Final Fetish

Story by iplank on SoFurry

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A Blue Mage wants to have a little fun in bed with her man to celebrate a job well done on a series of quests, but as someone who studies monsters to intimately, she has some odd tastes.

(F tf Behemoth Queen)

Tarn skipped rather joyously down the road bouncing a bag of coins in his hand with his girlfriend Maeve close behind with a rather large smile on her face as well. They had just returned from an easy adventure- the culmination of some time worth of effort. They had accepted every quest on the board at the local tavern two days ago, then went around grinding progress on all of the quests so they could pull today off- which was finishing every quest in a single day, because they had already completed all the hard work prior. Now they had a fat sack of Gil to spend however they want.

Tarn is a lanky fellow- a Thief- er, uh, I mean treasure hunter by trade. Maeve ends up doing most of the work, even though Tarn is the first to jump headlong into things. As a Blue Mage, she is able to steal the abilities of monsters, so naturally she likes to encounter a large variety, so it expands her own abilities. It also means that she essentially fills every other role for their party since they only travel in a pair. Since Tarn is up front and is not a tank role, he has to rely on his high evasion to survive, so you better believe he would be dead without Maeve using white magic stolen from monsters to bring him back over and over. No one has the budget for that many phoenix downs.

Maeve has long blond hair folded up onto itself and tied like that by the key to the tome she carries with her. Being a Blue Mage she does not require an actual magic book- the book is her personal journal. She wares a simple blue gown with a pale grey shawl on over that. She wore plain brown leather boots that had upturned metal spiked toes- good for kicking if she runs out of mana.

Tarn turned to her, slowing down his pace so he didn't trip himself walking backward on the cobble road. "So! Where should we go first? I would suggest the tavern for drinks but I think I might get sick if I unintentionally look at the quest board again for at least a week..."

She grabbed his left hand with both of hers and smushed her D cup breasts against his shoulder as she leaned in close. "Mmmm~ I was thinking some quiet romantic evening to wind down, let the money sit for a bit before we spend it haphazardly."

"Oh... well~" He gave her a quick kiss. "What did the lady have in mind for this evening then? Eating out, or in?"

She let go and backed up a bit, blushing. "Weeeell, I kinda thought we could try something a little different... in bed."

"We already went down your bucketlist of fetishes. We even tracked down that fake Chocobo egg so you could 'give birth' to it. And that took several days to track down! It was easier to find real Chocobo eggs!"

"Well, we did almost all of them. This is my Final Fetish! You know how I like to be the top right?"

"Right, no complaints there."

"Well I always wanted to really be the big dominant one. I wanted to try a Polymorph spell, only swap out other animals with a monster form. Usually Polymorph uses the form of a small pig or a frog, or even a Kappa to debilitate the target, depriving them of their normal abilities. But there is nothing stopping you from using the form of something stronger than yourself and casting it on yourself rather than using it on an enemy."

"So... you want to do it as a monster?" He thought about it for a moment before shrugging. "Meh, why not. Just, don't do anything we usually hunt because then I would feel weird when we need to go kill them."

Maeve lead him to a shop specializing in transformation spells and potions. Tarn shook his head and groaned as he looked at the sign for the shop. It had a Moogle dressed in drag with the name of the shop 'Trans-Mog'. Maeve went up to the shop keeper, a Moogle with a reading light strapped to the pom pom on his antennae. She tried to ask him for what she needed while explaining as little as possible but like most of her subtle fetish shopping, the shop keeper kept asking more questions, not sure of what she wanted because no one else used it for the things she was.

"Look, I just need a polymorph spell and reversal spell for a Behemoth. Will regular Esuna work to undo it?"

The moogle nodded slowly, looking through a book of spells carefully before pointing to an array for behemoth. "Kupo, po po, ku-po!"

"Ok, that is all I need. I will take a copy of that, gunna have some fun in bed with this one, hehehe~"

"Jesus christ, you're going to have sex using THIS?! I mean... kupo." He sighed, sliding a copy of the page to her over the counter. "Look, a Behemoth weighs like four tons, if you even fully sit on a person in that form you will shatter their hips with your weight alone." They stared at each other for several moments. "Kupo."

