The Cistern: Fifth Hunt: Tox

Story by Russ on SoFurry

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#44 of Transformation Stories

Tox and Sewer hunt each other through Sewer's domain.

Pulling the flexible ring of grey polymer over his head Tox released the strain he was putting on the rubber and let it settle snugly around his throat. It felt so odd to be putting a collar on, but he had to admit it certainly added a little extra something as he looked at himself in the mirror.

It stood out against his black scales and neon-yellow markings, especially so as he was now entirely naked, ready for entry into the cistern. Running a hand back through his thick mane of toxic yellow feathers he turned to look up at the camera ogling him.

"So I really have to wear this if I am going in there?" Tox asked, "I mean it looks good on me but I am not normally one for collars."

"Sorry Tox," the MCs voice said over the pa, "Everyone going into the Cistern wears the collar. Now it's all set up, Sewer is already in there lurking about in the sewer canals, so the hunt begins whenever you step through the door."

Laughing happily Tox moved to the doorway and pushed it open, stepping out onto the walkway that lined the edge of the sewer canals. The air was thick and humid with a rich melange of scents. Breathing them in the utahraptor shivered in delight at the thick mixture of mammalian scents filling the air.

It confused him for a moment though, then he noticed that rather than mud or gunge the Cistern's sewer had been filled with piss! Tox was never sure where they got it all from, it was always fresh too so he suspected some sort of technological or magical wizardry.

Moving away from the door Tox took a deep breath, inhaling those scents, the sewer canals were full of slowly flowing golden piss. His nose could just about pick out individual scents and it was already having an effect. Breathing in Tox let a hand slide down his stomach and fingered his vent, teasing the tip of his cock as it poked free.

Tox loved the ways mammals smelt, other reptiles always smelt dry and dusty or of their surroundings. Mammals however, now they smelt so good, intoxicating, their scent shifting depending on if they were sad, happy, hungry, aroused! Tox groaned and squeezed his cock as it finished slipping free of his vent, leaning back against the wall and giving the camera's a show, gently, slowly, stroking himself off.

After a minute though he stopped, wiping pre-cum off his cock with one clawed finger and sucking it clean. He could get off later, hopefully whilst balls deep inside Sewer, that golden furred rat was hunky and he would be his...

Tox glowered at the sewer canals as he pushed off and walked up to the edge as something occurred to him. With all these different scents mingling together from the piss he was going to be hard pressed to track the rat down with scent alone.

"Damn him," Tox growled, "Did Sewer ask for this?"

"I cannot say," The MC said, "The hunt has begun, good luck," there was definitely an amused chuckle to the MC's voice. The Damn rat had set this up on purpose!

With mud or gunge Tox could have hunted by scent, now! Now it was back to being fair and even! There was no way the raptor could hunt Sewer by scent with all these different smells warring with each other as the piss flowed past.

Smiling softly Tox moved to the edge of the canal, "Well he was always a clever rat, time to get wet."

Moving to the end of the walkway he looked across a wide, open circular junction. It was full to just below the brim with dark yellow piss. Licking his lips Tox took a few steps back then ran forward, leapt, arching through the air and dove, arms forward, straight into the pool!

It was warm, wet and tasted amazing! Tox let his momentum carry him all the way down to the bottom, opening his eyes to look around even as he swallowed several mouthfuls. It tasted warm and fresh, Tox really wanted to know how they did that but right now he had a rat to find!

Swimming closer to the surface the raptor struck out in a random direction, letting his snout broach the surface so he could smell and breathe. Of course all he could smell was the piss as it clung and washed over his scaled form, soaking his crest so it lay plastered against the top of his head. He was never going to find the rat with scent so he'd have to hunt the old fashioned way with sound and sight.

After filling his lungs Tox descended once more, leaving his achingly hard cock alone for now as he searched the sewer tunnels for any sign of the rodent king of this domain. Gliding powerfully through the piss Tox moved up and down different canals, hunting, searching, seeking for signs of the rat, only surfacing long enough to draw in a new breath.

When he did find Sewer it came as a surprise, he swam around a corner and there was the rat, swimming ahead of him, their sleek golden body slick with piss. Tox sank to the bottom, crouched and kicked off hard, sailing up toward the rodent, arms stretched wide. It was almost perfect but the raptor brushed the big rat's tail and he turned, spinning around in the piss to meet Tox's tackle with one of his shoulders.

The two creatures pushed apart after a moment grappling and surfaced, treading piss as they grinned at one another. Sewer was soaked, his fur was slicked to his body, his long goatee and mullet hair-do clinging to his body.

"Sneaky," the rat said with a grin, "But don't think you've won yet Tox, think you can make me submit?"

"You're going down rat," Tox said and launched himself forward at Sewer.

Sewer was ready for him, the rat had back-paddled so his feet were resting against the side of the canal. He was able to brace himself as Tox charged through the warm piss. Wrapping his arms around Sewer's, the raptor tried to push past the rat's guard but the slippery, wet rodent held him at bay. They drifted out into the middle of the channel, the current carrying them along, Sewer had the momentum but Tox was slender, more lithe and slippery then the chonky, huge rat so twisted away as he tried to catch him with his legs.

They tumbled through the piss, breaking apart and coming back at one another, muscular bodies straining as they caught shoulders, chest, arms and pushed and grappled with one another. Each lunging attack was accompanied by a lot of splashing, twisting, turning. Tox broke away from the wiley rat for the fifth time and dived, eyes open as he swum for the bottom of the canal, gripping his claws onto the tiles to hold himself down.

