her sides practically drooling by now, and did not even think to question the light tremors he felt as new vertibrae kept popping into existance in her spine. Her neck thickened and got longer as well. It made her look more sleek and sexy if anything to Monty. By now you could stab him with a knife and he wouldn't even know- while the pleasure receptors were fine, his nervous system was no longer capable of signalling pain.

The immense girth of Coral's tail started to consume her legs as all strength left the limbs already. Her long body thickened to keep up and her arms fell very weak as the bones in them softened and the limbs themselves started to shrink and wither. She rubbed herself all over Monty with her thick body, her firm scales did little to hide the hefty softness behind them. Her body was almost entirely muscle, so when she was relaxed it felt very soft- but was also tremendously heavy. Coral coiled her tail around his leg, smothered his torso with her own and wrapped her neck around his to nuzzle the side of his head. He was practically swimming in her coils. Soft and loving embrace- from a tail that was also strong enough to crush the organs out of his body like a tube of toothpaste if it wanted. The bones in her face started to click as it extended outward and the hair on her head started to rapidly fall away, turning to coloured vapor and vanishing into the air before it even landed on anything. Coral hissed a bit as her own perspective altered, making her a bit dizzy for breif moments. She felt a tingly weakness take her momentarily and return in short pulses as her entire form started to shrink. Her body and tail continued to get longer and lose all human shape, but shrank overall at the same time. Her head was a bit smaller than his, then larger than his when it extended, but now that it was becoming the boxy triangular shape of a snake's head it was shrinking down to a size almost small enough to fit into his hand, but not quite.

Coral bumped her nose to his lips in a serpentine kiss before opening her mouth and raising her head higher. Her transition back to her true self was complete- no longer the slightest trace of humanity to be found on her. Her body was as thick as one of Monty's thighs, but still long enough to wrap around the entire couch twice over. She placed her mouth on the top of his head, a few drops of drool falling into his hair as he stared dumbly forward, barely aware of anything. She felt her bottom jaw split into two seperate mandibles below the skin which also easily stretched to follow the segments. She shoved her head down over his, swallowing his entire head into her throat, even though his head was at least twice as big as hers. Using her tremendous body she lunged her weight forward to shove more of herself down on him, using the couch to brace him against as she undulated her mouth trying to swallow more of poor Monty. It was a hell of a task getting his shoulders in there, but her flesh was extremely flexible. It was stretched so thin you could see bare skin between scales. Once his shoulders were in though, she yanked him right off the couch, holding him up in the air like a trophy and then started to bob her body up and down, forcing more of him into her just from gravity pulling him down. So full! Her neck and now body was stretched so far, so full! More! You could see the rough outline of Monty imprinted in the surface of her skin, even roughly where his nose and eyes should be. Once his hips were in her the rest slid in easy- but she took time to pause there anyway to play with his cock with her tongue before swallowing it. She devoured him whole, and took some time even after to continue to swallow at nothing, trying to force him deeper into her body. His outline was extremely obvious- he stretched her so tremendously it looked like she might rip in half if you touched her with something pointy. She lay draped over the entire couch, feeling sluggish now from a full belly and revelling in the feeling of being stretched. His body drained of warmth slowly, and hers drank it in. Coral wondered what sort of rant he would have for something like this had she not ate him. To the very end, he certainly was a mouthful.

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