Body Shame

Story by Ralan165 on SoFurry

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So Danaume drew a cute couple around a week ago and (with her permission) I wrote a small story about them. It's about a rough girl meeting a soft boy and some quality time in the closet. I hope you enjoy. <--- Link of image to those who wanna see it.

"Come on, Tiff, give me that 110% for just one more!" Both of Bodie's hand's hovered just under the barbel. The shark below her strained under the weight. Her teeth grit and her muscles tensed as she pushed the weights up for another rep. "That's it. Give me two more."

The mohawked shark grinned, "What happened to one?" Her hands shook while lowering the bar down. Bodie smiled, her own toothy grin pointed at her friend's gaze, "You didn't come here to just settle."

"Never do." Tiffany groaned and growled through three more bench presses before locking the bar back in place. Taking the towel from the crocodile's waiting hand, she soaked up the sweat and gulped from her adjacent water bottle. "It's nice to actually work out with you again. Most trainers look at my teeth with wide eyes and white faces."

"I got that look with most of my old clients. I swear some of them think fear is a good motivator, might be primal or something." Her winning smile had always been an issue when it came to people, and it certainly didn't help with her physical therapy job. Most furs came in expecting some cute fluffy sheep or maybe a handsome bull to help them along the path of recovery. Not some beefy croc girl with a natural frown.

"Is your new job treating you any better?" Tiffany asked. Bodie's natural expression was answer enough. "Sorry...least it pays better?"

"Yeah, but the pay isn't why I took it." She looked around at the furs scampering through machines and freeweights. Half were regulars, and half were newbies that would quit after two or three trips to the gym. Even with a trainer, people rarely stuck to a routine for the good of their bodies, which had the croc curl her fingers in frustration. "Too many people just don't take care of themselves. At least I can see some results over there."

"I would hope. Otherwise people wouldn't be walking again."

"They'd be walkin. Just not well is all." The crocodile leaned against the locked bar, her eyes drifting toward the locker room, then back to the shark, muscles twitching with every breath after their workout. She smiled, "So, whatever happened to that pink cutie you told me about? The one you met in the showers for some-"

The sudden question had Tiffany spurting water from not only her mouth but the gills on her neck. "Bodie! Not so loud." The shark waved her hands defensively, not that it got anything more than a small chuckle from the crocodile and a few stares from everyone else. "Goddamn it, now they're looking."

"Let 'em, this place doesn't allow recordings so what do you care?" Taking a seat next to her fellow amazon, the two barely had space between themselves when she continued. "So come on, we've both been too busy to talk. Spill some deets," She grinned, "They gotta be juicy."

She didn't realize how right she was until Tiffany started rambling. Starting with their first date, then phone sex, actual sex, how he squealed in bed, how he smelled, and more. Bodie expected a juicy fruit, not a dripping steak. "Ok, ok, jeez. Sorry I asked."

"What about you?" Tiffany bumped her shoulder, "Did Bodie the grump meet someone since we last met?"

"You say that like I can't get a date," The crocodile grumbled. She knew Tiffany was only teasing and was one of the few people she was fine with on that subject. "But yeah, I did meet someone, and unlike the rest of the jackasses I came across, he's not overly intimidated by the fact that I can bench him."

Tiffany smiled with her nod, "I get that. Way too many guys can't stand a girl with more muscle than them." She inched closer, her whisper dancing against Bodie's scales. "So, you gonna tell me about him? Like how you met?"

With a blush and a sigh, she nodded. "Yeah. Just don't interrupt, ok?"


"Remember, Fran, do those stretches when you get up." Bodie helped the old goat up from the placemat. The senior had a nasty fall over a month ago and first arrived with a curmudgeonly attitude about needing to use a cane with every step. While Bodie still saw the geezer put her weight on the cane, Franny had a pep in her step that made the crocodile feel all the warmer inside.

She'd smile if it didn't frighten people. Third month on the job and she was already making people's lives better. Grabbing a water bottle, she checked her wristwatch for her next client. The notes given to her said it was a spiny mouse who had suffered a tail injury and given it was his first day, Bodie figured it better to ease him into something than go directly for the tail first. His name escaped her, not something she wanted to admit on a first meeting. It started with an S, maybe an H after it. Shaun? Shane? No, no...

