Two, Nine, and None

Story by iplank on SoFurry

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Modern day Kyoto, Japan. The nine tailed kitsune Keiko, the lord tanuki Daisuke, and the tengu warrior Hatsuko overlook the city from the lofty Inari shrine, but sinister forces are closer than they think. The oni Moru has found an ally far more evil than your standard demon, and as Kyoto's guardian Keiko is their first target.

The Inari shrine on its namesake mountain is in Kyoto, Japan. Unlike Tokyo which boasts its full assimilation of modernism, Kyoto is a healthy mix of modern conveniences while preserving the old ways. This was a day like most- the miko tended the vast shrine grounds while a mere few visitors came to pray and offer donations. During the height of the day there was a good number of people, but not for fortunes and prayers but rather just tourists sight seeing. The tallest of the miko sighed, adjusting the fox mask on the side of her head as she looked out over the land from the shrine's high perch. Where there had once been bamboo forests and great shogun palaces there was now towering buildings of glass and metal. Where one deed used to gain you great renown, now was as lost as each individual in an ever growing crowd.

A boyish voice sounded from behind her, where no one had been only a moment before. "You seem troubled Keiko."

Kei turned and gave a quick halfhearted bow to her master, the kami of rice, sake, and foxes- Inari. Though its voice was boyish, the figure was quite feminine with long soft black hair that very nearly touched the ground. Inari wore a huge extravagant kimono of white but covered in intricate flame red floral patterns. Interpreted as both man and woman over the years, Inari settled into a form that was devoid of an actual gender. In its palm Inari gently pet a tiny snow fox kit. A long metal staff was resting across Inari's shoulders weighted in place on either end with a clay gourd filled with divine sake. The hand Inari used to pet with was coiled in a long string of 108 wooden prayer beads.

"I am fine. Just thinking how massively things have changed in a short period of time. We went from making new type of sword or smithing method in under a century, to creating entirely new realities in virtual space. Each new human has access to more information by the time they are ten years old than all of the scholars combined from the past. But..."

"But...?" The little kit perked up as well, also curious.

Keiko shrugged. "The old spirits are sort of phased out, I can't run amok like I used to!"

Kei slid the fox mask over her face and it seemed to melt and be absorbed into her, leaving only the red markings on her face. Her ears returned to those of a fox, and fur grew over her lower arms and legs as her nails converted back to claws. Nine huge fluffy fox tails danced behind her as a rainbow of nine magatama orbited her neck. Her fur was a shimmering golden color, marking her as one of Inari's divine nine tailed kitsune, quite possibly the most powerful type of yokai that exists.

Inari smiled warmly, turning its eyes to crescent moons. "I will not stop you. You should be cautious about who you reveal your true self to, but I would not hold you back. You'll never get anywhere if you aren't willing to take any risks."

"Well, being a miko takes up a good chunk of time too. I still have to renew the warding talisman tonight."

Inari waved its free hand dismissively. "That isn't that important! What are the odds of us being attacked by malicious spirits in the first place? Just forget that for now, go rest. I can have Daisuke hire me other miko, if you don't want the position yourself."

"Nooo, after his forest got massively downsized, this is the easiest place we can live, without having to deal with human currency."

"I'd let you stay regardless..."

Keiko lowered her ears. "I'd feel bad about it though..."

Inari shook its head and sighed. "You'll always be my favorite, Kei. Now go get some rest."

With that, Inari seemed to implode into a single grain of rice that fell carelessly to the stone path. Keiko shrugged to herself and headed to her bedroom- one of the main shrine buildings had been converted into a home for her and Lord Daisuke, her VERY long term tanuki boyfriend. She only paused a moment when a black cat pressed past her leg. There was a large population of foxes on the mountain, but for that very reason cats were uncommon. A little girl quickly ran up and apologized for it, it seemed the cat belonged to her. Kei just smiled and said it was fine before carrying on her way. Cats were considered bad luck, but Kei wasn't one to buy into luck in the first place. Daisuke was acting as the old shrine priest, since much like kitsune, tanuki were master shape shifters. He was going to check if the fortunes were fully stocked but paused when he felt a sudden breeze, and a presence in the shadow of one of the torii spirit gates.

"Welcome back Hatsuko. Must have been tiring up there without any wind today."

