My College Enslavement: Chapter 7

Story by Ralan165 on SoFurry

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#7 of My College Enslavement

Oliver's finally locked up and enslaved under Theo. Though there has to be a way to deal with the constant arousal? If anyone has an answer, it'd be Lucy. And of course, the sissy lion loves to share trade secrets.

Oliver's cage came with more struggles than he anticipated. Sleeping became a chore the first few nights, having never realized how often guys get erections in their sleep. Then came walking around with it, which came with two problems. The first was the overall feel of walking with it. It took him two days to walk normally again without trying to readjust or feel too much pressure in the crotch area. The second was, compared to his dick, the cage was unmalleable. There would always be a bulge in whatever clothes he wore. Most of the time this made his pants look more stuffed in the bulge area than usual, which certainly gained him more than a few stares.

Needless to say, swim practice speedos didn't help. The otter was never bothered by his soft cock bulging against the fabrics, he preferred it to see if he could find the gay or at least bi-curious guys in the locker room. But now, Oliver couldn't help but struggle to hide it, making efforts to have his back turned to everyone whenever he could. The metal didn't help his swimming either, causing him to lose a few seconds on his laps.

Then of course came after practice, where everyone stripped down, showered, and got dressed for their later classes. Every muscle or toned ass grabbed his attention, filling his head with so many lecherous thoughts that he could barely remember his own lock combination. Sure, he'd gotten horny after swim practice before, but never so much that the last digit of his code escaped him.

This blasted cage was the cause of it all. At his worst, the otter could have just gone to his room for some porn and a quick jack. Now he couldn't even do that, and Theo knew it. "Someone's tense," The zebra chuckled, taking a seat next to Oliver during lunch. He nodded, barely making a dent in his sandwich. Every time he tried, the flustered reflection stared back at him.

Theo scooted closer. They were both well out of sight in their booth, letting the zebra slowly squish the otter against the wall as he ate. "How's your day been going, Olive?" He asked.

His heart pounded at the pet name. "F-Fine..." He muttered, looking up to the zebra's commanding smile. "Just a struggle to focus, that's all."

"Is it now?" Theo leaned in, his breath cascading down the otter. "Would you like me to touch you, Olive?"

"H-Here? Now?" He squeaked, shifting his gaze to see no one watching, "In public?" Theo nodded, waiting for an actual answer. "I mean...yes," Oliver whispered softly, "But do you really need to ask, master?"

"You're still new, and in public, I feel it's appropriate to ask. Especially if we're just hanging out." Reaching under the table, Theo grabbed Oliver's hand and pulled it against the zebra's pants leg. The otter felt the surging rod restrained behind the jeans, demanding his attention. "Your little predicament has gotten me all excited today. It's been a long time since I've had someone so bashful with a cage."

Before he could answer, Theo slipped a hand underneath the otter's pants and furled it over his cage. Softly, the zebra possessively squeezed Oliver's balls, the pain locking him in place as Theo took complete dominance over him. "Wet already?" his master chuckled, noting the pre dripping onto his hand, "My, you're such a horny slut aren't you?"

"Can you blame me, sir?" He asked, the new title still giving him delightful shivers. "I haven't gotten to cum in days."

"That sounds like a 'you' problem," Theo whispered, releasing the otter's nuts and pressing his scent covered hand against his muzzle, pushing the boy against the wall. "After all, orgasms are a privilege that you need to work for."

The forceful nature of being caught between a wall and Theo's strength, combined with the smell of his own restrained cock, was enough to tell Oliver that classes weren't going to go well today. "Can I come by later, to better earn that orgasm?" He begged, hands gripping at the rod lining Theo's pants. He still remembered the fleshy taste of it, how submissive he felt underneath its girth. Even if his ass wasn't ready, he wanted it.

Patting his headfur, Theo shook his head. "I won't be around until bed. Got a big project to work on with a group. You're welcome to visit anytime though. Lucy could always use the company." Taking a deep breath, the zebra's cock softened and receded into him before getting up. "Anyway, I got class. There's a track meet this weekend so I won't be around until Sunday either. Sorry."

