Nest Egg

Story by iplank on SoFurry

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Alannah has made a great new friend who happens to be a very powerful dragon in human guise, but Alannah has a habit of pushing her boundaries so when she finds out the details on a curse Lizabeth has, she can't leave it be.

Alannah woke slowly. It was a day off, and as much as she would like to do as many fun things as possible today...the soft, cool sheets and bouncy pillows seemed mighty 'fun' already. Her house was fairly big, and ludicrously posh given her income. It was a good thing she never gave the government a reason to question it or it would be glaringly obvious she shouldn't be able to afford the place.

Her hooves clicked on the floor lightly, still clad in ornate golden filigree shoes. The shoes kept the segments together, but her hooves were uniquely comprised of three independent sections. They were dainty little things but for as small and narrow as her hooves and legs were- they were also very sturdy. She had very fine brown hair on her feet above the hooves but it faded away at her ankle to skin of the same shade, and then dappled back to her pale rose hue skin on her thighs. She was a normal human at work, but was...trying a new look on her days off.

Alannah was still only able to open her eyes half way, looking at her reflection hazily past heavy lids. She brushed her dark blood red hair slowly, grumbling to herself every time the brush clacked against her horns. Sand colored and ribbed, the horns were more wide than thick and started on her forehead just in front of her temples, and followed the curve of her head to the back, about an inch off it. She thought it looked really cool at first, but it made keeping her hair proper exponentially more difficult.

She wore nothing around the house but tossed a semi transparent sheet around herself from the bed and dawned it like a cloak. She loved the clicking of her hooves on the polished floor, it was a pleasant sound. She was tall but lean which gave her a beanstalk figure before she started tampering with it. The first change she had made was the pert handful-sized breasts...under her other breasts she had fattened from B cups to DD. The second pair even had their own constellations of freckles on them like the originals! The windows were closed obviously to hide her lazy nudity, but the place was still well lit from the sunroof and blue sky beyond. The gentle breathing of her friend gave her a smile as Alannah glanced her way. Lizabeth was asleep on the couch, having passed out watching television early in the morning. Alannah dashed into the kitchen to start working on a breakfast. She had plenty of time. Alannah just woke up, but Lizabeth was a night person- she would not wake for many hours.

Liz woke up as the sky started to darken, and the remaining light turned colors and compressed against the horizon. She was quick to spot what woke her- Alannah's hand reaching slowly for her staff leaned up against the couch.


Alannah's heart skipped a beat as she recoiled. "Ah! So you're awake finally." Lizabeth did not move or open her eyes. "Slow waking up, eh?"

Liz groaned, rolling over just enough to let her arm fall off the side to grab her staff. "You're one to talk, stringbean."

After a long minute of silence Liz was done guessing what the smell in the air was and sat up to actually look around. She seen Alannah sitting on the arm of the couch looking back at her immediately but avoided eye contact and looked around the room more first, to avoid the mischievous smile. Lizabeth wore a simple white sweater and lean blue jeans. Her hair was very noticeable from some distance away- mostly because it trailed some distance away. Her hair was longer than she is tall, being at least seven feet long, a shimmering deep earthen brown. Her eyes were also quite the sight- they were semi-reflective pink, making the already vibrantly colored iris appear to glow when the light hit them, and also allowed her to see in utter darkness. Her staff was as tall as her, with a broad broken end at the top and a pointed end at the bottom, it was pitch black and had the texture of sandpaper. She never let anyone touch it.

As soon as Lizabeth looked to her finally, Alannah was quick to start talking. "So! I was waiting for you to wake up because I wanted to ask about your sister's curse. I know you told me a bit before, but..."

Liz sighed, going over the tale in a bit more detail. Long ago she and her sister lived in a place called Pieright which was near where they had been born. When humans settled there, her little sister became a foodie, snatching up whatever unique food she could find- determined to sample all foods. While she did no serious harm, Lizabeth was frustrated with her taking from the much weaker humans and never giving back. Seeing her nagging was falling on deaf ears, Lizabeth cast a curse on her little sister half from frustration and half from desperation. The curse forced her little sister to give back to the people, as on the day of their harvest festival every year, anything she ate was instantly converted to fat. The farther into the day it got, and the more she ate the stronger the effect became. It stopped when she finally gave up on trying to eat more, and then it converted all the added fat into pure gold- something the people of Pieright could make a fortune on, but had no use at all to the little sister.

