Cistern: The Grunge Pit: Part 3

Story by Russ on SoFurry

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#39 of Transformation Stories

The third segment in Orel's solo adventure

Orel crept cautiously along one of the channels of his new sewer. Deep in the depths of the new sewer he was hunting his master, the controller of the cistern. The large, sleek, living rubber arcanine slipped cautiously through the brightly coloured gunge that was flowing slowly through the sewer and had a feeling the odds were against him. So far it had been exciting, he'd caught several glimpses of someone, his master bounding away on all fours, leading him on a merry chase through the gunge filled tunnels.

He hadn't been able to see what species the MC was right now. Something moving on four legs but he could change at will. After a long, exciting chase however Orel had lost him. He'd turned a corner and he was gone so now he was being sneaky. If he won, if he could get the upper hand he'd get to plough his eager dick into his owner, his master, his lover. A rare and exciting treat that was all the sweeter for him having had to earn it first.

The channel he was stalking through was deep enough that in this large living rubber Pokemon body he could walk with his feet on the tiled floor and have his head sticking above the surface. He didn't want that though, he was hunting carefully for the sound or presence of his master. So the arcanine was crouched low enough within the gunge so only his eyes and ears rose above the surface. Sliding carefully around a corner Orel peered along the next segment of gunge filled sewer tunnel and slowly, carefully inched his way forward.

Just ahead the tunnel branched right and the arcanine's ears perked upward as he heard what sounded like the splattering sound of gunge falling into the channel. Carefully Orel moved up to the junction, sliding carefully through the thick, slimy, primary coloured mess until he could peer around the corner. It was a dead end, the far wall set with a large pipe through which gunge was pouring, splattering into the sewer to keep the flowing gunge topped up and moving.

Letting out a muffled huff Orel pulled back and slowly and slid back toward the centre of the slowly flowing channel. This was the third time he had lost his master on this hunt, this time he wasn't going to charge ahead assuming he was just ahead. Clearly the MC was being sneaky and so this time Orel would sneak too. The muck was so thick and very distracting, it was taking all of the shapeshifted rat's concentration to not let his dick hang low and just enjoy the gunge. He could do it, just let himself go and hump the muck and ride out a free orgasm, his Master would never know with him hidden like this. But no, he was determined to save it, to keep himself on edge and horny, ready to claim his prize.

Also the last thing he needed was to distract himself by essentially pawing off whilst being stalked by the MC. Just as he reached the next bend in the sewer tunnel the arcanine froze, there was something... yes there... going around the corner ahead, a shadow against the white tiled wall. Orel hunched lower and slid right under the surface, letting the thick, brightly coloured ooze cling to his body. Moving slowly through the channel the rubber fire-dog pressed himself up against the wall and moved forward until he reached the turning.

Easing himself into the next tunnel he lifted his head and peered out of the gunge with just one eye, peering along. There was nothing there and yet the shadow was clear still on the wall. Peering up at the lights he saw what was casting the shadow, a small paper outline had been slipped into one of the lights.

"Fuck," Orel muttered and sank back under the gunge and backed away, it was a trap, a set up... hurrying through the gunk as quickly as he could he reached a crossroads and carefully pulled himself up onto the circular stone platform that filled the middle of the open space.

Crouching low, bright yellow, green, blue and red gunge crawling down his rubber hide the arcanine looked around carefully then leapt across to one of the tiled walkways that defined the gunge filled channel. Hurrying along as quickly as he dared, large rubber paws pad pad padding on the tiles Orel made his way to the exit from this section of the sewer. The arcanine knew he was leaving a trail his Master could follow, gunge was sliding and splattering onto the tiles in a trail behind him but he had to be quick.

If the MC had time to plant paper decoys it meant Orel had been too cautious, had spent too much time lurking down the channels slowly. It also meant his Master knew he was in this hexagon of the new sewer system. He'd been hoping to catch them moving down the tunnels whilst he lurked in the mess. He was probably boxing Orel in and the arcanine wanted to get out of this part of the sewer as quickly as he could.

