The Cistern: Fourth Hunt: Jager & Mokya

Story by Russ on SoFurry

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#43 of Transformation Stories

Jager and Sewer head off to hunt Mokya

The Cistern smelt strongly of lime, the main room had been recently cleaned and Orel was leaning against the wall of the showers watching Jager enjoying the torrent of hot water pounding against his sleek, dark brown flesh. His friend was currently a rat, same as Orel, except he had no fur, just the outline of a skeleton etched into their sleek, smooth, hairless body.

Their only item of clothing was a sleek, charcoal grey collar made from stretchy polymer that clung firmly about their throat. It was a match for Orel's collar, except his as usual when he was being blonde and seven foot tall was red. They'd just spent an enjoyable hour together having fun in the cistern, letting Jager enjoy Orel whilst he was tied up on all fours and the usually tall yeen slowly, but surely transformed into a rat. His tail had been the last to change as he climaxed, balls deep inside Orel as a torrent of hot piss poured out of the roof vents and soaked them both.

It had been fun but only really the start to their evening, tonight was a double-team event in the cistern. Jager and Sewer, hunting one of the rat's pets, the delightful, blonde and white rat Mokya. Not that Mokya knew this yet, as far as he was aware he'd been called down to the Cistern to just be Sewer's toy for the night. The MC assured Orel he was out in the sewer now, wandering around exploring, so they had plenty of time to get clean and enjoy themselves. Pushing off from the wall Sewer walked into the hot stream of water again and slid up next to Jager, reaching out to trace his wet, pink fingers across the rat's smooth, hairless back and then wrapped his hands about his stomach and kissed his neck.

"So ready for the next bit of fun rat?"

Jager leant back into the touch, letting out a happy squeak and then turned around inside the circle of Sewer's arms. Bare flesh sliding smoothly across slick, wet blonde fur until they could stand nose to nose.

"You bet, the pair of us double teaming a cutie in the mud? It's going to be great," Jager murmured, grinding his cock against Sewer's both of them half hard in the steaming hot torrent of water, "Whose leading the hunt though?"

"You of course," Sewer kissed Jager's lips then drew back out of their embrace and left the shower, "You're our guest, so we can go whenever you want."

The brown skinned rat smiled and followed Sewer out into the Cistern and started across the mesh floor toward the entrance to the sewer system, still wet, water draining off of their body, pattering through the grill, "Well then let's get started."

Sewer laughed and followed him into the pool room, the large, square room's central pool was full of slick brown mud. Jager didn't hesitate, the rat waded into the muck, his large pink feet slorping beneath the surface as he walked in up to his waist. Once he was that deep he paused and reached a paw down, dipping into the muck to rub his sheath and balls.

"Ah this feels so good against my junk like this, good call on turning me into a rat."

Sewer just followed Jager into the muck and then paused just before his balls touched the thick, gooey mess, "Yeah it feels good, but you know... this is the best bit."

With a squeak the seven foot tall blonde rat pounced Jager, pushing the bald rat forward and under the mud! Caught off guard and standing on the uncertain footing of compacted muck the rat went over. He yelped and just had time to close his eyes before Sewer bore him down beneath the muck. He went under easily with a thick gloop and Sewer followed, the mud closing in around his shoulders as he held his struggling, squirming friend under.

After a couple of seconds Sewer let go, letting Jager slip away from him and then drove his head beneath the surface. He curved around onto his back, pulling himself through the thick, clinging mud then pushed back up and surfaced. The formerly blonde rat smiled toward Jager; the furless rat was unrecognizable, his smooth body now coated in a thick, clinging layer of muck. Their identity hidden beneath the mud, much like Sewer's own appearance, everything that was identifiable was now lost, coated in that thick, oozing layer of clay.

"Should have known you'd do that," Jager laughed, "Come on mud-rat our quarry awaits us."

Jager turned and half swum, half pulled himself through the deeper part of the pool, slithering through the mud whilst Sewer followed. On the opposite side the wall opened out into the sewer tunnels and Jager dived right in. He knew that Mokya would be down here, trying to avoid them but the poor kid stood no chance against the pair of them.

