My College Enslavement: Chapter 5

Story by Ralan165 on SoFurry

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#5 of My College Enslavement

Chastity is a huge commitment. You gotta sit down to pee, deal with the extra bulge in your clothes and also give up erections whenever locked up. Can Oliver rightfully do that when he's barely gotten to use his dick? Can he subside on anal only? Well there's only one person he can ask about this, Theo's pretty little sissy.

Chapter 5 in my 9 part series. Over halfway till the end! Enjoy!

If I hadn't already, I'd like to point out that the art of this thumbnail was created by Danaume. Go check her out if you haven't, she's a very good artist.

The cage sat on his coffee table. Laid out and motionless, with only Oliver in his dorm watching it with indecisiveness. Of course, he'd seen plenty of porn with cages, some of them were his favorites. But actually staring at one in person, from the metal ring to the tiny space where his cock would be, the otter found himself concerned and aroused.

In porn, the cage was not just a tool of torment, but a status device. It put the submissive further below the dominant, marking them as their cock belonging to the dominant and resigning to never getting pleasure from it. Until recently, Oliver had only gotten pleasure from jacking off. Despite all the porn he watched of dudes getting railed, he'd rarely tried pushing much up against his ass.

Then Theo came along. Oliver wasn't even sure if Theo was good with his fingers, or if anal play was always that intense, but the memory still laid out fresh in his mind. Shuddering in delight, he ground his ass against the cushioned seat as he remembered those thick fingers pushing into him. Going deeper than he ever considered, and toying with his untrained prostate.

"Fuck..." He mumbled, reaching under his sweatpants to wrap all fingers around his hardening cock. His roommate was fast asleep in the other room, with the door shut so the otter knew he wouldn't be heard. Pulling it out, his rod stood in attention before the cage. He let go, letting the room temperature envelop his cock as he measured it in his mind.

It wasn't small, least not by otter standards. Of course, it wasn't pornstar-sized either, even by otter standards. If he got pushed into porn, a career path he once considered to explore his homosexuality, Oliver was more than likely going to play a bottom. If he submitted under Theo, he might as well not have a cock though. He would never feel the rush of blood pumping through it in erection, or the firm feeling of a tight grip wrapped around it.

It'd be locked, forever useless under the dominant zebra.

Taking a deep breath, the otter leaned back against the couch and exhaled. Was he willing to give that up? He liked to play up the twink attitude as he called it, but even twinks got to use their cocks, right? Or at least feel a hand around it? Closing his eyes, Oliver pictured the one time he actually used his cock against someone else. That adorable sissy lion that Theo enslaved, shaking her plug-filled ass before him while his pink chastity cage hung uselessly, the clatter of its lock still fresh on his ears.

There was something arousing in it, the sign of submission behind that cage. Or maybe it was her eagerness despite it. The effort Lucy put in when she couldn't just show an erection for attraction. How she moved, how she spoke, how she moaned when Theo slowly pulled that plug from her. That ass was loose for Oliver, fitting given the difference between his and Theo's cocks, but the warmth and sensation still blew his mind.

Carefully gripping it, the otter slowly pumped his cock as the memory came back. His hand couldn't mimic the all-encompassing warmth, the very sensation he'd lose with the cage. Lucy's moans, the smell of Theo's breath as he towered behind him, all so strong and real.

Stepping his legs against the coffee table, the otter scooted over and exposed his ass to the front door. There was no danger of someone walking in, giving him ample room to reach down and press a finger against his pucker. The zebra's were thicker. Stronger and more nimble compared to his own. Gasping softly, he tried to push in. Without lube, he couldn't go very far, leaving the otter wanting.

Caged up, his ass would be the only erogenous zone given attention. He'd have to work harder for it, let it build up and up without any stimulation against his cock. Oliver had barely been jacking for five minutes and he was close, so close that he stopped to let himself calm down. With his cock, it was too quick. An explosion of pleasure followed by a guilt-driven fall back to normalcy. He hated it. Hated that post-nut clarity that made him feel so sinful back home. Oliver wanted his pleasure to last, the otter needed it to last.

But could he give up his cock for it?


The otter spent five minutes gazing at Theo's apartment door, taking note of how bright the green paint was rather than knocking. He knew Theo wasn't there, the zebra had class at this time, one that they shared and he called in sick for. He wasn't ready to commit to the cage, not without further advice.

