The Hitchhiker Chapter 2 (Commission)

Story by Ralan165 on SoFurry

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#2 of The Hitchhiker

Second day riding out with Barbra (Barbara? I fudge up names so often) and Jean finds himself in a worrying situation. Can he jack off without her noticing?

This is another commission for Smiss featuring their OC Jean. I'll admit, I fucked up on the Thumbnail, but I'm still trying to learn how GIMP works and the guide I was using worked on the first few, but then it started getting real ugly so it's troublesome. Anyway, I hope you enjoy!

"You're an incorrigible slut, aren't ya?" Barbara whispered, her tough hand slamming down on Jean's exposed rump. He squealed, shaking in his restraints as the rough spanking continued. "Walking into my truck dressed like a whore, offering me a handy for a free ride." She laughed, pressing two fingers against the turkey vulture's exposed pucker. "Not to mention that little lie of yours. Going to California with no real plans. Would be a waste to just let someone like you go. You'd be more useful in my trunk than on some street corner selling your boi-pussy for ten bucks. Though I could see the appeal..." Her fingers pushed into him, rubbing against his inner walls as his cock poked out from his panties, pre leaking from it. "Maybe I'll whore you out at the next stop? Make a quick buck with your tight ass."

The image became clear as day in his mind. A tight collar around his throat, led by a leash as the strong ram pulled him to the back of truck stop dumpsters or their public bathrooms, charging a small price to use his holes without remorse. He twitched and shuddered, his pre forming a small pool under him. "Hey, you alright?" She asked, her tone shifting from cruel abuser to worry as her cock lined up against him. Something pushed against his shoulder, "Hello," he heard her again, "Kid?"

His eyes cracked open, only to be immediately shielded from the opening rays of the sun by his hands. "Woah there," Barbra chuckled, "Rise and shine there, Jean." He looked over, seeing the white furred ram smiling down upon him, shield sunglasses hiding her eyes and protecting her from the rays the rim of her trucker hat couldn't. "Sleep well?"

Jean blinked, then again, slowly regaining his senses as well as the numbness of his ass from sitting down for hours. He opened his beak to speak, but a yawn escaped him before words could form. " long have I been out?" He asked, stretching his arms and what he could of his back in the trucker seat.

"Couple of hours. Not enough to get a full night sleep, but honestly I don't recommend doing that on these chairs unless you have to. And certainly not while you're sitting up like that."

He nods, noting a crick in his neck. "Yeah...I guess I'll just get used to it though."

"Or you can just pull that lever to the right of ya," She pointed to said lever, "And lay down as if you're actually tryin' to sleep."

"I mean, yeah. But..." He resisted the urge to twiddle his claws, not wanting to admit his full reasoning after realizing how stupid it sounded in his head.

Barbra perked a brow, "But what?"

" wouldn't be fair to you, since you're driving." His explanation sounded even worse to him outloud. Her laughter didn't make him feel any better, though Jean had a feeling it wasn't maliciously directed at him.

"Trust me, I ain't gonna get jealous of you getting a decent sleep while I'm driving. Your body might have a little more room to kick if ya know what I mean," Her wink had him blushing and staring back at the floor. "Though I'd suggest not getting too comfortable with sleep. Wouldn't want to be wide awake when I'm hitting my cot."

"Yeah...that makes sense." Jean nodded, turning his head to watch the expanse of nature past them by. It didn't take long for him to get bored, having regretted not taking a book with him. His cellphone didn't have much connection either, but that made sense given how far out he felt with the trees they blazed past. "So, where are we?"

"Well, I had to take a detour, which gave us a few more hours. Normally I go through Canada for a trip like this, but with you asleep and me not knowing your situation with the canucks, I figured it was best to go through Boston and then Vermont."

"Canada?" He blinked, "Wait, you travel across the border?"

She shrugged, "On occasion. I go through Canada the most, but it's not really a vacation spot for me. Wouldn't mind staying around for a little longer whenever I pass through, it's got some beautiful forests, my second favorite biome."

"What's the first?" He asked, reaching down to his backpack to grab a camera. He hadn't even considered the extra sites he'd see across America. The turkey vulture doubted he could convince Barbra to stop at an attraction or two, but he had to try and take pictures.

