My College Enslavement: Chapter 6

Story by Ralan165 on SoFurry

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#6 of My College Enslavement

Oliver has finally made his decision. Now comes the hard part, actually following through with it.

I meant to post this earlier today, but other things came up so I couldn't. The next chapter will be next week. I hope you enjoy!

The previous night's experience had taken a toll on the otter's ass. Being spread so forcefully had left him waking up sore, and throughout the day he could feel it whenever he walked. Thankfully, he didn't have many classes that day, giving Oliver ample time to sit on a cushion and stare at the chastity cage laid atop his desk.

He'd already made up his mind. It was the waiting that ate away at him. Oliver tried to get some classwork done, but thoughts of what was to come hammered at his mind. Instead, he laid in his bed. Watching the ceiling as the minutes ticked by, struggling with his arousal. Masturbating now would only make him chicken out later, but if he didn't the otter wouldn't get another chance in a long time.

But that countdown was the root of his arousal. The thought of Theo taking control of his cock, making the otter beg for sweet release only to be denied had him rubbing his tented erection against the bedsheets. He muffled his frustrated screams underneath a pillow, unable to answer himself.

He left as the clock struck two. Oliver walked across campus and a block or two with a thin hoodie and tight jeans being his only comfort from the wind. When he arrived at Theo's apartment building, the otter opted to take the stairs. A slow elevator ride would do him no good.

His throat dried and his heartbeat rang in his ears as the otter knocked on the apartment door. Hunched over, Oliver felt the blush crawl up his face, and how sensitive his cockhead was as it brushed past his underwear and scratched his jeans. The white door creaked open to Lucy's inviting smile. "Hey, Oliver," She said with a sultry tone, leaning against the door. He still found it hard to believe Lucy had a dick, from how her body was shaped she seemed more like a petite and thin lioness than anything else. "You made your decision?"

With a nod, he was let inside. Lucy called for Theo, shaking her hotpants-covered hips as they made their way to the living room. The zebra sat at the kitchen table, head hunched over some notes and looking all the more relieved as the two came over. "Hey," He said casually, as though this were any other kind of visit.

Oliver curled his fingers inside the front pocket. That casually confident look on the zebra had him weaker than he imagined. He expected more force, or just a towering presence to force him to his knees. Theo didn't need any of that, and he wasn't sure if it was because of the zebra, or himself.

Theo stretched his hand out to the couch, "Want anything to drink? We got some beer, no soda. I try to avoid excess sugar when I can."

"W-Water would be nice," He muttered, taking a seat on the soft leather couch.

Theo nodded, signaling Lucy to get them drinks as he took his seat next to Oliver. "Take a deep breath," He said.


"Take a deep breath," He repeated, "Hold it in for thirty seconds, then exhale." Theo mimicked his own advice, sucking in air and holding it for half a minute before releasing. "Come on, do it with me. In," He breathed in, "And out."

Following along, Oliver took the zebra's hand and squeezed with each breath. He knew he shouldn't be too nervous. He was just submitting to Theo. The tall, handsome, and athletic zebra looked good even in a loose grey shirt and baggy pants. "You know, if you're not ready to answer, you don't have to." Theo put his hand over their shared grip, "This is a safe place. Last thing I want is for you to be nervous."

Shaking his head, Oliver exhaled his last calming breath as Lucy handed him a glass of water. "No, no, if I don't do this now I think I'll chicken out," He said, eyeing the liquid in the cup. Taking a large gulp, he put it down and pulled out the cage from his coat pocket. "Theo...I'd like you to take ownership of my cock. I want to be your slave."

Theo's blank stare felt like an eternity, with relief shattering his anxiety as the zebra smiled. "You know what that means, right?" He asked, taking the cage and slowly opening it.

"It means I give up my rights as a person?"

"No. It means you're putting a lot of faith in me," Theo explained, "This isn't ancient times or a third world country where I would own you without limits. This is more agreement between ourselves. You give me the power to command you, and to punish you if you fail to meet my demands, but you also have the power to say no to my actions and end this at any time. You aren't trapped, Oliver."

He nodded, "Right, right. So when do we-"

"Red means stop." Theo looked at him with unerring focus. "Repeat after me. Red means stop."

He blinked. Feeling a thumb build up at Oliver's throat, he nodded and said, "Red means stop."

"Yellow means slow down."

"Yellow means slow down."

"And green means keep going."

"Green means keep going."

"Good," Theo said with a smile, "Now, do you have any questions?"

The otter thought for a moment. "You said I'll be punished if I fail a task. What if I couldn't do the task at all?"

"Well then I probably won't give you the task," Theo said, "It would be wrong of me to misuse your trust and assign you something impossible. I know some people that like to do that in order to do routine punishments, but I don't feel that's fair."

