Have A Blast

Story by iplank on SoFurry

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A hunter a little to obsessed with explosions finds herself demoted to busywork for researchers, but through an accident with an experimental extract she might find herself heading back to the top, with explosive force.

(F TF Bazelgeuse)

Belinda was having a heck of a time trying to find her place within the Research Commission. She had originally come to the New World as a Hunter, seeking to challenge the greatest monsters for sport, and for the Commission to research the aftermath. Belinda always wanted to catch a gold crown sized Bazelgeuse- looking up to them as monsters who really appreciate her style of fighting. She was a good Huntress, but she was not especially good at being a team player, and some of the more hyper violent monsters sort of required teamwork so one hunter can take the heat off the others when things get dicy. Belinda did not think too much about it, but her unfortunate team mates did, and the Commission was forced to confront her and... decommission her. Unlike a lot of hunters who naturally carry one or two explosive charges just in case- Belinda's inventory was full of gunpowder, explosive sticky ammo and a slew of large bombs. Normally hunter weapons are built with failsafe features to prevent you from hurting your teammates if one happens to dodge into a bullet by accident. This failsafe does not extend to splash damage however- it can't prevent explosive procussion from hurting them, and her entire inventory was explosive! After spamming mortar shells at a monster she unintentionally scattered her other team members like leaves in the wind. One poor sod was tossed off a cliff just far enough to clear two ledges and land so far down that by the time he climbed back, the monster had already fled the area! Sure Belinda did a lot of damage to it- not enough to make up for the three other people she blew away in the process- the monster escaped.

So having been effectively fired from being a hunter, she was at risk of being shipped home! She sort of burned that bridge thinking she could make her way easily in the New World, so Belinda needed to think of a plan B really fast. So, because she has experience being around monsters, she volunteered herself as part of the research team. She wasn't smart enough for any sort of rank, but she could do the busywork. Belinda could still be around monsters and at least close to where the action is, even if she was scurrying around taking samples from monster refuse. She wasn't looking forward to scraping an Anjanath loogie off a tree trunk, but it was better than getting shipped out entirely.

She was paired with an eager young researcher who was trying to isolate a reactionary compound in monster blood, to find out how they power themselves. Monsters are able to adapt very well to new environments, creating variant and sub species quite quickly. Some adapt so powerfully to environments that they become part of its essence, like a Velkhana covering itself in razor sharp ice crystals, and constantly emanating extreme cold. It was theorized to be more than just a sped up evolutionary step however when Nergigante appeared. An Elder Dragon that... isn't really an Elder Dragon. Its power is extreme regeneration, to the point where its scales grow so rediculously fast that it can discharge them as projectiles. It did not become this way on its own though- it gained its power because it scavenges on Elder Dragons- blindsiding them or using aggresive hit and run tactics, it got its power from eating bits off other Elders. Which means the adaptive power isn't embedded in their genes, it was something carried in the blood- something that could be extracted and placed elsewhere.

The young researcher gave Belinda a vial of her distilled extract as well as a bottle of monster blood extracted just now in Elder's Recess. "Ok Bell, do one final sweep of the area and see if you can find any more traces of the monsters. I think the hunters cleared them out, so whatever is left is all we are going to get for today. This is the blood that Bazelgeuse spilled from Teostra, so that is the most important part. I need to send it in with my distilled essence to see if it is a match... don't lose or break those, ok? The vial and bottle are made of glass so don't knock them around or bang them into each other. I am going to head back to HQ ahead of you."

Belinda wandered around, practically dragging her feet, sad she missed most of the fight. As researchers they carried to many fragile things to afford getting closer. Plus, she had no weapons if one of the monsters did spot her. She did not see any traces in the open area, and did not have any cool drinks left to be able to survive in the lower area near the magma. She seen some clumps and almost passed them off as rocks, but as she got closer she seen they were misfired Bazelgeuse scales! She was VERY familiar with these things. She picked one up like it was a fruit and placed it in her bag, the final research material of the day. Bazelgeuse scales are like leaf shaped bulbs- fat with what was essentially organically grown plastic explosives. What Belinda did not realise was how warm the elder dragon blood still was from having just been harvested. As soon as the misfired scale touched the bottle it started to glow red, and before she could react it exploded!

Belinda had no idea how long she had been unconscious. She woke up in Elder's Recess slowly remembering what had happened before. The metallic crystal behind her had a few cracks in it where her body slammed into it from the blast! Her bag was completely gone- she couldn't find any trace of it left. Her clothes were shredded in a circle around where the bag rested against her, and her skin was charred black underneith! It surprisingly did not even hurt that much, the nerves were probably partially dead. She was a little dizzy, a little sore, and extremely hungry, but considering she basically had a bomb go off in her pocket, she was doing alright. Belinda groaned, thinking of all the trouble she is going to get in for destroying the samples. And the fact it was an explosion is probably going to make it look like it was her fault! They were tracking two explosive monsters, this wasn't her fault!

