Whistle While You Work It

Story by iplank on SoFurry

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In April the arcane university sends June to steal ancient magic artifacts from May that belong in a museum. But by July she will realize there is more going on than what everyone first assumed- and June unintentionally trapped herself. Shouldn't have messed with those doggone artifacts!

(F tf M dog)

June was a bit nervous on her first day of work at the ranch. It had become rather famous in a short period of time because of some magical artifacts that they had dug up on their land by accident. There was modern magic used by governing bodies, and some minor spells commoners were allowed to practice, but these artifacts were ancient. The magic was so old no one really recognized it, and to make matters worse- the owners were not willing to share. The Arcane University has been trying to get its hands on the artifacts to research the elder magic, and then put them on display in a museum where everyone can observe them- but since the ranch owners found it on their land, they technically own the artifacts. That is where June comes in. She decided to start working at the ranch as a helper- as cover. In actuality she was sent by the university to decipher the artifacts or if possible- steal them.

The ranch was now thanks to their magical practices, the center of attention for dog breeders. They had a slew of male dogs who were magically... endowed. Freakishly well hung, their all-male dog pack was making them a fortune, because they were regarded as top tier breeding stock. And they were always eager to breed. Sometimes too eager.

May explained the rules on when to feed them, when to let them walk, and how to walk them. "We cannot let these dogs out just any old time because we will get swarmed with other people trying to gawk at them." She held up an ancient whistle so June could see. "And this is one of the artifacts- you are mostly just in charge of feeding and grooming but we might need you to use this from time to time if one of us are too busy."

Seeing what she had in her hand some of the dogs nearby turned their attention to May and walked closer to the women. The dogs were of various breeds- the most intimidating was a Doberdane whose head was as high as June's chest, named Barrus. The smallest was a chihuahua named Pip. But the thing all of these dogs had in common was that they were all freakishly endowed. Even now with no female dogs present some of them had full on erections bobbing under them. Their movements awkward and occasionally they will bow a bit and do a few short thrusting motions- minds clouded with arousal. Normally a dog could just flop over and suck itself off- and with the size of their endowments it should be exceptionally easy to do for them, except their collars prevented it. As part of their training they all wore collars that were unusually wide- robbing mobility from their necks, enough that twisting themselves into a loop to suck their own dicks was not possible. May took a deep breath and blew into the whistle. June was surprised when she heard a sound. Normally dog whistles are silent to humans- producing a sound far too high pitch for human ears to pick up at all. It was extremely shrill and nearly silent, but there was a very, very faint sound that June could still hear from this whistle. As it sounded, all of the dogs' ears shot straight up. The dogs who were struggling with their erections made happy whimpering sounds and their back legs buckled a bit. Their erections started to bob wildly before erupting only a second later! The dogs who did not have erections almost immediately got them- their knot swelling first in the sheath and then the shaft, and then the knot swelled too large to be contained, popped out and then they erupted in orgasm too! May needed to pause twice to blow into the whistle again to finish off each and every dog there. Even June herself felt really aroused. She had no attraction to dogs, but looking at a dozen massive erections ejaculating all at once was a pretty amazing sight. Pip actually looked the most impressive, because his erection wasn't that far behind the others in size but his body was by far the tiniest- making his dick ridiculously huge in comparison.

She caught her breath after. "Phew. So, yea. Deep breaths, do not blow into hard- blow steady and go as long as you can, or y'know, when all of the dogs are finished already. The whistle gives dogs pleasure- female dogs too, but we do not keep any females here ourselves. We are training them to get off with just this whistle. That way we can hopefully control when all of them are horny and when they are not, making them easier to manage, and also VERY easy to breed." May hung the whistle on the side of the barn. "Do not use the whistle if there is only one or two dogs with erections. And, we should take care of it ourselves like I said, but maybe we get too busy or something- you at least know how to use it if something comes up."

June had a hard time going to sleep that night. To try and prevent things like June's mission from happening, all staff lived at the barn while they worked there. June was sleeping on the top floor of the impressively large farm house, so she could see a good distance across the ranch to the dogs. This ranch used to be sheep only, but now the field was split evenly between sheep and dogs- though there was a gap between the divider fence in the middle to make sure no overly playful dogs tease the sheep through the fence slats. A dog could just dig under the fence but their collars would release a startling shock if they try to run out of their designated area. Two days passed and work went as expected. June had to be very careful- the ranchers knew people wanted their artifacts so they were on high guard. When she made her move, she had to be damn sure she got it right the first time. The university doesn't want anyone being traced back to them obviously, so if she gets caught they will deny any and all association with her. She was usually not that frisky of a person, but here surrounded with giant boners most of the day, June found herself masturbating once each day. On the third day though, she was nearby when someone used the whistle on them again. She semi-hid herself and watched the dogs through a knothole in one of the barn planks as they all yipped giddily and thrust their massive dongs out to erupt all over the place- painting the ground white. June did not even consciously realize she slipped her hand down her skirt and gently pressed in and rubbed just over her clit as she watched. Her clitoral hood actually popped off on its own- her clit hard and standing further than normal, throbbing with need. With a gasp she stopped herself and returned to work. She couldn't get off at this time of the day- even in the bathroom there would be too much of a risk of someone else catching her or at least figuring out what she was doing. She wasn't a pervert, she didn't know why she was this horny!

