Conversion: Pawpy

Story by Russ on SoFurry

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#9 of The Kasvane

Whilst out Hunting for Mushrooms Pawpy has an life-changing encounter

Pawpy pulled his hat off with one of his four hands and fanned himself with it, the light breeze stirring his brown mustache and goatee. The four legged, four armed yoshi was wilting in the jungle's heat. He hadn't realised it would be quite this humid beneath the canopy, but at least this explained why the rare mushrooms he was hunting grew here.

Checking his notes with one of his other hands the blue yoshi continued to fan himself with his hat whilst he worked out where to go next. According to the description he'd received from the local guide at the last village the cavern or cliff with the mushrooms was not far now. It was just beyond a mangrove cluster draped in vines and sporting purple and yellow flowers.

Pawpy looked up at the huge trees, they sure were draped in rich, healthy green vines dripping with purple flowers with bright yellow stamen. They were unusual in and of themselves but Pawpy wasn't here for unique flowers. He was hunting rare, supposedly extinct mushrooms to prove to everyone that they still existed!

His grandmother had always cooked with them but after he tried to get some after her death he was unable to find them. Everyone claimed they did not exist! So Pawpy had started to investigate, fascinated by the idea, trying to work out how his grandmother had been able to obtain them. It took time but he eventually tracked it down to this region of the jungle. The locals spoke of the cavern where the fungus could be found but none of them would go there for apparently "Those who ventured in, never returned or returned changed."

Putting his hat back on Pawpy ducked under the low hanging flowers, adjusted his backpack and trundled forward, four feet lightly squishing the thick, rich green grass under his bare paws. No superstition was going to stop him! He'd sunk his holiday fund into this expedition, and once he found the mushroom caverns he could start to try and work out who the hell was supplying his grand-mother! A merchant must come this way, probably some enterprising local who encouraged the rumours of danger to claim the market for themselves.

Pushing some of the vines aside, Pawpy looked around, shifting his feet over a large hillock of tangled tree roots and clambered out the far side of the grove. There was a large rocky out-cropping rearing out of the ground just beyond and littering its side were several caves. It was just as it had been described!

Hurrying forward Pawpy ducked into the nearest cave, pulling a flash-light out of his bag and shone the light around excitedly. The cavern sloped downward slowly and the edges were lined with fungus. It was the regular sort, white-caps and shelf-fungus but its mere presence was encouraging so Pawpy crouched low to avoid knocking his hat on the roof and descended further.

Shuffling carefully down the tunnel, being careful not to step on anything with his big blue paws the yoshi navigated a bend in the tunnel and paused as his skin tingled. He shivered, the spines sticking out of his hair, his shell, even his goatee all felt suddenly sensitive, like he'd splashed into cold water. But there was nothing, just the tunnel, and the faint scent of mushrooms.

He paused, listening but there was nothing, his torch revealed little and so he moved ahead, sliding deeper down the tunnel until it opened out into a cavern. It must have been about twelve feet high, fifteen across and the sandy, dark earth sloped downward. Mushrooms were growing everywhere, Pawpy paused to gape and then pawed at his bag for his camera. He had to record this, the cavern was filled with so many varieties!

Glowing, frond covered shelf fungus on the walls, wide capped portobello, maitake, hedgehog mushrooms tucked in corners. Porcini, enoki and several types glowing with phosphorescent he did not recognize covered the slope. Toward the centre of the cavern was a ring of the tall, yellow and blue mushrooms his grandmother had always cooked, the Svamp!

Moving toward then Pawpy froze as his torch shone over a large, oval shaped, yellow coloured thing in the middle of the room. It had to have been about a metre tall, but clearly continued under the earth. It was like the top of a very large seed and sitting on top of it was a figure!

The strange creatures turned bright orange eyes in Pawpy's direction and their smooth muzzle split into a smile. They had no teeth, just a sleek blue vine like tongue that filled their muzzle. Their whole appearance was alien, a sleek yellow body, about four feet tall though the lower half of their legs transitioned to white and their feet were actually writhing root-like tubers that clung to the pod they were perched on.

The top of the creature's head was crowned by a large blue and white speckled mushroom cap, it literally grew out of their head! Pawpy could see the underside was purple and gently dusted spores as they moved their head, clearly examining Pawpy in turn.

