Jack Of All Horses

Story by iplank on SoFurry

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All the females you could want, and they all want you badly! The catch? They aren't human. With the ability to turn into a horse or any assortment of half-horse mythical creatures, Tod is charged by his friend to help her create mythic-tier breeding stock. Everything goes as planned, till someone gets greedy...

You might want to do yourself a favor and read this in more than one sitting- its broken into chapters for a reason, lol. The chapters are per-species as well so they're good cut off points.

(M tf stallion, hippocampus, ichthyocentaur, hippogriff, longma, hippalectryon)

This story is a long one- if you want to skip to a specific TF or just find your place again if you are reading in more than one go, just CTRL+F;






6]Hyper Stallion

Tod had been having a bit of an unlucky streak with women. His last relationship broke off because she had to move away to follow work opportunities and he could not follow, and since then he has yet to find another. Milly was a woman he had been friends with for ages- but not in a romantic capacity, so when he complained to her about not having had sex in so long, he did not expect the conversation to actually go anywhere- he was just venting.

"I have a ranch full of brood mares you can fuck, I know you like horse anthros, hehe." That brought back embarrassing memories of him asking her to fix his PC, only to stumble on his 'stash'.

Tod rolled his eyes. "Right. Funny."

"No seriously- with formstones I can turn you into a horse, negating the taboo." She paused to think a moment, but spoke up again before Tod could. "Reason I bring it up actually is I have been looking into virility potions and such so I can breed better horses to sell for better prices. These mares are being told by their bodies to get preggers, so might as well let them and turn some profit while you are at it, right? But then it hit me- I could use a formstone to create a perfect breeding stud! Formstones are imprinted with the body of a creature allowing you to swap your body for its body while it's activated, right? You can only store one form in a formstone so naturally only the best specimens are chosen to imprint the stone with."

"Ok... so you decided that rather than use that on a breeding stud, you'd turn a human into one?"

"Well that is the thing- the formstones only work on humans. No one- at least that I know of- has made a formstone attuned to a creature. That is why using it for breeding stock isn't a thing already."


Tod turned down her offer almost without thinking about it at all. After she left to return home though, he was still thinking about it. Should he? It sounded so taboo, but the mare's were in heat and wanted it. They were animals, but he could be too. As full as his porn folder was of horses, he never actually considered even being near one in the real world. He also never considered being turned into one either, though. Well, he supposed he already told her no by now and she was probably already home again. Tod attempted to watch television and just shrug the whole thing off, but found his thoughts wandering. He was feeling pretty horny- no doubt from the thoughts Milly seeded in him. He decided to turn on his PC and relieve himself to some of his fictional mares.

When he flopped his junk out to masturbate, he noticed his balls looked a bit puffy and bigger than normal. He shrugged it off for now and grabbed his shaft to beat off. He imagined himself as a stud, trying to picture what it would be like to take one of them as another horse. As he masturbated though- he did not notice the skin thickening on his scrotum and excess skin pooling at the base forming a very thick and meaty base to his penis. His balls were filled with a very gentle, warm pleasure as they started to slowly enlarge, feeding him more hormones to drive him further into his fantasy and away from noticing the changes. His penis started to grow longer, and again he did not notice. His neck tickled a bit as new hairs grew in, advancing his hairline down his neck slowly. The veins on his dick started to throb harder, stretching a bit wider and his shaft followed along, engorging further than normally possible. Tod finally noticed something wrong when his fingers started to get forced apart because his dick was outgrowing his hand!

"WHAT?! What... wow." He watched it as it changed, a bit dazed.

The skin on his genitals was turning a grey-pink now as it continued to transform. His cock seemed to bob a bit with the more powerful throbs- pulling down and then growing back forward. Each downward pull caused the dense skin at the base to transition further toward a proper sheath. His balls were getting heavier and bigger, his scrotum now smooth and turning bruise purple just ahead of the shaft which quickly followed. His dick advanced past his belly button, to his ribs, up his chest, past his collar. The longer and thicker it got the darker the skin turned. A medial ring formed once it passed his collar- needing a halfway point to telescope out from and still be able to pack itself away after. The head started to flatten into a more subdued curve, with a slight cleft down the middle and the area around the urethral opening started to sink in a bit, though the urethra did not.

"Damnit! Milly must have had a formstone on her when she was here! She cast the damn thing on me anyway!" He watched his junk get still bigger, and wanted to continue but knew he shouldn't. "I have to get to her ranch, fast."

His nuts were the size of softballs now and glossy black. Tod tried to think of unsexy things to get it to go soft so he could stuff it in his pants to go out- but it refused. He put the shaft under his shirt and hoped that was good enough. It was so long the head was sticking out of his collar. Placed in an upright position though- his transformation took advantage and used this time to properly merge the sheath to his underside so his penis could not be oriented in any other way. He could feel an uncomfortable tightness in the rear of his pants as his tailbone started to grow, wedged against the fabric. Veins became visible around his crotch like on a horse's underside as well. Tod grabbed his keys and locked his apartment door as he went to leave and stumbled forward, knocking his forehead against the door by accident. His legs let out loud, wet sounding cracks and pops as they quickly started changing- it sounded painful as hell but luckily did not actually hurt at all. His feet started to get longer, fast. His ankles raised up from out of his shoes and his toes got jammed together in the front, quickly merging together into one gigantic toe! Tod turned and leaned entirely against the door so he could scramble to get his shoes off- his growing mono-toe was very quickly outgrowing their capacity. Or more accurately, the giant unified nail growing from it that was rapidly thickening into a black hoof. He got one off in time, but had to kick the other off using his first freed foot because it had already grown too big to pop off easily. His socks came off a lot easier thanks to them being a great deal more flexible. By the time he unveiled them, his feet were already gone- replaced by the large U shaped hoof of a horse. Tod groaned as he felt his tail growing, wedged down and around his entire butt crack as the only space it could fit. He pulled his pants down a bit in the back and grabbed the tail, pulling it out and over. As soon as it was exposed to the open air, its hair started to grow in, making its final length long enough to touch his shins.

Tod raced to his car- he would have to move fast to get to her ranch and make Milly fix this! As he walked down to the parking lot though, his penis continued to grow slowly and inched up far enough to be level with his nose- beyond what his shirt could cover. He paused and groaned as a pressure burst into his back and then released with a loud pop as his entire body trembled from the shift. His dick was now level with his chin. His torso got longer! He reached his car unlocked the door and when he bent down to open it he realized his torso had not just gotten longer- his entire body was bigger. He would have to scrunch himself up pretty good to even fit into the car! As he crouched though, his thighs stretched and tore his pant legs! The changes were still going up his legs! His bones slowly grew becoming big and sturdy, and his muscles swelled and thickened around them. Fur started to grow around his hooves and was making its way up his legs too- but only grew on the parts that were fully formed. Another issue- when he tried to bend over his dick surpassed his head entirely, blocking his view of anything but shaft. How was he going to drive with a dick in his face?! His spine popped and his torso got longer again! His lungs and heart grew causing his chest to expand and barrel out! Tod's shirt groaned in protest and started to rip from around the shoulders! His body couldn't bend enough- he could not fit in the car at all now! Tod groaned again as his voice deepened, and his neck started to pop and lengthen now- his hair forming a mane down the back just as quickly. His pants ripped further and further up till his hips burst in size and exploded his pants off entirely! A wave of numbness took his legs causing him to fall onto the side of the car, holding himself up with his arms because his legs momentarily dislocated from the sudden growth of the hips. When his legs re-set in the sockets, they did so in a formation that would only allow for four legged motion! He was still held up against the car, but he could not walk upright. The fur took his torso as it advanced up from his legs, but started to slow down the further up it grew. To keep pace with his huge hips, his butt cheeks grew massive and round with muscle. A stripe of bare black flesh exposed his swollen taint leading back to his anus which puffed up and out into a fat ring below his tail. Tod sighed, bracing himself mentally for the rest of the changes. And then nothing happened. They... stopped.

Tod looked himself over a bit confused. Some of his upper body was horse, his entire lower body was horse, but he was definitely still a good portion of human. He looked in the car, wondering if there was still a way he could use it to reach Milly. Maybe if he put the front seat completely back, he could sit on the back seat with his body laying over it, and use one arm to push the pedal down and the other to steer? It would still be a stunt just cramming himself into the car in the first place though.

"Ah! Oh, here we go..."

His skin tightened on his arms and he nodded to himself- the changes only paused, they did not stop. His skin started to bunch up and stiffen, forming many stiff, shallow hills of skin like pseudo scales all over his hands and arms! The bottom of his palm crushed together and started to merge together! His pinky and thumb were forced to touch and then merged into a single digit! His nails all grew long and sharp and thickened, though became narrow as well. His skin turned grayish, then charcoal, then totally black. This wasn't a horse's limbs! There was even new muscle sets in his back he did not even know what they did! As he flexed them and they continued to grow he realized it was actually moving something on his back. By the time he turned to look over his shoulder they had the appearance of giant bald chicken wings! Millions of quills started to rise out of his skin, causing Tod to squirm from the wave of prickly feeling. His ears shrank away, leaving only holes in their wake as his hair fell out- replaced by the advancing waves of quills. His teeth all started to merge together and grow forward out of his mouth, then growing so large it stretched his mouth open more and more, pulling his lips back till they were indistinguishable! His nose receded partly, but his nostrils remained the same- the structure of the nose was pushed back too far by the growth from his mouth as it turned into a proper beak! He let out a strange rattling growl sound and then squawked in surprise as the quills all started to burst open rapidly, opening fully into feathers covering the entire upper portion of his body! The added mass of the feathers pushed his shirt beyond its abilities and it tore completely off of him, leaving him nude. The new set of proto limbs on his back were huge now, and so was the array of feathers that grew from them- forming huge wings. The wings had their own set of shoulder blades- but the two sets partially overlapped one another under the skin. The changes once again stopped, leaving Tod confused.

He shoved himself off of the car and spun on his hooves to drop down onto all fours. He then turned to look in the side mirror of the car to figure out what the hell he even was anymore. His feathers were a very dark metallic green, but all dark near-black brown on the tips to match his horse fur. He had the head of a bird, but the size and girth of his neck and the mane running down the back of it was still horse. Tod's beak was dark brown like most of the rest of him. His torso was horse shaped, feathered at the front and fur on the back. Wings and front legs like a bird, and the entire lower end was horse. Only now was his erection finally starting to soften and go back into its sheath. With his now larger torso- his dick only reached the middle of his ribs. He turned into a Hippogriff- half horse, half bird! Still horse where it counted- of course, hippogriff sired horses would be exceptionally fast- though their bones would be more brittle than normal.

