
Story by iplank on SoFurry

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James finally gets lucky with his new girlfriend Jess. He is a bit embarrassed in bed at first but Jess has just the trick.

James was nervous, but his new girlfriend Jess was gorgeous with her dark mocha toned skin and long straight black hair. They had only gone on two dates but when she asked him over to her apartment for a bit of fun he didn't hesitate. The sheer arousal he felt for her was enough to be a counterweight for his nerves. She put on rhythmic music and started to dance almost immediately after he sat on the edge of her bed. She started subtly, but quickly got into the rhythm of the song and started to belly dance for him. She started because she loved the song, but grinned mischeiviously as she seen him following her every move with his eyes and tented pants. She undid her pants, then untied her top. Dipping low several times and swinging her hips with the dance she snaked her way out of the tight pants without touching them. In fluid motion she tossed her skimpy shirt onto his face and by the time he removed it, her bra was off and she slowly lowered it as she continued to dance. Once she shimmied her panties down and kicked them off over his shoulder, she finally stopped her sexy dance and knelt in front of him. Using her tongue and teeth only she undid his pants and pulled them down along with his underwear with a single index finger. Jess pressed her tits in his face as she half stood and gripped his shirt, pulling it up and off.

James grabbed her by the hips and pulled her down, rolling over onto her now in the middle of the bed, pinning her for a moment, she growled seductively, enjoying the dominance.

"Why don't I help that stiff dick get lathered up?"

James let her up and moved back, resting on his elbows. Her dark red lips engulfed his dick quickly to the base of its six inch length. It felt wonderful, but not too far into it she stopped, looking a bit puzzled at it.

"Uh, is something wrong?"

James' eyebrow raised. "What do you mean...?"

She blushed slightly motioning to his penis. "W-well I know this isn't its full size..."

Now James' face went bright red! She was expecting bigger?! He was full erection! His size was perfectly average...he didn't know what to say.

Jess glanced away a moment from the awkwardness. "Its OK, a lot of guys don't know how to get it fully up! I don't even care if this was the full size, its just...I can tell it isn't."

Still not knowing what to say, James just went along. He didn't want to argue with her and kill the mood, this was as big as it got. Jess pressed both index fingers into the area just over his dick as if feeling for something, then pressed in and massaged two very specific points, telling him she learned this technique as well as belly dancing when she was studying abroad. She very gently traced fingers up his dick, following the veins and told him to focus on her tits, and will his dick bigger. What? Just mentally tell it to get bigger, was she serious!? What sort of wiles willed willies? He tried to relax his lower body around the shaft, hoping maybe increased blood flow would help. After several long moments of concentrating on his dick and her perfect supple dark tits, she spoke up again. Jess told him to think of something he disliked about himself, and imagine blowing it out his dick. Odd therapy, but why not? He was willing to do just about anything to get this ball rolling back into the gutter where it belongs.

James remembered a horrible moment when he was in grade school, he was about to show off a trick he learned but tripped on his shoelaces and ate shit so hard everyone was laughing too hard to see any second attempts. He wished he could cum that memory away for sure. But as he thought that an odd feeling came over him and suddenly he couldn't remember everyone who was there. It was a very subtle tingling warmth that passed through his entire body, heading toward his crotch and concentrating. Now he couldn't remember anyone who was there, or what trick he was trying to do in the first place. James felt like he was getting an erection even though he already had one! Like trying to hold water in your hand, his memory continued to slip away till he couldn't even remember what he was trying to remember! His eyes focussed back on his dick and it looked a tiny bit bigger! Or at least harder- with reddened glans and aggressive veins. Jess smiled, telling him he did a good job.

"The first is the hardest, because you don't quite know how and your body isn't used to it. It gets easier every time. You should keep going. ANYTHING you don't like about yourself, just throw it away and use it to feed your dick! I bet your cock's actual max size is really impressive."

