The Otaku and the Good Boy (Commission)

Story by Ralan165 on SoFurry

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#7 of Commissions

Julius is experiencing his usual luck, forcibly crossdressed by his sister and dragged around like a doll. But just when he thinks his night is at its lowest, he meets someone that gives him some hope for something else.

A commission for Elberik. Julius belongs to Danaume, Destiny belongs to Elberik.

Julias did not consider quality time with his sister to be how he should spend his friday. The blonde headfurred vole spent enough quality time with Destiny each day in her house. One of the so called 'perks' of having a sister living near his college campus, if one could consider being locked in chastity 24/7 and forced to crossdress by their keyholding sister a perk.

He'd never openly admit it was, and even he had limits. Such as being forced into a black over shoulder minidress with black high heels and a matching choker with a metal heart band so he could better sneak into a girls only strip-joint. Julius had been dolled up before, par for the course with his family handing down Destiny's clothes, but the heels and the makeup had his face redder than any blush they could put on him.

"Oh, how about him?" Kashi giggled out, pointing toward the wolf in the black thong passing around drinks. The bengal tigress had only recently joined Destiny's friend group, but she'd taken to it like a flame to oil when she learned of what the vole's big sister liked doing. When she heard of tonight's plan, Kashi practically fell on her face to do Julius's, or 'Julia's' makeup. Unlike him, she wore a more casual shirt with a red floral design and a deep purple skirt, with shorter heels that were more merciful on her feet.

"Hmm...I don't know," muttered Tamerah, an beaver girl that made a considerable effort to be more butch than the rest. Loose jeans, leather jacket, and a tight top, she practically had to flash the bouncer her pussy to convince him she was a girl. "I don't think we wanna hear howling while he's being rutted." Scanning the stages, her eyes locked on a stallion with a cowboy hat, star tassels on his nipples, and a star spangled jockstrap holding in his balls. "Has he ever done it with a horse?"

Destiny giggled, the club lights hiding her eyes behind lens flare. "You should have seen his former tutor. He wasn't crazy big for a horse, but he certainly spread Julie's tight pussy every session." Her hand clamped down on his ass, slipping past the skirt and panties to finger the plug they pushed in him before. He shuddered, blushing bright as his cock twitched inside its metal prison. "Sadly, he's let his ass tighten up a bit, so horsedick might hurt him."

He breathed out his relief at Destiny's reasoning. He doubted she'd say no to getting him any dick tonight, no matter his complaints, but at least he'd be able to walk afterward. He'd need to if she wanted to make use of him later. Not the brightest upside, but the vole took what he could get under his sister's thumb. She smiled, "What's wrong, Julia? Sad your big sister doesn't want you dating horse boys yet?"

Scowling, Julius tried to star back at the brown eyes behind the glasses. Instead he avoided her gaze and looked down her dress, a carbon copy of his save for the gold coloring. "You know I don't like guys..."

"I know you're not gay. But don't pretend you didn't enjoy your tutor spreading you out," She snickered, wrapping her arm around his neck to pull him in. "And don't tell me it's cause you were too pent up to care. I know you have a dildo or two stashed in your room to fix that."

"Was it knotted?" Kashi asked, "Or flatheaded?" Julius's blush did little to stifle their laughter, and the tightness of his cage did little to stifle his blush. He might as well have been leashed with how the girls tugged him around, though he figured Destiny wanted to make their group at least look normal to the rest of the stripclub.

At this point, the vole wasn't even sure what normal was.

Finding a circular booth, Julius found himself scrunched in between his sister and the tigress while the beaver took off to get themselves some drinks. "Nothing too sweet for Julia," His sister stated, "She's watching her girlish figure after all."

"She can live a little tonight. Especially if I'm paying for it." Tamarah winked, leaving the three alone. Sinking his head into his shoulders, Julius stared at the floor to hide his eyes from the scandalously naked men and the women cheering them. Destiny and Tamarah continued to bring up potential 'dates' for him, listing off every stripper they could see and laughing at the kind of moans he'd make under them. Tamarah's return was almost a welcome.

Almost, if not for the muscular bear in a Canadian flag jockstrap and a mountie hat.

Quickly darting his eyes around, Julius noticed that tonight had a special theme going on. "Greetings, ladies. Tamerah here tells me that one of you is celebrating a birthday. Who might that be, eh?"

