
Story by iplank on SoFurry

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The kitsune Keiko seeks help from a lone itachi to train her to transform herself more adeptly. Learn from a pro how to turn skin to scale to feather, hand to hoof to fin! Fuku The Flurry knows it all.

Having struggled to get through her last adventure because of her lack of skill at shapeshifting, the now three tailed kitsune Keiko seeks help. She has refined her skill of seduction and learned to let loose and not allow her troubles to shackle her, thanks to Ame No Uzume and Inari. Keiko could transform herself as soon as she gained her second tail, but even now she has a hard time keeping fully transformed. A red white and black fish, a bird with a fox tail, or a human with fox ears- there was little point in transforming if it was obvious what she really is. It seemed like a very bad skill to be without, as over half the yokai out there had the ability to shape shift.

Keiko slowly made her way up a very tall mountain, having to pace herself and rest several times on the way up. As the air thinned she had to take very deliberate deep breaths, and the air stung her nostrils with how cold it was. The grass and vegetation became sparse and then absent entirely as she finally reached the jagged rocky peak. There was a huge stone temple carved from the peak, with huge stone pillars in place of walls the wind whistled constantly through it. On the peak of the temple was a huge stone statue of a crow standing on a gourd, holding a cord in its beak with five human skulls down its length. This was the temple of a Dai Tengu, a powerful demon of wind.

It was a marvel to look at to be sure, an entire temple that was essentially one stone, carved from the mountain it sat on rather than built onto it. Keiko seen a single large stone throne in the middle of it and nothing else- including no one to sit on it. The howling wind seemed to shift as she walked inside though, becoming more melodic- more deliberate. A sudden gale flew past her and as she put her arm up to shield her eyes, her forearm was split straight through! She vanished in a puff of smoke leaving a small log in its place as the real Keiko slipped out of the reflection on the wind-polished stone floor.

In a gust straight past her again, the master of the temple appeared in the blink of an eye on his throne. "You cannot evade forever kitsune. I can move faster than your eyes can ever hope to keep up with." He sprinkled out some red-orange fur from between his fingers, cut from her true body. "So why don't you tell me what you want, and I will say yes, or I will see how small I can cut your body before you actually die."

He took the form of an aged man with a short bristly dark grey beard. He was cloaked in a loose thread bare cloak, and wore a rice hat- though it had a cleft in it that revealed one eye with a scar down his face from a sword wound. He held a large, thick gnarled stick as a staff.

"An Itachi in a temple made for a Dai're lucky the sight in that one eye is all you lost."

He shook his head, looking down a bit. "I lost my gang, we travel in threes, but I am alone." In a flurry he took his true form. "And that is Kamaitachi for your information! The fastest blade in the world, I dare say even faster than master Susanoo, Okami of Storms." He struck the ground with the base of his staff and a huge scythe blade of condensed wind formed from the top. "The name is Fuku The Flurry."

A yokai born from an ascended weasel, they are kin to the blowing wind and extremely fast- they are also known to be the most proficient shape shifters of all. They can be very vicious, but they do so to be self serving- not because they are evil. In his true form he spiralled down his scythe and grabbed it at the bottom to prevent it from falling over since he was tiny compared to his human form. He still had a strip of bare scar tissue through the fur over his left eye- a wound from his fight over ownership of this peak. With a kick he flipped the staff onto the throne to sit between the two arm rests, and the scythe blade of wind vanished from it and appeared again in his mouth, in case he needed to slit some foxes.

Keiko explained she was not allied with any tengu, and came seeking training on how to shapeshift properly. Fuku sighed, at first wondering what incentive he had, but then being faced with the question of what else did he have planned today? With his gang dead he now owned a very opportune seat of power over the land, but without anyone to help him there wasn't much he could do. Kamaitachi hunted in groups of three and Fuku was currently solo.

Dispelling the scythe blade again he returned to his human form in a flourish. "This is a form I can freely play with. Humans have free reign over the land, and no one thinks twice about them being pretty much anywhere, so I suggest you start there. Let's see a human."

Keiko took on the form of a highborn woman easily enough. "I can do it, and I have before but...if I get distracted or a little drunk, I let parts slip easily."

Fuku nodded, narrowing his eyes at her. He was looking at the flow of chakra rather than her physical self. Her aura was compressed in as well, as if her aura and illusion had joined together to form a shell around her.

" are using way too much effort. Guess how much effort this form is for me? Virtually nothing."

"But why?"

