Bull Milk

Story by iplank on SoFurry

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Gerard is trying his best to pleasure his girlfriend but she has some... unusual taste that would be near impossible for any man to achieve. Thanks to her Siren friend Lorelei, they bring magic into the picture to do what his body couldn't, but Gerard has greatly underestimated Bell's kinks.

(M tf Bull, hyper muscle, uncontrollable orgasms)

Gerard had been trying to satisfy his girlfriend Bell for some time now, succeeding on one front and failing another. In terms of making her happy in general, he was succeeding- they made a good pairing. When it came to the bedroom however, Bell was left wanting. It was not from lack of trying, or that his equipment was ill suited for her, she just had... unusual tastes. They tried all sorts of things to spice it up, bondage, roleplay... props. Bell's unfortunate introduction to male anatomy was the internet, which tends too only highlight extremes. She enjoyed hyper endowments, uncontrollable orgasms, and a slew of other fetish material that could unfortunately not be replicated in the real world. So the only things that REALLY got her off... don't exist. At least, not naturally. That is where her friend Lorelei came in.

From the start Lorelei was very hesitant to go along with this, insisting Gerard did not know what he was getting into, but he was determined to give his girlfriend what she wanted. Bell had invited Lorelei over to use magic and turn Gerard into a living wet dream for Bell. Gerard wanted to go all out- to become absolutely perfect for Bell at least once. Lorelei came over and plopped down on the couch in the living room as Bell got her some snacks and drink to get comfy. Lorelei needed to be in the house to cast the magic, but did not need to be in the same room. The magic is her voice. Her normal human face was framed with tiny gold scales, as well as her very long narrow ears. She gently slid her fingers under the overly huge ornate collar around her throat and it clicked open. Lorelei is a Siren- the collar allows her to talk like a normal human, but once the collar is off her voice itself is a powerful magic and hazardous to use simply to speak. Once she was settled in, the two lovers went off to the bedroom to have some wild fun. Gerard really was underestimating the severity of Bell's kinks.

Gerard was going to get undressed but Bell quickly stopped him, telling him to keep his clothes on and she slipped out of hers instead, climbing onto the bed. She instructed Gerard to put on a little show for her, while they waited for the magic to kick in. Gerard did his best to pull off a sexy dance, but as he did he felt the magic start to work, and could faintly hear Lorelei speaking to no one in particular back in the living room. He felt a strong tingle through his body from top to bottom that was only half the feeling of magic, and half feeling his muscles twitch in a motion following the wave of magic. His body seemed to tighten as his muscles involuntarily clenched. They bulged out a bit as they tightened, but then as they relaxed they remained just as distended, and then tightened again. In small pulses all of his muscles swelled, and his body started to feel quite warm from the rapid cell growth. He went from simply fit to looking athletic, and then actually muscular. The skin tightened on the surface as the soft curvature of the muscle groups below the surface started to become visible. His erection under his clothing started to pulse on its own too- the veins throbbing to the point they stretched thicker. At that point, Bell told him to whip it out and he opened his pants up and flopped his goods out on display- his balls holding his underwear down. Bell got on all fours on the bed and sexily crawled toward him, her eyes locked on his crotch with a big goofy smile on her face.

As she approached him the growth started to transfer- the now much fatter, pulsing veins on his shaft started to bloat the shaft thicker than before, making it tingle from the stretching on his nerves. His urethra started to stretch wider as well- so he would be able to cum larger volumes in less time- Bell might have a sliiiight obsession with the taste of cum. In a soft warm pressure, his balls started to grow slowly as well, just in time for her to reach him at the foot of the bed and cup them gently in her hands. She kissed his glans and then without opening her lips, pushed herself down till it popped in her mouth. She tugged back, snagging her lips on the corona playfully before advancing down his shaft. Already she was enjoying it more with the added soft curves of the bloated veins on the surface. A bit more intense a feeling that the shaft thickening, it started to get longer now- feeling a bit like someone gently pulling the shaft and somehow unreeling more from inside of him! She could easily take his entire shaft in her mouth, but then she had to bob a bit more carefully as it got longer. Then she had to concentrate a bit more as Bell now had to take some down her throat to fit it, and then she simply could not fit all of it. At least a half inch was outside of her mouth at the best. It remained a bit thicker at the base than it did the tip, giving it almost a slightly cone shape to it. His balls went from chicken eggs all the way up to softball sized. She could rest them both in one hand but only lightly before either nut started to roll off the sides of her hand. Using both hands though- each was a perfect fit for her palm. The scrotal flesh had no problem keeping up and becoming a bit more thick itself, so there was still plenty of pliable flesh around them. The pleasure seemed to ramp up quicker than usual as if he were more sensitive, but it held at a mid-point without ramping up too quickly, so he still held out for a good amount of time in spite of her expert mouth. When his dick tightened in orgasm she held her breath and did her absolute best to ram the entire thing into her. Both of their faces turned red as he fired a huge load straight down her throat- bypassing her mouth entirely. It lasted longer than usual as well, so he supposed those bigger balls were not just for show.

