The Cistern: Mizt Part 2

Story by Russ on SoFurry

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#35 of Transformation Stories

Part two of a commission for Da Glitch Wizzard on FA

Mizt stirred, yawning with a soft ottery chirp as he woke up to the warm, cosy space of the nest. His master Sewer was draped around him as the big spoon, the pair of them curled up together in a warm pile of cushions and blankets. It was the third day of his time here in the Cistern and Mizt blushed softly as he recalled everything they had done on his second day.

He'd been woken up by Sewer chaining him down on his back. He'd then been gagged, the gag had a tube that ran down to a latex sheath his Master had slipped over his cock. Mist had then been made to drink his own piss whilst his master enjoyed his tight ottery rump. After that he'd been made to paw off whilst Sewer made use of the gag to feed him his morning piss. It had been strong, musky and so humiliating, tied down, trapped, used as a toilet, as a toy, it had really helped him to sink into the persona of Mizt the toilet otter.

After their fun he'd been sent to go clean up then introduced to breakfast. It was embarrassing to have to eat out of a bowl and drink out of a water-bottle like some sort of glorified pet! But then Sewer had to suffer the same treatment and it brought him closer to his Master. Despite Sewer being in charge they were both still sewer rats, subject to the whims of the MC. He'd been given instructions before bed last night and well, he couldn't out it off any longer.

Wriggling free of Sewer's arms and the nest the otter slinked out onto the mesh floor of the Cistern. He then stopped, glanced back at Sewer who had a red eye open watching him. The rat nodded and Mizt took a deep breath and cocked one leg up, letting all those hidden cameras get a good view of his sheath and balls before he relaxed and released his full bladder. The jet of fresh golden piss shot out of his cock and splashed over his stomach making him blush and groan, he still wasn't used to his cock being held against his stomach like this. As a yeen he didn't have a sheath, clearly he still had a lot to learn about this body!

It didn't help that standing there, pissing, soaking himself he started to get hard. His cock slipped out of his sheath which forced the stream's pressure to increase in strength. At first this just spurted piss across his beige coloured chest and soaked his goatee. After about a minute of this he was hard enough for his cock to be pointing down and the rest of the contents of his bladder poured into the drain. As the last drops dripped away he lowered his leg, crouching there on all four and blushed as Sewer walked up behind him.

"Good boy," he murmured, resting his sheath on the base of the otter's tail and started releasing his morning load. Mizt moaned as fresh, musky rat pee shot up over his back, soaking his golden fur. It dripped around his shoulders, splashed across his neck and surged up into his head fur to drip down off his muzzle. Sewer had a huge bladder, he could and would keep pissing for nearly five minutes if he let it fill up all the way. Mizt could keep going for about three minutes, these bodies had clearly been designed to maximise the amount of piss they could store and make.

Moaning softly Mizt closed his eyes and lowered his head, accepting his morning shower, shivering as that warm liquid flowed through his fur and dripped down into the drain. It felt good, his cock was rock hard and starting to leak pre and Sewer was far from done with him. The big rat lifted the otter rudder tail and sprayed Mizt's cock, balls and tail hole then with a grunt stopped pissing. Holding it in was not easy but Sewer was a master at it and only had to hold it for a few seconds as he slid the tip of his half hard cock into the otter's rump. Groaning as he felt his tail-hole stretching Mizt's eyes bulged wide as he felt that thick, warm stream resume, surging deep into his butt.

"Cum," Sewer ordered and Mizt let out a deep, moaning chirp, gripping the mesh floor with his webbed paws. He could feel that surging stream stretching his insides, applying pressure to his prostate and he had just been given permission! Mizt tensed, jerking his cock against his wet stomach, once, twice, thrice and then let out a beastial chirping roar as he started to cum! Jets of sticky otter cream spurted from his dick into the drain, the otter panting and letting his body slowly relax as Sewer continued to use him as a toilet. Eventually both his Master's stream and his orgasm flowed to an end and Sewer leant over him, gripped the otter's shoulders for leverage and started to thrust his hips, driving his cock in and out of Mizt's rump.

Dripping wet and leaking piss down his legs and over Sewer's balls Mizt moaned, his spent dick twitching as his full rump squelched. Every time his master pulled out piss splashed over them both, he was so full. Mizt groaned, tilting his head back and gasping in delight as the pipes above them clanked open! A deluge of fresh warm golden pee flushed down over both rat and otter as he was fucked right there, crouching on the Cistern floor. It felt amazing and Sewer knew just how to work his dick in and out of his tight ottery rump until with a loud squeak the rat plunged home and tensed, gripping Mizt's body and filled his pet with rodent cream!

