Racing Stripes

Story by iplank on SoFurry

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An intense fling between two women leaves one magically destabilized, which was not a problem during the fact, but now a day later it is back to the books and being able to accidentally transform from a stray thought is not situationally appropriate.

(F TF M Zorse)

The weekend had been a beautiful blur of strange new pleasures and magics for Ginger. She went to a school that also taught magic, and most were encouraged to practice.. but generally using transformative spells were against the rules, and using any mental manipulative spells got you expelled, because they were too hazardous for mere students. Her friend Occra however ignored the rules almost entirely, assuming no one would find out anyway. Its only against the rules if you get caught. Occra did a good job of working Ginger up till she was hot and bothered. She remembered her clit getting a bit tingly and tight, like when you drape an arm off something for too long, or hang your head upside down and it fills with a tingling pressure because more blood is pooling there than its supposed to. It engorged and started to stand out, poking out of its hoodie more and more. Occra slid her middle and ring fingers into Ginger and slowly slid them against the underside of the mutating clittoris, the clit sliding in the depression between fingers- her pinky and index pressed into the pillowy outer labia. Ginger thrust her hip up gently to meet the invading hand, because Occra was going to teasingly slow. The clit started to push out even farther, stretching the skin with internal pressure, though the body of it was a bit thinner than the end which was its original form, giving it a bit of mushroomed shape. Occra deftly slid her hand out and wiped the lube across her palm with the two fingers that had plumbed the depths and then grabbed the huge clit. The already larger end swelled even tighter, hardening into an even more pronounced mushroom shape and the body of it surged thicker. Ginger could feel things being pulled out of her, feeling the odd sensation of objects squiming around inside of her to get out as her vaginal opening rapidly shrank with the same muscle contractions.

That was yesterday though. Now Ginger sat in class with a red spot on her chin where she rest her head in her palm for almost the entirty of the class, barely able to pay it any attention at all. Occra had used magic to turn her into a great number of things, but as usual went way overboard- to the point where Ginger was unstable with the amount of mana in her body. It was fine on a day off, but now she was back in school and still not entirely stabalized. She nervously watched as her fingernails went from thick and blocky to razor pointed hooks and back to human nails. Any sort of emotional instability or loss of concentration could cause her body to shift one way or the other. And if anyone found out they have been using transformative magics, especially to this degree, there would be a lot of trouble. A little more complicated than fingernails was the small dick and balls between her legs under her school uniform's skirt. The mana had not depleted enough and something as complex as a gender shift required an outside party to cast. So, at least until after school, Ginger had to keep her male equipment. She still looked the same otherwise, including her wobbly D cup breasts, so hopefully no one would figure it out. The part she could never figure out was how to rest it in her panties. If she let it rest on her small balls, whenever it started to even become remotely engorged it immediately pressed outward on the panties looking for more room. To the sides it moved around too much and caused too many almost erection close-calls. Standing it upright against the cloth seemed to make the most sense, but sometimes when she bent in a way that gave it any room its own weight caused it to sink lower causing it to get bunched up. Between that and the memories of the wild times from only the night before, it was extremely hard for Ginger to concentrate on class. Ginger was bisexual but leaned more heavily toward men... now with a pair of small nuts between her legs she found herself more of a true neutral. The male hormones from her balls were causing her to be more attracted to other girls. She was trying to force herself to pay attention to the class, not for her grades but just because she now found everyone in her class at least mildly attractive and her penis was teetering dangerously on the verge of an erection. She managed to pay enough attention to remember they were covering mana detection this week. Somehing Occra kinda blew past in her own skill level. Energy was the most basic form of all matter, it could not be created or destroyed and was basically the building blocks of everything. It existed everywhere all the time, but when the ambient energy in an area reached a certain threshold it became classified as mana. You still cannot see it, but it is dense enough in that state to be manipulated, using runes or vibrations from vocal incantations to shape it into a spell, which can then mould matter from seemingly nothing. With training though, magisters can detect mana, basically adapting a sixth sense, so they can predetermine how much power they have locally to cast with. At that thought, Ginger's chub softened a bit as a jolt of panic ran down her spine. In demonstration the teacher activated a runic device that let out a pulse wave of mana so the students could detect it easily and try to measure it. It was a good thing Ginger sat in the second last row, with an empty seat behind her, because the pulse stopped at her. It went through everyone else, but her body ate it the moment it made contact. She was still unstable! The pulse partially renewed the lingering spells Occra used.

