No Such Thing As Too Foxy

Story by iplank on SoFurry

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Sh? is a young man who by luck gained himself a mystical friend fox, but now years later life has turned him a bit bitter, and its up to the cunning of the six tailed kitsune to turn things around.

Sho was was an average boy, to the point of being difficult to remember. He got along well enough with everyone but at the same time, never had many people who he would actually call a friend. His village was not very big but they held a wonderful festival every spring when the first rose bloomed in the village. To a child it was a huge gathering of wondrous colors and smells, and a chance to be with everyone from both school and their families. The first time Sho attended the festival he was too young to remember, but the second time he would never forget.

He heard some of the adults speak of legends of a fox spirit that lived for several hundred years, and for every hundred years it grew an additional tail and gained new powers. The chicken in the village had been turning up missing left and right, they knew it was a fox but no one had ever seen it, so it was exceptionally crafty. The children believed the legend right away and dared each other to enter the woods around the festival grounds to try and spot the spirit. Against the wishes of their parents the kids all slipped into the woods, though most did not go very far at all. The festival was held in the evening and went to the stroke of midnight, so the woods were pitch black. Red and orange light from fires and lights in the festival leaked into the woods in long lines formed by the tall, narrow trees and played tricks on their eyes. No one believed Sho when he came running back, claiming to have seen a fox made of flames, dancing across the forest floor. Every year he returned to the festival, and every year he would quietly slip into the woods to try and find it again. Every year he caught glimpses of it running, and eventually it stopped to look at him. After several years worth of encounters it stopped long enough to take on a solid body, and when it stepped out from behind a tree Sho seen that it had five tails! According to the legends that meant it was five hundred years old! The year after it approached him, and let Sho pet its insanely soft fur. Every year he would meet his fox friend and talk to it. Sho confessed secrets to it, told it his problems, his dreams, and his wishes. As he grew older though it became hard to find the time to attend the festival. He tried visiting the area on other days but the fox was no where to be found. The odd years he did manage to go though, the fox was waiting for him still. The festival itself lost its appeal quickly though- to an adult it was lackluster. The second last time he had gone it had turned into something worse. Now Sho stands at the gate leading into the festival grounds and isn't at all pleased by what he seen.

Teenagers and lecherous older men, drunk and rowdy. Much more modern music playing and much louder. It seemed crowded and so much louder than Sho remembered! He had to squeeze his way though the crowds there used to be young and old alike here. The festival used to be magical, so it just seemed cheap. He looked up at the sky but the abundance of lights now prevented him from seeing any stars like he used to. He was also bumped into rather hard by a teenager who lost his footing being goofy with his friends. Sho stumbled as a result at the exact moment an especially loud and drunk woman stretched her arms back, cheering for something. Her drink was still half full though, so not only did she unintentionally hit Sho in the face, she got her drink all over him! Not being one for confrontation, and just wanting to leave to find his fox friend, Sho was about to shrug it off. The woman however was quite apologetic and insisted he take a seat beside her, at a booth serving alcohol.

"I, uh, I don't drink. It is fine, I have someone I need to meet, so-"

"Nyaaaaaaah! Don't be silly! Everyone drinks or they would dehydrate, dummy." Her breath stunk of all the drinks she already had, and the slightly plump stand owner clearly appreciated her company.

The owner wore a happi and oddly had a leaf sitting on his head like an odd hat. The woman had long orange-red hair and deep brown almond shaped eyes nearly hidden under a large rice hat. She wore a white and pink kimono but it was not done up properly and the sash was barely holding it closed. The collar barely hid any of her more than ample cleavage.

"I meant alcohol."

"Oh. Well that's fine, he sells non alcohol drinks too...its just that no one else orders them." She made some hand gestures toward the owner to get him to prepare a drink for them both. "You look real sour. I hope I didn', look at that guy." Sho actually looked over thinking she was pointing something of importance out. "Bet he works out a lot. I would hit it."

Sho got up from his seat. "Right, well as I said I have someone to meet."

The woman grabbed him by the shoulder rather aggressively and pushed him back down onto his seat. "Come on, drink! I can't properly apologize. Like I was saying, I hope I didn't sour your time here at the festival. This is a wonderful event you know, don't let one thing ruin it for you." The drinks were placed down and she slid his to him with her fingertips to coax him to accept it.

"It was great, once. Now it just seems cheapened. People are just using it as a place to hang out normally and get drunk. They are all so loud! This used to be a peaceful place, where you could be with everyone, watch the stars and enjoy all sorts of foods. Now you have to practically ram people out of the way to get anywhere." Sho downed his drink in one gulp, cringing at the bitterness. "And you are part of the problem! Getting so openly drunk at an event like this, and your kimono is barely on! Have you no shame? I mean...not just toward others, but don't you even respect yourself?"

