Her Weight In Gold

Story by iplank on SoFurry

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A lone man decides to investigate his city's abundant fortune and finds himself in a unique situation among feasts.

Meredith had to shield her eyes from the sun as she carefully stepped from the titanic cave near the top of the small mountain overlooking the city of Pieright. Not more than a hundred years past the city was little more than a nomad's camp, but the mountain proved to be a seemingly unending wealth of gold which catapulted the settlement's size and power. Urban legend fueled local laws prohibiting anyone from going too close to the cave, which was the source of gold- from fear of jinxing their good fortune. All the more reason Meredith was woken with a bit of agitation at the presence of a young man.

He was in his early twenties, so presumably old enough to know better, causing her to puzzle over whether he was very brave of an utter fool. If the scholars were to be believed, the mountain was a volcanic vent just under an incredibly rich gold vein, causing gold to literally flow out of the mountain on a yearly basis. If the Pieright legends were to be believed, the mountain contained a volatile natural guardian who paid the people in gold for leaving it to the peace and quiet of the mountain. Either way, no mortal should just casually walk up to the cave, especially on the one day every year it had produced its fortune. The man's name is Jason, and he arrived and woke up Meredith, proclaiming that he wanted to be her servant, and learn from her. As if he knew a damn thing!

Meredith's hair was a shimmering platinum blonde, set into pillars made of massive ringlets. She looked to be in her early twenties as well, in contrast with her actual age which was several hundred years. She bore two very similar, but still different personalities, which were physically represented by her eye color- one iris was pale purple, the other navy blue. She dismissed Jason for the most part, but decided to loosely agree to him for now just so he didn't start blabbing about her, on the one day she ventured into Pieright. She walked down toward the city in plain white pants and long sleeve shirt, with a faded red hooded cloak left open draped over her. She took the lead, hoping to out pace Jason but he had the energy to back up his persistence.

Already tired of ignoring his constant questions she countered with her own. "And just what do you think you know about me? And how?"

Jason grinned brightly. "Very old books, traded into my family from the far off town of Cybeleng. It seems your sister, Lizabeth is living in that area now..."

Meredith let out a long sigh and tuned out the rest of his answer. That is all he needed to say. Meredith's current situation was the fault of a curse Lizabeth placed on her long ago to teach her a lesson. Thinking she was doing little harm, Meredith would often steal food from farms and various vendors, and sometimes right off of campfires! The kingdom was known for its wide variety of culinary specialties and she made it a hobby of sampling it all. This day over all others Pieright was infused with the scent of artisan level cooking masterpieces. As it was mid autumn the harvests were in, and the city celebrated the coming of the yearly gold by making a mighty feast. Vendors filled the streets with all sorts of specialties, and that's what drew Meredith.

She gave Jason a rather sour look. "Look, I am giving you this chance. Don't do anything stupid, and don't tell anyone about me. This is my favorite day of the year in spite of my sister's hex, and I want to enjoy it."

"Absolutely! I just want to observe and help! Do you...have any preference?"

They were swamped on all sides by people now, the air thick with delicious scents and the sound of merriment.

Meredith blushed a bit under her hood. "The curse translates things heavily against me, so I can't eat a lot. So, lots of small stuff."

As to not lose her in the crowd, Jason shadowed her closely. He could tell by the glimmer in her eyes, she was enticed by nearly everything. True to her word, she went small, starting with candies. She took only one of a sweet and very sour candy made from the compressed essences of pineapple and lemon with a very light sea salt dusting. Jason watched her pop it in her small mouth past her plump red lips. She savored the taste as the candy made its trip around the entirety of her mouth before being dissolved. She glanced at him but Jason was ready and turned away, so she wouldn't catch him staring. She seemed self conscious, and given her true identity, it made sense. She looked longingly and paused at a small mountain of muffins but then continued toward a stand of rare berries. Jason gently stopped her, saying if she wanted the muffins she should go for them. Curse or not, she made it a hobby to try all sorts of foods, and as a new admirer of hers Jason did not want to see her leave the festival with any regrets. Meredith hesitated again, but finally went for them. The body of the muffin was so light and moist it was like a cloud. The icing was heavy but only mildly sweet and dissolved almost instantly on contact with her tongue. Her stomach felt warm after, and a mild weight spread as her sister's curse took its toll. Jason again watched closely but there was no outward changes...yet. He did marvel at how she savored and enjoyed each taste, finding it almost erotic to watch her indulge.

At the berry stand she took only one of each type of rare 'gemstone berry' and popped them into her mouth one after another. Squeezing the ripe berries till they popped on the roof of her mouth using her tongue, and the sweet and sometimes tart flavors ran over the surface of her tongue. She ate them along her walk over to a large area of open flame kissed meats. Several farmers demonstrated the quality of meat from their various exotic livestock. Realizing but not caring for how unfeminine it seemed, she took a thick slab of behemoth meat. The fire charred just a thin layer on the outside, but the inside was very juicy and tender. Her taste buds relished the flavor infused by flame and smoke encapsulating it, as well as the taste and tender texture of the meat. She even cut off and fed several bites to Jason playfully, and he was ecstatic about being fed by such a beauty. When she was done she let out a bit of a sigh and pat her stomach.