That night she was in charge of double checking all the locks and making sure no one left any lights on or anything. When she checked on the dogs she seen poor Yu standing on his back paws with his front paws on the side of the sheep pens thrusting toward it, trying to grind himself off on the fence! Yu was a snow white shiba inu. While the sheep needed to be penned in for the night, the dogs were just loose in the barn to wander wherever they wanted, though they did each have a dog bed lined up at the back. June almost reached for the whistle to help the little guy but then glanced over the others and seen he was the only one with a boner to deal with- she wasn't supposed to use the whistle if only a few had one. June smiled as she knelt down beside him, putting a hand on his chest and pushing him back onto all fours to steady him. No one else was up and about so no one would know if she broke the rules on just one dog. June unhitched his collar- allowing Yu the flexibility to deal with his little problem. He immediately started wagging his tail and bowed his head to lick at his shaft. It was so big it almost went half the length of his entire body! June then turned to see Pip approaching her, seeing what was going on. She put a hand down on the floor to bring herself low enough to pat his tiny little head. His chihuahua fur was so ultra fine it almost felt like you were petting a naked dog.

June gasped as she felt something ice cold touch her butt and before she could react Yu jumped onto her! He booped her with his nose, smelling her crotch! She was wearing a skirt, and because she was so aroused earlier, her scent saturated her panties still! She tried to stand up but Yu kept trying to pull himself further forward! He managed to prod at her rump enough to slip his red rocket past her panties- pushing them to the side and penetrated her! June unintentionally cooed at the feeling. He was as big as the human men she had slept with in the past, and her clit never settled back down- she has been horny all day. Her arms buckled from the pleasure and Pip did a little jump, tail now wagging because he thought she was trying to play. Seeing what was going on in the back though, Pip skittered under her, smelling both their crotches.

Because Yu was so much smaller than June he was basically spread eagle over her butt cheeks alone- his reach only far enough to cling on. June trembled and tried to stifle her own moans as Pip licked her crotch through her panties! Their mixed juices were soaking the panties and Pip was lapping it up out of the fabric- which was also rubbing her engorged clit on the other side! It started to bloat and grow even more! It slowly started to inch its way up the inside of the panties, causing the fabric to rub against it even more! She felt something growing in her and starting to push out- but with the bombardment of pleasure from behind, June could not think straight to even guess what was happening. She did not even notice her ears starting to grow longer and pointed, sticking out from her mid length black hair. It did not take long for June to orgasm, dripping onto Pip's face as he happily lapped it up. The involuntary clenching in her vagina however seemed to encourage the movement within. The throbbing pulses fired up her now giant long clit and caused it to pulse even bigger! It swelled large and round a the base, which pulled the panties forward enough that the end of her thick clit now stuck out from the top of her panties by an inch and a half. When her pussy clenched shut however, the outer labia started to fuse together, and with each contraction her vaginal passage shrank! By the time the orgasm finished, Yu was forcefully popped out from lack of room!

Yu had not hit his peak yet however, so he instead went looking for a new hole, penetrating her butt this time! She gasped in shock again at how good it felt- she had never done anal before and did not expect it to feel this good. Both Pip and Yu unintentionally worked together to keep her shivering in pleasure. When Pip licked she pulled back from the intense feeling, causing her to thrust her butt down Yu's shaft. When Yu thrust, she moved forward a bit and Pip once again had a taste. She had another orgasm and her vagina closed entirely- the growing objects within her were forced out from lack of room and popped one after the other into the outer labia which now formed a scrotum- catching the ovaries turned testicles. The bulb at the base of her clit grew still bigger forming a proper knot. Her clitoral hood grew large and thick, gaining a fine layer of fuzz on it as it became a sheath! Yu was approaching his limit and thrusting harder- as his knot popped in he made shallow and quick thrusts as he was no longer able to thrust fully with the knot locking them in place. It did not occur to her that he wasn't endowed enough to tie with her normally. Her clothing was ill fitting now- starting to drape off her a bit because her entire body had become a bit smaller! Yu let out a soft howl in triumph as his knot throbbed huge and he came explosively into her! Between the thick hot spunk and the hard knot, he made June climax as well, stronger than before. Her pussy no longer existed, but the clit still throbbed and pulsed with pleasure, and a huge pressure exploded into its base. The pressure shoved itself higher with each pulse and a bulge grew along the underside of the clit, forcefully forming a urethra as the liquid tried to escape! When it got to the the end the rounded blunt end started to pull in, forming a dish as the bulge pressed further up into a rounded point before the passage finally broke through to the surface forming the opening and she erupted cum into Pip's open mouth!

Once the onslaught of pleasure ended, June quickly tried to scramble away and figure out what was going on, but Yu went with her- tied to her butt. She could still pop off without too much effort but did not want to accidentally hurt Yu. She went to grab at her own pussy because she was still extremely horny for some reason and only then did June notice she was now a He- there was no pussy there to tend to! She had a full set of male dog genitals! In a horny panic she grabbed the shaft and trembled at the feeling of the newly grown organ- very sensitive since it has basically never been touched before. Maybe if he got rid of his horniness it would go away? June could get rid of the dog cum and then maybe turn back?