"Yea, yea. I know what I am getting into, I am an experienced Blue Mage after all."

Once she had the spell she scurried home with Tarn, eager to put it to use. Knowing how big it is however, they would not be able to do it in the house- she would destroy the building. Once they had a nice dinner the two slipped out under the cover of twilight and scooted off to a nice little nook between the town and the nearby forest. There was a spring in a rock cliff that looked out over town, and a tiny waterfall fell from inside the rock face forming a good sized pond of crystal clear water. The other side of the cliff was a steep slope down to the forest, and the cliff in front of them sheltered the town from their line of sight, so no one would be able to see them even though it was outdoors and not technically inside the forest so no risk of random monster encounters either. Maeve dressed in an old oversized t shirt and sweat pants, not wanting to ruin a good outfit but still wanting to annihilate something for the thrill. Tarn had her usual outfit on him- for when they were done and she turned back, she would need something to wear back into town to return home.

She cast the spell on herself and Tarn smiled along with her, though backed up several feet just in case and sat down to take in the show. The last of the daylight faded from the sky but there was no clouds and it was almost a full moon, so it wasn't particularly dark even without the sun. Maeve squealed in surprise as she felt the muscles in her upper back squirm around on their own. The muscle fibers wound and tightened into helix as new fibers formed and coiled around those! At the same time, her tail bone started to expand, new vertebrae forming, putting the tapered point further out, stretching out an actual tail from her. The muscles in her lower back felt like they were squirming their way out into the base of the tail to bulk it up, but actually the muscles remained exactly where they were- all that was squirming down was entirely new muscle mass, cloned from the existing muscle tissue. The muscle in her upper back expanded so rapidly it forced her to hunch over, shifting her shoulders far forward from lack of room from the expanding mass, making her look like she had a hugely hunched back. It finally overflowed and the growth hit her shoulders, and then her upper and lower arms. Her muscles throbbed and shifted around on their own. They would tighten, flex and swell, then relax while remaining as large as they had been when they tightened, and then tighten again and get still bigger! Even in her tail you could see the muscle groups writhing around under the skin, stretching longer to chase the end of the tail and swelling ever thicker- making even her tail look muscular!

The increased blood flow started to darken her skin. Her rock-solid veins pulsed aggressively below her skin, pinched between the skin on the surface and the muscle below. The veins turned black from blood cell density, and then her skin started to look bruised, taking the coloration her veins used to have and turning purple! The coloration change happened first where the muscle expanded the most- spreading as the muscle bulk did. Maeve was breathing hard, clenching as she flexed, unable not to since the growth was forcing her muscles to react on their own. The only reason her shirt remained in place was because it was already very oversized- but now it actually fit fine. Maeve's tail was lashing around erratically, the new muscle demanding to be moved and flexed to settle in properly as it grew, but it just continued growing! Her tail became almost as thick as her hips themselves at the base, and it was one and a half times the length of her entire body already and still going! The muscle squirming in the skin and pushing down into the tail against the skin made a very subtle sound almost like twisting leather, from the rapid expansion of the tissue.

"O... Ohooou~ oh boy! Nnngh~" Maeve made an odd face rolling her eyes back and then bowed her head forward with her eyes closed.