It was an amazing way to start the day...


After their exciting early morning use of the Cistern Sewer had the pair of them retire to the showers to clean up. It started out as just a shower, Sewer teaching and showing Mizt how to get clean. It soon devolved into a hot, steamy sixty nine on the floor of the shower room. Sewer on his back, muzzle full of otter cock whilst Mizt lay sprawled over that big rat's stomach, his muzzle full of rat dick, the pair of them sucking each other off until they served each other a protein rich breakfast shake.

After that they had spent some time eating their actual breakfast and just relaxing, taking it easy for a few hours whilst the MC set something else up. Mizt didn't mind the downtime, it was invigorating being an otter but sometimes it was good to just rest. Sometime in the early afternoon however Sewer pulled Mizt after him out of the nest and across the cistern to the locker room. There was a hidden doorway behind the lockers, the whole thing just slid sideways revealing a tight metal stair that spiralled up.

At the top Sewer pushed open a metal hatch and climbed up a short ladder onto what was clearly the top of a tank. There was a small platform and a catwalk leading across it and the air was thick with the scent of fresh, warm piss. It was some sort of collection tank with various pipes and pumping machinery lined along the edge.

"How... how is it still fresh!" Mizt asked as he crouched at the edge of the tank looking into the translucent golden fluid, "I mean... how, you can't have got all this from guys?"

"Club secret," Sewer said with a smirk, "But this is one of the tanks that feed the Cistern, we need to go to the other side."

Mizt looked at the simple metal catwalk that crossed the tank and stood back up, making a move toward it but Sewer caught his arm and grinned down at him.

"You know Mizt, I was just wondering if you fancy a swim?" the rat's eyes turned to look out across the tank. It had to be at least twenty metres to the other side, "Just a suggestion of course, you could take the cat-walk but you are an otter."

Mizt froze, he looked up at Sewer and swallowed heavily, his little round ears laying back atop his skull, "You... think I should go swimming?"

"Mmhmm," Sewer said, moving back to stand out of the way of the catwalk, "No pressure though if you'd rather just walk that's fine."

Mizt let out a soft little chirp and turned to look across the expanse of deep golden piss. He could just walk, Sewer was telling him that was fine but... to do this, to willingly just dive in... Licking his little nose Mizt moved to the edge of the tank, rolled his shoulders, glanced at Sewer and chirped. His cock was poking out of its sheath at the thought of doing this, but could he... would he...

Shaking his head Mizt closed his inner eyelids and leapt forward, arching his sleek ottery body into a perfect line and dived into the tank of piss. He felt it close around him, warm and wet, clinging to his body, soaking into his fur. It was much warmer than he had been expecting and without a pause he opened his muzzle and drank some of it down. Mizt then curved his body around as he touched the bottom of the tank and sprang off for the surface. Shaking his head and gulping down a lungful of air the otter worked his webbed paws through the water, treading there for a moment and just marvelling at how good it felt to be surrounded by piss.

Bashfully he let one hand slide down to grip his cock, then filled his lungs, holding his breath and submerged once more. Letting his body sink, using his legs and rudder like tail to steer he lay on his back and started to paw off. His other hand slipped down, fingers probing and sliding on up into his rump, fingering himself as he beat his thick otter meat. His back touched the bottom and Mizt let a bubble slip free of his muzzle as he pawed in the huge pool of piss. It felt amazing, no one had told him to do this, no one had made him dive in, but here he was, edging himself toward orgasm with fingers teasing and stretching the inside of his smooth warm rump.

For maybe another minute Mizt pawed himself off, letting small bubbles of air escape his muzzle. Then as his hand started to move quicker he lay back, arching his body and swallowed down a big gulping muzzle full of piss as he started to cum! His pearlescent, white seed spurted out of his dick and floated through the clear golden liquid as little bubbles of white, spreading out from him slowly.

Basking in the afterglow, enjoying the liquid pressing in all around him, Mizt smiled then pushed off, sleek body wriggling through the water as he let his ottery instincts guide him. He swam toward the other side and found Sewer waiting for him, the big rat sitting on a large wooden chest. His master was idly stroking his thick pink rat cock with one hand whilst his other stroked his goatee.