Ginger concentrated hard for a moment... ok. It was fine, nothing happened, she is just higher energy now is all. She thought how releived she was that it did not affect her dick, but then thoughts of last night and how wild it got came to mind and her small penis and balls became not so small anymore. It wasn't from an erection, its actual size increased... which then caused friction against her panties which then started an actual erection. Ginger tried to look as normal as possible but in actuality had a death grip on the edges of her desk from nervousness. She counted down the last few minutes of class trying to keep her erection at bay, but also try to maintain her form. The problem was those were two different thoughts- she can only actively think about one at a time. The human brain cannot multi task- it can switch between tasks so fast it seems like your thinking of two things at once, but you aren't actually. As soon as the bell rang she slid her books off the desk into her bag carelessly and bolted out the door. The uniform pleated skirt went to her knees, and thanks to the pleated folds there was no detectible bulge... yet. Her dick was probably on the generous end of average right now. Rather than look for her next class she looked for Occra, casually walking to her next class like there wasn't a trouble in the world. Without a word or even slowing her walk, Ginger grabbed Occra by the wrist and pulled her along on the way to the emptier halls. To make it easier on janitorial work, the school was divided so the morning classes were on one side and the afternoon on the other, so right now the afternoon side was mostly empty- no one wandering the halls anyway.

"Occra, can you undo it completely yet? I just got a mana boost and my body is too unstable... I can feel it, my form is slipping. And-"

Occra grinnned devilishly. "Starting and stopping is hard, but all you have to do to slip is to let go~. And no, I can't."

"Whyyyy, I- AH. Nnnn... not good." She felt her panties suddenly fill completely and her tailbone push out. Her balls were like large chicken eggs and her dick now quite large, still at a half chub- the movement and feeling pushing toward an erection but her panic restraining it.

"Because you are unstable, duh. Imagine if someone turned into a centaur, and all I knew was a spell to turn a human into a horse, or a horse into a human. Could I revert them to normal human? No, because they are half and half and the spells are only meant for a pure sample. I could turn you back if you stabalize, or at least settle fully into a single form. What is wrong so far, aside from the elf ears?"

"Elf-? Oh damnit." She had not even noticed her ears were now long and elven. "My... package. Getting bigger."

Occra's heart skipped a beat and she immediately moved too close and cupped a hand onto the huge bulge under the skirt. "Oh mmm~. Doggy? Tentacle?"

Ginger grabbed her roughly at the wrist to remove her hand. "Still human I think. What do I do?! Its so big if I sit down the pressure on my taint is going to make it tent my skirt..."

"Ow, watch the hands!" Ginger let go quickly, not realising her nails were changing back and forth again and she accidentally pricked Occra. "Ok, arousal is distracting you and causing your instabilities to tip so... give in to your arousal. Whatever your libido is in the mood for right now, we get you off, and I can change you back to normal once your fully turned into a form. Sexual pleasure tends to give people tunnel vision because instinct takes over, which will make it easier to lock yourself in."

They both jumped as a teacher appeared in the hall from around the corner. "Hey! What are you two doing down here, get to class!" He narrowed his eyes at Ginger who was bent over at an odd angle to hide the bulge, and was slowly scratching her head as an excuse to hide her long ear in her hair. "Why are you standing like that?"

"I must have slept wrong last night, my back is stiff today is all."

'"Hmm, well, whatever. Get to class, don't wander the halls."

As soon as they followed the teacher back into the main halls, Occra deliberately walked infront of Ginger to eclipse the changes from view. If anything could act as a shield it would be Occra's hips, she was an extreme pear shaped body. She was petite and had lil B cup breasts, but her hips were wide, her butt round and her thighs meaty. What the teacher also failed to see was Occa placing a recall point in the hall, so as soon as he finished escorting them to their next classes, she activated it and both Occra and Ginger were teleported back to the corner of the main hall. Unfortunately once the mana dispersed from the spell it vacuumed into Ginger who bent over again, this time from sensation. She felt her fat lazy cock pop out over her panties as her balls grew so large they completely filled it on their own. Her slightly longer tailbone kept twitching because the muscles wanted to grow but could not settle on what shape. Already knowing her distress, Occra turned her around so her hands were on the wall, reached under her skirt and grabbed the little tube of flesh that was her proto tail. She made sure she had a good grip, placed a hand on her lower back and yanked the tail. Pulling tails usually hurts because you are mostly yanking on the fur not the tail itself, but this one was bald still and she grabbed at the very base so it did not hurt. It was sort of like a pleasurable tickle- like an undetected itch being scratched finally as the muscles were yanked out, stretching from her lower back into new muscle sets. Ginger's breathless moans were a good indication she liked the feeling, but Occra had to be smart about this too. If she kept pulling, the tail would just keep growing indefinitely, but they needed to give it a shape. Occra stopped before the tail was too long, only about a foot at most.