Tarn seen what was causing her discomfort when she bowed her head. Two massive bulges formed on the back sides of her skull, growing giantly and spreading forward around either side of her head, stretching the skin out and causing it to purple like the rest! The huge bulges stretched their way to the front, and then rather than curve with her skull they continued forward, lancing the skin just behind her temples as two large horns! They were as big around as a mug each, and did not slow down once they were outside the skin. There was a slight pulsing pressure in the bone of her skull when it grew, and there was very brief gaps where it paused. Though no sound could be heard by anyone else- because it was inside of her own head Maeve could hear the bone stretching larger, with a sound like not unlike creaking bark. It felt like someone was pinching the ends of her fingers for a moment, and Maeve looked down to see her nails thicken and darken toward the middle- causing them to become increasingly triangular. Once the entire nail was thick enough to be equally black in color, they started to grow up and then arch forward like talons. As the muscle growth tried to expand into her hands, it created a great deal of blood pressure, causing the veins to bulge out and turn black like the rest. Her hand bulked up only a bit, then her fingers all thickened greatly, allowing the claws to be still larger. Her thumb did not change mass however- it became thicker as well but only because it also became a bit shorter, robbing it of some of its movement. This made her hands somewhat structured like paws- but not so much that she could not grip things still; it would just be more difficult. She grabbed her own forearms to feel the muscle pulsing in time with her heart. The veins remained rock hard- so still that she actually could not feel her pulse in them because they were already as tight as they could be. She was very hot to the touch as well- rapid cellular expansion creates a lot of heat from the internal friction.

It was already hard to Maeve to remain standing upright because her arms and shoulders now looked several times too large for the rest of her. She rolled her shoulders back to squeeze the stiff muscles of her upper back together, softening them a bit from use. As soon as she did though, her pectoral muscles tightened in the front and she was forced to take a too-deep breath as her lungs expanded massively, requiring more air to fill the increasingly large void. This in turn forced her ribs to crack in rapid fire and expand greatly- not just in length but overall size and density as well. This was it for her shirt. Already tight around her increased mass, as soon as her torso started to grow too, the white shirt was stretched so thin you could see some of her purpling skin through the fabric before she flexed her shoulders back again and the collar exploded, tearing a huge rift down the front of the shirt. When she went to use her claws to tear it the rest of the way off, flexing her arm muscles caused the sleeves to burst and the shirt basically ejected itself off of her all on its own- flinging off her from the elastic material like a broken rubber band. Maeve's heavy breathing was louder now and more deep and hollow sounding because of the increasing lung capacity. Her own heart beat hammered in her head, deafening all outside sounds. It looked like her breasts were shrinking but they actually did not change in size at all- they were being stretched across the increasingly large pectoral muscles, making them less and less noticeable against them. They stretched so far that the coloration of the areola and nipples started to vanish and blend in with the rest. Her skin darkened here to help her nipples vanish- but not to the same purple the rest of her has been. Her underbelly remained peach toned but a sort of pale grey-peach. Darker than her skin was but no where near any shade of purple.

The moment Maeve felt her spine build up pressure and pop, she toppled onto her hands and feet, no longer able to balance upright. The purple coloration started to bleed down her back following her spine almost perfectly and connecting her massive upper back muscles to her still growing tail. The growth of the tail was finally starting to slow down at least. Maeve grinned at her progression but ended up looking more intimidating than was meant, because all her teeth started to sharpen into fangs. Her lower two canine teeth grew almost twice as long as all her others, and her upper two canine teeth twice again as large as those- making them rather huge fangs! Maeve had the urge to raise her rump into the air, so she lowered her tail and stretched her legs and her lower body quivered from the sensation a moment as the muscles in her thighs and ass exploded in size! Her sweat pants stretched well to keep up, but they did shred at the thighs, and once the rip was already made it advanced easily up to her butt popping the waist and down her legs following the path of the growth. Deep divots formed in her flesh around the bulbous muscle of her thighs as they swelled up giant, the skin color changing as it stretched thinner over all it tried to contain. With the first signs of growth, ahead of the color change her feet started to restructure- letting off a series of rather sharp sounding cracks and clicks as the smaller bones of her feet became not so small. Her pinky toe remained where it was while the rest stretched forward as the sole of her foot became larger. Her weight shifted forward on her feet as the skin became thicker on the front as pads- this made being on all fours much more comfortable for her legs. Maeve's ankles rose up higher from the ground and her four forward toes grew giant claws like her front hands and thickened greatly to support them.

"Hoooph! Oh...hunnngh~ hooooar!" Air burst out from Maeve's lungs in a rush as if her body was trying to force her to roar.