Destiny grabbed her brother's hand before he realized it. "Right here!" She shouted, holding in a giggle, "Julia's celebrating her 19th birthday!" Julius had been 19 long enough to call bullshit, but his sister's grin told him to stay quiet. "19? Well, while these canucks won't let you drink, I'm sure I can still give you the birthday experience." Smiling, the bear raised his leg to give a full view of the package barely contained by the thong. Tossing his cap to Julius, the bear slowly thrusted his hips, each time giving a healthy swing of his sack before the timid vole. "You know, I bet there's another way you can show appreciation for him," Destiny whispered, pulling out a dollar bill and slipping it under a red strap, "Maybe out back behind a dumpster? Maybe a quick little flash of your cage will get him ready for you."

That was too much. "I-I need to use the restroom!" Julius stammered, quickly tumbling under the table in their booth and slipping past the bear, plus several other near misses with waitstaff, until he found himself pushing past the restroom door. He didn't even care about which kind it was, it didn't matter in any short of run to him.

Sad and frustrated eyes stared back at his reflection, sitting atop a face flushed pink with desire. He hated this, or at least he believed he should. The vole should just walk out of this club like a man and go home, making pick up a ride as a hitchhiker. He could probably pay his way with... "Goddamn it, no." It was too late, the image of giving some random driver road head had already burned into his mind and made his cage unbearable. "Can't I just have like, normal sex at least once?" He muttered, not wanting to disturb anyone else in the bathroom. He'd been his sister's personal little bitch for so long, too long. Yet despite his frustrations, he enjoyed it.

That sickened him the most. No matter the twisted hell she put him through, Julius came out liking it in some disturbed way. Maybe he was broken, or maybe this was normal? He smiled, not knowing what normal was. "It certainly isn't this place."

"This place isn't certainly what?"

Shock rippled through his body as his fingers curled against the sink, holding him to the ground while his legs nearly pushed him off. Turning his head, Julius noticed a red panda in a red chinese dress with bunned up headfur. She blinked, smiling innocently at him, "Sorry, I didn't mean to scare. You were just kind of talking out loud."

"Oh, I..." He cleared his throat, regaining some composure, "Sorry, I didn't notice you were there."

The red panda shrugged, "You wouldn't be the first. So, what's wrong with this place?"

He blinked, "N-Nothing's wrong...ok I could probably use a bit less jockstraps."

"Well they can't be completely naked." Julius wanted to sigh at her giggling remark, but found himself blushing instead. "Yeah, yeah, you got a point there. It's still just a lot to take in. It's my first time at an all girls stripclub."

"Mine too." She leaned against the sink, adjusting her big rimmed glasses as she talked, "My friends wanted to bring me here to show me some cute guys. But no one here really fits my style. Which, I guess is kind of selfish to say, but if I'm starting a relationship on physical attraction, I might as well look for my type, right? Is that wrong?"

Julius shook his head. With how often guys talked about their own types, it'd be hypocritical to call her out on it. That and he knew his sister, her friends, and his own mother well enough to fear how thirsty women could get. Eyeing the door, he wondered about all the muscular strippers outside and, letting his curiosity get hold of him, asked, "So, what kind of guys are you into?"

"Well..." She blushed, biting her lower lip, "I like my guys a bit more...androgynous. Like, given the right outfit they could be mistaken as my girlfriend. N-Not that I want to be a pretend lesbian or anything. I'm only a bit bicurious and...oh I said too much..."

"No, no, you're fine." Androgynous? She couldn't be serious. He peeked back at his reflection, seeing the feminine vole stare back at him. No girl would want him, least not as a man. He'd been rejected enough throughout highschool to stop trying to get a regular girlfriend. Maybe this was a shot? " like girly boys?"

"Oh my stars, yes!" She said, eyes sparkling, "I love the thin frames, soft bellies, supple lips," The red panda came closer and closer, forcing Julius back into a wall until their faces hovered an inch apart as she explained. He gulped, heart stuck in his throat as he forced out the words, ", what's your name?"

"Oh, sorry," She grabbed his hand and shook it, still remaining a few inches from his face, "It's Kayda. Yours?"

"J-Julius..." He sighed, "And sorry for not saying it sooner, but I'm a guy." The vole saw the gears turn inside Kayda's head, clicking against one another until they locked in place and turned the white fur of her face to a bashful pink. "R-Really?" She asked, "I mean, that explains your voice but-"

Resentfully, he lifted his skirt, revealing the chastity cage. "Yeah. Really."

In the blink of an eye she was crouching down and observing his cage. Peering down, Julius saw her face flushing and the most subtle of salivation. An interesting reaction given his experience, where most girls either laughed or had a curious look. Not the full blown desire she irradiated. "Can..." She gulped, "Can you take it off?"

"I don't...well the key isn't mine." If it was, he wouldn't be wearing the damn thing. That's what he told himself in the mirror each day. "My si-keyholder has it. You know, to keep me from breaking out too easily."

