The Cistern: First Hunt: Mizt

Story by Russ on SoFurry

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#40 of Transformation Stories

A commission for the Glitch Wizzard on FA

Cadius finished stowing his belongings in the locker he'd been given and stepped back to examine himself in the mirror. He was dressed in nothing but a pair of tight, thigh length, black lycra shorts and the smooth, throat hugging strip of grey-black polymer that was his collar. The hyena ran his claws through his short tawny fur, brushing his fingers along the edge where the dark brown transitioned into light, creamy underbelly. Cadius then tucked his thumbs into the waistband of his shorts and adjusted them to fit more comfortably around his sheath and balls.

This was not the outfit he was expecting to wear tonight, he'd come along to the cistern with his VIP friend and had been expecting an evening of drink and dancing and sex up in the club. But no, his delightful ferret friend had convinced him to say yes to the MC's request for an opening night challenger to take on Sewer. The cisterns' new gimmick was amazing, a self contained set of sewer tunnels pumped full of rushing, flowing liquid.

Cadius had even been allowed to pick what should fill the canals and he'd opted for a mixture of gunge and piss. So all the thick colourful slime currently flowing through the sewer had been mixed with fresh piss out of the Cistern's storage tanks. This gave it a thicker, oilier sheen to it then normal as well as made it flow somewhat thicker. Cadius could see it flowing through the sewer on the screen in the locker room. The yeen pushed the locker shut and turned to look at the camera that had just been recording him getting changed.

"So... I am as ready as I can be, any rules I should know about?"

"Simple really," the voice of the MC said over the speakers, "It's a hunt, pure and simple, you are both stalking each other and trying to get the best of your opponent."

The voice laughed warmly, "Whichever one of you can hold down the other and make them submit wins. I know you have got the upper hand on Sewer before Mizt there is a pool opening to see if you can do it again."

Cadius blushed, "I am not Mizt right now..." he said, "But I'll do my best to give you and all the VIPs a good show sir."

"Good yeen," the MC purred, "Now go through the door and let's get started, I want to see how you do and what you make of the sewer. Don't be afraid to get messy, make use of the sewer canals and have fun."

Cadius smiled and headed through the indicated door and stepped out onto the white tiled walkway that made up part of a great three way junction. The canals were full of thick, brightly coloured gloop that flowed and sloshed this way as it flowed through the large open pool in the middle. The air was filled with an oily scent tinted with lime and what Cadius was quite sure was a lingering hint of piss. The lights were bright and standing tall in the centre of the junction was a huge black rubber fountain of some sort of canine, letting loose a stream of piss down into the gunge beneath.

It was an impressive piece, Cadius had seen it on the advertising material his ferret friend upstairs had been sent. Turning left the hyena hurried away from the junction, staying out of the gunge in the canals for now as he took a moment to get used to the sewer. The layout was confusing, twisting tunnels and passages branched off at random points but for now he stuck to the main channel. After about a hundred metres it reached a corner and turned left and another hundred metres on it turned again.

Cadius was able to work out that the sewer system was split into several of these hexagonal sections. Each one with a main tunnel that outlined the exterior edge of the shape and the twisting maze of smaller tunnels filling the hex. Reaching the junction with the big black latex fountain for the third time Cadius smiled, feeling like he had a good handle on the layout of this maze of tunnels full of gunge.

Moving out of the central tunnels he had been circling Cadius hopped across the gunge filled canal and started down one of the smaller tunnels. The gunk was flowing faster through these narrower paths and it looked so very thick. Cadius was tempted to jump in, to swim or wade through the muck but for now he could move quicker by staying clean and on the walkway.

At the end of the tunnel was a four way junction with a raised circular platform in the middle. Leaping across to the centre the hyena turned, trying to decide which tunnel to take next, quite sure his opponent Sewer was already stalking him. However as he brought his weight down on one foot, mid swivel a large tile in the middle sank with a clunk and a cylinder of glass sprang up around the outer edge of the platform.

"Hey what!" Cadius leapt at the glass, trying to vault it but it was moving too quickly. His hands slid down the smooth surface as it rose up above his head and clicked into the ceiling with a very final sounding thunk.

"And there my honoured guests we have our first trap of the evening! Seems the little hyena; our dear VIP friend supplied has tripped something fun, would you care to push the button?"

"You bet I would," the void of Cadius' ferret friend sounded through the speakers, "Have fun little yeen, see you later pet."

Cadius whimpered and looked up as a panel in the ceiling slipped open. He'd been set up again, his damn ferret friend had sold him down the river to be a test subject for the Cistern's sewer. He'd complain but at no point had he been forced down here. Also the thick bulge in the front of his tight little black shorts was evidence enough for anyone watching that this whole situation had turned him on.