Well with the addition of wings, there was absolutely no way Tod could ever fit in a vehicle. He needed to get to Milly though. Tod looked at himself in the mirror again a moment and then around to see if anyone was around to spot him. He was completely transformed now, so if someone seen him NOW, they wouldn't be able to know it was him. He walked down the driveway a bit, looking around again trying to figure out what direction Milly's ranch was. He pulled his wings in, flexing the muscles in them then opened them fully to stretch, before relaxing a bit more. He took a step back, then dashed forward and jumped into the air, flapped his wings, and face planted into the grass at the side of the driveway. Tod got up slowly, shaking dirt off his beak and making odd clicking sounds again. He flapped his wings a bit, feeling the air catch under them and shove all the loose dirt and dust around him back in a wave. He flapped harder and harder till he felt his body bob. He lifted them again, holding for a moment in concentration and then slammed them down on the ground and fired himself straight into the air! He flapped them more and started to lift further up, then tilted them slightly, turning the feathers a bit and started to move forward. He couldn't drive to Milly's place, so he would just fly there! It was a little nerve-wracking at first, looking down at the homes and streets below and knowing nothing was under him to hold him up. The strength of his wings gave him confidence though- there was a lot of power in this body.

Tod was not accustomed to flying, and wasn't especially fit as a human, so by the time he got to the ranch he nearly crash landed onto the far side of the fields. His wings ached- he would walk the rest of the way. All the horses in the field backed up as he approached, not knowing what to think of the strange creature. Hippogriff do not live in these regions at all- they nest in the giant trees of elder forests. Tod was still pretty breathless even as he crossed the field. Like swimming- flying was an intense workout and he went quite a distance for being his only time in the air. As he approached the midway point on the fields though, the horses stopped backing off and started to approach him instead. He probably got close enough that they could see he was half horse himself. His own nostrils flared a bit. There was something in the air, but he could not identify it. It was almost more of a feeling in his nose than an actual smell. Tod did not realize what he was picking up on was horse pheromones. He was breathing deep and rapidly from being out of breath- and inhaling the scent of a dozen mares in heat. They also picked up on his smell- the musky scent of stallion balls, making their mouths water and their fat labia moisten. The mares surrounded him as he tried to get to the house, swarming him close enough that he could not advance! He was a bit irritated but that vanished as soon as he seen the flash of pink and became enthralled. The mares turned for him, brushing their tails against him and then flashing him their moist inner pussy as their huge stiff clits parted the curtains in an equine wink. Immediately Tod remembered what he was fantasizing about at home before he was interrupted before he could get off. His big stallion dick once again emerged from his sheath, wobbling in the air under him as it grew longer, then stiffer, then thudded against his underside in full erection!

His body went into auto pilot, mirroring the vision in his head as he played through the scenario he imagined in real life! Tod grabbed the mare's big butt, then thrust forward powerfully putting himself much closer to her. He adjusted his grip to be much further up her body- sliding his torso up onto her back. His cock wobbled a bit from all the motion making it a bit hard to aim because of how long it was, but her clit held her pussy open for him to hit an easy mark and he thrust in! Electric pleasure fired up his dick and exploded into his hips, diffusing into his body! She felt so wonderful wrapped around him! Tod thrust into her powerfully, gripping the ground behind them with his large hooves to slam into her as deep as he could, speeding up and hitting climax rather quickly! Horse are not much in terms of sexual stamina, after all.

Milly clapped from her seat in the barn only ten feet away- Tod had not even noticed the door was wide open the entire time and she could see the entire thing! Her clapping snapped him out of it and he slowly tip toed his way back off the mare, staring across the fields afraid to turn around and face Milly.

"Hey, great job! Mare number one down. Only twelve to go."

His face felt hot in embarrassment and he turned at her and squawked loudly! Then made confused grumbling sounds, and then trailed off in deep clicking sounds.

"Oh! Shoot, uh, hold on." She dashed into the barn to find something and came back out with a pendant. Milly glanced at it, then at him and just held it against his throat. "Try now?"

He made strange grumbles again and an almost chirp.

"Hrm, ok. Sorry, you can't talk till I turn you back. I have to put the pendant on before I transform someone. Your neck is too big to put it on after the fact."

Milly went back into the barn and was gone for a few minutes before coming back with a formstone. He held it toward Tod and it let off a powerful flash of light and in an explosion of energy- Tod's form exploded outward in a wave of coloured vapor, releasing a perfectly human Tod to fall to the ground in its place- completely nude. Milly laughed, tossing him a jacket he tied around his hips to cover his junk till he could get back to the house and she invited him in for dinner. He got dressed in a simple outfit of borrowed clothing. Milly explained she used the stone on him to give him a 'test run' to convince him to do it. Tod was too embarrassed to speak for some time. His face remained beat red for so long Milly was getting worried he would pass out.

Milly grinned at him as he finished dinner. "Well, stud? Staying the night? You wanted sex and there is plenty here waiting for you."

Tom just crossed his arms.

"Oh come on. You can't say that didn't feel great. And if you didn't want it at all, why did you mount her? There is thirteen mares in total, all waiting for a turn on your meat stick."



"There is fourteen mares, I counted."

Milly chuckled. "Oh, right. You can't get one of them pregnant because she isn't a horse. One of them is a human in the form of a horse- I will let you guess which one. There is sixteen horses and one donkey total- two are the studs I normally use. Also, think of it this way; you are helping make the horses stronger and give their species a better chance! You are ensuring the next batch of foals have superior genes!"

Tod groaned, burring his face in his hands. "Please don't talk about babies..."

Milly just pat him on the head. That night they slept in the same bed, Tod slept with his pillows at the foot of the bed so they were opposite each other. Milly woke up first the next day, eager to get her formstones lined up and ready to go. Tod however remained sleeping for some time. The rhythmic pounding of the rain made it easier to sleep. When he finally got up he groaned at the sight out the window overlooking the fields. Real heavy rain under a matte grey sky. No wind or lightning but still certainly not the type of weather you go out in. Even if he wanted to bail from her plot now he wouldn't be able to get home. He did not have wings or his car now so he would have to walk- and he is not walking through THAT. Even as he ate breakfast Milly presented him the selection of formstones, showing them off.


"Its poring rain outside, we can't do anything today anyway."

"Huh? Are you made of sugar? You melt in water? I suppose you could mount in the barn too but that would be kinda rude so close to the other horses who are still penned in." Milly motioned out the window to a mare wandering the edges of the field, close to the barn but still outside. "It just so happens we have a girl with an affinity to water. Wet and wild times- live a little!"

Tod glanced outside and spaced out a bit in thought. His brain was still working up to speed from waking up. Sex in the rain, huh? While he did not like the idea of being soaked and cold, it did sound like something you'd have on a bucket list. It would be an experience, for sure. Milly's casual approach to the situation helped slowly ease Tod's embarrassment. Milly was the type of person who goes to the bathroom and doesn't bother to close the door. There was at least two occasions she borrowed the shower at his place and pranced around naked like it was nothing. Tod reluctantly agreed, and without giving him the option Milly quickly grabbed which formstone they would use. Because of the situation- one of the form made a lot more sense than the others. After breakfast Milly gave the stone to Tod and he dashed out to the barn. He spent some time wandering around the barn looking at and greeting all the horses. In truth he was having a bit of trouble getting it up. Even though the memory of yesterday's unintentional romp was hot as hell, and he was surrounded by all these fine horses- now being somewhat expected to have sex put pressure on him and made it hard to preform! Just talking to the horses and brushing their mane with his fingers or patting their heads, he could not tell which mare was the fake. The one outside wandered to the open barn doors to see him as well, and he did not know if she was the fake- but could also tell she was not a normal horse. When she turned her head the light caught in her eyes allowing him to see her pupils were vertical slits, not horizontal rectangles like normal horse. When she smelled the male on him her lips curled back a bit and she gave a pleased nicker- and he seen her teeth were all sharp fangs as well, not flat slabs! That was why she enjoyed being soaked! That mare was sired by a Kelpie! When he went to pat the lone jackass- it opened its mouth baring its large teeth a bit as if to bite him and closed its mouth as he moved back. An oddly human reaction- it did not want to be pet. Milly said one of the mares were fake- she did not say if the stallions or jackass were real.

The kelpie half-blood certainly seemed ready to go, prancing around the open doors impatiently. Tod decided to just use the formstone now. He was psyching himself out thinking about it- the only correct approach was to dive in head first without thinking! Sometimes your fear of something is the only actual roadblock. Instead of being shy about doing anything in front of Milly, he should take her example and be flaunting! Show off how masculine he can be! Take it as a challenge! Tod activated the formstone, and then set it down on a small tool table near the doors. Because the stone remained close to him unlike the other day- the effects were more immediate. He felt his arm muscles flexing involuntarily and started to strip off the borrowed clothes so he didn't shred her outfits too. Standing there naked actually felt pretty... good. The cool air and occasionally a light misting from the rain dropping only inches in front of him- feeling the open outdoors air on his junk felt refreshing. The moisture had been building in the hot summer air till today so it was getting muggy and gross- this was a nice contrast.