The tengu warrior stepped only partly into the light. Her nethers covered in a scarlet Suzaku tabard worn like a loincloth, and her chest was bound in medical cloth. Her legs were very long and narrow like a crane, but her feet and talons were huge and tipped in bladed metal. Her arms were huge white feathered wings from the elbow down, and very long phoenix-like white feathers trailed behind her as her tail. Her wild black hair reached the very base of her back, and her face was hidden behind a red mask. The mask had long elven ears pointing back nearly as long as the two horns pointing up, which were again almost as long as the nose sticking forward. The mask was a common mark of the tengu. Hatsuko had been an assassin ages ago, but followed a strict code of honor- if you wanted a backstabber you could hire a ninja instead. She grew tired of shogun trying to drown her morals in their coin and eventually settled down as the fore-guard of Lord Daisuke, and has remained ever since.

"There is no one else on the mountain, and only one person in the shrine grounds. This seems like the last of it for today."

"One here now? Did they just arrive?"

"It is a girl and her pet cat, she looked like she was leaving after rounding up her pet."

He tilted his head. "A little girl, by herself all the way up here?"

"I didn't say little! She looked to be in her teens. She looked perfectly fine on her own, don't worry."

The girl they seen earlier staggered a bit as she slipped from the path into the woods unseen. "Ugh, this tiny body is weird, can you change me back already?"

The body of the girl wearing the oni mask exploded into colored mist as a ring of hellfire opened in the ground and belched out a titanic tall iron club, covered in cruel bumps. She caught the weapon mid-air with ease now in her true, twelve and a half foot tall form. Her skin is vibrant red and the muscles of her arms were so big around she could probably decapitate someone by flexing. Her club alone looked to be four feet from end to end, easily heavy enough to crush the organs out of someone's body like a tube of toothpaste. Her eyes were solid black with bright yellow iris, her forehead adorned with two short spike-like horns, and her mouth framed with small tusks. She had tattered medical wrapping around her forearms and torso, spotted with old rusted blood- most of which is not her own. Her lower half was covered in dense black pants, completely frayed at the bottom as tall wood tabi held her feet over the ground. She is an Oni, an ogre demon, the very thing the mask her disguise had depicted.

She sighed, putting the club down to lean against. "So tonight it starts huh? After so many years of snivelling cowardly men, I will either find one with some backbone, or at least have fun crushing the ones who don't. But that Keiko had an immense aura...and Inari was with her. We can't fight a kami."

The black cat smiled at her from the ground as its tail curled to show the second one. "You'd be surprised. Leave Keiko to me Moru, and you will have nothing to worry about. Just be sure this is what you want. No take backs once we start."

Moru stood up straight again, clutching her club tightly. "Men constantly shy away or outright run because I am so big! The ones who do not run only see me as a weapon for hire! I am tired of cowards! I will attack Kyoto and see who is willing to face me, and maybe among them finally find one worthy of me. But the fox is a watchful guard. I hope you know what you are up against, Senri."

In a black haze Senri's cat form shifted to human, but remained incredibly hard to spot in the shaded woods. Her skin was no less black than the cat's fur, and her frame is petite. Her nails are all hooked claws, cat ears still adorn her head, and waving chaotically behind her now sized up for a human body were her two cat tails. Her eyes remained the glowing eyes of a cat, though they were now very narrow on her human face. A cat with a forked tail...the mark of the yokai, Nekomata. Notoriously known to have hearts of utter darkness. Oni are known to kill people for the sake of entertainment but at least they do so with enough honor that they will always challenge you head-on. Nekomata did not care, they would slit your throat in your sleep before robbing your corpse.

Senri smiled wickedly, revealing her pearly white fangs. "Oh I do. Keiko won't. Wait for my queue at the base of the mountain and then start heading into the city- I will catch up to you."

Back at the shrine Kei was already fast asleep, and remained sleeping for some time undisturbed. Senri wanted to wait till it was deep enough into the night that most others would also be asleep, and responds time would be very low. Keiko was graceful and sultry when awake but she was a complete mess when she slept. It was a good thing her shimmering black hair only reached her back, if it was any longer she might accidentally strangle herself with it in her sleep. Her hair was veined out across her pillow radiating out from her head like rays from the sun. She didn't snore but did occasionally snort sharply. Her limbs went every which way and most of the blankets have been kicked half off the bed. When she was little she even had the bad habit of grabbing one of her fox tails and sucking on the end in her sleep- which caused split ends and made it fray at the tip. A terrible way to treat her tails, especially since each one contains an additional soul.