The creature's arms transitioned from yellow into blue from the elbows down and they had long, sharp white claws-fingers. They also had a set of six vines that extended out from their back. Long, clearly prehensile, they swayed from side to side, each one capped with a mushroom. The top two had wide red toadstool caps, the middle two were cup-like whilst the lower two were the more traditional white-caps.

"Hello there," the creature said with a smile, "You know, you remind me a lot of someone I met once."

Pawpy dropped his torch, the tumbling light cast the cavern into shifting shadows and he stumbled back, tripping over his feet to fall flat on his rump. Gawping up at the creature they wriggled one of their claws and more fungus in the cavern started to illuminate, allowing Pawpy to see them clearly again.

"You don't need to be afraid," the creature said, "I am Svamp, why have you come here yoshi?"

"I... well..." Pawpy swallowed and tried to calm his nerves, "I was searching for..." he pointed a hand at the yellow and blue mushrooms, "Svamps, my grandmother used to serve them to me."

"Ah," the creature who called itself Svamp said, "Yes I knew her... she came here once, long ago, lured in by a fascination with fungus. But she had a family and did not want to join us."

"Join you..." Pawpy stammered as the creature swung down off the pod, using their long vines to lift their body and lower themselves down. Pawpy shuffled back a bit further as the strange mushroom, plant creature moved closer.

"Yes, this is a conversion chamber, where you can join us if you desire," the plant smiled, "It is a different life, and you can never return once you have been converted. But you'll find a family, a purpose, a life away from your current...."

Pawpy paused and licked his lips, this was all a bit much, the cavern was also musty with the scent of fungal spores. His stumbling retreat had knocked a load of them over and now the air was thick with their spiralling spores.

"And you... you just... out right offer this to people?"

"Of course," Svamp smiled, "You can say no, you can leave... but if you do go back out there we must come to an agreement to not have you reveal this place to others. It is one of the doorways to the Forest, our home, our sanctuary."

"And... you let grandmother go?" Pawpy asked

The creature, Svamp smiled, "She agreed to keep our secret in exchange for deliveries of mushrooms, it was a mystical promise she kept all her life."

Pawpy wriggled his snout, glanced at Svamp and then around the cavern, "If I join you, I'd get to... explore your world? Learn all about the fungus there?"

"Yes," Svamp said, "It's your choice," the plant said softly.

"Then hell yeah, I want to join," Pawpy stood back up, "Let's do this!"

Svamp smiled and moved aside and the large seed pod opened, he gestured to it, "Climb inside, let it do to you as it desires... I will hear you soon."

Pawpy nervously advanced on that open pod and peered inside. It was dark within, illuminated by only a faint bioluminescence and there was a musty smell to it, like dried mushrooms and ancient earth. The blue yoshi paused on the edge of the pod, glancing back at Svamp who smiled encouragingly. Was he really going to do this? Was he going to just accept some strange plant's offer, how was he sure it wasn't the spores affecting his judgement....

"Sod that," Pawpy said and lowered his hind legs in then dropped in all the way, landing with a soft squish in the thick sap pool at the base of the pod. It was over eight feet tall, with only the top poking above the surface. The air was hot, humid and the pool of sap at the bottom reached up past his knees. It was thick, sticky and warm and as he stood there, breathing in all the scents the yoshi gasped, feeling his loins stirring, his cock sliding free of its home.

"What... is... happening to me?" he managed to gasp out, stumbling back out of the pool, falling down against the side of the pod, gasping as his thoughts started to grow muddled.

"I... can't breathe, it's so hot," Looking up, eyes wavering he saw the pod slide shut again and then vines slithered up out of the pool. They wrapped themselves around Pawpy's limbs, all eight of them, spreading him out on his back as he lay in the thick heat of the pod.

"I..." he tried to say then gasped as a vine slithered up his tail and slipped down to start prodding its smooth, sleek tip into his rump! Groaning as he was spread wide Pawpy lifted his head as something tickled his snout. He gasped at the vine hanging over his head. His involuntary gasp was clearly what it had been waiting for as it lunged forward, sliding past his lips and slithered across his tongue.

