My College Enslavement: Chapter 4

Story by Ralan165 on SoFurry

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#4 of My College Enslavement

Oliver seeks to better understand Theo's lifestyle, gaining a more thorough taste of what's instore if he goes down that path.

4th chapter of this nine part series of a thirsty otter and the zebra he lusts after, I hope you enjoy!

The rattling drip of a leaky faucet echoed in his head. Oliver's paws balled into fists, his cuffed wrists locked against the pipes of the urinal at the end of the bathroom. Naked save for the ring gag forcing his maw open, the otter watched helplessly at the entrance, unable to see the door.

It creaked open, letting the club music seep in for a brief moment before closing slowly. Hooved feet clicked against the tiled floors, each step causing the otter's erect cock to twitch in fear and excitement. Tongue out, he moaned for mercy toward his captor, the cruel master who locked him here for all to see. Theo smiled in his approach, the athletic zebra donning a tight leather vest and leather chaps that let his cock and balls swing with every step. The otter's eyes traveled up the intimidating figure, from his fat cock, to his tight abs, and finally, his smugly grinning face. Every ounce of it exuding a prime presence, shunning the otter without even trying.

"How's my favorite urinal today?" He cooed jeeringly. His heart raced, hands struggling in his bindings as Oliver pleaded into his gag. Theo cupped his ear and leaned down, "What's that? I'm sorry, I don't speak toilet."

He mewled again, shaking in his bindings only to get another mockful laugh from the zebra. The strong and powerful, zebra, who grabbed his head with no mercy. "Anyway, I need to empty the tank before I go plow some twinks. And we can't have my favorite urinal go thirsty can we?" Theo chuckled, holding his cock with one hand and placing it on the tip of Oliver's tongue. The sweaty musk sent euphoric shivers down his spine, combined with the taste of his head. Already he could smell it, the stream of urine surging through the equine cock. So close to his baptisment.

Oliver's eyes shot open. His mouth agape, panting heavily as he shot up from his bed. "Fuck!" He screamed, forgetting his dormroom etiquette as his roommate stirred across the room. Flopping back into his pillow, he rested his paws against his face and tried to forget the raging hardon stirring underneath his sheets.

Another wet dream, almost literal in this case. The otter was not a stranger to them, but they were never this consistent. Often they were with models, either from porn or maybe some celebrity magazine cover, never anyone he knew. But ever since his last date with Theo, Oliver's nights were filled with the zebra's visits.

His demanding and controlling visits.

"Fuuuuuuck...." he whispered. Every dream had been so similar. Always put into the degrading role of Theo's personal bitch, sometimes paraded and passed around like a plaything, or just put in a public spot to be used. Always leading back to the zebra, with him holding the leash and waiting. He never expected Theo to have that kind of lifestyle. The same Theo who blushed like a schoolgirl when Oliver first flirted with him, or held open a door for a whole minute of furs streaming through. Gentlemanly Theo, who had a goddamn personal slave crossdressing in his apartment.

"'s always who you least expect," He sighed, contemplating whether he should be regretting using the lord's name in vain or not. Figuring his roommate wasn't going to wake up after his shout, the otter pulled out his phone and a pair of airpods. Immediately he started searching online for more information about Theo and Lucy's lifestyle, hoping to shed some light on his own feelings.

It slowly devolved into looking at more porn, with a focus more on twink and sissy subs. Oliver pawed at his growing erection, putting himself in the place of those femme guys getting humiliated, locked, and railed. Neglecting to pump himself, he instead ground his cock against the bedsheet upon the command of a dominant in a pov video. Closing his eyes and imagining Theo watching, smirking as his cock rose tall at the otter's pathetic display.

Was Theo too nice for that? To mock and belittle Oliver like the needy little slut he was? Oliver used to believe so, but Lucy's existence had him question that. An adorable femme lion, locked in the closet and watching. Would she have cried out if him and Theo actually fucked? He would have, growing harder at the thought of denial from either of them.

"Fuck...this too weird," He muttered. Could Theo really date with Lucy around? Did Oliver even want a date? The otter had hoped to find a gay paradise in college, but so far only those two filled it. It was all too confusing.

His roommate stirred. Oliver froze, leaving his cock trapped between the sheets and his stomach as the fur across from him tossed and turned. Planting his face into the pillow, Oliver muttered a sigh and put his phone away.

Whatever he wanted, he needed to talk to Theo. The zebra was too heavy on his mind to be left out of it.


