My College Enslavement: Chapter 2

Story by Ralan165 on SoFurry

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#2 of My College Enslavement

A first date? So sudden? What's a panicked otter to do but find a way to make himself look presentable? To the mall!

So I decided to do a little more work with the thumbnail, by adding an outline so the words are actually readable. I think I'll start doing that from now on. It takes me like, ten minutes while reading instructions, so it's not that difficult.

Anyways, here's the second chapter of my new weekly series. I'll make sure the post chapter three next Saturday. Enjoy!

A date. An honest to god date. Oliver's attention in swim practice went haywire at the thought of the date this evening. Should he dress like the slutty twink he pretended to be, or go casual against all expectations? Why did Theo even accept the offer? The zebra claimed he had an epiphany, but he never explicitly explained what that was!

A quick shower and a change of clothes later, the otter found himself heading toward the closest mall on reflex. While not the most prominent shopper, he knew his normal wardrobe wouldn't cut it for a first date. He needed something that said...well he wasn't sure what it would say. But it had to say something.

Stepping inside the mall, Oliver quickly noted the powerful gaze of a male tiger model posing in tight jeans and a slick T-shirt on a poster. The kind of poster he'd keep in his room growing up for personal inspiration if his parents weren't so nosy. Stepping past the sliding doors, he felt the powerful scent of vanilla bombard his nose. More posters of handsome and downright sexy models filled the walls, with the right encompassing guy clothes, and the left for the ladies.

Since he didn't have a class until an hour after lunch, the otter took his time sorting through the shirts, pants, and even underwear laid about. Should he be lucky enough to get anywhere like that on his first date anyway. He frowned with every pair, nothing speaking out to him or really showing that...something, he wanted to give off.

He was not going to show up with khakis. Not on his first date with a hunk.

A tiny clawed finger tapped his shoulder, "Can I help you with anything?" A feminine voice asked. Peering behind him, the otter saw a lioness only a few inches taller than himself. She had long silky headfur that reached down her back, with black Egyptian style eyeliner that brought out those deep brown eyes. Eyes wandering down, he noted her chest was rather flat behind that white tank-top with the pink 'Brat' written with hearts aflutter, though she wore the black miniskirt well.

Guess people could get away with anything in a clothes shop.

"No...well, maybe..." He stuttered out. The girl only smiled at his fluster. "You see, I have a date and well...I want to look good."

Those eyes of the desert pierced through him. "Hmm..." She hummed, looking him up and down, "What kind of date? No judgment, but it might help me."

"It's a guy."

She nodded, "Ok, ok. And what do you want to say to this hunk of man meat who has caught your eye?"

"That..." He held his tongue for a quick moment. "I don't know. I guess I just want to look my best, and none of my clothes back home really offer my best."

The feline's smile grew wide without a hint of those menacing fangs escaping her lips. "I think I know just what you should try." Grabbing his wrist, she dragged Oliver to the other end of the store where the walls were lined with dresses, skirts, and bras.

"Um...I don't..." He paused, eyeing up the feminine clothes with confusion. The lioness giggled and started sorting through them, pulling out a tight black dress better belonging in a spy film than a shopping mall clothes shop.

"I think you'd look very good in this."

Part of him felt insulted at the insinuation. But another part remembered when he started realizing his sexuality wasn't what his family considered normal. Looking a bit too long at dresses, and some of his first forays into the vast library of online porn involved a few feminine guys getting dolled up for studs. "T-Thank you...really, but I'm not looking for..." He waved his hand over the dress, "This. And I doubt my date would be that interested in it. I mean, I didn't crossdress when I asked him."

"Oh, you asked him? Brave," She giggled, putting the dress away, "I wasn't really that serious anyway. I mean, first date crossdressing? Our society isn't that open," The lioness sighed wistfully before turning back to the clothes on the rack. Oliver couldn't tell if she was actually kidding, or just brushing off the attempt as a joke. Though his eyes did stray toward the dress every now and then. He just might enjoy some of that kind of porn before his big date, if only to keep him from being too handsy on the first go around.

"Really, this is what I wanted to show you," She said, pulling out a pair of tight lady's jeans. "Not to sound insulting, but you've got an ass most women wish they had. I could see this making you 'pop' so to speak. Combine it with a cute halter top and it'll be perfect."

"Still seems a bit...girly though." The otter ran his hand over the rich dark blue denim. Of course they were girly, they came from the ladies side after all. Part of them wish they weren't. That someone had mistakenly placed them in the guy side so he could be willfully ignorant of it.

"I mean, girl clothes are really meant to sell physical assets, and purses," She chuckled, handing him the pair. "And I wasn't kidding about your butt. You want your date to focus on it right? To get a little first night luck," Her little wink at the end had Oliver's heart flutter. He could see Theo's gaze in his mind's eye. Those heavy blue eyes focusing in on the denim wrapped around the otter's butt, strong hands holding it tight as they embraced.