He held out his arms and she noticed his hands did not show under the sleeves of the cloak. "Because I am literally a cloak, a head, and a hat. You can't see the rest, so why would I bother making an illusion of it? When it becomes exposed then I form the illusion. There is no point doting over details no one is going to even see. You are not wearing a cloak- and sometimes you can't be, so that is fine. What parts do you expose when your mind starts to wander?"

"Uhm...fur around my hands and feet, claws, tails and ears mostly."

"Right. So why not focus effort on those? You are using all your effort and concentration trying to keep the entire thing perfect all of the time. The number one rule about shape shifting? We aren't very different in the first place. Maybe there are a few more, maybe their size and proportions are different, but strip an animal to its muscle and bone and suddenly they all look pretty similar. You know what the difference between the embryo of a human and a fox is? Me neither- because it pretty much doesn't exist."

His form blurred as her arm was knocked up into the air by him faster than her eyes could see, and her skin turned black like her boots in fox form and nails turned to claws.

Fuku nodded toward it. "Can you tighten and release your digits? Your arm ends in a paw, theirs in a hand, but...other than shape, is there any difference between the two? The muscles that allow you to grip with your paws are still there, allowing you to grip with fingers. You do not need to concentrate anything at all on making them this way- because they are already that way by default. You do not need to build nails from the ground up with your mind, you only need to press the shape of your claws into nails. The only thing that requires any attention at all really is the colouration and fur- something that does not exist on the human."

Fuku stomped his foot and the ends of his shoes burst open as his nails quickly expanded into huge claws and then fused together into cloven hooves. He shifted his weight forward onto the hoof as his foot bulked and extended out to the ankle that was now elevated quite some bit, as a proper ungulate stance. He hoisted the pant legs to allow her better view as he kicked the remnants of his shoes away. The hair on his legs thickened and softened a bit but remained the same length as it turned to a fur coat, growing long only just above the hooves to form shaggy fetlocks like goats. Keiko followed soon after doing the same- she had taken the form of hooves once before to become a mare and seduce a stallion. She was able to transform the leg and hoof at the same time to go more fluently- Fuku could as well but did it in steps so Keiko could better observe. Fuku closed the gap of the cloven hoof, fusing it together into a horses hoof, broad and very solid. Seeing Keiko was keeping up well enough so far, he decided to do a more intimate change to challenge her.

With a smirk he tore his pants away entirely to work on his genitals, pausing to see if she would even mirror that much, but of course she did. Kitsune were known for many things, prudence was never one of them. Since he already wore the legs of a horse he cupped his scrotum and the balls within swelled in one fluent long motion, going from the size of small eggs to ostrich egg sized. As they grew the scrotum tightened with pressure then relaxed like waves lapping at a beach as the skin grew to accommodate, it also grew smoother and darker. The scrotum went from peach to an almost bruised purple colour before going to the true ebon flesh of equine. He grabbed the foreskin of his flaccid dick and in pulsing motion squeezed gently and relaxed his grip, and the cock swelled within in response. The foreskin grew thicker as well, becoming tremendously bulky, especially since the length of his dick barely changed at all during this. Again, as it swelled it darkened to black. He used his other hand and pressed down on the glans of the penis and flattened it as well as spreading it out, then pressed in over the urethral opening and pressed it in, though the urethra popped back up to about the same place, making it projected a bit from the rest. Now with a broader corona to grip he grabbed the end of his phallus and pulled more length out, leaving the bulky foreskin where it was as it was now a sheath. He pulled a foot and a half of shaft out before it paused a moment and he popped it out farther- creating a medial ring and transitioning from black to pink again on the later part of the shaft, drawing out another foot and a half. As a final touch he nudged the sheath back toward himself a bit so more of the base fused with his crotch. Fuku put his hands on his hips, proud of his 'little' creation and waiting for Keiko to make a move.

She reached her fingertips into herself and went to stretch herself larger but Fuku quickly stopped her. "Ah-ah. That is too simple just sizing up. I want you to do this, specifically."

"You mean a horse cock?"

"And balls. It isn't as hard as it first appears. Remember what I said about things not being so different. Different shape, colour, or size sure...but people come in different shapes colours and sizes too, they are still just people."