The other day his changes started with his junk- but he wasn't masturbating today so the changes started elsewhere. His biceps started to swell up on their own- the muscles tightening and bulging then relaxing but remaining just as distended, growing in gentle throbs. His hands started to compress- his fingers bunching together and then their mobility started to disappear as they fused into a singular mass. His nailed unified and thickened- getting farther toward black as they bulked. His tail started to grow in, and this time it was a much better feeling- not being immediately jammed against his pants since he wasn't wearing them. The feeling was a slight squirming in his lower back as those muscles bulked up and snaked their way down, stretching a tail out with the added length of the muscle groups. He was mostly watching his hands devolve when he closed his eyes and groaned at a pulse of pressure in his head. It was not like the pressure of a headache- the pressure was specifically in the bone only. His ears started to change structure- becoming pointed and longer but also more thin as muscles formed in the base to allow them to pivot around at will. His hairline started to advance down into a mane, and just as it was about to finish its climb down is neck- his neck popped and grew longer! By now his hands were completely gone, replaced by horse hooves and his arms were no longer looking human at all. The bones got bigger, making his arms both longer and larger overall, and the muscles bulked quite a bit. Hard and sinewy in the lower limb- more bulky and bulbous in the upper arms and especially shoulders. He went to moan again but it came out as a bit of a wheeze thanks to his changing throat. His throat tightened as he finished breathing out making it sound like a breathy neigh. The muscles in his throat bulged in the front making him want to move his head back to give it room, but the pressure pulsed in his spine arching him forward instead. The pressure softly built in the back of his neck and then popped and reset- but then climbed again for the next segment. The bridge of his nose popped and expanded greatly as his face started to stretch outward. His eyes started to drift apart as his skull expanded out the middle- moving his eyes to the side. He might have toppled over at this point since almost all of his changes were in his upper body- but his tail was growing below and already gigantic to act as a counterbalance! Certainly nothing like a horse tail- the gigantic muscular and fleshy mass was already trailing on the ground behind him, the base getting more and more thick as it grew, forcing his hips to pop and reshape to accommodate- but that took strength out of his legs. Tod lowered himself to all fours.

The half-blood mare watched him intently over her shoulder- her rump facing him as her fat black pussy winked at him and her wet tail swished back and forth, fanning the smell through the air to him. His nostrils expanded greatly and he could once again pick up on the pheromones- this negated the stage fright holding his erection back. Tod breathed in deeper breaths, intoxicated by the scent. Too subtle to identify actively in his mind, but he still knew it was there and still wanted more! His lungs swelled wider with his huge breaths and caused his ribs to start popping as his torso grew barreled. His swelling pectoral muscles were forced forward by the deforming shape of the torso. He rest his crotch on the ground, with his erection wedged between because he could not move his legs at all anymore and could barely even feel them- the nerves and blood flow already rerouted to his monolithic tail by now! As long as his entire body and still growing, his tail squirmed around involuntarily from the growing muscle structure. Tod let out a deep neigh and snorted out two powerful jets of hot air as his face finished transforming fully into a horse. He straightened his front legs to arch his body as high off the ground as possible and felt his cock swelling up now beyond a full erection. It grew longer faster than it did thicker, but it did swell in girth as well. Unlike the other time, its coloration did not seem to be changing at all, it remained pink. As it stretched, rather than the head swelling even bigger, it started to shrink as if the shaft were stealing its mass to add to itself. It became more and more tapered as it grew, till the shape of the head was gone entirely! Even as his torso started to grow longer- his penis raced it, surpassing the length of a stallion! His tail grew so gigantic it consumed his butt- his anus now on the base of the tail as it took all the space between his legs- then pressed into his legs- and then swallowed them! His useless legs were merged into the mass of the growing tail as it became just as wide as his torso itself at the base! His hips no longer had any visible definition! His cock grew so long that even against his completed horse torso- it was long enough to reach his mid-neck! Though tapered at the tip- the base was as wide as the mid-point of a football! Starting at his hooves yet again- ultra fine horse fur started to spread up his arms to consume his torso. The skin at the tip of the tail started to stiffen and bubble up, dividing into hardened keratin sheets as it formed into metallic brown fan-shaped scales, with a thin dark blue strip at the very edge! The skin on the end of his tail stretched out with thin but ultra dense muscle fibers to grow out from under the scales and form two huge flipper-like fins! The remnants of his legs stretched back out into two flippers closer to his body- much thicker and bigger than the ones on his tail, but not more mobile. Scale and fur met at his lower back- fur going further down in the front to the opening of his cock, the scales going further up his back to the middle point. His enlarged balls popped back into him and the scrotum tightened against his body till it was no longer visible. He neighed loudly and shook his entire body to settle into its new form as it completed. Since it is so wet outside- he turned half horse, half fish- a Hippocampus! His cock looked like a whale dork, except veinier and it still had a medial ring like a horse.

He looked at the mare and grumbled a bit as his dick trembled every few moments from a throb in its base. He had not considered this problem... he has no back legs. How does he get onto the mare in the first place if he cannot fully stand? She shuffled her feet, trying to shake her tushy for him, getting impatient but she was not smart enough to realize his low leg count. From this angle he could easily see her small jiggly teats from below- the soft round veins bordering the cleft of her huge muscular butt cheeks, and just how fat and round her labia were. Tod tried to move sort of like an inch worm- arching his body and then scooting his lower half forward using his flippers. When his head was far enough out of the barn to catch the rain his ears instinctively pivoted forward and cupped down against his head. When swimming- a hippocampus cups its ears on its head to prevent water from getting in. Tod got almost under the mare, then arched himself way back, balancing on the base of his tail and then using all the massive musculature of his tail to slowly lift himself up onto it, further and further down its length. It was a strain but he was doing it- though his tail ached. He got his front hooves up onto the top of her big round butt and he took a deep inhale from her pussy perfectly level with his nose, but she tried to move back and shove it into him- which almost toppled him over onto his back! He was caught though. He glanced back over his shoulder and seen another, much bigger mare pressing her head into his back to hold him up! She stepped forward and shoved him further up the smaller mare and Tod took the chance to scramble up onto her with his front legs, finally far enough on to hook them around her meaty thighs and slide the tip of his penis into her! Both the mare and Tod nickered at the electric pleasure as he quickly was shoved into her, by the other mare! She bowed her head under the top of his tail and basically rammed him the rest of the way in, in one go! Tod also briefly noted the golden ring of fur around the bottom of her neck, linking to an amber spellstone embedded in her flesh. Looks like he found Fate- the false mare. Thanks to her human intellect, she just let herself out of her own pen.

Tod's giant cock completely filled the mare to capacity- each thrust winded her slightly, causing her to huff with each thrust. The heat radiating off their hot bodies diffused quickly into the poring rain washing over them. Their hair sopping wet, hanging heavily off them. Each powerful thrust a loud wet thud. Tod arched his tail under her- feeling her tiny teats press into it as he cradled her lower body with his much longer form. Fate walked beside them, watching with a playful almost mischievous look in her eyes. She leaned in close and caught Tod off guard with a kiss! Kissing as a horse was a bit odd- their tongues pretty big and their lips very soft and loose. Tod completely overloaded on stimulus- between being kissed be a behemoth mare, stretching out the smaller mare from the inside while also wrapping around and squeezing her in from the outside. The veins on his very long shaft all locked into rock hard stiffness as he could feel the force of the cum rocketing up the very long dick and blasting into the mare- stretching her even a bit more with liquid pressure. It was squirting out around his cock even as he still pumped into her, pooling on the ground below them and diffusing into the rain water. Tod remained in her as he started to go soft again, then started to slide off just because his muscles were too drained to continue clinging to her huge rump. He flopped to the wet ground on his back and in a burst, suddenly reverted human! He glanced dreamily back at the spellstone wondering how that happened and seen the jackass had let itself out as well now- and used the formstone to revert him. Without a sound, it wandered back into the barn again. Fate nudged his limp human penis with her huge nose to see if it had any life left in it. Seeing he was drained she huffed and returned back into the barn herself. The half-blood mare was trotting giddily in the rain now, the fire in her loins doused finally.

Tod got cleaned off mostly just by the rain as he walked back to the house. He needed a change of clothes just because the current ones were soaked. He asked Milly if she had been spying on him but she refused to answer... which probably meant that she was. Tod asked her if she had ever considered doing it herself. The formstone worked regardless of gender- the physical gender of the subject was part of its form, so if she used one of the stones on herself she would turn into a male for the duration. Milly just explained that as hot as all the horse lovin' was- she is not into other females. If she changed it would be to let one of the studs ride her- but doing that risked getting pregnant, which she also did not want.

"Speaking of the studs though... aren't they super irritated now, surrounded by mares in heat but not being allowed at them?"

"Oh, I still take care of the stallions. I just do it with my still human parts~." Milly winked at him, leaving Tod to imagine that scene.

The rain continued through the day, stopping here and there and mostly tapering off, but still pretty wet the whole day long. Most of the day ended up being pretty normal- playing games with Milly, talking about random nonsense and watching some shows. Later at night, the rain slowed to a gentle patter on the ground and roof. Milly smiled at Tod and nudged a formstone toward him as she got up to get cleaned up for bed- telling him she knows a great way to put guys to sleep, and leaving it at that. Subtly was never a strong point for Milly. Tod took the stone, looking at the runes dancing just under its slightly translucent surface. He was feeling a little horny, he supposed. Like any muscle, the more you use it the better it gets at being used. Having sex made the body sexually active, and more prepared for more sex. Tod wandered out onto the patio, taking his shirt off and feeling the cool night air on his body. The light from the house behind him reflected off the falling raindrops but beyond that he could only see the vague outlines in the dark. Were the mares even still awake? Though a horse's sleeping patterns is quite different from a humans- an adult horse only sleeps three hours each day so there was a much better chance of them still being awake than asleep. It would also depend on if they are asleep standing up or actually laying down- if they are standing they are only napping and waking them up won't bother them.


Tod huffed as he activated the stone and placed it down on the porch. "Does she even have any formstones that are just.. normal horse?"

The muscles in his back immediately tightened and he tensed up in response, standing straight. The pressure moved forward around him as his abs started to swell out, gaining definition and then his pectorals. He let out a snort as his nostrils flared and his throat started to bulk up. Veins throbbed stronger as they were pulled into visibility all over his body as his muscles pulled his skin tighter. His shoulder and upper back muscles swelled large, then it moved down into his arms. His bones started to grow, causing his entire skeletal structure to groan deep below the skin as his entire body started to grow in size. Tod's nails started to grow and thicken, stretching his fingers thicker to keep up as they shortened a bit, bulking up and degrading to have less joints. Hair started to grow on the backs of his hands and feet, spreading around his wrists and ankles but no further than that. His toes quickly joined his fingers changing the same way. Tod quickly slipped his pants off before standing on all four limbs- not waiting for his leg structure to topple him over first. His hands started to deviate from his feet a bit though- his rapidly degrading thumb shifted more toward the center of his devolving hands, while all five of his toes remained lined up and equal to one another. His feet started to lengthen, raising his ankles up further and further. His thighs bulged massively with muscle which also caused his ass to become huge and round. Tod's tail started to grow beyond what a horse should have, but not nearly at the rapid growth rate the hippocampus had either. Tod nickered from the odd feeling of his ears shifting- growing leaf shaped and gaining the ability to move around. He could move them consciously- but they mostly reacted on their own by reflex. Like glowing embers, spots of glowing red started to appear in his iris and spread quickly to consume it entirely as his pupils stretched into narrow horizontal slits. His nostrils expanded even more, causing the bridge of his nose to pop and expand as he snorted again- firing two streams of white smoke!

