Ellie In The Room

Story by iplank on SoFurry

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Ellie is working in an office building when she finally starts to bloom- in a city where you're hit with a second puberty in the form of your inner animal coming out. Her inner beast seems a bit more than the standard facility can handle.

(F TF Elephant)

Ellie stood nervously in the lobby of her office building on the ninth floor. In Los Anul most of the population was anthropomorphic. Long ago before it became a super city, a sorceress named Moth created a powerful crystal that brought out a persons inner animal. Along with this came the ability to do a great many things that could not be done before. Horse men could carry great amounts of weight, cow women could provide endless supply of milk, spider folk can weave extremely durable clothing from their own silk. It was not without its faults too however- some people lost themselves in their animal sides and continued to transform till they were feral, and because the transformation was based on personality- some people were so balanced or so bland that they had no inner animal and just remained human.

Ellie is still completely human. Most people in the office space were- but most also wore wards that suppressed their animal halves till after work, but not Ellie. She is only 21, so she never manifested her inner animal yet. Because the personality is still developing when you are young, children are completely unaffected by the influence of the morphasite crystal. The earliest you can be affected is when you hit puberty, but there are people like Ellie who just turn late. There is even special rooms in the building made specifically to host someone who is turning for the first time. But Ellie is a really late bloomer. She had a few partial transformations where her skin started to become odd, and she had strange dreams so she knew it was affecting her but so far none of the changes stuck, and revert on their own. So she knew she was going to turn but still hadn't- which made her a ticking bomb. Everyone went through it so everyone was sympathetic, but Ellie could also tell she was making people nervous. She could be in the middle of a meeting and turn into a feral predator and eat someone! Or turn into something huge and crush someone. Or... turn tiny and be stepped on by accident! That was why she is pacing in the lobby now, waiting for a meeting to start. It was a meeting on knowing who had not yet turned, accommodating them, and being aware of safety measures when they start to turn- if it happens at work. The thing is- Ellie is the only person like that in her department. So the meeting was basically entirely about her, without actually pointing fingers. Addressing the elephant in the room, so to speak.

One of her co-workers Jay wandered in first, walking to her rather than the meeting room. "Hey. Another of these refresher meetings, eh?"

Jay was anthro bird, having blue and black feathers on his head where hair would be. The bridge of his nose covered in hard keratin plates like a pseudo beak, and his feet ended in talons capped with metal so he didn't unintentionally dice the carpet to bits.

Ellie groaned and talked with a stuffed voice. "Hey. I hate these meetings, its obvious they are talking about me. Its like someone talking behind your back but in a way you can obviously still hear them."

"Stuffed nose? You coming down with something?"

She shook her head. "My sinuses just feel stuffed up, I dunno what it is but I feel ok otherwise. I am not using one of my sick days if I don't have to." She rubbed the bridge of her nose hoping to maybe move something.

In actuality, her sinuses were not plugged with anything- they just no longer connected properly. The entry way to the skull from her nose was shifting farther and farther up- starting in the middle of her face and now sitting between her eyes. Two of her teeth were overlapping on either side, feeling a bit bigger but she also disregarded this, thinking she just needed to see the dentist about braces- not realizing it was budding changes. The teeth were growing slowly but forward rather than down like all the others, causing them to overlap.

Jay walked just ahead of the rest of the meeting attendees who went straight into the room, so Jay and Ellie slipped in after them. There was a few people from other departments attending who were new hires that were still human, to try to make the meeting not seem like it was entirely directed at Ellie. A few people gave Ellie glances here and there because her voice sounded so stuffed. She sneezed halfway into the meeting which again brought attention to her. They no longer thought she was sick though.

Bill the manager running the meeting immediately paused it. "Jay, can you take Ellie down to the change room? Try to hurry, its two floors down. DO NOT use the elevator."

Ellie looked a bit confused. "Oh, but I don't feel any changes..."

Jay looked at her now unusually long nose- having stretched out when she sneezed. "Uuuh... yea, I think it might be time anyway."

Jay scooted her out of the room before telling her about her nose and she quickly reached up and felt it. Yea, that certainly wasn't normal. Now she became extremely focused on it and noticed the subtle changes as they happened. The bridge of her nose expanded, and also extended up farther. The skin on the bridge of her nose became a bit dry and leathery feeling. The two teeth that had changed direction before were still growing, and now were much larger than her other teeth. Ellie was embarrassed having changed in front of all those people at the meeting, but she was ok with Jay- he was a good friend. He was also her only source of entertainment in the boring office- how he kept his energy in such a dull place she will never know. When they reached the stairs to go down though, she had to slow her pace a bit. Ellie was feeling bloated all over- and was starting to look a bit puffy too, though Jay did not say that out loud. Her ears started to get larger and her nose drooped more, growing long enough to flop over her mouth a bit. Well, that narrowed the species down to either anteater or elephant, because neither of them could think of anything else with such a projected nose. It was a good thing they did not take the elevator- her body weight was also increasing making her feel a bit sluggish. If she was inside the elevator she might have snapped the cables. By the time they were half way to the next floor down it looked like she was having a severe allergic reaction to something. Her arms and legs, and even her fingers and toes were very thick and bloated looking, making her movements clumsy and slower, even though she was trying to move as fast as she could. She actually looked cute in this chubby form.

