Deer on the Hunt (Commission)

Story by Ralan165 on SoFurry

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#6 of Commissions

Most people see deer as those that should be hunted. Jess takes some offense to that, preferring to use her late night club prowling as a way to exercise her right to pick and choose her partners. And tonight, one particular german shepherd has caught her eye.

This is a commission for Jagermeisters featuring their OCs.

Jess flipped open her pocket mirror, checking to see if her makeup still made her pop as the line shortened. Her violet eyes glimmered in the reflection of street lights, showing off the eyelashes she put the effort toward tonight. Her hair straightened and tied into a cute bow, her antlers standing tall and proud, and her red lipstick curling with her smile. Yes, she was ready to hunt tonight, and the bouncer's jaw falling to the floor made it all the sweeter.

Deer don't hunt. That's what people liked to tell her. Complacent furs who preferred to live in the old days where anything without fangs or a cock would just sit and wait. Not her, and not today. No, Jess didn't wear her platinum gold slip mini dress with the intention to be hunted, unlike some girls that just did her level of makeup and a flimsy dress. She wanted to prowl, to stalk, to peer out into the crowd of twenty to thirty-somethings and pick her choice of meat to stuff inside her.

Lyricless beats bounced off the walls as dim multicolored strobe lights showered the club. Furs of all shapes and sizes mingled throughout, many mingling and laughing, hoping to get a little tail, others dancing across the floor. The deer held her giggle at the ineptitude of some, knowing full well how much courage it took to dance in public.

She slipped through easily, melding in with the crowd and eyeing up her potential partners. First, there was the lion, with a regal mane and a strapping leather jacket. Holding a beer bottle in one hand, and casually thrusting his hips into her backside. Jess played along, even pushing in to see his reaction. His surprise intrigued her, but she left him empty to find more suitable mates.

A hippo came next, his wide form clad in a white suit with rapper shades hiding his eyes. His girth carried power, giving him a clear space of movement from the others. Like most mammals his size, the package was to scale, but his attitude turned her away. Too brash, too demanding. No one demanded anything of her, not at first.

Her quarries came and went, some interesting, but none able to grab her. The deer would have given up, if not for the set of eyes she'd been noticing. Eyes watching her since she walked in, desperately searching her out when the line of sight broke, and locking in whenever the vision was cleared. Jess pretended not to notice, suppressing her devilish little smile as a class was raised to anxious lips at the bar. Nervous? In a nightclub? How adorable. Jess scanned her pretty with a side glance, taking note of the tight red one-piece dress and the claws digging into her sides. Pierced ears, grey headfur tied to a single braid running down her side, her brown furred chest puffed out like she was asserting her dominance to hunt, but inside screamed at every chance she didn't take.

Yes, this german shepherd would do nicely.

Casually ignoring her other suitors, Jess made her way to the bar as if to get a drink. She pretended not to notice the hound watching her, how the anxious canine brushed a finger through her hair or sped up her breathing over so slightly. Leaning against the counter beside her, the deer's finger trailed against the blacktop as she waited for her moment.

"So, are you going to buy me a drink?" The deer asked.

Flustered, the dog peered down and bit her lip. Forcing a smile, she turned around and called for the barkeep, "I didn't think you'd be so upfront about it."

"Well, I like to make the first move," She said, taking a martini for her order, "It's easy when you know what to look for."

"You speak as if you've got experience, but you don't look a day over..." The german shepherd paused, then sighed and laughed. "Sorry, I'm not good with this whole flirting thing. Never been that good at it."

"Aww...but you were doing so well," Jess pouted, taking her glass as the two martinis arrived, "I figured the big bad doggie wanted to play up her alpha mentality against the frightful little deer."

"It's that stereotype that keeps me from making the first move," The older woman said with a brief sigh and a smooth sip from her glass. "Everyone expects me to be on top, be in control. I like to be a bit outgoing, but it's stressful nowadays."

"Yet here you are, eyeing me like a lost little fox and you're a big hungry wolf." Jess softly giggled before sipping from her martini. She slipped closer to the dog, looping a finger against the belt of her pants. Unlike herself, the canine wore tight jeans and a halter top, but from how she twitched against her touch, Jess could tell her shirt was the only thing top about her. "Jessica, by the way. Most people call me Jess."

"H-Heather..." The dog said, blushing as the deer edged closer, "So...I take it you're interested?"

"Heather, when I come to these clubs, I like to think of them like a buffet. Most people would see me as an entree, something delectable to put on their plate. But I'm not on the menu, they are for me..." Her fingers crawled up Heather's backside, tapping against her shoulder as she whispered, "What I'm saying is, I know when people want something from me. I get it often, so I like to pick and choose from my buffet."

"And..." She gulped, "And what am I on your buffet?"

She didn't walk off. Didn't sneer or brush off the deer's little philosophy. With a smile, Jess whispered, "Oh Heather, you're the main course. But question is, can you keep up?"

"Can I wha-woah!" Jess downed her drink and pulled Heather to the dance floor before she could respond. The lights and sounds bouncing off the walls as their bodies ground against one another. In the clash of the crowd, Jess's hands wandered, slipping past the dog's defenses to find just where she ticked.

Feeling the pulsing rod beneath her jeans did little to turn Jess away. Kissing her mouth like she owned it, the deer pushed Heather through the dance floor and against a wall to the bathrooms. Stall after stall in the woman's room were empty, perfect for her plan as her tongue wrestled for and won dominance over Heather's.

