Mud Pool

Story by Russ on SoFurry

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#8 of The Kasvane

Trevor gets lost in the woods and his life ends up taking a rather muddy direction

Trevor was lost! Staring at his phone the mouse sighed as the map-app made little buffering circular motions and the signal bar continued to resolutely insist there was zero service.

Shaking his phone the brown mouse tapped the screen and stared as it refused to even let him place an emergency call. Glaring at the recalcitrant device Trevor sighed and turned it off, stuffing it back in a pocket and looked around the forest. He'd been following the public footpath through this woodland but had seen an interesting patch of mushrooms so deviated from the path.

Somehow he must have gotten turned around whilst examining the fungus patch because now he couldn't find the path and his phone wasn't working. Muttering under his breath the mouse pushed through a stand of bushes, pausing to unhook his t-shirt and trousers as they snagged on branches. Maybe he should have changed into something more suitable for rambling around the woods in then his usual outfit but the day had been so warm and there had been a path!

Now... now there was nothing! Just bushes and trees and... Trevor's train of thought was derailed as he clocked his head on a low-hanging lump of something! It was soft and squishy and as he knocked into it, it showered him with orange dust! Trevor started coughing and hacking as he took a startled breath and breathed in a load of it. Stumbling through the bushes, thumping his chest and coughing hopelessly, Trevor tried to get away from the cloud of spores. It was in his eyes, making them stream with tears, blinding him as he stumbled forward and slipped, tumbling down a short slope to land with a splash in a puddle of water.

In the end he had to shut his eyes and just let the tears roll down his cheeks as he tried to catch his breath. All that did was shift the spores around and he started coughing again, hacking so badly it hurt his chest as his lungs spasmed and twitched from the invasion of spores. Raising one hand Trevor tried to pull himself out of the paw but to his horror he felt his fingers squish into the grass on the edge of the slope, deforming like they were made out of putty.

That made him open his eyes, blinking, vision blurred, the mouse stared at his hand in numb shock. It was enough to stop him coughing it was so unexpected but there it was... his whole hand was slowly melting, fingers squished like putty, dropping free and into the water with a splash. The rest of his hand followed suite, sloughing off, the fur seeming to melt into brown sludge before taking the flesh and bone underneath with it!

Trevor tried to scream as he pushed back from the pool of water he was sitting in but his lungs seized up! He collapsed sideways with another splash, coughing, legs drumming and splashing in the water as his whole body violently reacted to whatever he'd breathed in.

The violent coughing fit ended with a wet, gurgling sound as his lungs seemed to melt and as that happened the mouse felt his panic draining out of him. For a long moment he just lay there, vaguely aware that his body was continuing to melt, mixing with the water and filling the little dell he'd fallen into. Slowly, calmly Trevor's body oozed, glopped and flowed out to fill the pool, mixing with the water to become thicker, oozing, dark-brown muck.

He could vaguely feel his clothing floating on the surface, the collar with his bell on sank to the bottom as he just came apart. For the longest moment he just drifted, once or twice he tried to move, to shift and flow in a direction. It was difficult at first, his body wanted to remain liquid, to lay as heavy and thick mud just floating in its pool.

Over time though he worked out how to pull his mud in, to take on the appearance of arms, head, torso and pull himself upright, to emerge from the pool as an oozing, flowing, liquid mouse-shape of mud and muck! He really didn't want to stay here, he wanted to go! He had a life to return to, friends to find but nothing he did seemed to indicate he could leave and return to the life he had once had!

For starters he couldn't leave the pool, every time he tried he just fell back with a splash into liquid and flowed back into his new home. It took ages to reform into a semi-solid mouse shape after that had happened. Days had passed, or was it months, it was so hard to keep track of the turning of the days, sometimes it was light, other times dark, when it rained he got larger, filling the pool with mud to the brim! When it was hot and dry he slowly sank down, drying out, contracting down the sides of the pool until the rim was sometimes a good two feet above him.