As luck would have it, it'd be three days before Oliver would see Theo again. The zebra had texted him, but he'd blown off responses with needing to study. Really he was nervous about what to say or do, and it ate him up inside. One wrong word could end whatever this was, and he couldn't just let it end like that, even if it was for selfish reasons.

Finally, in the morning before he'd even headed to the pool, Oliver waited for Theo at the upstairs jogging track. The zebra smiled when he saw him, only to frown at the otter's nervous look. "Finish studying for that test?"

"Something like that," He muttered. " you mind if I ask you a question?"

"Not at all. Ask away."

"You and Lucy...what's that like, dynamically?"

Theo blinked, "I don't follow."

"I mean, well..." Despite the simple question, Oliver had trouble expressing it. "Can...Can you date? Are you guys a couple? Is this a poly thing? What exactly is a slave anyway?"

"Well, we are a couple," Theo said, setting his gym bag down. "As much as Lucy likes to wear the moniker of slave, we're more boyfriend and girlfriend first."

"So she's just super kinky?"

"She's not alone, but yes. It's not like I kidnapped her or bought her off the black market. She just lives with me, kind of like a wife. And every husband has duties to his wife."

"So, what we're doing isn't cheating on her?"

Theo's face went blank for a minute, then he smiled and shook his head. "Dude, she literally joined in. Plus, she's the one who convinced me to give you a shot."


Taking a seat, Theo blushed briefly while opening and closing his mouth to form words that didn't come. Taking a deep breath and timidly patting his knees, he exhaled and explained, "So, when you first started flirting with me in freshman year, I admitted you were cute. But Lucy was back home so I never felt comfortable flirting back. Hell, I felt guilty whenever I had fantasies of you. Even when I could get my own place and have Lucy move in, it still felt...not right? I was in a committed relationship. But my guilt was even putting a strain on that. It was her finally talking to me about it that convinced me to take a shot." His ears hung at Oliver's confusion. Sighing, the zebra patted the seat next to him for the otter to sit. "Look, I'm sorry I'm not this regular gay guy who can give a normal relationship. Believe me, sometimes I wish I could, but I love Lucy too much to not include her in my life."

Normal. Oliver hated that word. Back home, normal wasn't staring at a guy's ass or privately watching gay porn. He didn't want to be normal, and college wasn't him finding normal. It was supposed to be his sexual liberation. Taking a seat next to the zebra, the otter got to take in how much taller Theo was. Big and strong, enough to handle the otter without any hope of fighting back. Just being near him had Oliver shivering in delight.

"I'm...I'm not looking for a Mr. Right or anything," Oliver admitted. Theo's confused look had the otter's heart beating faster. "It's just...look, I grew up in a very traditionalist family. They don't even know I'm gay. I took a college halfway across the country from them so I could experiment with myself. If I found a boyfriend...well that'd be nice." The idea of holding hands with another man had his heart flutter, "But it's not what I want, at least not now."

"I...I see," Theo said, not trying to be hurtful. It didn't make Oliver feel any less guilty. "So...what do you want right now? To explore your kinks and stuff?" The otter nodded, biting his lip as though it'd stop the blush from enveloping his face. "Ok, what are they?"

No one had ever asked the otter. His eyes went wide, mind running around with several scenes and kinks he'd wanted to try. "I...well..." his fingers dug into his clothes, twisting around nervously, "I...I think my biggest one is humiliation and degradation."

"You think?"

"It just shows up in a lot of my porn, ok?" And his dreams, but Oliver didn't think Theo needed to know about the leather daddy experience, "Most of the porn I watch usually involves humiliating the bottom. Whether it's degrading words, passing him around, or just preventing him from doing anything beyond struggling. There's this rush I get from imagining being in their place. The powerlessness in it all...I don't know, maybe I'm not explaining it."

"Powerlessness, huh?" Theo wrapped his arm around the otter's shoulder, pulling him in tight toward his chest. "Why don't you try a little harder to explain."

Those pulsing muscles through the zebra's arms shook Oliver's spine. For someone on the track team, Theo had impressive biceps, no doubt able to hold him down if he tried to escape. "W-Well I..." he tried to speak as his mouth dried, "I l-love not being in control and...ordered. I don't know why, I've been a subservient good boy all my life. But there's something about a demand from a strong guy that just..."