Senri appeared discreetly in the window of the shrine building, keeping a careful eye on Kei. She already hexed her- back when she rubbed up against her leg- but needed to activate the black magic still. True, Senri could do that from anywhere- she wanted to watch her mischief in action. Kei started to moan in her sleep, turning side to side now with her legs squeezed together as her pussy moistened. Her clit stiffened within the soft flesh walls before its surroundings engorged even more than it. Her entire pubic mound gained more definition as her outer labia swelled up like fleshy pillows and pressed the inner labia together as they also swelled. Just when it became as riled up as it had ever been, her hand unconsciously found its way there, and as soon as her delicate fingers made contact her pussy pressed further. Now downright wet in natural lube, her clit gave a mighty throb on contact with her digits and swelled tremendously, becoming the size of a marble and shoving its hood away completely- exposing it to open air. Her fingers had to find their way around it to prod toward her hot passage. If she was actually conscious she would have noticed her hips actually getting a bit wider, as her pussy matched it. Her mound swelled even bigger, almost looking like a dome from a side angle. Her pussy let out a spurt of liquid before clenching as an orgasm hit, and her clit throbbed and grew again. Keiko orgasmed herself awake, and as it finished her clit had one last swelling throb in it, leaving it the size of a jawbreaker candy!

Still mostly asleep and very horny, Kei could clearly see her nethers were in overdrive but taking care of the hunger in her crotch was priority still. Now conscious she is able to handle it a bit better, using one hand to stretch herself open and the other to go exploring deeper in. Normally one hand would be fine, but her labia were so massively engorged she needed a hand dedicated just to moving all the plush flesh aside. She had to try and avoid her clit altogether because it was still throbbing from the last orgasm and way too ultra sensitive for any direct contact. Once inside her actual passage she pulled up aggressively, pressing the skin and muscle above up toward the clit to touch it indirectly. Two fingers held up, two messaged the sides of her passage itself, while her other hand kneaded her labia which was like a full handful of soft rubber! Through her sleepy horny haze it didn't spark any concern that the labia on one side of her pussy alone easily filled one entire hand, where one hand could have covered her entire pussy before this started. Slowly her clit continued to throb larger as well, gaining slightly more length than girth, looking more like a vibrant pink sweet potato in shape and size. Keiko let out a shrill yiff as she curled her entire body over, red-faced as her vagina exploded salty lube. As it clenched hard, it felt like it was trying to pull her hand off, crushing her fingers together as the taughtness swelled it all still bigger! Her horniness did not relent after the orgasms though, it remained the same momentarily then resumed a slow climb. Her passage felt so hungry, like an unspecific itch that needed to be scratched- but without knowing its exact location you can't properly satisfy it! And the bigger it got, the less manageable it became in her hands, and the harder it became to think straight.

Senri snickered as she jumped down from the window and deliberately scared a bunch of birds awake into the night sky- signalling Moru down at the mountain base to get ready for her assault. Keiko was incapacitated like this, and because of the sounds she was making odds are her friends were not going to disturb her. Moru was a pretty tame female least, by oni standards. But males of both human and other oni alike always shied away from her because she is quite large for a female. The only ones who did not, were the more powerful male oni warriors who turned their nose up at her. She aspired to match them in power and skill and eventually she did, but she didn't earn their respect. They stopped accepting her challenges, and the demon lords never accepted them in the first place. She had unfortunately fallen into an awkward rift of size and strength where she was too much for half the people and too little for the top tiers. Senri heard Moru's plight and decided to help. The plan was to empower Moru who would then attack Kyoto, forcing hero's to rise up in its defense. Moru planned to date anyone who was able to at least put up a decent fight against her empowered form. If she had at least one person to hold close and call her own she could just ignore the rest...but alone it was too much for her to bear.