Darting around a corner he saw the open area he had been headed for ahead. Three branches of the sewer complex joining together in a large open gunge filled pool. It was a convergence point, the sewer complex was laid out in seven hexagonal sections. The sections merged at these junctions which did not have islands in the middle. Orel's plan was to dive back into the gunge in the middle of this joining point and vanish up one of the channels at random.

Reaching the edge of the channel the large shiny, rubber Arcanine was about to dive in when someone surged out of the gunge in front of him. The large, quadrupedal shape was an unrecognizable mass under thick layers of the bright, multicoloured mess.

Their front paws slammed into Orel's chest and the arcanine slipped backwards with a yelp. Off balance now he staggered on the tiles, felt his attacker wrap their front legs about his neck and drag him over the edge into the pool. Sinking beneath the gunge Orel groaned as he once more returned to the muck. This time however he wasn't alone, he was struggling to slip free of the grip of his assailant and escape.

It wasn't easy though, caught by surprise he was soon pinned down at the bottom of the channel. He was stuck on his side, unable to bring the full strength of his legs to bear. His assailant however had him well and truly trapped beneath all four of their hefty paws and he found himself properly stuck.

Squirming around Orel felt a paw press firmly down atop his head and he let out a long sigh and lowered his head, letting his Master know he had surrendered. The weight left his body and the arcanine pushed off until he could broach the surface of the gunge. Shaking his head to clear his eyes he peered toward the sleek, shiny, gunge coated figure watching him. The most easily identifiable part of their body was the geometric horn shape attached to the top of their head. The suicune grinned at him through the layers of bright gloop coating their rubbery body and moved close to kiss Orel gently on the muzzle.

"Gotcha pet," they murmured with a smile, "That was fun, you nearly gave me the slip a couple of times."

Orel huffed, leaning his head forward, letting them rest their muzzle atop his as he finally gave in and let his cock slide free of his body. It felt good to let it hang loose, twitching gently in the thick coating of heavy gunge.

"How did you do it? Every time I saw you and gave chase you gave me the slip."

His master chuckled and pulled back through the gunge, heading toward the centre of the pool, "I cheated, there are secret doorways between the tunnels, connecting channels under the gunge."

"Ooooh," Orel breathed and sighed, smiling gently as he realised he'd been played, "Very sneaky, I assume you'll be teaching them to me?" Orel asked as he followed the suicune, "And here I was worried my hunts down here might be fair and equitable."

"Not a chance," his master laughed warmly, tossing back their head, their slick cascade of heavy pink rubber hair swaying, coated in bright coloured goo that rolled and oozed down its length in a very hypnotic way, "I am envisioning most of our VIPs will send a guest down here, a friend they want to see captured and humped and transformed before being returned to their owner as a new toy to enjoy for the rest of the night."

"Oooh, damn that's hot," Orel barked, thick tail swaying back and forth through the gunge, "I get to hunt them, fuck them and transform them? Ahhh Master, when is my first hunt?"

"In about a week," the suicune said as with a clunk barriers rose across the three channels leading into the pool and with a gurgling rush drains in the floor started to suck the gunk down, "I have some advertising to do to drum up hype for the new sewer and first," he turned to face Orel, watching him with a hungry grin, "I need to claim the prize for winning my hunt."

Orel blushed, he could feel his rubber body warming up and the gunge draining out of the pool was pulling the slick gooey thick rubbery liquid down his body, exposing his broad arcanine body for his master to admire. Turning, spreading his paws wide, Orel let out a happy, excited arc as he presented himself to the suicune.

His master didn't waste any more time, the large suicune moved forward, reared up to drape his front legs over the arcanine's back and mounted his pet. Orel groaned in delight as their rubbery bodies squished together, the gunge covering them squelching and mixing as his master's sleek, hard cock slipped up beneath his tail. Letting out a happy "Arc" of delight he pressed back, his own cock twitching against his belly as he spread his legs, lowered his body and allowed his Master to sink deeper into his rump.

