Fox Dance

Story by iplank on SoFurry

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How did the fox named Keiko become everyone's favorite seductress kitsune Kei? Follow Keiko on an epic adventure against another tyrannical Shogun as she fights to achieve her late master's dream.

This is a longer story so it is broken up into 7 chapters. For those who just want the fetish parts, you can just CTRL+F to the chapters each are in and skip the story altogether.

Male PE- 'Second Verse : A Plan Erected'

Female BE- 'Third Verse : Busted!'

Male TF Shiba Inu- 'Fifth Verse : Fox And The Hound'

First Verse : Keiko And Kitsune

In the mid 15th century Nippon, the land was in turmoil. The poor rarely lived long enough to mourn their status as resource hungry Daimyo and Shogun taxed them into non-existance to feed their own coffers. War between these leaders happened at the drop of a hat and territories shifted like the sands on the shore. One small kitsune set out to fulfill her fallen master's distant wish of Nippon being united under a single banner, and end the constant warring. As crafty as a fox spirit was though, she was yet to have much power, and was still merely one against a million. Between that and her general lack of a plan made her efforts ineffective.

Keiko walked the cobble road through a well off village, close to the capital where the Shogun Kasai Giochi sat in his castle- won with the blood of thousands. Keiko seen the joyful faces and haughty attitudes of the people she past along the road- few paying any heed to the red fox dashing along the side. How foolish they were...their good life now could end in a heartbeat should another Shogun attack. Goichi kept this area safe by merit of his brutality alone. Keiko slipped down a sloping path to her right, leading up to a small shrine to Inari.

The priest there unlike the people along her voyage, gave pause when he seen the fox approach. She stopped right in front of the shrine and sat there looking at it as if in prayer, and the priest knew it was more than just a fox.

"Your presence is welcome kitsune. What brings you here?"

Keiko's tail split into two revealing her true self, and her fur lifted into a flurry of flames, clearing to reveal a human form. She took the form of a beautiful noble woman, though her ears remained those of a fox, two tails still danced under the back of her dress, and her lower arms and legs were black like the fur there had been. What had been a tiny metal sliver hidden in her fur as a fox was now a sword partially hidden across her lower back bound in the sash. Her former master's sword Suimintetsu 'sleeping iron'.

"I have come from Shogun Matsumoto Yoshiro's land to the north...I heard grave news that Kasai Goichi plans to overthrow it?"

The priest stroked his beard in concern, but shrugged. "I know not of such matters. The Shogun would not tell a mere priest of his war plans, now would he? I take it you've the intention of stopping him?"

Keiko looked blankly a moment in thought before bowing slightly. "If I can. I was taught the harshness of such conflict, and that region is finally calm now again from the last usurpation..."

The priest chuckled, pointing at her fox ears. "You may want to conceal your form a bit better then. A woman might sneak into his castle, but certainly not a kitsune. Your kind have a...well storied reputation."

She lowered her ears in shame. "I cannot. I only grew my second tail a short while ago, my shape shifting isn't quite at full power yet, this is the best I can do for any length of time. I can completely transform but it takes so much concentration that I risk screwing up if I hold it for long."

The priest nodded in understanding and told her to wait, as he went inside one of the shrine buildings. He returned with a rice hat, handing it to her. She placed it on her head, and seen the brim was just wide enough to hide her ears, and thanked the priest for his kindness. The priest noted she was very calm and well mannered, traits completely unlike the standard kitsune. He offered her a small bottle of sacred sake, telling her to wait till the sun waned here at the shrine and drink of the sake. The priest advised she take a look around from a different perspective and perhaps she would find what she sought.

Not sure how to approach her task otherwise, she followed the old priest's advising. She watched in the afternoon sun as several kids played in the fields dividing the shrine from the main roads. It was a place always safe for them to frolic in, so not uncommon at all, but she seen something that surprised her. One by one was called away to return home by their mothers in anticipation of the return of the man of the house. They were all commoners, except one. There was one who clearly belonged to a noble house, playing with the common children! That...virtually never happened.

Keiko drew deep breaths in the calm of the shrine. It reminded her of a forest long ago, where her master Juro lived. When the sky turned orange around the setting sun, she popped the cork on the bottle and took a quick drink, noting the flavor was quite soft and flowery. Nothing happened though. There was no revelation, no divine signs. Keiko looked around, trying to figure out what he meant by looking from a different perspective...did he mean climb to higher ground? Climb the shrine building maybe? When she looked at the torii it hit her! She is a yokai, she should be able to pass through a torii like other spirits- and use it to enter the spiritual plane! She dashed through it and immediately felt something different. The air was fresher, the aura calmer, and a feeling indescribable. On this side there was not so much as a spec of dust on the shrine grounds, everything was in pristine condition like the day it was built. No humans were visible on this side, but Keiko's breath was taken away as she seen Inari standing where the primary shrine had been on the mortal side.

Inari smiled to her, and made a toasting motion with a much larger gourd of sake it drank from. Inari is the kami of rice, sake, and foxes. A master of full cups, full plates and good times. After Tsukuyomi went and killed the kami of feasts, Inari was who all the downtrodden flocked to, seeking mercy for their empty guts. Keiko prostrate herself before the kami, introducing herself and what she had come to this region seeking. Inari was more than willing to share a drink with her, but seemed to have little concern about the 'why' of her presence. She tried desperately to make it understand how dire the situation was, and how good her cause was, but Inari remained undaunted.

The Okami explained that violence was not within its nature, and that it would not actively get in the way of these mortal matters one way or the other. It was surprised that Keiko did want to intervene though- kitsune were normally about having fun regardless of the consequences, yet she was stern and disciplined. Keiko told Inari of her old master, of Juro's sad tale, and her carrying his wishes on her shoulders in his wake. Inari sighed, saying that she could never achieve her goals weighted down by such hefty dreams. She would need to let go of those goals in order to achieve them. The cryptic words confused the kitsune, causing Inari to sigh again. Unable and unwilling to help her in this particular goal, Inari instead directed her to someone who would, not wanting to send a beloved fox away empty handed. It directed her to another shrine in the shop district of the town, one that worshipped Mishaguji, kami of fertility and borders.

And so Keiko bid Inari farewell, and set out for the shrine quickly. Not wanting to waste any time she took to her full fox form again to run faster, and remained in the spirit realm knowing the other shrine would have a torii to cross back anyway. On this side there was no humans, so there was no traffic to slow her. If the rumours were true, another war was about to break out. She had to stop it!

Inari's shrine had not been especially big, but compared to it Mishaguji's was practically portable. She took a humanoid form again as she arrived, and cringed at the sight of an oddly phallic shaped white snake sitting on the shrine proper. Was it so poorly tended that it had become infested with pests? It was a good thing her concerns were not voiced however- as the snake took its humanoid form as the kami Mishaguji himself. His head was shaped like the glans of a penis, though he had a nose and mouth below. He still had a long tail like in his snake form, and his skin was white as snow as he sat casually, open-legged on his shrine asking what she came for. If she were here for simple tribute she wouldn't be on the spirit side of the torii.

As odd as his appearance was, Mishaguji was still a well known kami, so Keiko bowed low. "My patron Inari sent me here, on my quest to stop the shogun. There is disturbing word that Kasai Goichi plans to invade Matsumoto Yoshiro, whose territory I hail."

Mishaguji pounded his fist down on the shrine below him, shaking the small shrine violently. "How dare he! As the kami of borders I am constantly affronted by these petty squabbles over land. Instead of nurturing the land they have, they work it into the ground and simply take from their neighbours!" With brow still furrowed, he paused to think long and hard on the matter. "Mine is not a power of violence, but I can enforce or create boundaries. I have a plan- and since you are a kitsune you should have no trouble enacting it."