Each finger and toe covered in a segment of hoof, stuck somewhere between claw and hoof- his digits all devolved but did not fuse together, he could still move them all individually. When he pressed them together the segments jointed into a V shaped hoof. Because his thumbs had moved up and back, they became almost like a dew claw, but were low enough to the ground and had a large enough claw that its tip still touched the ground. His limbs finished changing by stretching just a bit taller. The growth quickly shifted into his torso, giving off several deep reverberating pops and snaps as his rib cage swelled huge, forcing him to breath in several times without breathing out as his lungs expanded and demanded more air to fill them. His hips popped and became massive and sturdy- but ensuring he could not stand back onto two legs. His tail stopped growing, just long enough that its tip almost touched his ankles- and when the hair grew on it, it only grew from the last fifth of the tail, leaving the top portion still bare. The hair on it also did not match his own- it was bright orange. Tod smiled and groaned in pleasure, moving back to subconsciously press his butt up against one of the posts holding the roof over the porch as he could feel his genitals changing finally. His anus puffed up and turned black and the black coloration bled down across his taint and into his scrotum. His balls swelled quickly, stretching the scrotum smooth as the skin on it thickened to protect its larger load. The growth continued forward swallowing the base of his dick in thick, soft folds of skin creating proto sheath before the cock itself started to grow and draw from that excess skin. After the flesh of his still developing sheath, the darkness became scattered. His entire cock turned black but as it expanded, the blackness broke into patches between increasingly large areas of pale pink. Tod squirmed at the feeling of a tingling pressure on the surface of his cock where blood pressure swelled and two hard, round bumps formed on either side of his shaft! Then it stretched longer and two more bumps formed, then longer, then two more. The medial ring that formed was a bit bumpy itself and projected farther out than normal, making it a pretty intense ridge itself. The corona started to develop stiff bumps around its entire parameter as it stretched wider, deforming the human bell shaped head into the soft dome of an equine glans. More hard bumps formed along the sides the longer it got- the space between each bump was only as big as each bump itself and they traveled the entire length of the shaft- though were a bit smaller on the later half beyond the medial ring. Tod groaned loudly in arousal as the cock finally finished changing, and slammed itself into his underside. All of his claw-like hoof segments started to glow a dull orange with heat!

The bridge of his nose started to expand, growing his skull out from the middle, starting to push his eyes out to the sides. His teeth all started to sharpen rather than grow into large slabs, his mouth filled with fangs. His hairline did not expand- his hair started to fall out. Tod arched his back and bowed his head as his spine exploded with pressure and started to yank his body and neck longer. He had to keep shuffling his footing because his legs were getting farther apart- farther than a horse. After surpassing the length of a normal horse's body, the extra length was given to his mid section, which also made him much more flexible and dexterous than a horse. His neck as well continued to grow longer than a horses would be, giving him even more flexibility. The hair on his ankles and wrists became long flowing fetlocks of orange hair, but rather than fur- his skin hardened beyond this point and started to divide into a sheet of scales! Billions of tiny round scales formed a thin sheet of armor across his entire body, giving him a glossy black form. His underside and the insides of his limbs were the only part of his body to remain untouched- completely bare skin, though its coloration darkened to grey-pink, purple, and then black to match the scales. Tod's head remained bowed as he grunt and snorted at the huge pressure building. He could hear the faint sound of skin ripping and feel the tickle of blood down the sides of his head- though he did not feel the actual wound itself. There was several pulses of pressure in a stalled moment, before he neighed loudly and the pressure exploded out of him! Growing extremely quickly, four huge horns erupted from his skull! The two sets of horns tangled around each other before the front set arched forward, around the back of the read set. The rear set hooked around the front of the front horns, and leaned backwards at a diagonal. The horns were heavily ribbed, to the point where they almost had a serrated edge. Like his hoof claws, the base of the horns started to glow with heat but the heat did not travel all the way up their length. Tod rushed forward into the rain to let it sooth him and wash the blood off his head but it did not quite work as he intended. As soon as he stepped into the gentle rain, the drops hissed as they touched him. His body was surrounded by a haze of mist as the water vaporized the moment it touched him! Clouds of mist rose from the ground as his hooves hissed against the ground and dried it below him. He looked down at his devolved hands, flexing all his fingers individually seeing if he could cool the claws consciously- he could. It was like trying to control an erection though- it wasn't at all easy to do, and for the most part it controlled itself according to his mood and energy level. Since his mood was intense and horny- his flame was burning strong. His face cracked and snapped as it finished stretching his skull out into a proper equine shape and he whinnied loud in triumph of completing his changes, white smoke escaping his mouth and nostrils! As he did, a line of scales from the top of his head down his entire very long neck started to glow with heat, going even further from orange to pure white before a tall stripe of flames ignited over them! He had a mane of fire! Half dragon, half horse- he has transformed into a Longma!

He wandered into the night, toward the barn, trailing a path of mist from evaporated rainwater behind him. The horses could see him approach the barn even in the darkness of night- the very base of his horns, his hoof-claws, and his red iris could all be seen glowing in the dark while his mane was like a lit torch over him. As Tod expected, it was Fate that stepped forward. She seemed to want some earlier and was disappointed she missed him then. That is why this form was chosen now. Longma was absolutely giant compared to most horses- and Fate was a behemoth work horse breed, she needed a giant brute to fit her. She walked out of the barn as Tod paused just outside. Fate circled him slowly like a shark eyeing its prey, a playful glimmer in her eyes again- he could see the light of his fire flickering in them. She paused behind him and lowered her head. Fate's nostrils flared as he pressed the end of her face to his balls and lifted them up with her nose slightly. She moved around him a bit more and gently kissed up his rigid shaft with her soft lips, causing it to vibrate from throbbing tension. She stepped forward, bowing her front legs and slid the end of the shaft in her mouth. Taking advantage of a horse's long mouth and neck, she slid down a good portion of his cock, rippling her tongue along its bottom and feeling the bumps on the sides. Because it took blood pressure a second to concentrate to them- there was a delay between the pulses. Tod's cock pulsed, then the glans stiffened, then the hard bumps each pulsed one set at a time, going from bottom to the top of the shaft- with a fraction of a second delay between. Fate did not bob too much- pleasuring the shaft almost entirely just with her tongues and playing around the medial ring with her lips just to fire him up even more before sliding back off.

Dizzy with arousal, Tod moved almost aggressively without even thinking- the moment her mouth left his shaft he spun around and reared up. He slammed down ontop of her and yanked himself up her back with his front limbs. He only partially snapped out of his frenzy when she whinnied in slight displeasure- he accidentally scorched her a bit with his front claws. He would have to be careful not to grip her too tightly or he will burn her. He found his mark and thrust into her thirsty pussy, having to take several thrusts to get fully in- his dick was not only quite thick, but the added hard bumps created more friction than normal. His body trembled a bit with each thrust as hers did- the bumps were all quite sensitive like the glans, creating even more points of pleasure. The base of his balls bounced off her huge pulsing clit as the balls themselves slapped her huge butt cheeks. Tod felt so powerful, so big. Fate was a huge horse- and now his viewpoint was looking down on her from above, her shoulders, flowing mane and the top of her head. He breathed heavily- sending thin gusts of white smoke at her unintentionally causing her ears to flick from the feeling on them. They were both surrounded in the haze of mist from the boiled rainwater. He nickered deeply in pleasure as his glans swelled huge with approaching climax and the rough ridge of the corona jammed into the walls of her pussy from lack of room! He had to forcefully drag his hips back, raking the deep insides of her pussy and then rammed back in one final time, exploding into her his thick, hot cum. She held for a few moments after he finally stopped pumping into her, then slid out from under him. Fate made a whickering sound that was almost a chuckle, glancing at him as she walked past back into the barn. Yea... she was definitely a human somewhere in that horse form. Tod remained standing in the swirling mists to let them cool his body. When the rain finally stopped he made his way back to the house. Milly's bedroom lights were off so she was likely already asleep so he would have to be quiet when he slipped in. He had a bit of trouble getting to the formstone- it was sitting on the porch but if he stepped on the porch his claws would burn the wood, so he had to reach over and roll it close enough for him to use. Milly was on point with saying it was a good lullaby for him- once he shuffled his way to bed he fell asleep instantly.

The next day Tod was woken up by Milly who once again was up before him. She made him a homemade breakfast and also slid him another formstone with runes Tod could not even read- it was a creature he had never even heard of before. She told him it was the perfect form to 'rise and shine' with and gave him a wink before skipping off to do some reading. Tod sighed as he finished his breakfast, eyeing the stone. Now he was starting to feel like he was being treated like the livestock too. He wasn't a breeding machine for Milly to use! He was also still a little unsettled by the fact he was actually making these mares pregnant. Although technically it wasn't with his kids- the sperm he fired in those forms was copies of the animal that was originally used to imprint the formstone with. And the sex was good- he couldn't argue that. Last night's romp complicated things even more- because while she was a horse physically, he technically had sex with a woman. That made him wonder who Fate really was, and if she was looking for a boyfriend for when she isn't equine.