A quivering and unfamiliar voice spoke up behind her, "Um...excuse me?" Bodie turned, eyeing a short spiny mouse with desert tan fur across an androgynous, or rather feminine frame after she blinked. From his voice, and the average bulge he was packing, he had to be a boy, but Bodie kept staring as if she needed more information to confirm it. "You Bodie?"

"Yeah," She put out her hand, clasping his paw entirely, "And you are Shaaaaaa-"


"Shamus," She said, snapping her fingers, "Right, right. Sorry, haven't gotten a chance to read more on ya since this morning. You had an accident with your tail?"

He nodded, shaking it to show off the bandage on the much shorter tail than she expected. Bodie figured he'd just broken it, not get the damn thing sliced. "Oh...would you mind me asking how that happened?"

"Mountain biking accident. It got-"

She held her hand up, "Nevermind, I don't need the gory details. Why don't you just head over to the private room and we'll get you stretched out while I get some last minute paperwork?" With a nervous nod, he walked off. There was something odd about his stride, and not just because his balance was hampered by the crippled tail. It was almost as if the mouse had something between his legs. Whatever the case, Bodie couldn't help but watch his ass as he walked. Gripping her own, the croc couldn't help but feel greener than normal at the mouse's tight fitting gym shorts. "Goddamn...least I know he squats."

The basics were a challenge. Not only for Shamus's own balance issues but his bashful nature. He hugged his frame to make himself look wider and shriveled in her gaze when he couldn't. Bodie made an effort to ignore it, but his fearful little look slowly grated on her. She was here to help people, why didn't they get that? "Spread your legs out further."

"W-What?" Shamus looked over his shoulder, legs spread and waist arched. "Your legs," Bodie grabbed his shoulders and gently nudged his feet further, "You need to spread them shoulder length for a squat."

"I-I know, but I'm gonna fall if I do that."

"Not if I'm holding ya." Bodie lined her feet against his, "I'll squat with ya. Ok?" Her hands slipped under his shoulders, holding him up. "Come on, count with me. 1-"

Something shifted as they descended. Bodie noticed it in the corner of her eye first, a small bit of movement against his crotch. The rough mound against his shorts grew quickly, enough to open a brief seem at his waist. The crocodile had to blink, but the second before she missed it, she saw what he was really packing.

And each squat made it all the more noticeable.

Bodie had her fair share of lovers. Nothing long term, most guys didn't want a girl who could bench them, let alone beat them in an arm wrestle. But she'd had the pleasure of shopping around for a dick every now and then. And Shamus's tool down below cut each and every one of them out of the water. So much that she didn't notice his ragged breathing.

"You ok?" She asked, letting go. Shamus nodded, stumbling against the floor and rolling over. "Damn it...I stopped exercising for two months and I'm winded like this?" He complained, arms and legs spread out, given a much wider view of his package. "At this rate, I'll never hit the gym again. Let alone walk right."

Edging her foot closer to his crotch, Bodie watched his cock stir "Well, your engine could use a little tuning. What are ya looking for in the gym?"

"Muscles." Bodie rolled her eyes at the statement. Every guy wanted muscles, big old pecs with bodybuilder arms. "Why's that?" She asked, "You trying to enter a strongman competition?"

"I'm trying to be manly."

"What for? You're manly enough between your legs."

Like lightning, he hoisted his hands over his crotch. "You didn't-" Bodie nodded, leading the mouse to sigh, " ya think I'm some kind of freak."

"Well, it's not the word I'd use, but it can have some interesting connotations." Bodie crouched down, staring into his eyes, "So tell me, Shamus, why's a big dick mouse like you lacking confidence? Most guys I know would kill for a dick like that."

"It ain't all it's cracked up to be," He sighed, sitting up. "I pretty much gotta tuck it wherever I go to avoid stares. Been fucking great now that I can barely walk straight now. And none of my relationships make it to the bedroom given well..." he pointed both hands to his crotch, "This fucker. If I can even call it that because it ain't gotten any fucking."