Keiko nodded, drawing Suimintetsu enough to show him the glean of its blade. "I can sneak into the castle quickly in the form of a simple fox and am skilled enough to kill any guards who find me."

Mishaguji almost choked on his own tongue. Never has he known a kitsune to leap headlong into violence! "W-what? That is a terrible idea! You'll be swarmed by a hundred thousand men if you so much as look at Goichi the wrong way! Besides, isn't it sort of counter productive to try and prevent a battle by starting a battle?"

Keiko blushed, fully sheathing the sword again. "W-well yes, but..."

Mishaguji leaned down toward her. "Listen, I can teach you some magic you can use to squeeze information out of one of the Daimyo working under Goichi. We need to learn if these whispers you have heard are true or not. If Goichi does plan to attack, the Daimyo under him would presumably know. And you are in luck, the most trusted of these lords lives in this very town. The Sengoku Daimyo in this town's castle is Nakatomi Tessai, and he is the closest to Kasai Goichi, because he is married to his elder sister Euiko. The wedding was to secure balance of loyalty, so naturally I knew about it. Once you know of the battle, dig deeper to find out where and when. You may need to go to Goichi's own castle for be very careful. And stealthy! You can shape shift- use that, not a blade. Once you have the battle whereabouts relay the information back to me. I will send word quickly to the north to alert them of the coming attack, and when it happens I will use my own power to shatter Goichi's army into sections by raising barriers up under their feet. Divided, they will fall to the north, and the north shall take the south instead of the other way around. And hopefully my more direct intervention will cause other shogun pause when they would plan a battle- knowing they are angering the heavens."

After a slightly embarrassing lesson on some of Mishaguji's magics, Keiko was armed with what she needed. It would seem even the kami expected a personality very different than what they found in her. With a bit over two hundred years under her belt, it certainly would be nice to practice her own powers and have fun or play tricks but she had no time to be selfish. She had a mission to carry out and the human wars left her little time. To get into Tessai's castle here in town though, she was going to have to step well out of her comfort zone.

Unlike a Shogun, the Daimyo's castle was considerably smaller. Well kept and clearly of high value still however, and patrolled by guards. Keiko noted the guards only stood at the outermost wall- there did not appear to be any inside of the castle. She took the form of a red squirrel to climb a tree with ease and get a good look at the building from just outside the main wall, spotting someone with two female slaves nearby, just under the lip of the roof by the zen garden- most likely Tessai. Satisfied with what she has seen, she returned to the ground and took a human form as she rounded the corner of the outer walls. She created a dress of decent cloth, but created it so the bottom looked weathered- as if she had been travelling in it for some time. The guards immediately spotted her. Normally they would aggressively take her and throw her back, but her beauty gave them pause. She looked like a noble, which made her fit in a little better, but Lord Nakatomi was not expecting audience with anyone.

When the guards apprehended her and gave her the chance to explain herself, Keiko told them she was one of Matsumoto Yoshiro's concubine, fled here to the south. She said she would rather die trying to escape than kiss Yoshiro once more, so she came here seeking a better master. A story a bit hard to swallow, Keiko knew, but it was Mishaguji's plan. As soon as she said she had belonged to Yoshiro the guards looked to one another nervously. When she was done speaking there was a hushed exchange between them before they took her arm firmly and took her to Tessai, with one running ahead to alert their master before the outsider arrived.

Tessai himself almost made Keiko sick. He was so....soft! His skin was smooth and fragile like a woman's. He had been wearing those costly silks for so long he probably didn't know what armour looked like. And this was one of the people ruling over the people? He stood there in his fancy clothing, cooling himself with a paper fan with a relaxed expression he probably wore since the day he was born. He sat at the cushion on the end of a table calmly, inviting the guard to let Keiko do the same on the opposite end. The guards took position on either side of Keiko about a foot back from her, clacking the base of their naginata on the floor to remind her they are there. She could also hear the clack of bamboo from the fountain in the zen garden, and more prominently a female slave playing a koto in the rear corner of the room. In spite of herself, Keiko bowed deeply before taking her seat.

"One of the Shogun's concubine escaped with her life, and fled all the way here? That surely must have been a difficult journey. And at least a weeks travel..."

Keiko nodded. "Yes, I was saved by his poor security alone. He is so arrogant and relaxed I doubt he noticed my absence till I was already outside of his borders."

The Daimyo leaned in, clearly interested. "Poor defences you say?"

"Not all of them, his fore guard is very strong, but if an enemy force were to look hard enough and find one of the openings they could march straight through to his doorstep almost completely unharmed. I mean, I am but a mere concubine and I got through just fine."

Tessai nodded a bit absently as he pondered things in his head. "And you come here seeking...a new master?"

Keiko shrugged. "I know little else than the art of love, and how to keep a lord's company, but the north has become weak and pathetic. I can already tell from what I have seen on my way here that you are much more powerful and wealthy, which means you must also be much more intelligent. I would so enjoy being taken by a true leader such as yourself." She forced herself to blush, looking bashful and fluttered her eyelashes subtly.

Second Verse : A Plan Erected

Though the guards rolled their eyes at it, Tessai clearly did not read too far into her request. He ordered the guard shift themselves to outside the door, so that he may break in his new pet. It would seem they would have the other slave as an audience, as Tessai did not feel the need to send her away...or allow her to stop playing the koto. With an inward grin, Keiko held up an ordinary rock she found on the way to the castle and told Tessai it was a magic stone she stole from the other Shogun, and would gift to him. A stone with the power to enhance a man's cock, and allow him to cum longer and more often. Keiko had to force herself not to laugh when the slave in the corner missed a string on overhearing that. Tessai was not convinced such witchcraft existed, let alone in an ordinary looking rock, but Keiko told him he need do nothing but turn the lights out and let her go to work on his dick. To this much, he had little to argue. Little did he know she was getting him to turn the lights off so he wouldn't notice when she let some of her fox traits out to ease the difficulty of keeping this form, and so he wouldn't be able to clearly see what she did to him.

Plenty accustomed to being taken care of with no effort on his own part, Tessai was quick to lay back and let her do whatever. Keiko got onto all fours and shook her head to loose all her long silky black hair, and then slipped open her dress to let loose her impressive bust. The first breast popped out from its weight before the dress was fully open, and then the second bopped into it causing them to both jiggle off each other. Her perfect tear shaped mountains projected much more forward than out, so there was a nice clear valley of flesh between them still, and each capped with a very dark, puffy areola and nipple. When she sat up from her knees, Kei did so with the sash of Tessai's robe in her mouth, undoing his robe and bringing into fully view for him, the long narrow curves of her lower body and the neatly kept patch of hair just above her mound (which for this era having neaty kept pubes was like seeing a unicorn). Keiko was half a virgin- never having had sex in the form of a human, though she mated with a fellow fox before ascending to the form of a yokai. She made a note that his penis was the same length as palm to long narrow fingertip on her hand. He had not much pubic hair and his balls were rather smallish as well- not much of a man it would seem.

Keiko made a show of holding up the stone in her other hand as if to evoke some power from it, when in actuality she was using her own power in the form of the fertility magic Mishaguji had taught her. Tessai felt it deep within his taint, almost as if something were moving through it up out of him, but more gentle. It was a stiffness like no other he had in his package. His dick went from just erect to sticking almost straight out from him stone hardness. Several powerful throbs later it felt like his body was trying to force way more blood into it than could possibly fit- which was also visible from the deep purpling of the glans. With each throb the veins seemed to bulge more, and ones that were not even visible before surfaces, webbing the entire shaft. His erection became slightly painful, but that was when she put the stone down and grabbed the base of his shaft. The silken touch of her feminine hands was immediately soothing on the phallus. She made a few very gentle strokes, only firm enough to shift some of the veins under the skin as it passed over, before she grabbed firmly the very base and gently tugged. The shaft slowly started to stretch out without losing any girth, as if she was somehow pulling more cock out of him.