Ginger glanced at what peeked from the back of her skirt. "W... what kind of tail is it?"

"Huge package and a tail, I dunno, what do you think it is?"

"H-horse? Ah~"

As she thought it, the hairs started to grow in immediately and quickly- giving her a horses tail. She shut her eyes and scrunched up her face at the feeling as her ears compacted back down, becoming movable and leaft shaped- matching her horse tail instead of the randomly grown elven ears. Her cock felt like it was growing too, but it was mostly surface level... it wasn't the penis itself that grew it was specifically the foreskin. Ginger went to turn around to get up off the wall but Occra moved uncomfortably close again causing her to fall back against the wall, now with her back to it as Occra gently lifted her skirt in the front, looking like a hungry predator. She needed to see this fat meat stick. Ginger's balls looked purple, only just starting to transition to a black skin tone and were so large and round the top curve could be seen poking out, the rest overfilled her panties. The cock seemed to have been swallowed by its own foreskin which was also turning purple-ish. Right now it looked like she went overboard on a saline injection, but what it actually was, was her foreskin transforming into a sheath. Because the dick was still mostly unchanged in shape, it was incapable of escaping its soft warm nest of flesh at the moment even if it went fully hard- and because she is still bipedal the sheath won't attach to her groin yet even if it fully formed. Occra slid her dainty little hand into the opening and sunk the entire thing easily inside of the sheath. It was so hot and squishy inside, and she could feel the throbbing cock deep inside, making both of them coo from the feeling.

Occra smiled at her, kissing her on the end of her nose. "Good, keep picturing horse. Don't get side tracked."

Ginger's heart jumped and Occra placed a hand over her mouth quickly to muffle her gasp as a teacher poked her head out a nearby class door, having heard them. The teacher looked directly at them, eyes narrowed a moment before slipping back into her class. Occra flexed her eyebrows at Ginger. She put up an illusion of the hall behind them- so it looked like the hall was empty from the teacher's perspective, even though Ginger could see the teacher looking at her with her dick out in the school hall. The two of them quickly got off the wall and slipped back into the side hall, heading into the mostly empty area of the school again.

Ginger felt a bit dizzy as Occra lead her down the halls- her perspective kept changing subtly as her clothing clung tighter to her. Her entire body was growing. They were going to head to the bottom exit, by the gymnasium that gym classes used to get to the track field across the street from the school. When they turned another corner though a male student nearly walked into them heading the other way. In a panic, Occra twirled Ginger behind herself as they all turned to face one another, and quickly took the sweater off that was tied around her hip and tossed it back to Ginger to try and cover herself.

"Oh hey Basil. What... are you doing here?"

"Was going to skip out- I can't concentrate today anyway, was up too late last night. They got someone at the back exit though so... sucks. Don't tell me you two were going out that way too?"

"We were... uh, getting something from her locker. We are just going to wait out till next class."

"Ah, nice." His brow furrowed a bit, looking past Occra to Ginger. "I never knew Ginger was so much taller than you are..." The sound of shredding fabric could be heard. "What was that?"

"Uh, well the building is really old, and we aren't exactly the top rated school. Wouldn't surprise me if they had rats in the walls. A-anyway, we gotta get going."

"We-hey, want to hang out together? I don't want to head back to class."

"Sorry Bas... girls only~" She gave him a wink and twirled around with a swing of her huge hips and hurried away, scooting Ginger along who was stiff from nervousness.

The ripping sound was her balls growing even larger, and even darker, tearing her panties apart. The sheath was properly formed now and her dick itself was growing again.

"You like him, huh?"