Until Sunday? Oliver couldn't wait that long for an orgasm. Watching his master's toned ass, the otter felt his mouth salivate and his cage twitch. Lucy would have an answer. She'd been wearing the cage much longer than he had.


The trip to Theo's apartment was made all the more difficult with the cage. By the time he reached the door, the otter found himself out of breath just from the arousal. Giving a few quick knocks, he waited as footsteps echoed behind the door. Lucy opened up with a smile, wearing nothing save a black mesh thong, a small frilly skirt that was too short to be called as such, and a tight top with the word 'girl' on it.

"Olive!" She said, wrapping her arms around the more appropriately dressed otter. "It's so good to see you. Theo isn't home right now, but I always love some girl talk. Or, I guess it'd be gurl talk with you." She playfully stuck out her tongue at the last line.

Unable to contain his blush, Oliver nodded. "Y-Yeah...that's why I came over actually. Can I come in?" Lucy nodded, taking his hoodie and hanging up before leading him further inside. The apartment smelled of fresh cleaning products, which may have explained Lucy's choice of 'skirt' as it were. "Doing some cleaning?"

"Part of my daily routine," Lucy explained. "As a slave, I have to do my best to make my master happy. So when he's not around, I make sure everything is nice and spotless. Honestly, I think Theo picked up a few bad habits in his first year. He just left stuff out everywhere."

"I can see that," Oliver said with a forced laugh, "A lot of us picked up some poor habits when we didn't have supervision from ma and pa. Some people even joked about the Freshman Fifteen, but I didn't gain much weight."

"I can't imagine so, not with how much you swim." Lucy curled up against the couch, patting a nearby cushion for Oliver. "Come and sit. Theo isn't the sort of master that keeps his slaves off the furniture." The image of him begging Theo to sit didn't help with Oliver's arousal, who took a heavy breath to calm himself as he sat down. "So, what's on your mind?"

"Oh, you stuff," Oliver rambled. "Tests, papers, classes." Lucy inched over with every word he said, eyes locking onto him like a primal hunter. His words slurred, catching his tongue tying up with itself as the lion prowled up to him.

"Cock?" She whispered, hot breath inching down his ear. He nodded, biting his lower lip as she smiled upon him with knowing eyes. "It's driving you crazy, isn't it?" She asked, hand reaching down and pressing against his covered crotch. The pressure against his cage made him all the more squeezed inside it. "You want to cum so bad, don't you? No, that's not it, at least not all of it." Lucy circled her clawed index finger around the crotch, stopping right where the head of Oliver's cage was. "You want to take hold of your rigid cock. To feel that erection pulsing in your tight little death grip."

He nodded, the images rolling in his head. Lucy giggled, straddling herself over the dazed otter. "But good slaves don't need erections," she said with a flirty pout. "No, good slaves just want to make their masters happy. And master Theo is delighted to have his slaves caged. It makes them so nice and..." Hands slipped under his shirt, crawling up his chest to flick his rigid nipples, "Horny...desperate for any stimulus to get off. Even if their master won't give it. After all, it's about the master's pleasure first, right?"

"I...I need to cum..." Oliver whispered weakly. "Please...I can't focus like this."

"Oh? But I'm not the one you should be begging." Lucy smiled, softly gripping the otter's chin and pulling his lip down with her thumb, "The master is out right now. I could take a message."

"H-How do you deal with it?" He asked. Lucy blinked in confusion, but let him continue. "You've got to have urges right? You can't just be always waiting for-"

Lucy squeezed his cheeks together with one hand. "Of course I have urges, you adorable little slut. Not a second goes by where I don't wish Theo was shoving everything he had into me instead of studying or being at classes. But, as both a dutiful slave and girlfriend, I know he has other things to do, and I put his needs above my own." Her fearsome glare turned to a smug smile, "That said, I do have something that might help you."

"What?" He asked, desperation on the edge of his voice.