Theo cupped the fidgeting otter's chin, bringing him eye level. Something about those deep blue eyes had him drowning. As if he'd swam too far out at night and got lost in the tides. His lips embraced the otter's, holding him there for an eternity. Oliver's hips bucked, his cock straining against his speedo underneath his shorts while Theo's tongue explored his maw. A strong hand clamped down on his crotch, palm pressing and rubbing up against his tented cock. Oliver's moans were suppressed by Theo's heavy breaths, the zebra pushing him against the wall without a care for who might see.

Anyone could see. The track team could walk in any minute, casting their eyes down on the slutty otter getting a dry grindjob by this stunning morsel. They'd pull out their phones, post it online sites all so he could be mocked or ridiculed as the campus slut. His fingers dug into Theo's chest at the thought, hips racing with Theo's hand as the zebra pressed harder.

"8 PM, my gym locker," Theo stated, breaking away from the blushing otter. "I'll text you the combination at that time. You best be there to open it once you get it. Instructions will be inside. Is that clear?" Oliver nodded absently, his attention drilled to the hand against his crotch. Theo didn't appreciate that, taking his hand off and grabbing the blushing otter's face, "I said, is that clear?"

"Yes, sir."

Theo smiled at the honorific, "Good, good. Now go enjoy your swim practice." The zebra let go, returning to his stretches before giving a wink and starting his jog. Oliver watched that shapely ass trot away from him, horny enough to bury his face in it but denied by responsibility. A few thoughts of his grandmother was all it took to kill his erection, letting the otter head back down to the pool without worry of turning any heads. Though thoughts of what would happen tonight at eight stuck with him the rest of the day.


He arrived at the campus gym around 7:50 at night. No one really exercised at this time, so the only people present were professors that had offices here, students who worked internships in the building, and janitors. So nobody was using the gym or the locker rooms. His jeans felt awfully tight as he stepped inside and ascended the staircase, heart beating out his chest as he opened the locker room door and walked down the tiled hallway, getting a fresh scent of the cleaning supplies already used.

Taking a seat at a polished wooden bench, he pulled his phone out of the hoodie front pocket and fumbled with it. Scrolling through Reddit, Twitter, or just some porn he saved on his private browser. Anything to help calm him down for whatever was about to happen.

The text arrived with a locker code and a heart emoji. Anxiously biting his lip, the otter found himself tiptoeing despite his privacy to the locker in question. Rolling out the code, the lock popped off. Opening it up, he found a gym bag and an envelope with the name 'Olive' written on it in big pink letters, leaving out room for the final R. Slowly opening it, his eyes scanned the instructions written inside.

Strip naked and open the gym bag. Take whatever is inside and put it in your mouth. Put your clothes away (in the bag if you want) and then wait for me in stall 8 on your knees. See you soon.

He blinked. Theo couldn't be serious. The stripping he understood, but to put something inside the bag in his..."Eww..." he muttered. Letting curiosity take hold, the otter zipped open the bag before stripping down. Inside was a single pair of briefs, no doubt Theo's size, covered in the smell of his sweat and musk. Oliver blushed, imagining the underwear barely containing Theo's cock. He couldn't possibly put it in his mouth, that'd be obscene.

His dick's erection disagreed. The locker room grew chiller as he stripped down, or maybe it was his own exposure that made him shiver. Reaching into the bag, he felt the cold touch of steel brace his fingers. Grabbing it, Oliver pulled out a single pair of handcuffs. "Oh my god...Theo you pervert..." A sentence he still felt surprised to say as he stuffed his clothes into the locker and took out the sweaty briefs. Opening his maw, Oliver stuck his tongue out and tasted that salty zebra essence, breathing through his nose as he pushed the undies into his maw. All he needed was some tape and he'd have a perfect little gag, but his own desire for humiliation would keep it there for now.

Taking the cuffs, the otter made his way to the showers. Several stalls lined the hall. Thick and sturdy showers made from the same material of the floor, giving the impression that they were hollowed out cubes with shower curtains as their doorways. Finding stall eight, he crept inside and kneeled at the far corner, so anyone entering would turn to see him. Only after locking his wrists behind him did Oliver realize how dangerous this all was.

Alone, naked, and crouching on the tiled floor with his hands cuffed and a classmate's underwear in his maw. If anyone but Theo saw him, he could be expelled. It's not like he could lie and say someone did this to him, not with how tight he bit into the underwear. The silence enhanced every small little sound. From the air running through the vents, to his own gagged breath where the zebra's athletic musk traveled down his throat. Common sense screamed at him to move, to get out, but Oliver couldn't even if he listened. He'd left the keys to the cuffs back in the locker, and he couldn't open it with his hands bound behind him.

