The Cistern: Mizt Part 3

Story by Russ on SoFurry

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#36 of Transformation Stories

The Final Chapter in a story commission for Da Glitch Wizzard on FA

Mizt and Sewer head to the Sludge tank for a messy time

Mizt rolled his shoulders and tugged at the shoulder straps of his red and green wrestling singlet. It was comfortable, just his size with space for his tail to poke out the rear end. Sewer was dressed in the same sort of tight lycra clothing, the rat's yellow furred body covered by a purple and black singlet. It felt odd to be wearing clothing, what was even more peculiar was the hidden room he had been led too.

It was off the showers again, a short corridor hidden behind the full length mirror that led to this large circular room. There was a small mesh ledge that sloped down and a catwalk of rubber coated mesh crossing the pool from one side to the other. There were also racks of equipment off to the side. What had drawn Mizt's attention however was what the whole thing was filling up with. A huge pipe on the far side of the room was pouring out thick, grey-brown sludge, it smelt of salt and earth and it was filling the pool perfectly. A drain on the right made sure it couldn't overflow but it was full of thick, gooey, gelatinous mud. The surface nearest them had set into a thick clay like mess whilst further out were it was being churned up by the inlet pipe it was still liquid and glorping as it flowed back and forth.

Mizt had filled in the survey on the app when he had applied, he had said he was a fan of getting dirty, he just hadn't been expecting a giant pool of muck down here in the cistern. The morning had been like all his others, he'd been woken up to bondage and watersports, the pair of them getting soaked, horny, needy. Of course Mizt had still been stuck in the chastity cage from last night, Sewer hadn't taken it off or given him permission to cum since he'd pawed off in the tank yesterday. He hadn't actually asked permission for that orgasm and so Sewer had been reminding him who his master was.

It had been removed just before they came to this room. Now Mitz was half hard, his dick creating a very nice bulge in his singlet as he looked across the sludge tank at his Master. Sewer turned from the controls he had been adjusting, several vents opening in the ceiling, dousing the catwalk with streams of thick sludge. Satisfied Sewer turned a wheel and the streams of sludge cut off, though Mizt was sure they would be back soon enough.

"So Mizt tonight we are putting on a sludge show," he grinned at the otter excitedly, the big rat's singlet also outlining a bulging cock, restrained beneath the lycra, "It is not often I get a pet whose into mud and wrestling and tests of strength."

Mizt perked his ears up and looked over the edge at the pool of sludge then sideways at his master, "So... what is tonight's show?"

"We fight," Sewer declared, "Best of three, winner fucks the loser in the sludge" holding up one hand he raised a finger, "First pugil sticks then we wrestle followed by a pure test of strength."

Mizt chirped and grinned wide, thick rudder like tail swaying from side to side, "You're on master... I really want to see what your rump feels like around my cock."

Sewer laughed and picked two long foam covered sticks with huge rounded foam pads on either end, one blue, one red. Mizt took the red stick and spun it back and forth, getting a feel for the weighted ends. He nodded and then scampered across the catwalk to take up a position on the other side. Turning he set himself in a crouch, gripping the shaft of his weapon and watched Sewer carefully. His master was advancing slowly, his heavy set body moving lightly on his feet despite his size as he swung the pugil stick from side to side.

Mizt didn't wait, he leapt forward, swinging his staff, aiming to end this quickly but Sewer met his swing, deflecting it and followed up with the other end of his staff, aiming it at Mizt's stomach. The otter yelped and leapt backwards to avoid that blow and brought his staff down, he caught Sewer on the shoulder but before he could put his weight behind it the bigger rat knocked his staff away. Then the showers turned on, thick black mud flowed out of the ceiling in two streams, it splashed through the mesh floor and splattered up the back of Mizt's tail.

The otter shivered and bit his lip, backing up a step to let the muck ooze across his shoulders and down the back of his singlet clad torso. Cool, thick mud; it felt great and Mizt could feel his dick pulsing against the inside of his singlet. Sewer however was still clean, except for his tail; that long pink appendage was getting covered as the flow of muck poured down over their arena.

Sewer grinned, eyes lingering on the tubular bulge in Mizt's singlet, "Someone is enjoying themselves I see."

"So are you," Mizt shouted back, he could see Sewer's own bulge straining the lycra of his singlet. It was a nice view and Mist intended to enjoy it so he leapt forward swinging his stick at the big rat's stomach. Sewer laughed and stepped back into the stream of sludge, head tilted back to keep it out of his eyes as the muck splashed over his head and arms. It took him out of reach of Mizt's stick, the filthy rat clearly not averse to getting muddy. Cursing the otter jumped back and yelped as he leapt right through the stream of muck behind him, he'd not noticed it had switched position! Slick slippery mud oozed down his body, splattering over his arms and legs and covering his head, blinding him.