"Deserts. Which I'll admit, is a bit weird for someone like me, being not too keen on no water around. But there's just..." She paused, watching the empty road but clearly lost in thought, "You can see for miles and still notice nothing. Watching the sunrise across that endless horizon, well, it's enough to make almost anyone realize how small they are."

"That why you chose to become a trucker?"

A soft laugh escaped her lips, followed by a shaking head. " didn't choose to be a trucker. It more or less just kind of," Barbra shrugged again. "Happened."

"What do you mean?"

"Well, my dad was a trucker. Got to see him about once every few weeks give or take. He'd often tell me stories about the stuff he'd seen, and often they had a lot of repeats. By the time I was exiting highschool, he'd gotten too old to really go cross country by himself. Momma had a stable job with roots back home, so I figured I'd help him out on a few runs. Figured it'd help me figure some stuff out about my own future."

"Did it?"

"Not really. Just kept swapping shifts with my pa, then taking longer ones, then doing them on my own. Before I knew it, the hauler was mine and I just found myself doing this. Probably will until I'm too old like my pa was."

"Why not find something else?"

"I mean, yeah it's got its cons. It's lonely, I get sores on my ass, eye strain, but I don't see myself working a desk job for all the same negatives. I mean, I guess aside from the loneliness but I'm not a sports gal so office talk seems pretty slim for me."

"So what do you do for small talk?" He asked with a chuckle.

She paused, her eyes unmoving from the road ahead, "Can't say. Don't get much on the day to day. This is the most I've had in a while come to think of it."

"Wait...seriously? You could join a chatroom or something."

"Can't type and drive. I got movies to hold me over when I'm bored."

He didn't have much more to add with that, returning back to his silent gaze across the wooded landscape. For the next few hours he hunkered down in his seat, taking note of the ram's trappings. A few bobbleheads littered her dashboard, each with a wide smile of a mascot and a city under it. "I thought you weren't into sports."

"I ain't. Cities are, hence their merch being filled with it."

Every twenty or so minutes his eyes drifted to the back of the truck, trying to peek through the cabin curtains without even moving it. It was rude to pry, but why did she have all those restraints? Given what they did last night, Jean wondered if she had a few kinks she wanted to expose on him. Not that he didn't have some of those already, having spent plenty of time seeking out rough and rowdy doms tying their subs up online. His cock strained and he closed his eyes to put the thought off. No point in getting hard if he couldn't deal with it. But Barb's image was too strong, with her rough hands tightening a collar around his neck like some kind of feral.

His stomach growled before the fantasy could go further. The turkey vulture wrapped his hands around the small stomach, feeling the rumble hit him again. When was the last time he'd eaten? "Um...I don't suppose we can stop for lunch."

Barb popped her cabinet and handed him a protein bar, "Sorry, but we're running a bit behind. Take this for now."

It helped until it didn't, giving the two only an hour of respite from the growling stomach. Barb's gut soon joined. With a weary sigh, she pulled into a truckstop and parked. "Come on. Might as well get something warm for lunch. And quick."

Burgers and fries in hand, they hit the road again. After another long silence, Barbra spoke up. "So what about you? What do you wanna do?"

"Me?" He pointed to himself, earning a nod from the ram. "'s a loaded question."

"It is. And that ain't an answer."

He didn't like the question either. What kid his age really knew what they wanted to be? He had a passion, it just didn't seem like one he could rely on. "I like to take pictures...mostly of landscapes, but I have other interests."

"Landscapes huh? So you wanna be some world traveling photographer? Like some kind of influencer?"

He groaned at the 'job' she mentioned. Just like his parents, everyone seemed to think that photography was easy and people just traveled around taking selfies. "No, not like an influencer. Just...I don't know, maybe for a magazine? I'll admit it's not a safe bet, hence why my parents pushed me towards a business degree." He said, dejectedly.

"What's wrong with a business degree?" Barbra asked, "Sure there's a whole lot of them, probably the most generic you can get that's actually useful, but it ain't exactly a bad one."