Tod shrugged as he felt the warm morning sun on his back as he wandered to the field and activated the formstone as he reached the barn. Fate had let the other horses out, keeping the studs restrained so they did not get the remaining mares pregnant before Tod could. Fate herself remained in the barn- not interested in a second round for a while. Tod tossed his shirt off and slipped the pants down as soon as he could feel his muscles start to flex on their own. Like with his hippocampus changes, Tod's muscles and arms especially seemed to change first. The muscles on his upper back and arms swelled up, pulling his skin tight and then the bones in his arms started to grow, lengthening the arms. His fingers quickly lost mobility and started to merge together as his nails bulked, blackened, and fused. At least this form seemed to have proper horse hooves. He wobbled in place a bit though as his thighs started to shorten a bit, becoming round and meaty as the femur inside compressed slightly. Tod went down onto all fours to take some of the weight off his legs as he felt his feet start to change- and his hands finished their transition to hooves just as he brought them to the ground. He groaned in confusion pushing more of his weight onto his sturdy new hooves- the way his feet were changing was definitely not into horse hooves. His feet were getting longer, but as they did they seemed to fold over, drawing his big and pinky toe closer together on either side till they touched and fused together like what happened to his hands the night before. His nails all thickened but did not turn black, and they became a bit more narrow as they started to grow out in archs. Bird! He recognised this from his hippogriff form- except it was with his feet not his hands. Sure enough, the remaining three toes got even longer and larger, gaining mobility rather than losing it. Three clawed toes in the front and one behind- a bird foot! Correct in his guess- quills started to sprout all over his lower body, causing Tod to squirm from the prickling feeling. He unintentionally raised his back legs to stretch the new muscle structure, bowing his front body at the same moment his neck cracked several times, stretching longer. He arched his neck backward in response and the muscle in his neck surged in size when he did- squeezing several large veins between skin and muscle. His hair started to grow longer and shift colors, turning from dark brown to dark red and then base red! It became bushier and more wild as it grew out, and then started to advance down his neck to form an equally long and bushy mane. It seemed like he was turning into a hippogriff again only... backwards.

Tod could feel new muscle squirming into existence in the base of his ears, causing them to tremble and then flick as they became leaf shaped. His nostrils flared and he grinned as he could smell once again the scent of wanting mares on the air. The skin on his legs started to stiffen and bubble up and then segment as he moved his legs around in place- breaking up into banded bird flesh- its color turned a sandy yellow. His tail grew out to the length of a horses, but instead of hair it grew large quills like the rest of his lower half. Horse fur started to grow in from his hooves up, but before it reached his shoulders his torso started to change shape in preparation. Tod sucked in a very long deep breath as his lungs once again swelled in size. His veins hammered in stiffness as his heart swelled bigger to feed them. Tod's ribs cracked in rapid fire as the entire rib cage expanded. His pectoral muscles swelled up as his body barreled out, popping the pectoral muscles up front more to be between and above the front legs. His hips changed structure only slightly, and did not seem to grow individually of his overall bodily growth, so his back half remained rather lean compared to the front- more than likely because it was avian in nature rather than equine. Tod made a thunderously low pitched nicker as his body finished rounding into its new size. Black horse fur spread up onto his body, then raced up his neck. He closed his eyes as the pressure built in his nose, and his nostrils flared huge just as the cartilage in his nose cracked apart and swelled into a much larger bridge. His skull popped quietly to everyone but himself- since the sound was in his own head it seemed extremely loud to him. His face stretched out and expanded, pushing his eyes to the side in the process. He grew feeler hairs on his chin even before the advance of fur finally reached his face and covered it. His pupils changed to vertical slits, but then sprang back to circles as if unable to decide where it should stay. They stretched horizontal then back to circles, before finally stretching both horizontal and vertical- creating a plus sign shaped pupil! Tod neighed as his head finished transforming. When the fur reached the quills at the middle of his back the quills started to rapidly burst open into full feathers. It was like watching popcorn pop in a microwave! The fur continued to cover his lower body on the underside- the feathers did not grow between his legs. The feathers that grew from his tail were extremely large and long- they formed long arcs like streamers!

Tod straightened his legs and bowed his head to look at his underside to his genitals. Once the fur covered the area around it, his junk itself finally started to change. His scrotum tightened, pulling his balls higher as they swelled bigger. Then even tighter it became, pushing them against his body as they grew even a bit bigger. They pulled tighter and tighter, causing him to grunt and scrunch up his face a bit from the ache till they suddenly popped inside of him- one and then then immediately the other! The scrotum quickly tightened more now that it was empty and vanished entirely into him! His penis felt the same inward pull and started to draw back into his body! It created a soft of leaf shaped opening of soft flesh as the dick pulled inward. There was two pressures happening in the same place, one drawing the shaft inward, and another growing in all directions. The veins on his shaft seemed to bulge larger as it was pulled in, and it became rock hard as if struggling against the inward pull. The head seemed to stall at the opening, the glans flaring larger and larger- plugging the hole so it could not be drawn in any further! It stretched against his torso changing from the small helmet shaped human glans into the huge soft curve dome of a horse. The head at least seemed to become that of a normal horse, the rest was definitely not horse like. The pressure in his crotch grew massive, and his shaft started to slide back out! It seemed like it too had become like a horse, but as more of it slid out he realized that was not the case. The more that slid out- the more girth it gained. The huge pressure in his crotch was his cock becoming massive while inside of him! The veins on its surface were giant, and the phallus lacked a medial ring like a proper horse. When finally it was fully emerged the base stretched the newly created opening for it to rest in tremendously. It was a shade shorter than some normal horse penis can be, and it was a bit narrow toward the top just behind the head, but the base was extremely girthy- as thick around as a fire hydrant if not a bit thicker still! The entire shaft did not change color at all, so it was bright pink. It started drooling pre almost immediately.

Tod has transformed into a Hippalectryon- half stallion, half rooster- quite literally a horse cock. Unlike a hippogriff it did not have wings, because that would require it to have the upper body of a bird, and roosters can't really fly in the first place. The horse fur on him was black, the feathers were dark brown like his hair color was. His bushy mane was bright red like the comb of a rooster. His tail feathers were all black but faded to dark green at the tips. His balls were internal, even though they were even bigger than a standard horse, and his dick slightly shorter and tremendously thicker. Tod took some time to walk in a circle and get used to these legs. His front legs were better at walking on seemingly, but also his rear half did not weigh as much as his front half so there was less weight to carry on his back legs. Basically in terms of legs, a hippogriff was rear-wheel drive, a hippalectryon is front-wheel drive- the front limbs drive him forward with most of the force, the back legs just keep pace and balance while running. His brows lowered a bit as he finally got why Milly said this was a good form to rise and shine with- roosters crow at dawn. He also had not grown a lot compared to hippogriff and no where remotely close to the size of longma, so he would need a more petite, agile mare to make a proper fit. He almost immediately spotted his target. The mares weeded themselves out to an extent- the ones he already serviced went about their day wandering the fields and playing with one another. The mares he was yet to mount watched him and came close when they seen him transforming. He spotted a mare with rather odd proportions. She was red-brown with fur and hair the same, her body tall and lean in frame, except for her hips. Unlike the rest of her, her hips were large and her butt huge, and on top of that her udder was gigantic for a horse! It looked like two black G cup breasts wobbling around in her crotch! Milly had mentioned she was looking at using virility potions before her formstone idea hit her- she must have used potions on this mare, because these proportions are impossible otherwise. Her front and back half were two completely different body types- she was a pear-shaped horse!

The pear-mare nickered as he approached her, turning her huge plump butt to him and swishing her tail to the side, fanning it over her big cheeks. Her pussy released a splash of natural lube as her big clit popped out to say hello and part the curtains for him to welcome Tod inside. Tod's avian legs were quite springy, so he reared up on them and got his hooves up onto her easily enough, hooking his front legs around her huge rump. He thrust into her getting the head in easily and the first bit. As he eased more into her, she became tighter and tighter as the girth of his cock increased more and more the further down the shaft she went. He could only get down to the halfway point! She was deeper but he was just too wide to fit. Tod started to thrust back and forth, letting his mind fade out in the rhythm. She smelled so good, and fit so snugly to his shaft, it made it so easy to forget who or what he really was. He remembered what it was like mounting the others- each a bit different but all so very good. They all smell so good, feel so good... so pretty. He was not even consciously aware that with each squelching thrust he was ramming a bit deeper into her- stretching her a bit wider. He stretched her vagina so wide he was starting to squeeze into her clit at the base of the vulva. She was snorting with exertion, trying to shove back against him in time with his thrusts- also determined to take more into her as if his dick was a challenge. A horse never backs down from a competition. His memories of being a human seemed so distant and irrelevant. The memories of being in these mares were so vivid and abundant now that his mind was tricking itself into thinking this was his life- the human part was just a dream. Tod could feel the slight swoosh of air against his legs from her huge tits swinging between her legs as he thrust into her. He could feel her plump black labia tickling the base of his cock as he approached climax! He was almost completely inside of her! She was stretched tremendously wide! Her legs trembled and the muscles twitched wildly as she was locked into a near-constant state of orgasm from his dick crushing her clit with each inward thrust. They both let out a loud whinny as he came into her- the huge veins on his shaft throbbing rock hard with each burst of cum fired up. Her front legs buckled as the pleasure took the strength out of them, and then her back legs as she was forced into a full sitting position with him still inside of her. He had exhausted the poor little mutant mare. Tod eased himself out of her, her pussy made a loud wet popping sound as he got to the halfway point on his dick and as he removed it fully her pussy remained opened slightly- a bit gaped thanks to being stretched so badly. It would contract back to normal, it would just take a few minutes. Her tits looked especially fat and round when she was sitting like this because they were squashed against the ground.

Tod wandered back toward the house, a bit dazed, then remembered the formstone was by the barn. He was so lost in fucking her he completely forgot himself. In a full animal form, their scent made him hormone drunk like they themselves were- luckily getting off cleared it out mostly allowing him to regain his senses. He touched his hoof to the formstone and activated it, reverting once again to full human and quickly slipping his borrowed clothes back on. He sort of wanted to go again- half because that felt so good he wanted to keep the train rolling and half so he could finish filling this collection of mares and go back to his normal life. Unfortunately refractory period was a thing, and it didn't matter what form he took if his dick was sleeping regardless. He went back into the house to get something to drink and rest up a bit. He had spotted another unique mare he wanted to try who was giving him bedroom eyes the whole time. Milly was absorbed into reading a book most of the day, so he actually did not see much of her at all. At least she wasn't peeping on him as he fucked her horses.


