What You Wish For

Story by iplank on SoFurry

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Well... you really fucked that up, didn't you? A well-meaning wish literally begins the end of the world as everyone, everywhere is transformed into an anthro, a feral, or a hyper... or any blend of those three. Even if their body still functions fully after being changed- it likely cannot use human technology correctly, so planes fall out of the sky, vehicles are crashed and abandoned, systems are left untended and malfunction, etc. A small group of unchanged humans gather together to set out on an adventure through the transformed populace to try and undo the effects of the wish. Every encounter with someone who is already transformed puts them at higher risk of transforming themselves, and there is no guarantee their plan will even work if they do make it all the way to the end- but it is the only hope left to pursue.

(Entire planet TF feral, anthro, hyper)

If you hate surprises you can CTRL+F 'SPOIL' to skip to bottom where there is a full list of tags for what transformation happen in what chapters.

Since this story is large, here is a non-spoiler list of the chapters you can CTRL+F your way to;

-Beginning Of The End

-Going Down

-Unique Blend

-Psychic Type

-Big Girl

-Disasterpiece Theatre

-Tiny, Loyal, and Well Armored

-Last Wish

>Beginning Of The End<

Patrick did not realize anything was wrong at first, like most. He stumbled on a porn site one night in his apartment that looked insanely good. Sure, CGI had come a long way, but no big budget studios were willing to put those sort of resources into porn. He found an image series of a hyper furry that looked real- like not even photoshopped. All he thought of it at the time was how hot it was. Only two days later though, there was plenty of other people posting sets as well, all just as realistic creating a massive buzz in the fandom. Had a new editing software come out that made this sort of thing easy? Patrick almost thought it was a joke when he seen news articles on a growth virus going around making people super endowed. I mean, it had fake penis growth ad vibes all over it. It is a shame Pat did not use his TV for anything other than gaming and a second monitor for his PC- because he would have seen news reports on plenty of official stations on the same topic, but spinning it in a darker light. He was at work when he seen the first one- a deer that had a human head, neck, and chest running around just behind the mall he worked at. The next day he was told to stay home, and the day after that, the power to his house went out as someone crashed their car into a nearby telephone pole. Pat looked out his window to see the wrecked truck, and a huge tortoise stumble out of the driver's seat and walk away like nothing happened.

It happened too fast and there was too many conflicting cases for anyone to make sense of it till it was too late. People turning into this animal or that animal, getting hyper endowments, turning into half animals, or some strange mix of everything. The one thing that remained consistent is that everyone was changing and no one knew why. In a world where magic was known and practiced, you would think someone would be able to get to the bottom of this, but no. It was far too big for any human to have created- it was affecting millions of people at a time, there was no spell in existence that was strong enough to do that! Pat remained inside like instructed, but no other news came. No one came to fix his power, so he had no way of catching up on the news and he was afraid to go outside. Every once and a while he would look out to see one of his neighbors also peering out fearfully and a few animals going by through the streets. As time went on, he seen less and less human faces looking out those other windows. Eventually the people who were turned into animals escaped the homes and they too left, emptying out the neighborhood entirely. Most of the people around him had turned into mice from what he could see from his window.

He seen one woman break into a house on the other side of the street one day, he would call the cops normally but not only did his phone not work now- it seemed sort of pointless. He seen her through the windows, shoving things up against the door and around most of the windows on the ground floor trying to turn the house into a safe hold, retreating to its top floor only. She looked worriedly out the window from time to time as well, except every time he seen her at the top window her shirt was stretched further with larger and larger breasts. She seemed to vanish entirely for a day and he would have thought she retreated and abandoned the home, if he did not see... part of her a day later. All that could be seen now was the curvature of two gigantic breasts partially eclipsing the window- crowned with four areola and four huge teat-like nipples each. Odds are she was pinned to the floor with the size of them. That made him wonder though... was this thing contagious? She was hunkered down when she turned- she wasn't exposed to anyone else that he could see. She may have been exposed before entering the house of course. But the lack of information really got in Patrick's head. He was hiding from something he knew nothing about.

Another woman named Melissa knocked on his door looking for a place to hide. At a glance he could see she was perfectly human, so he let her in. In truth Pat was a bit afraid of letting her in, but he also thought of how shitty it would be if he were in her shoes and she abandoned him to the insanity of the outside world. Mel was a real good looking woman in sweat pants and a really loose black top. She was a shade taller than even Pat so she had really long legs. The two talked at length about what they had seen- Melissa did not know what was going on either. She was at a grocery store when shit hit the fan where she was. No one transformed in the area that she knew of yet so she figured she was safe to stock up on supplies. She heard strange noises coming from several people and then the next thing she knew half the grocery store was transformed! One person even turned into a Griffon and was toppling over shelves of food to scream at people as if it were protecting its nest! So many transformed people scattered out of the mall she had to be careful about how she got home, making sure to avoid all of them completely. By the time she got home she could see her former roommate through the windows- he had grown an additional six sets of arms, stretching his torso WAY out as it turned black and bubbled up into chitin plates. Each new set of arms was less developed than the last, and more encased in chitin. He was halfway transformed into a giant centipede. Her home was... infested. So she has been on the run since, looking for a safe place.

Mel was going to crash on Patrick's couch, while Pat slept in his bedroom upstairs. Both being in hiding, they were obviously not in the mood for romance. Although honestly Pat wouldn't turn her down if she brought it up. Mel did not want to get too close to Patrick if she could help it though- she already felt guilty being here but she had no idea what to do. When he had gone to sleep she slipped into the bathroom and lifted her shirt to look at the eight nipples down her torso. Her shirt was so loose because her breasts used to fill it- but they have been slowly getting smaller as three new sets of nipples appeared lined up below them, spaced evenly to cover the entire front of her torso. The last pair in her crotch were starting to look really puffy. There was also a discolored fleshy tail she had stuffed down her pant leg. It was long enough to reach her knee and the skin on just the tail itself was turning a silvery color. She shouldn't transform anymore now that she was away from those other freaks... right? She did not want to rub up against Pat though at risk of transferring what has happened to her onto him.

The next day, Pat went downstairs to talk to her only to find Mel had locked herself in the study. He had not been in there since his power blew up- the computer did not work and the lights won't turn on which means there isn't really enough light to read books by either. She said she could read fine by the windows, and was locked in just because it made her feel safer because she was still shaken up from being on the run. When he asked what she was reading, she had to scramble to the bookshelf to grab something off- she had not been reading anything. After Pat went to get himself breakfast and left the outside of the study door, Mel sighed in relief, looking nervously at her tail swinging around behind her.

Her tail looked back at her and shook its head. "And how long do you think it will take him to figure out you've got two heads? It isn't exactly subtle."