Slithering through the mud, the cool, oozing, thick, claggy clay sliding around them the rodents started to hunt. The whole sewer was filled with muck, thick and oozing, cool and clingy. Jager's new rodent body was perfectly suited for slipping through the mud filled sewer canals as well, the pair of them keeping just their snouts and eyes above the surface as they swam along.

It took them about fifteen minutes to track Mokya down, the slender rat was making his way cautiously along the walkway, hopping across intersections and moving quietly, looking both ways before moving on. Jager looked across at Sewer and the blonde rat nodded and they split up, swimming swiftly down side tunnels so they could come at Mokya from different directions.

The pet rat didn't stand a chance, just as he was hopping across a central island in the middle of a junction the two muddy rodents pounced. Sewer reared up out of the mud and grabbed his wrists whilst Jager wrapped both of his mud coated hands around Mokya's ankles.

They pulled, the rat squeaked in surprise and wound up on his stomach, stretched across the stepping stone island as the pair lay claim to their victim. Working the mud, legs sliding, stepping, compacting it beneath them, Jager and Sewer squirmed and squished and sloshed muck all around until they were standing tall, their thighs rising above the muck on either side of Mokya.

"Got you pet," Sewer purred, reaching down to run a mud coated hand through the rat's head-fur, "Not a bad hunt really, maybe a bit easy," the big blonde rat then rolled Mokya over onto his back.

"No fair," Mokya squeaked, blushing as Sewer rolled him over onto his back, leaving him exposed and vulnerable, "I wasn't expecting you to come out of the mud like that! Really no fair at all!"

"Sorry pet," Sewer teased, sliding his other hand down his mud coated stomach to grip his sheath, pulling it back to expose his half hard cock, "No second chances."

Looking over at Jager the rat smiled wider as the sleek, smooth, damn fine looking hairless rat nodded, one of his hands holding his cock. The pair of them sighed in delight and two arching streams of bright yellow piss started to surge over Mokya. He whimpered and squirmed in protest, groaning in a mixture of pleasure and embarrassment as the pair soaked him in their pee. Sewer closed his eyes, letting out a satisfied squeak of his own, he'd been holding it in for hours now and it felt so damn good to let go!

Poor Mokya had never really stood a chance against the pair of them and as the rat lay there his white fur, including his long goatee was soaked and stained with their piss. His cock was rock hard, standing out proud and untouched against his stomach and then without waiting Jager lifted his legs, hooked them over his shoulders and positioned his cock up against the smaller rat's rump.

"Ours," he said with a smile, starting to slide inside, mud squelched against Mokya's fur, the thick brown clay staining and clinging to his thighs and calves as Jager slowly, lovingly sunk himself into that tight, snug, enticing rump.

Sewer chuckled, still pissing, his bladder was bigger, and his stream was soaking Mokya's head but as Jager settled in all the way he reached down and tilted his rat's head back. Mokya didn't need orders, he opened his muzzle and started to gulp down muzzlefulls of Sewer's rich musky piss. The big blonde rat sighed in delight and kept on pissing, releasing his flow and as it trailed off he let his half hard cock continue to thicken.

Mokya started sucking and the rat squeaked in delight and started to roll his hips, mud squelching and squishing beneath his feet as he fucked the hot boy's muzzle. Sewer was loving it, the feel of the mud coating his body, wiping it off over Mokya, slowly, teasingly getting the clean boy muddy and filled.

Jager had his eyes closed and was letting out soft squeaks of delight as he rolled his hips, enjoying Mokya's rump. It felt nice and the pet rat knew how and when to clench to really work Jager's thrusting, eager cock. Leaning forward, adjusting the angles of his thrusts the sleek, smooth, mud coated Jager started to fuck him faster, driving deeper, harder, slamming against his prostate and making Mokya squeak and squeal in delight.