"Well, whenever I find myself needing to get a load off, and Theo isn't able to help," She curled a finger through his headfur, "I take the plug out of my ass and grab a dildo for some 'me' time."

A dildo? Oliver didn't have one, and even if he did, the otter doubted he had the privacy to keep it hidden for long. That and he'd barely played with his ass, outside of Theo fingering it and that one jaguar fucking him. Lucy noted his look of concern, "Oh, don't worry. You don't need a toy to play with your ass. In fact, your finger would do just fine."

"I've still never...well...cum from it."

Her eyes went wide, with a smile going ear to ear. "Really? You've never had a dry orgasm?"

"Is that really surprising?"

"I just figured you'd at least prodded yourself while jacking it. I mean, from what I've heard from Theo, it seems like you were looking for hunks to fuck you."

"I figured they'd play with my dick too!"

Giggling, Lucy stepped off the flustered boy, "Go to the bathroom to clean yourself out. Then the bedroom. Now." Her commands didn't carry as much weight as Theo's, but Oliver couldn't deny they turned him on. After one quick trip to the bathroom, Oliver found Lucy waiting for him on the rose colored bed. To her side sat a pair of medical latex gloves, and a bottle of lube. "Strip."

"Are you..."

"You want to cum, right? To get that edge off? So strip." With need outweighing reason, Oliver doffed his clothes down to his naked form, save for the chastity cage hanging between his legs. Lucy patted the bed, leading the otter to crawl upon it on all fours. "Ass out," She ordered, "Keep your back arched, and relax."

Two latex covered hands spread his cheeks. He shuddered as a cold and gooey substance lathered against his pucker. "Relax," She cooed, "Take deep breaths for me." His stomach expanded with every inhale and shrunk when exhaling. In and out, his fingers digging into the bed sheets as he felt a finger brace against his pucker. "Oh, still so tight. I hope Theo still has the trainer plugs lying around."

The finger wriggled inside him, slowly digging its way until he felt a soft pressure behind his dick. A soft gasp escaped his lips, followed by an approving nod from Lucy. "There it is. Your wonderful prostate, where all your precious cum is made." She said, pressing and rubbing against it with one finger. Pre pooled and dripped from his cage. Oliver swore he was at the edge of orgasm, and yet still so far away. "This is the most important area for sissies like us. With practice, it becomes so sensitive that our asses become like pussies, at least that's what I think. I don't have a pussy so I can't really say.

Oliver had this feeling before. When Theo used him like a puppet, or when that jaguar fucked him. But unlike them, Lucy focused on it, rubbing and pushing against the button rather than thrusting into him. "What I'm doing right now is called Milking. Theo used to do this to me once a month before my monthly cage cleanings. Then we upgraded to a cage I can clean without removal. Not that he doesn't make sure to check it every three months."

Three months? With a restrained moan, Oliver quivered at the idea of being locked for so long. Hardly a few days have passed and he's already losing his mind. Cupping his balls, Lucy sensually growled with every little prod of her finger. She pulled out, only to press her middle finger in with her index to fill him up further. "Just relax. Let it build, nice and slow." The pleasure's climb was agonizing. Pre dripped onto her claws as he hit a mental wall. The otter moved his hips to her fingers, desperate to go over it. Lucy kept him still, reminding him who had complete control.

They were both so lost in each other that neither heard the front door open. Hooves casually strode across the wooden floor and over the carpet, with strapping arms leaning against the couch cushions. A smile etched across his lips as he looked down at his two slaves, watching in delight as his precious first and top girl played with the newbie. "You two seem to be having fun."

Oliver's eyes went wide. Staring up to Theo's smile, he wished he could sink into his shoulders and die at the sudden scene. Lucy's fingers stopped, still deep in his ass as she smiled at her master. "I'm sorry, Sir. But poor Olive came to me for advice on how to deal with her urges. I figured I could help a girl out."

"It makes sense," Theo said with a shrug, "You are the most experienced when it comes to assplay. Can't say I ever enjoyed it myself."