She knelt down to kiss the swollen glans after pulling at least four inches of length out of him, and then also kissed either of his small balls. As soon as her delicate lips made contact with his balls, they were filled with a warm pleasurable tingling that did not show any signs of going away any time soon. Wasting no more time Keiko raised herself up, scooting forward a bit before lowing herself down onto his now much longer dick, taking it into her moist mound easily. She leaned back as she finished taking his entire length and he could see a slight bulge on her lower gut, where his dick was actually poking from on the other side- which only made him even more aroused. Every time she pulled up, the velvet walls of her vagina dragged opposite his glans, causing a pulse of pleasure. He did not notice at first, but with each pulse he felt his balls against his inner thighs more and more as they grew with her magic as well. His formerly loose scrotum drew rounder and smoother as their contents bloated and grew heavier, trying to drag it lower. Soon his balls were bouncing almost as actively as her breasts as she rode him vigorously. Her soft moans and giggles were like sweet music.

When she felt he was close to peak she slid completely off, getting down on all fours to press her soft breasts into his chest, and pressed the folds of her pussy into the top of his shaft and used the cleft to tease him toward completion. Tessai was of coarse unaware that she actually did this because his size now exceeded her ability to take him- his shaft growing several more inches, and as the throbbing became stronger it now increased in girth as well as if bloating from the massive load it was struggling to hold back. She paused and sat completely down on his groin just in front of the shaft, as he was so close at this point he would cum regardless of what she did. She pushed back, causing his shaft to rest along her back and help him realize finally how big he had become. She leaned back against the shaft, and brought both hands back behind herself to cup his softball sized balls and massage them gently. He erupted powerfully, and because of the downward pressure she was putting on his dick from leaning on it, the pressure and strength of the cum was exemplified. After almost ten minutes of catching their breath, she finally got off him and Tessai was able to examine himself up close. His dick was as long as his arm after returning to a half erection!

"What an amazing stone you have deprived them of! You will do nicely in my service here. I will need you to turn me back for now though."


"My...penis? I certainly cannot remain this size all the time."

Keiko shook her head. "But my lord, you should have said as much while I was using it. The stone only works to cannot take away endowment."

"What?! I cannot go around like this! Argh! Fetch me a clean robe, I need to have a shower and figure out what to do about this now."

Keiko looked a bit sheepish, even though in reality she knew all this would happen, and could turn him back if she wanted. "Immediately my lord, but where is your chamber that I may fetch it?"

Tessai gave her directions to his personal chambers and she hurried off. Tessai struggled to his feet, his massive thick cock swinging like a pendulum below him and his huge nuts acting like small anchors.

The woman in the corner chuckled at him. "Well now you've really got balls. Too bad you'll never fit that in your wife Euiko. Or...any woman for that matter. A hear there are a lot of nice horses in the area though." She gave an exaggerated shrug.

Tessai turned to her with a hateful scowl. "If you did not play such sweet music I would have had you thrown to the streets you wretch."

She shrugged off the comment and stood up, resting the koto. "I don't recall needing your permission to be here. I could...have the Shogun revoke your position, if you proffer? You realize the woman just went to your bedroom to search your shit, right? She isn't coming back."

"What?! D-dammit, then I will have my guards find and kill her. There is no way she will escape back to the north."

"I will stop her. She is a shapeshifter just like me, your men won't be able to catch her. That is why the Shogun gave me leave to chill out in your dump, he figured I would be needed to clean up one of your messes eventually, and lo and behold."

Third Verse : Busted!

Keiko moved quickly- the clumsiness of her haste was covered by several rolls of thunder as a storm quickly approached from outside. Because the sun was well gone by now, the storm made it absolute pitch black out, it would be difficult navigating out there for humans. In her fox form though her eyes should still be able to cut through the night. There was plenty of documents around the room, but she found the one she needed- the most recent one from Kasai Goichi. Sure enough, there was a plan to invade the north. From the sounds of it, this region wasn't even short on anything, they were invading just for the hell of it! Keiko knew better than to backtrack in the castle and instead opened a window to slip out. She would need to remain in human form to better navigate down- hands were very useful for that.

Keiko slipped out just as it started to drizzle out, the storm just barely having arrived. There was no guards on either side of the castle because it was bordered with forest and there was no entrances on either side...not including windows. There was guards on the back of the castle still though, as there was a stable there and a winding forest path used only by the Daimyo's riders. Keiko did not see the figure at all, as there was also a steep slope down into the woods on either side and he stood just over the lip of the slope. The first thing she seen was the glint of metal of the wrong end of a naginata.

The samurai huffed at her with a wry grin. "Leaving so soon?" He paused, but spoke once more before Keiko could think of a reply. "Oh don't look so worried, I am not an unreasonable man...aside from your little magic trick, I like what you did in there. Give me a ride, and I couldn't care less where you go after."

"Seriously?" Regardless of what he said, she would still expect a blade to swing at her throat as soon as she turned her back to him...but doing him a favour would likely still make this easier.

The samurai nodded with a half-shrug, and started to unbuckle some of his armour. "Sure. You are a woman, the most harm you can do is with your mouth. Goichi's men gather and move slowly toward the north awaiting orders...regardless of what I do, you wont get close enough to the border for anyone in the north to hear you. If you don't return north, I don't really care what you do. And you get off clean because you will be on the winning side when the shit hits the fan." He gave a glance toward the castle. "As for pillar-dick in there...lets just say that was punishment for his lack of security."

" not serve Nakatomi Tessai?"

He shook his head, pointing to the mark of the Kasai Clan on his armour. "I am here more as a vassal of Kasai Euiko. Tessai is a lack wit pretty boy."

Keiko motioned around. "Should we not go inside somewhere then? A storm is on us."

The Samurai shrugged with a smile. "But I love the rain. And that armour gets stuffy after a while."

The Samurai finally removed his dick, already fully erect for her, but unlike the Daimyo, he did not wait for Keiko to make the first move. He yanked the sash of her dress open, grabbing one of her breasts and using it to lead her around so her back was to the castle wall. The rain was refreshing on her scalp but caused her to flinch slightly each time a new drop touched her bare breasts and stiffened nipples, till they were completely wet and accustomed to the coolness. The rain started to increase, creating a steady pattering sound against the forest leaves. The man smiled at the sight of her bush.

"No underwear at all? Tsk, naughty naughty girl."

He grabbed her by the throat quickly, lifting her right off the ground in an aggressive sweep and slammed her back against the wall. Keiko tried to gasp for air but could not, till he lined himself up and lowered her on his dick, before finally releasing his grip. He was fucking her against the wall, standing up. The rain added to the sensation of his impressive dick pounding her mound aggressively as the water runoff from both bodies pooled there before falling free of them. Her breasts heaved along with her body- his thrusts were strong and he was taller than she was, so between his dick and the wall, Keiko wasn't actually touching the ground.

She didn't even notice at first from the suddenness of the situation, but her breasts plumped up with each thrust! Each powerful penetration her breasts bounced a little less high, and fell with a bit more weight. The nipples engorged and dark, her areola started to puff up from the pressure behind them from an unknown magic. Keiko was equal parts surprised and aroused by his aggressive actions and kept eye contact with him the entire time, trying to read him but failing to. His expression was hard, as were his actions but she felt no anger at all from his aura. She could sense malice from someone nearly a block away without even looking directly at them but she felt none here. His hair was short and bristly but Keiko's hair was matting up from the water, clinging sexily to her form, as if to further decorate her already beautiful body. The slope of her breasts became more and more pronounced. She felt the difference already by now- the weight was immense. She did not want to break eye contact with him, but at this point did not have to- her breasts projected so far now that she could see them and his face easily. Her boobs took up most of the space between them!