Alannah nodded enthusiastically. "Yea but...why did you get cursed too? I know you said it was karma for cursing your sister...but, why? You did it with good intentions."

Liz glanced at her staff, seeing the faint glittering of runic arrays only she could see. "Magic follows its own conservation of mass- same as the rest of the universe. Think of most magic as using your will power to shape intangible energy into something. The energy is everywhere but so dispersed you cannot detect it- then apply your will power which thanks to your physical brain does have a shape- now you've given that energy a shape and purpose. But you are still taking something to convert, it doesn't just poof things into existence. All curses have a built in karma system so that whatever you do to someone, you must also suffer. Sometimes worse. There would be backlash from the energy taken up to use it regardless, but the runic arrays to help cast them were long ago modified to predetermine what the backlash is, as a form of karma. I knew this before casting it. My curse is almost identical to hers with only slight difference."

Alannah motioned to her multiple breasts. "But you can fold reality now. Why don't you just take your body from a universe where you didn't get cursed and fold it into this universe?"

Liz grinned a moment at her naivety and bopped her on the head with her staff. "Conservation of mass. I could do that, sure. But then what? My sister is linked to this too, what if she gets removed from existence, or we switch bodies? There will be repercussions and unlike magic, I am the only one able to tap fully into the multiverse so there are no set rules, no way to know just what the consequences will be." She grabbed one of Alannah's horns and wiggled her head back and forth with it. "Like how the larger your horns got the harder it is for you to think. I can do almost anything, but I keep it small and reverse it if I am done with the effects, so the backlash is negligible."

Liz started to do stretches to fully wake herself up while Alannah slipped away to the nearby kitchen, returning to Lizabeth with a small platter. A very large cold ruby skinned apple, cut into ten slices drizzled with hot caramel, with a small but rich flower bud made of solid dark chocolate in the middle. Alannah explained that the ruby apples of Meridian Forest were her little sisters' favorite item at the Pieright harvest festival. Having been poking around out of curiosity she learned of the apple and managed to obtain one when it was still a bit emerald. It did look and smell delicious, so Liz thanked her, but was then also given a rather large wine glass. Excitedly, Alannah told her it was a hard to get pale wine made from the very same apples called Pieright White Ruby. She held out her own glass for a cheers. Liz sighed at her energy and decided to play along. Yes, she had no doubt Alannah went through some trouble getting this ready, and wanted to enjoy it with Lizabeth. Liz was also sure in all this research Alannah knew today was the harvest festival in Pieright- which meant Liz's curse was active. It was late in the evening since the sun was burning out and it was summer, which meant the curse was at its strongest, and alcohol was a heavy hitter.

The wine was a sweet and mild flavor, though Liz could tell from a single sip it was also quite potent in its alcoholic content. Alannah would get drunk long before Lizabeth did however- her constitution was many times over what any human could manage. The apple platter was something else. The caramel gave off a warm, sweet scent while the apple was a refreshing, tart scent. When she bit into it the textures were also a perfect contrast. The slices had been refrigerated till serving so they were still cool and firm while the caramel was hot and gooey. The apple, unlike the wine made from them was quite powerful in taste and quite sour, electrifying her taste buds with each bite. Liz took her time with the chocolate flower bud, opting to gently suck on it rather than bite. When Liz finished she shivered slightly as a wave of warm tingles washed over her and she closed her eyes and relaxed while Alannah gawked at her in curiosity.