The ground dried in the heat as the summer sun returned for the day. Tod did not see any of the horses looking out on the fields as he grabbed the formstone he wanted to try. He hummed in thought as he also spotted the formstone for a normal stallion- so she did actually have one. Tod found most of the mares when he walked outside- they were not visible from the house because they were crowded up against the building. There was only one tree on the range and it grew beside the house- all the mare were crowded together laying in the only shade available. The remaining horses must be in the barn- even though their pens were open. Sure enough he spotted the mare he wanted to mount in the barn standing around in the open, just enjoying the cool shade. She stared at him hungrily even though he was fully human still, but Tod was going to fix that quickly as he activated the formstone. He was unaware of the danger he was in. This mare looked at him hungrily even in human form because as a human, he looked like food to her. Her body was sandy colored but her hair was pitch black and hung heavily and straight off her, almost like it was wet. Her mane was so long and voluminous it hung off both sides, and covered half her long face. She angled her head so that her ears parted the mane over her eyes, allowing her to see past her own hair. Her iris were amethyst purple. Tod did not notice when she walked, pacing a bit waiting for him to change that her hooves made absolutely no sound against the ground. They left no tracks. She is only half horse- her mother was a Nightmare, a spectral equine that haunts the dreams of mortals and feeds off the energy siphoned from them from the curses they bestow on their victims. When she breathed out normally it was fine enough to not notice- but when she breathed heavier you could see a heavy, dense black vapor that fell from her mouth and nose, pooling near the ground. Out in the field he would be fine- but in the barn the vapor could condense more and become a problem.

Tod immediately staggered from the changes, this time surging in his legs first. He stumbled back till he put his back against a wall and leaned some weight against it. His leg muscles bulked up tremendously fast, his thighs and ass cheeks swelled hugely round and tight and the bones within bulked and grew alarmingly fast as well. His feet devolved hastily to very broad, large hooves- those of a work horse. Tod bowed forward a bit as he felt his spine stretching longer, but then it seemed to build pressure powerfully at his hips, as if the growth had somehow snagged on something. His legs let out a loud pop as they were growing longer and larger overall and the knee joint dislocated entirely- causing him to fall completely over onto his hands! He tried to move the muscles to draw his legs up under him to be on all fours but they did not work! The muscles had inverted- what was forward movement was now backwards! He moved his thigh backward and the knee joint finally re-set, but on the wrong side! His knee was backwards. He felt the pressure build in his ankles when he tried to move his legs and knew it would likely be the same- and sure enough when he flexed it popped and reset the wrong way. Part of his hip broke off with all the movement, and seemed to shift backwards, extending his butt out bizarrely. Before he could figure out what was happening with his inverted legs, the pressure in his spine reached breaking point and it grew out gigantically in a sudden burst- yanking the broken plates from his hips back more and then extending beyond that, rapidly dragging his body out in rapid growth! He could not tell what the mass of growth off his butt was, till his legs seemed to stretch lengthwise and with a sticky wet sound, pulled in two! A second set of underdeveloped proto-limbs divided from his inverted legs. Or more accurately- his legs were properly aligned... to be front legs, not back.

The growth off from where his ass used to be continually pressed it farther and farther back. He moved the new proto limbs to try and help scoot the growth along the floor without dragging but they were entirely new limbs, and not even properly developed yet besides. His shattered hips were not hips at all anymore- the front part transformed into a overly large, sturdy collar bone, the plates that broke off became shoulder blades to carry the legs, which were now the front legs of a horse. The giant tube-like growth off his lower body was an entirely new torso! It seemed like a blob of flesh at first, and did not start to take shape till the rib cage started to form to contain the duplicate organs. A second, massive horse heart formed in the chest to keep the blood pumping through a body far too large for a single heart to handle. His human arms felt slightly numb for a moment as the skin hardened into a sheet of scales on the outside of his forearms and backs of his hands. His nails grew into small claws of the same metallic cyan color his scales were. His ears flicked and stretched into the leaf shape of equine ears, but developed small scales on the backs instead of fur- the scales advanced around the edges of his face but no further. They seemed to hug his hairline and contain it while the scales advanced down his neck and tapered off on his upper back- forming a triangle mat between his shoulders and back. In his torso he suddenly felt empty and very queasy as his organs suddenly shuffled. His intestines seemed to fall away entirely, falling into his new torso, leaving the old one behind. To fill in some of the negative space, his lungs expanded greatly and divided like his legs had into a second set of equal size below the first ones. Tod grabbed the sides of his neck at a strange twitch of new muscle and felt two slits form on either side. He had gills! He could breath through his mouth and nose to use his old lungs, or through his gills to use his new lungs and breath underwater! His intestines stretched from the base of his old stomach down into the new torso where another, larger stomach grew from a segment of the intestines- and the remainder was behind that stomach. The bladder, prostate and kidneys remained in relative proximity to his ass- so they were yanked lower as the new body extended.

Tod's rump started to lift finally as his proto limbs started to grow and develop. The skin on the ends where it had dragged on and stand against the ground stiffened, becoming thick and leather-like. His genitals followed the proto legs to remain the same distance from his butt- so they were no where near his old legs now. His balls swelled, pulling the scrotum smooth, then grew a bit more, surpassing the size of a normal horse- this overstretched the scrotal flesh though, and caused the balls to rise up against the torso to find enough skin to keep them contained without strangling them. His second body finally finished growing out- but his spine just kept on going completely ignorant of it- stretching a tail out of him now! Between his spine and proto limbs a thin ring of bone kept it barely held together long enough to expand massively into a new, huge hip. The second torso properly expanded out into that of a horse- his human torso grew from where the horse's collar bone was, which is why the collar bone is abnormally huge; its half a collar and half a hip. His tail squirmed around wildly as it continued to grow, bigger and bigger, bending around himself to find room. Tod groaned as his large balls were pulled half inside of him, so only half of them were visible as bulges behind his dick. Since not much scrotal flesh was actually needed to do that, the excess shifted forward and formed a somewhat thin sheath around the base of his dick, then fused to his underside. His dick started to grow bigger and longer now- the surges of growth could be felt all the way back to his ass, starting deep in his taint before becoming actual visible growth in his shaft. With each wave of growth though, there was a downward tug and a jolt of pleasure as his nerves started to peel in half- multiplying as well.

Tod watched his violently wobbling dick mutate. "Oh no, not again..." He recognized the start of another division!

With every wave of growth, his dick got bigger, longer and less human. The medial ring became a little more pronounced, the corona a little more bumpy, the glans a bit wider, the bulbous head a little but more subdued. But in addition, the dick also became much wider than it should be as a second identical shaft was growing from it, stretching the sheath wider and wider. The glans was the first to double- remaining fused only at the edges; the two heads were aligned one on top of the other. It was not till the shaft just below it gave off a wet sticking sound as it split off that the heads were able to divide as well. The division advanced down the shaft- the two breaking off felt like removing an annoying band aid that had been left on for too damn long. It was a sort of mildly itching pleasure, and then a refreshing feeling afterglow as they continued to split all the way to the base- inside of the sheath. Though they remained pink, he now had two full horse dicks, and they were even longer than a normal horse could reach- though the girth was average. Because of how they are stacked, when his dick throbbed the bottom one slammed into the top one, and then that slammed into his underbelly! The two glans grind into one another as the shafts bounce off themselves and his body- the lucky top dick getting sandwiched between the two walls of flesh. The moist thudding sound of them beating each other became the background music for the rest of his changes.

His rear limbs were narrow but quite long. They were simple limbs even once they had finished developing- they had no digits. The femur was incredibly short, making the thigh almost unnoticeable at all from the outside. The shin was a good length, then the ankle and then from there a singular 'foot' bone that was twice the length of the shin- he stood on the end of this bone. From Tom's perspective looking back at them, they looked like narrow featureless pillars. From the sides they looked like fins! They formed into triangular sheets, standing on the points of the half fins with the ankle the only visible joint at the halfway point. Unlike a horse's back legs, his hips allowed sideways motion- he could do the splits with these if he wanted without tearing a groin muscle. There was no hoof to walk on though, no claws to protect the ends, it was just hardened flesh- so walking on particularly rough ground would hurt. The massive tail doubled the length of the body- reminiscent of the hippocampus, except he still had all four legs in addition to it. It grew a small dorsal fin only a foot off his butt, then two smaller fins on the sides further down, and then a gigantic fin on the end made of two huge flippers! Starting this time from around his hips where the human torso transitioned to horse, his dark brown horse fur started to grow and spread quickly as the final layer of the changes. The metallic cyan scales however started as well- beginning in the middle of his equine back on his back, and from his half fins on the sides- the scales did not touch his underbelly at all. The scales became sharper and more pointed the further down his tail they got. He felt a bit of a tickle, and a trail of hair grew on his lower human back to between his equine shoulders as a pseudo mane, finishing his changes.

Human, fish, and horse all mixed in equal measure made for an extremely long body. He had transformed into an Ichthyocentaur! It took Tod some time to get a hold of his spacial awareness- he was both a lot taller and a lot longer than any other form he took. He had an extra pair of limbs and even a giant tail to deal with. He felt a mare sneak up behind him, pressing her nose against his balls up under his back legs and gently lick their underside while her hot breath tickled his scrotum. Tod looked behind himself but she had vanished. He furrowed his brow a bit- he never lifted his tail, how would she have gotten under him in the first place from that angle? Two other mares brushed up beside him, rubbing their heads up against him, but when Tod focused his eyes on them, there was nothing there. The nightmare daughter was still real when he looked directly at her though, and she approached him keeping her half-hidden eyes on him. It felt a bit odd, since he still had half a human body, and his nose could not pick up on horse pheromones in this form- however the heavy magic mist she breathed out was poisoning him in the confines of the barn, where it did not dissipate into the air as well as it would outside. She walked up to him and raised her head up, licking up his chest before looking him dead in the eyes and releasing a gust of hot breath from her nose. In the thick air, Tod's head spun slowly and for a moment he took a half step forward, leaning his human torso far forward as he thought he was pressing his face into the plump black labia of a mare- caught in another illusion. The real mare moved to his side and used her soft dexterous lips to kiss his lower cock, causing it to slam into the upper one and both to bounce off his underside- amusing her with the display of dancing masculine meat. She then slid her head up under the front legs and nudged up, giving him the queue to mount up.