She licked off any remaining cum as she slid off his dick, so it came out of her mouth squeaky clean. "Mmm, so good! It's much thicker and heavier!"

Gerard looked himself over- his clothes fitting quite snug around his muscular form. "So, you like muscle studs then, huh?"

"Oh, it's not done. Your changes just plateaued here momentarily because that was the end of the easiest changes. The changes your body could have pulled off normally."

Gerard was going to reply 'oh' but it turned into a long groan as he felt his muscles tightening and swelling up again! The crevices between muscle groups deepened and veins started to bulge out on the surface of his skin as it was pulled even tighter around the muscle. Gerard wobbled in place a bit, partially at the mercy of his muscle's involuntary movement as it grew. His voice got a little bit deeper and he started breathing heavier when his body started to feel even hotter. He felt a tremor inside his body as his right leg join dislocated for a moment and then re-set almost instantly, then his left leg. When he focused his attention on it looking down he noticed he was even taller than Bell than he already was! He wasn't just getting more muscular, his entire body was actually getting bigger! His bones shuffled around, jarring his body a moment with each pop since they did not all grow at the same rate- causing the joints to momentarily dislocate. It was at this point that Gerard started to worry a bit- looking down at his girlfriend who was increasingly small compared to him.

He started to bow forward as his back muscles expanded in a surge from bottom to top, getting stronger the higher up it went, straining and then ripping his shirt down the middle! He unintentionally let out a grunt from the pressure release, and noticed his voice got deeper again! His torso then started to push back the other way as his abdominal and pectoral muscles swelled bigger and tighter! Gerard went to grab the sundered shirt and pull the useless thing off, but as soon as he moved his arms the muscles flexing burst his sleeves open and the shirt fell off entirely on its own! He groaned and felt the tightness surge down his arms in the wake of the shirt's death and his arms swelled up giant! Gerard's upper body was so huge he wobbled a bit again from being so top heavy, and took a step back to steady himself. It was then he realized just how tight his pants were strangling him- he could barely move his legs at all; his jeans were strangling them.

Bell caught his broken shirt and took a deep breath in the torn fabric to take in his scent before smiling at his current dilemma. "Try doing a squat."

Obeying, Gerard tried squatting and groaned as the fabric did not want to cooperate. It pulled hard as rock around his calves and thighs and in a loud, dry popping sound the seams burst!

Bell's smile only got wider. "Let me try somethin'... cum for me." Gerard furrowed his brow not knowing what she meant, did she want him to masturbate? "Cum for me, cum big guy, cum.." She started chanting, and every time the word cum left her lips, he felt a small pulse of pleasure in his dick!

With every utterance of the word the pleasure pulsed stronger, and his hips started to buck a bit as well involuntarily. In a massive surge, his body got still bigger, his muscles a bit larger, his pants exploded off completely and he came explosively without anything even touching him! His second orgasm was even a bit longer than the first! Since he was already awkwardly squatting when he came, he fell completely over during and actually shook the floor with the impact. He took some time to catch his breath. Looking his body over, he seemed a bit hairier too. His chest, forearms, and shins all had a mat of hair on them now, and his pubes trailed up to his belly button!

Lorelei's voice was heard quite close- she must be just on the other side of the bedroom door. "So... are you sure you want to press on, Bell? The human form cannot take any more than this, so if you push him farther his human shape will start to deform." The sound of her voice was deep, womanly, and almost musical- but also slightly disorienting to hear, because it was magic in nature.

Bell paused a moment with a more serious face, but then nodded. "Yea. Keep going."