Jason looked a bit concerned. "Are you done already? H-how does it feel?"

"Pleasantly warm, and pretty heavy. I am far from done though." She gave him a mischeveous smile. "You will know when I am done."

Jason knew from the slight shift in her tone, her second personality said that part. They were very similar to each other, but one personality was more grounded, while the other was more playful.

From farmers to hunters to fishermen, they made their rounds. At first it was hard to notice, and Jason wasn't sure if his eyes were playing tricks on him or he was over thinking it, but soon her gut showed a slight bulge. He watched her expression as she passed up the cooked dragon eggs at the hunters stand, but she oddly didn't seem to react to it. By the time she ate the delicate pink flesh of of a medium sized fish to bare bones, her stomach was rounded. She sunk her teeth into rare and prize winning quality vegetables next, grinning at the crack of their uncooked, crisp forms. Mild but unique flavors. Little by little her stomach rounded, eventually showing a thin line of bare flesh as it pushed her shirt up a bit.

She looked worriedly at the fine wines and ales, speaking quietly to Jason. "Alcohol is one of the heavier hitters, and the curse magnifies itself..."

"Magnifies? You mean if you ate something you already had earlier...?"

"It would fill me more now, yea. I mean, I already had a good variety here. Far from everything obviously but a good spread for one year, it wouldn't be so bad to end it on some fine booze..."

Jason smiled. "Go all out I say, I can try to cover for you if anyone raises an eyebrow over it."

He actually had not noticed till now, but it wasn't just the bottom of her shirt that had tightened to her form. Her bust was considerably bigger than before,. Even her face seemed a bit...softer. Before pushing herself to go to the beverage kegs, she requested Jason go fetch her an apple. Apparently she could never attend one of these festivals without eating at least one ruby apple from the Meridian forest. By the time he pushed his way through the crowds and found his way to and from the stand, Meredith had already sampled several wines, and the cumulative effect of her curse made it quite apparent. As if the curse took characteristics from the liquid to move through her more fluidly- her entire form started to plump up, not just her gut. Even her hands and fingers were plumping up, like baking dough. She had been stunningly beautiful before...now she looked cute as well. Her cheeks blushed as the alcohol took some of its normal effects on her- though she could break down alcohol better than anyone. Her breast were very big now, more than balancing with her stomach, and all the more apparent as their weight stretched out her collar- giving anyone a nice view of ample cleavage, with just a few freckles.

Jason just sort of watched in stunned awe, not sure entirely what to make of it. Did her other personality take over completely? She was definitely speeding up almost as if to match the curse, but was it carelessness, or was she just getting in one last hurrah knowing she was running out of room? The area was elevated, but also shaded and her weathered cloak his her mostly from view, except from Jason right next to her. Her pant legs and shirt sleeves filled with more of her supple flesh and tightened to her form. Her stomach bloated and swelled, creating a slight fold where her deepening naval was. Her shirt lifted up to show more and more skin from her belly, but seemed to stop up top. Her bust had not stopped fattening however- the shirt just ran out of give. Her breasts were pressed tighter and tighter together, and were very slowly pressing up out of her collar, trying to escape. It felt so good to Meredith she nearly forgot to care about her outward appearance at all. She was so warm and full on the inside from food and so tightly snug on the outside as her clothing struggled to contain her. She was drinking from a mug of heavy ale when she heard the straining fabric of her clothing and almost spilled the drink on herself in surprise. She would have a very hard time laying low or keeping her secret identity if she exploded out of her clothing in the middle of a festival.

Seeing her distress immediately, Jason snapped out of it and asked how he could help. She explained the curse was still magnifying her weight and she needed to return to her cave quickly. Jason told her he had the apple she requested in his bag already and prepared to escort her out of the city. She wrapped the cloak around herself to conceal her form, and kept her head low so the shade of her hood hid her blush. Jason took the lead to push through the crowd so he was the person people glaced at as they past, and not Meredith. By the time they got out of the bustle of the festival at the city's edge, Meredith's breasts had ripped the seams under her sleeves from the pressure, and now even her pants were groaning in distress. She had to change how she walked slightly, from both how thick her thighs were becoming and how tightly her pants squeezed. Even Jason could feel the unnatural warmth from her body now. He could see her hands bloating as they held her cloak shut, her fingers looking like plump sausages now. When they reached the base of her mountain she had to stop for a moment. Her breathing got heavy and though Jason could not see it within the cloak, he could hear threads ripping. The sides of her pants started to shrewd at the seams as her massive thighs bulged up through the gaps. She unintentionally moaned as the rip reached the knees and top of the pants and then paused- the fabric once again struggling against the tension and digging into her soft bulges. She bent over slightly and the top virtually exploded apart, causing the front and back of the entire top half of the pants to fall to either side. She wasn't going to wait for the rest, grabbing at it and tearing the rest away with her hands. Once she was bottomless under her cloak she told Jason she was OK to continue again.