"Oooh... I am not supposed to be a boy! What did you two do to me??"

He pistoned his shaft, feeling a spike of pleasure every time the bottom of his hand bopped the knot. June was concentrating on the pleasure, trying to think sexy thoughts to bring himself to orgasm as quickly as possible- so he did not notice his fingernails thickening and turning dark. His teeth started to get a bit more narrow and sharp, and his tail bone started to grow longer and wiggle involuntarily. He was approaching climax again easily enough, but then Yu finally softened enough to yank free, and his knot popping out immediately sent June over the edge and he came all over the floor- this time Pip just watching outside the splash zone. June felt dizzy a moment to the point where he blacked out for a minute. While he was unconscious his changes quickly reversed, turning her back into a human woman! When June woke up to see her masturbation worked in undoing the changes, she quickly scurried back to the farm house to have a shower, change her clothes and go to sleep as soon as possible and try to forget what had happened. Was it some sort of side effect of the magic that made those dogs super endowed? She wasn't going to ask- because that would immediately tell everyone what she had done. They might not even know in the first place- what are the odds they fucked their own dogs to find out?

The next day she woke up quite groggy from all the action the night before. June got into the shower again, hoping a cool shower would help wake her up. She was already naked and one foot into the shower when she gasped and noticed her clit was still huge! It was just a normal clit, but it could not fit inside its own hoodie. She prodded it a bit with her finger- it felt soft and only after touching it a bit did it start to stiffen. So it wasn't arousal that made it big- which means now that it was waking up, it got bigger. It stuck out like a fat red thorn, about an inch off of her when it fully engorged. Did it get stretched out because of that bizarre encounter yesterday? Was it like this forever now? Masturbating the day before reverted the changes- maybe there was still something left inside of her? Maybe it was as simple as getting herself off again and then she would be totally normal. So she spread her fingers and caught the engorged clit between her middle and ring finger, and dunked her fingers into her pussy while rubbing against the huge clit. It started to grow again however, slowly taking back the appearance of a canine phallus! She could feel her ovaries swelling into testicles again inside of her as her genitals shifted! This time she was able to see her nails as they started to turn into blunt black claws! Her toenails did the same. She angled her hips forward so the water streams against the growing shaft would help stimulate it. This time her teeth advanced almost entirely into fangs, and her nose kept twitching from the feeling of it shifting as the end turned black and cool. The coloration started to advance down, turning her lips glossy black as well. Her tongue started to spread out, getting thinner but also longer and more broad in her mouth. June once again fully shifted from female to male, trying to get himself off. He felt his tail forming as its movement flicked water droplets off over and over. This is even worse than last time!

He realized it was probably the water- the cool water was preventing him from going over the edge. June went to reach for the tap but his hands locked up, cramping when he tried to spread his fingers to grasp it! His eyes went wide as he could see the muscle squirming in his hand as the structure started to change! He felt a wave of dizziness take him a moment as his entire body shrank a little bit. He reached down with both hands frantically trying to grasp the tap between them if his fingers would not listen, but his feet were shifting too, and against the wet bath floor he slipped a bit. Instead of turning the cold water down he turned it completely off and yelped as the water became scalding and made him jump completely out of the shower! June crouched by the still running shower to try and masturbate again but his hands were still locked up and shifting! Spotting the towel he gathered it up between both his hands and held it over his cock and started thrusting into it! He groaned as the dizziness hit again and he shrank a bit more. His hands and feet started to make strained cracking sounds as their shape changed and they stretched out! His fingers starting to fatten up and shorten as the hand itself became longer. He was trying to visualize sexy things but could not get his mind on it, he kept randomly thinking of the night before. Then of dogs in general, and then he pictured a canine vagina and came almost immediately after! Dizziness hit again, but this time much stronger causing him to black out for a minute. While he slept all the changes reversed, restoring her to a proper woman again. Except her clit remained very large, her nails were a bit more narrow than normal, her ears a bit more pointed than normal, and her vagina a bit smaller than it should be.

When she woke up she finished her shower and had to get another towel- trying to rinse the cum out of the old one before tossing it in the laundry so hopefully no one knew what she did with it. The ranch was planning to expand a bit, since business was doing so well from people buying a romp for their dogs with one of the ranch's magic studs. In preparation they hired two more newcomers, so hopefully that would allow June to blend into the woodwork a bit more to try and figure out more about the magic artifacts. So far she had only seen the whistle- there was three or four artifacts confirmed on the ranch somewhere. And now she had to learn about them for personal reasons! Her body was slightly deformed because of something with those dogs. June still had to do her job of course, or she would be found out. She had a real fun task today- on their walk yesterday the gold and black labs; Ore and Jet decided they needed to pee on every burdock on the entire path. Also known as a burr bush- burrs were the inspiration behind the invention of Velcro, so as you can imagine their dog clothes were now absolutely covered in burrs. June had to pick the burrs and their millions of hooked thorns out by hand before they could be put into the wash- otherwise it would just stick to ALL the clothes. She was just sitting at the back of the barn with her back against the sheep pens, so June wasn't visible from the outside.