Over night her dreams were about arguing with a doppleganger of herself, one saying she was a freak too and needed to leave Pat alone, while the real her argued she was still fine. When she woke up she found she was definitely not fine. Her tail was five times the size it was when she went to sleep and now had a serpent head on the end of it! The head had a mind of its own and spoke with her voice, but like her dream, the second head rarely agreed with her. Her breasts were completely gone now, leaving only the nipple and areola in their place, but now the last two sets of nipples on her torso were sitting on tiny A cup tits! Because of how big her tail was and how tender her lower nipples were- wearing pants was now impossible. Not knowing what else to do, she settled herself down the best she could and started to actually read a bit, sitting on the window sill. The serpent frequently sighed in frustration, apparently being able to read faster than she can and having to wait for her to turn the page. That was weird. If they were both born from the same mind, why could it read faster? She found herself idly rubbing her lower boobs while reading and humming in pleasure. She surprised herself with it several times. How was she not consciously aware of it? They also kept swelling bigger the more she touched them. It was slow, but they were definitely getting bigger. By late afternoon she had a cluster of four C cups- two in her crotch and two on her lower belly. Oddly, the top two sets remained completely flat. The nipples erected with the rest and were just as sensitive, but no breast growth. She could also feel the tail growing larger every now and then. It felt like someone gently, sensually tugging on the skin around her butt and pussy but the skin did not grow tight, it just stretched further. Melissa spoke to Pat several times through the door as the day went on- Pat was completely unaware when several times it was not Mel but her tail speaking to him. They had the exact same voice so he could not tell the difference. The tail thought the same as Mel, but as time went on the differences that did exist became more obvious. Mel was feeling more meek, weakened in the face of her changes and constantly distracted with the pleasure created by her four growing tits- the flesh constantly pulled taught with subtle slow growth. The serpent was more aggressive, confident, and clear headed- unaffected by the growing lust the other felt; even though they both felt the pleasure.

They both woke late at night and had to unlock the door to skitter to the bathroom quickly- hoping Pat was asleep and did not come down. When she went to the bathroom she had an unpleasant surprise when she couldn't figure out how to even sit! Her tail was now so large and thick the transformation had pushed her anus forward and fused it into her vulva... she now had a cloaca! Her entire tail was covered in metallic dark green scales, except for a strip of flesh that ran from their cloaca to about the halfway point on the underside of the tail- the skin faded to grey shortly beyond the torso. That also meant her tail was far too large for her to sit on the toilet normally. She had to sit on the seat backwards, straddling the back of the toilet with her legs so her tail didn't get mashed into it. Melissa completely spaced out when she finished though and remained on the toilet gently prodding her tits. They looked like D cups now.

The serpent nudged the door open with its head to peek outside. "Uh, Mel? We don't know if he has an upstairs bathroom. He could come down here any minute potentially."

"Oh! Do you think he will like my tits?! I was sad to see them leave but they're back and brought friends!"

The serpent furrowed its brows and looked back at her. "... the fuck is wrong with you?"

Melissa pouted. "Why are you so mean all of a sudden?"

"Why are you so brain-dead all of a sudden?"

"I am not! They feel really good and guys like big tits..." She furrowed her own brows as she trailed off mid-thought. "We are hiding from him, though. Y-yea, I remember. But we have to show ourselves eventually, right? And he is cute."

The serpent yanked itself straight, which also yanked Melissa off the toilet. Finally taking the hint she scrambled back into the study and locked the door.

Mel bopped her head on the window closing her eyes in frusteration. "I feel so light headed and... ditzy."

"I think its because we have two heads now. I won the coin toss and seem to be getting all your confidence and levelheadedness... which is causing you to degrade into a bimbo."

She groaned. "I don't want to be a slut..."

Both were silent for a minute before the serpent spoke up again. "I guess for now, just rely on me. I am still you, right? So just let me take charge. Its not like I would ever screw you over- whatever happens to you also happens to me."

One became the version of Melissa that she liked to be in the bedroom, while the other was the version of her she strives for the rest of the time. They sat in the office chair for some time. Mel turned the chair back and forth with her toes on the floor and idly massaged her tits, which were now all touching one another, looking like a DD cup each. The serpent surprised her, coiling around the bottom of the chair when she was spaced out and yanked the chair over! Instead of hitting the floor she bounced on a segment of its giant tail and the serpent head slithered around and licked their shared cloaca. It did not have a thin forked snake tongue, it was long and came to a point. It also had a lot of fangs in its mouth unlike snakes who generally swallow whole and thus don't need teeth.

"Ah! W-what are you...?"

"We can't sleep because you are too horny."

It was hard to tell because the lips had the same coloration as the rest- but the serpent head actually did have lips as well. It penetrated them with its tongue, causing the human half to curl her toes and squirm while trying to muffle her own girlish cries so they did not wake Pat. It cupped its mouth over the entire cloaca, squeezing the plush area. As it took in her scent, the skin over its nostrils lifted into hardened points, expanding the nostrils slightly. Its scales started to thicken, starting from its face down the tail- growing a bit of a ridge down the middle of each scale. Mel's butt started to lift up on its own- the base of the tail growing even larger, causing her spine to project out on her lower back and discolor to slightly grey. Her legs tingled with pleasure and she lost half her control over them. She thought it was the orgasmic pleasure from the serpent's skilled mouth but that was only half the case. Small quills rose out of her skin, some blooming right away into tiny feathers and others continuing to grow into much larger ones. Down feathers covered almost all the space between, starting from the tops of her feet and quickly spreading down. Her pubic hair was quickly replaced by soft down feathers. The serpent was too involved trying to get them off and had its eyes closed, so did not notice. The human Mel noticed but was too breathless from the serpent's pleasuring to say anything! Her legs started to change shape, her toes fusing together causing her feet to have a tapered end, and then they started to stretch longer and thinner! The feathers followed the growth and continued to spread, consuming what had been the bottoms of her feet as well, and then the backs of her legs.

The serpent pulled its mouth off to catch its breath, a few strands of saliva still connecting them. "You want me to take charge, don't you? You just want to be a sexy little toy, all pleasure and no work."

"N-no..." Her voice was so high pitched and weak it was barely heard.

"Too ditzy to worry about what happens to the world, too weak for anyone to expect anything of you."

"Nnngh~" The tail grew even bigger, the bulge advancing up Mel's back and the scales following.