Her voice deepened and her forced exhales did become grumblier, starting to sound like growls, but it was caused by her entire body convulsing from the inside out! There was several surges of pressure that were not visible from the outside at all, and then as they got stronger even Tarn was able to see- her entire body was getting bigger. It wasn't caused by a change, it was just raw growth- Behemoth got their names because of their size after all, even a baby behemoth is still pretty damn big. Her body looked like it was pulsing almost- she grew in surges but regressed ever so slightly in the break between surges. This was the magic trying to grow her faster than her body could keep up, so it sinks or settles into itself becoming more solid before the magic blows it up more. She felt almost like she was being blown up like a balloon, a very heavy, very solid balloon. Maeve could feel the ground sliding out from under her as her hands and feet expanded over top of it. Tarn kept looking smaller and smaller to her as she rose over him. She was panting now, but her voice was so deep it had a rumble to every exhale. Her throat expanded as the veins in her neck throbbed fatter and harder, turning black now too. Her spine started to pop more and got even longer. Maeve's arms and upper back throbbed bigger and tighter, causing her arms to grow in size overall separately from her lower body! This put her spine at a rounded L shape because the upper body was larger than the lower! Her entire neck started to grow thicker, then a tiny bit longer as well, and then even thicker than that! Her neck bulged wider than her head!

Maeve slowly tried to stand up- Behemoth are able to stand and even weild weapons, so she should be able to stand on two legs even if she cannot walk on two. It was bad timing though- as soon as she stabilized herself on two legs sharp pricks could be felt on her shoulders causing her to flinch, wobble, and then with a thunderous boom she fell onto her back and shook the ground! She squirmed her upper body from the feeling as new bones branched from her shoulder and projected the flesh and muscle out. It formed several long narrow barbs that stretched the flesh into a translucent membrane between them- long and rigid fins grown from her shoulders, leaned back. From this angle with Maeve on her back though- Tarn had a perfect view of the last of her torso changing. The dark peach skin on her chest continued down to her abdominal muscles as they swelled up, making her lower body look like a brick wall. Her belly button was completely hidden in the crevice between abs. Veins became more noticeable toward her crotch. Replacing her breasts- nipples formed on her underbelly, vibrant pink to stand out against both of its other flesh tones. Two were just below her ribs, two just above her hidden belly button, and two on her upper crotch- six nipples total. Each stood on a slight bubble of fat, but it was hard to tell over the curvature her abs already made. To make room for her giant muscular tail, her anus had actually been absorbed by the base of the tail and now pointed down off from it. Her vulva remained where it had been, but expanded so there was virtually no space between the two holes. Her labia turned black, though her clit turned a grey-pink, being somewhere between the new and old colors. Tarn seen all the veins around it pulse and the outer labia clenched hard, squeezing it closed tightly into a simple slit before both inner and outer labia swelled up in size, causing it all to project further from the body, becoming soft and rubbery again in contrast to the muscle around it.

Maeve thrashed her head back and forth as the pressure built. Her heart beat still hammering in her head. The base of her horns bled a bit as still more slid out- growing even bigger! The horns themselves were not round, but were sort of shaped like rounded diamond cylinders. Length wise they were mostly straight forward but had some slight bends and were black as night. From the roots out, her hair started to turn black as well and the hair in the middle specifically started to get longer and more bristly in texture, causing it to start to stand up on its own, giving her a bit of a natural mohawk. Her hairline advanced down her massive throbbing neck, but only the newly changed hair advanced down- she retained her human hair on either side of this but only on her head. The Behemoth mane was bristly and forward swept. Her skull cracked and popped as it stretched slow and steady, her face growing into a muzzle. Her jaw grew more and more fangs, forcing the growth of her face to keep up. As the purple skin tone advanced onto her stretching face, her lips turned glossy black and the end of her nose turned black, textured, and cool to the touch. She was snorting repeatedly- she was already winded from the constant bombardment of changes already, so her nose changing structure made it still harder to keep her breath. As the changes started to slow, she was able to breath clearly again and was able to slow her breathing a bit.

"Arr rur armurrr... ruroh? WoaARR!" She tried to speak but it only came out as growls and rumblings.