"Do you wanna be let out?"

His inner monologue screamed at him in agony but Julius nodded with nonchalance, "Well, yeah. Just need to find like...the right gal to take charge and-"

"Would you wanna hang out later? M-maybe now? Not here I mean, even though we're technically hanging out now if we follow the definition," She continued stammering, standing back up and twiddling her fingers together. He noted the desire in her green eyes behind the lenses, needing the blink just to be sure. Could she...actually want him to fuck her? Could he have some straight sex? The vole nodded, "No, yeah, totally. I'd love to leave here. With you."

"Great!" She smiled, "So...I'll go get my things from my friend's, and you get your key from your holder. Then we head out. That work?"

Better than he ever dreamed it did. Smiling ear to ear, Julius caught himself from tripping three times on his way back to Destiny and her friends, all currently getting a lapdance by the mountie stripper. "Sis, I need the key."

Destiny blinked slowly, looking his upright form from top to bottom. "So? You always need the key. What makes tonight any different?"

"I...I met someone," Julius explained, rubbing his arm as Kashi and Tamerah leaned their elbows against the table and listened. "Just now, and she wants to take me to her place."

"Oh, my little brother has a date?" The older vole giggled, ignoring the bear's confusion on the word 'brother', "So why's he need the key? He thinks he's gonna get lucky tonight?"

"Sis, please can we please-"

"Juluis, you ready to go?" Kayda stepped up behind him, a pink purse with two black ovals and a red half circle, lined up to look like Kirby, hanging over her shoulder. She looked to Destiny and smiled, "Oh, are you his keyholder? Can I just say I think it's so cool you're supporting his stuff like this."

Destiny's smile had his fur stand on end, "Yes...that's what friends are for." Scooting out from her seat, she crossed her legs and pointed to the gold colored high heels, "He also loves working for them. In fact, he was just about to kiss my feet for permission to trade the keys off. Weren't you, Julius?"

Despite Kayda watching, he didn't grumble or verbally rebel against the order. Quickly descending to his knees, Julius pressed his lips against his sister's big toe, trying his best to keep his ears up high at her soft chuckle. "Oh, that's a good boy," She cooed, taking the keys off her necklace and handing them to Kayda, "You can have him for no longer than the weekend. He's still got classes after all."


Kayda's apartment was...well Julius wasn't sure what he was expecting. From the bookshelves full of manga to the animesque decorations that lined the kitchen behind her counter, not a spec of her house missed anything related to japanese cartoons. Not even her welcome mat was safe, shaped like a speech bubble and sporting japanese kanji for what the vole could only assume was 'welcome' in the language.

"So...sorry, I didn't expect to have company so it's kind of a mess." Kayda pulled him inside, setting him down at the couch beside the door before opening her fridge, "Want anything to drink? I got water, Ramune in several flavors like banana, curry, octopus, original, wasabi, green tea, and green apple." Julius blinked at the names, half convinced she wasn't being serious. "I'll just have water, thanks," He said, half convinced that the octopus flavor was a joke, "Ice if you got it."

"That I do, and in Kingdom Hearts style no less." His drink did indeed have heartless symbols when she handed it to him, not that it did anything to change the taste. Sitting next to him, the red panda held out the key in her palm and examined it closely. " can't get hard unless I take it off, right?" Julius nodded, having figured this was obvious. An anxious smile crossed her lips, "So basically so long as I have this key, I have like, control of your dick. N-Not in the sense of when it uses the bathroom, but like when you can use it." Nodding his head slowly, the vole started to have second thoughts about the arrangement. Curling up beside him, she whispered, "You best drink that. Wouldn't want you to get dehydrated for what comes next."

Feeling the tight pressure of his catch as her breath cascaded down his neck, Julius frantically guzzled the drink. Kayda's giggle was music to his ears, "Someone's excited," She cooed, reaching down and flipping his skirt up to fondle his cage, "And it's not just me. Get up and strip for me."

The oh so familiar command barely rang in his head as Julius shot up and started stripping out of his sister's clubbing outfit, shedding not only the dress but the bra and panty combo and the blasted heels. Kayda crossed her legs and watched, pressing one of her matching heels up against his crotch when he tried to sit back down. "Ah, ah, ah, we're not using the couch," She said, twirling her foot to point a toe to the floor, "But how about you help me with my shoes before we have a little fun? Slowly."

Breathing tensely, Julius undid her heels and slid them off her tired feet, letting her toe beans feel free in the air. "That's a good boy," She cooed affectionately. Standing up, the red panda grabbed the lock of his catch between her fingers and pulled him along. "Come now, to the bedroom. And stay behind, like a good boy."