Quickly clearing his eyes Mizt yelped and nearly lost the game there and then as Sewer's pugil stick came swishing through the obscuring stream of mud. Only by quickly crouching and using his pugil stick in a wild block to knock Sewer's staff upwards saved him. He had to respond quickly, he couldn't let Sewer keep the initiative.

Closing his eyes Mixt leapt at the stream of muck, not minding as it poured over his body and charged Sewer. His stick clashed into theirs, the rat was backing up and clearly ready for a counterattack. He was clearly skilled at this game, not holding still after his attack. Still Mizt wasn't going to go down easy, for a good minute the two of them settled into a pattern, pugil sticks whirling, clashing, crashing into each other. The mistake when it came wasn't even really Mizt's fault, just bad luck. The big rat was pushing him back, pressing his attack and the otters foot slipped on the slimy, mud coated mesh.

Off balance for just a moment the rat struck, his pugil stick sliding past Mizt's guard. The otter flailed, wobbling for a moment then let out a chirp of alarm as Sewer reversed his attack, whacked Mizt's legs out from under him and swept him out over the side of the catwalk. Tumbling backwards Mizt closed his eyes just as the mud closed over the otter's head with a definite gloop!

Thick, oozing liquid muck engulfed his body and Mizt groaned, allowing himself to rub his cock through his singlet as he sank. It was warm, it was thick, like the kind of water coated clay you might find near the sea. Squirming and turning around Mizt reluctantly left his cock alone and surfaced, spitting out a mouthful and blinking his eyes clear. Looking up at Sewer he found his master crouched on the catwalk watching him with a wide ratty grin.

"Looks like that's one to me pet," he rumbled in that deep voice of his, "Come on out and have a look at yourself."

Mizt obeyed, swimming, well more clawing his way through the thick muck. Each movement was accompanied by the sucking, squelching, tugging feel of the mud reluctantly letting his legs and torso slip free. Mizt had to pull himself up the sloping ramp, forcing a path through the sticky, feeling it ooze and squelch down around his body in thick waves of dark-brown gloop.

There was a mirror, he had wondered why it was there earlier but now he knew. It was so he could see his humiliation and the state he was in! He was covered, head to toe in thick brown muck, totally unrecognizable as Mizt, heck it was hard to tell he was an otter at first glance. Groaning the otter pressed a messy paw down atop his cock, squeezing it against his stomach as he turned to look at Sewer.

"None of that now," Sewer admonished with a grin as he hung his pugil stick on the rack. The big sewer rat was splattered with muck over his shoulders, back and tail but otherwise he was mostly clean. Mizt reluctantly let his cock go and walked over to his master and knelt down before him, oozing thick muck down through the mesh floor to the pool beneath them.

"I guess you won that one," he chirped with a blush, "Man I am utterly coated..."

"Yup," Sewer said as he grinned down at the otter, "You look fantastic, ready for the next game."

"Do I get to clean up first?" Mizt asked hopefully but that hope died as Sewer shook his head with a big grin, "Of course not..." the otter murmured, damn I feel hot like this."

"You look hot," Sewer laughed, "I love that moment, when you go under and your identity is washed away... doubly so for you Mizt."

The otter blushed at the reminder of how his identity had been washed away during his first night. Running a hand down his arm, sluicing off the mud the otter took a deep breath and nodded, "I am ready master... lets wrestle."

"Not just yet," Sewer said, sliding a hand down his lycra clad front. He fished his dick out from it's clinging prison, pushing it out of the shorts of the singlet and with a sigh let loose a thick, golden shower of fresh rat piss. It didn't do much about Mizt's covering or mud but it was warm and wet and humiliating. Blushing the otter leant forward and caught that cock in his maw, drinking at least half of it whilst letting the rest splash over his mud coated body, Sewer paid special attention to the otter's goatee, rinsing it clean of mud and leaving the sharp, acrid scent of his Master strong in his nose.

Once he was done Sewer tucked his cock away and the pair of filthy critters moved onto the catwalk, both of them picking a spot facing each other on the large circular central part of the catwalk. It was about three feet wide, just the right size for a tight wrestling ring. Mizt settled into a crouch, bracing himself with his tail and regarded his Master as Sewer watched them warily.