Some inner part of himself, deep down in the core of his being still really wanted to go home! But it was growing fainter as time passed and Trevor found himself swaying and glooping and just relaxing in his pool or forming up as a shape of mouse-like mud to look around curiously.

Then one dark, gloomy day when it was drizzling, small but constant rain falling from the sky someone came into his clearing! He watched the strange creature from his pool, marvelling at how peculiar they looked. They had a sleek yellow body, about four feet tall though the lower half of their legs transitioned to white and their feet were actually writhing root-like tubers that slithered through the ground, burrowing and furrowing their way under the earth.

For a long moment Trevor was lost watching them move as they circled his pool. Their roots left very little in the way of tracks, they somehow left the grass undisturbed behind them even as they burrowed and coiled their way over the ground. It was fascinating and Trevor slowly let himself bulk upwards, pulling his thick, liquid mud shape in and sliding up, rising to take on the dripping, oozing shape of the mouse he had once been. He even scooped up his collar, letting the bell make a dull, mud full glop as he settled it around his neck.

The strange plant creatures turned bright orange eyes in Trevor's direction and his smooth muzzle split into a smile. The top of the creature's head was crowned by a large blue and white speckled mushroom cap, it literally grew out of their head! Their arms transitioned from yellow into blue from the elbows down and they had long, sharp white claws-fingers. Watching them curiously Trevor noticed they had to be a plant of some kind, a mobile, living plant!

What was more impressive was the set of six long vines that extended out from their back. Long, motile, they swayed from side to side, each one capped with a mushroom. The top two had wide red toadstool caps, the middle two were cup-like whilst the lower two were the more traditional white mushroom you often saw in forests.

The creature moved up to the edge of the pool, being careful not to let their feet disturb Trev's mud and raised one clawed hand in greeting. Trevor waved back and tried to speak, his words sounded slurpy, gurgling and he glooped and oozed mud down his chin, but somehow the creature could understand him despite his awful accent.

"What are you?"

"I am Svamp," the plant creature said, "Of the Kasvane, and you appear to be a living mud-pool... this is new."

"Yes... I walked... into a plant and it melted me into mud!"

"Nice," the kasvane creature moved closer, leaning forward, their short yellow muzzle sniffing the air, "You smell rich and fertile... you will do really nicely."

"What do you mean? Help turn me back! No... wait what are you..."

Trevor cut off, his muzzle hanging open, mud oozing down his chest as Svamp slid their roots into his pool! The roots churned up the surface and then slipped deeper, burrowing through his thick muck, delving deeply. It felt amazing, the mouse let out a gurgling glorping moan of delight as Svamp moved into the pool, his feet sinking down out of sight as he sank up to his shins in the mud of Trevor's pool.

"This... feels... good," he stammered, groaning in delight and then gasping as Svamp's back vines slid around and wrapped about his body. They tightened slowly, sinking into Trevor's muddy body, making him gasp in delight, his form trembling, mud splashing down over Svamp's chest and stomach as the odd plant man drew closer.

"You feel nice," the kasvane said, squeezing with his vines, letting them slide through Trevor's body, leaving just the mushroom caps poking free. Trevor managed to make some sound, it was a mixture of pleasure and confusion as he was cuddled in such a peculiarly intimate manner!

It felt so nice, he could barely think, those vines were wriggling back and forth inside of him, teasing back and forth through his oozing, thick body. Then it took a turn for the better as Svamp tugged firmly with his vines, pulling the whole thing into his body. As the mushroom caps passed through his body they left seeds behind, minute, tiny little nodules that scattered throughout his internal mass! He could feel them settling, sliding through his mud and they felt good, leaving Trevor stuttering, groaning, glooping.

With a surge of desire the mud mouse wrapped his arms about Svamp's body and hugged him back. Mud oozed around the plant's body, his skin was smooth, his body warm and the pair of them crashed down into the pool together!