Jean shrugged, "It just isn't me, ya know? My parents used to take me and my sisters to the bank where they worked. Like any normal kids, we were bored out of our minds. But my older sisters started finding ways to keep themselves busy. Nancy took notice of all the small businesses that walked in and out, listening in on the details. She ended up opening a salon in town now. And Jess...well she's got a head for banking, and she's taking charge of it soon."

"But it's not for you?"

He shook his head, "No, it just isn't. I've seen all that town really has to offer. I just want to, well," He flapped his feathered and clawed hand, "Spread my wings and fly, see what else I can find. Take more pictures, at least to get away from cold beaches."

"And those other interests?" She asked, eyes drifting to him for just a moment, "What else do you like to take photos of?"

A blush crossed over his beak as he squirmed in his chair, "Well...people I guess. I like to catch things in the moment, though I won't say no to a good pose for fun."

"What about selfies?"

Jean stuck his tongue out in disgust, "Blegh. I can't stand selfies. I get why people do them. It's just...well..." Scratching his head, the turkey vulture hid his blush from view, "I don't really have the...ego for it."

"The word is confidence, kid. And if it helps, I think you'd look good in photos."

"I...I still couldn't." Jean hid his face further, thinking back to all the times he tried to take a selfie only to shy away at the last minute. "I mean, I'm not exactly confident enough and-"

"What if someone else took it?" She asked. He stared at her, eyes wide in the realization of something so simple. Didn't hamper his blush at all, but it still hit him harder than expected. Barbra smiled, "What? Would you say no if someone offered to take a photo? Hard to believe a hitchhiker like you is that camera shy. And I know you'd look good in one, even if I had to take it."

Feeling his cock stir at the compliment, Jean looked back to the truck cabin. "Can I actually take a nap on your bed? I mean, seat is nice and I don't mean to intrude but-"

"Go for it." She waved him off, "We're at cruising speed so you should be fine. Got some buckles back there if you want to be a little extra safe." He nodded and unlocked his seatbelt, crouching down to hide his erection as he made his way back to the cabin. Despite how cramped it was, Barbra had a lot of space in her portable home. No doubt thanks to all the storage she had around.

Like that trunk full of restraints.

It stayed rent free in his head as he laid atop the bed, his mind racing with what she might be able to do with those restraints. The damn dream only made it worse, as did the realization that if she removed the bindings, he could fit in underneath the bed. Unable to help himself, the turkey vulture slowly pumped his cock, teasing himself as shameful thoughts pounded his mind.

"N-No..." He mumbled. Not that it stopped him. He'd given her a handjob, could she really judge him for jacking off in her cabin? If Jean didn't feel the need to stay quiet, he'd have taken a tighter grip and yanked even harder.

A bump knocked him in the air. In a panic, his arms raced to the bench and clung to it for dear life. "Fucking potholes! I hate this state," Barbra shouted. "Sorry. It might be a bit bumpy for a few miles, so you should buckle in."

Knowing better than to argue, he shifted upwards. Another bump rocked the cabin, not enough to toss him but enough for a book to fall against his lap. Turning it over, his cheeks reddened as he read the title, 'Barb's Bitches' on the front cover. Not even questioning whether he should, Jean cracked open the book, his eyes darting through page after page of carnal exploit from the ram.

From petite women, to muscular men, everyone seemed to bottom for Barbra. Reddened bottoms, muzzles forced open with gags, and even insulting wordplay written across their explained the restraints. He imagined himself in every picture, each humiliating and merciless display under her cruel hands.

He'd never been so erect so fast.

Jean kept jacking. Slowly and quietly, stopping himself at the edge and letting him crawl back down. He told himself it would have been rude to cum when she was driving, but that wasn't why he stopped. No, the turkey vulture just didn't want this feeling to end.


"You don't look like you got any sleep." Barbra held his hand and guided the frail turkey vulture out from the truck cabin. Jean nodded, feeling more exhausted thanks to his own desire to toy with himself and not be discovered by her. "Hey uh..." she pointed down to his waistline, "You might wanna pull up your pants, or pull down your shirt. I don't know if these folks are gonna be that acceptin' of your choice of outfit."

Looking down to see his panties sneaking out from his asscrack, Jean pulled it up to avoid any extra gazes. "Thanks..this place cheap? I don't know if I have enough on me to-"

"Meh, I'll pay."

