The Cistern: Mizt Part 1

Story by Russ on SoFurry

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#34 of Transformation Stories

A commission in my Cistern setting for DaGlitchWizard on FA

Cadius was feeling somewhat nervous, today was the day he started his time in the Cistern. He still couldn't quite believe he'd agreed to this, he'd signed up to the app his friend Orel suggested as a way to have some fun. He hadn't thought he'd actually be selected. The competition was fierce as anything and the Cistern was incredibly selective about who it picked to go into the system and spend time as the Sewer rats pet.

Now here he was, sitting in his car trying to work up the courage to go on inside. He'd been to the club a few times as a guest, watching Sewer and Toilet on the screens, making out with friends, slipping into a private room to paw off whilst watching the sewer rats debauchery. Once he'd even gone alone, picking up a guy at the club and spending a wild evening letting them call the shots. Now though he wasn't going in as a guest he was going to be living there for the next few days, down in the cistern, transformed, subject to watersports, bondage, sex as the newest toilet for Sewer to dominate.

Shifting behind the wheel Cadius slipped a paw down to press atop the bulge in his shorts. Just the idea of what was ahead had him getting hard. But could he really go through with it, he'd found this place through his friend and sometimes lover Orel. The friendly brown rat and he had been hanging out for years. It was Orel who had introduced Cadius to bondage, to watersports, he'd taught him a lot about having sex too. It helped that Orel was the proud owner of a Chromatech collar; the ability to transform into a variety of different species made for a lot of fun options in the bedroom.

It was Orel who had first taken him to the club, Cadius was seventy percent sure his rat friend was on the rota as one of the Toilets. They all looked similar, same golden fur but with different underbellies, some even had different names but as Cadius wasn't a VIP he wasn't allowed in to see the live first night event where the chosen pet was indoctrinated. Tonight, that would be him... live on tv he'd be strung up, doused in piss and transformed...

Squirming slightly Cadius slipped a paw into his shorts to adjust his thickening cock and then got out of the car. He locked it and headed for the club entrance quickly, before he could change his mind and talk himself out of it. He had signed up to this willingly, he wanted to do this, it was just nerves talking. Using the QR code he'd been given the yeen unlocked the basement door and stepped through into the plush reception of the club. It really wasn't the sort of place you expected to find under such a nice, modern apartment building but here it was!

Just inside brown and cream furred pine marten was sitting behind the front desk working on papers. He looked up and smiled over their glasses,

"Oh hello there you must be Cadius," they walked out from behind the desk and held out a hand, "I am Nall, I work reception here, I was told to expect you."

"Hi," Cadius shook the proffered hand and blushed a bit, ears tilting back, "I hope I am not too early?"

"Not at all," the pine marten turned and started to lead the hyena through the club, past rooms and large open spaces that were all familiar to the yeen. Cadius knew that in a few hours they'd be filled with the clubs VIPs, perving over his body on the big screens as he was subject to transformation, watersports, bondage. Trying to put such thoughts out of his head Cadius stared at the back of the pine martens neck and followed him down into the depths of the club, away from the main rooms.

"So Sewer is waiting for you down here," the pine marten opened a large metal door and pointed at a set of stairs, "Just let yourself through the door at the bottom and have fun."

Cadius hesitated as he looked at those stairs, he'd passed this door all the time on his way to the showers and the pool. He'd thought it had just been some sort of maintenance cupboard, not the entrance to the Cistern.

"Have you... ever done this?" the yeen asked bashfully, fiddling with his claws.

"Not me," the pine marten sighed, "I've applied though, just not been selected yet. Go on have fun you will have a blast, you'd never have been selected if Sewer wasn't sure you'd fit the role, he is super picky."

Cadius nodded, thanked the marten and took a deep breath before starting down the steps. The door at the bottom was open and led into a large locker room; it smelt faintly of lime, clean and fresh, off to the right was a shower room. He recognized the green and yellow tiles, it was the shower where Sewer and his pet put on many shows for the patrons upstairs. Directly opposite was a door out into a large concrete room with a mesh floor, the Cistern itself. Waiting for him however was a surprise, sitting on the bench in the middle of the locker room was Orel.

His brown rat friend smiled and raised one hand in greeting, he was wearing a pair of tight black shorts and a blue coat that he had left unbuttoned to show off his chest and stomach. He also had a seven-coloured pride bandana covering his hair, arranged to allow his ears to poke out freely. Cadius smiled back and walked over to clasp his arm in a friendly greeting, pulling the rat to his feet so he could hug him.

"What are you doing here?" the yeen asked with a soft grin, "I was expecting Sewer, not you, here to wish me luck?"

"Not quite," Orel placed a finger against the black plate that formed the centrepiece of his sleek, orange polymer collar. His pink, hairless finger double tapped and a bright holographic wheel of colour was projected off to one side. It was the rat's transformation wheel, how he selected what species he was going to be. Cadius had seen it quite often, he wasn't expecting Orel to use it here. What was he up too? The brown rat touched one finger against the largest, maroon coloured slot of the wheel and Cadius gasped. For months, years Cadius had wanted to know what forms were locked to the maroon segment but Orel always refused to share that with him.