She smirked, "You only dating mice?" From the shock on his face, Bodie figured she struck a chord. "W-What does that matter?" He stuttered out, keeping his legs tight and tucking in his cock back between them.

"Well, maybe you've been trying to shove it into something that just doesn't fit. Despite what porn tells ya, not all girls like having big dicks up 'em. Hurts for a lot of girls not built for it." Grabbing his shoulders, she leaned down with her lips to his ear and whispered, "So, ya ever thought about dating outside ya species? Or do big girls scare ya?"

A soft, but ultimately sad smile crossed his lips. "Have ya looked at me?" Shamus pointed to his thin frame. "Look, even if I did date outside of rodents, girls don't want a feminine boyfriend, especially if they're looking for a big dick."

"So you know what women want?"

"I'm just telling you my experience."

That hit a nerve. She grabbed his shirt collar and pushed him to the wall. "Experience huh? Well, it never stops teaching and today's a new lesson. Some girls like big dicks," Her hand reached down his crotch, pressing against the quivering bulge underneath his shorts. "Some girls like femme frames," The hand crawled up, slipping under his shirt and feeling his speeding heartbeat, "And some girls, like both. Ya feel me?" Letting go, she watched him slump to the floor with a burning red face before turning around to lock the door, swaying her hips to give him a good look of her toned ass. "Take off your pants."

His straining erection was already in the process of slipping out. "W-Wait...this is your place of work and-"

"And there are no cameras," Bodie pointed to the four corners of their personal workout room. "But if you want something a bit more...private." Tilting her head to the closet, the crocodile gives a small wink, "It's got the space for it. See, I ain't the only one that fucks on company time." She never did, but she'd seen enough of her coworkers have some affairs to know it was an open secret amongst the staff. Something she didn't consider much until today.

The little spiny mouse grabbed a placemat on his way over, earning a confident smirk from Bodie as she slapped his ass on the way inside. Closing the door and turning the light on, she towered over him. "Strip your pants," She ordered, arms crossed and waiting.

Up close she still couldn't believe its size. His cock flopped out, struggling to gain a full erection due to the sheer amount of blood for it. "God damn..." She muttered, reaching down to feel its girth in her hand. Like holding a warm, pulsing, and squishy beer can. "And girls keep passing this up..."

"Well most women want-" She tightened her grip to silence him. "This ain't about what most women want, Shamus. This is about people not appreciating what you've got packing. Something I intend to correct." Besides, if he was that hung up about not being manly, then Bodie was going to make a man out of him.

Her kind of man.

Their lips met briefly before her tongue pushed and suppressed his own, taking over his mouth as she damn well pleased. From the moans Shamus made, the shivering hot breaths he took, she knew he enjoyed it. Even if he was a big hulking goliath, she could tell he'd melt in her hands. Instinct had Bodie dragging her teeth down his fur, never to rip but enough to keep him shivering submissively. Reaching his cock, she dragged her tongue across his meat, tasting him all over until she reached the head. Already precum pooled and dripped, swelling as her finger rubbed between the head of his cock.

"That's a good boi," She cooed, "Stay nice and hard for me. But don't cum, not yet." Taking him inside her maw challenged her more than she expected. She'd sucked off enough to know the techniques, but his size made it difficult to go down the length. What her mouth couldn't cover, her hands did, massaging and pumping his rod as she bobbed back and forth.

Biting his bottom lip, Shamus kept his hands to his sides. Not once did he struggle, push, or even demand she go deeper. No, only his cute and lustful face watched down as his breaths came and went, submissively letting her take full control. Pulling up her top, she let her breasts loose and pressed them firmly against his cock, pumping her chest along the shaft like the good boi of hers deserved.

A small pop echoed as she pulled off. "Liking it so far?" She asked, earning a quick nod in response. "Good. Now sit on the ground, cock up." A knowing smile crossed her face as he followed. She'd have to keep him, no question about it. Pulling down her gym shorts and exercise underwear, the crocodile stood tall before him. Naked save for the top pulled above her breasts. Squatting down, she grabbed his cock and lined it up against her dripping pussy. Even now, with its head at her flaps, she knew it was bigger than anyone else she'd had. Part of her imagined their jealous faces as she took a deep breath and lowered herself down, panting softly as it penetrated her.