Once at the cave she dashed several feet in, letting out a sigh of relief and tossing her cloak away, not caring if Jason seen her fully. As she giggled and turned around to once again face him, he could see in her profile just how massive her butt was now, yet still so round and tight looking. Her stomach wasn't covered by her shirt at all anymore, whatever had been covering her now vanished into the crevice between belly and bust. Her breasts ripped large holes under her arms but that left the majority of tension on the collar and front of the shirt, which was sturdier. Obviously switched to her other personality she picked up a stone from the cave floor and placed it to her chest, telling Jason playfully to 'watch this'. Scraping the stone on the tight fabric weakened it just enough. The entire front of her shirt exploded open, causing her breasts to lunge forward and down, swinging to either side slightly and colliding with each other before settling on the upper curve of her stomach.

She let out a happy sigh, and her super heated breath formed a haze in the air. "Well that was fun as usual. I was super lucky to stop right when I did. The curse is so volatile right now that a handful of food is more like a truckload."

Jason blushed at the full view he was presented. "Y-yea...well and you seem rather...comfortable with yourself even now."

She raised a brow. "Pfff, going to get a nose bleed over my fake form? Haha. Speaking of which- I am home now so no need to look like this."

Her skin started to glow brightly and the remaining scraps of clothing on her burned away. Her entire form grew larger, her nails into claws, teeth to fangs. A huge tail grew out as quickly as her plump neck grew still thicker and matched the tail in length. Wings rose from her back and stretched, and her final change set in as her head yanked itself in half, splitting down to the base of the neck, becoming two heads and two necks. Meredith and her other personality/head Maribeth are a two headed dragon, also known as an Ettin Drake. Her scales are the same platinum as her hair color in human form, with a gold sheen. Her tail is long with several large three-pointed bone plates at the end, making it a giant club. Both heads are identical, each with a single sand colored, ribbed horn on the outward facing side, and both at the end of very long necks. Meredith's eyes however were both pale purple, and Maribeth's were both navy blue. Their weight change carried over from her human form still, making their extremities so plump they were more cone-shaped. Their wings looked comically tiny on them, clearly completely incapable of flying.

The two heads lowered to either side of Jason, looking for the final apple to top their day. To their surprise, he opened his bag to reveal it was entirely filled with the ruby apples! Too many. The curse effect was based on her size, so changing back to their true form didn't lesson its effects any. They opened their mouths and let Jason rest an apple on either of their large soft tongues. He had to do it fairly quickly- their breath was scalding hot. They rolled the apple in their mouth with dexterous tongues, skimming it on razor sharp teeth to let the heat of their breath draw out the juices. The apple was about the equivelant size of a large candy in their huge mouths. They did not both have to eat, but they enjoyed it. Both mouths lead to a single stomach. They are effectively one dragon, they have a single will, a single heart. But both heads have their own brain, and being able to watch their other head live and react from a slightly removed perspective caused small differences in personality to accumulate over time.

Jason was having a harder and harder time trying to convince them to eat more, but continued to pop more of their favorite food into them. It was hard to notice now, because their body was already so huge, and his perspective was so small, but she was most certainly still fattening. The base of their necks started to squeeze together from girth. She staggered a bit a few times before her limbs gave up and spread to let her body fall. Her body was so huge and plump compared to her comparatively minuscule limbs that even when she was standing, her gut still scraped the ground. Jason nearly fell on his ass when she hit the ground, creating a thunderous slam so violent and loud he thought the mountainside would break off. When they giggled, the body rippled with fat. When their necks moved, the bottom half of them moved slightly slower, made almost of pure jiggly fat. They breathed heavily, heating the entire area to a degree almost unbearable to Jason. They could barely lift their heads at this point, and they drooled a tiny bit now- not saliva, but molten gold. They told him they could take no more, but there was three ruby apples left, and Jason insisted they shouldn't go to waste. They were at their crispest, ripest state now. Groaning from her sheer bloated weight they relented and let him feed them one more each. They groaned, partially in pleasure from the warm, tight pressure in them and half because they had reached their absolute limit. It was too much, they couldn't possibly hold it all in! Both lurched forward suddenly, past Jason and their necks swelled up with the hot load as they breathed streams of molten gold down from the cave opening! Liquid gold covered the entire side of the mountain, securing next year's fortune for the people of Pieright.

Meredith and Maribeth returned to their natural weight quickly, as the magically enhanced weight was converted into gold and expelled. It only happened one day a year, but it was the day of the harvest festival. Their one-headed sister, the blazing orange dragon Lizabeth was tired of them taking advantage of the hard earned harvests of the people, even if the people offered it. The people were unaware after all that they were hosting dragons in disguise. The curse was placed on Maribeth and Meredith to force them to repay the people of Pieright.

Even after returning to their normal weight, they remained sprawled out on the cave floor, trying to catch their breath. "So Jason...easier when I have someone else feed me. You uh...planning on being here next year?"

He chuckled. "I dunno...what's in it for me?" He tossed the last apple to them.

They put their heads together and caught the apple between, cutting half into either mouth. "You'll find I am worth my weight in gold."

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