James was still in disbelief but went through his memories, piling all the negative ones into his dick. Each contributed very little to his physical size, but together it was certainly noticeable. Jess kept encouraging him to dump more in! She suggested things with a bit more substance- personality traits he wished he didn't have or knowledge he wasn't actually going to find a use for. She was right about it getting easier- the flowing sensation through his body didn't even happen now, and he felt his cock swelling up almost instantly. One, two, three inches more, and a bit more girth to boot. Jess grabbed the large bulbous head in her hand- reaching just far enough around the glans to hook her fingertips around the corona and squeeze gently. James groaned in need, wanting to get off already! The bigger it got the more needy it became, the more pent up he felt. She told him where he should stuff his impatience, and there was another half inch. As much as he loved having a huge dick now...it was maybe a bit on the too big side? Jess didn't seem intimidated by it, but it was longer than his forearm, if James had to guess he wouldn't have thought something that big would even fit in her. He told her his concerns and said they should probably stop.

"But...you don't even know what your actual max size is yet? You know how many dudes would kill for a huge dong? Tell you what, you should just stuff your worry into that thick meat stick of yours so you can focus on enjoying it more."

That didn't sound like a good idea, but before he could worry about his worries it was gone and his dick stretched bigger. Before it was something he had to concentrate on but it was so easy now just considering it made it happen. Jess squeezed the glans and tickled the fingers of her other hand up his gigantic shaft, telling him things he probably didn't need to feed his dick. The ability to feel pain, his negative emotions, memories of his childhood, free will. His cock stretched absurdly big, and while that last item gave him pause, his ability to be worried about it was already gone. Jess reasoned that free will meant choice, and choosing can be hard. Why bother thinking about things when you can just go with the flow?

James groaned and squirmed as his massive shaft wobbled back and forth in Jess' grip, and she knew he was too far to back down now. Why would he need to think about anything when he has a dick this big? Just shove that in his dick, his ability to write, read, how to do math, what his own name is, junk like that. By now the huge cock was towering over both of them and the best Jess could do with both hands was just hold it steady- if it fell over it was so rigid and big it would yank James off the bed with it. James could barely put together a coherent thought, and when he did he accidentally put that in his dick too. He even started to shrink, giving his size over to the dick. Jess just caressed the throbbing veiny shaft and looked over the diminishing James, listing off everything about him she could think of. One by one, those things stuffed into his cock and it continued to grow. Just the brief period of time where his brain tried to understand the word she speaks is enough to draw it out and into his dick. Instead of resisting it because it was an unknown concept, James' body was now resisting everything else, and trying to pull everything in even without his conscious input.

Jess drooled a bit, having to crane her neck back to look up at the stiff rim of the corona far above as the cockhead thumped against the roof and the bed started to bend down from the pressure. James shrank away as he was reduced to a drooling idiot; all thoughts having gone into forcing his cock still bigger. The springs in her bed exploded out from under them, collapsing the frame. It created enough momentary give for the giant cock to spring sideways and slam on the floor, covering the entire room up to her door- conveniently preventing it from being opened from the outside right now. What was left of James looked like a weird doll, or human shaped blob. Wedged between balls and cock, his body had lost definition and shape to his cock, causing him to look less and less human. Jess also noted it had stopped there, but that was fine. She reached past the fleshy blob to caress the sides of his aching balls, and reminded him not to neglect those. His cock was overstuffed- it finally ran out of room, but his balls didn't. Reduced to a tiny blob, then nothing more than a lump, and then nothing at all, his balls swelled slowly with what little remnants of James there was left, but then ballooned in size tremendously and finally stopped. The final surge had been his life and existence. Now he was the cock itself. He had no eyes or ears to see or hear with, no mind to think with, but he could still feel. And as a gargantuan cock, everything he felt must be real nice.

Jess pat the side of the shaft with a smile. "See? You could do way better. Now you can be my new toy to grind against. Ooooh and I bet your balls make a nice seat. And I can cuddle you in bed! I mean...this probably isn't what you had in mind." Jess shrugged.

She felt a little guilty for manipulating him into this, but he wanted pleasure and she delivered. It was his will that stuffed his dick, she just told him how. The small nagging guilt passed quickly enough, as her nipples hardened from the pressure.

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