She wandered back to HQ on foot, still feeling dizzy and not wanting a wingdrake to make it worse flying her there. It was already the dead of night so most everyone had gone to sleep already from a long day of hunts. Belinda's guts were growling angrily at her though, she could not wait till morning, she NEEDED something to eat now! She wandered into the storage area just behind the eating area and started shoveling food into her mouth. Hunters normally ate a rediculously large amount of food, but she was virtually inhailing it at this point. It was like the food instantly dissolved inside of her to help heal her battered body, so she did not fill up. Her hands were getting oddly stiff, and her stomach and throat started to heat up. Belinda realised she had been shovelling food into her gob so recklessly that she did not even know all of what she ate! She must have eaten something extremely spicy. Oh well. Her belly started to puff out from all the food she was eating, and her neck fattened up quite a bit. Her limbs became round as her clothing hugged tightly to her form. Her clothes were squeezing too tight now! She felt so damn hot!

Belinda seemed to become even more ravenous, grabbing and shoving even larger food items into her mouth as her mind seemed to go blank in its drive for food. Her body was metabolizing at an inhuman rate. She could feel her throat stretch around the large delicious items she pratically crammed in there, not realising her neck was actually bigger. Not just fatter- it was longer too. The foot she barely chewed in the first place became even easier to chew as her teeth all sharpened to fangs, they all sloped inward slightly now. She lumbered around awkwardly, unable to move normally with her clothes squeezing in on her. The air rippled with heat from her breath as she looked around for still more food, trying to find where the monster tails were kept for oven roasting.

Belinda staggered a bit, her fat legs depressed so far from her nowhere near fitting pants that she fell right over onto her hands and knees. Her fingers did not react to her input, remaining bunched together except for her index fingers, which were now twice the size they should be. Her clothing tore in several places and when she went to get up, her muscles rippled and her entire outfit almost tore completely off. Rather than be worried about that, or what would happen if anyone seen her like this, her only thought on the matter was- these clothes are annoying, I should just get rid of them. What seemed like fat before tightened and rippled as she stood, revealing a lot of her new bulk was in fact muscle. Her neck lengthened more as she lurched forward to grab into a huge block of meat- not even concerning herself with the fact it was in storage and thus not yet cooked. She opened her mouth wider than it should be able to go as her face let out some soft cracks and extended a bit as she bit into the raw meat with her now razor sharp fangs. Though it remained fairly solid with muscle, her body did still thicken and lost most of its human definition. As it started to stretch longer her clothes gave up the ghost and the last few straggler threads snapped as it fell away. Would she bother to examine herself, Belinda would have seen the charred black flesh of her wound was spreading from the area covering more of her. It was not scarred in the first place- it was mutated. The monster extract that was blown up was vaporized and blown into her body!

Her thickly muscled legs started to pop loudly and shift abruptly enough that her entire body trembled as they altered posture, causing her to fall face first into the meat she was eating. Belinda did not even care, she smiled as some of the juices smeared on her still slowly lengthening face and rolled forward again to bit deeper into it. The juices were starting to bubble from the soft meat! Her breath was so hot now she was simmering the meat as she ate it! She was awkwardly balanced between her face in the meat and her legs which could not lift her at the moment. Her big and pinky toe were getting pulled around her foot, looking like it should be tremendously painful but she barely felt anything at all from it. Her ankles were well off the ground now and what had been the flat of her foot now bulked with muscle like the rest of her leg making her digitigrade. Her remaining toes in the front bulked up and grew much longer, with thick pads of skin on the bottom making them slightly bulbous. The flesh there now plenty thick enough to walk on jagged rocks without being hurt. The flesh on her ankles started to lift up and harden into a segmented keratin shell, each section overlapping the others till they took the form of silver scales. Her uselessly dangling arms started to bulk up tremendously and become bigger in every sence, getting closer and closer to reaching the ground. A cost of this though is her fingers were now merging into an unrecognizable mass. Her thumb was almost entirely absorbed into her giant index finger which was now capped with a large cone shaped silver claw. The other three fingers formed a mass that continued to grow out longer, making it almost look like another arm growing out from her hand. The skin here started to grow longer and harder as well, but never quite as hard as scales and much, much longer. It was forming a long sheet between the new tip to her torso just below her arms. The area closer to her torso was softer though, more like rubbery flesh.