"Fuuuuuuuck..." Her tone droned on with every inch inside her. Thanking her glutes, Bodie kept herself steady despite the build up of pleasure.

"You alright?" Shamus asked. She nodded, pushing down and down into him. "Just a little more...a little more," She repeated, until that little more became too much to handle. "Damn...guess I'll have to let you push in for the future."

"The future?"

Hand bracing against his chest, she leaned down to kiss him. "If you want there to be, cutie." Of course he did, those eyes didn't say no. And they'd be all the cuter with a collar and tag around his neck. Boyfriend by day, fucktoy by night. Or just boyfriend all the time, she wasn't that coldblooded. If nothing else, she was an outlier for her species.

"I'm...I'm gonna-" She held his face close, gritting her teeth. "Just hold it, for a bit." Bodie figured he wouldn't last long, but she hoped she'd get a little closer past her own edge during it. Her juices helped lube his cock, letting her plop down into him to ramp her pleasure while he struggled to hold back. Bless him for actually trying for her, none of her ex's cared. "I-I'm sorry!" He cried out, hips lurching as his expression went blank. Seed shot up into her, filling her up further than Bodie expected.

She cursed herself. So close, but he held out well. His absence was felt when she pushed off him, a longing hole to be filled while dripping his seed. "I think some stamina training is in order for ya. If you want to continue."

"Did you cum?" He asked, tired but sparkling eyes looking up to her. A frown broke out from her lips, only to be replaced with a smile as she kneeled down and brushed his spines, "No," She said, "Sorry, to say. But I was close."

"Can I...can I finish you with my tongue?"

A vibrant shade of pink blotted her facial scales at the question. Smiling growing wider, Bodie nodded and stepped over him, letting his own spunk drip onto his face as she spread her pussy wide. "Dig in, loverboy."


"So yeah, that's how we met." Getting up, Bodie stretched her shoulders to rid herself of the anxious tension. Thinking about her first encounter with the mouse had gotten her riled up, and not in the way exercise can fix.

"You can't spare any more details?"

"Why? You gonna jack it out here?" Bodie smiled, pointing down to the sizable erection straining in Tiffany's tight gym shorts. "We've been dating for about a month or more, give or take. He's pretty sweet outside of the bed. Opens up with questions on my day, listens to me when I ramble, and he's not afraid to share some of his more nerdy hobbies. Which I'm not that interested in, but given pop culture now it doesn't hurt to get a little invested."

"Felix is the same way," Tiffany said, her mohawk bobbing with her nod, "He's got a few barbarian ladies on his walls. Cutie didn't even realize just how many he had."

"Maybe we should do a double date sometime? Hell, maybe they know each...other..." Peering over her shoulder, the amazonian crocodile saw a familiar spiny mouse cornered by a few exceptionally arrogant lifters. "Gimme me a moment, Tiff. Gotta go save my prince." The jeers and insults grew clearer the closer she came, as did the sound of her feet with the anger empowering every step. Two wolves and a coyote surrounded him, chuckling at his thin frame, girlish butt, and the way he walked.

"Shamus, what are you doing over here?" Bodie reached in between the hecklers to grab her boyfriend, "I told you to meet me on the floor."

"S-Sorry... I just got caught up in an argument and-"

"Woah, chillax there, brawnhilda." The wolf chuckled, "We're just sharing some tips on how to get your friend pumped up. Can't attract the ladies with a frame like that."

"He attracts plenty," She growled, pulling him in close. Shamus naturally cuddled into her, safe in Bodie's arms as they walked off, only to stop at the makeshift whipping sound emanating from one of the hecklers. Shamus looked up to her, his eyes silently pleading not to get involved.

No one insults her prince.

"Ok, listen up, cause I'm gonna make this real fucking clear." Bodie turned around, standing tall and proud with Shamus at her side, "The next one of you knuckle draggers question my boyfriend's masculinity," She chomped the air, loud enough to bounce off the walls for everyone to hear, "Loses theirs!"

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