"O-Ok, you convinced me, Miss..."

"Lucy." She raised her hand to meet his, "It's a pleasure to meet you, Mr?"

"Oliver," He said, shaking her hand, "It's just Oliver. You've got quite the eye, guess that explains why you're working here."

"Oh, I don't work here."

He nodded, only to stop halfway and stare at her with wide eyes. "You don't?"

"Nope," She smiled, "I was just out looking for new clothes. My boyfriend let me borrow some cash so I'm treating myself." Taking him by the arm and grabbing a top, she pushed him toward the backroom, "Now let's get these on you, Olive."

"It's Oliver."

Lucy nodded absently, giving no other hint she heard him.


In his mind, he knew pacing wasn't the right thing to do. It made him look desperate and anxious, things he was but didn't want his date to think. After all, he was the class flirt. The twink that made all the straight guys confused over their sexualities. Yet one date with a hunk and he was already melting.

He hooked a finger through a belt loop, more to trap it than anything else as he walked between the front pillars of the gym. The denim wrapped tight around his waist, almost deliciously so, but its lack of pockets forced him to wear a hoodie to hold his wallet and phone. The otter had unzipped it to show off the lime green top he'd gotten, hoping that it'd catch the zebra's eye when he arrived. If he arrived. Only five minutes overdue and Oliver considered bailing.

"Nice pants." Oliver felt his heart seize at the sudden voice. Turning around, the otter was met with the smiling zebra, clad in a blue and gold letterman jacket and jeans. "They really give a certain 'shape' to you."

"Where-" Oliver coughed, clearing his throat and regaining some of his normal flirty composure. Stepping gracefully, he dragged a finger from the bottom of Theo's shirt to his neck, taking extra care to feel the subtle pecs and abs underneath. "Where have you been, handsome? You're late."

"Am I?" His eyebrow quirked, "I've been here for thirty minutes. Admiring the view and waiting on you."

"You...wha?" Oliver gulped. Had Theo been watching him this entire time? "W-Why didn't you say anything?"

"Well, watching you panic was kind of cute. Wanted to give you a taste of your own medicine," Theo's smile stopped any words of retaliation the otter could muster. There was something playful about him. Like he had Oliver by the scruff of his jacket but held him gently so not to fall.

"I didn't know you were studying health," Oliver said, trying to keep his seductive charm as he twirled a finger against the taller zebra's chest. He'd admired it from afar for so long that touching it felt like a dream for him. "Is the doctor going to give his patient an injection later?"

Theo took his hand, "It's a possibility. But we should get onto our date. I hope you're hungry."

"Always if it's sausage." Theo's range of emotions made Oliver wish he could stab himself in the voicebox. The zebra blinked, then loosened his grip as laughter took hold and he bent over. "Ok, maybe that was a bit too far."

"A bit," Theo said, wiping a tear of joy away from his eye, "But I've heard worse. Though it does remind me that I have something I planned to give you this evening. Close your eyes, and hold out your hands."

A gift? On a first date? Was that allowed, and should Oliver have brought something? Hesitating, he cupped both his hands out and closed his eyes. Theo gently pushed something into his fingers. The zebra's heavy breath brushed against Oliver's nose as he rolled the otter's fingers over it and whispered, "If you really do want to get freaky tonight, you'll put this on."

Shivering in delight at his date's authority, Oliver slowly opened his eyes and unfurled his hands. A pair of black lace panties were balled up in his paw. His heart skipped. Looking to Theo, he was met with the zebra's confident smirk. "Go ahead," He said, cocking his head to the gym. "Go inside and put them on. We got time."

"I...I uhh..." Oliver's lips curled as he blushed, "I didn't know you were into this sort of thing. Not judging, but I'm not trans or-"

"Who said anything about trans?" He said, "I just like clothes that really make the shapes I like pop. And your ass pops the most. Now if you don't want to put them on, that's fine. We can have a regular date rather than-"

"No, I'll put them on," The otter said, pulling his gift back. "Just let me go and do it." Heading back inside, he palmed the underwear away from the prying eyes he knew weren't there. Of all people he thought to be kinky, he never expected the shy hunk zebra. Oliver just assumed that, if Theo even was gay, he'd be more vanilla gay. The kind of guy to just want a blowjob or a tight hole to fuck.

But these? Oliver didn't realize how hard he was smiling until he looked in a mirror. His maw grinned from ear to ear with his face burning red. He wanted to embrace the gay experience his mind made up for college, but it never imagined this. Taking to a stall, he stripped out of the tight jeans and casted off his briefs. Opening the thin lace carefully, Oliver put one leg through each hole and slid them up. They were so soft compared to his actual underwear. So his dick was being cushioned. The jeans made them tighter, suffocating his cock underneath the feminine garment.