Belinda was almost starting to feel full as her giant arms now held her up to pull her face out of the meat that was sizzling in her breath. Her neck was huge and almost bulbous, and her torso so large and barreled that her breasts were completely gone. Her mind was finally starting to grasp more conscious thoughts aside from eating when the weight of the inner mass started to shift. Her stomach started to feel empty again as her body rapidly repurposed the ingested materials. Her tailbone cracked several times as it got longer before enough muscle and fat engulfed it to muffle the sound. She was growing a tail now, and going by the speed of its growth, it was going to get very big. The base became so thick as it grew out that it engulfed her anus, causing it to shift onto the tail itself and be pushed foward, reducing the space between her anus and vagina greatly. Most of her skin was turning charcoal grey, and the scales that started on her arms and feet was spreading over her, covering the charcoal flesh with silver scales. The scales on what used to be her hands and on her ankles started to grow even larger and much thicker, giving off a dull glow of heat at the base.

Belinda got ravenously hungry again, her body needing more materials to grow strong with. As she turned though, her tail smashed into almost everything in the room and when she tried to stand up straight off her former hands, her back hit the roof! She was huge now, and still growing. The floorboards were starting to creak, not at all meant to carry something of her size and girth. She winced a bit as a long spear like spike slid out the tip of her still growing tail. The sheets of skin from her altered arms formed a membrane, turning her arms to wings- the muscle ribbing in the membrane made each section resemble a giant long feather though. What used to be her hands was more like a large clump of skin covered in fat scales, with a single huge digit on the end and a long curved claw on the end of that. She knew those wings! The wings of a Bazelgeuse! An extremely impressive wingspan even for the monster's body size, they resemble the wings of a hawk if viewed at a distance. Her large round toes were all tipped with curved claws as well now, and the two that had migrated to the back of her foot merged into one. She had three in the front and one behind- sure enough, the feet of a Bazelgeuse as well. She was... turning into a Bazelgeuse? Belinda chuckled, noting that at least they knew the extract worked now. Sort of. Her voice was much deeper when she chuckled. She could not see it herself, but her much longer face now resembled a lions- except with small silver scales over charcoal skin. She felt so very hot still, panting at the heat, but that only made it worse. Every breath she exhaled distorted the air with heat waves. The room continued to look smaller and smaller. She felt the roof pressing down into her back. The floor was so badly bent the boards were splintering on the other side and the floor was starting to look bowl shaped. She wanted more food but she couldn't move, she was so big she was stuck, and she ate almost everything in storage already anyway. Belinda drooled at the gristle still stuck to the bone from the meat she was eating before. She wanted to splinter that bone open with her fangs to drink its sweet marrow. She struggled to move toward it, scraping trenches into the wooden structure with her solid scales, but the moment she stepped back down with her foot the floor practically exploded out from under her! She went tumbling down from the lofty eating area onto the ground level docks of the main HQ, and nearly smashed the floor in there too. It was braced against the cliff and reinforced with steel, so it did not break so easily, but she did still damage it badly.

As she got up she seen how the boards looked more and more thin as she continued to grow in size, her entire body throbbing with a gentle pressure. Her tail was full length now, nearly doubling the length of her body and the end of it continued to engorge becoming incredibly girthy as the scales extending down to it grew in size individually. Most of its blasting scales are on the bulb of its tail and neck. The girth of the tail had continued to press her anus and vagina closer together as well, and both were eventually swallowed into a single mound- a cloaka. The scales on her chin started to grow larger and her neck continued to grow longer, and even thicker. The scales on the underside of her tail and neck started to lift and pull away from her because of their girth as they inflated with the deadly explosive substance. Each scale was actually attached by a short stem of flesh, to allow them to lift off when engorged to give them space, and making its body look even thicker than it already was. Because Belinda's head was already vaguely lion-like, the extremely huge neck and mane of scales around it also vaguely resembled a lion's mane. She glanced up at the hole she smashed out of, but wasn't sure if it would be worth the effort of trying to smash her way back in- there likely isn't much food left to eat. And they are usually overly well stocked. She heard approaching footsteps on the boards, and her scales started to glow as she turned to see her former team.

A bow hunter dressed in all red, a switchaxe hunter dressed in all blue, and a longsword hunter in his underwear with a small bird strapped to his head.

The red hunter was the leader of their group, and stepped forward to point an accusing finger. "We should have guessed the ruckus was you Belinda! Or should I say, Belindageuse!"

"No, thats a stupid name. What do you puny hunters want? Unless you have more food, I don't have time for this." Her voice was thunderously deep now, and you could hear the roar of flames shadowing her voice.