Her legs started to grow bigger overall, but their shape was now far from a leg. Buried in a giant fan of feathers- her legs had transformed into wings! The feathers were metallic green along the frame of the wing similar to the feathers of a mallard duck, but then quickly transitioned to dark metallic red, base matte red, and fading to pink at the tips. Her down feather pubes were all pink. The serpent dove down and started eating their cloaca again and a surge of growth went through her. Its neck became arched further and further, then started to fold over itself and flop over to make room as it continued to grow bigger and bigger. The scales started to slid out farther, overlapping themselves slightly like thin dagger blades. Its brow grew several tiny spike-like bone spurs like eyebrows. Mel groaned and squirmed as she felt its tongue grow thicker and a LOT longer, squirming its way very deep into their body. Her human hands hung in the air over her absentmindedly like an animal that was rolled onto its belly- and in response they too started to change. Her fingers fattened up and became shorter, her hands stretched a bit as the skin on the bottom of the fingers and each segment of the fingers puffed up into neon pink pads. Snow white fur quickly bristled into existence out of her skin up to her wrists but stopped there. When she looked at them and gasped in shock she flexed them and unintentionally brought out long hooked claws. They were huge feline paws- the claws only came out when she tensed. The tremendous bulge of the serpent tail advanced up her back, bulging out her spine all the way to the base of her neck! It formed a stripe of scales up her entire human back! It also raised her ass even further into the air, since she was laying on top of the bulge as it grew. A stripe of white fur matching her paws grew across her collar and almost all the way around to touch at the back of her neck, and grew the longest in the front like a psuedo mane. They started to knock over small tables and shove shelves around trying to make room. More and more serpent tail piled up and coiled around the room- the serpent half of her body now many, many times larger than the human half. Her human hair grew longer and longer, pooling on the floor around them forming a blanket across the growing layers of snake. In a final surge her cluster of four crotch tits swelled again, the very bottom pair growing very slightly larger than the pair over it- but both being in the ballpark of a G cup. As they climaxed, Mel's eyes flashed briefly, turning from ocean blue to baby blue and in a wave of brightness, the bark-brown color of her hair almost instantly bled away leaving her extremely long head of hair snow white like the fur on her collar and paws.

The serpent and Mel were both out of breath and fell limp for some time. The sky was starting to lighten by the time either of them move again- though they had remained awake the entire time. The serpent was a bit embarrassed, having gotten a little out of hand herself, and also being too involved with the act to have noticed many of the changes. They had no legs! They could not stand anymore. They rolled onto all fours and awkwardly tried to move around to see how it would even work. It wasn't great, but they could still move on all fours, awkwardly. They were sort of four legged now, except that all four legs were front legs... and faced opposite directions. Mel no longer had any control of the wings- they belonged to the serpent. They were sturdy enough that they could walk on the final joint of the wing like a wyvern does. The wings almost touched the roof even when folded back- so they absolutely could not open them up indoors. From one end she looked like a sort of flat chested cat girl, from the other end she looked like a busty winged serpent. The serpent groaned, squirming around in the too small room. There was so much snake that she could coil around the outside of the room many times over. Her neck was as thick as a garbage can! The serpent grumbled again, looking at her other half giggling and squirming around, enjoying the feeling of her ocean of hair. She was too dumb now to realize the trouble they were in. They had completely transformed into a monster... there was no way they could keep this a secret from Patrick for long- and it wasn't fair to him that they do. What if they could still infect him through the door? He was kind enough to let them take shelter in his house... as much as she wanted to stay, it wasn't fair.

The serpent but not the human was woken by Pat later that day, thinking they would already be awake since it was just after lunch. The serpent decided to break the news to him, though Pat thought she was joking at first, since she sounded normal. The serpent dragged the human half along the floor a bit to wake her up and got her to say something- in her now permanently high pitched, smaller voice to convince Pat. He did not want to kick her out because she seemed like a nice person, and still had her human mind even now. He wanted another person to be by him in these dark times, but he was also afraid as hell of turning into something himself. The serpent decided for him, already making up her mind that she would leave. She told Patrick to go back upstairs and unlocked the door to awkwardly walk out of the building. The human Mel walked them out facing forward- the gigantic serpent slithering in the air behind her, able to keep itself up off the ground with the tremendously strong muscle ribbing in its 'neck'. She called up to Pat and seen him in the window upstairs. The human Mel waved to him with a pouty face. The look on the serpent's face was a bit more serious, and she only nodded to him. If he ever succumbed, he at least knew he had one ally still out there.

After over a week his rationing of his food was running out. He had to go outside eventually or he would starve! He glanced out his window again to see if anyone was around and seen the most relieving sight he had in a long while- a group of normal humans travelling down the middle of the road!

Pat burst out his front door. "Oh thank God, someone is still normal! What is going on?! Do you guys know if it's safe to go outside again? My power has been out for days..."

The elder man Franklin chuckled. "Oh no, its absolutely not safe." Pat went to dart back into his house but Franklin grabbed the back of his shirt preventing him from getting away. "And it's not really safe in there, either."

Franklin introduced Pat to the young man Jasper and the young woman Crystal. The two looked almost identical, they even both had shoulder length hair and both wore girl's clothing- they were twins. Jasper's clothes were pink, while Crystal wore black and dark purple, and she had a lip stud and two earrings on either ear. Franklin himself was an older man, a short scruffy dark grey beard and bristly gray hair on his head with double-wide eyebrows. He was dressed in a brown linen cloak that looked too big for him- Pat was able to correctly guess that Frank is a Wizard without him saying it.

"So... what the heck is going on? Your a wizard so you must be able to tell... right?"

"No. It is not an earthly magic that does this, but it is a type of magic."

Crystal spoke up. "Actually I was the one who told Franklin. Seen on the internet before everything became a jumbled mess- a video went viral of this dude doing a heart felt apology for making a wish on a shooting star. He wished his fetishes were real, so that everyone could experience it and no one would be outcast because of their tastes."

Pat furrowed his brow. "You're kidding, right? I made a wish on a shooting star when I was younger that I had girlfriend, it didn't make one poof out of thin air."

Franklin nodded. "W-well no, but there is precedence for a wish coming true using a shooting star. A long time ago a woman wished her dog was a person and it came true- that is where invert pets came from. Whatever magic allowed that first dog to turn into a man, could be passed to any other animal that was claimed as a pet- including if another pet said it was their own pet after becoming human. Even if the animal is not actually anyone's pet, if another inverted pet said its their pet, it still counts. It is a magic just like this, except the original wish only affected animals, and could only be passed if one of the effected animals deliberately passed it on by claiming the new subject as a pet. Its been around for so long and seemed harmless so no one gives it a second thought now."

"So... someone wished everyone was a hyper, furry, or feral?"

Jasper nodded. "Which sounds kinda hot, except that feral animals can't fly planes. They can't operate computers..."

Crystal cut in. "And they change whether they want to or not."

Pat motioned around them. "So, why are we still ok?"

Franklin sighed. "Simply because it has not reached us yet. Proximity to those affected cause it to jump, but its spread so far so fast that most of society has caved in on itself. Hypers do not fit in doorways or vehicles, and some cannot even move because of their size. Ferals cannot operate any human tools, machines, vehicles... it is the end of the world as we know it, unless someone can fix it."

Pat thought about it for several moments, clearly looking stressed. "What do we do, fire the fallen star back into the sky and ask for a refund?"

Crystal and Jasper both laughed, but Franklin replied. "We do not know if it even hit the earth, it could have just passed close enough to be seen momentarily. Or if it did enter the atmosphere- it could have burned up into nothing. No, what we need to do is equally difficult though. We need to find what gives the shooting stars their power. As I said, the one this wish was made on we have no information about- and the person who made the wish is most certainly transformed by now. The original meteor that the inverted pet wish was made on however was collected for research by an Alchemist guild- and once news got out that it was the cause of the transforming pets, it was briefly researched and then placed in a museum. My Arcane Guild was researching the meteor when this all started to happen and was hot on the trail, but all contact with them went dead."

