The Cistern: Third Hunt: Birch

Story by Russ on SoFurry

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#42 of Transformation Stories

Sewer gets the drop on a friend who is enjoying the mud in his new sewer.

Birch thanked the bouncer and pushed open the door he'd been led to as he drained the last of his drink. The brown and cream furred deer moved confidently toward the row of lockers and set his empty glass on a shelf. It didn't take him long to strip down to just a pair of tight lycra shorts and black rubber boots that reached up past his ankles by a few inches.

Stepping back to look at himself in the mirror he smiled, reaching up to run a hand across his antlers. They had lost the last of the velvet covering for the season and were now light brown and solid. Nodding at the view he picked up the final piece of the outfit, the smooth, charcoal grey strip of plastic polymer. He slipped it around his neck, holding the two parts together, letting the rubber fuse and contract slightly.

"This thing always feels funny," Birch said, running his finger around the strip of polymer, "You sure I have to wear this?"

"You wanted to go stomping around in the mud yourself," the voice of the MC said over the loudspeaker, "You paid extra to do it whilst the club is closed so as not to risk your VIP status, but anyone who goes into the Cistern wears the collar."

"Fine fine," Birch chuckled and pushed through the next door, leaving the locker room behind and stopped at the edge of the sewer. The canals were full of mud and standing in pride of place atop his pedestal was Mizt; the otter still trapped as a blank black latex fountain. The MC had changed it however so he was currently pissing a stream of clean water into the mud, Birch didn't mind the mud but he wanted to keep it... clean.

Laughing the deer didn't hesitate, he stepped off the walkway into the mud, his boots squelching through the slick liquid surface layer to squish into the thicker, more solid clay below. The mud stopped a good inch from the top of his boots and as he pulled his leg back out he could see the thick brown muck had left a layer all over the sole and sides of his footwear.

It was great, Birch grinned in delight and started to slog forward, slowly making his way down the tunnel ahead of him. Every step was a chore, the mud sucked and slurped and squelched as he made his way forward. It felt amazing and he shamelessly reached a hand down to brush along the bulge of his thickening cock. He couldn't wait, sooner or later he'd lose a boot, he'd wobble and teeter and fall over and that thick brown mud would soak into his fur.

But until then he was going to keep walking and, reluctantly, leave his cock alone. Walking forwards Birch reached a junction, skirted the stone platform in the centre and kept on walking. His boots squelching, squishing, oozing thick mud all around him as he cut a trail through the muck. It was nice to just indulge, slorping and stepping through the mud until with a sudden unsuspecting squelch Birch put his left foot down and sank up to his thigh!

Mud oozed into the interior of his boot and he flailed, barely managing to maintain his balance. Pushing down with his right foot he managed to pull his leg free of the mud but his boot was left behind and mud poured down the top of his right boot. Squirming Birch tried to pull his foot free without losing his boot but his leg slurped through the mud leaving his boot behind. Barefoot now the deer staggered backwards as his hooves sliced through the muck, sinking much deeper than the boots ever had and with a cry he went backwards.

Mud splashed up all around him, oozed along the sides of his body, coated his little tail and poured across his stomach and into his shorts. Birch had to plunge his hands and arms up to the elbows into the thick, creamy, gooey muck to lever himself up into a sitting position. It felt great and the deer hesitated a moment before rolling over onto his stomach, stretching his arms down as deep as he could push them as he dug his legs deeper, letting the mud squish and soak through his short brown fur.

"Looks like you are having fun," a voice said and Birch yelped and tried to twist around. Before he could extricate himself from the muck a foot pressed down on his back and a pair of hands grabbed his antlers. He just had time to take a deep breath before his head was pushed under. Mud oozed around his face, soaking into his fur as those hands mercilessly pushed until he felt the mud close around the back of his head.