And who better to ask than the person already wearing one?

Giving the door three timid knocks, the otter shuffled his feet against the concrete apartment floor. For as nice as Theo's place was, the duplex it sat in could use a little more love. Theo could have maybe picked an apartment within walking distance too. Could have saved Oliver the Uber.

The latch turned and an effeminate lion stood in the archway of the opened door. Looking at her, Oliver still couldn't believe Lucy had a cock hanging between her legs. Sure, she wasn't exactly carrying perky tits, but she didn't have any signs of a mane or anything obviously masculine. Except maybe the Adam's Apple, but that was hidden behind a collar. "Hey, you." She smiled coyly, curling a finger in that long and smooth black headfur, "Theo isn't home right now. But I can take a message if you'd like."

"Um...actually," Oliver gulped, feeling his throat swell, "I wanted to ask you a few questions. To help in my...decision." He wasn't sure if Lucy knew about Theo's gift, though judging from the smug smile across her face, it wasn't a concern.

"Well, in that case, come on in." She waved, leading Oliver across the welcome mat where he kicked off his shoes and followed the feminine lion. Swaying her hips side to side, Oliver could hear the lock click and clack against Lucy's cage, its form hidden by the pink skirt reaching halfway to her knees.

Despite their kinky lifestyle, the apartment Lucy and Theo shared looked rather normal. Oliver didn't think much of it at first, but knowing what the pair did with themselves the otter found the casual mats and furniture a little off-putting. His eyes kept searching every nook and cranny for some kind of hint, like a hook for a leash or a hanging sex toy. But there was none.

Lucy sat against a leather couch, crossing her legs like a lady would. Even with her chest puffed out, the otter found no sign of breasts forming underneath the black crop top with the word 'Brat' spelled out in pink and curvy letters. She patted the seat next to her, which Oliver cautiously sat down against. "So, what do you wanna know?"

His throat became parched as he tried to speak. Lucy frowned, "Oh, sorry. Would you like something to drink?" He nodded. The lion smiled and lightly smacked her forehead as she got up. "Oh, how rude of me. I know it's not right to blame Theo, but he treats me like a girlfriend so often that I'm getting sloppy on being a slave. A guest comes in and I don't even offer a drink. Or maybe I'm cruising for him to notice my ass needs a bruisin." With a giggle, she swayed her ass back and forth getting water. Oliver could hardly believe that backside belonged to a guy, even if she identified as otherwise. He'd always considered himself a modern twink, but compared to Lucy he might as well have been a stud.

Though who knows what a change of clothes would fix.

Thirst quenched, Oliver relayed his question, "Well, last night Theo offered me a chastity cage. I hope that's not a problem that he did." Lucy brushed it aside, letting him continue. "And often do you get to take yours off?"

"Hmm...once every three weeks to a month for in-depth cleaning." The nonchalant attitude she spoke with shocked the otter.

"You only get release then?"

"Release?" Her brow quirked, then her brown eyes widened. With a smile, she shook her head. "No, no, no. I'm let out of the cage for hygiene. I can clean my clitty with it on, but Theo unlocks it during those times to give it a thorough cleaning. I tell him that we can upgrade to one that can give a good rinse without removal, but I think he likes seeing me bound at the chair and watching, despite knowing full well I wouldn't touch my clitty without his permission."

Oliver pictured that scene she described. Lucy bound to a chair, her cock free while Theo cleaned it across from her. Only instead of Lucy, he sat in that chair, gagged and moaning for the zebra's touch as his prison was scrubbed down. " you miss it?"

"Miss what?"

"Getting an erection." He took another sip from his cup, "Holding your throbbing cock in hand and pumping it to orgasm. From what I'm getting, you don't get to have that feeling often. Can you even have them anymore?" He raised a hand in defense, "I don't mean to insult you if you can't get it up anymore. I'm just...worried."

The lion tilted her head, letting some of her long black hair cover one eye. "I can still get erections when unlocked. Theo often has to get an icepack or arm wrestle me to soften me up so he can lock me back up. Do I miss it? Hmm...sometimes I do. But that's half the fun of it." She rested a paw against his lap, "I mean, my clitty belongs to my master. It's his decision on if it's ever used. And while the arousal from it is strong, it ends too quickly. I want to work for my pleasure, and in some sick way I want my master to work for it too. A dry orgasm hits like a truck, and takes a bit more effort than wanking."