The wheel faded away and Orel's collar changed colour, the bright orange strip around his throat shifting to a maroon shade. The rodent's eyes followed suit, his irises glowing a deep red as yellow fur started to spread across Orel's muzzle. Light, lemon fur spread down the rat's neck, spreading to coat his chest and stomach. Cadius' eyes opened wider as a deeper, dark, rich, golden fur spread up over his friend's face and started to claim the rest of his body.

It wasn't just the fur colour changing that made the hyena stare, Orel's body was growing larger as well. His shoulders were swelling, his height was increasing until he stood at roughly seven feet tall. Unlike other changes Cadius' had seen however Orel was still a rat, though his body was bulkier, thicker and from the way he bent his knees he could easily drop to all fours whilst remaining mostly anthro. His thick brown mohawk had become an even darker shade, like rich mustard and he'd grown a long, thick goatee from the bottom of his muzzle that matched his hair.

"You... you are Sewer," Cadius exclaimed the obvious, pointing in disbelief as the big rat finished transforming. Orel kicked off the shredded remnants of his shorts and pushed back his now tattered blue coat and grinned widely.

"I am indeed," He rumbled in that deep, rich voice Cadius had only ever heard on the screens upstairs, "So Cadius, still ready to become my pet for the next five days?"

Orel picked up a black length of polymer, a collar much like his own but currently inert, harmless. Holding it out toward the yeen the rat, his friend smiled at him with a bright, cheerful grin. Cadius didn't hesitate, he could feel his cock thickening in his shorts as he willingly took the collar, stretched it between his hands and pulled it over his head to fit it snugly around his neck.

"Yes," the yeen said, blushing terribly beneath his fur, "Yes I will be your pet Master Sewer."


After that Orel... or Sewer moved quickly, Cadius had been forbidden from using any other name except Sewer or Master and soon the yeen had all his personal belongings stored in a locker. This left him naked except for the pair of black polymer anklets and wristbands he was given and ordered to wear at all times.

He then followed Sewer, the big rat leading him out onto the mesh floor of the cistern. Below them the sloping concrete floor converged on the main drain, the large four foot hole down which all the piss Cadius was no doubt about to get doused in would flow. The big rat turned and moved close to the naked hyena and grinned down at him as he pulled his arms up above his head.

After that everyone happened quickly, Cadius found himself chained up, hands stuck above his head. Naked and sporting a semi he yipped as the chain he was attached to ratcheted up and pulled his feet off the floor. Squirming back and forth Cadius blushed, not quite believing he had just been strung up like this! It was embarrassing, it was humiliating, there was nothing he could do and a very large part of him was glad he was trapped!

A soft light above his head drew Cadius' attention for a moment and he blushed, inner ears turning bright red as he saw the screens were on! His dick was busy showing everyone just how excited he was, growing harder, the long black, sheathless shaft standing tall and proud before him.

He could see himself, strung up like this, chained in place naked, hard, entirely at Sewer's mercy. Upstairs he knew the VIP guests would be enjoying themselves, making out, perving, stroking hard cocks and ready for the show. He was being watched, put on show and he groaned deeply and closed his eyes, blushing up a storm yet wanting this so much.

"Now for the fun," Sewer murmured and stepped back, Cadius opened his eyes in time to see his Master reach down and grip the mesh floor. The tall, golden furred body strained for a moment then with a clank a circular chunk of the floor directly above the drain turned and unlocked.

Sewer pulled it out of the way and Cadius yipped, biting back a whimper as the hyena found himself lowered down into that large hole. The hole had a mesh barrier about five foot down the drain that he could rest his feet on. As the chain stopped lowering and he settled in place Cadius' new master hopped down and walked along the sloping floor.

Cadius blushed deeply, with how he was positioned he was at crotch height and had a good view of the rat's cock. Sewer just stood there, one hand holding the base of his dick, aiming that tapered rat shaft toward the hyena's head. He didn't give any orders, just looked down at him and Cadius let out an embarrassed yip and leant forward to wrap his lips around that hard pink rat shaft. His tongue tasted pre, his lips pressed about warm flesh and he eagerly started to suck, teasing his tongue along the underside of that shaft as Cadius' pulled more into his muzzle.

Sewer shuffled forward and hilted himself in the hyena's muzzle, one hand holding Cadius' head in place. This buried the yeen's nose in thick, musky crotch fur. Cadius gasped as there was a very heavy, metallic clunk and jets of golden liquid started to shoot around the edge of the room. Cadius' eyes went wide as he watched that liquid start to circle the drain. The flow was designed to make it spiral down and around until a rushing wave of warm fresh piss splashed over Sewer and utterly drenched the hyena as he hung in the drain!

Holding his eyes closed Cadius moaned and squirmed, thrusting his hips impotently, he had nothing to hump against hanging trapped in the drain. His master started to play with his pointed hyena ears as he rolled his hips and the yeen focussed on sucking his master off. Sewer started to roll his hips, panting heavily and squeaking in delight as his fur was splashed and soaked by that circling wave of piss.