May came by to check on the dogs, and found Yu trying to mount Jet who was laying down with his tail wagging- not helping but clearly not objecting either. May quickly pulled Yu away, chastising him trying to get off, off schedule. Seeing Barrus and Pip also had their mega dongs bobbing in the open, she grabbed down the whistle to release them all. June was oblivious to any of this going on, just like she was unseen by any of them. She was surprised by the shrill sound though, and then the immediate spike of pleasure from her crotch! She could hear the dog whistle! It wasn't nearly inaudible like before- she did not have to concentrate to detect it, she could fully hear it! It felt like she went from perfectly calm to already having an orgasm! Pleasure surged from her clit as it VERY quickly grew in size! The pleasure pulsed through her entire body as she quickly started to turn dog again! It was happening to fast and with such blinding pleasure she could not even stand up in time before her legs and feet started to change and caused her to just roll around on the floor. June once again became male, but the changes kept coming! The dogs that were aroused already exploded, then the dogs that were calm started to orgasm. June scrambled onto all fours to see his hand against the floor- now fully a paw! It was starting to grow a white fuzz on his short, fat digits! His clothing did not fit right as he shrank down, though not too much, so they did not fall off on their own either. The fur started to grow quicker on his back and tail, becoming bushier there. The other dogs had gotten off and May hung the whistle back up, but the pleasure remained in June. Not as strong, but it continued to pulse for some time after, fading a bit each time but slower than he would have liked.

June groaned as he sat on the floor and tried to grab his penis between his two front paws and get off between the now plush black pads on his fingers. The knot shrank as the forced pleasure faded though. The shaft would not stay fully hard, and the moment he paused touching it, it started to return to the sheath that had been his clitoral hood. Oh no... he already got off a very short time earlier! He isn't horny so he cannot climax- but if he doesn't climax, he can't turn back human! He scrambled onto all fours as his back started to pop and shift- his torso becoming a bit longer, but not too much. When it finished though, his hips popped loudly and yanked inward, becoming deep but narrow- also preventing him from walking on two legs! The fuzz on his limbs grew thick into fur, then met the fur spreading across his torso. His breasts shrank quickly as the fur touched the edges and then quickly grew over them. Since he was turning into a male dog even his nipples flattened away.

*F-fuuuck! I can't stop it! Does this happen every time I become horny now?! And why could I hear the whistle when I was fully human?! Oh- oh gods I can... feel it in my neeeeck, aaargh*

He moaned and groaned repeatedly, his feminine voice very quickly deepened and became rough and scratchy as he lost his ability to speak human words. June's neck got a little big longer but vanished in the fluffy fur that took it and consumed the sides of his head as well- so bushy on the sides that you could barely notice his human hair remained. While most of his fur grew in white, most of his backside was black, so it matched his medium length hair. His ears started to migrate further up his head as his skull reformed! He grumbled and whimpered in desperation as his vision vibrated and distorted from the changes. His face pushed further and further out- the fur spreading along with it as if to cement the change. As the fur encased his entire face, his eyebrows remained where they were and just inverted in color- turning into snow white circles over his eyes. June let out a long, strange sounding groan in frustration now that the feeling was going away- because now the end of the sensations meant he ran out of humanity.

Pip quickly appeared, having heard June's groaning and walked up to lick his face and make him feel better. He did not seem the least bit surprised that there was another dog there instead of a human- but then the little guy likely did not have the mental capacity to know anything is amiss. June had no idea what to do. He thought if he came again he would revert, but that would mean waiting some time before his body recharged enough to be able to cum again. He thought maybe he could hide in his room in the farm house since he could lock the door, but as he stood up June only took a single step before all the reasons that won't work started to pop into his head. How does he get to the house and all the way upstairs without anyone noticing? How does he close or lock a door without hands? Can he even reach that high with his paws?! In a flash of worry he quickly scrambled around, deliberately stomping on his clothes with his front paws to squirm out of them. If someone seen a dog wearing June's clothing they would know something is wrong immediately. He slowly walked out to the front of the barn to where the other dogs were, with Pip following close behind, smelling his butt, trying to identify the new friend. June couldn't try to get the others to mount him either, because they all got off already from the whistle.

June was startled when one of the new recruits walked up to address the dogs! He was talking enthusiastically about a walk, and all the other dogs started to wag their tails. Because they are hyper endowed, taking them for a walk after using the whistle was the only really safe time- otherwise whoever is unfortunate enough to be walking them will be fighting the strength of fifteen horny dogs trying to rip free and mount anything that moves. June calmed down a bit when he realized both people walking the dogs were new recruits- they did not realize June was not supposed to be there, they thought he was just another of the normal dogs. However, he still could not get away. They walk ALL the dogs together, and if he resisted it would only draw attention, he had no choice but let them collar and leash him! June was going to be walked like a dog!