Several metal nozzles clunked down out of the ceiling and Cadius gasped as a torrent of thick oozing gunge poured down and splattered across his body. It oozed across the top of his head, smothering his hyena mohawk and then glooped across his shoulders to roll down his torso and arms. It was heavy, it was warm, it smelt of piss and the bright colours were drowning out and coating over his duller brown and beige yeen fur.

The heavy torrent forced Cadius to his knees and he moaned in delight, one hand sliding down to stroke the bulge of his shorts. Leaning his head back so the gunge splashed straight over his face he started to tease himself. Rubbing his slick gunk covered paws up and down his covered, trapped length. After spending time as Sewer's pet Cadius had learnt how to show off for the cameras. The VIPs would want to see him giving in, indulging himself and he certainly wanted to do so himself.

What made it hotter was the simple fact he didn't have to; he could have just suffered the gunging. He knew he was being watched, filmed, that upstairs people would be making out, pawing off, fucking one another to the view of him enjoying himself. It turned him on, his cock strained against the fabric of his shorts as it finished growing hard and Cadius groaned in delight.

Sliding his hands away from his cock the hyena rubbed the muck into his fur, slid hands down each arm then rubbed it into his muzzle and chest eagerly. It felt good, so slick and thick and that hint of piss behind it all took him back to the week he'd spent in the cistern! Shifting as the gunge moved up around his waist the hyena yipped in alarm and tilted his head back, wondering just how long this would continue! The shower of gunge had already covered his legs as he knelt on the floor and was creeping higher.

Would the MC bury him in muck, drown him, or was something else planned, his fears evaporated as the level of bright coloured gunk reached his chest the shower cut off. The glass cylinder clunked and started to lower back down and Cadius squirmed back and forth, running his hands up and down his body through the muck, rubbing it into his fur and revelling in being a mess. He must have been unrecognizable by now and that was a huge turn on, one he'd learnt from Orel in the mud pits.

As the cylinder sunk back into the floor all the brightly coloured mess clinging to his body slopped away and spilt into the sewer. Cadius leant back, holding his ankles with his hands and let his glistening, gunge coated body rest on display for the cameras. His shorts had pulled down to his knees due to the weight of the muck flowing off him, leaving his rock hard cock on display for everyone to enjoy.

Just as he was about to move on however and resume his now naked hunt something changed. His collar suddenly grew tight, the strip of polymer squeezing his neck and making him wheeze in surprise. A moment later an invasive sensation seemed to stab against the back of his eyes and Cadius fell sideways on the stone platform in surprise.

"What...." he raised one hand toward his neck but didn't quite make it as all the slimy, brightly coloured mess covering his body seemed to come alive. It clung to his body, squeezing his limbs, forcing him to shift and twitch and squirm back and forth as the gunge slid over and through his fur!

Gasping loudly Cadius moaned and rolled onto his back, digging his shoulders into the tiled floor, lifting his stomach off the ground as he arched up, legs bending, feet drumming as the gunge moved across and into his body! Eyes wide the hyena gurgled as it flowed up into his maw and down his throat. Squirming back and forth Cadius couldn't believe this was happening, or what was happening, his whole body seemed to be melting, he could feel his torso, his limbs seeming to sag and succumb to the gunge and then the mass of gloop he was melting into started to flow and shift!

The best thing, or the worst thing was the pleasure, his body was wracked with it. It felt so good, he tried to move a hand and grab his cock, desperate to enjoy this before his body melted entirely but he couldn't move. At least for a moment he was stuck, body refusing to move then suddenly his left arm lifted up and Cadius gasped as he saw it. The gunge had smoothed out, his arm was now sleek, dark yellow rubber with webbing between his short fingers and small plastic claws.

Shivering and gasping Cadius wrapped his hand around his sleek smooth beige coloured otter cock and started to paw off. Using the remaining gunge as lubricant to work his rock hard rubbery dick. The gunge had mixed and melded with his body, his collar somehow was related to the change like it had been last time he turned into Mizt. Except this time he'd been made into a rubber version of himself and with a hefty moan he started to cum. As he painted his smooth shiny hide in jets of creamy cum his transformation finished and with a chirping bark of delight the newly minted living rubber otter flopped backwards onto the floor.

He felt good, and he barely registered as his cock seemed to meld into his body, leaving him smooth and null between his legs. Blushing heavily, Mizt sat up and felt over his short ottery muzzle, brushed his hands down the length of his gunge smeared rubber arms and chest and then thumped his rudder and turned to look up at the nearest camera.