"Master Theo is a very gentle soul," Lucy giggled, draping over the zebra and kissing his cheek, "So much that sometimes I need to act out for a firm hand."

The zebra caressed his slave's face, "And if she gets too out of line, I simply ignore her. Funishment isn't punishment after all." Puffing her cheeks, the lioness pouted but said nothing and stewed in her own thoughts. Oliver tried to imagine the daily life between both of them, the control exerted. His mind went blank, no thought giving him justice to the idea. "Anything else, Oliver?"

"What...what kind of things will we do?"

"Good question," Theo said, reaching for the otter's hand. "Well, from what I've learned from you, you're a bit of a humiliation slut. Now, I wouldn't latch a collar around your neck and lead you around campus in front of a crowd. Hell, I won't put a collar on you outside of play for a while. But I will do some embarrassing things to you. And, if you can guess from Lucy, I like my guys to be a bit more...femmy. So I'd be giving you a nickname if you are ok with that."

Lucy chimed in, "Honestly I think Olive fits him better."

"Shush you," Theo said, playfully pushing her away. The name rang in Oliver's mind. He was a guy, and no matter how femme he liked to act, he didn't wish to change that fact.

"I'd still be a guy to you, right?" He asked, not completely turned away from the idea.

Theo nodded, "You would still be a guy to me, if that's how you wanted me to see you. I just like my guys dressed up a bit more. If you're not ok with it, then I'm sure we can find other things."

"Well, I'm not 'not' ok with it, if that helps. It's just..." he scratched his head, "I've seen crossdressing porn, and I've jacked to it."

"And who did you jack off too?" Theo asked, inching closer, "The crossdresser, or the guy pounding them?"

"Is both an acceptable answer?"

"Both is good." He nodded, smiling softly, "So, Oliver, are you ready to submit your cock to me?" The sound of air trickling through the vents filled the void. Here and now was the moment. Oliver's heart slowed and his throat tightened. With a deep breath, he exhaled and nodded. "Good. Now please strip naked for me."

The request came with respect, but Oliver felt the command behind it. Getting up, he pulled away his shirt and jacket, nipples tightening against the room temperature as Theo and Lucy watched. Next came his pants and undies, pulled down together to reveal his growing erection.

"Sit," Theo ordered, patting a cushion, "And try to think of something to kill that boner. Can't lock you in with an erection." The otter complied, taking his seat back and closing his eyes to think softening thoughts. His grandmother, church, math questions, and all other boring day to day activities to shrink his cock down to a more malleable state. He gasped at the cool gel rubbed against his privates, but Theo shushed him. It became all the harder to keep soft under the zebra's touch, but he pulled through with compliments from Theo and Lucy.

Theo squeezed his balls to fit the outer ring. With a wince, Oliver felt the sissy lioness's hands rubbing his shoulder to keep him calm. Next came the other pieces, slowly latching over and constraining his cock. "With a turn of this key, you give up ownership of your cock," Theo said, inserting the small key into the little lock on the cage. "This cock will belong to me, and me alone so long as this cage is on. Its only connection to you is that you're attached to it. Are you ready to give your cock to your master?"

Theo's title ran through Oliver like electricity. "Yes...Master," He replied, the word was like honey at the tip of his tongue. The key twisted, and with a little force, was pulled out.

"Welcome to my household, Olive. You may open your eyes." The first thing he saw was his Theo standing above him. No, not just Theo, but his master. The zebra smiled with satisfaction, flipping the key between his fingers like a poker chip he'd just won from an all-in bet.

Taking a seat next to him, Theo patted the otter's lap and gave a swift command. "Why don't you get up and give a little show?" Feeling the cage twitch from his trapped cock, Olive nodded and got up. He stood awkwardly behind the coffee table, rigid and unsure what to do. "Try and do a slow dance," Theo suggested, "Make your cage obvious. Maybe even show your ass."

Spreading his legs and puffing out his naked chest, Olive thrust his hips forward before Theo and Lucy. The humiliation from their smiles felt like a corset, but the arousal locked inside his loosely hanging prison betrayed any sense of shame. The otter replicated every little sultry dance he could think of, giving a soft and anxious smile as the zebra watched with a confident smirk and a growing bulge. "Lucy, why don't you join your sister slave?"

"Gladly." The lioness sauntered over, stripping away her clothes carelessly until all that remained were the stockings underneath. Her own pink cage with the word 'Pussy' printed on it hung from the cat's crotch, already dripping with pre. Slowly she followed Olive's movements, getting behind the dancing otter and grabbing his hips. "I've always wanted another sister," She giggled, cupping the otter's face as she turned his body to face her. Lucy's lips met his before he could question her, the rough cat tongue pushing in and tying with his own. There was a more possessive nature to her. Unlike Theo, she was aggressive and demanding. Taking what she wanted rather than enjoying what was hers.