When they reached the first floor down Ellie's sinuses finally realigned and she got a full breath in with ease, breathing out heavily enough that it caused reverberance in her very long nostrils- making a quiet trumpet sound unintentionally. She blushed at the sound she made and Jay laughed, but both smiled at her happiness of being able to breath properly again. They started down the next few set of stairs that would take them to the floor they needed to be on, and Jay started to get nervous as the sound of her footsteps kept getting heavier. He looked back at her and seen she was at least a foot and a half taller than him now! Her clothes were stretched so far on her bloating form that they almost looked painted on. Her arms were so bloated they were losing their shape- her bloated palms and wrist just looked like part of the arm with no definition of their own. Her fingernails were also large and thick, growing along with her thick fingers. It took only two more steps for her shoes to burst open and rip off- her feet far too large for them. Like her hands, they had lost all definition and her legs looked like meaty cylinders. The vertebrae on her upper back were growing very broad as well, causing her back to have a bit of a hunch to it, even though the actual angle of her spine was unaltered.

As they continued down, Jay had to offer her a shoulder to help her continue to move. Her legs were so thick and clumsy she could barely walk on flat ground never mind the stairs. Though an elephant does not have extended distance between foot and ankle like most- their still technically unguligrade. Their feet are technically classified as hooves, even though they don't look like it in the slightest. As Ellie's torso started to round out and grow, her clothes finally started to shred. The threads creaked as she stretched them outward and snapped, unable to contain her. She was blushing brightly in embarrassment knowing she could not cover herself for much longer, though her skin started to take on a grey tone which hid her blush ever so slightly. She was expecting to see her breasts vanish into her expanding torso, but she gave up waiting for that when they annihilated her bra under her shirt. Again unlike most creatures- elephants have breasts, on their chest, just like a human. Reaching another turn in the stairs, they stumbled a bit on the last step, and because she was so much bigger, Jay was completely unable to stop her. She slammed against the wall on her side and could hear all the air leaving his lungs as she crushed him.

Ellie looked at him afraid as he scrambled out from under her. "Oh my god, are you ok?! I know your bones are semi-hollow..."

Jay quickly caught his breath. "Ooph. No I am ok, the wall took most of it. Are you ok? Your bones are still shifting around so you probably don't take hits well right now."

Ellie tried to get up but could not! Her torso broadening and growing caused her to no longer be able to walk properly on two legs- her weight was too far forward. She could feel the internal trembling as her ribs each expanded and popped out and then back into place as they helped her barrel out as she had walked. When she tried to get up after falling though, this effect moved down to her hips which popped- loudly- and expanded greatly, causing her entire torso to be equally broad. Her efforts to stand seemed to speed up the fate of her clothing, and she froze a moment as her shirt finally fully popped open and her now giant tits were exposed. Jay very deliberately averted his eyes, trying not to make her any more uncomfortable than she needed to be. Her skin had turned a pale grey at this point, so her nipples and bumpy areola were a dark granite grey. Following her feet, her palms continued to inflate swallowing her poor chubby fingers into it, so her arms were pillars of meat. The only remnant of her having fingers was her large nails which remained around the edges of the pillar's base. The fingers were all still there- just not visible at all. An elephant walks on the ends of their digits- its just that their 'palms' are so dense they also touch the ground.

As Ellie awkwardly scrambled onto all fours, she noted her ears were huge now too, thanks to her feeling them flop around as she moved her head. Ellie started to breath deeply, her lungs expanding with each increasingly large breath, and her heart followed along, throbbing quickly trying to keep up, but slowing down as it beat harder and grew larger. Her longer breaths also had longer to travel- her nose continued to grow longer and longer. The muscles that used to scrunch her nose up became longer, and with the added length came more control, allowing her to lift it, or swing it, or curl it. Elephants have full control of their trunks, allowing it to pick up and manipulate objects just like a human arm. In the case of bull elephants- they also have the same amount of control over their phallus. Ellie's two enlarging teeth were now long enough to jut from her mouth some ways as mini tusks, and were still slowly growing. Her torso started to lose shape like her limbs had, as her rib cage started to extend farther down, getting rid of any middriff. She was so large now that her pants shredded off of her the moment she started moving again on all fours- still trying to get downstairs. Either side of her huge body was squished against the handrails. She had grown a full tail already without even noticing till it was complete- an elephant tail is just a tiny tassel, minuscule to the rest of the creature.