Maeve let out a roar in triumph for finishing her change, but her body surged again as she was doing it, making her roar come out much louder and more ferocious than she intended. Her entire body expanded in size one final time, making her truly massive. She was so large that on all fours, Tarn could walk under her body without having to crouch. The overall form of a Behemoth is vaguely canine- though the front limbs are more humanoid than the rear. Its face is somewhat shaped like that of a bear. Most species have a spiny fin on their tail, but not the one Maeve took. She rolled onto her limbs again and once again stood up. Tarn had to crane his neck up to look at her face. When standing he was only about as tall as her ankles.

With a pleased grunt she fell back onto all fours, shaking the ground. She booped her cold nose against his and surprised him with a kiss, and then surprised them both when she almost choked him with her tongue- which was large enough to fill his entire mouth and then some. She lowered her head, confusing Tarn as to what she was trying to do. He placed a hand on top of either of her horns trying to guess, and she suddenly lifted her head again- putting a horn under either of his arms and lifting him up by them! As she tilted her head up, Tarn slid forward on her horns and she used her huge tongue to slither under his pants and pull them down, sucking his now exposed dick, while holding him up by her horns! Her mouth was so huge compared to him, his penis barely made it past her soft glossy black lips, and he wasn't exactly small. With her tongue, she slithered it across his taint and gave him a rimjob, while still sucking his dick in between her upper lip and the top of her tongue. Once his dick started to drool pre at a consistent rate, she let him down and rolled onto her back. She swooped her tail between his legs before she had fully even rested onto her back and lifted him up, waving her tail so that he slid down to its base where her anus and giant vulva rest. Tarn could feel the heat radiating off her vulva several inches over it. He crawled up a bit more on his hands and knees and lined himself up. Tarn glanced up to look at her face but seen the starry night sky behind her over the lip of the cliff, and the radiant moonlight.

One of the stars streaked across the sky quickly. "Oh hey! A shooting star." She let out a snort that sounded almost like a chuckle and Tarn lowered his brows. "Oh. You just cast Meteor, didn't you."

She surprised him as she thrust her hip up and swallowed his dick, then clamped down with her extremely strong vaginal muscles on the base of his cock, so when her hip fell back to a rest it yanked his down with it! Tarn knew he was in over his head so he made sure to position his hands on either side of her large arrowhead shaped clit so when he thrust down, the pressure from his hands pushed down toward it as well. As he tired a bit trying to satisfy her, he rest further forward, and then busied his hands instead by grabbing her lowest two nipples. To her, the nipples were tiny little nubs- to Tarn each nipple was at least as thick as a dollar coin, and stood an inch and a half out from her, perpetually rigid. He still came far before she did- her vaginal muscles were so tight and developed she had fine control of them and absolutely milked him, while his own dick was like a pencil compared to her massive nethers. Not being one to disappoint however, he slid down and plunged both arms into her, sinking in to the shoulders which then put his face down to her clit to suck directly on its end. Even in this position she had a lot more control than he did, her hungry hole clamped on his arms and drew them in, yanking his body against her outer labia tightly with every clench, which squeezed his face against her clit harder, forcing his mouth open around more of it. It did not project out from her body enough for him to actually take into his mouth properly. The sound of squelching became louder as her pussy filled with more of its own juices in this position till finally her pussy slammed shut so tight Tarn was ejected from it, and then a half second later blasted in the face and torso with an explosion of pussy juice big enough to throw him onto his back, on the base of her tail!

Once it was done and she finally turned back to normal, it was quite late and the two were so tired they just remained laying in the grass on the cliff together, watching the stars while they recovered enough energy to scuttle back home before the sun comes up again.

"Hey Tarn?"


"I have been wondering about this thing I wanted to try, y'know, in bed."

"What?! But you said this was your Final Fetish?"

"W-well it is! I am just thinking of a different monster to use for it, so it is kind of just an extension of this one. Let's call it, Final Fetish II."

He sighed. "Not really final if there is more than one, now is it?"

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