"Start rubbing mud over yourself boy," Jager growled, opening his eyes and smirking down at the rat sandwiched between the pair of them. Sewer nodded in appreciation at the order and Jager watched, panting softly and growling in excitement as Mokya dipped his hands into the mud.

He then lifted them back up, coated from shoulder to fingers in thick brown muck, he then started slopping handfuls of the mud across his stomach and chest as he started to rub it in. It looked hot, watching the rat willingly rub the mud into his fur to please them both.

"Good boy..." Jager growled, rolling his hips faster, the squelching thump of his hips thrusting home a delightful accompaniment to Mokya's muffled squeaks as he sucked off Sewer and rubbed mud up and down his chest and stomach.

"Paw off," Jager ordered, "Get that cock of yours filthy and paint yourself with cum."

The order made Mokya clench tighter and Jager gasped in delight and held his hips still to just enjoy the sensation of warm flesh snug about his rat cock. He then watched as the pet rat wrapped his mud coated fingers around his shaft and started to paw off, covering the stiff pink rod in a layer of creamy liquid brown muck. Jager smirked and reached down with one of his hands and applied a liberal handful of mud to Mokya's balls as well making him squeak and moan around his muzzle full of Sewer dick.

"So what do you think of my boy?" Sewer asked, "He knows how to be a good rat doesn't he?"

"You've trained him well," Jager murmured in delight, running a hand over his smooth, mud coated head to keep the muck out of his eyes, "But now... now I need to cum..."

Gripping Mokya's thighs firmly Jager resumed fucking the boy, rolling his hips, drawing only about an inch of himself back out before slamming back in. His humping thrusts were short, sharp, strong and the added weight and feel of the mud coating him made him feel fantastic. Growling quietly Jager held back from going over, watching as Mokya pawed his cock rapidly, his muddy paw sliding up and down swiftly as the bigger rats filled him at both ends.

With a muffled, desperate little squeak Mokya stiffened, his rump clenched down and Jager moaned at the tight, squeezing sensation as jets of pearly white rat cream shot from the end of Mokya's dick and splattered over his mud smeared stomach. Sewer laughed in delight and Jager gave in, relaxed and let his own seed rush out to fill the boy.

Leaning forward, forcing Mokya to almost bend double as he dumped his load in him, Jager grabbed Sewer's shoulders and pulled him into a kiss. Their muzzles locked together, the taste of mud on both their tongues as they made out. From the way the pet between them was gulping, Sewer had clearly gone over the edge as well. The three of them just stayed like that for a few moments, Jager savouring the delight of making out with someone else as both dominant rats filled Mokya with cum.

Eventually the kiss broke up, their orgasms over and Jager drew back and on a whim grabbed Mokya's legs and rolled the boy off the platform to sink with a squelch into the mud.

"He was fun," Jager said, "But not much of a challenge for hunting, what else do you have?"

Sewer chuckled, wading around the platform to bump his hips against Jagers, "I have other cuties we can hunt, shall I get one of them down here?"

"Yeah," Jager grinned, "Otherwise I might have to hunt you down."

Sewer laughed, pushing a paw against Jager's chest and smirking, "That's one hunt you'd lose Jager," he nodded toward Mokya who was lying on his back in the mud, "We could have another round with Mokya here whilst we wait for the MC to get someone ready?"

"Sounds fun," Jager turned, sleek body oozing with mud and crouched lower and pounced Mokya. The slender pet rat let out a squeak and started to fight back as Jager wrestled with him. It was going to be a hell of a fun day down here!


The Cistern: Third Hunt: Birch

Birch thanked the bouncer and pushed open the door he'd been led to as he drained the last of his drink. The brown and cream furred deer moved confidently toward the row of lockers and set his empty glass on a shelf. It didn't take him long to strip...

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The Cistern: Second Hunt: Felinus

Felinus was regretting his earlier boasting as he hung from the chains suspended above the centre of the Cistern, blushing deeply as he shifted his feet and realised he really was stuck on display like this with no way out. It had started out as some...

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The Cistern: First Hunt: Mizt

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