They were both so slick, their bodies dripping with bright coloured gunge, slippery, gooey forms of living rubber sliding back and forth across one another as they fucked. It was so good, Orel tilted his head back, giving in to pleasure, to carnal instincts and arced with every other breath, panting and clenching his rump tight around the cock sliding in and out of him. It didn't take the collar wearing pokemon long, it never did, he was so horny, so needy right now!

Clenching tightly around the MC's cock the arcanine let out a deep, coughing growl as his cock twitched, knot flaring and starting to empty his seed into the emptying pool beneath them. It was then that Orel realised the Suicune had been fiddling with his collar. He had felt their snout against the strip of neon yellow polymer but hadn't noticed them interacting with the holographic display that had deployed whilst they fucked him!

He was still fucking him, despite the tight clench of his rump his master was humping him hard, keeping his dick lodged deep as he worked himself toward orgasm. Groaning Orel rolled his eyes, trying to see what setting they were activating, but he couldn't see! Then his master started to hump erratically, quick, energetic thrusts that had the big rubber arcanine groaning and barking in need. Mid-bark Orel coughed and his eyes widened as he felt a lump in the back of his throat!

It started small but rapidly grew in size as he coughed and sputtered trying to dislodge it. The spherical mass rolled forward, sliding down the length of his tongue before it clinked against the back of his plastic teeth. Before he could spit it out the orb swelled, lodging itself behind his fangs as his jaws were forced partially open and his thick, rubbery canine tongue was trapped beneath it.


He managed, moaning as he felt his Master start to cum inside his rump, the slick, liquid rubber seed spilling deep into him. It felt warm, it felt good and Orel didn't want it to end. Of course with that orb filling his maw he had a feeling his treatment as his master's toy wasn't going to end anytime soon. His cock was already getting hard again, the knot engorging as his cock hung low and thick beneath his body.

As his MC slipped from his rump Orel felt himself, stiffening, limbs freezing in place as he assumed a wide stance, legs spread, tail up so nothing was obscuring the view of his cock. The pleasure continued to build even as he felt his collar fade from view, he could still feel it there, clinging to his throat but he just knew it had hidden itself. Rolling his eyes and letting out a muffled whine of protest Orel was rewarded by the gorgeous sight of his master shifting forms, the suicune fading away as they resumed their original, every day body. As he finished shifting and stood up, naked and still dripping in gunge the cleaning system powered up, jets of warm water and soap starting to rinse down the walls and slosh through the channel. A heavy hot stream of water splashed down over Orel, rinsing his shiny rubbery body clean swiftly.

As the cleaning system continued to do its work on the sewer his Master did Orel the courtesy of turning on a screen so Orel could watch himself changing. It was one of his greatest pleasures, being able to see what his Master did to his body. As Orel had felt his collar was indeed missing from about his neck as he stood on all fours proudly showing off his dick. The tight pressure of his collar was still there, snug about his neck to feel but for anyone looking at him it was hidden.

Orel managed a soft whine as he watched the next changes starting to flow over his body. Sleek, smooth shiny and highly polished black latex was oozing down his neck. It washed over his charcoal body, blanked out his purple stripes and spread through the quick-silver fluff on his ankles and tail. Inch by inch over the course of a few minutes all identifying features of his body were wiped out. Even Orel's shiny silver knotted cock was engulfed in flowing liquid latex that solidified into a bright shiny black dick. By the end of about five minutes everything below his neck was black, sleek, shiny latex, plain and unadorned.

"Looking nice," his master said with a smile, twitching their ears and gesturing at the holographic display surrounding one of his hands. The floor beneath Orel clunked and he was lifted up until he was a good seven feet up in the air, leaving him a good foot above the walkway, the floor below his feet now an open mesh like the cistern's floor.