"... they all changed before they could finish?"

"Most likely, yes. I have been looking for more people to travel with to get to the guild and the meteor, but I have been travelling for some distance and so far, you, Jasper, Crystal and a woman named Amelia were the only ones I found. And Amelia... well... she is a raven now."

"So... how are we supposed to get there without turning?"

Jasper shrugged. "We aren't supposed to. If we do, its through sheer luck. Avoid those who gave in already and go quickly."

Crystal huffed and started walking again ahead of everyone. "We might be the last humans left on earth for all we know."

>Going Down<

Seeing little else in the line of options, Patrick decided to join their group on their adventure. On his own he likely would have been jumped by someone who transformed when he went to get food. The things they seen were wild, and each new corner they turned brought still more surprises. There was sections of the city that were left abandoned entirely- once transformed into ferals they flee their human homes to be outdoors, but not everyone turned feral. Whatever rules the transformation followed were very loose. It would seem if you were transformed by something you were more likely to have the same transformation, which explained why most of the people around Pat turned into mice- they were turned by other mice who slipped into homes through the cracks. People with strong personality traits seemed to override this, and turn into an animal that mirrored their personality. Hyper seemed the most difficult of the transformations to resist, and also applied to feral and anthro people- it felt too good to fight, making it very difficult to resist and very easy to give in. In the homes, hyper were the most commonly seen now, because they often grew too big to be able to get out again. Even from the street, you could see the curvature of a gigantic pair of breasts through a window, someone anchored to the floor by their own endowments, or a giant cock that had grown so large it busted a hole though a wall and jut out of the building. Franklin warned them all to stay quiet and move quickly whenever they got near a herd of feral horse or deer- because they move in herds getting exposed to one was effectively exposing yourself to dozens and the odds of you not transforming are slim.

When they passed through the center of the city, they thought they would be safe because ferals would be going in the opposite direction, but anthros apparently flocked here in their place. Being only a half or a third animal, they could still function as regular people unless they were also hit with hyper. Since they had human minds, Franklin was able to reason with them and get them to move away from them to let them pass, but they still tried to avoid anthros the best they could because every crowd has at least one jackass who makes it his mission to ruin someone's day. On their way out of the mall, they were stopped by a rhino anthro. He looked like a champion body builder and was shirtless likely because no normal shirt would fit over all his muscles. The bridge of his still mostly human nose was entirely covered with his huge horn. He told them there was another human woman, trapped in the nearby elevator but she screamed whenever anyone got close to her who was transformed. So while he had the strength to yank open the broken elevator doors and get her out- she won't let him near. When the group of humans approached, she introduced herself as Lydia, a Sorceress in training. Her hair and clothes were messed up and she was very hungry and thirsty- she had been stuck in the broken elevator for some time. Her long dark brown hair was dyed pale violet at the tips and she wore a woman's business suit. She worked in an enchanted jewelry shop in the mall, before everything went tits up.

She instructed Franklin how to get her out because the elevator not stuck normally. The shop she worked at was on the second floor and the stairs down were completely destroyed by someone who had transformed into a gigantic tree in the middle of them. Lydia was a bit ashamed... at least at first- she and a co-worker named Mei made a dash for the elevator which was just across from their shop but as they were running, Lydia spotted the start of a tail growing from over her Mei's skirt. Lydia put her hand out to motion for her to stop while she turned around and stepped back into the elevator backwards, closing the door on Mei. She said she was sorry- but Mei was transforming already, she could not be around her. In what seemed like an act of instant karma, the elevator jammed. The doors did not fully close nor would they open back up, so the elevator itself did not respond- its made to not move if the doors are not secured. She was then forced to get the full force of Mei's anger, shouting at her through the small opening in the doors- too small to get in or out of. She watched Mei run back and forth gathering food and supplies and trying to turn the jewelry shop into some sort of fort for herself. The fall to the ground level would splatter her on the tile floor, and Lydia unintentionally broke the elevator, so they were both stuck. Mei was frustrated at her tail, shouting at it as if it somehow understood her. It was the only part of her that seemed to transform- just a red fox tail. Early the second day, Lydia woke up to hear Mei shouting swears- apparently she accidentally slammed her tail in a door coming back into the main shop. In blind anger she reached around and yanked on her own tail. To the surprise of both Mei and Lydia- she tore it off! There was no blood, but there also wasn't just a tail. When she ripped the tail off a tiny fox materialized from the base of the tail. It was really small and its body a bit too long for a normal fox- it almost looked like a weasel if it was not for the giant tail. She dropped it in surprise, and like an excited dog it hopped on its back legs in front of her as if trying to ask her something. Mei stepped back in fear, then made a few fake-kicks toward it to shoo it away and it eventually gave up and skittered off.

After a few minutes to settle down Mei glared across the way at Lydia. "See? I am normal again! And you would have let me die for no reason."

Lydia sighed, soo tired to bother putting up much of a fight. "The elevator broke. I am more likely to die than you are."

"Hmph. Its the principal."

Lydia did not see it, but could hear the commotion from inside the shop later and seen another tiny fox run out of the shop- this time its fur was violet! By the time she seen Mei again, she had another tail already growing to replace the second one! And this time it was blue! This had to be the strangest transformation Lydia had ever seen or even heard of. Rather than changing herself she was somehow spawning other animals? It took Lydia long enough to fall asleep on a hard elevator floor, so she was upset when she was woken in the middle of the night by the clatter. Mei was trying to eat a midnight snack but the tiny fox kept stealing bites! There was a red, blue, violet, indigo, and yellow fox now! They ran when she shooed them away but never went very far. Now that there was a group of five of the little fuckers they had more confidence. One would distract her and the others would move in to snatch some food, then when she turned to knock them away the decoy fox got his bite. Mei ended up picking up her chair and chasing them out of the shop yelling. When she calmed down after they left, Lydia seen another tail when she turned. This one was green. By the time Lydia woke up on her own the next day, there was a swarm of seven tiny fox pacing around the shop. Green was followed by Orange sometime during the night. Mei seen them all as she was about to step out to scrounge more food and took a step back as they advanced toward her.

"What the heck do you guys waaaant? Stop bothering me!" She turned around and motioned toward her butt. "See? No more tails, I am normal. I am not like you. You guys are cute and all, but I barely have the food to feed myself."