Svamp was on top, he was inside, his long clawed hands drove deep into the mud, he didn't seem to care that he was making a mess of himself. Eyes wide he was smiling brightly, rolling his hips, dragging his vines back and forth through Trevor's body. The mud mouse was trembling, his body falling apart with splattering waves of gooey brown mud only for him to pull himself back together. Svamp continued to dig himself deeper, roots burrowing deeper, arms pulling mud around and over his body until just his head was sticking out.

It was mind-blowing, Trevor had someone inside of him, all the way, intimately rubbing their body back and forth through his mud! Those vines continued to sway back and forth through his body, leaving their spores and seeds behind in his mud but that was clearly just the prelude to this, full body immersion inside of him!

For minutes Trevor was just stunned, he felt like he was orgasming, his whole body being stimulated at once as Svamp slid back and forth through his body, arms and roots teasing, playing, sliding, oozing all around and through his body. It was so intense, for several minutes all Trevor could do was be a pool of mud, he was so overwhelmed his body just collapsed into the pool.

Several minutes later however as Svamp relaxed in the pool and stopped moving as much Trevor was able to slowly lift his head and shoulders back out of the pool. He stared at the kasvane who leant forward to press his snout against the mouse's gooey nose.

"Enjoying yourself?" Svamp asked and Trev managed a shaky yes in response, "Then want to make out?"

"Yes please," Trevor said then squeaked as Svamp opened his mouth. His tongue started to slither out of his maw except Trev could now see it was no tongue but another vine. A long, blue, pulsating vine covered in slick sap, the plant man had no teeth in that mouth, no throat, the vine passed down, deep into his body and now it was slithering out and pressed itself into Trevor's muddy mouth.

Opening wide the mud-mouse moaned as that vine started down into his body. It felt so good, so right, there was no way he could resist this, or even wanted to resist! It felt so good, his body full, wrapped squeezing around Svamp's body, being massaged and teased, stroked and pleasured by those roots and vines.

So Trevor responded in turn, concentrating as best he could whilst being flooded with pleasure. He started to squeeze his muddy body around Svamp, making the plant moan as Trevor tugged on his vines. Their muzzles met, that vine sliding down his throat so thick, eager, alive! He was stimulating the fungal kasvane's body with his pool of mud and in return he was fucking his muddy head and throat with that magnificent vine!

It felt so good, the feeling of pleasure was slowly increasing as Svamp's mouth-vine slid deeper, rolling and squirming back and forth inside of him. Trevor pushed his muddle muzzle around the kasvane's muzzle. His mud oozed over Svamp's face but as far as Trevor was concerned that was as close to a kiss as he could get. It came with the added benefit of letting the mud mouse take all of that vine inside of him.

Trevor trembled, eyes widening in surprise as something slid through that vine! A solid object was causing it to bulge and ripple, followed by another! Trevor shuddered again as he realised Svamp was laying seeds in him, bigger than before. Each one slid down the length of that vine now pierced through the centre of the muddy mouse's body and slipped free of that vine to float gently to the bottom of the pool!

It was so intense, Trevor's mind exploded with pleasure as he made the pool splash up, covering Svamp's head. For a long moment he clung to the kasvane, cuddling them and their vines with his mud. He was so tense and then with a rush of release Trevor sloshed back in a wave!

Mud washed over the rim of the pool, carrying mushroom seeds and his rich, thick, fertile mud out over the grass of the clearing! It felt as good if not better than cumming ever had as he spread his mud and Svamp's seeds out across the clearing and just let himself sink back down to be a pool. His new, mud coated plant friend settled down at the edge of the pool, arms resting on the edge as he just sprawled out, clearly intending to just float in Trevor and chill.

Overhead the sun was setting, darkness was descending and Trev felt good, he had made a new friend, he was a pool of living mud and Svamp seemed intent to use him as a bed for the night.

All things considered, it wasn't a bad way to spend his time, he was after all a pool of mud now and had just made a new lover and friend.


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