Unlike her little sisters, Lizabeth's curse happened all at once whenever she stopped eating, which meant no fat gaining middle stage. Her stomach just started to press out a bit when her breasts were already gaining in weight, and turning from tear-shape to something more round. The sweater fit her well and betrayed no flesh before, but as her breasts firmed up the collar was pulled out just a bit, giving a small window into a dark chasm of cleavage. She felt the weight inside her pulling farther down, but knew it wasn't just gravity pulling on its increasing mass- it was actually changing location. Her curse wasn't identical to her sisters. Her gut rounded to a mild dome and then to a bit of a pot belly. Liz opened her eyes, thanking Alannah for the treat and was going to get up to go to the bathroom, but Alannah stopped her, insisting she just do it there from the comfort of the couch. With a bit of a shrug Liz agreed, undoing her jeans and sliding them down to her knees. The weight inside her was focusing now, becoming more compact, causing it to sink lower. She pulled her panties to half-thigh and let out just a bit of a grunt as she spread her legs a bit, cupping a hand over her hot pussy. It had turned pink and puffy in anticipation of its work, and as she pushed the heavy object managed its way out of her, practically flying out the last ways and popped into her hand. Only slightly covered in natural lube, Lizabeth held up the solid gold egg with a sarcastic 'tahdah'.

Alannah was blushing brightly as she took the hot, and extremely heavy egg in her own hands, allowing Lizabeth the time to get her clothes back on properly. Unlike her twin headed sister, Liz transformed food to gold almost immediately. Not to avoid all side effects though, her body processes the gold using her womb- having the adverse effect of tricking her body into a very rapid pregnancy. Even after expelling the egg her breasts remained enlarged till she milked them dry, and her stomach would have a slight bump to it for at least a couple of minutes till the skin pulled taught again. This is where Alannah got the funds to buy her house, pure gold eggs, but this was the first time she actually seen Lizabeth make one!

While Alannah was rolling the hefty egg in her hand, Liz attempted to slip out the back but froze when she seen the huge, covered plate on the counter. She had a sinking feeling that only grew as Alannah put her hand on her shoulder from behind.

"Where are you going? You weren't going to just eat the appetizer and leave the meal were you?! I spent all day preparing this stuff. Your sister gets to eat all sorts of things today, you should get to celebrate your home town festival too, even if you can't be there right now!"

Liz knew it was probably easier to just roll over and accept this. There was no question Alannah put a lot of work into this, and resourcefulness in getting the materials- and that was saying a lot for a person who couldn't be bothered to get dressed. Alannah wasn't a greedy person, she would find a use for the gold surely enough, but that wasn't her objective. Neither was feeding Liz a good meal though. Lizabeth found Alannah in a sorry state, she found a decent job by luck alone and a lack of talent left her with no choice but to do that one job forever. She had people who called her a friend, but no one she hung out with or did anything with, and she hadn't been in a relationship since early highschool. Liz became fast friends with her and gave her lifestyle a very obvious upgrade, but what she gave that was the most valuable was her time. Liz lived with Alannah for over a year now, always keeping her company and entertaining her with magic and her powers over the multiverse. THAT was the objective here. Alannah had a habit of taking things too far- she wanted to take advantage of the curse and see how far it could go. Or since she is bisexual, she might just want to see Liz all swollen up.

Liz sat at the counter in the kitchen as Alannah lifted the cover on the huge plate and let out a huge cloud of steam. Yup, there she is going overboard again- enough food on the plate to feed an entire family and she expected Liz to down it all herself. The first section she dug into was veggies. A peach-colored veggie called a dagger root was the first item in her mouth. Baring a close resemblance to a carrot, it was caramelized to play off its earthy sweetness, and only cooked just enough to maintain the crisp crunch when bitten into. They were the sweet, but along them was also steamed cauliflower, that had their caps dipped in molten behemoth cheese. The cheese is known to smell rancid but had a heavy, delicious flavor, and Alannah portioned everything out well so its smell on this platter was negated by everything else- this was the savory. Finally as a bit of tartness, young fiddlehead fern boiled in water then very lightly sprinkled with sea salt and a drop of lemon juice. The stem was firm but the leafy heads were juicy and very earthy and bitter, which played to the tune of the lemon drop. Liz savored these as they were pretty uncommon. Fiddlehead ferns could only be picked in early spring- once they matured they become poisonous. By the time she finished her breasts were actually a tiny bit bigger, and her stomach slightly surpassing its last full size, making her look almost full term pregnant. The weight was in her gut though, and it wasn't congealing into gold yet, since she was far from done.