"Match starts when the shower begins," Sewer declared and Mizt chirped in surprise and looked up as streams of mud splashed down around them both. The otter laughed and charged toward Sewer, the rat crouched and launched himself at Mizt and the two clashed, hands grabbing shoulders, bodies straining against one another. Mizt twisted and pulled trying to drag Sewer off his feet, the rat however fell into the pull, throwing his weight behind it. He thumped against the grating and rolled away and bounced back to his feet.

Mizt was now off balance but as Sewer sprang back toward him the otter dropped to the ground and rolled out of the way. He barely made it, for all his bulk Sewer was fast! Mizt launched himself at the blonde rat's back, mud pouring down his back, sliding along his body and over his arms and hands as he grappled with his Master. The two of them heaved against one another, Sewer twisting, Mizt grappling and hanging onto him, trying to trip and throw him before they sprang apart again.

Panting, chest heaving Mizt brushed muck out of his eyes and regarded Sewer, the blonde rat was covered in streaks of mud. He was big and strong and agile but the otter was sleek and slippery and his fur was saturated with mud. Grinning widely he charged again, leaping toward the rat and let Sewer grab him, almost as if he had messed up the charge. As Sewer wrapped his arms around him, Mizt squirmed, using his slippery body to squirm his way free, slipping out of that grip easily. He slipped down and back and came up behind and under Sewer's tail and shoved his Master with all his strength.

The big rat staggered forward, dropping to all fours at the sudden shift in the messy otter's angle of attack. Mizt pounced, landing on the rat's back, grabbing his arms and trying to hold him down. Sewer of course wasn't having any of this, the rat squirmed back, their bodies grinding against each other. Mizt chirped and tried to ignore how it felt to have mud and lycra sliding up and down the length of his hard cock and focus on beating Sewer. He had to get the rat over the edge into the muck but Sewer was a wily opponent, he was not easy to anticipate.

But Mizt had one thing going for him, he was smaller, slender, slick and wiggly. As Sewer turned toward him, the big rat lumbered around and tried to grab him, Mizt ducked and wriggled off, carrying the rat's tail with him. He tugged on it hard, throwing his might behind it and tried to pull Sewer off balance. It worked, the rat wobbled, one of his feet lifting off the ground as he tried to balance himself. Mizt jumped, throwing his weight into Sewer, wrapping his arms about his waist, trying to tip him backwards. It worked, the rat went down with a thump, mud splattering all around them.

Mizt scampered back as Sewer rolled, the otter dropped onto his rump, braced himself with his arms and tail and shoved his feet against the rat's body. He rolled, dug his claws into the mesh floor and tried to hold on as Mizt strained trying to dislodge the rat. Sewer lifted his head, grinned at the otter, showing off his buck teeth for a moment, his long goatee stuck to his neck and chest with mud. Mizt held on for a moment, straining with his feet then shifted forward, diving at the rat and drove his shoulder into Sewer's stomach and rolled the rat up and over the edge. The look of surprise on the rat's muzzle was glorious as he dropped and vanished under the muck with a heavy gloop. Mizt moved over to the edge of the catwalk and peered down at the sloshing waves of muck. Then he laughed as Sewer surfaced, the rat was entirely covered, reduced to a shapeless, rodent shape of dark-brown muck. Standing up he moved through the mud, wading as best he could to grab the edge of the catwalk and grinned up at Mizt only his head and one arm showing.

"Clever..." Sewer rumbled gently, "I wasn't expecting that change at the end, you're too slippery like this."

Mizt smiled and leant further out and grinned, "I am a very good otter, so what's next?"

Sewer reached, grabbed Mizt's arm and pulled him right off the catwalk. The otter chirped and landed with a splat, sinking into the muck. He squirmed around, pushing his legs down and lifting his head out of the mud. He had to wipe a handful away from his eyes and blinked up at Sewer as the rat settled into the mud next to them.

"Naked mud wrestling, you, me, in the sludge tank," he grinned, "Rolling around in the muck, winner is the person who gets their dick into the other."

Mizt laughed and pushed off, sliding through the pool until he reached the ramp. He waded out until the mud was around his waist and with a chirping grin started to peel his singlet off his body. The sodden lycra slid off easily and the otter ran a hand down his mud coated chest to grip his cock now it was free. He pumped it once, twice then grinned down at Sewer.

"Sounds fun master, up here in the shallows? We want our viewers to be able to see it after all."