"Comfy?" Theo grinned as Oliver walked out to the front. With every step, the otter felt he had to be careful. Both not to tear his newfound gift, or drive his dick crazy in the new sensation. He'd stuck his briefs in his coat pocket along with his wallet for the time being, letting his hand fidget over them while tucked inside his jacket.

"Y-Yeah. So, where are we eating?"

"I was thinking the first date could be someplace simple. I know a little burger joint I go to on special occasions."

"Burgers?" He asked. Not the most romantic dinner he expected. Theo's smile never faltered as he wrapped his arm around Oliver and reached for his back pocket. Instead of slipping inside the girl pockets, his fingers slipped under the denim and braced against the lace.

"I wanted a quick dinner, so we could go walking later," He said, pushing the quivering otter along to the back parking lot where his deep candy apple red Subaru Crosstrek waited for them. If Theo didn't have the muscle to hold him, Oliver would have melted in his grip.

The ride to and dinner itself was uneventful. Theo talked as though he didn't order Oliver into that pair of panties, sporting topics like movies and pop culture. While the otter had no qualms against the topics, he felt rather let down by how casual his date was being. He tried spicing things up by toying with the zebra's cock, pressing his foot against it underneath the table and rubbing it to erection. Theo simply laughed it off and brushed him aside, continuing to talk like nothing had happened.

Did Oliver need to get a fucking neon sign?

"So, shall we stroll in the moonlight?"

"Huh?" Oliver eyed up to Theo's forward hand. The zebra smiled as the light above them illuminated his form. Maybe it was first date jitters, or him being aroused from the pantied order, but couldn't find the right words, opting instead to just take his hand and nod like an idiot.

The blaring horns and running sound of rubber against concrete became muted as they walked off into the lamplight park. Replaced by babbling brooks and the wind rustling through trees. Theo kept his hand locked around Oliver, letting everyone they came across know what was what between them. It was all so...normal.

That word rang in his head, shaking his knees and making his palm sweat. That's all this was, a normal date with a handsome guy. No, he couldn't have normal. Oliver needed deviance, to stray off that perfect little path and fall into debauchery. Seeing an elderly couple heading to pass them as they crossed a bridge, he planned to kiss Theo as brazenly as possible.

The zebra kissed him.

His strength combined with Oliver's surprise had the otter fall, only to be caught in the athlete's arms and pressed up against the railing. Theo's tongue parsed open the otter's lips, invading his mouth and twisting with Oliver's. A long strand of saliva broke away as they separated. Looking up to him, the otter felt the zebra's warm hand cradle his chin. "Come on," Theo whispered, ignoring the shocked old couple passing them by. Oliver nodded, letting the zebra lead him off the bridge like he was a feral on a leash.

His back braced against a hardwood when Theo kissed him again. They'd walked off the path, shying away from the lamps in favor of the moon's glow. The otter's cock strained against the panties, begging to be released from the denim trap. Theo braced his hand against the twink's crotch, dragging his knuckles forcefully against the covered shaft. Oliver reached down to unzip himself, but Theo batted it away.

"No," He ordered. Not a whisper, or a tease, but an order carried with authority Oliver hadn't seen. "It comes out when I say."

"W-Why?" Oliver asked, whimpering against the pressure.

"Because," Theo smiled, "Beggars can't be choosers. And you're one of the biggest beggars I've met. All that flirting, watching the guys blush in their confusion. You act like you're in control, but you're begging for someone to take your reigns."

"T-That's..." Oliver couldn't deny it, at least not outright. Yes, he loved how everyone shifted with his flirts. But he wanted a different response. The otter wanted someone to say yes, to take him against the wall and hold him steady while they used him like the fleshy hole he was.

"Close..." he murred.

"Beg for it," Theo ordered, slowing his grind, "Beg for your release."

"I..." he tried swallowing but found his throat parched. "I want to cum. Please let me cum."

Theo's answer was another heavy kiss and intense grinding with his fingers. Oliver's passionate orgasm muffled under Theo's breath, his spasms held by the zebra's strong grip as his seed ruined the panties and his pants. His first time with another man, and that man held him up from falling after.

"Did you like it?" Theo asked. Oliver answered in a lazy moan, still shaking from the intensity of his climax. With a smile, the zebra held Oliver up in both arms and carried him to the car. "I think we had a good night. I know I had fun, you?"

" didn't..." Oliver haphazardly pointed to the zebra's crotch, "Shouldn't I?"

Theo laughed, "If you can't make sentences, then you can't get me off. No worries, we can try against next time if you'd like. If you want there to be."

He did. Oliver wrapped his arms around the hunk's shoulders, wanting nothing more than a hundred dates like this.

My College Enslavement: Chapter 3

Oliver couldn't stop thinking about last night. His physical date with a guy, and he'd been coerced into wearing panties and given a grindjob, if such a thing existed, in public. That moment played in his head over and over throughout the night. The...

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