"Have fun?" Sewer asked with a grin and Mizt blushed, standing on the metal platform, piss streaming out of his fur and pattering back into the tank below them.

"You know I did Master," Mizt blushed, "You probably recorded the whole thing."

"I didn't," he let go of his cock and laughed, "But our MC sure did, you looked hot down there," Sewer stood up and opened the chest, "But for now... we need to get you ready for tonight's show."

Mizt chirped and walked over, Sewer turned from the trunk and stopped him getting close enough to see inside with one hand pressed to the otters chest, "Would you put this on please."

The otter accepted the bronze latex piece of clothing, turning it around in his hands and sliding a hand inside to spread it out and work out what it was. It was a hood, lacking eyes or ear holes, the only opening was the muzzle. The back had a looser folder of latex that could stretch to accomodate someones head whilst they put it on but then be zipped closed to tighten it in place. Mizt froze, lifting his head to meet Sewer's red eyes, he then took a deep breath and lifted his hands up and started to pull the stretchy latex over his head. It fit snugly, covering his eyes and ears, clinging to the back of his head, pressing his hair flat and stretching across his muzzle. The latex covered the sides of his mouth leaving just the front free to open and close.

Mizt jumped as Sewer moved behind him and pulled the zipper shit, sealing the hood in place and cutting off the edges of light that leaked around the loose edges as it was all pulled taught. The rat then pressed his mouth close to one of Mizt's ears and whispered, "You are mine now Mizt..."

Mizt whined, his cock thickening again in its sheath as he let himself be guided across the metal platform by Sewer. He couldn't see, he had to trust his master explicitly, surrender himself to his touch, guidance and lust entirely. The next piece of gear to be slipped onto his body was a chastity cage, the cool metal clipping around his balls and over his sheath, locking in place with a very definite click. Mizt whined and squirmed then even his ability to talk was cut off as Sewer made him bite down around a tough rubber ring. A strap around the back of his head held it in place and the otter whined as the o-ring was secured and all he could do was stand there, muzzle forced open, blind, half deaf, trapped in the slick, clinging latex hood. A pair of latex gloves were pulled up his arms followed by leggings that covered him from feet to thighs. Only his piss soaked, gold and beige furred torso and tail was left on display.

After being dressed he was made to get on all fours, his legs were tied down, then his wrists were secured to the grill beneath him. Whimpering the otter gasped as his tail was pulled up and over his back. Sewer took a moment to pull something tight and latex down the length of his wet tail before chaining it to his collar! Blindfolded, restrained Mizt whined eagerly as he was reduced to little more than a toy! He wanted to get hard so badly, his cock was straining against his cage but it couldn't get up, at best he could piss himself through the metal slits provided for that purpose and that was it.

Whimpering, Mizt gasped as he felt Sewer start to press something slick up under his tail. It felt like a dildo, the smooth rubber spreading his rump and then with a squeak the otter squirmed against his bonds as what felt like a knot was pushed into him. The big rat then ran a hand up the length of his tail then stopped by his muzzle. His master's cock slipped through the ring holding his mouth open and Sewer sighed and started to relieve himself. Mizt groaned and began to drink. The toy in his rump started to vibrate, to shift and flow, sliding back and forth and after a moment a torrent of warm liquid started to spurt from the end and fill his rump.

Mizt groaned and then gulped as Sewer pushed more of his cock into his muzzle, the otter was trussed up, tied down, unable to fight back as he was enjoyed by his master. He was sure he had a lot more things in store for him and Mizt couldn't see what was coming! It was going to be an exciting night, leaving him pent up and desperate for release and all he could do was kneel there on all fours and take it...

He loved it...


The Cistern: Mizt Part 3

Mizt rolled his shoulders and tugged at the shoulder straps of his red and green wrestling singlet. It was comfortable, just his size with space for his tail to poke out the rear end. Sewer was dressed in the same sort of tight lycra clothing, the...

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The Cistern: Mizt Part 1

Cadius was feeling somewhat nervous, today was the day he started his time in the Cistern. He still couldn't quite believe he'd agreed to this, he'd signed up to the app his friend Orel suggested as a way to have some fun. He hadn't thought he'd...

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The Cistern: Part 6

Toilet was nervous, it was his last day in the Cistern, tomorrow morning they'd be turning him back into a mouse and letting him go. Their days of filthy debauchery over. Last night had been amazing, stuck in that pit with his master, being soaked...

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