Sewer laughed and worked his way through the pool, pushing rolling swathes of muck aside with his arms until he could walk up the slope and stand beside Mizt. The big blonde rat was dripping, mud rolling down his body in waves and splashing down his legs as he pulled off his singlet, baring his mud coated body to the air. The otter watched with a grin as the rat's cock slipped free and he moved forward to grip it, stroking the muddy appendage with his mud coated paws and then stepped back as the rat groaned.

"Cheater," Sewer pounced and Mizt rolled sideways, sliding through the muck, thick mud oozing up around his slender torso. Sewer went splat into the morass of sticky clay and the otter leapt across the gap, landing on the rat's body. The two were soon rolling from side to side across the ramp. Muck squelched beneath them, mud oozed across their limbs, squelched through the fur of their chests. Hands so coated in layers of muck their fingers stuck together pushed at heads to duck them under whilst they squirmed and struggled against each other.

Sewer was big and strong but Mizt was slick and slippery, like an eel that couldn't be held. With the rats hands so caked in mud he couldn't get a good grip, his hands just slipped off the otter's mud coated waterproof fur. Minutes passed, the rolled and squelched, squished and sunk back and forth in the thick ooze, carving long furrows through the muvk until with a startled squeak Sewer found himself lying on his back with Mizt's mud coated dick sinking into his rump.

Sewer's groan of delight joined Mizt's happy panting as the otter claimed his prize. Rolling his hips the otter started to buck back and forth, shifting his legs until he was resting on the ramp, his lower half buried beneath the muck as he fucked his master. It felt good, Sewer's rump was tight, he grinned up at the otter and ran his sleek, mud coated paws up and down Mizt's sides and the otter chirped and cooed in delight as he rolled his hips back and forth eagerly.

"Not... not going... to last long," he whined as he pressed his hands through the mud, rubbing it back and forth into Sewer's fur as he humped him harder, deeper. Above and behind them he could see a mirror, no, it was a tv screen set into the wall. Both of them were visible, sleek, mud coated forms, unidentifiable, they were not a rat and otter, they were just two sleek, filthy beasts rutting in the mud! It squelched, squished and splatted around them.

"Cum Mizt," Sewer ordered and the otter whined, closing his eyes and rolling his hips faster, driving himself deeper into that tight rump. Sewer was clenching tight, ignoring his own cock to work on teasing and tugging on Mizt every time he sank up to the hips inside of him.

Panting heavily, leaning over the big rat Mizt watched himself on the screen, groaned and squirmed, his thrusting growing erratic as he felt his body started to tense. It was like a slick, slippery fire building inside until he threw his head back and chirped loudly, driving his cock home and holding still as he started to fill Sewer with his cum. It felt amazing and after four days of being subject to the rat's cock inside him it was good to return the favour!

As his orgasm trailed off Mizt flopped forward, lying atop Sewer's slick, mud coated chest and groaned in delight, "Oh that felt amazing Master... your rump is so good!"

"I know," the rat pushed himself up, body squelching, mud oozing all around them as he worked himself free of the muck. Once he was sat up he gripped Mizt's arms and pulled him up into a deep, sloppy kiss, "Now though, deep breath."

"Huh..." Mizt yelped in surprise as the rat lifted him, turned him over and paused with the otter staring face first at the pool. He could feel Sweet's muscles straining, gods he was so strong and clearly back in charge. Mizt had time to fill his lungs and close his eyes before he was plunged headfirst into the muck.

It clung all around him and he groaned as Sewer worked him deeper. One hand was holding his tail, keeping his rump and legs out of the mud before Mizt groaned as he felt Sewer push his dick into the otter's rump! It seemed his Master was going to re-assert himself and their time in the sludge tank was far from over! Today was going to be messy, muddy and no doubt the watersports was about to return but right now Mizt had two jobs, holding his breath and clenching his rump around that amazing cock driving in and out of him.

It was going to be one hell of a muddy day!


The Cistern: Mizt Part 2

Mizt stirred, yawning with a soft ottery chirp as he woke up to the warm, cosy space of the nest. His master Sewer was draped around him as the big spoon, the pair of them curled up together in a warm pile of cushions and blankets. It was the third day...

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The Cistern: Mizt Part 1

Cadius was feeling somewhat nervous, today was the day he started his time in the Cistern. He still couldn't quite believe he'd agreed to this, he'd signed up to the app his friend Orel suggested as a way to have some fun. He hadn't thought he'd...

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The Cistern: Part 6

Toilet was nervous, it was his last day in the Cistern, tomorrow morning they'd be turning him back into a mouse and letting him go. Their days of filthy debauchery over. Last night had been amazing, stuck in that pit with his master, being soaked...

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