It was embarrassing enough that he was a boy now, but also a beast, and now walking around in public in the nude! He was blushing furiously, not that you could see it under his fur. June was a blue-eyed husky, which is why he only shrank a bit from his human form- husky are pretty darn big. Barrus was still by far the largest. The best June could do for himself was to stay at the middle of the pack. There was two people walking the dogs- seven leashes per hand for them, you better believe there was magic enchantments on those leashes or the dogs would be walking the humans. June had to try to squirm his way out of the crowd when it came to a bench, trash can, or fire hydrant as they all gathered and tried to pee on it at the same time- completely irregardless of everyone else, so if June didn't move out of the way, they would pee on him. He glanced at the handlers each time to make sure they did not notice one of the dogs had no interest in marking his territory. There was a few people the handlers had to deal with- people seeing and recognizing the super endowed dogs and wanting to let their regular doggos see. It was in moments like that, that June noticed Barrus was herding them. He was body-blocking the rowdier dogs to keep them in line. That was oddly intelligent. There was an especially embarrassing moment when someone without a dog came up as they were exiting the park to look them over- claiming to be a potential customer, wanting to see the 'goods'. He immediately spotted and pointed out June's chub! June did not even turn to look toward him, he froze in place in embarrassment. He had the first third of his shaft sort of lazily peeking, because he was a woman at heart and surrounded by overly large bobbing dog balls and fat sheaths- and since he was now on all fours with them his eye level was right there! He did not belong with them though- his endowments were normal for a husky which made him seem tiny in comparison. The handlers did not have an answer for the man- they did not know most of the dogs yet, which was the only reason June was pulling this off.

At least by the time they returned June knew he could try to cum again. But here was the problem... he now wore a collar that prevented him from masturbating. He tried to look for an opening to maybe try to rub up against something or somehow convince one of the other dogs to mount but the handlers kept glancing to him forcing him to back off. If they got caught the humans would stop them, because they are only supposed to cum to the whistle. Ore the golden retriever came up to him, nipping at June a few times playful, dipping his upper body and wagging his tail. June rolled his eyes and turned his head. Not now Ore, he needed to think of a plan. But Ore kept nipping at him playfully and then dashing back a pace when June turned at him a bit annoyed. Then he spotted Barrus nearby as he motioned toward the back- in the direction Ore kept dashing back toward. Wait... were they directing June?! Now he was wondering if their endowments were not the only thing that was modified with magic. Ore lead him to the very back, a small area behind the supply crates where a crate had been removed from the back first for some reason- creating a hidden nook. It had a bed of scrap paper and torn socks- likely Pip's doing. Ore then turned his rump to June, bowing his front legs to presenting himself. He... wanted June to mount him? June never had sex like that before, and wasn't even sure if he knew how entirely. He needed to return human though and was short on openings. Ore's own half chub wobbled back and forth, his balls jostling around from the force of his wagging tail. They were not supposed to use each other to get off, but it seems the dogs have been secretly outsmarting the humans.

*Do I really have to...? Oh, whatever, I need to be human. And I am horny again...* He hopped up and slid in easily. *Oooh, feels good.*

Ore met June's thrusts, rocking back against his crotch. June could feel something hard and throbbing inside? Was that his prostate? Jeeze, their entire reproductive system was big. June's brain started to turn off, nothing but pleasure and thrusting to concentrate on there was no reason to think. His thoughts wandered to canine pussy, sweet musky smells. Pretty dogs with glossy soft fur, playful yips. His brows furrowed as he partially snapped out of it when his orgasm approached like a freight train. What on earth was he thinking about?! He was going to pull back to thrust in a few more times and realized he was already tied. Remembering how Yu used quick shallow thrusts before, June did the same and exploded into Ore! Or, at least it felt like he did. It actually was relatively small ejaculation- especially compared to the over-endowment Ore had- which climaxed so hard you could hear each stream of cum splatter against the ground under him! Ore collapsed, breathing hard under him and June was draped limp over him as well. June could tell his tail was still trying to wag- it was vibrating against his side. Again, June blacked out for only a minute and woke up a human woman! She woke up a bit of a confusion, remembering the collar still on her- now on her human throat it was broad enough that it prevented her head from looking straight, holding it up from lack of room. Luckily with human hands again, she could just remove it from herself.

June got off Ore who was pinned under her weight. He turned around and licked her face as she was getting up and then pranced off again. June groaned as she looked down at herself and seen her huge clit. It was as big now soft as it had been erect before- which means it was even bigger in her human form. When she pushed herself up off the floor though, her heart also skipped a beat as she realized her fingernails were long, thick and grey- halfway between nail and claw! There was faintly grey patches on the skin of her fingers too, and her tail bone was longer than normal. She felt over her entire body trying to find everything wrong. Her tongue was a bit oddly shaped and her teeth sharper than they should be- and her ears were pointed as well. Her vagina had shrunk again too- she would only be able to take medium or small dicks now. Did she spend too long as a dog?! No... last time she did not totally revert properly either. Every time she starts to change it seems to have a harder time turning her back when she finally cums. June needed to figure this magic out fast, or just steal the artifacts and run for it. She still did not know where or what the other artifacts even were though. And right now she just scrambled over to where she left her clothing- staying behind all the junk in storage to remain out of sight and then dressed herself and went back into the house to recover herself. She was so tuckered out from the experience she fell asleep without meaning to.