He understood her point, but it didn't make him any less worried about it. Lucy scooted closer, "Look, I get that it's a big decision. By the time I gave mine up, I still hadn't used it on anyone. Down there, I'm still a virgin."

"Outside of your ass, I might as well be," Oliver muttered disdainfully. "I haven't even played with my ass much. What if I don't like it? And what if I want to play with other people?"

The lion's eyes shot up at that remark. "Well...if you want, I could help with that." She said, hand crawling up his thigh. Oliver's heart shook his body, looking directly at the sissy's brown eyes. Expecting a kiss, he pursed his lips. Lucy giggled, pressing a finger against them. "Not like that. Though it is cute."

"Then...then what do you mean?"

"There's a club downtown," Lucy said, getting up and stretching her arms, "One of your classic underground gay clubs. The kind of place where it's an open secret to everyone but the bigots. We can go down there, and find you some..." she smiled, fangs twisted in a cocky sneer, "experience with both. So that way you can decide if one is worth losing in favor of the other. Catch my drift?"

He nodded, "But do you really need to drift with this? It's just the two of us."

"No, but where's the fun in being straightforward?" She asked with a pout, "But we're gonna need you to get dressed. And me too, now that I think of it. Twinks are welcome, but sissies are kept at the door."


Lucy's extra fashion had Oliver feeling more exposed than usual. While self-described as a twink, he'd never worn such tight daisy dukes, nor a wire mesh shirt with only a thin leather vest and black tape to cover his nipples. The lion sitting next to him in the back of their uber still carried a feminine look. Though instead of his skirt, he wore pink stretchy hot-pants and a tight cyan shirt along with some knee-highs. The otter felt bad for their driver, and a little turned on as the panda constantly eyed his rearview mirror at them, questioning his sexuality with every glance.

"And here's our stop. Thank you, sir," Lucy whispered gracefully. Pulling Oliver out of the car, the pair entered a suspicious alley, with cement layered brick walls on either side. The otter scanned around, expecting to be shanked by a homeless man at any second as they walked through. At the end of the alley, they reached a set of stairs, descending down to find several doors. Lucy picked the purple one, with a small eggplant outline on the front.

The scent of leather and cigarette smoke filled his nose as they entered. Covering his nostrils, the otter coughed as they stepped deeper inside. Lucy kept a tight grip on his hand as their sneakers squeaked against the floor. Taking the courage to open his eyes, they grew wide at the debauchery displayed before him.

Multicolored strobe lights shone throughout the wide establishment. Furs of all types spread out on the dance floor or the hardwood bar, with some more secluded in back booths of black tables and dark red leather seats. Styles varied from each patron. Some wore leather straps that strained at their muscle or guts with matching biker hats, others wore Hawaiian shirts with tight jeans, and Oliver even spotted a few cowboy hats amongst the crowd.

He clearly wasn't looking hard enough for men when he got to college.

Lucy's mouth moved, but the rhythmic music made it difficult to hear. "What?" Oliver asked aloud.

"Bar or booth?" Lucy repeated, hand pointing at the suggestions. Despite his extroverted nature, the otter pointed toward the empty booth near the back. He knew nothing about this place, and ordering anything to drink might have been a bad call.

Plopping him down on the seats, the lion scooted into him and kept pushing until he was in the middle, staring out into the dancing crowd. "So," She asked, easier to hear with the music further off, "See any guy you want?"

"W-What?" He stuttered, eyeing her in uncertainty. He had been peeking, but they'd only just arrived and it wasn't like they could just walk up and ask.

Lucy held his hand, as if reading his thoughts she answered, "Most guys come here for a quick lay, so don't worry about rejection or making connections. Just point out who you'd like, and I'd be happy to bring them to you."

"H-How?" He asked, eyes shifting to the dance floor. One specimen in particular caught his eye. A steely eyed jaguar sitting alone at a booth opposite of them, focusing on a teal beverage in a martini glass with a rim lined with sugar. Unlike the rest, he came in with a dark business suit and pride colored tie. Oliver couldn't tell if the cat was playing a parody of a businessman, or wore the tie to tempt others to call him out. "Have you been here before?"