"What gives?"

"As you can see," the MC's voice purred, "That trap has turned our beautiful victim into a one of a kind, living rubber version of Mizt. A little something extra, all the gunge pouring through the sewer can do, I can key it into the collars our lovely entertainers are wearing and change their forms."

Mizt blushed at hearing that, standing up and stretching and turning to look around the sewer. He felt like it should have changed, he'd gone from fuzzy living and breathing hyena to this sleek, smooth, rubbery otter creature. Stretching and rolling his shoulders, Mizt tried it out, shifting and moving from foot to foot; getting a feel for his body.

He held his breath and soon realised he wasn't breathing, which was weird as hell! But clearly the collar had done something to his instincts whilst transforming him as he wasn't having a panic attack over it. In fact he felt like normal, if not a bit more sleeker and shinier. Dropping to all fours the big otter stretched and shifted, feeling his sleek body adapting to standing like this easily and then he flowed back up on two feet in a fluid motion of adaptive shifting.

"Now that we've seen one of the traps at work," the MC was saying, "The Hunt can begin... oh are you still here Mizt? I'd get going if I were you, Sewer is on the prowl and you'll never beat him hanging around showing off how cute you look."

"Can't wait to get my paws on you again Mizt," the ferret's voice boomed through the speakers, "But try not to lose for me or you might be stuck down there for a few days."

Mizt looked startled then without thinking he turned and dived into the sewer canal. His body arched through the air, flowing forward and cutting beneath the surface with a thick gloop of engulfing gunge. It felt amazing flowing over his rubbery body but he had a Sewer rat to find and so the otter pushed off, surfacing long enough to orientate himself before swimming off to start the hunt!


It had been a wild time so far, Mizt had been swimming through the muck, the gunge flowed around his body so easily! There was no fur to add resistance, he was as slick and smooth as the gunk and it felt good! Leaping out of the sewer canal the sleek gold and beige coloured otter slid across the tiled walkway and crouched on the edge looking around.

So far there had been no sign of Sewer, but he was pretty sure his erstwhile master was in the mess, hunting him. About ten minutes ago something had swum past him through the gunge, it had been big and swimming swiftly but Mizt had managed to slide down a side tunnel and avoid it. He couldn't really see through the thick, brightly coloured muck but he had felt it approaching. The shifts in pressure and flow of the river he was in tune with ottery swimming instincts helping to guide him through the canals of muck.

Not that he could afford to be complacent, moving into the junction ahead he slowed and looked around. Mizt had decided to switch hexagons. If Sewer was hunting him in the current one he'd move to another part of the maze. He was halfway around the open space when he realised what was different and turned to stare at the centre. The big black, sleek, latex statue, the one with no face and just a fountain of piss arcing from their cock, was gone!

"No way... no fucking way!" Mizt stood there, in surprise and stared at the vacant pedestal. For just a moment he was frozen then turned to flee but not quickly enough. His pause was fatal as the surface of the pool in front of him erupted! Bright coloured gunk splashed and surged around his feet, splattering the otter's yellow body in coloured goop as the creature leapt out of the gunk and pounced on him.

Black squeaky paws pinned him down on his back and with a squeak Mizt struggled against the large canine holding him down. They still had no expression, their whole body was smooth and black, expressionless in every way. Except now they had a bright neon-yellow collar wrapped around their throat, it was Sewer! He had no idea the MC could disguise the rat like this but well here he was, struggling beneath their heavy paws.

He couldn't get away, they were big and strong and Mizt was well and truly stuck. He felt the big dog-like creature crouch, that slick black, gunge lubed cock moving down the otter's stomach, sliding across his own null bulge. The big dog paused then slipped a bit further down and started to sink into Mizt's rump.

"Ahhhh," Mizt moaned, blushing at how easily he had been captured. He had been distracted by the empty plinth and Sewer had damn well been waiting for him! It had all been a ruse, they had moved around the sewer canals then retreated here to wait for him.

Mizt groaned and squirmed, trying to pull free but those huge paws on his shoulders held him down and the cock impaling his rump felt good. Relaxing into it the otter felt his own dick slide back out of its hidden home. It felt nice, relaxing, letting it slip free of his body to be squished between the big canine's stomach and his own, hard and leaking pre as he was humped eagerly by the big dog.

Panting and chirping, Mizt rolled with the flow of the humping, delightful, eager, pleasant mating. It was only as the black latex started to fade and bright silver and charcoal rubber hide could be seen that Mizt noticed his big lover was changing! His colours and identifying features were shading back into sight and with a yelp Mizt noticed their black latex covering was spreading to coat him!