He yelped and tried to bite down but his teeth couldn't break the surface of the tough plant material now filling his maw. Then the sap started to flow, the tip folded back and oozing, tart, mushroom flavoured liquid started to fill his mouth. The yoshi had no choice but to swallow, the vine had inflated, forming a gag around his teeth. He was left having to breathe through his nose and drink the sap or drown!

Gulping down his third muzzle full of the gooey, mushroom flavoured goop he tilted his head down as more vines slithered across his smooth body, teasing over his flesh, binding him down tighter. One of those vines however was swaying back and forth above his dick and Pawpy managed to whimper as he watched the tip peel back, revealing a sleek hollow tube!

It made no pretence about what it was intending as it pressed around the top of his dick, slithering down to tightly squeeze his length! It was at about that time that the vine plugging his rump started to ripple back and forth, bulging and undulating as something slipped and slithered through its length and into Pawpy! Eyes widening he groaned and bucked his hips, struggling against the vines as the plant slipped seeds into him and sucked him off! It was excruciatingly pleasant, he felt so good, despite the fact he was being filled at both ends by peculiar, odd plant matter!

The vine sucking on his dick was absorbing more and more of his attention, he even forgot to swallow once or twice, the thick sap filling his mouth being let out by the vine to trickle down his chin as he whined and squirmed, eager to cum. It was a devil, teasing, tugging, playing with him. The vine rippled, slurping up the length of his dick, leaving him gasping as those seeds slipping in under his tail pressed against his prostate!

In the end it was too much and Pawpy bit down hard on the vine in his mouth as he started to cum! The vine squeezed tightly around the base of his cock and the yoshi let out a soft, howling scream of delight. He fed the weird pod all his seed and then collapsed back, passing out, leaving him entirely vulnerable to whatever it was going to do to him next...

In the end Pawpy seemed to never quite wake up again, he dreamed; floating in a soft, hazy, cosy void of pleasure and curiosity. He could feel his body changing, growing, shifting. The strange pod, its seeds, and sap all contributed to changing him and somehow the sample of his cum it had taken allowed it to tailor whatever it was doing to better suit its design.

No not its design, there was another voice, a quiet, firm, gentle, authoritative voice that was whispering to the pod, giving it instructions on what to do to Pawpy. He could sort of hear them as he floated on the edge of consciousness but in the end all he could do was lie there and float gently and wait for the pod to be done.

Days, Weeks, Months... there was no reference with which Pawpy could tell. But time was passing and then one day awareness rushed back into him, something sealed around the top of his skull, burrowing deep and with it came a rush of sensations, instincts, desires, need!

Vines snapped free, the pod shivered and the pool of sap in the bottom drained out and Pawpy slithered down after it! He realised he was wrapped around some sort of spongy core that had grown out of the pool. No not wrapped around... he was somehow part of it and it was breaking apart as he slithered down and out into the world once more.

The spongy material fell away from him and Pawpy flexed his back vines, catching himself as he fell, letting his roots touch the wet earth beneath him. He gasped out loud as they instinctively burrowed into the ground and left him trembling as he fell to his knees.

He could feel his back-vines shifting, swaying from side to side, and shadowing his view forward was the under-side of a large mushroom cap. It was part of his head! He could feel it attached to him and inside his mouth there was no throat, just the sleek vine nestled in place of a tongue that then descended down into his body.

"Welcome Pawpy," Svamp's voice said inside his head and he turned to look at the fungal kasvane and thought back at him.

"Hi... that.... Was... quite something." were the first words he thought to say. He could feel the hive-mind, the interconnected thought of all his new brethren. Many of them were sending him greetings, welcoming him and encouraging him to take his time and not rush.

So Pawpy did just that, he let his root-like feet dig deep and settled back to look at his reflection in a nearby pool of water. Much like Svamp his body was now yellow, arms and vines fading to blue as they reached the tips and his new white clawed hands.

The circular cap of mushroom atop his head was red with a white rim, much like his shell had been and growing from his chin and above his snout was soft, shaggy moss, reminiscent of his goatee and mustache. He was... so very changed from what he had been, they'd let him keep his necklace though and he could hear their voices at the back of his mind, warm, welcoming, loving.

He had found his way to a new life and he couldn't wait to get started learning more! But for now... now he would just enjoy the damp soil, admire the way his vines moved to his whim and just adjust to his new body... he was kasvane now.


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