Taking his hands from her hips he let her feet slide back down to touch the ground as her weight was getting too much for his thrusts to hold up against the wall. Not bothering with words he grabbed her wet hair and yanked her to the side, letting the weight of her massive breasts drag her down onto all fours. Her nipples brushed the ground before her hands made it. Before she could even get her barrings he flipped her sopping wet dress skirt to the side to fuck her doggy style. Again, he was aggressive and his crotch pounded against her soft round butt forcing her entire body to rock forward against even her more steady stance. Her breasts shifted weight heavily but actually did not move a whole lot save for a tremendous amount of jiggling- the nipples were pressed into the ground below her steadying them. She moaned and closed her eyes, feeling the cool water trace its way through her hair, trailing down her collar and mapping the curvature of her extreme bust, now big enough to surpass any natural pair anywhere in the world. They pressed firmly into the ground, rippling violently with each thrust. Eventually the pressure was forced to shift to the sides as they spread out against the ground and pushed out on her arms, forcing her to bend them more and more, relying more and more on resting her body weight on her breasts instead of her arms.

To her shock, soon they heaved her palms right off the ground even if she had fully extended her arms! She was now cradling and softly caressing the extremely taught curve of her breasts- pulled extremely tight by her weight pressing into them, forcing them to spread out. Her back started to arch back from the force of his thrusts and her still growing tits, lifting her front half higher and higher up while her lower body remained in the same place. By the time he hilted into her and held as he came, her breasts were so huge her entire body was cradling them!

He sat cross legged beside her catching his breath as she caught her own. He pressed in gently on her boob with a finger before smiling at how firm it was and then slapped it. He slapped pretty lightly but the moisture and angle were just right to still create a very loud slapping sound, and he still left a pink hand print in his wake. Keiko's body wobbled as well, being held aloft in the crevice between breasts.

"Impressive rack you have there. Maybe you should have stayed with Tessai after all? Your cleavage might actually be a good fit. Two cows side by side still couldn't compete with those."

"So, you have magic of your own, huh?" He just shrugged modestly so she continued. "So...turn me back and I will get out of your hair?"

"Ooooh, sorry! You should have said something sooner- my magic only grows, it doesn't shrink."

Keiko gave a shallow laugh. "Well, I am a shape shifter, so when I don't like a form, I just take a new one!"

Keiko quickly reverted back to her true form, but barely landed on her paws before rolling to the side from the sensation of all her nipples bouncing on the ground! The size shrank alright- but remained comparatively big to her body. Matching the length of her fox legs she still had huge breasts, except as a fox she had four pairs of boobs instead of just one! They were so numerous and so large that she couldn't bend her torso at all! In fact, her back was forced in a slight backward arch from the pressure between all her boobs squeezed together. Her white underbelly fur covered them still, except her painfully erect little pink nub nipples, which were being forced into the ground when she tried to stand. She fell to her side squirming, trying to move and undo this change to her body but she could not. She looked especially pathetic with her fur all mussed from the rain.

The man laughed and vanished into a black haze, dropping his true form to the ground. A three-tailed pure black kitsune. "Only got two tails? What a shame, little kit...that means you have zero chance of being able to dispel that magic. Mori kitsune I am guessing? Forest kitsunes don't come around here often, and you failed to recognize me as a kitsune myself." He gave a slight bow. "I am an Ongaku- music type kitsune. Because my magic is a bit different from yours, it makes it even less likely you'd ever be able to resist my spell. Personally I would take a human form for that. At least you have a chance of moving...a bit....slowly. In any case, enjoy the feeling of those jiggling mountains, it won't hurt."

Keiko returned to a human form, but took the form of a commoner woman so others would not identify her, for all the attention she would be getting now, as her bust exceeded the ability of any normal garb, forcing her to restrain them with a huge inner layer of cloth wrapping, and just letting that hang out of the outer clothing. She could not remain standing straight for more than a half second, and had to use her own magic just to keep them from completely anchoring her to the ground.

Keiko was quite for some time before speaking up, glaring at him through heavy strands of wet black hair. "Why are you doing this? Why would you get in the way of one of your own?"

He huffed at her, turning and flicking water from his tails at her. "That should be my line! Here I am living the high life in a good region, under a powerful Shogun who isn't going to lose ground to no one anytime soon...and along comes a troublemaker. Why are you getting involved with a human bout? Who cares what happens to them."

"I do! My master's dream was to unite the land, and free it from these constant wars! You ask what I am doing getting involved with humans, while you act as the lapdog of a warmonger!"

"Humph. My loyalty is to whichever the winning side is. As soon as he looks like he is losing, I pledge my loyalty to the victor. Human leaders would love a little fox magic to back up their army. I live in luxury while doing next to no work at all, and when things go south I just jump ship. That is just the way the music plays."

"So you're spineless, is what you're saying. I am trying to save lives and achieve my master's dream, and you'll get in the way of that, just so you can mooch off some people? You're disgusting."

He was a little taken aback by that, turning to face her fully again. "Woah, woah. Don't hold other people by your rigid standards. We are yokai, we do not follow human's code of honour- I don't owe them anything. Maybe those tits will help you loosen up a bit, you certainly need it."

He jumped up onto her massive rack, and before she could reach up and grab the black kitsune he spun around, slapped her in the face with all three fluffy fox tails and jumped into the shade of the forest, vanishing entirely as his fur wore the same colour as the shadows.

Fourth Verse : By Night She Rides

By now most people had gone to sleep, and even if they didn't the storm would have driven them off the streets. The rain stated to come down even heavier, creating a soft rhythmic slapping sound of water against the earth. The lightning flashes seemed to come from all around, dancing between the clouds, and the thunder was a long rumble almost like a growl. A fitting song for the fury in Keiko right now. She used Raijin's drumming as an external focal point to cool herself off. Her master Juro was an expert at keeping his cool, and forever remaining tranquil. Between the fact her mountainous boobs were very insulating and the heat generated from the effort of trying to carry them, Keiko needed the rain to counteract the warmth. She walked around town, hunched over a bit with her breasts swinging gently from side to side as she walked. The stables were closed- the stablemasters gone to sleep. It was a days walk to the Shogun's castle from here at absolute best, but carrying these monumentally huge breasts would make that more like a months walk. She could use them to her advantage to seduce someone into lending her a steed to ride there with but not if everyone was asleep! She had no money so going to an inn is pointless...the only other places open are pubs and she couldn't think of anything a drunk could offer her that would help this situation.

Keiko finally smiled a bit as she looked at the horses penned up at the stable. A stallion- not a gelding. She didn't need to seduce the master. Keiko was originally a forest kitsune, so she knew how to speak to animals as long as she took their form to have the proper vocal chords. Her form burst into fox fire for a moment, this time becoming a shape much larger. Keiko became a mare, though her ears were unusually long and elven, and she had two white-tipped horse tails instead of one...her shape shifting still needed practice. Because she had sex twice not that long ago, her pussy was still loosened and puffy in horse form. She used the huge equine clit part the ebon folds to catch the stallion's immediate attention with the soft pink innards. Like before, her breasts still remained the same size relative to her body, which forced her into a bow legged stance to allow them room, even though they projected forward from lack of room even still. Still bigger than the udder of a cow, these black mare breasts hung from between her legs and shimmered with the rainwater running along them in the flash of lightning bolts.