The otter started to regret sharing his kinks.

The creaking noise of an opening door had Oliver press his back against the wall, silently wishing he could meld into the stone as heavy steps echoed throughout the locker room. The metal clang of a locker rattled him, with each heavy breath giving a full taste of Theo's musk. This was a mistake, despite how hard his cock stood at the thought.

Each step closer rattled his heartbeat. Oliver held his breath and remained still, trying desperately to remain undetected from the unknown occupant. His heart jumped as the curtains were pulled aside, only to be met with the smiling visage of a familiar zebra. "Well, looks like I found a pervert." Closing the curtain behind him, Theo stood tall in the concrete stall. The otter had seen the zebra naked before, but something about him now made him feel so small...wonderfully weak to the proud form that towered above him.

Kneeling down, his smile disappeared. Replaced with a look of concern as he whispered, "If it gets too intense, spit them out and say, 'Melon' ok? Understand?" The otter stared at his blue eyes. Even in his embarrassing position, he felt safe with those blue irises watching him. He nodded, earning another smile from the zebra and his hand tightly gripping the back of his head. "Well, get out of the corner, pervert. Let me get a nice clear look at ya."

Shivering in delight, the otter stood before his discoverer. Theo nodded as his eyes scanned Oliver, licking his lips with every little twitch. "Are those my undies in your mouth?" He asked in jest, both already knowing the answer. He nodded anyway, leading to Theo's soft chuckle, "Wow. You know, I never expected someone would steal my undies. Guess that means you want my cock, doesn't it?"

The otter's head bobbed ecstatically, focusing in on the lengthening log hanging from Theo's crotch. It rivaled several stallion pornstars he'd seen, and there were enough videos of smaller furs taking those beasts to make it easy to imagine. But his mind couldn't replicate the feeling, something he knew his ass wasn't ready for just yet.

With a heavy hand, Theo gently pushed the otter to his knees. "Well, I might be willing to give a perverted little twink like you a shot. But first I gotta empty myself." Holding his cock in one hand, he directed the heavy rod until its flat head pointed at the otter's face. Oliver's eyes widened, closing immediately as a golden yellow stream flowed down and drenched him. The zebra's hot piss baptized him, its taste soaking into the briefs he held tight in his maw while the liquid trickled down his fur. It's smell was maddening, marking him as no better than a urinal.

He'd never been so erect.

"That's a good look for you, thief," Theo mocked as the last few drops of urine spilled from him. "And just look at how hard your cock is. You a little piss slut?" Oliver nodded, sucking in the urine stains in the briefs as Theo chuckled. He was a piss slut and more, and he needed to be told so.

Water sprayed down from the faucet, but it didn't hit Oliver. Not at full blast. Theo sheltered him with his body, his long face contorting as the cold water showered against his back.

Stepping aside as the steam rose, the hot water cascaded down his drenched fur and washed away the urine. The shame lingered, sticking to him like glue with Theo's grin and cross armed form watching him. Cleaned away, the zebra hoisted him by the shoulders and pressed Oliver against the wet wall. Strong hands on his ass, Theo spread the otter's cheeks nice and wide.

Taking a shuddering breath, the otter relaxed. Expecting to feel the flat head of the zebra's dick, only to tremble at the warm at wet tongue dragged against his pucker. Oliver's mouth went weak with his moans, almost losing the undies as Theo's tongue penetrated his tight hole. If it weren't for the zebra's grip, the otter would have collapsed.

As clean as he kept his ass, Oliver never got far with playing it. He'd stuck a finger up there once, and read guides on how to relax. But to have another man's tongue inside him, it took so much focus to keep him loose around Theo's tongue. When he pulled out, the otter whimpered at the emptiness. Robbed of a new sensation he never knew he wanted.

"Someone's excited." Theo pressed the otter's crotch harder against the wall, trapping his cock between the cold tiles and his warm fur. "You're still so tight, just like last time. Do you play with your ass at all?" Oliver shook his head. Theo chuckled, "What's the matter, slut, too afraid to toy with it? Or just haven't hit the right buttons?"" Fingertips trailed down his spine, ending at his ass. With some gentle force, the zebra's finger pushed inside, then pulled out to return with another.