Senri caught up to Moru quickly in her twin tailed cat form, and tagged her ankle with a paw to let the Oni know she was there and to stop. Moru crouched down and Senri still needed to leap some distance to tap the pads of a paw to the oni's forehead. She could have touched anywhere and have it work, but applying it to the head allowed it to work much faster. The effects were immediate, Moru could feel her muscles tense and relax rhythmically on their own as they twisted and swelled. Her already well defined muscle bulged and grew and her entire form grew as well with it, making her still taller- an effect Moru wasn't expecting. Her muscles started to feel...antsy, like her mind was becoming irritated that she wasn't using them. She started to flex hard and stomp the ground just to quell the feeling and work the new muscle mass to help it settle in. She had already grown so much that when she stomped her feet her wood sandals blew apart on impact. Her massive thigh muscles flexed against Moru's now extremely tight pants causing the fabric to audibly groan, and her huge tight pussy was pressed into the material so hard it looked like the pants were painted on. The oni started to smash the pavement apart below her with her club to satisfy her muscles as her arms became obscenely muscular, but also longer than they should be. She felt a fire in her loins as well, riled up by the tight material and unleashed by the pants shredding to bits around the muscular pillars her legs are. Her tiger skin panties still hung on but Moru ripped them off herself to get at her hotbox. It was then she noticed her arms were unusually long, and her black nails had become claws! Before she could question it though, another wave of heat pulsed inside. Afraid of cutting herself on her own claws, and her vagina being a bit too hungry for just fingers, the oni flipped her massive club upside down and mounted the iron bumped shaft. It was hard to think straight, so she didn't notice her pistoning on the club seemed to only make her grow faster! Her horns grew out tremendously, going from nubs to arching around the entire top of her head. Her tusks grew huge as well, pointing straight out forward. She became so huge the club fell out when she tried to slide up again. It was too intense for her to stop so she desperately looked around for something bigger, and mounted a small-ish lamp post. Senri snicked to herself while enjoying the show. Did the oni really think she would help her? What was in it for Senri? Well, once the oni mindlessly drove out all the people in Kyoto- the city would belong to Senri.

After molesting street lamps, streetlights, and then grinding on stood-up transport truck trailers, Moru was so huge her head could be seen over a lot of buildings. Bones on her back started to grow out of the skin like a dire beast, and she developed a hunch due to the weight of her giant arms. The huge iron ring pommel of her club allowed it to hang like an ornament from one of her tusks. After grinding the cleft of her pussy against the corner of a building, she punched through it in frustration. She wasn't quite tall enough for the top corner so it didn't do enough for her. Dozens of people were rudely awoken tumbling along with debris of their smashed apartments, and then greeted with the unique sight of a slick, moist, ten foot long oni slit on-level with them several floors up. The thunderous boom of Moru's fist into the building alerted Lord Daisuke and Hatsuko of the woman who was once an oni- now turned Kaiju. Daisuke went to wake up Keiko only to stop when he heard the yiffs, moans, and squelching sounds from the bedroom. He had a feeling something was wrong but the kaiju stomping and...dry humping Kyoto was the priority for now- Keiko would have to sit this one out.

On the other side of the door Keiko couldn't hear, see, or think about anything other than taming the beast of pleasure that had grown between her legs. The gigantic labia prevented her from closing her legs even if she wanted to, and squished against the bed under her the fat rubbery flesh reached even a bit past her knees! Her clit was so monstrously huge she only needed to prop herself on the wall to bend down and suck on it- though it was both too thick and too sensitive to fully take in her mouth. It was shaped like a throbbing pink football, but much larger. She tried to use her legs to rub her lips as much as she could since they far exceeded the reach if her arms- all nine of her tails cradled the bottom portion of her labia. One hand massaged the base of her clit while the other penetrated into her passage as far as it could. Due to how big and pillowy it all was, both arms were buried practically to her shoulders in slick flesh. A shiny path of salty pussy juice practically covered her and spread out in a cone shape from her still growing vagina, over the bed, across the floor, up the wall, and then spraying every which way from the halfway point on the wall. In short- Keiko wasn't going anywhere anytime soon...but wasn't actually in danger.

Hatsuko grabbed up Daisuke in her talons and they flew from the mountain shrine straight over to Moru who was getting too big for the shorter buildings now and was heading deeper into the city, dripping soccer ball sized dollops of lube in her wake. Once the two attackers got close enough, Hatsuko swung Daisuke up at the kaiju's head. Daisuke landed beside the base of her right horn, using it to hold on he swung around as quickly placed several warding talisman on Moru's forehead. She flinched but was otherwise unbothered. If she was still a normal oni it would stop her, but she was infused with Senri's power, which the talisman do not ward against. Moru grabbed Daisuke to throw him off, not realising he was anything more than a bug. In his demi human form though, his giant balls caused even her hormone addled brain to pause. She actually stopped her advance on the city. Holding both of Daisuke's arms together between index and thumb she bobbed him up in down, marveling at the bobbing and heavy swinging of his tanuki nuts. Embarrassed at his predicament, he was glad he at least stopped her temporarily. Knowing they were outmatched, Daisuke flicked his banded tail toward her, and completely unseen to her a single grain of rice bounced off her forehead.