Gerard awkwardly got up. His body was so tremendously strong, he felt like he could fold brick walls. It was also tremendously bulky, and awkward to move in, and everything seemed so damn small now. He put a hand on the wall to steady himself as he stood up and noticed his hand was almost at the top of the doorway! He was so huge he was bigger than the door! He would have to bow over and probably shuffle sideways to even fit out of the door!

"W-wait... this is a bit much, isn't it? I can't even fit out of the door properly..."

Lorelei shrugged on the other side of the door. "Sorry Gerard- I am here for Bell. You will need her to throw in the towel if you want this to stop."

Gerard looked to Bell but then teetered and fell onto all fours from another onslaught of change! "W-woout, woait... toouh... big." His voice got even deeper!

Bell shook her head and gently grasped the sides of his face to look into his eyes. His face was almost level with hers and he was on all fours on the floor, and she was on all fours on the bed! "Shhh, don't worry, it won't hurt. I can make it as far from hurt as possible. Lorelei made it so you cum on command!" Saying cum again caused a small pleasure pulse. "So why don't you... cum for me?" He groaned as his groin muscles twitched and another strong pulse came. "Cum on, cum big guy..."

She started chanting again and it did not take too many repetitions to force him to cum a third time now! The orgasm felt too good, causing his body to relax which caused the magic to surge as a result! Having a climax lowered his body's defenses! He got even bigger, and even more muscular! He was a giant now- no human could get that big! His hands and feet however did not grow, causing them to be disproportionately small. They started to numb a bit, and then dull muffled cracks and snaps could be heard as the muscle sinew inside tightened and shifted, forcing the bone to reshape and compact! His hands and feet were devolving!

"Buuuell, stoope thus... uut's tooouh much! T-toouh buhg!" His voice was thunderously deep now!

Even his neck swelled with muscle now! His thick, rock hard veins throbbed all over his body, trapped between his extremely tight smooth skin and his inhumanly bloated muscle! He felt strong enough to crush stone in his bare hands, but so tight and bulky that he could also barely move in the first place! Bell's hands felt so tiny on his face!

Lorelei quietly stepped into the room, around behind Gerard. She softly blew on his rump, and his extremely over-tight underpants turned to vapor and vanished into the air. "Easy big guy. Perfection is hard, isn't it? So big and strong... but you can be better, can't you?"

"Whut are yoouh... oooh..." His head felt warm and tingly- her voice was so potent it made you feel momentarily drunk from the sound.

Gerard tried to stand up but did not realize from the partial numbness that his limbs were too badly changed to use properly at the moment. His muscle mass had grown so hard and large that it locked his spine, and his upper back muscles were so large it almost looked like he had a hump back! He could not stand up at all, he was locked into all fours! Every time he tried to get onto his feet, they thudded a bit harder on the floor. What had been skin was now a keratin shell. His largest and smallest toe on either foot as well as his thumb and pink from his hands had devolved into useless nubs, becoming dew claws. The rest of his digits compacted into two larger, but less flexible digits becoming cloven hooves! He still wore socks, but the hooves had cut their way out the bottom! He has never walked around on the hooves yet, so their edges were actually very sharp from never being worn down on anything. Gerard wanted to turn and face Lorelei to see what she was trying to do, but even turning his head was much more difficult than it should have been! His neck swelled tremendously with muscle, matching and starting to swell even thicker than his actual head! His face turned red from swelling blood pressure as his heart started to actual grow bigger in his chest! His ears started to become pointed.

Lorelei gently touched his balls from behind, using both hands and very softly ran them around the curvature on either side- they hung quite heavily in the scrotum. Surprised by her touch, Gerard tried to move forward momentarily forgetting the bed immediately in front of him and Bell brought her face down to touch her forehead to his, hushing him like she were trying to subdue a small child.

Lorelei dawned a small smile at the warmth she felt radiating from the huge, musky balls. "Sooo heavy, aren't they? I can help you."

She cupped the bottom of either ball and lifted them up a bit in the scrotum. Gerard partially closed his eyes and let out a moan that sounded like a mix between a moo and a growl because of how impossibly deep his voice was. He had not even realized how much weight they were till Lorelei removed the weight from his groin temporarily. In soft warm surges though- his balls started to grow bigger! They rolled around in Lorelei's tiny womanly hands but did not roll out of them thanks to the scrotal flesh. She had to be careful not to prick him on accident- her fingers are clawed. They were already the size of soft balls, then the size of ostrich eggs, then basket balls! As their weight increased they sunk lower because Lorelei did not change the amount of weight she was willing to heft. The scrotum was stretched lower and tighter, but also thickened. His foreskin fattened tremendously as well, getting even thicker than his now enhanced scrotum! As it grew though, the flesh tightened at the base till it fused with his crotch! From bottom to tip, his entire enlarged foreskin started to fuse to his body! His pubic hair became shorter but thicker as it converted from hair to fur, and started to advance around the entire foreskin, becoming long and wispy at the very end. Gerard's hair started to turn to fur everywhere on his body, and slowly start to advance out from where it grew to consume more of his form! His upper back grew an especially shaggy mat of fur.