Tod lifted up his horse hooves and the mare turned as he half turned and he dropped down onto her. Because he still had a full human torso ontop of where there would only be a horse's head, he was a LOT taller than her, so having his upper horse body on her back put his head towering over her- and just clearing the rafters of the barn by a half foot. Even though it was impossible at that elevation, Tod still though he seen other mares brushing their faces near his, licking his bare skin or pressing their delicious pussies to him. The fact he had two dicks actually made it easier to line up- they basically corrected one another so each took its own hole! The mare whickered happily between grunts as he thrust into her, completely filling her- it was impossible not to scratch her itch when he hit everything at once! She hit climax ahead of him and let out a long sigh, releasing a thick cloud of her heavy black mist, darkening the very air around them. Tod hit his peak quickly after- the flare of his twin dicks became so wide that they pressed into one another- pushing enough against the sides of her vagina and colon that they could feel one another through the lining! He came hard into her, gripping her just behind her shoulders with his powerful equine legs. When it should have started to taper off however, it did not. Cum was rushing out from around his dicks, splattering the floor but still more came! Tod's started to feel light headed, his grip slipping slightly as he continued to blast more and more cum! If anything his prostate felt even more swollen, and also ached from the exertion. His urethra stretched from the force of the blasts of cum, increasing the volume of each burst! A minute passed and still he was cumming from both barrels! He gasped for breath, holding the sides of her neck with his human arms as he was too exhausted to hold himself up. In a sudden burst, his form exploded and he reverted human! Tod fell onto the mare's back, causing her to whinny in surprise and buck halfheartedly. She turned to glare at Milly standing in the doorway with the formstone.

"Are you ok Tod?!"

"W-wuh? How... what..." His head was swimming in the poisoned air still, and his body felt completely drained of all strength.

"I should have warned you about her sooner, I didn't know you would pick her. Jade is half Nightmare, she was using her power to trap you in unending orgasm. It is a damn good thing I came to get you for lunch when I did. You probably lost a pound or two of liquid mass- Jade would have made you cum yourself to death!"

Milly chastised the mare for trying to kill her mate and quickly took Tod back to the house. Milly made sure he had a ton of water to drink to replace all the liquid she had drained of him and recommended he take a nap as soon as he was done eating lunch. With a bit of a chuckle though, she congratulated him on successfully crossing the deadly mare off his list. As soon Tod touched down to the bed he immediately passed out- absolutely exhausted. He only meant to take a nap, but ended up sleeping the entire rest of the day away. His dreams- unsurprisingly- were very erotic. Between the extreme erotic illusions he had thanks to Jade's magic and the many real life encounters he has been having, his mind was flooded with sexual thoughts and memories. He had been in so many different bodies, buried in pleasure so frequently it was hard to not think about.

6]Hyper Stallion

When Tod finally woke it was completely dark out again and Milly was fast asleep on the other end of the bed already. His erection was jammed into the mattress from his erotic dreams. With a bit of a groan he got up, wandering downstairs to get something to drink, still dehydrated a bit. He glanced at the pile of formstones on the table and remembered he had finally found the normal horse one earlier. Well... now he kind of wants to try that one. He did had an insistent erection from his dreams he needed to get rid of. Tod picked it up and wandered out to the barn barefoot again. He seen Fate and the jackass on the far side of the fields flirting in the night. Tod was quiet when he walked in just in case they were sleeping. The horses seemed to be resting but not really sleeping- Fate might have already woken them up unintentionally when she opened the barn to go out. He found the mare named Priestess- a very pampered horse with extremely long, well kept hair. She seemed to watch him rather intently- either wanting to be let out to play in the night or for him to take her... or both. Tod smiled at her and started to undo the latch, but then noticed a shelf covered with potion bottles nearby. He wandered over to them and looked over the labels briefly. These are the potions Milly was going to use before she recruited Tod to be her perfect breeding stud. He picked up a rather large potion bottle for equine genital enhancement. These potions were very potent, and could make the drinker's cock and balls permanently larger. The thing is- it's species specific, and this one was for horses only, it had no effect at all on human genes. A human version of this same potion would likely cost ten times as much. Tod smiled as he looked at the formstone in his other hand. The potion only works on horses- but he also had the ability to BE a horse. If he drank the potion and then used the formstone the potion will work on his other form! Like Milly said, the horse in the stone will already be a prime specimen to begin with, then add the potion on top of that and you have the most impressive horse cock the world has ever seen!

Milly was not going to use the potion on the horses anymore presumably now that he was working them over- so Tod uncorked the bottle and chugged the potion of genital enhancement, then scanned the bottle for the one for prostate enhancement for large, long orgasms. He unfortunately was too horny and eager to have read the dosage instructions to realize the potion was meant for ranchers- who generally have more than one horse. The potion tingled a little where it slid down his throat but did not do anything because he was still human. Once he drank the two though, he activated the formstone. Like the first time- the changes immediately started with his already erect dick as he moved to finish unlatching the pen to let Priestess out. The skin of his scrotum thickened and expanded, pooling at the base of his dick to form a sheath as it turned to grey-pink. He flopped them out over the pants- too caught in the moment to remember he should be taking the clothes off while he could. His balls surged in size in a quick burst, and then continued to grow at a slow and steady rate, pulling the skin folds of the scrotum smooth as it continued to darken to bruise purple. It did not take long for the chicken egg sized human balls to swell pleasurably to baseball sized, then softball, then finally to the size of ostrich eggs, sitting heavily in the now smooth black scrotum as the sheath also finished forming- but did not yet fuse to his underside. The size of the sheath swallowed almost his entire dick even though it was fully erect, only the head remained peeking past the plush home. He could feel the gentle pressure of growth from deep in his taint, surging up behind his nuts and into the base of his cock, filling the sheath more. His dick started to wobble and inch forward as its structure expanded not entirely evenly. The growth went from base to tip in waves, making it almost look like there was an object travelling up the inside of his shaft, but it was just the shaft itself expanding. The veins grew to feed it more blood ahead of the shaft's own growth, covering it with soft ribbing from them all. Tod had to lean against the side of the pen as Priestess passed him, just because the pleasure was so intense. It was not as strong as physical touching, but more constant and more all-encompassing, because the growth stretched and tickled all of the nerves in the entire cock all together. The human shape started to deform the larger it became, most notable in the glans were the corona became rougher and the head became more of a softer curve but also wider. The medial ring started to become visible as it reached his rib cage in length. Beyond this point, patches started to darken and expand all over the shaft, quickly darkening to match the jet black sheath that housed it. The head stiffened as it stretched still bigger, inching up past his chest- shaking from tension with each pulse. The area around the urethra started to sink in deeper while the urethra itself remained as-is, standing from the depression. His entire cock turned glossy black except for a single large splotch of pink that remained immune on the back of the later half of the shaft. It finished growing when it was as tall as his neck. This was just its normal size- the potion was yet to kick in.

From Tod's toes to his head, he felt a surge of growth deep inside of his body from his bones growing, increasing his entire body size and making the clothes fit tighter and tigher! When the bones in his hands grew, they fused, locking his digits together. He went to pull his hands down, but could not move his fingers properly and before he could figure out a way to do it anyway, his leg muscles tightened and swelled in a wave up his legs, getting more amplified as it went up! His thighs expanded thick, yanking the pants tight across them, but then his hips popped and his ass expanded huge and round with muscle as well causing the pants to burst open at the top! Tod was forced to topple the rest of the way over onto his stiff hands and his hips and ass grew some more, tearing the pants badly so far down that they just fell the rest of the way off his legs. He grunt in pleasure as he felt his shoulder muscles swell and tighten, starting to feed growth down to his arms as well when he remembered he needed to take his shirt off! He could not take it off if he was holding himself up with his hands though. Tod tried to get up but his back cracked several times in protest and took that time to start to expand- and refused to bend in a way that would allow him back onto two legs, he couldn't remove the top. Another wave of growth expanded through his bones and body size, which again caused the bones in his hands and feet to fuse further together. Now his hands and feet started to crack and shift- the bones inside useless as they were anyway, they melted together to form much bigger bones in less numbers. His nails thickened and melted together- looking like liquid as the material shifted even though it still reacted as a solid. His nostrils flared and Tod let out a few deep grunts and snorts as he could once again smell the sweet scent of the mare. His neck started to let out hollow popping sounds as it lengthened, and then the veins swelled tight as the muscle swelled after to fill it out, wider and wider. The neck of the shirt tore in the back, and then quickly advanced down as his upper back muscles swelled a bit more.

Tod could feel his tail hair growing in, involuntarily swishing around behind him gently fanning his huge butt. There was a big pressure in his rib cage but it waited till he took a deep breath to actually expand, then forcing him to take several more breaths to actually fill his bigger lungs. His entire torso expanded wider taking the more barrel shape of a horse, this pushed his pectoral muscles further forward and caused his taint to stretch longer in the back, creating a much greater distance between anus and balls. This also set his arms further apart and prevented them from being moved on an inward angle- ensuring they were used as legs now only. The expansion of his torso beyond human shape put equal pressure on all parts of the already torn shirt allowing it to hold out longer than you would think it could- but it ultimately still popped. Almost every seam on the shirt burst at the same time, ripping it into several pieces and slingshotting them off his body. Tod supposed Milly made him ruin one of his outfits, so it was only fair he decimate one of hers too.

His hair quickly started to advance down his now huge neck and Tod threw his head back to shake his head and neck- enjoying the feeling of the growing mane getting tossed around. His ears gained mobility and flicked to flex their new dexterity as they started to migrate further up his head and his head's mass surged forward. Consistent with his other changes, the bridge of his nose was the first to burst- being made only of cartilage it was easier to mold than bone. The bridge expanded greatly stretching the nostrils huge along with it, then it started to grow out and downward, then his lower jaw started to expand as well, pulling his entire face out. The expanding from the middle pushed his eyes farther apart to the sides of his head. In his mouth his tongue swelled bigger and much longer to try and keep up with the mouth. His teeth grew huge and flat filling much of the space but not all of it- horses had a gap on their jaw between the front teeth used to grab, and the back teeth used to grind. Now a complete stallion, Tod looked like a mix between a gigantic work horse and a riding horse. Big and muscular, but his muscles were not bulky enough to hinder his agility. His fur seemed to fade in all over his body at once, as if his skin had simply darkened. Most of Tod was black except his hair, and the fur immediately above his hooves was dark brown. He was still bigger than Priestess- she was a lithe horse with an ego bigger than her body.

