Maximum Overfluff

Story by iplank on SoFurry

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Vivienne gets ready for bed in a soft bed of soft blankets and pillows, but she demands a level of softness even her bed cannot provide alone. Once she takes on her true form, she will out fluff the bed!

(F TF Skunk)

Vivienne slammed the door on her apartment with her back to it, trying to settle her heart rate. She turned and looked out the glass at the top to stick her tongue out at the barking dog in the neighbour's yard. Why was that mut always out to get her? Vivi figured he would have learned his lesson by now. Vivienne had long black hair to her mid back and long bangs in the front, and a white streak dyed from the front left. She had petite breasts and long legs and right now, almost no clothes. It was early morning so she was getting ready to go to sleep. Vivienne has a night shift job- she is strictly nocturnal, she just went to collect the mail before she went to sleep for the day. Already the only thing she wore was a too big cable-knit sweater. It was an old sweater and stretched far, far too large for her because she kept trying to hide her hands in the sleeves and stuffing her knees into the lower part. It fell low enough to cover her otherwise nude crotch as she skittered barefoot to her mailbox and back again. You can hear the ocean from her windows at night, but now in the daytime it was the bustle of city life waking up just before she went to sleep. Because she was so close to the ocean, the winds can be strong and cool, but she usually left all her windows open anyway because if the temperature was low, it made it feel that much better to snuggle up to something warm.

Her bare feet made soft *pap* sounds on the floor as she wandered over to the kitchen to get something to drink before she went to sleep, but her face scrunched up as she took a sip of milk from the carton. She looked at the best before date- of half a week ago, turned and plopped the carton into the trash. She shivered from the not-quite-right taste and at the same speed the movement rippled through her hair, its color changed from black to cream colored- though the white streak remained the same. She quickly drank some water from the tap to clear the taste from her mouth and her hair again changed color, back to its default black.

Vivienne grinned at her extremely plush bed. She had way more sheets on it than she needed, but that only made it even softer. The head of the bed was a miss-matched assortment of ten different pillows, and the white bedding seemed to glow almost blindingly bright in the early morning sunlight that came in through the flapping white curtains of the window beside her bed. There was a soft but steady breeze coming in, making everything cool. Vivi jumped up and slammed onto her bed with a loud *poof* as the sheets billowed up around her and for a moment she vanished entirely into the soft bedding before bouncing back. She loved the feeling of the smooth, cool sheets against her skin, so she squirmed around before her body heat warmed them. Her ears got a little bit smaller and a bit more pointed as she rolled playfully in her bed. Behind her grin her teeth became a bit more narrow but also sharper. Vivienne had to start being careful with how she grabbed her sheets as her nails started to sharpen. They became narrower but much, much taller and longer, turning to almost talons. Her fingers started to get a bit longer, except for her pinky finger which got much shorter- shrinking almost completely into obscurity. Her thumb became a bit longer and more narrow as well- making it resemble the rest of her fingers more than it did a thumb. Because they had just grown in to this shape, her talon like claws were extremely sharp so Vivi could slice her bedding to ribbons without meaning to if she was not careful.

Vivienne sighed contentedly as it felt like she was falling through an endless sea of soft sheets as she rolled on her back, back and forth. She was not falling, but it did look like she was sinking into her sheets more as her body started to shrink. It did not all shrink by the same amount though. Her head shrank a bit more than her body did, and her spine started to get longer; so while it was still technically shrinking overall, it did not outwardly look like it was. A thin tail started to grow from above her bubble butt, but her spine was giving off muffled clicks as well as it gained length. Every new vertebrae caused her to gasp and arch her back as another set of ribs also grew in and extended her rib cage lower and lower. She felt her neck wanting to grow too but it couldn't grow as easily as her spine could in this position. She rolled over for a moment and shoved her head down onto the soft bedding then rammed herself forward- forcing her neck on a hard bend and it popped loudly several times in a row, growing in length thanks to the help. Vivi let out a few quiet, breathy yips as her skull started to click. The sound was actually not outwardly audible, but since they were in her own head they were loud to Vivi. The bridge of her nose started to slope farther and farther back. Her skull became much less round and more oval in shape, putting her entire face on a gradual angle. Her nostrils became smaller and more forward as the end of her nose darkened. Her face was a bit pointy now, but not too much. She also grew a couple long feeler hairs from her eyebrows, extending her perception.