Looking up he watched Sewer paddling around, the rat was looking down at him, watching, waiting for Tox to make a move. Of course Tox was at the disadvantage, he'd have to get past the rat to be able to get a new lungful of air but he had a plan. He waited for about a minute then without warning he pushed off with all fours and started kicking hard with his legs, surging through the warm piss toward Sewer, intending to grab the rat around the stomach.

Sewer watched him approaching and twisted just like Tox had expected him to do. The raptor adjusted his trajectory and aimed straight at the rat's legs. Surging to the surface in a spray of piss Tox seized Sewer by the shins and tried to pull him in close and pin his legs against his chest. It nearly worked too, the rat was caught off guard but then his thick, flexible tail snapped around through the water and grabbed Tox's legs in return.

The two of them struggled against each other, both pulling and tugging on the other. Both of them sank under the water and splashed around for a moment before Tox had to release him. The two twisted apart and Tox moved away toward the wall of the sewer but the rat charged him! Startled by this change in tactics Tox twisted around but Sewer turned and his tail lashed out again, wrapping around his arms, pinning them to his chest.

Tox let out a startled roar as he surfaced and then Sewer thumped into his back and the raptor found himself pinned against the wall of the canal. Struggling against that restrictive tail he flexed his arms, trying to pull one of his hands free so he could fight back. But that tail slithered around him again and again, coiling him up, trapping him as it squeezed tightly.

Sewer used the bulk of his body to hold Tox against the canal as well, restricting his ability to fight back even more. The sopping wet, piss stinking rat slid his head onto Tox's shoulder and squeaked softly, then grinned.

"Gotcha," he teased, Tox groaned and struggled against his captor, snapping his long jaws and growling in frustration.

"Damn you... I had no idea your tail was so flexible...."

"I know," Sewer chuckled, "I don't often use it, but hey... at least now..." he let his rock hard rat-shaft tease along the underside of Tox's tail, "I get to see just how good you feel around my cock, last time we had a tussle you got the drop on me."

"Yeah..." Tox smirked, grinning happily at the memory, "That was fun, listening to you squeak and squeal as I pounded you."

Tox stretched and squirmed against the tail and rat holding him, but he was properly stuck. He gritted his teeth, tail lashing against Orel but even that was restricted as the rat pressed in closer, sliding his hands past the raptor to grip the edge of the canal. His legs then slid around and those powerful rat feet gripped the tiles, allowing the rat to adjust his hold on Tox's body.

Anchored in place to the side of the canal Tox found himself tipped back, his tail trapped between his back and the rat's chest as he lowered Tox down atop that waiting rat cock. He was slow, gentle, caring, slowly pushing his way inside, stretching Tox's tight rump as he claimed the black and neon-marked raptor.

"Ahhh," Tox breathed, doing his best to relax as the rat slid into him, His own cock was being teased, trapped between two coils of the rat's tail, sliding back and forth through the slick, wet flesh. It felt nice, the piss sloshed back and forth over them both and Tox was able to get some of it in his muzzle. Sewer finished sliding home, the rat's cock buried in the raptor's rump right to the base.

"How does it feel?" Tox asked as he clenched around that cock.

"Nice," Sewer chittered then rolled his eyes back and sighed in delight as he started to piss! Tox gasped, shocked at how easily the rat just let go whilst rock hard! Of course the fact he was fully erect meant the piss surged through Tox's bowels under pressure and the raptor moaned, thrusting and twisting his hips in delight, grinding his cock against the tail trapping it.

Sewer meanwhile held still, just enjoying claiming victory over the raptor before starting to hump slowly, teasingly, drawing his cock a few inches out before plunging back in again. Rocking back and forth the raptor huffed and groaned as the rat squeaked, the pair of them sliding eagerly against one another, bodies stirring up the warm, musky piss they were floating in.

Their motions stirred up all the scents again and Tox groaned as he took deep breaths through his snout. He loved it all and now he could smell Orel, he was the strongest scent of all, the sharp, acrid stench of aroused rodent. It made being caught worth it; as the big rat claimed his prize and sped up his scent grew stronger. Moaning and thrusting his hips as best he could just sliding his cock back and forth between the tight coils of rat tail Tox relaxed into the intense, wet, piss soaked love-making!

For long minutes the pair of them huffed, squeaked, chittered and groaned until with a deep, excited groan of pleasure Tox plunged over the edge. His head was full of the thick stench of Orel's arousal, the piss was warm, the tail was tight, undulating against him. It was all too much, Tox spilt his seed into the piss filled canal and clenched down tightly around the rat's cock.

Orel wasn't far behind, he thrust home, holding himself deep inside the raptor, and squeaked in delight as his cum surged out of his dick to mix with the piss fulling Tox's rump. It felt so good, the two of them tensing up, riding their orgasm until with a shudder Orel relaxed and let his tail unwind.

Tox floated free, lying on his back and smiling happily, drifting on the current alongside his sewer-rat of a lover. Turning his head he kissed Orel's muzzle and the big rat rolled onto his side to deepen the kiss for a moment, letting Tox taste his scent and the piss.

"That... was really good," Tox murmured, "You are a very versatile and stinking rat."

"I know," Sewer grinned, "What say we swim to an exit... if you are up for seconds, you can stick your snout under my arm whilst you fuck me in the changing room after we clean up."

"You're on," Tox practically purred, rolling over and striking out for the side of the sewer, "I want to smell more of you, come on."

Sewer laughed and followed the raptor, Tox may have lost the hunt but Sewer and he were in for an evening of fun! And from the sounds of it a chance to enjoy the rat's heavy musk and scents without all the competing smells of the sewer system. Tox couldn't wait, it was going to be a grand time!


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