The possessive tug gripped at his soul. Fear held him tight. He was sure she'd unlock him, why else get the keys from his sister? The pink bedroom with pretty boy demon body pillows shook his worry for a second, having the vole bite his lips to stop him from laughing before she pointed to the bed. "Lay on it. Limbs outstretched." He followed, laying out his arms and legs for her to cuff to keep him spread. "Too tight?"

Julius shook his head, "No, but I can't really do much like this. I guess you're just gonna ride me?" She giggled at that, stripping down to reveal the wiry muscles underneath her chinese dress. "Surprised?" Kayda asked, watching his widened eyes as she stretched her naked form next to him, no doubt causing his cage to feel all the tighter. "Just because I'm an anime fan doesn't mean I'm out of shape. Everything in moderation after all."

"I didn't-" The white furred finger of the red panda pressed against his lips. "Shush," She whispered, dangling the key over his head, "Or I might have to keep you quiet another way." Her lips met his, tongue gently caressing the inside of his mouth as she deftly inserted the key into the lock. One audible click was all he needed to feel the loose freedom of the unrestrained cage, though her hand removing the cage helped.

"Someone's excited," She murred, fingertips twirling atop the head of his erect cock. "And a bit bigger than I thought. Course, I figured you'd be smaller with that cage. Must be a benefit of being a shower." Her free hand tweaked his tightening nipples, softly pulling and twisting. His moans were slow and wanting, slowly he ground his cock against the air, silently begging her to get on him.

She flicked a finger against his shaft, batting it like a feral cat with a feather toy. " solid. Bet it could take a lot," Kayda muttered, continuing to flick his cock. She thwacked the head every third or fourth strike, getting a sensitive squeal from the vole. "N-Not there," He begged.

"Not where?" She asked, flicking his head again, "Here?" He nodded with his squeal, "But you're so hard down here. Why would you want me to stop?"

"Because it hurts."

"But it makes me happy," Her smile grew soft and cold, "Isn't that what's turning you on? Being under my hand and making me happy?" She dragged her claws against his shaft, not enough to draw blood but to send his nerves ablaze all the same. His hands balled into fists and toes curled, "You're blushing, you know," Her warm breath whispered, followed by a wet tongue against his ear, "It's clear how much you're enjoying this. But I do love the rebellious act."

Act? No, he hated this. He just wanted normal sex, not to be at her mercy. "So many guys never let me tie them up. I don't get to meet many subby boys, and the ones that claim they are usually just want nothing but rewards without work. It's rare that I find someone who takes joy in following orders. Like how you kissed your keyholder's feet. That's when I knew I hit the jackpot."

"I...I don't..." Deep panting cut off his words. He looked up to the ceiling, knowing damn well that one look at her sadistically smiling visage would prove her right. Another chilling chuckle escaped her lips, followed by a tight squeeze on his balls. Kayda forced his mouth closed, keeping his squeals muffled as she slowly constricted on his nuts. "I can feel it pulsing, just begging for release." She pulled his balls and tied a shoelace around their base, keeping them separated from his dick and exposed to her torments. "Don't worry, my precious subby bitch, I won't do another permanent." Letting go of his mouth, the red panda swayed her ass back and forth in his view while opening the closet.

Paddles, whips, gags, ropes, and all other kinds of S&M toys lined the wall or hung from coat hooks in her closet. An evil smirk crossed her muzzle, "Your cock is twitching, you know. More than I've seen other boys who got lucky enough to see this."

Locking a heavy rubber red ballgag against his maw, Kayda kissed it heavily, dragging her tongue across his lips and the ball between them before crawling down to his chest and pinching his nipples. Nice and tight, she clipped three wooden clothespins onto each. The red panda practically salivated at his moans, "That's right. Sing for me, my lovely little masochist." Fear and arousal twisted his heart when the blindfold came, freezing him in place as she robbed him of his sight. "Now, we're going to have some fun with your dick tonight. And don't worry, the pain will be temporary. Wouldn't want to ruin a good boy now would I?"

The bed creaked with her body crawling atop it and between his legs. She pulled at the loose cord dangling from the knot on his balls, stretching his testes out. Then came her hand. The impact rippled through his body, forcing the vole to pull at his restraints and bite hard into the rubber. She laughed, slapping again and again without a pattern as he fruitlessly struggled. "I've heard people call them blue balls, but I've never seen it happen. Now might be the best time!" His balls ached and throbbed when she finished, resting in the palm of her hand while she hummed an anime theme song and unzipped something. "And now for my favorite part," The panda girl cooed, applying something cold and wet atop his pre leaking cock.

