Cistern: The Grunge Pit: Part 2

Story by Russ on SoFurry

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#38 of Transformation Stories

We continue Orel's solo adventure down in the Cistern

Moving into the glass cubicle Orel pulled his thick skunk tail in after him then let the door slide shut. It closed with a very definite clunk, sealing him inside the chamber. Dressed in only his singlet, still damp from his earlier orgasm the skunk moved out to stand in the middle of the cubicle and looked up at the nozzles protruding into the space above him.

"So Master," the skunk said in a lilting drawl, smiling softly, "What should I expect?"

"This," the soft voice whispered through the PA and the nozzles above Orel opened and a thick stream of oozing gloop poured out. It was silver, purple and black and splashed down over the skunk, making him grunt in surprise and crouch as the weight of gunge oozed down over his shoulders. It slid in thick waves across his shoulders, poured down his chest and back whilst more slime splattered around his feet and soaked into his tail.

Kneeling down Orel tilted his head back, pointing his muzzle straight up into the stream of gunge and let it wash down over him. His pierced dick was rubbing against the inside of his singlet as he started to get hard again. It really was one of his biggest desires, to be made a mess and this gunge was thick and oozing, clinging and soaking into his fur so nicely. Running his hands down his arms and legs the skunk spent a few minutes rubbing and spreading the gooey mess across his body, making sure no trace of black or white fur remained.

It meant putting on a bit of a show for the cameras but Orel was used to this and he wanted to be coated, to be dripping and oozing in layers of this thick gloop. Rubbing his hands across his face, working the gunge into his fur the skunk shivered as the stream from above cut off. It was like a slight lessening of pressure, the gunge clinging to his body was heavy and thick with a slight rubbery texture to it. Rubbing his fingers clean as best he could the skunk then wiped his eyes clear. Looking around the cubicle he smiled at the mess, it was a good five inches thick on the floor of the cubicle, sloshing around his knees and legs as he moved, his tail a heavy, matted, gooey mess slithered behind him.

Glancing through the glass he could see himself on the screen, his body a swirling mess of silver, black and purple gunge. It felt good and he was shamelessly rubbing his hand against his cock, enjoying the feel of the slime oozing through the fabric of his singlet and squishing around his dick.

"Stop touching yourself pet," the MC ordered and Orel reluctantly let go of his cock, "Now slide out of that singlet for me."

Orel obeyed, swaying to his feet, large skunk paws slopping through the thick gunge as he slid the straps off his shoulders. Gunge splattered down from inside the heavy, soaked material as he let it slip and slide across his stomach and down his legs.

Kicking the crumpled green lycra into one corner, Orel stretched, arms up above his head and turned to smile at the screen and cameras. His body glistened, covered entirely in gunge. It left him as a swirled, multicoloured shape, species and identify covered and lost by the oozing gunk. His cock stood proud and eager however and Orel let one hand slide down his chest, circling but not touching his genitals as he posed.

"Well this all seems to work well, I can't wait to have someone in here with me," the skunk said softly, revelling in the gunge.

"I am glad you think so, now Orel... change."

The MC's order made the skunk's ears perk up and that was about all the time he had before his collar grew tight and he felt a spark flash into his eyes. Staggering the skunk gasped as the gunge also reacted, he felt it cling to his body, gripping it tightly and with a yelp fell forward onto hands and knees.

"Can you feel that Orel?" the MC's voice chuckled, "The gunge is reactive to the nanites in your collar, providing extra raw material for the change to come.

Orel tried to answer but the gunge was filling his mouth, surging and shifting all along the length of his body. It spread out in a thick paw around his front legs, the gunge bulking up, pulling more matter and material out of his body which was busy melting into the gunge. The slimy gooey mess was claiming his body under the guidance of the programme his Master had uploaded into his collar.

The rat was used to his Master having admin access, to decide what species he should be. He'd just never uploaded instructions remotely through gunge before! It felt empowering though, his body had melded into the gunge and it was pulling together, sliding off the floor and across his reshaping body to become something bigger, stronger, powerful!

Rolling his new shoulders he lifted up onto all fours, his large feet pressing softly against the floor as he shook out his new, luxurious rubber mane. Growling in delight Orel opened his eyes and looked toward the screen, examining his new body with bright neon yellow eyes. He had a large canine body, thick rubber fur sculpted and shaped exquisitely into a huge mane and thick head fur. His tail was the same bright silver rubber as well as the tufts of sculpted rubber that covered the back of his legs.