He was held down for nearly a minute, his limbs squirming and stirring up all the mud. It was a relief when his assailant used his antlers to flip him over onto his back. Birch could feel mud oozing down his muzzle and the deer managed to pull one arm free of the muck to wipe his eyes clear. Whilst he was doing this whoever had pounced him sat down on his crotch, planting their rump firmly atop his short clad cock, teasing it with their naked rump.

"Mrrrffff who..." finally able to see Birch peered up at the mud coated figure sitting on him. They were covered head to toe, no identifying features remained, they were just a figure made of muck but the buck teeth gave it away.

"Sewer? What gives man, I thought I had the place to myself."

"It's no fun to go mud larking alone," the rat laughed, shifting his rump atop the buck's cock, teasing it gently, "What say you and I have some fun?"

Grinning up at the rat Birch pulled his arms free and splattered mud over the rodent's stomach before sliding his hands down to grip Sewer's cock, teasing it gently.

"Sure... you going to just tease me or you gonna help me take these shorts off?"

Sewer laughed and used his hands to pull the buck's mud soaked shorts off his body and then slid back a few inches so he could start plastering mud up and down the length of the deer's shaft. He was skilled, those mud coated hands felt divine and Birch found himself panting, shifting his legs and arms through the muck, pushing waves of sticky brown goop up and over his stomach and chest.

"Hrrff you are good at this," Birch grumbled and Sewer just answered by shifting his body forward. The deer gasped as the muddy rat sat down atop his cock. Slick rat paws guided his shaft and Birch moaned as he felt himself spreading the rat's rump wide and started to thrust his hips eagerly. Sewer groaned but took it, working inch after inch of mud coated deer dick deep into his body.

"There we go," Sewer breathed in delight as he finished sliding down the buck's shaft, "You always feel good in there Birch.... And look at you," Sewer lifted his feet and draped them over the deer's antlers, "Coated in muck and fucking me."

Sewer applied pressure and Birch took a deep breath as his head was forced under the mud again! This was so unfair, but damn Sewer felt good around his cock. Even as he sank deeper into the muck the buck started to thrust, humping and just enjoying the tight rump clenched around his cock.

It felt good, really good and Sewer let him up to breath occasionally, using his dextrous rat paws to grip his antlers, pulling his head above the mud only to slowly, teasingly push him back under. Birch loved every moment of it, sliding his hands up to grip Sewer's waist and started to buck his hips faster, driving his shaft deeper into the rat. This caused them both to groan as their bodies squelched and squished and slurped back and forth in the mucky, oozing, mud filled divot their bodies were carving out of the flowing canal of mud.

Minutes passed, Birch spent most of them buried under the mud, he never could grow tired of it closing over his muzzle as Sewer pushed him down again. It felt great and rolling his hips back and forth made a really satisfying squelching sound he could hear even under the mud! It felt so good, he was slick, slippery, coated and driving himself closer and closer to spilling his load. He knew he wasn't going to last long, his hips were starting to move erratically as he tried to keep his dick deep inside the rat.

Then Sewer had the temerity to clench! His rump squeezed firmly about the buck's thick dick and with a muffled moan that got him a muzzle full of mud he blew his load deep into the rat! Body tense, muck oozing and clinging all around him he managed to push his snout free of the mud to bellow in delight! For a long moment Birch lay there, trembling as he emptied his balls into the big rodent sat atop him and then with a happy sigh he went limp, just lying in the mud for a long moment, enjoying the warm, muddy sensations all around him.

For a long minute he lay there, just his muzzle and antlers above the surface but he felt Sewer stirring. The big, usually blonde, currently mud coated rat lifted off his cock. Carefully, slowly Birch pushed his arms down into the mud and levered his body up, squirming and rolling his shoulders as the muck sucked and squelched and tried to hold him down. After a couple of minutes he was able to sit up and started to dig his legs out, watching as Sewer climbed up onto the walkway and sat with his back against the wall of the sewer watching him.

"Look at the mess you made of me," Birch grumbled playfully as he lifted one leg out then the other and slithered his way across the muck to join the rat. Pulling himself up onto the walkway Birch stood up and stretched, stomping his hooves on the tiled floor and revelling in the way each thump shook mud loose. It splattered and splashed down all around him as a great thick gooey rain, he could feel mud oozing down his arm, legs, chest and back and it all felt great.