Tod was so ready to mount her he took a few steps toward her before remembering the potions he drank when he felt his dick tighten even further. It lifted straight out, almost touching his underside but not quite, and with each pulse it vibrated- too tight to bob. The veins squirmed under the surface and bulged before the shaft started to expand further. He groaned and took half steps back and forth, unable to sit still from the feelings but also not knowing what to do about it other than let it work. His glans inched up to his equine ribs and started to pass the ribs one by one. His balls grew slow but steady as well- their growth did not give off much feeling on its own but their increasing weight did; pulling heavier in the scrotum which also tugged on the sheath. In periodic surges precum would dribble out the head in a short stream as the glans started to inflate- flaring like he was approaching orgasm. The head became tight to the point it became perfectly smooth and shiny as the corona became wider and wider- becoming so huge it also stretched the last tenth of his shaft wider to keep up. It was so wide that it pressed into his stomach even though his shaft remained hovering a half inch off of it. Tod began to involuntarily twitch his hips in stuttered half-humps, unable to resist the feeling of the top curve of the glans dragging on his skin. His balls reached the size of cantaloupes and lifted closer to his body from lack of room in the scrotum- but then started to slowly sink again from weight as the scrotum too joined the growth. His sheath became tight on the base of his dick- it was so fat the middle of both the top and bottom portion of the cock was actually level with the medial ring between them from the bloat- it was looking like an elastic band strangling the cock's mid point. Tod groaned louder, snorting a bit as he closed his eyes and bowed his head. There was too much stimulus already, he closed off one of his senses for now so his brain didn't overload. The sheath flesh tightened even more as the weight of the cock started to tax it- yanking it down away from the body. The dick started to angle itself more toward the ground because it was just too long and thick to possibly hold up from one end. If you held it straight it would be passing his collar bone now! The head stretched even more massive- it was like an inverted satellite dish! He could feel his prostate tighten, both from the swelling mutated load within, and the fact that it was getting so large that it was running out of space and shoving other organs away to make room.

Priestess started to back up, seeing what he was packing and getting more afraid that aroused. She was just a normal horse- but she still knew her limits and he was a bigger horse than her to begin with. The meat stick between his legs was starting to look more like a battering ram used to bust down castle gates than anything biological. Tod was breathing heavily and sweating as his cock grew so large its heavy head pressed into the ground- at the same length as the tip of his long horse face. The shaft started to bend irritatingly because it was jamming into the ground from its weight, but when it twitched in pleasure it trembled just enough to nudge it forward- springing forward with the added growth before snagging on the ground and starting to bend again. He finally opened his eyes and whinnied loudly in surprise as the growth surged. His prostate felt like it was being squeezed, but it just ran out of space and crushed his intestines out of the way and still ran out of room. His taint started to swell out fat and round, looking like a shiny black pool noodle wedged between his huge muscular ass cheeks. His balls swelled from cantaloupe sized to medicine balls- and their weight felt similar too. Even the veins in his scrotum throbbed fatter. His shaft was as thick as a fire hydrant, the veins toward the base so bloated they were almost as thick as a normal cock themselves! Tod looked at his dick nervously as it grew longer than his entire body! Ok... this was way too big. He seen Priestess watching him from a distance- out in the night and he did not blame her- this thing would split her in half. Tod quickly looked around for the formstone- he needed to abort this mission, the potion was way stronger than he was expecting; he could not actually have sex like this because he can't fit into any living creature! He stepped over the shredded clothes and placed a hoof on the formstone, cancelling the spell. His form exploded into colored vapor again and he sighed in relief, before looking down at his nine foot long horse cock.

Tod yelled so loud in surprise he woke up Milly back in the top floor of the house! By the time she got to the barn to find out what the heck happened, she seen Tod basically spinning in circles on the spot frantic about the state of his body and not knowing what to do! The formstone failed. He looked pleadingly at Milly as his dick throbbed agonizingly hard. The long silence before she spoke was already plenty indication of how badly he fucked up. She explained that not only did that potion bottle contain doses for ten stallions- it prevented the formstone from functioning. The potion only worked on horses, so he turned into a horse to get it to work- but the changes the potion made to him were not part of what the formstone did, so the formstone did not revert them. Tod asked how long the potion lasts for and Milly just shook her head, rummaging through some larger equipment toward the back of the barn.

"There is no duration. The potions alter the genes of the subject. It isn't an extension of your form made from mana. It isn't metaphysical like a formstone shape. It's permanent- that is your body now."

Though his muscle mass and size reduced back to almost human, his arms and legs were still very much horse shaped, and ended in hooves- though lacked any fur. His torso was more muscular than it should have been, but was at least once again human. His head and neck was human again, but his ears were fur-less horse ears still, and his hairline went down to the base of his human neck giving him a sort-of mane. His eyes were lightened and the iris small enough to show the whites again like a human, but his pupils were horizontal rectangles like a horse. He had a horse tail and his butt was big and round- but within human possible proportions. Most alarming was that all changes to his genitals from both the formstone and the potion remained entirely unchanged at all. His dick was longer than his horse body- in human form it was bigger than his entire body mass. That meant it was impossible for him to go soft- there was no where for all the extra blood to go! Tod leaned a bit on the nearby pen and slowly stood up- his hips and back were human again so he should be able to walk on two legs, even if the legs themselves were horse. He would be right- except he did not account for the weight. About halfway up his bobbing cock yanked him back forward to the ground, clacking on his hooves hard. His dick weighed more than he does, he can't even walk on four legs because the head of his penis would be ramming into the ground.

Milly managed to drag out a huge frame, Tod did not know what it was at first till she undid some latches and he seen the padded ring in the middle. It was meant for milking stallions- they mount the frame and shove their dick in the padded ring in the middle like a false vagina and their sperm is collected on the other side. This one was more technical than the old fashioned ones- once properly mounted the horse's weight caused it to slide and lock into a more leaned forward position, cradling the underside of the horse more and putting him at an angle as if covering a mare. Because it fell into that position, it adjusted automatically to the size of the stallion using it- so it was one size fits all. She pulled some pins out from the sides of the padded ring to adjust it to the maximum available size- which would still be a tight fit, but Tod should be able to get through. Tod was too desperate to think about modesty and immediately tried to go to it, having to buck his hips to shuffle forward- getting his dick off the ground for a second at a time. Milly went over and held it up for him to get over and then helped him aim it in. She also had to remove the collection equipment from the other side of the ring, because he had so much cock coming through that it would just break all the equipment. Tod's face was bright red as he started fucking the artificial mount. Milly hummed in thought- trying to plan out a customization for the mount to have a second ring spaced a foot and a half away from the other one- because as-is he had several feet of dick wobbling around on the other side unsupported. Tod reached climax very quickly and groaned long and hard as the high pressure blasts of cum painted a stripe down the entire middle of the barn and even landing in the field a bit. His glans pulsed bigger and smaller in the aftermath as he slowly started to slide back. The pleasure of sliding back caused his prostate to pulse again, telling him he needed more. He slid back in and slowly started to work up speed again. Then he remembered he also drank the potion that increased cum volume... and since it was the same size as the genital growth potion, it was probably meant for ten horses too.

"So... there *huff* is no *huh* way to turn me completely human? Hooves too? *hah*" His expression clenched as he exploded into another orgasm.

Milly shook her head. "Yea, you are like that forever now. You shouldn't have gotten greedy! Jeez, you boys are always so one track minded. Bigger isn't always better. You have a huge cock now sure- but you can't fuck anything at all, because it's too big to fit in anything! Even this artificial mount doesn't come close to fitting right, I am going to have to custom mod it. At least you will make the money back from the cost of modding it..."

He hit yet another orgasm- glad the machine supported him because he had no strength to hold himself in place. "Y-you *huff* mean from... the foals?"

Milly pointed at his still spurting dick. "Well yes, but no. You still have horse genitals, including your prostate- I can tell from the consistency of your cum. Once word gets around that I have a secret prime breeding stud and people get a load of the foals you produced- they will want to get a literal load from you. I can sell your sperm to other ranchers. It's not like you will be able to stop making it anyway."

Tod groaned and wheezed as he felt himself approaching a fourth orgasm, in the span of only a couple of minutes. "If... uuugh. If I can't *huh* be human... *huff* maybe I should just use...*hnngh* the formstone, and stay a stallion. At least I might be able *hah* to move around easier in that body."

Milly looked surprised, quickly shaking her head. "Oh god no, do not touch any of those stones ever again! I cannot emphasize this enough- you took the potion dosage equivalent of TEN super studs! For both volume and size! The only reason you dick stopped growing there is because you turned back to human! If you tried to go back horse, your growth would resume! Your dick would be like a fucking milk tanker on the back of a transport truck! If it wasn't for the magic mods you would already be dead because your heart can't circulate that much blood! Your body is human but your heart is still horse- which is keeping you alive in this form, but if you got any bigger you'd be a dead man."

Tod's life certainly never returned to normal, but he also could not particularly complain. It felt good, all the time- and besides that, it was entirely his own fault that he ended up like that in the first place. She never told him to touch those potions, he did that all on his own, and neglected to read any of the warnings on the labels, which were clearly marked on each potion. Milly upgraded the barn, expanded the fields for more horses, and renovated her house several times turning it into a little country palace with all the money she made selling his endless supply of mutant sperm. Tod himself faded a bit in mind- sinking into the pleasure. He had to milk his mutant mega shaft so frequently he did not have a lot of time for anything else. And doing nothing but fucking and cumming did not require many brain cells, so he found himself stunted mentally, and even regressed a bit over time, becoming a bit of a dummy. The moral here- don't get greedy; it isn't about getting what you want, its about wanting what you have. And also- size does matter. Too big is a real size, and really annoying to have. You can work around too small with technique, but if you can't even fit in her in the first place you're kinda screwed.

What You Wish For

(Entire planet TF feral, anthro, hyper) If you hate surprises you can CTRL+F 'SPOIL' to skip to bottom where there is a full list of tags for what transformation happen in what chapters. Since this story is large, here is a non-spoiler list of the...

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Her Needs

(FtM Donkey TF) Chastity took care of the cows on her own yet another day on the ranch. She had her friend to help her normally but she was on a bit of a break, having fun with this old magic tome she found in some inheritance she...

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Big Heat

(F tf macro[sort-of] bitch) In the city of Fathach Beag, two Fae sisters grew up quite close to one another. The elder sister Ava always looking out for and playing with the younger Maeve. Maeve remembers building forts out of fallen...

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