"I mean... he's... kinda cute. Since you gave me these damn balls everyone seems -sort of- cute!" Her dick finally started to emergy from its fleshy home and flop over the huge curve of her heavy nuts.

Ginger flinched in pain, stumbling a bit before Occra caught her and had to help her walk, slowing their pace a bit. Her legs were transforming, forcing her to shift her weight to the front of her feet as they extended, racing toward becoming unguligrade. The back exit was guarded so that plan was already scrap. No one was using the gym bathrooms though till after lunch, so if they reached those before anyone else spotted them she could finish changing. Her clothes looked like an adult trying to wear an outfit meant for a seven year old. Her breasts seemed to shrink, but it was only because their size remained the same while the torso under them grew and became more and more muscular. Her leg muscles especially exploded in size, making the seams of the skirt struggle to contain her. The larger her torso got though, the more she started to teeter. Her body was becoming more and more difficult to keep upright.

Ginger wobbled a bit and thumped against the wall for a moment to rest. "Occra... I can't keep walking like this. I don't know if we... can make... it."

It felt hot and cramped here. She had grown so large that the narrow side hall was almost too small to fit her, her arms were brushing either side. Her voice had gotten quite deep now, and her neck was swelling up with muscle too, getting slightly longer. Her balls were giant and dark bruise purple now, approaching proper black. The scrotum was pulled tight across the hefty spheres, shiny smooth. Her dick was to her chest now, and quite girthy too. The sheath was proper black but the shaft was just starting to turn purple-ish. Her hands shook from the muscles trying to reshape. Her nails started to turn into talons, because they gave her a sense of power but she caught it, and used her concentration to shift them toward horse to make sure everything matched. They remained as long as the talons but darkened farther and broadened as they started to merge together to form the hooves. Her feet were already hooves, but freakishly small for a horse at the moment and still in both her socks and shoes- though since only the front of her foot was walked on anymore, she was basically dragging her shoes along with her- if she lifted her foot they would immediately fall off. The pulsing of her enlarging muscles made her feel almost cocooned in her own body, like they were hugging her entire form all at once, since the muscle contractions were all involuntary. Occra told her it was fine and walked around to the front and put her arms out as if to try and catch the now huge Ginger. There was no way she could catch someone that big, but she did not need to carry Ginger, just ease her into a quadrupted stance. Even as Ginger leaned on the wall her back arched farther forward as her torso expanded, and the threads of her top started to slowly snap one by one. Her voice was so deep now it was hard to tell if the groans Occra heard were being made by Ginger or her growing form.

Ginger leaned mostly on the wall and slid forward into Occra who tried to support as much as she could and let her own easy, the last distance was still pretty sudden- Ginger currently weighed a LOT. Muscle is heavier than fat. Occra lost her footing and slid to the floor under Ginger with a bit of a laugh, but her laugh trailed off as she started drooling at the sight over over. Huge equine pectoral muscles shredding the seams of the top, almost completely bursting out save a few last struggling threads. Like a shadow, fine brown fur was spreading up her body starting from the base of her tail and what used to be her pubic hair. Her human hair was brown too, but a red-brown, the fur on her body was just base brown, losing the cherry red tone, though her tail hair had it. Occra could see the black tone seeping into the rest of her skin under the fur as well, from a triangle patch just infront of the sheath where the fur thinned to near non existance. The sheath was partially merged at the base, and as the erect phallus bobbed, a little bit more fused to her underside, holding the dick close to her body. Some part of Occra's brain processed the fact the size was wrong, but too much of her brain thought it was right to care. The dick was already as long as Ginger's front legs and it was still growing! Her balls were the size of a cantaloupe each and now pure shiny black. There was visible veins on her underside too, gathering toward her crotch, pinched between muscle and hide. The penis still looked somewhat human, but the dome shaped head was flattening, the urethra starting to project slightly as a result, and a medial ring appeared at the mid point- where the soft cock flesh folds in on itself when it becomes dormant.