"You look like you were enjoying it," Sewer said with a grin, "And it's been awhile since I got to feel that deliciously huge dick of yours up my arse."

"Yeah? You really enjoy it?"

"You know I do," Sewer grinned, wiping mud from his muzzle, "Of course me getting the drop on you technically counts as me winning the hunt."

"No hunt," Birch said shaking his head, clopping back and forth, revelling in the liquid oozing across his body, "I just wanted some time down here to enjoy all your mud."

"Those aren't how the rules work you know," Sewer grinned up at him, "I won so... Birch... freeze."

Birch turned to ask what the rat was going on about but nearly over-balanced when his hooves both seemed to stick to the floor! He swayed back and looked down, then shot a grumpy glare at the rat.

"Hey now you can't jusfffff..." he was cut off as his teeth seemed to clap shut. Birch could feel his muzzle shifting into a smile just before a jet of hot water fired out of the ceiling and started to rinse the mud off his body. Struggling the deer tried to grab Sewer as he moved back but Birch was too slow. Then a screen letting him see himself was revealed as a segment of wall slid open and the buck was distracted.

Birch grumbled, tugging at his legs, trying to get move, but he was already a dark grey stone from the knees down! The stone was also spreading across his head, working backwards from his frozen muzzle. The deer kept struggling but there wasn't much he could do... the stone swept out from his legs and neck, the nanites infusing his body from the stupid collar he'd been made to wear transforming him inch by inch into a statue! It was embarrassing, to have been caught so easily, he had figured he was safe! But no here he was turning into a statue whilst Sewer watched him.

It didn't take long, a few minutes at most and Birch could see himself standing there, a statue of dark grey stone, naked with a half hard cock nestled against his stomach. At least he looked quite good but before he realised what was happening Sewer had stepped close, picked him up and tossed him feet first into the sewer canal!

He wanted to protest, to shout at the damn rat to turn him back, but he couldn't. He was stone, he was heavy, settling slowly into the muck! He could still somehow feel the thick, oozing mud working its way up his smooth stone hide. It felt good, he had to admit that, but though he was slowly starting to feel horny again his cock remained just as it was, pressed against his stomach and made from immobile stone.

Slowly, Birch sank, sliding beneath the surface, mud sliding up his chest, claiming his arms then sealing slowly over his head. Hooves touched the floor of the canal and Birch was left, buried up to the base of his antlers beneath the mud! He'd been tricked, trapped and was now squirming inside with a building need to enjoy himself, but frozen in place! He had only agreed to about forty eight hours down here and he knew the MC was always hot on people being let out on time but until then, damn he was stuck as Sewer's toy!

So Birch stood there, buried under the muck, thick oozing mud sliding around his stone body as the sewer's contents flowed along. He could feel it oozing all around his body and it felt good but maddendly he couldn't enjoy it!

All he could do was stand there and wait for whatever Sewer had planned next!

Whatever it was, Birch was sure it was going to be fun!

Until then...

He was a statue

A statue buried in the mud...

It was great!

The Cistern: Second Hunt: Felinus

Felinus was regretting his earlier boasting as he hung from the chains suspended above the centre of the Cistern, blushing deeply as he shifted his feet and realised he really was stuck on display like this with no way out. It had started out as some...

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The Cistern: First Hunt: Mizt

Cadius finished stowing his belongings in the locker he'd been given and stepped back to examine himself in the mirror. He was dressed in nothing but a pair of tight, thigh length, black lycra shorts and the smooth, throat hugging strip of grey-black...

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Cistern: The Grunge Pit: Part 3

Orel crept cautiously along one of the channels of his new sewer. Deep in the depths of the new sewer he was hunting his master, the controller of the cistern. The large, sleek, living rubber arcanine slipped cautiously through the brightly coloured...

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