His ears however were a dark charcoal colour that matched his ears with hints of purple. The majority of his body however was solid, sleek shiny charcoal rubber with purple stripes in errant patterns. He was an Arcanine just a living one made of sleek shiny rubber and his collar was a bright neon yellow to match his new eyes.

"You made me an Arcanine," he arfed in a deep voice and sat down, shivering as he felt his rubber form squeak and slide against the floor.

"You look good," his master chuckled, "I felt it was time we gave you something big and exciting, especially if you are going to be hunting VIPs or their nominated victims through the sewer."

"Yes sir," Orel wuffed, "Also that gunge it'll work on any of my pets who are wearing the pet collar?"

"You bet it will, now come out and let me get a good look at you."

The cubicle clicked open and Orel padded out, the glass cage was clear and clean, all the slick liquid gunge had merged into his new, sleek, heavy shiny body. Solid all the way through and yet the shapeshifting rat could feel it was ready to flow under his or the MC's direction. He was also currently lacking genitals, as he looked underneath and along the length of his body there was just smooth rubber where his bits should be.

He could feel them though and as he stood there focussing he felt his body shift and flow, his balls sliding free of his body followed by a thick, plump sheath. Tongue hanging out, panting heavily the canine pokemon stretched and then tilted his head back to look up at the camera.

"I feel strong, damn... this feels nice.... certainly bigger then my avali shape attached to this colour."

"You remember the rules I set for your neon segment, yes?" Orel's master asked and the arcanine let his ears flatten back and nodded.

"I don't have access, meaning this shape is for you and your desires alone..." Orel quoted the rule, his thick shaggy silver tail wagging hard, "So what now master?"

"Go through to the sewer, I want to see how well you do at hunting."

Orel let out a deep throated barked and padded through into the room with the pool. To his surprise it was full of gunge, the sloping floored centre of the room now full to the brim with brightly coloured gunk. Letting out a happy bark Orel walked into the muck, vanishing beneath the surface and headed across to the doorway that led through into the sewer. Lifting his head above the thick gooey liquid filling the narrow channel Orel blinked his eyes clear and growled in delight.

"I didn't need to breathe down there..."

"No, you are made of rubber my dog, now let's see how you do, hunt my pet, do my proud."

"Sure thing," Orel flicked his ears, "Who's my prey?"

"Seems we have a slight misunderstanding Orel," the MC purred, "You are my prey, I'm leaving my screens and entering the sewer now, let's see if you can claim me or if your nice new rump will be mine."

Orel whined as the mic clicked off and lowered his head until just his eyes were poking out of the gunge sloshing and clinging to his new rubber body. Hunting... being hunted by his master, well it had happened before but never quite like this. Looking back as the door to the cistern closed Orel growled and ducked back under the surface, making his way forward through the thick, oozing muck.

He had only bested his Master a couple of times in hunts and games, but with this big new body he intended to try his best. Growling in delight Orel leapt out of the channel, crouching on the stone circle that filled the middle of the first crossroads and looked around. Colourful gunge in bright primary colours oozed off his sleek silver and charcoal rubber body and his tail started to sway from side to side as he started to get excited.

Stretching out in all directions the sewer waited, bright white tiled walkways, channel full of slurping, glorping, brightly coloured muck. Somewhere in this complex of tunnels and gunge his master was stalking him... well he could stalk back. Shaking his thick rubbery mane Orel leapt back into the channel and let the bright mess glorp around him as he sank down and started the hunt!


Cistern: The Grunge Pit: Part 3

Orel crept cautiously along one of the channels of his new sewer. Deep in the depths of the new sewer he was hunting his master, the controller of the cistern. The large, sleek, living rubber arcanine slipped cautiously through the brightly coloured...

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Cistern: The Grunge Pit: Part 1

Wandering through the Cistern as Orel always felt weird, the brown rat padded bare-foot across the mesh-floor of the main room toward the new rooms the MC had built. Pausing the brown rat looked around the room and grinned; he had to admit he loved it...

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The Cistern: Mizt Part 3

Mizt rolled his shoulders and tugged at the shoulder straps of his red and green wrestling singlet. It was comfortable, just his size with space for his tail to poke out the rear end. Sewer was dressed in the same sort of tight lycra clothing, the...

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