It made Olive hate his cage all the same. He twitched with her touch, hand wrapping around and squeezing his sack before pressing it up against her cage. "It's so cute. Not like mine, but mine is personalized," She teased, grinding the pre dripping holes together. "How's it feel to be so horny yet unable to deal with it? Frustrating? Tortuous? Or maybe it's exciting for you. Your first real lack of control."

He agreed with every observation. Lucy was nowhere near as strong as him, but the way she spoke overpowered the flustered otter more than strength. He wanted to feel his rigid cock freely. To have it rub against the stomach fur of the sissy before him instead of fruitlessly grinding its prison against her own.

Theo pulled his pants down, tossing them aside to let his growing erection flop out. Sitting his naked ass on the couch, he pushed the coffee table forward with his hoof and craned his fingers to the kissing twinks. "On your knees." The command was soft, but powerful. Olive didn't need Lucy to guide him down, but held her hand tight as the musk of the zebra's cock filled his nose. That manly aroma had his knees shivering.

"Lucy," Theo said, placing a full grip on the lioness's skull, "Why don't you teach Olive how I like my cock worshipped?" Licking her lips, the lioness nodded and grabbed the otter's hand. The warmth of Theo's shaft pulsed against his palm, making his cage all the tighter as Lucy pulled his other hand to it.

"Master Theo requires full attention," Lucy explained, guiding the otter's hands up and down the massive shaft. His cheeks reddened as the zebra sighed in relaxation. A small swell of pride mixing in with the lust building up. The lion pulled him in closer, brazing his muzzle against the warm flesh. "Don't forget to lather it. A good slave knows not just their hands, but their mouth."

Kissing the shaft, Olive pressed his tongue against the zebra's cock. The strong masculine taste dominated his every thought. Lucy kissed on the opposite end, giving Theo a picture of his two slaves making out with a fat dick between them. Grabbing the otter's head, Lucy dragged him up the shaft toward the flat head. Their cheeks touched as tongues slowly licked their master's urethral hole. Twisting his head, Lucy gave the otter a breathy kiss, mixing the zebra's pre with their shared saliva before returning to the shaft.

He wanted, no, Olive needed to cum. He scratched at his cage, lost in lust while fruitlessly pawing at the metal prison. Lucy softly chuckled, "Looks like Olive is horny, master."

"Good," Theo smirked, "Horny slaves are always eager to please." He snapped his fingers, "But I've still got homework to do, so why don't you finish this off with your wonderful mouth?"

Lucy nodded, eyeing toward the otter, "You can watch, but you better be worshiping our master's balls as I do this." Olive nodding, watching with wide eyes as the lion sissy took the zebra's cock in both hands. She hung her mouth open, tongue lapping as the rod slowly sunk into her maw. He couldn't believe the sight. Lucy worked better than most porn stars he'd seen, going inch after inch until it was impossible to go further at this angle.

Remembering his place, Olive crawled up and pressed his muzzle against the zebra's thick orbs. The sweat and musk overwhelmed him, reminding the submissive otter his place in the chain. His tongue tasted the salt rolling off his master, lapping up against it as a personal ball washer. "Good girl," Theo cooed to Lucy, her slurping echoing in the back of the otter's ear. Envy briefly took hold, empowering the subby otter to suckle at the hanging fruits. His fingers rubbed at the cage between his legs, stimulating that little hole his cock pissed from for any sense of pleasure. He needed it, the pleasure, the rigidity. Even an erection would be welcoming.

With a heavy grunt, Theo grabbed Lucy's head. The lion gagged, sounding like she was gurgling something before cum started seeping from her face. Pulling off only let his rod shoot out more, splatter her hair and the floor behind her. "Well, looks like someone is going to have some cleaning to do," He jested, pulling Olive out from his nuts to give the boy fresh air.

He pouted as Theo pulled his cock away. "I...I need it..." He sputtered.

"Need what, Olive?" The zebra asked, knowing full well what he wanted.

"To cum...please, I need..." Theo smiled, craning the otter's neck and pressing his thumb against his lips.

"Now, now, Olive. Orgasms for slaves are a privilege, not a right. I'm sure you'll grow to appreciate them when they happen."

My College Enslavement: Chapter 7

Oliver's cage came with more struggles than he anticipated. Sleeping became a chore the first few nights, having never realized how often guys get erections in their sleep. Then came walking around with it, which came with two problems. The first was...

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The Otaku and the Good Boy (Commission)

Julias did not consider quality time with his sister to be how he should spend his friday. The blonde headfurred vole spent enough quality time with Destiny each day in her house. One of the so called 'perks' of having a sister living near his college...

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My College Enslavement: Chapter 5

The cage sat on his coffee table. Laid out and motionless, with only Oliver in his dorm watching it with indecisiveness. Of course, he'd seen plenty of porn with cages, some of them were his favorites. But actually staring at one in person, from the...

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