Occra snapped back to reality when Ginger made a half horse half human cry of panic. Occra slid out from between her front legs to get back onto her feet and seen deer antlers quickly growing from her head, two thin trails of blood from where they broke the skin. As Occra watched the horns started to twist as they grew out becoming spiralled... unicorn? Then the twists started to fold back on themselves slightly and the tongs started to curl a bit making them slightly ribbed... ram horns? Ginger's gigantic balls were flooding too many hormones and her dick too much pleasurable jolts for her to concentrate properly. Now that the sheath was merged to her fully, when her cock throbbed it slapped her underside in an automatic equine form of masturbation. She was struggling to imagine what her horns were supposed to look like, forgetting she wasn't supposed to have them in the first place. Occra was even starting to get nervous at this point, they needed to move fast and get into a bathroom and away from potential passer bys. Anyone attempting to skip class will likely come here first looking to slip out the back exit, like Basil attempted. Knowing Ginger was struggling trying to direct her changes Occra did not talk to her at risk of breaking it, and simply grabbed one of her strange antlers and pulled her along by it. She could hear the fur sliding against both walls- her body was so large it filled the entire hallway till they got out into one of the main hallways at the later half of the school, which was much larger. As soon as Ginger stepped like this her shoes exploded their seams and her rear hooves grew massively becoming more proper size. The socks rode lower and lower on her foot as the hoof occupied more and more of it, but its hard steep edges were quickly wearing on the socks fabric and would cut its way out of those too. The skirt was holding surprisingly well, but her shirt was annihilated. She was still technically wearing it, but it wasn't held on by anything, the remnants were literally just laying on her shoulders. Occra's hands were gone, almost entirely turned to hooves, though the hooves still had odd indentations on the surface where the invidual segments had fused together. Occra tried to lead her along steadily, but not going too fast because now her limbs clacked against the floor, and if she stepped too hard someone would surely hear the hooves echoing against the tile floor. Plus, the faster they go while she is unstable like this, the more likely her limbs will multiply to keep pace easier. And as much as Occra would love to get fucked by a Sleipnir double, this was neither the place nor time for it. Ginger was slowly still getting larger as well- her pectoral muscles were as tall as Occra now. Her nostrils started to enlarge but her nose also started to turn up at the end.. pig? That shouldn't be. She lost her train of thought, and the more she wandered trying to find it the more things went wrong. Occra did her best horse impression neighing to her, and Ginger replied with a neigh nearly identical to an actual horse. Her neck popped and grew longer as her train of thought on the correct species was momentarily restored. At the sound of a horse neigh though, they heard a teacher call down the hall. They had been heard by the person guarding the rear exit! Occra hustled her huge mate to the bathroom door and was about to hurry in but was yanked back when Ginger suddenly stopped- though not by choice. Her antlers clacked against the top of the door even with her head bowed, and her shoulders slammed against either side of the frame. She was bigger than the entire doorway! Occra could hear the footsteps of the teacher coming their way.

Occra placed a hand on Ginger's slowly extending face and ran down it, molding the skin as if it were putty, pushing the end of her nose back down and rounding it, while leaving the nostrils big- she also got Ginger to lower her head more. Occra nearly lost an eye as the lowered head lunged forward a bit as it grew another vertibrae long, causing it to move farther forward and nearly lance Occra on an oddly shaped antler tong. Occra placed a hand on the points and pushed back, causing the antler to continue to curl like a rams horns, bunching both sets up into a round wheel of bone. She then grabbed them, pulled and gently hit her other hand on the sides- inserting some of her own mana in a sudden jolt shattering the base of the horns to bust them both off. The remnants were reabsorbed into the head- so her head now fit in the doorway. Occra grew more panicked as the footsteps grew closer. She clapped her hands to her small breasts and they quickly started to inflate under her shirt. She groaned a bit- the skin and muscle ached from how fast she was trying to force them larger. Once about an E cup she raised one hefty tit and Ginger turned her head toward it, instantly captivated by it. She raised a front leg as if to reach for it, temporarily forgetting she lacked hands to be able to grasp it. Occra took one step back and let the boob fall and Ginger stepped down- on the INSIDE of the doorway. Lifting her front legs rotated the shoulder slightly back and caused that one limb to be pulled in just enough to fit through. Occra then repeated the process with her other breast, coaxing Ginger to step in with her other. Occra smiled a moment at a job well done till Ginger took another step in and her now gigantic ass caught on the doorframe. As if to exemplify the problem her butt rounded out still bigger with muscle and the skirt snapped and the elastic in the waiste caused it to slingshot through the air far enough that neither even seen where it landed. The footsteps were getting too close, they were out of time. Occra could not be gentle. She grabbed Ginger's right front leg and shoved with everything she had to the side, sweeping the legs out from under the equine and causing her to slam into the floor on her right side, shaking the floor with the impact and sending the boom echoing down the halls. In order to stand back up, Ginger scrunched her body up a bit to pull her legs up under herself, but in doing so pulled them through the doorway. She still fit- sideways. The teacher hurried up on hearing the boom and even though it was a male teacher, he quickly opened the door to the girl's bathroom to see what was going on.