Her dreams were strange visions- a jumble of memories. Recalling moments from her life except in the dream she was a male dog during the memory! Then she also had a dream like her walk earlier in the day, except she was fully human still being walked on the leash. June was finally woken up in the early evening by one of the handlers shouting to call all the dogs together. June groaned as she rubbed the sleep from her eyes and rolled into a sitting position at the side of the bed, looking at the window but not at an angle to be able to see the barn. Her panties were tented by her huge fat clit. In an instant her entire body seized up in pleasure and her clit surged in size! She could hear the dog whistle! It sounded just as loud and clearly as it had earlier- which means she can hear it better than ever, because she was upstairs in the farm house, like thirty yards away from where the whistle is! Her body rapidly started to transform back into a male dog! She stumbled from the edge of the bed and grabbed onto the window sill to steady herself.

"F-fuuuuck. Oooh gods it feels so gooood. Hnggh~ s-so go-ooooh- oood." She watched the dogs down below erupt one after another, staggered streams of white firing into the air and splashing down on the ground. "M-more.... just... a b-b-b-ihaahit.... more... aaaah!"

She came explosively against the wall under the window! The changes immediately stopped and reversed without having turned her into a full dog in the first place. Her tongue however was bigger and her tail large enough to now host a layer of short fur! The joints in her hands and feet were stiff and clicked occasionally when she used them because the bones did not quite sit correctly, but outwardly they still looked like normal hands- well, except the claws. June drank some water from the bathroom tap so she would not have to go downstairs and risk someone spotting her in this state and then flopped right back into bed. All she could think about right now is maybe it needs time to reset. Maybe if she just goes to sleep it will get better by morning. There was no point trying to find the other relics in the night- any sounds she makes will be more noticeable and they are hidden away somewhere. The only way she is going to find them is by following someone else going to get them. Either from sleeping before though, or simply the state of her body- June could not go back to sleep. She spent several hours tossing and turning, trying to get comfortable. Her body was hot and she can't sleep on the warm part of the bed. Her huge clit kept catching and dragging on the sheets causing her to yelp in surprise from the shock of unwanted pleasure. It was almost worse than a penis because at least with a canine penis there is a sheath to house it and a small bone to help direct it- as a clit it was too huge to fit into its hood so it was just out and all over the place.

She tried to roll onto her back to avoid it squeezing between herself and the mattress. After a short while she caught herself thrusting up into the sheets over her and grabbed the engorged clit in surprise. It felt like she was sliding her hand down it, but it was the other way around- her clit was growing up through her hand! It throbbed fatter and grew longer as her vagina involuntarily clenched and started to shrink closed! Her teeth started to sharpen and she quickly got up. She needed to get mounted by one of the dogs to get off, quick! Her hands and feet were already clicking so she knew trying to stay inside and masturbate was going to fail. June stumbled several times and had to grab onto something to steady herself as she snuck downstairs on feet quickly devolving into paws. By the time she got out the front door June was hunched over rather far, no longer able to stand up straight and skittering unstable on full paws. Her clit now a penis and almost full size- it just into the front of her skirt. He did not put on panties, knowing it would not fit properly. When he burst into the barn all the dogs yipped in surprise and even June smiled a bit as he walked in on a canine orgy! They had been breaking the rules to get off whenever they want when the humans turn their backs. Seeing June's throbbing red phallus again though, several of the dogs broke off to go help him with his problem.

Ore and Jet came over and rolled onto their backs, showing off their own dicks nearly twice as big each as June's. June slipped her skirt off right away. The two retrievers were butt to butt, so June climbed and squat over them, pushing both dicks to face upward and slowly sat on them! The two shafts were side by side, so June got penetrated by both at the same time! He had to go slow as they were large, so two at once was a bit much- but that also presumably meant he would cum faster and turn back. June rocked back and forth, feeling one shaft then the other slide a bit out and then in, also rubbing on one another inside of him. His limbs and tail were almost entirely turned, now his body grew hair and his breasts shrank away, causing his shirt to fall loose on his torso- at least till his fur grew long enough to fill it again. June let out a very unfeminine moan and fell forward in surprise as Pip snuck up and swallowed his penis! A dog blowjob? June would have been afraid of all the fangs, but he seemed to be doing just fine. Pip's mouth was pretty tiny but his tongue was still really big for him, so he made good use of it. June still had two dicks in his butt, and now his own being sucked on by a tiny dog. June glanced ahead; back toward the front of the barn, and for a moment could see nothing but a wall of red. As his eyes focused his mouth started to hang open.

Barrus' erection looked like a traffic cone sitting on a basketball. Any customers that wanted a sample of ol' Barrus needed to go the artificial insemination route because there is no living breed of canine that would not die from internal bleeding from attempting to take that monumental cock. June's mouth opened slowly just from shock. He started to groan as the mouth stretched larger- more sharp teeth forming to fill the growing space and his voice distorted back to that of a dog. Colors started to fade as smells became amplified many times over- dogs are mostly color blind. June drooled a bit, at first his mouth watering at the sight of the mega dick, but once his mouth started to reshape it made it really hard to hold the moisture in his mouth. Barrus stepped forward as June's face stretched out and slowly slid the shaft in past his black lips. June tried his best to take it all, but even after having his head fully turn dog, his mouth still wasn't big enough to take the entire shaft, never mind the knot. No ones mouth was that big! The hot smooth, ultra taught skin of Barrus' shaft throbbed in his mouth as he sucked. When June got as far down the shaft as possible he could almost touch Barrus' knot with his tongue. With all the stimulation, June did not hold out long and came first into Pip's mouth. June unintentionally gripped Barrus' shaft tighter from the involuntary muscle spasms from all the pleasure- causing Barrus to cum second. June had to swallow fast- so much shaft stretched his mouth open so wide there was no room for the cum to escape so it was swallow or drown. He was barely conscious as the cum fired into him and he reverted to human. The increase in body weight as he returned human pressed on Ore and Jet's crotches and caused them to both cum together, last.