The woman sipped timidly at her drink, looking like a child in trouble with their parents. "I...guess this is a bad time to mention you got my drink." She smiled, holding up her glass. "Because this tastes remarkably like punch."

Sho threw his arms up in defeat and quickly got up to leave. "I accept your apology, but there is a lot more you need to fix that I can see. I have had it with this place, I just want to see my friend and get out of here."

Sho stormed off straight into the woods. He wandered around for a bit, having to go deeper than usual as couples were making out in several places within the woods. He was afraid he had missed it but eventually, the fox found him. He did not see it till the fox was nearly at his feet. He knelt down to gently touch it, telling it of his woes of the festival. When he spoke of the loud, drunken woman the fox seemed to bristle, tensing up a bit and flinching from his touch. It dashed forward a bit and then paused, looking at him as if to beckon him to follow. Sho chased after the six tailed fox as it wove around trees and under exposed roots like its body was made of water. Eventually it brought him up a steep climb he needed to use tree trunks to climb, and they exited the forest into a clearing. The yelling and modern music was muffled greatly here by the trees. It was far enough from the main site that you could see the stars again. Children and their parents sit in the grass within a circular sunken stone walkway that bordered the area. Families together peacefully talking and gently laughing as they enjoyed festival food under the stars. When Sho looked up at the star filled sky, bordered by the branches of trees filled with the new buds of spring, he felt as though he had gone back in time. The fox took off again and Sho had to hustle to keep up. It took the path leading back to the main events, but did not turn with the path and continued into the woods some way. Sho noticed there was a path nearly consumed by grass and roots, a path he never knew existed in spite of all the times he had come here. It ended in a small shrine in the woods, completely forgotten and overgrown.

The fox circled the shrine and Sho, stopping when it had him pinned against it. The fox knelt its front legs down looking like it was taking a nice long stretch, but its entire body literally stretched! It grew in size in all directions but especially its limbs. Its digits narrowed and lengthened into fingers, its claws shortened and broadened into nails. Its back broadened dividing its shoulders to form a human backside, and the spine arched like a human as well. Venus dimples on the lower back coupled with the quickly rounding rump and hips indicated it was clearly female. The fur turned to fire and seemed to be drawn to the head, forming very long red-orange hair, though its ears remained furry and unchanged. The hips were not too impressive but the ass itself was very well formed and round, and still capped with the six tails that had grown to match her size but did not change. As they grew the area from toe to ankle shrank greatly and broadened slightly as the shin swallowed its mass to grow much more, finally turning to human legs. Her skin under the fur was pale peach, but where the black portions of fur had been her skin was still black, making it sort of look like she wore stockings and gloves. Her beasts grew quickly, looking like two near-bursting water balloons, filling the space between her and the ground and forcing her to lift herself up more to make room. She sat up on her knees, whipping her hair back over her head to reveal the face of the drunken woman he met earlier. She held up her hand and her rice hat materialized in it to place back on her head. She gave him a fake pouting look and moved her fists in front of herself as if to close a robe that was not there, and a moment later her kimono faded into existence already clutched by her hands.

"You never visited this area of the festival. But neither does anyone it should be perfect~" When she wasn't shouting her voice was very deep and womanly.

He leaned back as her face was very close to his. "W-what" Sho was baffled, did she turn into a fox to impersonate his friend, or...was she always the fox?

She leaned toward him, forcing him to lean back as far as his back could take, and she was still so close he felt the warmth of her breath. "Most of the problems you have told me over the years are your own fault. You have to look at things more positively! Like that girl you were obsessed with before, Kajiku is at the festival right now you know."

Sho blushed bright red. "I wasn't...well I...OK I guess I was. She is really here? I didn't see her."

"Because you were too busy being a grump. She is still single too..."

"B-but I could never...I mean I am probably not her type, and it was been a few years since we even spoke to each other."

The fox sighed, vanishing into whisps of flame and appearing on top of the small shrine. She bent over so her eyes were right in front of his by only an inch.

"There is that attitude again. Maybe if you had a little more experience in the sack you would have the balls to ask her." She ran a hand down his shirt feeling up his chest. "If I recall, you said you are still a virgin." She slipped out of her touch and spun around but by the time he focussed on her she was once again on the ground, approaching him.

The fox asked him to have another drink with her. She swung her hat through the air that rippled as if it were made of water. She brought it back down to show him it was filled with a small pool of the night sky, and explained gleefully that she managed to scoop up some stars as well. Confused, and about to be force fed anyway, Sho grasped the hat and took a long drink. It was freezing cold but the taste was nearly non existent, as if it were the purest thing he could have put in his mouth. The fox happily downed the entire remaining portion and then looked at him as if expecting something to happen. It hit Sho like a truck, his head started to feel like it was spinning, his body became more relaxed in spite of himself and it was hard to think. More distressingly his penis became rock hard faster han it ever had.