"Do you wanna cum tonight, puppy?" She whispered. Heather gave a nod, wagging her tail incessantly as Jess turned her around and slide a hand through the german shepherd's pants. "Yeah, you wanna cum tonight. You wanna fuck me? Take me in a stall and make me scream your name?" Her nods grew fiercer, ever as the bunny pulled out the dog's cock and pumped it into their reflection. "You want it so bad, don't you?"

"Yes...oh god...yes..."

"Then beg for it," One hand subtly snuck into her purse, parsing around for a certain tool. Finding it, she quickly locked the dog's hands in a pair of cuffs behind her, taking that confusion to slip and pull out the dog's tits.

"That's a good girl," She whispered, massaging the tits. Wasting no time, she pushed her little victim into an empty stall and pulled down her own panties, stuffing them into a waiting maw. Heather deserved a taste of Jess, after all, the only taste she'd get.

Pulling out the dog's cock, she marveled at it momentarily, admiring not only the size and girth of itself and its knot but the piercings along the shaft. With a momentary pump and squeeze, Jess giggled at the gagged little moans Heather made. Then came the soft warm breath against her cockhead, followed by the deer's wet tongue slather against her cockhead.

"Keep your legs spread," She ordered, pushing the doggie's legs apart to give herself more space. Heather strained in her gag, biting down into the wet string panties against her tongue while Jess's tongue toyed and teased with her head. Those wonderful little struggles, egging her on to tease her more and more. Not even as heels clicked behind them with new strangers in the bathroom. They didn't keep it secret, despite Heather's desperate suppression of her moans. Anyone with half a brain could see Jess's knees on the bathroom floor. But she didn't care, taking in the fear across Heather's face was good enough, especially when she stuck a finger up the dog's cunt.

From those heavy panty-sucking breaths to the aroused fear in her eye, everything about Heather screamed for Jess to go harder. She pushed deeper into the dog while deepthroating down to the knot. She came off with a pop, leaving the rod standing tall as she stood up and lined herself against the cockhead. "Good puppy," She cooed, "Wanting it so bad but holding yourself back. You've got a lot of self-discipline." Heather's little blush made Jess's own face red, her juices mixing with the herm's pre as she slowly pushed down. "Don't cum now. Least not before me."

Slowly she rocked her hips back and forth, grinding along the dog's soaked cockhead. Her moans egged the deer on, demanding she tease and toy more and more as her fingers slipped past her own dress and pulled back her straps. Her breasts hung open for the hound, nipples tight and ready for anything. Jess smiled at the drool escaping Heather's maw, her eyes deeply focused on the display. "You want these, don't you?" She whispered, earning a quick nod. "Good girls get rewards. Be a good girl for me."

A soft moan escaped her lips as she let the shaft sink into her, the barbell piercings across her shaft brushing up against her inner walls. Bracing Heather's shoulders for comfort, she stopped at the knot. No need to get locked in, not yet. Their lips met as they adjusted, Jess's own tongue pushing her stuffed panties deeper into the subby dog's maw. Heather struggled against the cuffs, wanting to fondle and please the dominant deer.

Instead, Jess fondled the german shepherd's breasts, pinching at her tight nipples as she rocked herself against the hot cock inside her. "Don't cum," She ordered, panting with joy through each and every thrust she made against the cock. "Hold back. Good girl, good girl."

The agony on her face combined with the rocking of her cock brought Jess scratching at her dam. Just a little more, a few more quick thrusts and she'd have her desire. Heather whined into the wet panties, tears on the edge of her eyes as she struggled desperately not to cum.

Jess popped off, hovering her soaked pussy over the pulsing cock. Smiling wide, she hooked her leg against the stall armbar and spread her pussy before the twitching hound, who watched in blushing confusion. Already so close, the deer pushed her fingers in, thrusting with intensity as Heather watched on. "Yes...Yes...just a little..." She bit her lip and bucked her hips, juices spilling over the standing boner. Jess stared up at the ceiling, taking a moment to let her euphoria was over her as she closed her eyes.

"Good girl..." She whispered, looking back to the scarlet blushing brown-furred dog. "I bet you think good girls deserve to cum, don't you?" Heather's nod was met with a tight grip around her cock. "Yes. You suffered so much to make me happy, that it's only fair you get to cum, right?" She pressed on, pumping at a slow and steady pace. Heather nodded quickly, tears flowing from her as she begged with the panties stuffed in her maw.

Jess smiled and let go. "No, good girls don't get to cum. Not on first dates." Heather's cock stood in betrayal, twitching and dripping with her and Jess's pre. The deer almost considered ruining her, just for a little extra fun. Maybe next time. "Good girls," She said, pulling her dress back up over her breasts, "Get my number, and a second meet. Great girls who impress, get to go further from there. As I said, Heather, I love to pick and choose my meals."

Searching through her purse, Jess pulled out a spare cuff key, and a laminated card, blank save for the cell number on it. Leaning in, she slipped the card into her fling's pocket as their lips met again, and then stuffed the key into her waiting palm. "So, if you want to meet up again, give me a text and some evidence we met. Until then, keep the panties. That's my gift to you, you good girl."

Satisfied, she pulled her dress down and strode out from the bathroom, giving Heather a perfect view of her ass as she went. She could stop now, it was doubtful that anyone could top her precious little doggy tonight. But one orgasm wasn't enough. Eyeing that lion from before, she smirked and melded back into the dance floor.

Time for dessert.

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