As much as the meat portion made Liz's mouth water, she turned to the pasta, knowing it wouldn't hold its heat as well. The noodles were pitch black campanile, with some freshly shredded Parmesan cheese dusting the very peak. The sauce was pretty thin but quite flavorful, she had used sundried tomato with very tiny mushroom bits in it, knowing Liz was fond of both- though it was usually on her meat. The source was a bit on the salty side but still very nice. To help mop up the leftover sauce on the plate since it was thin, there was a hearty slice of garlic bread. Crisp on the outside and springy and moist on the inside, still holding the warmth of its creation. By the time Liz finished this section her naval was peeking under her shirt as it was forced up and she had to hastily pop the button on her jeans as her stomach really rounded out into a medicine ball sized sphere. Her breasts were hitting the E cup range by now as well, dragging her collar low enough that you could easily see her cleavage and the rotund inner curves of the breasts. They still had a slight tear shape to them but had obtained an impossibly round state one can only attain naturally by filling them to capacity with milk. Between inner pressure and slight arousal, her nipples were clearly visible through the shirt making tiny tents with their rigidity, they were not just erect but actually bigger and longer too, and have turned from pale brown to dark brown. It likely wouldn't take much more than the pressure of someone poking a breast at this point to cause overflow of the hot sweet liquid within. Their weight would be tremendous if her large belly wasn't already holding them up for her.

Finally she turned to the best for last, the meat. Sitting in a colossal mushroom cap sweating butter on its inner sides was a three inch thick slab of behemoth steak, lightly dusted with herbs, and so rare it might still bleed when she bites into it, though the outside still lightly charred over a grill. Oh but that wasn't all- whole mini onions with a cube of poultry, and a slice of sweet bell pepper were skewered into six mini kabobs, held up by lancing them into the top of the huge behemoth steak! Liz leaned down and took a bite of the mushroom bowl without even using her utensils before yanking out the kabobs one by one. She bit into them so voraciously she had to be careful to pull it fully off the skewer so she didn't eat it too. Her little sister was a connoisseur of all matters of food, but Lizabeth was clearly a carnivore. She didn't care if it was still moving, if it was meat she ate it. The weight in her gut grew and grew but this portion of the meal distracted her too much to care. It looked like she was pregnant full term with twins at this point, forcing her back several inches from the counter to fit her belly. Each tooth creaked and popped from the zipper of her pants in their futile effort to hold back the swelling curve of her gut. Her breasts couldn't hold back the tide any more and wet spots spread from her nipples. By the time she was eating the huge slab itself her milk was coming out in small gouts, visible on the outside of her shirt in pulses, with each slight growth spurt. The shirt was worthless at this point, even when she termed to normal it would be so severely stretched it wouldn't fit anyone! After finishing the meat she leaned back and sighed as the groaning threads of the top grew loud and it quickly tore the collar in half- the rest practically exploded apart since the collar was the most solid portion. Her breasts spilled forward as fast as the top ripped, following its motion with a cascade of rippling flesh. Droplets of milk were tossed in random directions from all the jostling around. She shifted her seating to the front edge of the stool to lean back close enough to drink the juices collected at the bottom of the mushroom cap and eat the rest of the grilled cap itself.