Before she could turn back around the indigo fox jumped up and grabbed her skirt with its mouth, yanking it down as he fell back! Several of them tackled her legs knocking her to her hands and knees and before she could get up again the yellow fox scurried under her, bit her panties and pulled those down too as the red fox jumped up onto her butt and started thrusting into her. Apparently all the fox were hermaphrodites. Lydia looked away, but the sound of her moans was distracting and she ended up looking back for lack of other things available to look at. She would have thought their tiny little dicks to be far too small to do anything at all, but Mei seemed to be enjoying herself regardless. The sexual pleasure was helping her forget her tension. The feeling of it thrusting into her also made her entire body feel oddly good, and warm. As the little fox finished it pushed itself in as far as it could and seemed to melt into her ass! Its tail was once again attached to Mei as if it was her own and the fox vanished entirely into her! Mei continued to moan, and her lips turned glossy black- the ones on her face and between her legs. Her tail flicked around randomly behind her. She slowly turned to look at the other fox in confusion and they all rushed her, nudging her over onto her side with their heads. Two nipped her nipples through her top causing her to squirm and moan and the blue fox pushed her hips all the way over and mounted her pussy. He was so small compared to her that his arms stretched out on her as he mounted still did not quite reach her belly button. Mei had a bit of a delirious smile on her face as she panted from their assault. The yellow fox ran between the two on her chest and climbed onto her face, thrusting into her mouth! The two fox fucking her came and like the red one before they seemed to melt into her skin- and then their tails re-emerged from her own tailbone. Another fox mounted her as she was trying to get up onto all fours again, and Mei willingly went down on another one, sucking its little prick. Her nails lengthened into claws, her ears started to grow long and narrow. Her breasts shrank causing her top to become loose and eight nipples adorned her torso instead. Once the next two finished and she absorbed them she squirmed out of her clothes entirely, eagerly awaiting the last two to fuck her too! Her fingers and toes shortened and fattened up. Her ankles stretched and raised up from the ground as black pads fattened up on the bottoms of her hands and feet as they transformed into paws. The end of her nose turned black and started to grow out from her face a bit, becoming slightly pointed. When the last two absorbed into her body, white fur erupted from her skin racing up her body from the base of the tails to the tip of her nose! When the fur reached the tips of her ears, elbows, and knees, it turned black.

Had Mei or Lydia been more familiar with Eastern folklore they would know that a many-tailed fox spirit is able to split itself into as many forms as it has tails. The divided tails are known as tube-foxes. Mei slowly got back up, looking herself over in surprise, not sure how to feel. She had transformed into a sort of two-thirds anthro. Her arms and legs ended in completed paws, but she could still stand and walk on two legs. Her torso and most of her head was still human shaped. Even fused back to her, all of her tails were different colors till they joined to her body and the fur became white. Each tail was one of the colors of the rainbow- a spectrum 'white' can be divided into. Mei smiled at Lydia from across the way with her narrow, sharp teeth, and her narrow eyes turned to crescent moons. Wisps of blue fire could be seen through the air toward Lydia as Mei lifted a paw and pointed it at her. Lydia's heart jumped as the elevator shifted and she heard creaking metal! Mei was melting the cables holding the elevator up! Talk about holding petty grudges! Lydia quickly scrambled to her feet to plead with Mei but it was too late, the cable ripped free causing the elevator to slam into the side of the shaft, then the other cable let go and it fell entirely! Lydia only had a few seconds to react and slammed her palm onto the floor of the elevator and used what magical know-how she had to summon metal spikes from the sides of the shaft, jamming into the elevator. It still smashed several of the spikes off from its momentum but finally stopped before it hit the ground. And so that is how Lydia came to be where she was. About three feet off of ground level in an elevator that is tilted at an awkward angle with the doors slightly open but not enough to climb out of. She had no idea what happened to Mei- or if she was even still up there. She seemed to have magic powers of her own now so she may have been able to conjour a way down. Franklin was able to use his own magic to ease the elevator down and open the doors.

Patrick scratched his head. "Quite the experience. But... how were you able to summon spikes to stop your fall, and not be able to just... open the doors?"

Lydia scowled a bit at him. "I am an apprentice, ok? I can't spike the door open. The number of spells I know off the top of my head is limited. That is why I work at an enchanted jewelry store- trying to pay off bills so I can afford to finish my classes."

Franklin chuckled. "Well it was quick thinking. Do you want to join us on our adventure? There are not too many proper humans left so, we could use all the help we can get."

"God yes. Get me the hell out of here." She glanced over at the anthros all grouped up in the food area a ways back. "A lot of them think I am being rude. They don't understand they are contagious. Even among the people transformed already, not many people seem to know what really happened..."

As they were leaving the city core behind them, Crystal glanced back and stumbled onto the ground in shock, making everyone else look. The major roadways near the heard of the city were four lanes- and there was currently a cock taking up all four on one road. It was so colossal that the head of the dick was all that could be seen from their view, and it went up almost four floors against the high-rises around it. The road leading from it for several blocks was glossy from the fluids spurting out of it occasionally. Whoever was on the other end of that thing definitely cannot move. Though he stood in awe of it for an awkwardly long time too, Jasper was the one who had to snap Crystal out of her trance looking at the monumental dong so they could press on. The guild was in the small neighboring town, not the city so they had some distance to go. Taking vehicles would not get them far, because parked or destroyed vehicles were all over the place blocking the roads. They passed through abandoned neighborhoods again on the other edge of the city. If they became anthro they headed to city core to be with their own kind and try to organize a new type of society. If they went feral, they left the city entirely. If they went hyper... well, if they were hyper they were going nowhere.

>Unique Blend<

They did not want to get food at the mall because they would need to rely on a lot of anthro cooperating and evacuating to allow them at the food, and there was no guarantee the food itself was not tainted from proximity to so many transformed. So when they found a corner store in the abandoned suburbs, Lydia and Patrick dashed inside right away. Franklin remained out front to keep watch, and the twins wandered around outside, though remained close. The two starving humans tore into whatever food they came across. Most of the food in corner stores was so processed it took forever to go bad anyway. And the power was still on here so the freezer was still functioning. Patrick went to the back to get something cold to drink. He had been drinking only tap water for days and wanted something with a flavor other than old pipes. The milk was probably iffy at this point, so he grabbed a 2L bottle of soda- the last of its flavor and almost fumbled it to the floor! He heard an odd, unimpressed squawk from in the freezer, and behind the empty row he could see two large penguins trying to shove each other out of the way to look out of the opening he created before the door automatically shut, sealing them in again. It was a good thing the freezer still worked, and not just because of the cold- if the freezer got its power cut, the flow of oxygen to the freezer would also get cut and the penguins would suffocate without anyone to open the door for them. He heard a shriek from Lydia and went to meet her as she dashed back toward him in a panic. He did not have to ask why she was freaked out- he could see the... creature, behind the counter. It was hyper, but... not really. It was not a human or an animal- it was a gigantic cluster of dicks! Several large enough to nearly touch the roof and as thick as telephone polls, but also some smaller ones that were about the length and width of an arm. They all fused at the bases and sat on a giant cluster of testicles of various sizes.

Pat was almost as confused as surprised. "What the fuck happened there?! It isn't even a living being anymore, its just a cluster of parts!"

Lydia tried to settle herself down from the shock of wandering so close to the thing without even realizing. "Hyper, but repeated."

"Repeated? You can be affected by it after you already changed?"