Barrus slid off and bent over to clean himself off fully before his giant pillar returned to the sheath. June slowly popped off the two retrievers, recovering from her dizziness slowly. He looked himself over and his heart tightened in worry. He blacked out momentarily before when reverting- this time he came close to blacking out but remained conscious. He still had a penis! He still had balls too- but they shrank to the size of grapes. He still had a full sized tail, the fur just became shorter. The fur on most of his body was gone but he still had paws instead of hands and feet. His breasts returned but only B cups instead of the Ds he was supposed to have. His face and head returned to normal but he still had full though naked dog ears, and his lips and the end of his nose were still glossy black.

June flopped over and let out a very animal whimper. "Noo... why arr I stirrr drrg?" He glanced over to the rack of equipment but noticed the whistle was missing. "Why thrrs happrrn in thrr first prace?"

Yu seen June moping and came over to cheer him up, climbing over the overturned half-husky man to lick his face. Yu did not get off yet like the others though- so his bobbing erection unintentionally rubbed on June's which had not completely softened yet. The feeling of the two red rockets rubbing caused June to buck a little, rubbing them together more.

"Maybrr ARK... arr just nrrd to get off more?" He started to thrust more and Yu held still to brace his phallus against it. "Yrrs, a bit murr. Rark! Yu grrd boy..." They both let out a slight grunt as their knots caught on one another's and popped over and around.

There was a faint high tone sound in the air and all of the dogs' ears perked up, and Yu and June especially flinched at a powerful tingle of pleasure washed over them! June lay his head down on the ground to look upside down to the front of the barn and his heart jumped as he seen May standing there smiling, with the whistle in her hand!

"We don't have a husky yet. Thought you could pull a fast one on us, huh? You are not the first spy the arcane university sent, June."

"Wrr?! Hrrr row.... h-hrow did yrr?"

"You left your clothes in the barn yesterday- the dorm room key to your place at the university was on your key-chain with the arcane university emblem on it. You see, it seems some people have the ability to hear the whistle even though normally only the dogs can, but the spell was only really meant for dogs- so if a non dog hears it a little bit, they become a dog a little bit. But the more dog you are, the more clearly you can hear it."

"Arr don't know w-ARK... what yrr have agrrnst the univrrrsrrty, but arr nrrd hrrp!"

"Don't have to play dumb June. Like I said, you are not the first they sent. We already know you were sent here to try and steal the relics. I mean, there is four others from the university here right now."

June's eyes flashed in surprise, looking around the room but not seeing anyone else. Then his heart started to tighten in worry again when he remembered the unusual signs of intellect from the dogs. Oh no.

May shrugged. "There are no dogs on this ranch. The pack is made up of all the people who tried to take what isn't theirs. This land was passed down through our family, and the relics were dug up from this land- they belong to us. They are from our ancestors, not yours." She chuckled at June's surprise. "Because the university teaches you to heighten your senses to be able to detect radiant mana levels, it seems everyone they have sent so far has keen enough hearing that they can hear the whistle. We are just country folk so we don't hear a damn thing- so it does nothing to us."

May seen the two dicks twitching against each other and blew a short tune in the whistle. June went rock hard, and the penis of all the other dogs started to reemerge. Yu on the other hand trembled and burst, unintentionally spraying cum all over June below him! Embarrassed, Yu backed up off of June.

While June was distracted trying to wipe the cum off his face with his paws, May walked up and reached down to him. May very gently grabbed his erect penis, confusing him for a moment. There was an odd feeling tingling into him and the veins in his shaft bloated and throbbed hard for a moment, pulsing backwards up through his taint. June squirmed, not sure what was going on but then spotted a glowing gemstone! May wore another relic- a ring! June tried to pull his dick out but May only tightened her grip.

"This ring imbues the curse of pleasure. It works on anything, not just dogs. It is very good for subduing a threat without violence. It's effects are very... distracting." June and May both watched as the shaft started to pulse more powerfully, trembling a bit each time. She slowly let go of the phallus as it began to grow. "Now you can really be just like the others."

"NO! S-strrrp...ah~!" June scrambled to get to his feet but the pleasure pulses robbed his limbs of their strength, so the best he could do was get into a sitting position. "Errrts gettrrn wrrrrs, rark!"

He felt his entire body trying to become more dog again, and tried to fight it the best he could- which was better than usual thanks to the fear of the situation working against any arousal. The feeling did not stop but the changes did not continue- it was at a stalemate. May crouched down in front of June, watching his body twitch and his facial expression scrunch up with effort trying to resist.

"Aww, you look like something is wrong, little guy. Maybe if you are good I will consider letting you go eventually." May leaned in a bit closer, holding the whistle up. "Tell me- what does it sound like? You can hear it, so what does the whistle sound like?"