Her eyes went wide and she quickly grabbed onto the counter with both arms to steady herself and slid off the stool. Having finished, what was food was now turning to gold and the astronomical increase of weight nearly reduced the stool to splinters. She slid off just in time to only break the seat off the legs. If she was actually a human, she wouldn't be able to hold herself up even with both arms, her gut already weighed more than her entire body combined twice over! The bathroom wasn't even a viable option this time- sitting on the toilet or edge of the tub would utterly destroy them. She gently eased herself down so her back was too the counter and butt on the floor. She spread her legs as she was, knowing her panties and jeans were not coming off normally anyway- they were stretched too tight. For a moment she shifted the nail on her left index mostly back to its true form- a glossy black nine inch hooked talon sharp enough to cut glass. She traced a line down her pant legs and bursting seams followed close behind her claw. Once she cut her way out she leaned back farther and started to push. This time there was much more natural lube both before and during. It was awe inspiring to watch the massive bulge move down her body. It was lucky she had wide hips, she could feel the limit of her width on either side as the tremendous golden egg crested and with a final audible pop, made its way out firing across the floor, spinning and leaving a thin trail of clear slime as it went. It stopped after bumping the back of the couch in the living room area. The egg was the size of a large watermelon! If you threw this egg at someone's house it would annihilate the house.

Alannah tried to lift the slippery egg up but couldn't do it. She could rock or spin it easily but it was too heavy for her to physically lift. She then quickly returned to Lizabeth's side. Liz was breathing heavily but wasn't hurt at all. The advantage of birthing eggs is they are all round and low friction, especially when they are smooth gold. The most unpleasant part was after the fact, the feeling of being utterly spent and hollowed out, till her body rebounded and returned to its old state. Alannah helped her up and shared her sheet with her as they curled up on the couch together to watch television the rest of the night. To help her get back to normal, Alannah rest her head in Liz's lap and helped drain her breasts of their sweet bounty.

It was nearly two in the morning when Alannah started to get real sleepy, letting out a long yawn. A few moments later Lizabeth yawned and Alannah struck like a snake in waiting- flicking a red jelly bean into the open mouth, and Liz swallowed in surprise! Alannah laughed, but Liz failed to see the humor in it. Did Alannah really think Lizabeth hadn't caught on? The timing was far too perfect. Why was the last jelly bean still in her hand? She was snacking on them earlier but didn't eat any for a while. She yawned knowing it would likely make Liz yawn, even if she wasn't nearly as tired.

Alannah pat her on the shoulder. "Oh, you're fine right? And it isn't like the curse will effect you- it only happens one day a year, and its been 'tomorrow' for two hours now."

It was a good bluff, and Lizabeth explained it even though she was sure Alannah already knew. It was 11pm in Pieright, where the curse was set in place. It didn't follow their current time zone. Liz let out a hazardously disgruntled grunt and made for the back door. She was growing extremely fast compared to before because the curse is not only amplified by her having already eaten a lot, but also by how late in the day it was- 11pm is the latest hour it could be before turning over into the next day! By the time she made it to the back door with Alannah following close behind, she was already leaning forward heavily cradling the massive globe of a belly. Alannah couldn't figure out why she went to the back yard, her face looked concerned but she was still starry-eyed in curiosity. Liz sat in the soft vibrant green grass and spread her legs- the space between instantly vanished under her belly. It grew past her knees, pushed her breasts up and back at her chest making it hard to breath. The huge gut was nearly the same size as the entire torso it was attached to!

Liz gave Alannah an annoyed glare. "See...the last size...was as big as my hips could pass an object through." She was breathing heavily. "This is even bigger. It is physically get this out of me without slicing me open...and that isn't happening. And your entire house...isn't big enough for the REAL me."