Occra shreiked, covering her chest with her sweater once again in her hands as if in fear of the invading male- but actually to hide her now huge boobs, even though they were clothed. "What are you doing, this is the girls room!"

"What was that bang?! Why are you in the bathroom on this side of the school!?"

"All the stalls were occupied on the other side and I really had to go. I have no idea what the bang was, I was here in the bathroom."

The teacher grumbled and quickly hustled off to continue his search for the source. Occra sighed and dropped the illusion she put up that made the other half of the bathroom look empty- even though Ginger sat there. She was still trying to sit like a human, on her butt with her front hooves on the floor between her hind legs sticking straight out. Her face had pushed out even more and thankfully looked fully horse now. In fear of needing to hide though, her fur transformed into extremely ill suited camo- she was covered in long thin black stripes now.

*Danger...* The outside thought echoed in Occra's head in the sound of Ginger's unaltered voice.

*Its ok Ging, he is gone.*

*Can't.. think. Me... I...* Her mind was unaltered, but all of her concentration was on trying to keep the correct form.

*Just rely on me, I will take care of it like usual. I may be crazy and go overboard but you know I'd never do anything to hurt you.*

In her current sitting position it really called attention to the fact she was WAY too endowed. Because she leaned into arousal like Occra instructed her bits became hyper endowed. Still slowly growing, the dick was already as tall as she is in this sitting position- the head bobbing back and forth infront of her face as if tempting her to suck. Her balls rest on the floor right now but hanging they would be down to her ankles. Granted equine ankles were a good distance off the ground- the balls were still huge. Occra knelt down and grabbed the middle of the shaft with both hands and just barely was able to touch fingertips and thumbs together with both hands around it- and it ended quickly. Stimulated by the touch the shaft started to thicken and grow more. Occra was unintentionally rubbing her tits on it through her shirt- she was not used to having big boobs. Ginger started to lean forward, trying to get back onto all fours as this positon strained her spine. She was too big and bulky to be like this. Her neck and face cracked and clicked, both getting longer and more defined. Her nostrils were huge and her teeth giant blocks, the front and back now having a long gap between them. Her hair extended down her neck, but the newly grown hair grew into a bristly mohawk instead of like the rest of her hair or tail. Occra finally realised the difference- it was a zebra mane. Ginger isn't a horse, she is a Zorse, a cross-breed of a zebra stallion and a horse mare. Even in her mental haze Ginger knew her cock was way too damn big and tried to resist the growth that was still trying to pulse up its length. The shape was fully equine now but the size a teir beyond. The corona a wide bumpy rim behind the broad dome head softly indented down the middle where the urethral opening projected out a bit and a dollop of pre glistened ready to fall. The veins pulsed tight every few moments causing the dick to slap her underside making it hard to resist the pleasure that was self-perpetuating. It felt very heavy to her, and she was hugely muscular, so you know it was hefty if even she thought it was. It should barely reach her chest, yet Ginger could look down at the head, even now that her own head and neck were full length- the phallus had kept up with her. It was as thick as a fire hydrant, and the head wasn't flared at all. The balls were giant spheres, taking turns bobbing up and down slightly off rhythem with each other. They stretched the scrotum smooth but there was a bit of give that shifted from top to bottom when they bobbed, either stretched long at the top or a wrinkly bunched up bit of skin at the bottom when the balls raised. There was a secondary bit of bulge above both balls that Occra could only guess was all the coiled up tubing that connected the balls to the rest of the body- it was so bloated full that it created its own softer bulge.

Ginger tried to close her eyes and not think about her dick but every slight movement caused it to swing around because it was so long, and even a small swing was very easily felt by her because of how much it weighed. Occra cursed her with these damn full balls, driving her nuts! No pun intended. Ginger was up for some kinky magic, but she had no idea how all out Occra was going to go, and she definately did not expect it to carry into the following day! The body of a horse felt great, the solid hooves below her, her massive muscular body. Everything seemed to small and feeble compared to her. But she couldn't think on it, not here! She could feelt the pleasurable pressure deep in her taint- it wanted to grow more. If her concentration wandered off for even a moment it would grow, and if this took too long she might slip and grow anyway.