"But I thought I was to pay my way for a meal?"

"First night and we're at a diner. I'm not some bitch who's gonna go sit in a booth and eat while you watch. Come on," She reached to wrap her hand around him, but stopped at the last moment. Jean wouldn't have minded if she did touch him, he'd already imagined it enough.

Despite the 50's having long passed, it was alive and well in this highway stop place. Booths carrying a retro futuristic feel that had Jean considering they were trying too hard. Babra got them a booth near the edge of the diner, with a good window view of the truck.

" mind if I ask you something inappropriate?" Barbra scratched the rim of her left horn, letting the nervous tick build as her eyes looked back and forth.

He shook his head. Realizing the confusion that might have caused, he spoke up. "No, not at all."

" you prefer a certain kind of pronoun?" She asked, "Like, I know I've already called you a boy and what not, but given your outfit, I don't know if you're like, transitioning or something and I don't really want to be rude."

He blinked, staring at her until a mole waitress came over and flipped open her notebook. "Welcome to Red's Rocket," She said with a sweet but practiced tone, "Tonight's special is the clam chowder. What can I get ya?" They both ordered the chowder, with Jean still pondering his next words as she walked off.

Then he gave a soft laugh. "He and him. I'm not transitioning, I just...well I like how they feel, and..." He couldn't admit he liked how they looked on him. Not after being so self camera shy. The only person who could catch his good side was Nancy, now running her own beauty parlor.

"Oh, ok, yeah." Barbra leaned back, giving the turkey vulture a clean view of her chest resting against her white tee-shirt, "I just wanted to be sure. I didn't want to be misgendering you this entire trip."

After a brief silence that ended with their chowder, Jean asked. "Can I ask you something inappropriate?"

She nodded, busy opening her pack of dry crackers, "Seems only fair."

"The...trunk contents..." He gulped. His inner voice told him to stop, but his dick demanded an answer. "Why do you...have that stuff?" Jean saw the book, he knew damn well why she did. But hearing her explain it would be something else entirely. Something he never knew he needed.

The white ram smiled with confidence, her mere presence making him want to fall underneath the table. "Despite the long stretches of loneliness, you tend to meet a lot of people. Sometimes those folks are looking for a quick scratch, sometimes you are." Her spoon stirred the crackers into the white soup as she spoke, almost mesmerizingly, "And, well, some people unlock certain things. Let's just say that I really like to hold the reins so to speak. I even have a few physical reminders for quiet nights."

"I know, it bonked me on the head." Jean covered his mouth as soon as he said it. "Sorry, I didn't mean to go through-"

"So that's what you were jacking off too." Barbra leaned in close, "I didn't see any stains on my floor when I helped you out. Did you not cum?" Shivering, he nodded. "Well, that's good. It'll add to your little punishment for going through other people's things without permission. That is, if you want a firm hand teaching you your errors."

A firm hand? Punishment? His face went red, beak hanging agap as she smiled and sat back into her chair. "Hey, waiter, can we get our check? We won't be staying long."


Barbra's hands were over him not a second after they left the diner. A strong grip more accustomed to holding the wheel firmly, now gripping Jean's ass tight or slipping underneath his shirt to toy at his nipples. "Where do you like to be touched?" She whispered, pushing him along the way toward her truck.

"The...the nec-ah," Her lips braced against his neck before he could finish. Legs gave way, forcing her to carry him in both arms back to her mobile cabin. Once inside, she forcefully pulled off his clothes, leaving him naked save for the black lingerie underneath, his panties already unable to contain the erection he sported.

Holding his head, she pushed him to the trunk bed and lifted it open, revealing the restraints hidden inside. "Take your pick," Barbra ordered, reaching around him to grind her tented cock against his backside. Panting from arousal, Jean looked down and marveled at the options available. Beyond the restraints and gags were things like paddles, crops, and floggers, instruments of sensual pain that his mind went wild with. "Hurry up. We don't got all night."

"The collar...and cuffs." She smiled at his request, grabbing the requested items and letting go of him to attach them. Her roughness disappeared briefly, with the ram carrying questions of how tight the cuffs were around his wrists. He shivered in delight as the collar braced his neck, locking tight through belt loops around him.