"You are under arrest for stealing food."

"I have like a million vouchers in my house, take those. They basically give food away for free anyway."

Blue stepped forward. "Ok, well... technically yes. Then you are under arrest for public nudity." She glared at the longsword user in his underwear. "He has underwear on!"

"My tits aren't showing." Mostly because she didn't have any anymore.

The longsword user stepped forward. "Technically true. But we really just wanted an excuse to kick the shit out of you after you fucked up our hunt. So prepare to get your ass handed to you!"

More and more of Belinda's fangs became visible as she smiled. She knew how they all fight already from being on their team once. They didn't have what it takes to compete with her! They don't have blast! The longswordsman lunged forward on swift legs with his sword held ready at his side. He was going to attack her right wing to reduce her mobility and keep her from flying away- not that she would ever retreat anyway. She braced herself and shoved her mass to the side in a quick body check and he gracefully jumped back in a dodge counter, then placed a foot forward to return attack and her tail hit him like a brick wall, threw him through the air at about 100mph and slammed him through one of the shop stands.

Blue came rushing from her other side, trying to pull her attention so Red could help the longswordsman. He swiped down at her trying to cleave her face with the axe blade but she bowed and the scales on the top of her head deflected the blade entirely. She then nudged forward bopping him back gently before she swung around again while leaping back a bit. One of her engorged scales flew from her tail like a bullet and lanced the shoulder of his armor and yanked him back, embedding its point in the post of one of the stands! He was pinned to the wood by it!

"God damnit." He caught a glimpse of blue from the corner of his eyes as they quickly widened in fear. "THATS NOT A BAZELGEUSE SCALE!" It quickly started to deform and grow gigantically before letting off a giant explosion that blew the entire stand to shreds.

Red quickly dashed over to him to help. "A Seething Bazelgeuse..."

Blue groaned, most of his body singed black. "Uuuugh, call me a cart. I think I ran out of bones to break."

Belinda continued to grow slowly, her scales starting to burn blue with heat mixing with the orange that was already present to make a purple glow. They looked so tiny compared to her! The hunters were only as tall as her ankles now! They ratted her out and forced her to be demoted to the research end! She was going to enjoy grinding them into paste.

Grinning at the hunters that looked still smaller than her. "Yesss, make my monster grow!"

Red quickly look out a syringe from her inventory and jammed it into Blue. "C'mon, its morphine time!"

Belinda wasn't going to give them the chance to heal. She slammed her wings into the ground, firing herself up and blasting everyone else back with wind pressure. She twirled in the air like an elegant dancer, scattering hundreds of exploding scales in a gigantic radius as she flew into the sky. For a moment she felt weightless, as she stopped flapping and curved in the air, feeling the cool night wind against her hot scales. She then fell straight back down, thrusting a wing forward she punched the ground.

"Beauty... in destruction."

In a cataclysmic chain reaction all of the scales out from where she hit went off, joining into an explosion her own body created in a horrificly beautiful chain blast that consumed the entire area in fire and smoke, violently shaking the entire HQ. Belinda was winded and her body started to rapidly cool off. She was super hungry again from burning all that energy quickly, but it was worth it. She raised her head to see Red and Blue unconscious in the charred ruin the area had become. She roared so deep and loud it rattled the armour on their still bodies. And people wonder why the base is still almost entirely made of ship scrap. Things like this! Belinda growled when she heard movement behind her, and noticed the body of the swordsman was not among them! Before she could even fully turn around the floor under her gave out into a pitfall trap! He set up a trap under her while she was looking away!

"W-what?! How are you still standing!?"

The swordsman smiled, taking out a tranquilizer smoke bomb. "Guts- the set bonus from the Bazelgeuse armor. I cannot be brought below 1 health." He chuckled. "Don't worry, you are more than strong enough to climb out of that little hole. Just take a deep breath..." He threw the tranquilizer bomb at the ground and dashed back.

Damnit! She never expected them to use that! Had they learned from her? Had they... accepted the blast? Belinda blacked out from the gas.

She woke up halfway through the next day, chained down to a weighted platform. The platform was held up by boulders they rolled into a counter platform that let them weigh monsters that were brought back alive.

She was greeted by her researcher teammate. "Well, sorry to say you are going to have to be chained down for... a while. Great news though- you can help our research a million times more as a monster than you could as a hunter!"

Belinda let out a long sigh of searing hot air. "Dandy."

"Oh, and more good news." She took out and placed a gold crown on Belinda's head. "You are a large gold crown in size."

Well, Belinda always knew it would be a blast catching a gold crown Bazelgeuse.

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