Occra quickly looked her over, hands still on the shaft, though she was incapable of reaching all the way around. "Ok, you look good, fully Zorse. You are a bit... too big, but that is still only two different changes, I can manage that. Hyper endowment and zorse reversal. We need to get you off so you can recover some of your wits to make sure there is no sudden shifts while I am casting, because that would be real bad."

Knowing what she likes, Occra quickly flipped her shirt up and her bra down to expose her now fat tits and started to work as much of the shaft as possible. It pulsed rhythmically in pleasure as Ginger softly nickered and snorted. But occasionally it would pulse a bit and then not return to normal- getting a tiny big bigger. Their plan to focus and amplify her lust worked, and it did give her form a singular direction, except that direction also included being bigger. Not bigger than she was, just bigger in general. As in- whatever size she became, she became bigger than that, and then bigger than that, and then bigger than that. Ginger was struggling and starting to break under the want to get even more endowed so Occra was really working under a time limit. She started with the head, which half flared in arousal and started to dribble pre into her cleavage lubing her boobs up nice and slick. It wasn't going fast enough though, because Occra was so small in comparison. The nerves grew with the shaft, so the cock growing bigger meant she could pleasure it less effectively. It was still better than the alternative of the nerves multiplying to match its size, and staying the same size themselves. Because the human brain was only wired to compute so much input- so if there was too many nerve signals it would completely blow out the neurons in charge of processing it. Occra tried to move to the medial ring, squeezing it firmly and the cock replied by smacking the stomach and spitting a large gob of pre to the floor. Ginger nickered, thrust her hip and momentarily lost her grip, causing the shaft to audibly groan as it got a tiny bit thicker and at least a full inch longer. The balls swelled tremendously. Occra quickly targeted the gigantic black nuts and grabbed them both up and smushed her face into the soft hot scrotum, moterboating the testicles. Ginger let out several breathy grunts and the balls grew again in Occra's grip, and the shaft wobbled on its own as it got a bit bigger still. Each testicle was enough to fill the grip of an entire arm. Occra moved behind hefting the balls up, as heavy as they were. Ginger bowed her rear legs a bit to sit more of her giant scrotum on the woman, but that was what Occra was betting on. As soon as her butt lowered Occra balanced the bottom of the scrotum in one hand and reached the other up to the huge horse butt and the ebon doughnut anus. She shoved her fist into Ginger's butt causing her to whinny in surprise then push back against Occra, forcing more of the arm into her. Occra was in past her elbow and could see the cock bobbing and growing down below slowly, her concentrating crumbling away. But the baseball sized prostate was not hard to find at all. Occra grabbed it lightly and then started to massage it with her hand. The pleasure spikes were so constant from it that Ginger felt like her dick was vibrating rapidly. The head flared giantly, looking like an inverted satalyte dish before it exploded an ivory pillar across the room with enough force to splash against the wall and scatter sticky beads and strands all over the bathroom.

Ginger could barely process her transformation back because it happened as she orgasmed- like the giant cock was blasting out all her added mass till she was just human. She remained trembling in orgasm even after her body ran out of hot goo to blast out, and her genitals not only shrank back down, but inverted, restoring her womanhood. She still had stripes though, and her vagina was... unusually large. The clit the size of a large marble and the passage so wide it occupied more space on her torso than it should have. Her hyper endowment was not completely dispelled. As she looked herself over the also quickly noted she still had zebra stripes.

"Uh... all the changes?" She was still a bit breathless.

Occra shook her head, looking a bit tired herself now. "I have no mana left. We tapped all the mana in this area, there is nothing to turn you back with. We need to move again. Preferably out of the school this time. The teacher who was guarding the back is gone now, we can just walk out. Your head should be clear now, ya? Keep it that way- you are still unstable till I can completely reverse this."

"I don't have any clothes, I can't leave the school like this!"

Occra chuckled. "Check the gym lockers, there is bound to be something you can swipe. We got a bit of time for now to work with, relax. We ain't racing, stripes."

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