"No, but you can be affected by multiples before you fully change. Like someone who turns both feral and hyper. Whoever that used to be was exposed and contaminated by many people who also turned hyper, which caused them to mutate in this way." She sighed, grabbing a bag of chips and quickly hurrying back toward the doors out. "We are most likely going to see a lot more like this soon."

"Why?" He scurried to keep up with her.

"Because this is the main route out of the city- people came this way to evacuate. Which means they passed by a lot of other people while travelling, and get contaminated by multiples."

They all hustled down the empty roads to get out of the city. They spotted several straggler animals wandering lost among the buildings, but luckily all herbivores they could easily spook into running away by making a lot of noise. Jasper even pointed out a Jackalope, a bit amused at finding a cryptid. As the buildings started to get farther and farther apart, exiting the city and approaching the farm land a woman spotted them and called them over to help, but seen they were human when they got closer and thankfully turned them away before they got too close. She had turned anthro, but her most prominent feature was hidden from view for a minute. Her skin was very pale and she was fully nude- society was kind of dead so clothing was optional. Her legs were ungulate, ending in golden cloven hooves with very bushy, long trailing fetlocks. Her legs and butt were covered with fur, but it was extremely fine and white so it nearly matched her skin anyway. Her tail was long and narrow and ended in a bushy tassel, but her upper body was just a pale skinned human. She had been gathering home grown food from her garden for supplies but got her horn stuck. Even without their help she managed to shimmy it out slowly but surely. She was a unicorn anthro- but her single spiraled pearlescent horn was ludicrously long. Only about as thick as the handle of a baseball bat at the very base, the horn had to be at least three feet long. When she bent over to tend her garden the horn slid in the open kitchen window, nudged the bottom of the glass and caused it to slam shut on top of her horn! Since they had her attention they tried to ask if she knew if there was any trouble further out, but she did not know. Even for someone already transformed there was too much chaos around for going out to be safe.

They continued some ways into the farm lands, having to stick near the fences at the side of the road rather than on the road so they had something to duck behind. It was hard to tell where the threat was out here. There was plenty of horses and cows- but where they always livestock or were some of them formerly human? They slowed at one ranch as a woman dashed across the field looking nervous, trying to wave them down. The others had not noticed anything off, but Franklin detected the flow of the unknown power.

"Hold- we cannot help you ma'am."

She struck an unseen barrier- the air suddenly too thick to move through, holding her back. "B-but I need to get out of here. Its going t... to get moo." She was breathing heavier than she should have to at the pace she ran.

Because she ran through grass, no one was able to see she wasn't wearing any shoes or socks, and her feet were cloven hooves. She scrunched her face up in brief pain as two nubs broke the skin on her forehead, trailing a single drop of dark blood down her face as the nubs slid further out from her skull into two horns- but they were perfectly straight, not curved or at the side of her head like a proper cow's horns. Her ears flicked up as they changed to leaf shaped and her human hair started to fall out.

"N-no, stop... mooing." She glanced back looking at all the other cows in the field, who remained scattered but were all staring at her. "I am nooowt one of mooo..." Her voice got very deep suddenly.

Franklin ushered the others to back up and he did as well. As an apprentice, Lydia explained to the others that Frank has been maintaining a warding barrier the entire time, which prevents outside magics from getting to their group. The wish magic is not earthly though and can still pierce his barrier, but it at least slows its flow. He was holding the woman off and still keeping the ward though- in addition to having been holding the barrier up the entire time they have been travelling. Its too much for an elder man like him to keep up, they needed to get away from the woman before Franklin burned himself out.

A bulge grew quickly in her pants so when she tried to push through the invisible barrier to follow them, she instead fell because the bulge was pushed into her upper legs because of her pants. As soon as she fell onto all fours she let out a cry of distress as her hips cracked loudly- the joints of her upper leg snapped with it, now built to be quardruped so she could no longer stand back up. Her legs bulked up to keep up with her enlarging hips as they became the boxy rump of a bovine. The woman tried to push herself up off the ground with her arms but couldn't get her spine to cooperate. Her nails sunk into the soft ground as they grew longer quickly while her hands pushed against it. The nails became tall and narrow and became hooked like talons. Tiny quills started to grow out of her skin causing her to shiver and squirm from the prickling feeling- like a limb waking up. Her voice lowered even more and her neck thickened and started to pop and get longer. The woman's nostrils turned candy pink and enlarged as the teeth in her mouth started to fuse together. The skin from her now huge claws advancing up her arm became dry. As it dried it started to yellow and thicken, advancing to the point where moving her arms caused the skin sections to become semi segmented- giving her arms banded yellow flesh. Her forearms started to grow longer, raising her front half up to be level with her back half. The bulge in her pants was gigantic now and tearing the seams. The woman tried to grab at her pants but could not while on all fours, and since she could not stand up she instead plopped down on her butt. Her hips had stretched her pants to the max one way and the bulge the other. When she sat down the tension reached its peak and the seams down the sides exploded open, tearing the entire top half of her pants wide open so the rest would fall away the moment she got back up. The gigantic bulge flopped out onto the soft grass between her legs as a cow udder, already the size of a medicine ball, with thumb sized teats. Thick ropy milk veins trailed from its base up her underside up to her chest. Since her pants burst off on their own, she grabbed her top with her talons and ripped it off hoping the prickly feeling will lesson. There was extra huge quills growing from her tail bone which was finally starting to stretch out a bit- but still no where near a proper tail. Her merging teeth forced their way out of her mouth and slid farther and farther out of her face- in the form of a huge beak! The quills growing all over her exploded open releasing the millions of tiny bristles within as they bloomed into fully grown feathers! Most of the feathers were white, but there was black feathers here and there seemingly at random. Her growing beak stretched her lips into obscurity and grew out extremely long and narrow- like the beak of a crane.

The woman sat on her butt in the grass looking around confused, trying to examine herself the best she could. She was a cow... bird, thing. Her legs, butt and udder were cow, and some of her head was cow. Her beak had the large pink nostrils of a cow at its base still. Her arms and the feathers on her upper body were those of a bird, but she did not have wings, and the odd black feather among the white mirrored the splotches of a cow. Rather than a cow tail she had a gigantic fan of huge feathers- a bird tail. Her strong desire to stay human muddied even this hybrid though; giving it a human factor to contend with. Her torso remained human in shape, and though her arms were shaped like a birds legs, she still has five digits and relatively human shaped hands. She still had human breasts too- but her feathers were especially bushy on her collar which eclipsed the breasts entirely from the front- their undersides were still bare.

That was a close call for Franklin's party though, and they made haste afterward to distance themselves as quickly as possible. Fully transformed now, the woman was forced to admit her fate and made no move to follow them. It was getting pretty late in the evening by now and the sunlight was quickly running out. They kept an eye out for a house that looked abandoned. They could not tell if the livestock were contaminated or not, so preferably they found a farmhouse that was also void of animals. They found one finally- a large three floor house on a hill. It looked like they had horses at one time but the animals were long gone now- a plane had dropped out of the sky and slammed itself across their field breaking the fence that held the animals in. It also unfortunately ripped several power lines out so the house had no electricity. Lydia used her magic to create a node of light and give Franklin a rest. They found some candles and a lantern and lit them to illuminate the house just enough that they were not stumbling over everything as the sun went down.