Keiko remembered the teachings of her master Juro- he had become one with all things and all things one with him. His body was just a vessel, he was the sum of his actions. His influence on the world and the cosmos, however small or hard to notice would remain forever, whether his body still existed or not. Now Keiko tried to translate that on a much smaller scale- how was a vagina and penis similar? First she pat her pubic mound sending a surge of change internally, drawing her ovaries out and imploding the womb entirely. Her labia bloated up under her touch and started to fuse closed from bottom to top in time to catch her ovaries in them like testicles. She was no surgeon- knowing the actual differences between testicles and ovaries was beyond her, but unless she planned on being cut open while transformed no one else would see the difference either. Both are classified as gonads. Once they were settled in she pressed a single finger between them to let them expand a bit and stretch the fused labia into a proper scrotum on either side. As she dragged her finger up it continued to fuse up till it met her clit and she stopped as it surged with size. The clit expanded to the size of a golf ball, while the underside cleft where the inner folders used to meet it deepened and a slit appeared as the urethra fully redirected itself along the underside. Already the proper size and shape to match glans now, she did exactly as Fuku had and with her fingertips gripped the corona and pulled a length of shaft out of herself. She was essentially turning her vaginal passage inside out- what had been a tunnel was now a shaft. Too smooth and pink at first, once it was at full length and she released her grip the skin puffed up a bit and relaxed, turning the proper colour. With a pulse up the shaft using the muscles that used to clench her passage closed she expanded several veins up the shaft and projected the urethral opening a bit.

Keiko walked up to Fuku, unintentionally 'crossing swords' as she lightly touched his balls. "There, final touch."

Fuku raised an eyebrow. "Why did you...? Oh, I see- you made them fertile." He smiled. "Clever. You cannot possibly hope to fully comprehend the inner complexities of the reproductive system in your currently-active imagination all at once, it would be impossible. But you don't need to know it all, if you can just 'trace' ones that already exist. That can be applied to anything, really. The power of a yokai is limited by imagination only- it ignores standard logic. Say I wanted to mimic someones scar..."

Fuku slammed a hoof into the floor and dragged it along, cutting the stone. He then bent down and picked the cut in the stone up off the floor, leaving the floor unblemished, and then placed the cut onto his own leg and it took the colouration of his skin. "There, scar. Or..." He pressed in on it and the middle of the cleft deepened and the sides became juicier and redder, till it was bleeding. "Now it is a fresh cut. Lets about this now- you shed skin and fur daily to make way for the new, yes?" He tossed off his cloak and held out his bare arms, showing her as the hair fell out from them. "Cast it off, we shall now wear a snakes skin."

Focusing on the segments of skin between where the hairs had grown, he expanded them out overlapping each other as they hardened and grew broader and broader. Halfway between flesh and the strength of a nail. The way they grew caused them to feel almost slimy when stroked downward because they were so smooth. Brushing against their flow however caused you to catch the farthest-broadest part of the scale, and since they are so numerous and thin it feels razor sharp. As Keiko mimicked his lead, Fuku made note that this was the easy way of doing it. Scales are not a replacement of skin they generally grow from the skin, like hair or feathers and cover it- there is still normal skin under them, but this way was easy and no one was going to know the difference. The scales on butterfly and moth wings were different from both these, as they were an entirely separate layer over their wings. Fuku's scales seemed to stand up, becoming arched in the middle and pointed at the tip, forming a hard ridge, showing her dragon scales. They then flattened again and fanned out at the ends, showing her fish scales. His image blurred a moment as his staff returned to his hand. With his free arm he flicked his arm out, stretching all his digits in the motion and then folding them back to rest against his forearm. After a moments rest, he fanned the digits back out now fused together with his arm by a membrane, making it a proto-bat wing. As the membrane bulked though the digits regressed and vanished into the thickening flesh and he was left with a whale fin! Behind him his long, true weasel tail formed huge and long, but as it lashed around it cast off its bushy fur. The tail lengthened and he curled the tip around toward his front and slammed the butt of his staff on it, splitting the end in half. The two ends expanded in width but only slightly in thickness, forming a small orca's tail.

"Now for the trickier ones..."

Fuku stood up straight and thrust forward his torso for her to observe. His abs and pecs stiffened and lifted out a bit, hardening like his do-it-yourself scales, and became more flat as they rose out, turning into the armoured plates of a turtle's lower shell. He hunched over when it was complete, having to spread his legs to allow room, since the shell did not bend at all. He extended the natural bumps of his vertebrae and spread them out into ridged plates, hexagonal in shape and darkened to a deep grey-green. He then cloned them, and shifted the new plates so they locked with the original ones, and then did it again, each at a further angle till he created the full dome shell. Hundreds of tiny ones formed the edges and bloated to the point of almost being round. Then big and small, all the plates fused together to complete the tortoise shell. The tallest part of the shell shifted up and it lengthened a bit as the plates on the front rounded a bit more like abs and pecs, and the segments became able to bend a bit individually- becoming the shell of a Kappa and enabling bipedal posture again. Keiko followed him step by step, though took much longer as she was not used to these changes.