Keiko had her ass to the stallion, and tails parted to either side, but did not even need to turn around to know she got his attention. His huge black cock went from flaccid to erect so fast she could easily hear the sound of it smack his underside even over the rain. She had to use very simple minded language as to not confuse the brute- horses were very powerful and good looking but also really not at all smart. She told him how the latches worked, and instructed him to free himself from the inside. The stall, and then again at the fence the stallion used his big long, well sculpted face to open up the barriers and join the exceptionally over-endowed mare. Knowing he wouldn't be able to restrain himself she quickly turned back to a human form before he could mount her, and swung herself up onto him instead. They both almost toppled over as even the huge stallion wasn't ready to take the momentum or weight of her giant tits.

Out of town and through the rocky fields, Keiko rode the stallion toward the Shogun's castle in the cover of night. To help them both deal with the weight, she had to lay on the horses back so her boobs hung on either side of him just behind his shoulders. It was probably easier this way regardless, since he was not saddled up. Listening to the thundering of horse hooves against soft moist earth, Keiko unintentionally fell asleep. The warm of the morning sun woke her the following day as the stallion started to slow as he approached a town and was not sure if this was where they were meant to get off or not. Last night's rain turned to a heavy low mist today in the morning sun, hiding all ground but the tops of boulders from sight. Keiko informed him this was not their stop, but they were close. This was the correct city, but the castle was on the border of it on the opposite side. Keiko quickly spotted a phallic shaped white snake sunbathing on the top of a large stone and told the stallion to let her off here. As a final favour, she needed to borrow something from him. Coaxing his shaft out again once beside him, brushing her huge breasts on his tender underside, she traced the curves of his shaft to the middle. Using her magic she gripped the medial ring but caused the shaft to return flaccid- while the medial ring remained engorged. She lifted off and removed the medial ring from his cock entirely- turning it into a cock ring made of sturdy black stone. Keiko pat a muscular butt cheek and told the stud she would let him plow her when she was done her business in the castle, and returned here to give him the ring back.

Keiko walked over to the snake as it turned back into the humanoid form of Mishaguji. "Boy am I glad to see you...things were...rough. There is a black furred kitsune working for the Shogun! But I found the attack orders in the Daimyo's castle!"

Mishaguji nodded with his eyes closed in thought for several moments, both his legs and arms crossed. "Hmm, the other kitsune works against you? It is...unusual for a kitsune to pledge alliance to anyone, especially human. Likely, the Shogun's riches were shared with him, and his loyalty only extends as far as the Shogun's funds."

Keiko huffed. "Does it matter? Hes against me either way. And can you fix, THESE? Even with my magic I can barely keep them up!"

Mishaguji raised an eyebrow, but lowered it when he remembered she still only has two tails. "Yea, I can fix those. Breasts are not a sexual organ at all, but they absolutely are a fertility icon...arguably even better than a phallus." Keiko flew forward straight onto the ground as her breasts burst into clouds of coloured mist, removing their weight in the blink of an eye. "But now that you confirmed the battle is going to will have to endanger yourself by getting into the Shogun's castle." He thought hard for several moments with a stern face. "You cannot do it."

"What?! Why not?"

"Well the kitsune who stopped you before knew you wanted to come here, there is a good chance he arrived ahead of you to inform the Shogun of your possible arrival. It was very dangerous to begin is suicidal now. As much as I would also love to turn the tides of the encounter with the northern region...I do not see this plan working. You'll just end up dead and the Shogun will proceed unhindered. I cannot aid you in combat."

Keiko would not take no for an answer, and said she was going to go there regardless of if it was with Mishaguji's help or not. Not wanting her death on his conscience, Mishaguji taught her another magic, allowing her to erect a sealing barrier. Against an armed human it likely would do little...but it sealed magic, so if she used it to contain a kitsune, it would hold. She could use it to trap the black fur kitsune if she encountered him again, so it would once again be a yokai vs human situation. Keiko thanked the kami, saying she was at least glad he was willing to help, since even Inari brushed her off, not wanting to dirty his hands with the matter.

Mishaguji almost choked on his own tongue in surprise. "W-what?! Are you kidding? You know Inari is an Okami right? That means it has enough power to make all us other kami look like crap! And of the few Okami, Inari is earthly. It lives here, on earth among mortals, it does not have a house in the heavenly plain. That is how much Inari cares. It would rather live among the people, even though it's true seat should be far above us all."

"But...Inari just brushed me off onto you. Inari is incapable of violence are you. He just gave me some cryptic advise. To achieve my goal I would have to...abandon it?"

Mishaguji chewed his lip nervously. "I really shouldn't help you with this are doing all this for your master's dream, right? Juro, who is long dead by now."


"Then it is not yours. It is his. What is YOUR dream?"

"What...? The same thing, his is mine!"

Mishaguji sighed. "Is it? You really need to think about that. You are very tense, and it is hurting your ability to do this. Because you do not want to let your master down. But he is gone. You bare a weight needlessly, when you could achieve the same goal without it. Inari cannot help your dead master...but it is waiting to be able to help YOU." Mishaguji looked back the way they had come. "Be careful in there Keiko. Do not let my lessons to you be in vein...if you succeed, many lives will be saved, and the tyrant Shogun will be put down."

"One last thing before I go...just for curiosity's sake because I have been wondering Inari's shrine I seen a noble boy playing with commoner children. Does that happen often there? Since you have a shrine there yourself I figured you might know."

"Nobunaga. He does it all the time, but he is the only one. Odd child, that one."

"A valuable child. Discarding a class barrier to make more friends, when he grows up, he is the sort of person we need for a united future. When all this is said and done, perhaps I should pay him a visit."

Mishaguji laughed. "Couldn't hurt, but, you may want to be careful about his father. Oda Nobuhide is a military governor. Now you better go. The longer you wait, the more likely that other kitsune will have informed everyone."

With nothing but a nod to the helpful kami, Keiko turned into her true self. She could travel much faster as a fox, and the woods would not slow her. She dashed along the outer edge of the city so no one within would see her. Even from outside looking in, she could see there was a very large military presence in this city. Kasai Goichi had a very strong army behind him...and if Keiko got caught, she would have a very large army ripping her to bits. The outer castle guard seen nothing as a robin flew over and landed on the wall. It flew down to a small tree on the inside of the court, before its body melted into flame and reformed as a red squirrel on the ground. It skittered across the yard and quickly up the side of the building, glancing in the corners of windows to try and figure out where the royal chambers were...though she did assume it would likely be the highest level. Keiko once again shifted forms to that of a mouse to slip in the corner of the window to be as low profile as possible. The top level surely had the Shogun's bedroom, but the room itself had no windows. There was a very long hallway and then a small room at the top of stairs leading to the lower floors, and a single guardsman standing watch between the room that did have a window, and the hall to the bedroom.

She went to jump into the window here to dash past but fell flat on her face, realizing her tail was pinned down. She quickly rolled over to see the pearly white fangs of the black kitsune smiling at her. Unhindered by magic, he was able to arrive here long before Keiko, and likely already alerted his 'master'. She feigned fear causing him to lower his guard and let go of her tail, likely to insult her lack of courage. Before he could open his mouth though, flames surrounded him in a sphere. He was about to use his own magic to counter it but the flames turned to solid stone as soon as the tips touched at the top, creating a cage of stone. Mishaguji was kami of borders as well as fertility, though this stone barrier shielded the black kitsune from outside harm, it also prevented him from using his own magic to get out. And since kitsune did not carry mortal tools or weapons normally...he had no way of getting out. With a wry grin, Keiko headbutt the side, causing it to roll and fall into the sand of the zen garden far below. The small mouse chirped in laughter at the trapped fox looking back up at it from several floors down. Keiko's mind still did not understand Inari's words, but she did feel it in her heart. There was still no hate in the black fox's aura, even as he glared back at her. He did not dislike her, their opposition was more of a rivalry. It was not about battle, was about the moment, and doing as you pleased. In a way, this was also Juro's dream. A world where you could do as you pleased, without having to step on someone else's toes...without having to be offended or start a fight. Juro's dream, done Keiko's way. Keiko wasn't letting anyone down if she fumbled her own dream. If she just followed her own path, she was free. And the only way to truly fight hatred, is with a heart full of joy.