There was three bedrooms, two on the second floor and one on the top. Franklin went to the top bedroom and fell asleep first, having been exhausted from keeping the barrier up the entire day. Patrick and Lydia went to sleep in one of the second floor bedrooms, Pat above the blankets and Lydia below. The twins would sleep together but were the last to turn in for the night. Crystal was up listening to music on her cell phone loud enough that it sounded like regular volume to everyone else even though she was wearing headphones. She was trying to drown out the memories of the transforming woman who nearly reached them earlier. Trying to drown out the thoughts that the world was ending. Jasper found an original gameboy in their bedroom and left his twin sister to her music, going instead to the living room and playing on of the old pokemon games. He liked the series, but never had a chance to play the originals, and like his sister, took it as a chance to forget they might be the last normal people on earth. He was surprised how few pokemon were in the original games- he kept expecting to find his favorites only to realize they did not exist in that generation. He felt oddly relaxed and good. The game really helped him forget their troubles... almost too effectively. One could even say it was super effective.

Patrick wandered downstairs late that night, trying to figure out where the bathroom was, only to see Jasper still awake by candle light, playing the game. It was probably straining his eyes terribly too- the gameboy was not back-lit, so he was relying on the candle light to see the screen. Pat was going to tell him to get to sleep, but he was having fun, so he didn't have the heart to tell him to stop. Patrick was still half asleep and could not find the bathroom. The house was three floors, it probably had more than one bathroom, right? Getting frustrated he checked a door in the living room near Jasper just to make sure it wasn't a bathroom and seen stairs down. Oh... the house is actually four floors- it has a basement. Maybe the basement has a bathroom.

>Psychic Type<

As soon as Patrick went downstairs, Jasper shivered for some reason- he was not actually cold. He felt oddly... horny? Him and Jasper were two of the last people on earth, could anyone really blame him for wanting to have a little pleasure before the world ended? Pat wasn't a bad looking guy, either. Jasper just wished his sister wasn't so... angry. She did not like her own fear, and it made her frustrated, so while everyone else was worried or fearful, she was just pissed. Jasper's brow furrowed a moment. How did he know how his sister felt right now? She was on her belly, her breasts felt good pushed into the bed under her lightly. She was fiddling with her lip stud with her tongue idly. How did Jasper know that? He cried out in a girlish tone quietly as a pleasurable feeling tingled its way from his head to his toes. He could only see from the corners of his eyes as his hair started to change.

From base brown and to his shoulders like his sister, it started to lighten and change to a tone of green! It compressed together and tightened, causing it to lift and curl slightly. His bangs grew a bit toward the middle but remained the same toward the edges, shaping themselves like a downward arrow, with the lowest point hiding his nose behind it. The rest became bobbed and curled up under his ears as it finished changing color to a pale almost mint green! For a moment Jasper could see the narrow stairs down into the basement, and then flashed back to his sister in the bedroom, and then a blurry confused mess that was Lydia's dream! Jasper's eyes turned bright red. His skin started to turn ghostly pale as he looked down at his hands. His skin became taught, and it looked like his arms were shrinking- though only became more narrow and less defined, not growing any shorter. His arms lost most definition, including any visible difference between his forearm and hand. His fingers started to fuse together as well. This thumb merged to his index, his pinky into his ring finger, and then his middle finger grew in size to match the other two larger digits. His arms and hands did not turn pale though- bizarrely his arms were turning mint green like his hair! His body continued to turn white though. He let out another girlish moan as a wave of tightness passed over him and his entire body and especially his legs underwent a similar change. It was like his body was streamlining itself. His skin became taught and smooth and ghostly white, and his body lost most definition. You could not see the transition from his ribs to gut- you could no longer tell where his hips started. Heck if he did not bend his limbs you could not even tell where his knees or elbows were. His ears started to stretch out, but at three individual points. The top stretched into the largest point, then the middle, and then his earlobe, creating three points off the sides of his head that only vaguely resembled ears. His shoes and socks fell off on their own- by the time he looked down at them there was no feet at all! His legs just ended in tapered points! They looked so precarious to stand on... so narrow and dainty. So... sexy. He moaned again as he felt hornier. His scrotum tightened into a smooth little penny pouch shape and his foreskin grew smooth but thicker. His penis was sucked into it a moment then re-emerged with less definition itself- looking a violet with blood pressure and making it stand out in steep contrast to his white foreskin, and it now had a tapered end with no corona! He started to undress himself, his clothes no longer fitting right on his compacted form. As soon as he stripped his skirt and panties off though, he started to grow a new one! Streamers of thick but loose skin started to grow out from his hips, slightly overlapping themselves. He grew a skirt the same length as his legs- pale white like most of his skin on the outside, and the inner facing side of the flesh skirt was mint green like his hair and arms.

By now he realized what was happening to him. He was so excited to see it in real life, and to know he was becoming so pretty that he forgot to be worried about the fact he had succumbed to the wish. His breathing became shallow and rapid as a hard red bead appeared in the skin on the middle of his chest and rapidly grew- stretching the skin around it away. It also grew on his back- it went straight through his torso. He could feel the beat of everyone's hearts in the building right now- the solid red mass through his torso acting like a conduction rod for emotion. In a sudden burst he moaned one last time, accidentally waking everyone up because he let it out as a psychic wave. The red mass grew forward in a sudden burst, erupting from his chest as a rounded plate- making the overall mass shaped like a guitar pick. Jasper had transformed into his favorite pokemon! A male Gardevoir! His giddiness manifested in the transformation as well, passing over him as a tingling wave. What had formerly been mint green turned to baby blue- making him a shiny Gardevoir. He was still breathing rapidly though... the emotions of everyone in the building were too much. He felt sooo horny! His dick twitched under his skirt more aggressively, he could feel an orgasm building. Why did he feel like this?! He came without even touching himself! The explosion of pleasure caused his transformation to step it up one final tier before it fully sealed him in! The skirt segments grew larger and larger, causing them to bend to make room, making the skirt billow farther and farther out around him. From the bottom up a darkness started to bleed into the skirt, then his body and even his arms, finally making them match the rest. The new change stopped at his neck and in a surge the plate in his torso gave off a loud wet sounding crack as it split open into two plates in the front! It turned him into a shiny Mega Gardevoir! As Jasper caught his breath, his psychic perception cleared enough that he realized why he was so horny- there was more than five people in the house!

Patrick got into the basement and then heard several young women giggling softly in the dark. He held his lighter out in front of him but the basement was so dark the light did not travel far, and it did not help that everything was in shambles. Boxes and old furnature overturned everywhere and a heavy, salty smell in the air that was almost intoxicating.

"H-hello? Is someone down here? Me and my group needed a place to stay the night, and we thought the house was empty."