Lorelei rolled her hands around, causing the giant heavy balls to roll gently on top. "Such a big, strong boy. Why don't you reward yourself?" She brought her face a bit closer to the huge scrotum from behind. "And cum?"

Unlike Bell, Lorelei need only say it once. His prostate rung like a tuning fork as Lorelei's voice on his balls felt like a vibrator turned up to 11. She smiled as the weight started to vanish from her hands. Without moving her hands at all, the balls slowly started to lift up off of them. His penis was forced longer and longer by the blasting pleasure exploding out of him, overtaking the giant foreskin that was now a sheath! The sheath alone traveled most of the way up his gut. His penis got even longer than that, and then longer again! It grew in length but not girth, causing its form to stretch and its formerly human shape to disappear as it became a long tapered pillar with a slightly crooked tip just as he erupted in another orgasm! This time it lasted even longer! Gerard bellowed and struggled to remain standing as the pleasure drained the strength from his limbs and practically whited out his thoughts!

Lorelei stood up straight again and gently used three fingers to pinch his tail bone over and over, massaging it and causing the skin and muscle to stretch out, longer and longer. She tugged a long narrow tail out of him, and once it had grown about a foot out of him she grabbed the base gently and slid her hand down the entire length causing him to moo in pleasure again. Once her hand popped off the end- a bushy tassel appeared on it. He felt a pressure starting to build up in his face, especially the bridge of his nose as his nostrils flared. He tried his best to fight it, knowing it would be the end for him.

"Toouh big! Hnnn~" His body audibly groaned and several pops could be heard from his spine as his entire torso started to bloat longer. "Huh... hah... no muuuoar..." His eyes widened as he heard his nose pop and watched the bridge expand massively. "Ouh no! N-nuuuu. Uh am huuumun, huuuu... muh..."

His nose started to take up most of his vision and then in an explosion of growth his skull stopped resisting the change and in several rapid fire cracks, it stretched tremendously. Even fully transformed his head still wasn't as thick as his bulging neck. He was able to see past his nose better again as his skull expanded, changing the angle his eyes were at- being farther apart allowed them to see around the long face. His lips and nose took on the same black coloration and his nose turned cool and moist on the end, becoming slightly more textured. What had been a short bristly beard turned to feeler hairs on the chin as fur advanced around his face- the remnants of what used to be the hair on his head. His tongue swelled up huge and thick to fill the now long jaws and still have length to spare to reach out. He tried to talk but it was no use- even if his vocal chords were still intact the new mouth structure and tongue would make speaking like a human impossible. Between how massively bulbous his muscles were and how minuscule the room was compared to him, Gerard did not even know if he could move. Two brief pricks could be felt on his head followed by the gentle tickle of two blood drops trailing down either side as budding horns grew. His thoughts seemed cloudy, and then sparse. His mind itself started to feel lighter, his thoughts getting more simple and farther apart. The bigger and longer the horns grew, the smaller his mental capacity grew. When they finished, he grunted and grumbled a bit trying to put together a cohesive thought, and you could see the moment he gave up trying when his iris expanded hiding the whites of his eyes, darkening them like an animal. Gerard was a colossal bull now! His basketball sized nuts swinging around in a scrotum so long it nearly brushed the ground. He was such a behemoth breed, Bell looked like a doll in comparison. She slid right off the end of the bed and directly under her boyfriend, sliding his long neon pink meat pillar into her mouth as far as she could manage.

Lorelei smiled with a cocked brow at Bell's thirst. "Jeez how much cum could one wom-"

Lorelei put her hand over her mouth to silence herself when Gerard reared his head back and bellowed as his balls immediately began to lift themselves up in his long loose scrotum. Lorelei accidentally said cum in his presence, she really needed to get her collar back on before Gerard caused flood damage to the house.


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