Fifth Verse : Fox And The Hound

Keiko quickly slipped in the window as rainclouds were starting to gather outside again, and skittered around the guard's feet with ease, being far too small for him to notice normally. As soon as she passed through the doorway into the hall though, the floor chirped. Without even waiting to see what it was, the guard spun around and slammed down the blade of his naginata, nearly splitting Keiko in two! She rolled to the side to dodge quickly, and ran past him back into the room. He was quick to follow her, apparently not caring that it was a field mouse he was attacking. Keiko had to think fast, and took the form of a geisha. The kimono she wore however was coloured the same as a red fox, and she deliberately kept the ears and twin tails of her true self.

She held a hand up from her crouched position to pause the guard's attack. "Wait! I am one of Inari's kitsune! I have come to offer Kasai Goichi a blessing of luck."

The guard withdrew his weapon, placing it upright again. "Truly? I suppose you would not have gotten past Genki otherwise. He has been prowling the halls since last night, as if on high alert."

So that was the black kitsune's name...appropriate. "Yes." Keiko motioned to the small bottle of sake at her hip she got from Inari at the start of her voyage. "Perhaps I could show you a little good fortune as well?" She stood up, and motioned to loosen her garb and the guard gave a small smile and shrug.

Having Genki run around unrestrained, the guards of the castle already knew kitsune were wild and playful spirits, so this didn't strike him as odd at all. They already employed one yokai, why not a second? Keiko produced the black stone cock ring, saying it would enhance the sensation tenfold for him. And it would- the ring traps blood in the shaft so rather than only reaching absolute max erection during pulses, one pulse would get trapped and seal the cock at that hardness the entire time. It was more fun for her as well, as the corona of the glans would remain fully distended and the veins ribbing the shaft would be engorged through the entire thing. The ring was way too big for a man of course, but she shrank it down between her fingers as she placed it on, and slid it to the base before the shaft fully erected. He was a good length, and impressive girth as well. She made sure to tug back his foreskin before settling the ring fully in place.

From on all fours she gave him a blowjob, holding his thigh lightly with one hand while cradling his balls in the other, rotating them around in her palm. It did not take long for all the veins to bulge out, and his shaft to redden from all the blood trapped inside. She took it out of her mouth after a bit, seeing the ring shake slightly every few moments from the pressure slamming up against it with each throb. She turned and let him fuck her doggy style, smiling to herself internally as she had made the ring too tight- he couldn't cum.

As the man thrust into her, he became more and more desperate to cum from his over-sensitive cock. He most likely would have cum when she was still messaging his shaft with her delicate lips, but the ring did not allow it. His thrusts became faster and more desperate, more animalistic with desperation. To match the shift in pace, fur started to grow in on his balls and chest, then forearms and legs. His tailbone started to distend slowly, sprouting some fur as well, and then his ears grew longer and more pointed. Nails slowly turned to claws and teeth stretched into fangs. His moans were long and almost like the growls of a beast as his nose became cold to counter his heavy breath, and his face started to stretch out. His cock was blood red from all the blood, looking almost like it would literally explode. The pressure to cum increased over and over again, causing the shaft to bloat and swell well beyond what it should have been able to, but only the very base before the ring as the pressure could not pass into the rest properly. Keiko waved a tail over him, releasing her modifications on the ring's size, returning it to the size it was when she slipped it from the horse.

Feeling freedom, he pulled back to allow it to fall off his cock entirely before thrusting back in. He did not even notice that the super engorged base of his cock remained that way- it had turned into a canine knot! He thrust even faster and harder with renewed vigour, knowing he should be able to cum now. He put so much energy into reaching climax he did not notice it wither away from the rest of his body, as his entire form started to shrink. He had been holding her hips but then lay over her, then he was propped up on her butt, and soon being held up by the impressive curvature of her rump as his feet no longer reached the floor! When he came, it was so powerful that it felt like his entire body was being drawn into his dick and blasted out. He lay on her panting for a half minute, before sliding off and bouncing on his rump- yelping as he felt his tail hit the floor first. He turned his small head to look back at himself in surprise- he had been turned into a Shiba Inu!

Keiko stood back up, chuckling a bit down at the small dog. " seemed to like to do it doggy style, so I showed you the best place to bury your bone." She slapped her butt. "But I am too much woman for you to tie the knot with I am afraid."

In a flurry of fox fire, the dog returned to the form of a man. "Your puns hurt worse than that ring. It was fun though."

"H-how did you-"

Genki turned into his true fox self. "Forget about me already? My magic is stronger, I can undo yours."

Keiko ran to the window and looked out, down at the black fox still in the stone flames. "What...?"

Genki waved his two tails at her. "You only need two tails to shape shift. I have three."

The fox below only had one tail, and the one in the hall with her now has two. Each tail contains an additional soul- they can be divided to clone the kitsune, returning memories and feeling to the original when they re-fuse. The Genki trapped outside had only one tail so it could not change form, while the one inside still could, even with the third divided. He could technically split into three, but none of them would be able to change shape. Genki dashed to the window to free his third tail, and Keiko went to dash to the Shogun's room the opposite way, but paused when the floor chirped again as soon as she stepped on it.

Genki smiled back at her as he climbed out the window. "That is the uguisubari- the nails in the floorboards are deliberately crooked so they grind together when you step on it. You can go on ahead to the bedroom if you want- just know every guard on the floor below us will know you are here, and thus so will Goichi himself. Haha. I wasn't actually needed to stop you- I just came for a bit of fun."

Genki vanished out the window to smash open the barrier around his third tail. Keiko paused only a bit, before charging full-bore down the hall to the bedroom. She had to do this, it wasn't an option in here heart to turn away, so if she was going to be heard regardless she needed to be very fast. She used graceful leaps to clear most of the floor without actually touching it, but even with all her grace the times she did touch down were loud. The floor made a sound even when she stepped on it as a mouse after all. They knew Keiko was here and would be coming up, she had to quickly find the battle plans and send word to Mishaguji. Even if Keiko were caught and killed, if Mishaguji knew of the fight, the tide could still be turned against Goichi.

Sixth Verse : No-Win Scenario

She burst into the bedroom and immediately spotted a huge map laid out on a table, with several coloured stones sitting on it representing military groups. That was strangely easy...why would he have detailed plans like this sat out in his bedroom? She was expecting written orders he was planning to send out, actual maps like this would presumably be in strategy rooms not his bedroom. She slowed considerably as she got close, looking past the mortal veil in the room to check for traps Genki may have set using his magic. There looked to be traces of one on the window, but only at the edges- it looked like the trap had been recently removed for some reason. Keiko quickly looked over the map, taking in the information as quickly as she could while still remembering key points and then raced to the window.

Speaking the language of the winds, Keiko summoned a small bird to her, and told it Kasai Goichi's plans for war. Telling the bird of its urgency, she directed it toward the last place she encountered Mishaguji- just on the other end of town and the bird took flight. Surprised she actually did it before anyone showed up, Genki now with all three tails jumped at the bird in his fox form with fangs bared. Goichi appeared around the corner, also standing on the lip of the roof and grabbed Genki by his tails, preventing the attack on the bird. He tossed Genki in through the window, also causing Keiko to back up to make way for the Shogun to enter the room.