She held his dick tight, keeping him steady as something thin slipped through his urethra. "Keep still. This is very delicate work." His hands balled into fists the further the rod pushed into his cock, burning against his urethral walls as though it had spikes. "Deep breaths, Julius. Deep breaths for me." His chest heaved with every inhale and exhale through his nostrils, suppressing the new sensation as much as he could. If his ballgag were plastic, he'd have bitten through it, especially as she reached the bottom then pulled out and shoved in quickly. "God...I hope you last the weekend. This foreplay is getting me soaked."


Destiny checked the text she received from her brother's cellphone. An address, an apartment number, and a few emojis. Definitely not something her brother would actually send, but she figured he wouldn't gain access to his phone over the weekend. Not if her hunch on that red panda was accurate.

And with her experience, hunches usually were.

Climbing the steps and finding the apartment door, the vole knocked on it three times. She heard rushed footsteps shuffling behind it, followed by some laughter and then the turn of the knob. Answering her visit was not the cute red panda with the bunned up headfur, but her brother with a harness gag strapped to his face and a rather revealing maid outfit with his cock pitching a tent in the skirt. "Well," Destiny snickered, adjusting her glasses at her blushing and scowling brother, "Aren't you just adorable."

Electricity surged through him before he could answer with a gagged insult. "Let our guest in, Julius," Kayda commanded gleefully. Huffing into his gag, the vole stood aside and motioned for his big sister to enter. Even she could tell there was an obvious sense of movement in the apartment, things being cleaned and rearranged, no doubt her brother's doing. Kayda raised a glass to Destiny from her lounge chair, pointing a finger to Julius with her other hand and directing him to the fridge. "You want anything? I got water, and Ramune in a lot of flavors. Like octopus."

She blinked, "I'll just take water..." Not that it stopped her from slapping her feminine brother's ass as he crossed the way. "You know, normally I have him caged up for stuff like this. Why are you letting him pitch a tent?"

"My place, my preferences." Kayda sipped from her silly straw, letting the liquid surge through loop after loop before entering her gullet. "Feel free to sit, I have a question to ask about your brother."

Destiny smiled, "So when did you figure that out?" She asked, taking a seat on the couch next to the panda. Kayda shrugged, "You two looked like siblings back at the club. I figured he didn't say anything because he was afraid of turning me away. Kind of cute, that."

"Well, for the record it's not like he's ever inside me."

Kayda's laugh bounced off the walls, turning Julius red as he handed a cup of icewater to his sister. "No," She muttered, calming herself, "If you did he might not seem as desperate. But I like him that way, he's cute when he begs." Snapping her fingers, she pointed down to the carpet beside her. Julius followed loyally, giving Destiny a little pang of jealousy that she'd correct when they got home. "Anyway, I was's so rare for me to find good boys, and you're probably keen on keeping him in check. But can I...well...borrow him sometimes? Maybe on weekends? He's fun to have."

"Oh?" Destiny leaned back into her seat. As cute as it was to have Julius at another girl's mercy, she didn't let other people play for free. "What's in it for me? And don't offer me money, he's not a whore."

"Oh of course not," Kayda scratched behind his ears, "He's a good boi. But if you want something, I could offer a new cage for him, a real good one." Before Destiny could ask, Kayda pulled out a small box and handed it to the vole, "Open it. There's two keys, one is obviously mine."

Opening the cardboard package, Destiny found a smaller chastity cage with a lock built into it. While the joy of not hearing his lock click and clack against the cage made her smile, what really caught her eye was the urethral tube attached to it. "I had a little fun experimenting with his dick this weekend. You should have seen the look on his face when I showed him the sounding rod. Poor boy was convinced it was barbed or nubbed, rather than smooth."

Destiny eyed her bashful brother, then the confident Kayda, then back to her brother. A wicked smirk crossed her lips. "Well...I'm sure we can work out a schedule."

My College Enslavement: Chapter 5

The cage sat on his coffee table. Laid out and motionless, with only Oliver in his dorm watching it with indecisiveness. Of course, he'd seen plenty of porn with cages, some of them were his favorites. But actually staring at one in person, from the...

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Body Shame

"Come on, Tiff, give me that 110% for just one more!" Both of Bodie's hand's hovered just under the barbel. The shark below her strained under the weight. Her teeth grit and her muscles tensed as she pushed the weights up for another rep. "That's it....

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Roadie Chapter 11: The Show

She couldn't shake him from her mind. Even as she laid about her bed, scrolling through her laptop for new drum solos to practice or shows to watch, Tiffany had Felix stuck in her thoughts. As her boyfriend, he always lived rent free up there, but...

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