By the time they finally got near the floor they needed to be on, Ellie was starting to bend the outer handrail as she walked, curving it outward from lack of room- her body was so solid and large the metal and plastic handrail was weaker than her flesh. She was also having to grab and hold tight using her still growing trunk before the rest of her as a brace- her feet barely fit on the steps in the first place, if she did not brace herself she would fly down the stairs face first. Her tusks were large enough now that they pushed out from the sides of her mouth from lack of room, wrapping her cheeks around the tusks on either side. Her mouth started to extend forward as well as her trunk continued to grow, now dragging her face out a bit with it from being so broad at the base. She had grown so large each of her ears was almost as big as her former body! She was so focused on her footing though, Ellie was startled when her left tusk clacked on the railing. She leaned back to pull it out but the shift in weight caused her trunk to unintentionally rip a section of the railing away! Without the ability to brace herself for that moment, she tumbled down the remaining stairs and Jay had to quickly leap out of the way or be smashed into paste against the wall. Ellie was a little sore, but the wall took far more damage than she did. There was a crater in the wall where her right shoulder hit. A dull, hollow popping sound could be heard as her head and neck started to grow and thicken, bringing her to her final changes. She had gone full feral! She no longer had a human voice so she could only grumble and trumpet at Jay, but he could still tell her mind was intact- which means this was not her final form. Her personality was blank while she was transforming so of course she went all the way- as soon as she wasn't having to worry so much about what she was turning into, her personality would wake up again and the magic would be forced to adjust. Since she had tusks- she is an African elephant. Female Asian elephants do not have tusks.

Jay had a hell of a time trying to help her ram her way through the doorway and ended up shattering the door frame so she could get into the hall and he took her trunk like it were a hand and lead her to the transformation room. Yea- most of the time this room was useless. The odds of someone getting to it while they are transforming before the transformation is already over is slim. Especially since there was fifteen floors in the building but only three of these rooms. The dim lighting and black padded floors and walls made it a comfortable, closed in space for her to sort her thoughts out in, in the aftermath at least. There are also people like Willy who transformed into an orca. Yea, he had to be carried into the room because he was mostly transformed before he got here too- but the room still helped him immensely because the sprinkler system in the roof kept him hydrated till a transport could bring him to open waters. Jay waited outside the room after escorting her so Ellie could have her privacy.

As Ellie thought about how she could possibly do her job or even continue living in her apartment in this giant form, her body grew tight and she moaned deeply as it felt like she was getting a full body hug- her form was compacting back in. Her emotions were back in play and as she finally had time to think about this body, he conflicting interests caused her form to shift backward. The morphasite turned you into a form befitting your personality, but she was no feral beast, she still had plenty of human thoughts and feelings. She was a caring person though, and always thought about how her actions may affect others, and enjoyed the company of others. This was shared with the elephant. Elephant are herd creatures that form strong bonds, not just as a family but as an entire herd- they do not leave anyone behind.

Far stranger than the feeling of being stretched out, was the feeling of her face pulling back in and her trunk shortening. Her tusks shrunk down a bit too. It almost felt like she was sinking into the floor when her entire body started to shrink, and the walls rose up taller around her. Her head felt so light and dizzy as she shrank because her mind could not focus on her continually changing perspective. On a full elephant head her human hair looked like a silly tuft almost, but as her head shrank the hair started to fit properly on her head again- still where it had been, too stubborn to let go, or perhaps it knew she would revert. Her extra ribs started to crumble and soften as her body absorbed them again, giving her torso its human shape back. Her fingers started to regain mobility. She grabbed a blanket and wrapped herself in it since her old clothes likely still could not fit- and were destroyed anyway. It seemed sort of stupid there was no mirror in this room, but it was likely because a larger beast could accidentally break it and then hurt themselves on the shards.

Ellie walked back out timidly, glancing at Jay. "W-well? How do I look? I can talk anyway."

She was a foot taller than Jay, and Jay was fairly tall himself, but she was still no where near as large as a proper elephant now. Her tusks and ears had shrank down to match her once again human sized head- her trunk had shrank as well but still seemed a bit big for her. Her breasts were huge and her torso still pretty thick, her hips still quite wide, but human in shape. Her skin stopped at a halfway point- it was smooth like human skin and slightly flush, but still grey and still very thick. Her feet were completely elephantine still, thick pillars of meat. Her arms were mostly elephant but she once again had her digits. They were very thick and a bit stumpy, and her thick palms still ended in a flat surface like an elephant limb. She had enough mobility to touch her fingertips together on her palm- that was as close to a fist as she could make. Still enough to hold and manipulate objects anyway. Her face behind the tusks and trunk was completely human again. Jay blushed and told her she looked just fine. Trying to temper his real opinion at risk of creeping her out that he thought she looked gorgeous. A thicc, granite skinned beauty.

As a bonus, she got the rest of the day and week off since she needed a new wardrobe. Ellie was fine with this! If anything her large ears and tusks just offered that many more places to accessorize!

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