Goichi smiled and bowed slightly to Keiko. "Oh good work. The north will annihilate my forces now, happy? How many of my men would you have snuck past to get up here...? I have one of the largest military forces in Nippon right now, and somehow I have still managed to employ all of the buffoons! I will have to have them executed. Made an example of."

Keiko was shocked at that, that was a lot of heads to roll. "W-what? Killed for letting a yokai past? They are only mortal. And that would leave your military that much shorter on men right before a battle that is about to be strongly in your enemies favour."

Genki took on his human form again, holding the koto he had at the Daimyo's castle. "And speaking of which, why the heck did you stop me?! If I took that bird down the north would not have known a thing- there is no way Keiko is getting out of here with that information! I will see to imprisoning her till the battle is done myself."

Goichi shrugged, resting a palm on the end of his still sheathed katana. "No need, I will kill her. She is not mortal, but she can still die. And my army will be wiped out on the battlefield- just as I intended."

"WHAT?! You wanted to lose?!"

"Yes. Of course, my men are still armed and trained. They will kill as many of the northern region as they can, but thanks to you, still fall in battle. As many casualties as possible."

Goichi's human guise exploded off of him as his true form was much larger, his head nearly scraping the roof. Blood red veiny skin stretched over huge muscles of an Oni. His katana looked more like a metal twig at his side now, and a huge iron maul appeared in his hands as he grinned with his long tusked teeth.

"I have taken the name Kotsuzui. My hunger for battle, for the blood of my enemies empowered me! The red of their blood filled my vision and then my heart, I have transcended my humanity and seen a vision of my master...Izanami."

Keiko took a step back in fear. "One thousand deaths every day...Izanami is basically ruler of Yomi since she died birthing the fire god."

Genki was shocked stiff for several moments. "She also cannot leave Yomi, and Izanagi counters her every step."

Kotsuzui shrugged. "But not mine. The most powerful of all Okami he may be, his wife keeps his hands busy already, he cannot also counter any vassals she takes on! I shall be a bringer of annihilation!"

Keiko jumped at him in a flash, but Kotsuzui did not need to swing his weapon. He smashed the pommel of the maul into her gut with enough force to mash her against the wall. He walked up to Genki, looking down at his much smaller body till he stepped aside, knowing he had to chance of winning a fight with the Oni Shogun.

Kotsuzui smiled as his samurai started to rush up into the hall, and he glanced back at the two human formed kitsune. "I could kill you myself of course, but my samurai might have some trouble with it, maybe lose a man or I will let them do it. Hahaha. I am not trying to win after all, I am going to make everyone lose." With that, he took his human guise back and walked past the samurai telling them of Genki 'betraying' him, and his friend Keiko.

Genki slammed the door shut and Keiko turned both the door and the door frame to solid stone using Mishaguji's magic. She scowled at Genki with arms crossed, expecting an apology for helping a monster like that operate. Genki shrugged off her angry glare and started to play his koto, playing a quick and complex tune. It was the first time Keiko seen him actually concentrate on something but that fact was lost in her fury of the moment. She started to throw random objects at him in anger, but Genki dodged gracefully. He raised his koto as a shield and the objects played across the strings continuing the tune whenever he paused. Keiko tried to lunge at him but he dodged while throwing the koto into the air, playing two strings against the ceiling rafters before catching it again. As a music type kitsune, he was at his best when playing an instrument, in addition to the fact he had one more tail than Keiko- she had little chance of stopping him.

She caught her breath again after trying to bludgeon him. "Trying to play us a dirge before we are cut into bite-sized chunks?"

Genki shook his head with a nervous grin. "It isn't in me to play such a somber tune. I will admit I played right into that monster's hands...everyone did, including you. Getting the north to counter him was his desire the entire time, that is why his plans were presented so obviously in his room in the open...he wanted you to find them. This might not work, but I have few other I am playing a very, very special tune."

Keiko listened carefully, vaguely recognizing it...the sound evoking memories of a dance. "...kagura?"

On the other end of the hall a figure appeared in a flurry of cherry blossoms, catching the attention of all the samurai smashing their way through the stone door. Her hair very nearly touched the floor and shimmered like a river in the afternoon sun, coloured as black as a starless sky. Her eyes were like pale full moons, a soft blue only the cosmos could create. Her breasts were mountains of exquisitely soft, porcelain skin free of anything even resembling a blemish. Her form was tall and thin, though her hips were a good size still. Dirt did not know her name, nothing could sully her. Her voice was a heavenly song that resonated with the heartbeat of all that lived, and every step was carefully chosen, every move she made was another step in an endless dance.

She bowed toward them, hooking an index finger on the collar of her heaven-born kimono, exposing even more supple cleavage. She asked of them if they would rather face pleasure than battle, and every one of them dropped their weapons. She giggled softly, causing them all to swoon. She told them she could only handle one, and asked which of them was the better endowed and they all dropped their pants to show her their dicks in an attempt to be the one to touch her. She gracefully drifted over the floor to the samurai with the largest endowment...and kneed him directly in the balls. All of the samurai fell like dominoes, sharing the same sensation he felt. With a gentle touch she undid the spell on the door and opened it to greet the two kitsune.

"Genki, so good to see you again. In a bit of trouble I see?"

Keiko dropped to her knees to bow properly before the Okami. "Ame-no-Uzume!! We are blessed by your appearance."

Genki smiled, crossing his arms as he rest his koto against the wall. "Okami of mirth, dawn, and revelry. There is no greater seductress, and no better dancer in all of heaven and earth."

Uzume raised a hand to wave off Keiko's formal gesture. "Your friend is a bit...formal for a kitsune."

Keiko dust off her knees as she got back up, blushing a bit. "Trying to fix that...old habits die hard."

Kotsuzui stood in an empty room, two guards having been ordered to seppuku for allowing Keiko into the castle, the room was spattered red. He turned slowly, he did not hear anything or see, but he felt the aura of a kami behind him. He smiled as Ame-no-Uzume, Genki, and Keiko stood in the doorway on the other side of the room. Taking back his Oni form he smashed a table out of the way with his maul and shattered it into splinters against the wall with little effort.

"Planning to seduce me into submission? If I were still a mere man, it would have worked. Instead...I am going to smash your organs out of your body like paste, and use it to repaint my walls."

Final Verse : Fox Dance

Ame-no-Uzume jumped forward to meet him in the middle and with ease ducked backward out of his swing. She twirled behind him, shoving him forward playfully, and when he turned to hit her she tripped him and caused him to stagger back. An attack from her would be the equivalent of a small girls and absolutely nothing to Kotsuzui, but her elegant grace prevented him from ever landing an attack on her.

Not one to waste a good distraction, Genki jumped up from behind Kotsuzui with a ball of blue fox fire in his hands. Being an Oni, Kotsuzui could sense their auras, and knew the Okami wouldn't be able to land any serious attacks if he turned his back to her. He grabbed Genki's ankle in mid-air, yanked him down and slammed his entire body into the floor hard enough to shake the room. If he was mortal his skull would probably have shattered on impact. Before Kotsuzui even stood up straight again, Keiko was in the air lunging at him, a hand on her master's sword Suimintetsu. The Oni swung his maul straight up to crush her against the roof, but to his surprise she split into two foxes and flew to either side of the maul, around his head and rejoined behind him. He tried to turn in time but her blade sliced through the right side of his face, through the bridge of his nose.

Kotsuzui held his face with one hand, feeling the hot smooth blood squeeze between his fingers as his grip tightened on his maul with the other hand. "This one...has bushido."

Seeing Keiko was the only one capable of actually hurting him, he immediately disregarded the others and focused on her alone. Uzume grabbed Keiko and helped guide her out of several heavy swings of the maul but could not save her from them all. Keiko was thrown across the room and into the opposite wall by a direct hit from the maul, smashing every ounce of air out of her lungs and hitting her head so hard she threw up as she staggered back to her feet. Kotsuzui lifted his maul to stomp over to her and finish her off, when he noticed her sword, lanced right through his forearm. He slid it out and flicked it away like a toothpick.