The fox grinned wider. "If you don't want to get drunk on alcohol, why not get drunk on the night?" She moved closer to him as he leaned on a tree to brace himself. Her breasts were brushing his chest when she paused and lowered her voice. "My name is Keiko by the way, but you can just call me Kei, Sho."

She held his hand with her long narrow fingers and started to slip it into the huge opening of her collar but he pulled back just as his fingertips brushed hot supple flesh.

"Woah! What are you doing to me?! We just met...sort of..."

She smiled warmly, and grabbed at the bulge in his pants. "Oh really? I remember seeing you when you were no more than a baby! I seen you when you were a little boy, a teenager, and a young man. Why don't I help you become a full man now? I already know all your secrets, what exactly are you trying to hide?"

Sho groaned from her touch on his crotch. His penis was almost painfully hard, and felt bigger than it should be. It was true about what she said though- he told her all his secrets over the years, if he had anyone at all he would call a friend, it was the fox- and apparently Kei is the fox. He did not object when she pushed him down gently into a seated position against a tree, and started to take his pants off. When she was bent over tugging his pants off his legs her huge breasts wobbled wildly within their cloth confines. Sho felt an odd pulsing in his groin, starting deep in some untouched place, throbbing within his taint and up into his shaft. The veins projected from his shaft massively and hard as stone and his glans were looking a bit purple. With each powerful throb, his penis got a tiny bit bigger! He broke eye contact with her massive breasts and his penis relaxed a bit and stopped growing. When he glanced back she sat up and opened her kimono to show him her full form below but kept it on. Her massive perfect breasts caused his cock to return to its maximum tightness and resume its very slow growth. Every movement she made caused her breasts to swing or bounce- it was extremely hard to not look at them. She squat onto all fours and turned away, brushing him with all five ultra soft tails, guiding him with them on the return brush, to lay him on the ground. Already his penis looked a full inch bigger than it was supposed to be able to get!

She climbed on top of him like the fox she is, holding his chest down with her hands and carefully moving her plump mound over his pulsing, growing cock. She pushed it into the soft cleft of her outer labia and rolled her hips, teasing its head. She angled up and forward so his glans caught between the underside of her pleasure button and her soft folds. She rolled there more, pleasuring herself but torturing him. Because of the angle her torso was on he had a glorious view of her pussy and the fire red hair above it, the elegant curves of her body and the overly lush roundness of the underside of her breasts. Between her torment and the view he groaned loudly as his cock pulsed powerfully several times. He thought he had climaxed powerfully, but nothing came out and he did not soften- it was the opposite! He had grown almost another full inch in just that spurt alone! Digging its way back down her vaginal lips she pushed his much bigger cock back while staying forward herself. Once it reached the end of the line she finally plunged down, taking his entire shaft easily. She ground her pussy forward till his scrotum was pulled up to meet her cheeks with his balls, before rocking back, making sure to press down hard when she ground her clit on his crotch. Her tails danced over his legs like waves of soft fluff, and he had more than ample view of her breasts at all times, but the more he gawked at those huge masses the bigger his dick throbbed. Her passage milked his shaft, its muscular ribbing clearly having more than a little experience at this. As he grew, her tunnel had no problem at all accommodating his size, and its muscular innards were able to hug him just as well when he was smaller as it does now that he is bigger! She bent over him now, placing a hand on either side of his head, which put her huge breasts squeezed up on either side of his face. He maneuvered his head around, rolling his face on the soft mass till he managed to snag a stiff nipple in his mouth. Kei was an inch or two taller than he is, so she actually outsized him in most aspects, but each breast easily matched either of their heads in size. He had another series of strong throbs that felt like an orgasm, but wasn't. This time the growth was so strong Kei actually paused and lifted herself up a bit, and Sho felt like his entire essence was being drawn up into the base of his shaft. When Kei came back down she grunted and then moaned as her body quaked and her pussy felt like it was trying to pop his penis right off with the amount of force it clenched him with.