Keiko giggled, causing Fuku to raise an eyebrow again. "Something funny?"

"Well look at us. Horse legs, dick and balls, kappa shell, one fin arm, whale tail, and fish scaled left arm. We look like a child tried to draw a new kind of monster and this is what they came up with, haha."

Fuku chuckled and shrugged. "Well this is just for learning- I wouldn't recommend using this form for...well, anything other than this. One last thing though, you must learn feathers. Again, like skin transitions to scale, scale is not at all far from feather."

Fuku raised his left arm and half the scales on it lost their colour and shed off leaving bare skin again. From the skin several short quills grew out. When they grew large enough they burst open and feathers bloomed from them, this was the natural growth process. He then demonstrated the easy way with the remaining scales on his arm. The scales grew long, and got a bit softer. As they lengthened splits started to form in the edges, growing immensely in number. The colour faded to brown as they completed. Leaving the centre as a spine, it basically turned into a quill and the rest of the scale cut into billions of tiny bristles becomes the body of the feather.

After Keiko finished both versions Fuku nodded to her. "Flying with them is an entirely different story. I use my speed to make my own wind and then glide on it. Kitsune can learn any elemental magic, so if you learned the ways of a kaze kitsune you could just shape the wind to lift you wherever, and just flap for show. If you gain enough mastery you can hollow your bones and reduce your body weight through other transformations and fly legitimately like the birds do but that is...a level of mastery I wouldn't expect from you for many, many years. Few do that, unless avians are their specific mastery and they don't shape shift to anything else."

"I did a bird a few times, for very short bursts mind you. I let the existing wind pass through my body, and only resist it when I flap my wings. It has worked fine just wouldn't fool tengu and other wind attuned creatures- since they would realize the flow of air is wrong."

Fuku nodded, returning to his true self, catching the staff with his tail before it knocked him on the head. "Whatever works for you. There are many different ways to approach it- the key is just knowing how LITTLE you have to do, to achieve it. Your problem before was you were just trying too hard. You were trying to create a perfect copy, when that is never necessary. It is an illusion- you need only fool them into thinking they see what you want, you do not actually need to become that thing. It is also a good idea to pick specific forms. Don't think you can perfectly mock every bird in existence- you wont. Pick one bird, one fish, one human, and so on. Kitsune can master many forms, but not as many as us itachi. Perhaps if you live long enough to achieve nine tails and become a kyuubi, then you might be able to match my number of forms. There was only ever one being to achieve mastery of basically every transformation, and he was a severe exception to

almost every rule ever created."

"Really? Who, another itachi?"

"No, I have only heard of him, so maybe it is just old legend. In China, a monkey born from a stone egg named Sun Wukong."

Keiko bowed her head before returning to her own true form as a three tailed fox. "Well, thank you for helping me. So many have helped me along the way, whether I asked it of them or not. People used to make fun of me because I was so serious for a kitsune, always trying to help people could I not help others? Seeing them smile makes me smile. You can't party with just one person. Why don't you come with me back to the forests? This place was hard won but you've no one else here."

Fuku shook his head with a small smile. "No. I won this temple, I will make it my own. I will take my blade and re-carve the statue up top, when other itachi see it flying by on bladed winds, they will join me. We are free spirits and raiders, the peaceful life in the forest isn't for us weasels. We fight for fat stomachs and to flex our stuff. Maybe some tengu will stop by and try to challenge me, kicking their ass will help me pass the time till more of my brothers find me, haha. Thanks for the offer though, little fox. Now go take my teachings-" He formed the scythe blade in his mouth again. "-and reap havoc."


Long ago in Nippon, a new litter of weasel kits were born into the world. Deep in their burrow the tiny kits did not have to worry about the wars of humans going on just outside on the surface. Their parents were skilled and swift and brought back...

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Fox Dance

First Verse : Keiko And Kitsune In the mid 15th century Nippon, the land was in turmoil. The poor rarely lived long enough to mourn their status as resource hungry Daimyo and Shogun taxed them into non-existance to feed their own coffers. War...

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(M/M Romance/Drama) This is a full novella, so here is a list of chapters to CTRL+F your way to. Since I really doubt you'll be reading 121 pages in one sitting. \*\*First Chapter; Friendship\*\* \*\*Second Chapter; The Depth Of A...

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