Every thrust rubbed the otter's cock against the wall. His fingers pushed deep, rhythmically pressing up against the prostate Oliver could never find. Half of him wanted it out, afraid of the pleasure. The other wanted it harder, to ram him through and finish him quickly. Theo did neither, slowly pumping his finger in and out of the otter's loosening bum. "Keep moaning, you dirty slut." Theo wrapped his free hand over his mouth, locking those drenched undies inside, "We might get an audience if we do. And I know how much you love attention."

Oliver answered with a nod. He was a slut, a flirt, and an attention whore. He wanted everyone to see him, naked and pleasured under Theo's fingers. A mere plaything for the zebra, ready to be passed around for everyone. His hips rocked, pleasure so close to the edge. Looking up, he silently pleaded for the sweet release.

Theo pushed harder. His fingers rubbing faster and faster against his prostate, the wet slapping sound echoing through the bathroom. Anyone could walk in and know what was happening, but Oliver didn't care. He was so close, almost...biting down hard enough to tear holes into the garments, his cock twitched between the tiles and his fur. Lurching forward, seed shot upwards, splattering his chest before the rest let gravity take over and fall to the soaking floor to be washed away by the drain.

With no time to relax, Theo turned him around and pushed his ass to the floor, giving Oliver a clear few of the erect equine dick hanging before him. Knowing he was the cause of it made him smile. "Open," Theo ordered, pulling out his underwear from the otter's maw and tossing it aside to be soaked against the damp floor. Fearing it wouldn't fit, Oliver widened his mouth as far as he could for the stud's meat.

Theo didn't push inside him. Instead the zebra leaned against the wall behind him and gripped the massive rod with both hands. Water trickled and splattered against its girth with every pump he made, his rugged breath overshadowing the otter's heartbeat. The otter's tongue lolled as he stared into the flat head, dry mouth soaked in the raining shower. Those thick heavy balls swaying with every thrust.

He didn't scream. Theo didn't moan or gasp as his hips lurched forward, silently shooting his seed across the falling drops of water and hitting Oliver. The otter closed his eyes, the strong taste of the dominant zebra's seed nearly had him gag but he accepted it. His heart fluttered, imagining what a pathetic state the bound otter must have looked with Theo's jizz over his face.

"That's a good look," Theo teased. Legs too tired from the excitement, Oliver was helped up by Theo, who held him close as the water poured over the both of them and washed away their debauchery. Once clean of their filth, Theo twisted the shower dial off and told the otter to stay put, leaving him there for half a minute before returning with the keys to his cuffs and a pair of towels.

"You've got some intense fantasy's, you know that?" Theo said. Oliver took the towel, quickly drying himself off and hiding his blush. "Did you like experiencing them?"

He nodded. Theo stepped closer, towering over him, "We can do more stuff like that, if you want. We don't need to be boyfriends, but more like...well, master and slave." Cupping the otter's chin, Theo grinned at Oliver's awestruck face, "I wouldn't think any less of you if you said no. You were very brave to even head this far."

Master and slave? His mind threw every bdsm porno he'd seen at the wall. Every depraved act a slave had done for their master was something he could do. Even the ones he didn't like had a special tingle at the thought of Theo calling the shots. The zebra raised his hand before he could answer, "Hold that thought, I need to give you something before you make that decision."

Oliver felt less shame at being naked around the lockers. Now it looked less like the two just fucked and more were getting dressed after a workout. "Hold out your hands and close your eyes," Theo ordered, holding something behind his back with one hand, and the other keeping his towel wrapped around his waist. Oliver did as instructed, feeling something cold and metallic in the palm of his paws. Opening them up revealed a small chastity cage in between his palm, and the dominant smile of Theo above him.

"When you make your decision, meet me at my apartment." Theo grabbed his wrists and pulled him in, his hot breath brushing against the otter's ears as he whispered, "Just remember what you're getting into. In my service, there's only one dick: Mine."

My College Enslavement: Chapter 5

The cage sat on his coffee table. Laid out and motionless, with only Oliver in his dorm watching it with indecisiveness. Of course, he'd seen plenty of porn with cages, some of them were his favorites. But actually staring at one in person, from the...

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My College Enslavement: Chapter 3

Oliver couldn't stop thinking about last night. His physical date with a guy, and he'd been coerced into wearing panties and given a grindjob, if such a thing existed, in public. That moment played in his head over and over throughout the night. The...

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The Hitchhiker Chapter 2 (Commission)

"You're an incorrigible slut, aren't ya?" Barbara whispered, her tough hand slamming down on Jean's exposed rump. He squealed, shaking in his restraints as the rough spanking continued. "Walking into my truck dressed like a whore, offering me a handy...

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