"Hmm...once or twice. Theo more than me." Lucy leaned in and whispered, "He was so lonely freshman year that he had a few experiences in the bathroom. It made him feel really guilty over our video calls, but I told him it was ok. He's really a soft soul. Though we tried to replicate his encounters here for fun."

The otter wasn't sure if he should count whoever got with Theo lucky or not. Considering that cock of his, it couldn't have been an easy endeavor. His eyes drifted back to the jaguar, only to look away when he saw him staring right back at him. Lucy smiled, "I think you found your experience."

He nodded, "So, what are you gonna do? Approach him and tell him I'm interested?"

Lucy shook her head, confusing the otter boy as she leaned in. "No, you're going to approach him."

"But I can't-" She shushed him with a finger.

"Here's what you do. You walk over, bring on your natural tease, and ask if he likes what he sees. Judging from his stone face, he'll look down on you, demean you, but you want that, don't you?" Her hand crawled down his chest with every word, finger stopping right at his crotch and poking the head. Oliver nodded, already feeling his erection rise against her touch. "Yes, that's right. You love being humiliated and degraded. So you're going to play along with it, edge closer and agree with the little demeaning titles he throws. If he hasn't pushed you away, then he wants you, and you can seal the deal by grabbing his crotch like so," A five fingered grip took hold at the otter's crotch, squeezing out what little space his dick had, "And feel his erection. Then you're gonna ask if he'd like to deal with this 'little' problem."

Peering over to the other booth, Oliver felt a lump in his throat as Lucy pushed him out. With a heavy breath, the otter puffed out his chest and tried channeling that flirt he'd been for so long, the flamboyant boy that Theo shattered with a simple answer. If the jaguar saw him, he showed no notice, meticulously eyeing his drink as he stepped up. "Hey..." The otter said with a soft and lustful voice he felt appropriate, "Like what you see?"

"I suppose that's one reason for my stares." The jaguar spoke without any hesitation, "I'll admit, out of all the desperate little whores, you look the most appetizing." Cup of gin in hand, he pointed a clawed finger to the other end of his booth. "Sit," he commanded, the predatory tone sending delightful chills up the otter's spine. Oliver did as directed, putting himself in full view of the leering jaguar.

"You can even follow orders. I guess I shouldn't be surprised, you've been eyeing me for the past few minutes." Taking a drink, his gaze stayed locked on Oliver. The otter could only imagine what he was thinking, his most solid guess being how good Oliver looked on his knees. Curling a claw, he signaled the otter to scoot round the curved booth to his side, giving Oliver a more ample view of the jaguar.

Like Theo, there was muscle. But whereas Theo carried the body of a running athlete, the jaguar's tight suit looked to constrain muscle brought on by intense labors of the gym. Drifting down to his crotch, Oliver noted a bulge already growing. With Lucy's advice fresh in mind, he reached for it, feeling the pulsing rod slowly growing underneath what had to be wool. "Quite the handsy little slut, aren't you?" The jaguar mused, giving no sign that he wished Oliver to stop.

Smiling, the otter nodded, "Oh, I'm the worst, Mr-"

"Sir," The jaguar said, tilting Oliver's chin up to meet a pair of fiery yellow eyes, "You will call me Sir, is that understood?"

Nodding with a lustful smile, the otter rubbed his palm against the growing erection. It was nowhere near the size of Theo's, but equines had an unfair advantage to everyone. "Of course, Sir." The felt so natural on his tongue, as though he'd been holding the word in reserve for so long. "Why is a big strong stud like you sitting all alone."

"Because while the prowl is exhilarating, there's nothing quite like prey coming to you." He smirked, brushing a hand against the otter's mesh top. As the otter moaned, their lips met. A hand grabbed his maw, forcing him close as the jaguar's rough tongue pushed against his own. Oliver's short jeans grew tighter, his erection building at the forceful nature of the stronger man inside him. Sir's cock throbbed in his hand. He reached for the zipper, ready to pull it down until the jaguar grabbed him.

"Not here," he growled. "Unlike yourself, I have no desire to put on a show for the crowd." Taking him by the hand, the jaguar dragged Oliver around the dancefloor. Lucy gave a quick thumbs-up as they passed. Pushing open the bathroom door, the jaguar found an open stall and tossed him inside.