"Well, don't you just look delectable." Barbra locked his wrists behind him, robbing the turkey vulture of any way to fight back. Not that he wanted to, not with how weak and desirable she made him feel. Her hand braced his neck, that grip being the only thing keeping his body from falling into jelly. "What do you want?" She whispered.

He blinked, "W-What?"

"Simple question, birdie. What. Do. You. Want?" Strong digits dragged up and down his panty laced cock, pushing heavy into him. She had his pleasure almost in the palm of her literal hand, but needed him to say it.

"Your..." He gulped, nerves twisting with his excitement, "Your cock."

"My cock?" Jean turned his head, seeing her smug smile, "You want my big rod? Where exactly?"

"My ass...fuck me, please."

"Your ass?" She patted him down, "I don't know. You've seen my cock. Felt its girth and pulse last night. You sure your tight little ass can take it?" He heard her pants dropping to the floor, then the warm cock slapped between his cheeks. It felt bigger than he remembered, his anticipation playing tricks on him.

Jean nodded, "Y-Yeah, I can take it."

"Oh? And why's that?"

"I stretch myself...back home I-"

She slapped his ass and laughed. "Oh, my little birdie stretches himself? Do they prepare for cocks up their ass? You just a pervert, or a slut?" Hands braced his hips, "Or is it both? You some incorrigible perverted slut? There something about your small town life I don't know about?" Deep down, he knew she was being playful. And it worked, with him nodding along to the insults she tossed down upon him.

"F-Fuck me..." He whimpered out, pushing his ass against her rod. Barbra laughed and backed off, letting him inch closer and closer until he fell from the makeshift bed. She grabbed him in both arms and pulled him up against it.

"Since when do sluts give orders?" She whispered, her breasts pressing against his back as they laid against the cushions. Her hand reached down to his crotch, slapping at his inner thighs to spread him open. "Sluts don't make demands. Are you not a slut? I'm only in the mood to fuck sluts."

"I'm a slut," He moaned, panting and whimpering with each smack against his legs. "I'm a slut, I'm a slut! Please just fuck me."

The ram gave an almighty hum that lasted ages. Her soft breath cascaded down his ears while her big cock rubbed against his quivering hole. She'd already lubed it up, letting it slide along between his taint and hole, teasing him. "No." Her answer was quick and firm, just like how she grabbed his legs and clamped them down over her cock.

"W-What are you-" She clamped his beak shut with one hand, the other holding him by the collar while her cock and slippery cock pushed in and out between his closed thighs.

"Little birdy wants my cock? Wants a nice thick piece of ram dick up their tight boipussy?" She teasingly asked. He nodded, of course he did. The turkey vulture squirmed in his bindings in desire, his cock slipping out from his panties, ragingly erect. "Lucky sluts get some play from me. But only the special little whores get my cock. Are you a special little slut? Do you got what it takes?"

He nodded, humping against her cock as he pleaded for her inside him. "You're gonna need to wear something special."

"What is it?" He breathed, eyes turning over to plead only to be brushed aside.

"Oh, you know..." Her hand reached down and tightly gripped his cock. "I don't think you need to guess. But here's a little hint, there's only one cock with me." It didn't take him long to add two and two together, and the thought of her holding control over his cock, plus the firmness of her hand, had him twitching and begging. He nodded with vigor, desperate to have her inside him.

"Good boy..." Her hand started pumping him. First slowly, but speed gained quickly. "Now, let's reward my little hitchhiker, shall we?" Her rough handjob had him reeling in pleasure, but the ram held him steady while, at the same time, fucking his thighs. "This'll be your last little erect orgasm on my truck. You hear me? That thing is going on lockdown." The wave hit him before he could respond. Legs buckled, cries escaped his lips as he stained the floor with strand after strand of his pent up seed.

She wasn't finished. Her legs kept pumping into him, while her grip remained steady as exhaustion hit him. His eyes drifted close, and for a moment he heard her orgasm, feeling the jizz coat his thighs. The warmth of her body was all that remained as night took them. That, and the sinking feeling of something tight around his cock.

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