Sewer's cock was deep inside of him, sliding in and out, a thick silver shaft with a hefty knot. But he was keeping it out of him, fucking him without tieing which meant he had other plans. Those plans were evidenced by the black latex that had engulfed Mizt's yellow and beige rubber body from the naval up to his chest and down along his legs. With a whimper of delight Mizt felt that slick layer of dark rubber engulf his webbed feet and sliding like water down his tail as Sewer thrust faster and more erratically into his snug, tight rump.

"Ahh... Sewer... I..." Mizt moaned, he could feel his need to cum building, the pleasure, the pounding of his tight rump it was all too much! He was going to cum soon and he just knew when he did it would be the end! The black latex had claimed his shoulders, was sliding down his arms, only his head and eager, desperate, needy cock was free!

Sewer's features faded into view, yellow eyes blinking, muzzle cracking wide in a big smile, thick pink canine tongue hanging out as he panted and growled in need. The huge, massive arcanine was rolling his hips faster, driving himself in and out of Mizt, edging himself toward orgasm.

"Hey pet," he growled in delight, slurping up Mizt's muzzle then kissing him, "You are going to look divine in my place as the fountain."

Those words were too much, Mizt moaned and started to cum, thick jets of sticky ottery seed splashing over both their stomachs as Sewer mated him. His rump clenched tightly, Sewer groaned and dumped his pent up load deep into the otter's snug rump. It felt so good and there was so much of it! Sewer's cum surged deep into his body and the otter groaned in delight as the arcanine threw their head back and howled! It seemed to go on forever but then Mizt's chirping groans were cut off as the black latex covering swept up over his muzzle and sealed it shut! It washed across his eyes, blanking out his features entirely but somehow left him able to see. It was a really weird sensation but Mizt couldn't stop it, he was lost in the throws of his orgasm as Sewer finished off and slid his dick back out of Mizt's rump and stepped back to admire the black, drone like otter.

Mizt wanted to lie still, to bask in the afterglow but his body started moving almost as soon as he finished orgasming! His cock showed no sign of softening as he slipped into the pool of gunge and waded over to climb up onto the plinth that had until just a short while ago held Sewer.

Dropping to all fours, Mizt found himself assuming a pose! A screen positioned just ahead let him see himself! A rain of hot water... no piss from above rinsed his body clean of gunge to let the sleek, smooth, shiny black hide gleam and show him off in the lights!

He had no muzzle, no eyes, no identifying features, it was so hot to see! He couldn't even moan or cry out as he felt liquid starting to percolate and rush through his body to fountain out of his rock hard cock! He had been reduced to nothing more than Sewer's blank, black, drone replacement of a fountain! It was growing hard to think, to focus as the pleasure of his predicament and the sensation of pissing flooded his thoughts.

"Well my friends, it would seem like Sewer gets to retain his title as master of the Cistern. Though Mizt does look beautiful standing there, don't worry he only agreed to spend five days at most in the Cistern unless of course you'd care to go down and see if you can best Sewer in return for your pet?"

"Hardly," the voice of his ferret friend said, "I am staying right up here and enjoying the show, what's next?"

"Well next up we have a little house-cat who has volunteered. Now it'll take a few hours to reset the sewer. We have other functions to show off so in the meantime Sewer why don't you head on back to the Cistern and entertain our guests by showing off your new feline pet."

Sewer wuffled an affirmative and headed off and Mizt was left alone, shining bright and smooth under the lights as he continued to piss. Part of him wanted to protest, he had clearly been set up! His chances of victory had been so slim, but it was hard to think through the haze of pleasure.

He was Mizt once more and trapped, on display for all to see... and it was fantastic!

Cistern: The Grunge Pit: Part 3

Orel crept cautiously along one of the channels of his new sewer. Deep in the depths of the new sewer he was hunting his master, the controller of the cistern. The large, sleek, living rubber arcanine slipped cautiously through the brightly coloured...

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Cistern: The Grunge Pit: Part 2

Moving into the glass cubicle Orel pulled his thick skunk tail in after him then let the door slide shut. It closed with a very definite clunk, sealing him inside the chamber. Dressed in only his singlet, still damp from his earlier orgasm the skunk...

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Cistern: The Grunge Pit: Part 1

Wandering through the Cistern as Orel always felt weird, the brown rat padded bare-foot across the mesh-floor of the main room toward the new rooms the MC had built. Pausing the brown rat looked around the room and grinned; he had to admit he loved it...

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