Catching himself at the toilet bowl, he turned to find the jaguar pulling down his zipper. The outline of his pants did little justice as he pulled it out, straight and rigid all for him. "Like what you see, pixie?" Sir jeered.

An anxious grin scrawled itself across Oliver's face. He nodded, staring down at the one-eyed snake before him. He'd never sucked cock before, but his perverted brain always hoped for a twisted first time.

Without a word, the jaguar grabbed the otter's headfur and pressed his cock against the college boy's maw. The heavy masculine scent seeped into his nose, with the fleshy taste right at his lips. "Open wide, faggot," He commanded with a soft growl, finally holding his prey tight. Stretching his mouth open, Oliver tasted the cock before it brushed against his tongue. Such a strong scent, the masculine musk that put him in his place.

Even with his mouth open, the otter needed a second to adjust to the first inch in. He wasn't given one. Inch after inch of pulsing cock force its way down his maw. Oliver's gags were met with pleasured and aggressive grunts as both hands clamped down on his head, holding him tight so the jaguar could slow and forcefully fuck his face. "Breath through your nose, faggot," He growled.

If not for the struggle to breathe, Oliver would have felt disheartened at the jaguar's limited vocabulary. He moved the otter's head up and down his cock, using his mouth like a sextoy. Oliver's own grunts seemed to make the jaguar even harder. Looking up with teary eyes, all he saw with the wicked smile of a predator.

Pulled off, the otter coughed and gagged violently as he struggled to breathe. His complaints were cut short by the saliva-covered cock smacking his face. "Can the little fairy not take a real cock?" The jaguar mocked, using his cock like a warm and wet club. "You too busy sucking off other twinks? Do they fuck your ass with their tiny cocks?"

" sir," he said between breaths, "I've never been fucked..."

The jaguar blinked, "Never? You some fucking virgin?"

"In a manner of speaking..." Oliver said. The vicious smile across the stranger's face shook him to the core. Pulling him up by the scalp, the jaguar turned him around and pushed him forward against the toilet.

He hand swatted Oliver's denim-covered ass, "And you decide to come to a gay bar to get rid of it? You're a freak, aren't ya?" The jaguar laughed, leaning over to cradle Oliver's neck so their faces touched. "This how you wanted the night to go? Losing your virginity to some stranger in a public toilet?"

"Y-Yes, sir..." He said, fear mingled with his arousal.

Taking a heavy whiff of his hair, the jaguar purred and whispered, "If I wasn't so horny for your ass, I'd be insulted. But as my wife always says, 'give the people what they want'."

Oliver blinked, "Wait, you're marr-" The jaguar shoved his face against the wall. One hand reached around and unbuttoned his jean shorts, pulling them down to reveal his lack of underwear.

"Well, aren't you a slutty little virgin," He purred, slapping his hand down onto Oliver's exposed ass. The otter bit his lip as claws braced against his butt, nowhere near enough to draw blood but that wasn't the goal. They held him tight, reiterating his place in the jaguar's eyes.

With a lustful growl, he pressed the head of his cock against the college twink's tight pucker. "You're gonna wanna loosen up, bitch. For your sake." Taking a deep breath, Oliver unclenched what he could against the saliva-covered rod. It pushed deep into him, filling the otter more than Theo's single finger.

"That's right," The jaguar cooed as the otter moaned, "Let me in your virgin backside you greedy little faggot." Every inch became a struggle against tension, with no respite given from the dominant feline. His body quivered, cock hanging erect and untouched from his crotch. Struggling for balance, Oliver reached to pump it only for the jaguar to grab his hand. "No you don't," He growled, "Faggots like you only get it in the ass."

He wasn't gentle. The jaguar dug his claws into Oliver's sides as he pulled out, only to slam back in the next second. The impact rocked the otter's body, forcing him to hold onto the toilet bowl for dear life as pleasure filled out his body. Another forceful thrust shook him, repeating with increased speed until he had trouble gasping between each one. The shlicking sound of the jaguar's meat echoed through the bathroom, and Oliver's moans were sure to escape the door. Anyone could head their way and hear them.

On reflex he clenched, earning a tight grip against his head. "I said loose, faggot," Sir snarled, pulling Oliver's head back. "Keep it fucking loose."