"Mrrrhhffff!" Orel tried to speak, but at best he could make a muffled noise and his Master laughed and shook his head.

"No love, no speaking, in fact... yes, slight change of plans," he touched a couple of symbols on his controls and black latex surged up the arcanine's neck, engulfing his lower jaw and the back of his skull to creep up his ears. The large orb in his jaws shattered, breaking down into the surging rush of black latex as it closed over his head in a rush. Orel couldn't even yelp as the latex gummed up his jaws and on the screen he could see all traces of his mouth and eyes being erased. Somehow despite the lack of any face he could still see, his body standing proud as a blank, smooth black latex statue of an arcanine though without distinguishing features it was harder to tell just what he was beyond "canine."

"Lovely," His master said with a smile then brought up a different screen, "One final thing and the PR campaign can begin..." he pressed a button and something beneath Orel went glunk and started to gurgle. Four, painless pinpricks pressed against the bottom of his feet, it felt like tubes sliding into his latex flesh. Moments later Orel realised they must be pipes as a rush of liquid flooded up his legs! He could feel it surging through his body, racing toward his hindquarters until on a cresting wave of pleasure the sleek black latex arcanine started to piss!

It felt really good, brilliant even but was not an orgasm, in fact Orel quickly realised as he stood there as a blank, black, latex fountain he was in fact right on the edge, the cusp of orgasm. He was being edged as a featureless fountain as the sewer canals all around him started to fill with piss from various pipes. It swirled around beneath his plinth, flowing through the sewer canals, gurgling through drains and back through various recycling systems only to be pumped back into the sewer through the pipes. Orel was sure this was to make sure the sewer would always be full of fresh piss but he was mostly focussed on the warm liquid surging through his body under pressure to emerge in an arching, constant stream from Orel's sleek black cock.

"There we go," the MC said with a smirk, "You look beautiful pet, I'll start that hype train with our VIPs for our big opening and you make a lovely centrepiece for the Cisterns new sewer," he chuckled and dismissed all his holographic screens with a bat of his paws.

Orel would have whined, protested but he had no mouth, no features at all, despite still being able to see his body was just a block of blank latex shaped like a canine! A fountain of piss pouring in a bright glittering yellow arc from his rock hard dick! Stuck on the edge, already his mind was growing fuzzy and he was loving it and his damn Master knew it.

"We open on friday and as no one has seen you in this form you'll just be a fun piece of furniture for our new sewer," he laughed warmly, "Imagine the roar of delight when our first visitor gets hunted through the sewers by a black drone, no one will really know for sure if it is you until your collar reveals itself."

Blowing Orel a kiss his master started along the walkway toward one of the hidden exits, "I'll pop down to check on you in a day or so, maybe let you cum if you are a real good boy, enjoy yourself pet."

Orel moaned internally, the rush of piss surging through his body and out of his dick a constant tease, his body held on the edge, denied orgasm. His mind slowly descended into a happy haze of need and obedient, eager pleasure as he did as his master desired and stood there...

Just a piece of furniture,

A fountain...

He was a good boy.


Cistern: The Grunge Pit: Part 2

Moving into the glass cubicle Orel pulled his thick skunk tail in after him then let the door slide shut. It closed with a very definite clunk, sealing him inside the chamber. Dressed in only his singlet, still damp from his earlier orgasm the skunk...

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Cistern: The Grunge Pit: Part 1

Wandering through the Cistern as Orel always felt weird, the brown rat padded bare-foot across the mesh-floor of the main room toward the new rooms the MC had built. Pausing the brown rat looked around the room and grinned; he had to admit he loved it...

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The Cistern: Mizt Part 3

Mizt rolled his shoulders and tugged at the shoulder straps of his red and green wrestling singlet. It was comfortable, just his size with space for his tail to poke out the rear end. Sewer was dressed in the same sort of tight lycra clothing, the...

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