"Unless it's my tongue," She giggled, sticking out her tongue to prove her point.

He nodded, "I do enjoy a good rimjob from you, just not as much as your blowjobs." Turning to Oliver, the zebra gently patted his headfur and said, "You may continue. Don't stop until I say."

Her fingers moved again, slowly building Oliver's pleasure back up as the zebra casually tossed his backpack aside and stepped out of vision. He heard the bedroom door open, but found himself unable to turn his head and focus. He was close, too close. Lucy could grind him on for another hour, or maybe only half a minute. Silently he begged, pleaded to whoever heard him to let his pleasure finally push past the dam.

"Stop," Theo ordered. Lucy pulled out, nearly bringing the otter to tears as the pleasure fell once again. The zebra stood before him, holding a small dildo to his lips. "Open, and suck," He commanded. Oliver complied, letting Theo push the pink cock in and out, holding his head like he was force feeding him a bottle of milk. Gagging and coughing, he felt ashamed as Theo pulled it out. "Guess we'll need to work on your gag reflex."

"S-sorry, sir."

"It's ok. You're learning." Theo tossed the dildo to the cushion. "Does my otter want to cum?" He asked. Oliver nodded, hopeful for any release at this point. With a smile, Theo pointed to the dildo, "Take the lube on the table, and use it on your ass." With that command, the zebra stepped around and sat in a comfy lounge chair, pulling his lion sissy onto his lap to watch.

Shivering in a heavy mix of humiliation and desire, Oliver took the dildo and lubed both it and his asshole before the watching couple. Rolling around the couch to get a good angle, the otter slowly pushed the tip inside him. Their gazes and smiles riddled his flesh with goosebumps with every inch pushed in, stopping at the base.

Though lacking the warmth and the pulse of a real cock, its girth was enough to rub against his prostate with every push and pull. The relentless teasing and edging from before made it easier for the pleasure to build up, leaving him both wanting to be filled, and to reach climax as soon as he could. The wet slapping sound of lube squeaking bounced off the walls, mixing in with Oliver's moans.

Another noise joined the fray. Theo and Lucy's lips met, their tongues wrestling with one another as they roughly made out. The sissy lion rubbed her hand against the constrained shaft, slowly pulling down the zipper to let it breathe. Oliver could smell it from where he sat, that masculine rod growing not just at Lucy, but at his own display. The otter turned around, bracing the couch with his dildo filled ass up in the air. Their breathful moans shook his core. He was their turn on, his display their foreplay. Even now he heard Lucy slather her hand in saliva and wrap it tightly around their master's cock, slowly pumping as he held her tight.

Theo's rod stood as a monolith in his mind. He wanted it, needed it. Silently he begged, pleading for Theo to get off his chair and press his thick flat-headed cock against the otter's tight hole. Those strong hips thrusting into him, while a heavy hand held him down against the couch and...Oliver's hips buckled. His mouth hung agape, free hand digging into the couch as the pleasure surged throughout his body, flooding him without warning. His semen dribbled out from the cage, first pooling for long strands to follow, then only a drip remained.

"Looks like someone finally came," Theo said.

Lucy giggled, "And they made a little mess."

"We can't have that," Theo said. Oliver heard the zebra get up, then felt his hand against the otter's scalp. "Get up," He softly ordered, guiding the otter to his knees and pointing toward the little white pool made on the couch. "Good slaves clean up messes. Are you a good slave?" Oliver nodded, even in his post orgasm clarity he still desired the title. Without another word, Theo pushed the otter's muzzle against the fresh seed, "Then clean it, slave." The white goo pooled into his tongue like a shovel. Its salty taste had him whimper, but Oliver couldn't deny the tightness of his cage yet again. His first caged orgasm, and he had to lick it up like some lowly feral.

With most of it gone, Theo lifted him back up and directed the otter to his bedroom. Lucy was already there, stripped naked and lying on the bed, watching them as they entered. Theo pointed to the floor. "Kneel."