Ears drooping at the tone, the otter nodded. "Y-Yes, Sir...sorry." Oliver shivered, trying to imagine Theo's in the jaguar's place. The cock would never compare, but the attitude...even someone as humiliated like him would feel special in those arms.

Gritting his teeth, the jaguar sped up his next several thrusts before biting down and slamming as deep as he could. Warmth spread out inside the otter's ass, followed by a sense of humiliation and unfinished desire as his own cock swung erect. Pulling out, the jaguar smiled and gave him one final slap on his ass.

"Hope to see your faggoty ass again here," He said, "And congrats on losing your virginity." Oliver heard him walk out, the door swinging side to side as he leaned against the toilet bowl, exhausted and with jizz dripping from his ass. When he tried moving his legs, he heard light steps making their way to him.

"Well, looks like someone had fun," Lucy jested. Without another word, the lion crossdresser got on her knees and pressed her warm wet tongue against Oliver's quivering hole. His legs were too weak to stop it, letting the sensation rise as his cock twitched yet again. With a giggle, Lucy leaned against his back and whispered, "You ready to try it with your cock?"

Nodding, he let Lucy direct his ass against the toilet bowl. Cock standing tall, the sissy lion got on her knees and wrapped her hand around the shaft. "Not bad at all," She said, softly pumping it before her warm breath brushed against the sensitive cockhead. He twitched as her rough tongue lapped against him slowly, shuddering a breath while she took the denied cock into her wet maw.

She didn't struggle to take him, deep throating him with ease and looking up with confident eyes at his blush. Grabbing his ass to scoot him closer, Lucy cupped his nuts and massaged them as her head bobbed up and down his cock.

Despite his vocal display with the jaguar, Oliver suppressed his moans with both hands. Something about someone walking in on his first blowjob received terrified him. With every slurp, he wondered if he looked as arousing on his knees. His mind drifted to their positions swapped, but with Theo on the toilet, his equine member begging for worship.

"I'm..." Lucy didn't let him finish. She pulled off him and squeezed his cock, pumping furiously to get him over the edge. With a muffled cry, his body twitched and strands painted her face and headfur. The lion brushed her hair aside and smiled, white drops slowly dripping from her chin.

"I expected more. You jack off a lot?" Oliver nodded to her question, straining to get up. Lucy held him down, pulling out a few sheets of toilet paper to clean off the most obvious strands. "We ain't done yet. I promised a full experience." Playfully pumping him to erection, Lucy gracefully crawled up the sitting otter and hovered her ass over his cock before reaching down. Her face strained for a moment, then gave off a pleasured smirk as she pulled her plug out. "Hold this for me, will you? Public bathrooms are filthy."

He marveled at the plug she gave him, as thick as a can of cola and shiny thanks to the metallic components. Lucy smirked, whispering to him, "It's not as good as the real thing, but it helps."

"H-How," He couldn't formulate the sentence, eyes going wide as Lucy stretched out before him and sank her loose ass against his cock. After getting fucked with only a blowjob, Oliver figured that saliva wasn't a good lubricant. But the lion showed no sign of discomfort.

"I've been trained to be very flexible," Lucy said. Peering down, Oliver saw she'd shed her shorts, leaving that pink cage free to press against his crotch as she took all of him. As stretched as her ass was, Oliver could feel her tense for him, tightening around his cock to grip him inside its warmth.

He heard the plastic and metal click as Lucy started to bounce. Pleasure rose quickly, but his tank needed to refuel before he'd cum again. "Theo fills me up almost every night," She whispered, hands coiling around the otter's shoulders. "If he goes balls deep into me, it actually hurts to breathe. But being the gentle master that he is, it only happens when I really push him." Her hands cupped his chin, forcing him into her lustful brown eyes, "This is the hole of a slave. Stretched and used for their master. Do you want that? To be Theo's personal hole to do with as he pleases?"

He did. Every fiber of his being cried out for it. The orgasm had him hugging her tight, panting as the otter's seed fell from her ass. Lucy smiled, hugging him close as Oliver's desire faded.

He couldn't run from the desire anymore.

My College Enslavement: Chapter 6

The previous night's experience had taken a toll on the otter's ass. Being spread so forcefully had left him waking up sore, and throughout the day he could feel it whenever he walked. Thankfully, he didn't have many classes that day, giving Oliver...

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Body Shame

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