She grinned at him and raised herself up as far as her arms could and very slowly started to slide herself off his still hard shaft. Through the triangle opening between the cleavage of her breasts and himself, Sho's eyes went wide with surprise. Even the base of his penis was two times as thick as before and some of the veins looked as thick as a pencil! She kept rising and more and more shaft pulled out of her. She finally slipped off completely and the stiffness of the turgid shaft caused it to thwack down hard on his chest, actually causing a hollow thud against his ribs with the wet impact! It was halfway up his chest! The head was a purple-red and looked big enough to fill an entire mouth just on its own! It seemed Kei had the same thought, because she sat up on all fours between his legs and pulled his dick up straight again. To reach the head she had to get up on her knees straight and started to circle the shaft in two different places with her hands as her supple womanly lips cupped the end of his glans. She sucked gently, messaging her lips back and forth before plunging the entire thing in. Sure enough- the head filled her entire mouth, with barely enough room for her tongue to trace the groove and frenulum. She turned her head slowly from side to side causing her lips to drag around the corona, as that was as far as she was getting into her mouth. Sho groaned at the immense pleasure. It felt like every muscle in his entire lower body was clenched at every movement she made. He was panting and squirming from the unending service she was giving him, he could not believe he could last this long- but it was most likely a result of her magic. She brought her hands to the base of his shaft, one above the other, not entirely able to wrap around the girth. She closed her jaw a bit, squeezing the entire head between the boundaries of her mouth as she tugged hard on the base of his shaft. Rather than hurt, the base actually gave way to her strength! He cried out loudly as yet another false orgasm hit him and she pulled his shaft longer and longer, the shaft all the way to his prostate pulsing and throbbing wildly. She chuckled with his cockhead still in her mouth, and the vibration caused his growth to stop suddenly and his actual orgasm to begin. She had to swallow quickly as the head expansion and stiffening prevented her from pulling it back out, it was literally stuck! He could see her throat bulge out as shot after shot was swallowed, and with each huge load his veins became less pronounced, his penis got smaller, and he lost more energy. His penis was nearly back to normal when he lost consciousness- while still climaxing.

When Sho woke up he was laying face down on the counter of the stand he was at earlier, with the empty glass he had previously in his hand. He looked around confused and both the owner and Kei sitting beside him chuckled at him. Had the entire thing been a dream? Did he pass out from the contents of the first drink, or the second one? The look in Kei's foxy eyes told him it had not been a dream, and he believed his oldest friend. He wondered how no one noticed she was a fox, but her tails were completely hidden under her kimono, her ears under her hat, and only her black fingertips were barely visible under her sleeves when she reached for a drink. On his eyes' way up they paused to watch the lights dancing on the surface of several beads of sweat on her chest in the inner curve of her breasts, threatening to dash into the shadow of her cleavage.

Sho realized he was staring, blushed, and bowed. "S-sorry! I am still a bit uhm...flustered."

Kei waved her hand, passing it off. "If I cared about people staring I would have tightened my kimono long ago. People enjoy themselves in different ways Sho. The festival you knew and loved is still here, it just migrated to a smaller section up on the hill. This main attraction stuff may not be your cup of tea but you should still be happy. It means the festival can move on, stay relevant and please a new generation. The fact it is getting crowded only means the village is getting bigger, more prosperous. There was a time my shrine still got visitors, but that was long ago- before your childhood. Things change, but that doesn't mean they are getting worse or better, just moving forward. So, think you got what it takes to ask out Kajiku now?"

Sho shook his head, but smiled. "You have six tails...that means you are six hundred years old. If being with you has taught me anything, its that I don't need to rush into things like that. I need to slow down and just take thing in more. You knew these events better than I ever could, because you took your time to understand them, so you could appreciate them more. Thank you Keiko, for always being here for me."

"Just call me Kei I said! And don't be so serioussss. Its a festival- get smashed and fat, worry about it later." She grinned deviously as she moved closer to him. "Hey- know what they call a fox spirit who just had a good time?" Sho shook his head. "Kits-soon." Sho's eyes went wide and Kei burst out laughing, swatting him on the shoulder hard enough to almost knock him off his seat. "Just messing with you. Here, another round of drinks on me!"

"J-just punch for me. My head is still spinning from the last one. So...what now, are we, or?"

Kei almost choked on her drink. "Woah! Are you crazy, my boyfriend is right here!" Sho looked surprised at the stand owner who timidly waved. Sho gasped in realization at the leaf that sat on his head. "You know what they say about tanuki." She flexed her brows. "Just enjoy the night Sho. It will be another 365 days till I see you again. But I will be here like always. Maybe next time we can turn this into a threesome."

Both the stand owner and Sho looked at each other and groaned a bit. Sho would always attend the festival of spring each year, and always visit his sly fox friend. As odd as their friendship was, it was still as strong as any, and fortune would always smile on the boy and the fox.

Out Fox'd

An elegant woman in a white kimono walked carefully from a misty bamboo forest, stepping though a spirit gate to find the mist did not continue beyond. A small but ornate bridge crossed a small warm water lake to link the forest to a fair sized Asian...

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Boarish Taste

Shiroinami readied himself at the side of a river to catch and sell some more prize fish. He is a Kappa, so his green skin blends in with the brush at the river's side. His webbed digits were halfway between a turtle and human hands, so able to swim...

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Having struggled to get through her last adventure because of her lack of skill at shapeshifting, the now three tailed kitsune Keiko seeks help. She has refined her skill of seduction and learned to let loose and not allow her troubles to shackle her,...

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