Lucy tossed him a pillow, "Use this," She said, winking over to Theo. "He's going to be on his knees for a bit, might as well be comfy."

Confused but obedient, Oliver put the pillow between his knees and the floor, watching Theo climb up onto the bed and over Lucy. Their lips touched again, tongues pushing past their maws as the zebra reached down to pull at his sissy's nipples. "Who's my good girl?" He whispered softly, though loud enough for Oliver to hear.

"I am, sir..." Lucy moaned, legs spreading wide as Theo's hand traveled down. The otter could only imagine the softness of those hands against his thigh, mirroring Lucy as the zebra gently gripped the pink cage with his hand. He had her at his mercy, and she loved every second of it.

"That's right. And who's is this?" He asked, softly pulling at the cage and rubbing a finger against the urethral slit, stroking the sliver of flesh that poked through.

"Y-Yours, sir. This body and soul belongs to you..."

Theo nodded, letting go and tracing his fingers down to the jeweled plug below. Gripping it with the edge of his digits, the zebra slowly twisted and pulled it out. Every inch brought a small whimper or pleasured gasp from the lion's lips. Then came the pop, revealing the thick plug that had wedged its way inside Lucy's hole. Oliver still couldn't believe how wide it was, nor that the lion walked around without any issue of it. Tossing aside to the bed, Theo prodded his free fingers into her ass, showing just how loose and malleable it was.

Theo pushed the lion forward, forcing her to face the blushing otter. "I've been wanting this all day," He growled under his breath, both hands holding her ass tight as he slowly dragged his tongue against her loose pucker. Envy and shame built up inside Oliver, screaming at him to put himself in her place. His cage twitched, demanding another orgasm at this display.

Lucy's face smiled in intoxicating pleasure, complimenting her master's willingness to lick the hole he owned. Then came the lube, laid out across her asshole and his cock. It glistened over his rod in the light as he lined it up. "You might not cum tonight."

"Always the gentleman, master," Lucy giggled. "An orgasm is a privilege for me, but a right for you, my love."

"Well said, Lucy." With that, Theo pressed his flatheaded cock against her. From this angle, Oliver couldn't see the full process, especially as Theo grabbed both the lion's wrists and pulled her back. The thrusts were slow at first, letting Lucy get accustomed to his girth. The pleasured gasps and moans from before were shattered by silence, as her mouth hung wide and her eyes saw through Oliver. Then Theo pistoned faster, rocking the bed and shaking the cage between her legs.

He'd go as deep into her that the lion had trouble breathing. Oliver toyed fruitlessly at his cage, his tongue lolling as he silently begged to swap places. That thick cock, the very same in his dreams, finally pounding him. Reaching for his ass, he pressed in a finger. Meager in comparison but it was all he had. He needed the thrusting, the warm pulsing flesh filling him up as strong arms held him down and reminded him his place.

With one heavy grunt, Theo pushed deep into her. His body shook, ecstasy escaping his lips. He let go of Lucy, letting her lay there in a trance as he pulled his lube and cum covered cock from her gaping asshole. Stepping off the bed, he signaled for Oliver to stand. "Did you like what you saw?" With a heavy blush and a dripping cage, he nodded. Theo's fat cock swung from side to side as he strode over. Cupping the otter's chin in his hand, he smiled and whispered, "Was it humiliating? Seeing someone else get fucked in front of you?"

He nodded, throat too parched to speak. The zebra chuckled, "And you like that, don't you? Being humiliated like the pathetic little bitch you are." There was no malice to his words, but a sense of comfort that had Oliver almost melting in his master's grip. Gripping his headfur, Theo turned him to the door. "Let's go, my precious humiliation whore. Bathroom isn't far and I need to empty my snake. Preferably in your mouth."

My College Enslavement: Chapter 8

There was a certain level of cruelty to being under Theo's control. Just the very thought of the zebra had Oliver continually aroused. The spare dildo he'd been given had helped a little, more to scratch the itch than anything. The otter couldn't...

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