"Ahaha! I never thought to see a fox with such prowess in battle! You've seen a share of death yourself, eh? You do not learn that sort of skill in a training yard. Stand up straight! I will not kill you while you are down. Yours will be a honourable death."

Kotsuzui did not see Uzume take out a small hand mirror behind him, but he immediately knew something was wrong when he seen out of the corner of his eye Genki stop mid-attack and duck. Kotsuzui jumped back and bent even farther back just in time to evade, as flames collected into the mirror and fired a pillar of blazing light. He smashed the tiny mirror out of her hand with the very end of his maul, barely reaching her from where he was. He looked back at where it went and seen the hole straight through the entire castle. The light burned the air, the space, the time, the castle, the trees outside, and fired off the edge of the world into the cosmos. If he had been touched by that, he would have absolutely died instantly.

"Amaterasu...there is a reason this castle has so few windows. Good try."

Genki ran over to Keiko as soon as he seen the blood drip from the corner of her mouth. He helped her stand fully up, returning her master's sword to her as well. Ame-no-Uzume hustled over as well, standing between the two, ready to do her best to deflect the demon's attacks. This was not good, Genki had magic to attack with and was quick on his feet but compared to Kotsuzui he might as well be a fly. Uzume can dodge absolutely everything he throws at her, but that doesn't mean she can protect the others the same way, and has no offensive magics herself. With no windows or mirrors in the room she cannot call her friend Amaterasu either. Keiko has the skill and blade to fight and kill him, but her strength was still insignificant to him, and she could only take so many hits.

As the floor trembled with Kotsuzui's footsteps, tears fell to Suimintetsu's blade in Keiko's hands. She had killed a Shogun before, but this one had descended into demon-hood through pure blood lust. Keiko took out the small bottle of sake Inari gave her long ago and drank the entire remaining amount in one go. No one noticed the golden shimmer that passed over her. She prayed inwardly to herself in desperation. She wanted to be carefree like Genki, she wanted to enjoy life. She fought to preserve life and peace, but if she did not fully enjoy it herself how could she properly defend it? If Juro was alive today he could have defeated Kotsuzui with Keiko at his side.

Keiko's eyes went wide. Juro fought with her by his side! He never fought alone! Keiko smiled broadly and whispered into Ame-no-Uzume's ears and she smiled and nodded back, then whispering into Genki's ears. Keiko was failing to be the man Juro used to be. But she has always been the fox.

Kotsuzui did not like the look of smiles and lunged at them, done waiting for a counter attack. Both kitsune turned to their true forms as Uzume jumped gracefully over the swing of the huge maul. Both kitsune transformed themselves into giant fans, one marked with a black magatama, one with red.

Ame-no-Uzume smiled and posed before the Oni. "Behold, the fox dance."

She swung both fans to the left and a wall of solid wind slammed into Kotsuzui so hard even his giant form was tossed like a ragdoll across the room. The Okami twirled and bounced on her feet, sending her massive bust jiggling about in her loose kimono. She slammed both fans together and the air itself took the form of Fujin's mark as the wind pressure in the room exploded outwards ripping the walls apart on all four sides! She swung upward, forcing that half of the upper floor back aloft, as it tipped to the other side, no longer having any walls to hold up that floor. The entire top floor slammed into Kotsuzui, ripping him through the edge of the floor below, across the courtyard and slamming him through the outer stone wall before crushing him against the ground.

The entire city looked to the castle, though regular folk were unable to fully comprehend the Okami's form. They seen a beautiful resplendent light and a black and red fox twirling and dancing through the air about it. Kotsuzui stood up and staggered from the wreckage, bleeding and bruised but still looking for a fight. Uzume landed on his head, and flipped off of him before he could even raise his maul. She landed on the weapon as he tried to raise it, weighing it down. The Okami bent back, thrusting her breasts forward and tapped both fans backward to the weapon. From the black fan laziness, the fun, and the bounty of life countered the aggressive flow of chakra through the weapon. From the red, a vision of a tranquil forest, a river, a cave, and an old man. A tranquillity that could never be broken even in death. The muffled sound of a bell went off as the maul vibrated at the precise frequency required to shatter it to bits!

The rigid iron exploded apart, embedding several metal shards in the Oni's body. As Ame-no-Uzume twirled and tossed the fans about, a violent wind spiralled around Kotsuzui preventing him from moving. Caught in the wind, Suimintetsu twirled about before the wind was focused with another blast from the fan as Uzume struck a pose and held it, blasting the sword straight through Kotsuzui. She severed his sword arm. The worst fate for a warmonger- not killed, nor able to fight and kill others. Completely pacified. As the two kitsune returned to their true shape, Ame-no-Uzume slapped a sealing talisman onto Kotsuzui's forehead causing him to yell in pain and rage, and from the ruin a torii formed for her to kick him through. As soon as he was forced out of the mortal plain, the torii shattered, trapping him forever on the other side.

Genki looked around, seeing some of the samurai finally waking up and pushing out of the wreckage of the top floor, now on the ground. "We should, uh...probably get out of here. They didn't know their Shogun was an Oni and I doubt they will take our word for it."

Keiko nodded, picking up Suimintetsu with her mouth again. "I need to find Mishaguji again. If the north doesn't try to counteract, this region's army won't move with their master dead, even if they still want to. They at least need to find a new leader before they make any moves and I will make sure it is a good one. I should find that Nobunaga boy as well, from the Oda Clan. A little push in the right direction from me, and he will grow up to be a fine leader himself."

Ame-no-Uzume nodded. "This was quite the experience for me as well! If you need a little work on you seduction techniques or just want a lesson on how to let loose- you know who to call!"

Keiko blushed and bowed. "I will likely need to take you up on that too, thank you."

And so war was averted for now, the Okami returned to the heavens to tell tale of a new dance she had created with the help of two kitsune. Genki thought twice about who he allied himself with, and for once thought not just about his own peace, but the peace of others and consequences of his actions on the world around him. Keiko let her master's sword sleep in its sheath once again now that the battle was done. And still worked diligently toward a future where the sword could remain sleeping forever, just like its master. Keiko learned to appreciate life herself now though, knowing that she had to learn about the thing she tried so hard to protect, in order to protect it properly. Averting combat with her body, tricks, and passion. Manipulate an aggressive emotion by drawing out a pleasuring one. Keiko was not a mortal man like her master. She now perused her own version of his dream, and would achieve it her own way!

Historical Footnote : Nobunaga of the Oda Clan is mentioned as well as his father Nobuhide- Oda Nobunaga is an actual historical figure, the man who conquered all of Nippon...or, started it anyway, his vassals ended it. It got done, regardless. Since this is Keiko's ultimate goal, one could assume she really did give him a nudge in that direction. Not convincing enough? Well, one of Nobunaga's vassals is Toyotomi Hideyoshi. The man was known for putting a limit on weapons (restricted it to samurai class only), as well as the restoration and bolstering of many shrines that still stand to this day in the primary Inari shrine...where Keiko lives.


(M/M Romance/Drama) This is a full novella, so here is a list of chapters to CTRL+F your way to. Since I really doubt you'll be reading 121 pages in one sitting. \*\*First Chapter; Friendship\*\* \*\*Second Chapter; The Depth Of A...

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She Dwells Below

(F TF giant Gastropod/Amphibian) Aden and his wife Lilith were an explorer-researcher duo, and had been thus far unstoppable. They are coming off from their last discovery high, from trekking through the dangerous uncharted rainforests to find a...

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Ellie In The Room

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