Her body seemed to turn to colored vapor, quickly swirling about and losing its shape as her true body emerged from the mist as if using it as a gateway. Each hand was big enough to cover Alannah's entire body alone, with hooked talons on each digit, though the general shape of them was still relatively human. Her head passed through quickly, trailing plenty of neck behind it. Her neck looked very bulky but was actually long and thin- the excess mass was huge steel-hard plate scales on its underside. If she arced her neck backward they would pull taught and lock into place, making her throat impervious to harm. Her eyes were a great deal larger, but their appearance remained the same, even on her long draconic head. Her mouth had a 'second cheek' membrane that opened horizontally to help clean her shark-like teeth. Though extremely long, her horns were very narrow, but the one on the right was only about nine inches long before it broke off completely. The 'staff' she carried in human form is her own blackened, severed horn. A mohawk-like stripe of very long feathers started on her head and traveled the entire length of her long neck- this is where her extraordinarily long human hair comes from. Her body was very long and serpentine, but had large muscular legs capped with huge half claw half hooves- the inspiration for Alannah's currently modified legs. Even in comparison to the rest her tail was colossal- as long as her entire body minus the neck, and just as broad as well. The tail was actually half as big as it appeared, as it was covered with giant plate scales that fanned outward more and more the farther down it went- allowing her to whip sandstorm level gales up by waving her tail. She had scales on her backside, down feathers on her underside, plate scales on the back of her tail and huge feathers on the underside of the tail. Both feather and scale were nearly identical in shape, but the scales were a vibrant orange with a golden sheen, while the feathers were a matte powder orange. Known as the autumn dragon, Lizabeth is the elder sister of Meredith and Maribeth. She had a few thousand years under her belt.

She opened her mouth while still glaring at Alannah. Soft fine-grain sand started to fall from her mouth, as a earth attuned dragon she could breath her element freely. She paced in a circle, trying her best not to allow her distended belly to rub the ground as she very quickly assembled a nest of hot sand for herself. Alannah took a step forward when it looked like Liz was about to say something, but noticed her long slit-like nostrils twitching and turned away just in time. Lizabeth accidentally sneezed causing a gigantic explosion of dust in all directions. When the dust finally settled Liz was already on her back, propped up a bit on her elbows pushing the egg out, which compared to her current form was actually just normal sized. Alannah moved close to watch again, marveling at the huge oddly still quite humanoid vagina. Dragons are somewhat enigmatic- being primordial creatures allows each to evolve to their own lifestyle making each and every dragon wildly different from one another. They lay eggs and usually look reptilian, but are also warm blooded. Liz's clit alone was as big as Alannah's fist. The huge pink flower of supple flesh finally passed the huge golden egg, allowing it to roll down the massive soft feather slide that is the underside of her tail and rest in the soft sand.

"Wow, that one is huge and you passed it like it was nothing!"

"Yea..." She was out of breath still. "Nothing. Why don't you sit here, feel how damn hot all that made me."

Lizabeth motioned to her pulsing pussy, still a very deep pink from strain and wet with her juices. Alannah did not need a second invitation for that and hopped on up, sitting just below the opening, facing down the impressive tail. Before she could say a word about it, Lizabeth bucked her hip upward and brought her huge hand down on Alannah's shoulder, pushing her into the massive pussy! She tried to struggle but the muscular ribbing of Liz's passage pinned her limbs to her side. Her feet and head were the last out, and when it was only her head Liz locked her in place with her puffy lips, Alannah's now wet hair rubbing the huge clit her head now rest against. The dragon needed to do nothing more than gently hold Alannah's head down with the soft padded skin on the underside of her index finger.

"So, like taking advantage of my curse hmm?"

"N-no! It isn't like that!"

Lizabeth clenched her pussy, causing it to suction on to Alannah, which since she was also nude suctioned her comparatively tiny pussy. Alannah lost her breath, squirming and whimpering with pleasure as the huge passage messaged her and sucked at her, while the outer lips locked her in place.

"Then you better promise to behave yourself, eh mortal? Promise you won't do this sort of trickery again."

Alannah trembled from the unrelenting feelings. "Haaah! Y..yeS! I...promise!"

Her breathing was erratic and her voice kept spiking with the pleasure. When her entire body spasmed hard Lizabeth knew she came and let her go. She was slow to drag herself out of the plush, wet opening while catching her breath.

Lizabeth returned to her human form, taking up her staff to wander around in the night. She carried Alannah to her bed as she had fellen asleep almost immediately after having a bath to clean off all the draconic pussy juice. Liz unbound the changes she folded onto Alannah's body from other realities, knowing she had work again the next day. Lizabeth glanced into the shifting runes in her staff, and just like Alannah her curiosity called her forward. But unlike the human woman, Lizabeth gazed into infinity- the multiverse is her toybox, and this night was only one of infinite possibilities.

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