One became two, dozens to hundreds, to thousands. The wave of rice grains swirled about in the air before condensing into the form of Inari. Reacting more to feelings than thought, the force of Inari's colossal aura caused Maru to drop Daisuke immediately and move to actually attack Inari. The kami could not be killed by any mere mortal, however of Inari's powers none were violent. Drawing in the flavor of mochi from the moonlight, the potency of the night, and painting the liquid surface with the twinkling of starlight Inari created a titanic jug of sake. When Moru went to grab and crush Inari she instead caught the jug. She paused confused for several moments- barely retaining enough brain cells to process the fact she was holding a potent booze that was actually big enough to almost be a glass to her.

Inari smiled as it watched her drink, arms crossed as the kami drifted in the open air. "You can thank Susanoo-no-Mikoto for this recipe. Orochi-grade demon lord sake. Also poisonous, but I mean it isn't a good drink if it doesn't mess you up a little."

Moru drank the entire jug in two gulps, but dropped the empty jug to the ground as a new wave of dizziness took over. Unlike Senri's mental cloud, this one erased everything, including horniness and aggression, leaving her wobbling in place completely empty-headed. Inari wavered in the air for a moment and quickly looked down to see Senri far below on the street. Inari sensed an unseen attack from the fork tailed cat, and could easily sense the malicious, chaotic chakra from it.

"And so the true culprit reveals herself..." Inari sighed. "This is sort of my fault...I sent Keiko to bed without renewing the wards, which allowed these two to assault her within shrine grounds. Keiko would have been able to stop them easily."

Senri was about to attack again, knowing it wasn't in Inari's nature to be violent, but quickly froze up. A swarm of foxes stepped from the shadows around the feline, from under cars and lane ways. Some had three tails, some four, and one even had five. None were regular foxes, they were all Inari's kitsune. Senri quickly had to turn to her demi human form to counter and defend- unable to also keep Inari and the others off Moru.

Weakened greatly by the sake, Moru was wide open to attack. Daisuke once again riding in Hatsuko's clutches, gathered up as much power as he could manage and shape shifted himself into the form of a cudgel the length of a city block! Inari quickly motioned toward Hatsuko to empower her with the strength of a kami. Hatsuko blushed at the sight of the two bells at the end of the weapon's banded handle which was no doubt her master's transformed balls. The handle was far too large for her to even attempt gripping but she was able to use her power over wind to keep it aloft, spin it around and bring it down as hard as she could on Moru's head, completely knocking her out!

On the street, the kitsune disengaged Senri and scattered at the last moment. Senri was able to act just in time to leap backwards out of the way as Moru's giant head hit the ground and nearly crushed her. Before she could compose herself again though, Hatsuko lanced her talons into Senri's throat from behind. In a violent blast of wind, Hatsuko spun her around without loosening her grip, causing the talons to carve her head right off. Inari and Daisuke came up from behind Hatsuko to watch the decapitated body bleed out a black blood. The blood seemed to evaporate almost instantly, and the body itself started to dissolve into black vapor as Senri emerged from it in her cat form once again.

Hatsuko scoffed. "A warriors dream- an opponent you can keep butchering without ever killing. So how many lives does that leave you, cat?"

Senri scowled, but knew better than to attack at this point. "Six."

Daisuke crossed his arms. "Leave this area by dawn. If we so much as see you again, Hatsuko will hunt you down. From high up she can spot people from miles away."

Senri hesitated only a moment before vanishing into the night. Inari picked up the giant sake jug Moru emptied earlier and got to work drawing out Senri's dark magic to return the oni to normal, before they all return to the shrine to help Keiko the same way. In the jug it would congeal into a potent black brew- a wild night's drink for some brave soul.

Keiko woke up very groggy the next morning, smacking her hands down on the sticky moist bedding, thinking she wet the bed somehow. Then she remembered her crazy dream the night before with her mega pussy...then started to wonder if it had been a dream at all- the liquid pattern off the bed and up the wall looked a bit too familiar. Then she glanced out her window to see a chunk of the city in shambles with pussy juice strung about it as well.

"Did I......? Ah screw it, it's too early in the morning for this." And with that, she flopped back into bed face down in her pillow.

Moru woke up slowly as well, on the spirit realm side of a torii, with warding amulets on the sides preventing her from passing through it. She hazily remembered Senri betraying her, and only had vague memory of what she did after that. With a shrug, she looked around and found her faithful iron club.

Moru stared at it blankly for a moment before swinging it between her legs and blushing. "Wonder if it still fits...?"

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