Cadius couldn't open his eyes, but he could feel his body starting to change as he sucked on that cock eagerly. His whole body was soaked, his fur slicked down to his skin and under his master's teasing, stroking fingers his ears were shifting! The hyena felt them becoming shorter, rounder, losing their points as with a muffled moan his skull and muzzle began to shift. He yelped and let out a startled barking growl as he felt his jaw shift, his teeth changing as he squirmed and gulped and got a muzzle full of that warm piss!

Whimpering, Cadius kept his eyes closed and tried to focus on sucking on the warm, moist, slick flesh sliding over his tongue! Beads of salty pre made his body twitch and shift as he swallowed his Master's offering. His body however continued to change, the hyena's whole frame shifting, adjusting, he seemed to lose some height, his feet leaving the mesh floor beneath him as his body grew denser and more compact. He could literally feel his arms and legs changing, his fingers grew shorter and as he wriggled his toes he felt something very off with them.

His tail was the biggest surprise, he had been expecting it to shed its fur, to become smooth, long and rat like. But no if anything he felt it growing thicker, curling down behind him and with a gasp Cadius swung his feet forward, bracing himself against the side of the drain. Lying at an angle, piss pouring down over him, muzzle wrapped about his Master's cock he opened his eyes! Except he didn't open them all the way, his eyelids opened but the secondary layer of clear eyelids remained in place. He found himself staring up at the big rat above him, Sewer was humping faster, gripping his short ears, holding his muzzle buried in that wet, piss soaked crotch!

Sewer was close, his deep voice squeaking and rumbling until Cadius found himself drinking thick, sticky, salty flavoured rat cum. He however was an otter, he could just see the screen past Sewer's body. His master had positioned himself so the cameras could get a good view of his body and there was no mistaking his new, compact, sleek form!

He had dark golden, sleek water resistant fur the same shade as Sewer's, even his hair was now thick, wavy dark gold coloured fur. He had retained his beige under-belly but was now sporting a short goatee that was currently plastered to his neck from all the piss rolling over his body. His identity as Cadius had been washed away, his species, his fur colour all gone, he even now sported a sheath bunched up around the base of his rock hard, needy cock!

Sewer pulled back, moving up the sloping drain and Cadius squirmed and found himself being winched back up out of the drain. His dripping, piss soaked ottery body hanging on full display for everyone to see. He couldn't believe this, he had been expecting a rat but clearly Sewer had other plans for his new pet.

The torrential flood of piss came to an end and Sewer clambered back up onto the mesh floor. He slid the circular section back into place then walked up to stand behind Cadius, holding the new otter against his soaked lemon coloured stomach and chest fur.

"Let's show our viewers what you can do Mizt," the big rat rumbled and Cadius' eyes went wide as he was so casually renamed. He moaned as Sewer gripped his cock and started to paw him off, rumbling softly in that deep voice, paw sliding up and down Mizt's dick rapidly.

"I want you all to meet my otter," Sewer chuckled, holding the trussed up, squirming, groaning otter in place, continuing to paw the otter off, "His name is Mizt, which means piss, so everyone, let's give a warm welcome to my new piss otter."

Cadius... Mizt moaned and bucked his hips and started to cum, thick jets of sticky cream spurting out of his dick, arcing through the air to fall down through the grill. He couldn't believe that name, his new look, everything he was, who he had been, had just been washed away in that torrent of piss and now he couldn't stop it! He was cumming, live on camera for everyone to see!

Sewer held him in place for a moment, making sure to tease the otter's cock, milking him for every drop of cum, then he pulled on the chain, releasing enough slack to push Mizt down onto his knees. Lifting his head as his master then walked around in front of him, Mizt saw Sewer' cock, the way the big rat was holding it, looking down at him.

Without thought, his body's new instincts kicking in Mizt opened his short, stubby otter muzzle wide, tongue curling out and Sewer nodded in approval. The rat held his cock, keeping it a couple of inches back from the otter's lips and released the contents of his bladder. A stream of dark golden piss shot out of the big rat's dick and Mizt let it fill his muzzle and only when it was pouring over his lips and soaking his goatee did he swallow. Kneeling, chained up, transformed, his identity stripped away and a new one put in its place, Mizt drank his master's piss for the first time, live on camera.

He was Mizt, he was the piss otter, he was a part of the Cistern...

The Cistern: Mizt Part 2

Mizt stirred, yawning with a soft ottery chirp as he woke up to the warm, cosy space of the nest. His master Sewer was draped around him as the big spoon, the pair of them curled up together in a warm pile of cushions and blankets. It was the third day...

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The Cistern: Part 6

Toilet was nervous, it was his last day in the Cistern, tomorrow morning they'd be turning him back into a mouse and letting him go. Their days of filthy debauchery over. Last night had been amazing, stuck in that pit with his master, being soaked...

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The Cistern: Part 5

Toilet squirmed as his master fixed the clips to his wristbands, chaining him in place against the mesh floor of the Cistern. He was down on all fours, palms flat against the plastic coated grill that kept them out of the drain itself. The yellow rat's...

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