"Ert...ert sounds..." He groaned and his dick wobbled on its own several times as a trail of pre traced down the shaft on either side, making it nice and shiny. "Grrrd... ert sounds s-sooo..." A few more throbs, and the shaft grew a little. "Grrrrrrrd... er... RARK! " The penis jumped and spat a thick blob of pre into the air.

His balls returned to proper size and his shaft grew a bit bigger again. Fur started growing on his back and his breasts tightened ready to shrink back.

May blew on the whistle from several inches away, so the sound was quiet. "Did it sound like this?" All the dogs became stiff from the pleasure firing through them in rapid fire pulses, all of their dicks started to jump and dribble. Even Yu was returning to erection even though he just came! "Does this... sound good to you?" May continued to blow at the whistle rather than into it- her breath catching on the mouth piece just enough to still make sound.

June's hips reshaped forcing him to lift his butt up slightly and he involuntarily started to make shallow thrusts. His breasts were quickly vanishing and the fur spreading, his neck reshaped preventing him from talking properly. His balls started to get bigger than when fully transformed- his dick already a good bit larger than it was supposed to be able to get! The curse of pleasure is what made the dogs all hyper endowed! It put them at the mercy of their own cocks! They were too consistently horny to try and plot revenge against the ranchers or put together elaborate escape plans. The larger the dicks grew the more in charge their phallus's got, and the less in charge the actual dog became. June tried to think unsexy thoughts but even then it was barely slowing the changes down thanks to the electric jolts of pleasure the whistle forced into him! His body was practically vibrating along with the sound. Even several seconds after the sound stopped the pleasure was slow to fade, so it never had a chance to completely stop between her blows even though May was deliberately going slow to taunt June. June's face started to push outward, stretching out the last bit of his human side so no one would recognize him to be able to save him. If and when the university sent another spy; just like June, they will not be able to tell that the dogs used to all be people!

May watched June's expressions closely as his human face deformed into a dogs. His dick was wobbling along with his heart beat, but also shook each time there was a throb of pleasure and spat a bit more pre, coating the shaft and knot before pooling on the top of the scrotum and overflowing onto the ground. Even with his butt raised a bit off the ground, his balls were fully resting against it- now at least twice their former maximum size! May slowly put her lips onto the whistle, never breaking eye contact with June. She gave a quick but sharp toot on the whistle and two dogs hit climax, all the others bowed down and bucked their hips up as their dicks shook and throbbed in time together, splattering the floor with doggy pre. June fell forward fully onto all four as well, almost hitting May with the length of the stream of pre that jumped out! His dick slapped his now fully furry chest as his face finished crunching outward into a proper dog head, but then his dick slapped the floor before bobbing back up! June looked down to see how large it was to be able to slap the floor while fully standing on all fours and whimpered at the sight! He could see the tip by looking straight down! It was so huge its length surpassed his front legs! June went back into a sitting position right away as if to somehow distance himself from the angrily throbbing phallus but of course it followed him, now bobbing straight up. There was a pool of pre that collected in the pit at the end just below the urethral point.

May knelt down a bit more. "My... what a big endowment you have. The better to experience pleasure with, right my dear?" She smiled at the dazed and worry filled expression in June's eyes- he could not look away from the giant cock threatening to be even bigger. "It looks so good, doesn't it?" May put her hand gently on the knot- as big as two softballs pressed together- and gently rubbed around the curve. "Don't you just want to... give it a taste?"

With a single finger May pressed the shaft toward June, pressing the tip against his mouth. He did not open it, but the pool of pre spilled down his chin making him lick it off. But tasting the salty lube, he then licked it off the shaft and May pressed a little harder forward and the tip entered his mouth. He sucked a bit and the pleasure made him thrust involuntarily, sinking more dick into his mouth. His eyes went wide, surprised by his own actions but his body seemed to go into auto pilot and before he knew it he flopped over onto his side with half his own cock stuffed in his mouth as he was humping his own face! May stood up with a nod and turned her back to the dogs before blowing fully into the whistle. Several of them came so hard they howled their pleasure as the floor was once again painted white. June exploded into his own mouth, swallowing frantically as the gigantic dick throbbed powerfully in obedience of the whistle.

"That's it- accept it. Drink it in- that is you now June." May placed the whistle back on the shelf- too high up for even Barrus to be able to reach on his hind legs. "Instead of stealing our relics, you gave us a new dog. Now, the spell isn't permanent of course. I can undo the curse of pleasure using the ring on you again, if you want?" She leaned toward them again. "Do... you want me to take it off?"

"RAR, raroo h-hark, ruh..."

"Excuse me? Run that by me again?"

"Ruff... rur....hrrrnnn...." June lowered his ears and whined, realizing May was just taunting him again. He could not speak to be able to ask her to remove it.

May smiled. "As for the transformation, it runs out when the horniness does, but acting and thinking like a dog causes the transformation to progress beyond its normal 'complete' state, so when you turn back after there are still residual traces. Those go away eventually too, they just take a bit longer. You've done it so many times in a row though, that even after the spell cleared you are still 100% dog. But again- temporary. Just don't get too horny in the meantime and you should turn back in about a days time. If you do get off in that form again before it reverts though I would expect it would add another day to your sentence." May glanced at the whistle on the shelf, then back to June and smiled wickedly. "Welcome to the pack, would-be-thief."

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