Under Vivienne's old stretched sweater her areola turned pink and seemed to fade into the rest of her skin as her already small breasts diminished still more, vanishing entirely. Her nipples did not shrink at all, and also gained some company. To make up for the loss of breasts she gained even more pleasure centers as three more sets of nipples formed down the underside of her now longer torso. She grinned again and flopped her chest down onto the bed, kicking forward with her legs to smush her nipples along the fabric of her sweater, along the bed. As she did that though, pushing forward caused her feet to stretch, her ankles permanently raising up. Her toenails all turned to claws, but no where near the talons on her hands. None of the digits on her feet regressed either, but the bottoms of the base of each toe fattened up into thick black skin. Her hips shifted with an abrupt pop that made her pause- becoming wide but a bit more frail in frame. They were no longer meant to support so much weight. Her tail continued to grow through all this and was now both fairly thick and very long. So long in fact that it doubled the entire length of her longer body.

"Mmmm softerrrrr..... more soft!"

Her hair started to regress, getting shorter but at the same time started to sprout more, smaller hairs at its base, expanding the hairline. Her hair was vanishing but being replaced by spreading fur! The white streak that was in her hair re-emerged as white fur that covered the bridge of her nose, while the rest grew in black. The fur cascaded down her body and she stopped trying to rub her nipples into the sweater. Her fur virtually buried her nipples so she was more likely to tug irritatingly on her fur than her nipples. Vivi spun around inside her sweater- now large enough for her entire body to fit into and then slipped out the neck hole and flopped down lazily ontop of it. As the fur advanced down her body she dug her tail into the sheets and dragged them toward her, bunching them up. She grunted quietly as her elbows popped back. Her forearms now went farther back, causing the joint to her upper arms to be farther down- this meant she could not hold her arms out perfectly straight anymore- but as a quadrupted animal she also had no reason to. Her shoulder blades also shifted a bit further down, and the joint of her arm sockets moved forward more.

"Moooore. Muur serftnes! Mmrrr~"

The fur got to her hips, rolling up and around and then collapsing at last on the base of her tail. She stopped using the tail to gather sheets and it immediately went straight, then slowly arched at the impending feeling. The fur on her tail absolutely exploded in length as it fired down the length faster than the rest of her. Her tail was already as long as her entire body- the fur made it even longer than that! It also made it just as wide as her actual body! Her gigantic tail was exquisitely soft and bushy! She immediately folded it over and hugged it to her underside feeling it get even bushier! Vivienne was mostly black, except the top of her head and bridge of her nose, which branched into two streaks that followed down her body and gigantic tail. The last change came with a twitch of her nose as a few short whiskers grew in. Vivienne transformed completely into a skunk- her true form. Being human was too stressful, so whenever she rests she returns to her true self.

After some time catching her breath she got up and walked on all fours around where she had been bunching up the sheets into a nest with her sweater in the middle. She slipped over the edge and snapped up a candy she left on her nightstand, eating it and returning to her little roost in the middle of the bed- where the pillar of light from the window shone. Only a moment after she swallowed the candy, a wave of bright color passed through her, turning all her black fur into pink! Soon after she folded her tail back beside her as Vivi flopped over and went to sleep. Maybe tonight she won't accidentally blast her boyfriend when he wakes her up to get ready for work. That was why she kept a candy on her nightstand. Vivienne's hair/fur turns color to match whatever she last ate, but it also changes the scent of her spray in skunk form. When she eats any sort of candy, her spray smells like bubblegum. Skunk spray is produced by a special gland, and is actually a viscous pink fluid. Normally the spray is fine enough that you don't ever notice that- but if you are unfortunate enough to get blasted at close range you'll know. Her boyfriend always had a hard time explaining the odd choice of scent for the 'deodorant' he used, but it was still worth it to come home to an ultrafluffy Vivi.

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