"Oh, yes, we live here but it is ok." "We have been really lonely anyway, hehe~" "I told you girls it was a man! I could smell his cock from here!" Several of them spoke at once. "Come play with us big boy!"

He chuckled a bit nervously, following their voices in the dark. "Have you seen the state of the world out there right now? Not sure we should be playing around."

"But we could be the last people left on earth, we need to..." "Repopulate!" "Hehehe~"

He turned the corner into a large room that had been set up as a lounge at one time, and his lighter finally lit up the girls enough for him to see their form silhouetted. And know he was in big trouble. The gigantic mass of flesh writhed in the middle of the room- a vulva almost big enough to scrape the roof and filled most of the entire room! The gigantic slit pulsed slowly open and closed like a hungry mouth, the clit was the size of Pat's entire head! Seven different women were fused into the sides of the giant pussy! Their hip transitioned to a mound of soft flesh which then transitioned into their giant conjoined genitals. Two of the women had hugely distended stomachs that looked pregnant, and one between them who both looked giantly pregnant, and had a huge hill of soft flesh between her and the pussy. The two on the sides had a giant ovary in their gut- the middle woman had the womb. The giant pussy started to wobble and rolled forward a bit- several drips of lube trailed from its sides as it drooled over the presence of a male. All the women reaching toward Pat to beckon him into them. Their hole was so hungry! That was why Jasper transformed- he spent the entire night in the living room at the top of the stairs! The wish power was seething off of these girls steadily and Jasper was the closest person to them!

Jasper detected the women now with his psychic power and alerted everyone to flee the house. Patrick was the first out, having seen the abomination first hand. When they left though, Jasper stalled at the door. The twins looked at each other sadly. Jasper could feel his sister's anger building up inside again. He sighed, and told them to go on. He knew he could not travel with them anymore. If they succeeded everything would be restored and Crystal could come back for him. If they failed... well, then everything would be consumed in the transformation and it wouldn't matter anymore anyway.

It was still pitch black when they headed out. The group progressed down the highway toward the next town in the early morning, passing by so many crashed and abandoned vehicles- many of which had destroyed driver-side doors from a beast smashing or clawing its way out. There was even a hyper endowed hippo Lydia wanted to help- between his giant genitals and huge butt he was wedged half-inside a truck door. He turned too fast to get out and now he was stuck. As cruel as it seemed to just leave him like that, Franklin insisted they not help him- direct contact with a transformed person was sure to turn them. Because of how close he came to the giant vagina in their last break, Patrick was already at an increased risk. He had more of the magic in him than they thought- he never told them about Melissa. But still not enough wish magic to turn him yet. A ways further they were passed by a gang of anthro people on motorbikes heading back toward the city. Motorbikes had the mobility to navigate around the other abandoned vehicles to still make use of the cluttered roads. The last biker stopped to see if the human party was alright- and curious if they were somehow immune since they are the only humans she has seen for some time. She wore frayed black jeans and a torn blue jean jacket left open- though her breasts were covered on the sides and front with a stripe of chitin scales. She is an anthro scorpion. Her skin was peach toned only in thin strips on the inside of her arms and legs, and on her lower gut, then quickly faded to dappled grey before being covered by lumpy black chitin plates. Even her black hair was tightly braided and resembled a scorpion tail. She had a full scorpion tail behind her just over her jeans, idly waving back and forth- the stinger hooks upward at the end so when it punctures it isn't so easy to remove. Her hands were the most unusual- because they were both human hands and scorpion pincers at the same time. The chitin plates on her fingers joined together to form the upper half of the pincer, and the plates on her thumb were much bigger than the thumb itself, making the bottom portion of the pincer. It was hard to tell where she was looking, because her eyes were solid black- they had no whites. After a short talk, she informed them of a danger up ahead- a mutated behemoth they would have to avoid, so they were going to have to get off the road soon to go around. The good news though was that they were not that far from the town.

>Big Girl<

The group started to look cautiously ahead trying to spot this behemoth they were told about, and eventually diverged from the road a ways simply because there was too many wrecked vehicles- they were wasting time snaking their way between destroyed cars when they could walk in a straight line if they just walked in the field. They were beyond the farms now and a ways out of city limits so there was no fences for ranches or farms anymore- just open fields and patches of forest here and there. Crystal was feeling a bit bloated for some reason, but did not mention it to the others at risk of them worrying it was something it isn't. Franklin called back to the others to be careful of their steps- the ground was particularly wet here. It was a hard to tell through the taller grass but the ground was muddy and squelched under their steps. Crystal groaned as she stepped in a particularly wet part by accident and got her shoe full of water. When she looked down at the small stream she stepped in through- it wasn't water, it was white. Her eyes followed it farther out and finally gasped at the sight of its source. Having looked like mountains out of the corner of their eyes, there was actually five gigantic breasts in the distance, lactating a literal stream of milk across the entire field. Each one had to be at least as big as a house. Crystal's stomach gurgled and swelled out a bit as her bloated feeling increased. By the time the town was in sight in the distance, they found the behemoth and had to run out to one of the farms on the outskirts of the town to hide. It had to be at least fifty feet tall, and had no legs. It had around ten huge tentacles writhing around at its hips and one extremely huge one that acted as a tail lashing around behind it. It batted vehicles out of the way with its giant muscular arms. It did not really have a definable head, its arched neck just ended in a long mouth and the upper curvature of it was covered with dozens of huge eyes looking in random directions- darting around as if scanning for something. The underside of its neck, its entire chest and in a stripe down the front to the tentacles was around fifty human heads, partially fused into its skin. Their necks and shoulders stuck out for most of the heads, but all were fused below the ribs or shortly after their arms started. They all moaned but none said anything cohesive. Their eyes were all open, but did not look at anything. They had all transformed at the same time, and likely in a confined space, so they fused together into a gigantic abomination. There was too many different brains all trying to take charge so its thoughts were perpetually chaos. It effectively had the intellect of a particularly brutish animal- even though it had half a hundred human brains, because they constantly conflicted each other and negated each others intellectual input. Franklin grimly stated that the behemoth was most likely the town hall meeting for the town they are coming up on- they all transformed during the emergency meeting.

Because they had to give it such a wide berth their advance on the town was slower than planned. The behemoth was tossing cars around like toys moving down the highway with no discernible goal in mind- so even if they were far enough to avoid the wish, they had to also be far enough to not get hit by a flying car. Crystal suggested they rest up in a house before entering the town again. Back into the shadow of buildings navigating would get difficult, and it was already late afternoon. Plus, they had been travelling since before the sun even came up thanks to their emergency evacuation of the last place. Franklin agreed- it would be a shame to get this far and then mess it up in the final stretch because they were too tired and got careless. Crystal actually suggested it mostly because she was feeling so bloated she was starting to get cramps, and her toes were going numb from all the walking. At least, that is what she told herself it was from. They could not find any farms that were completely devoid of critters though, and the earliest stop they could make was a small grocery store at the edge of the town proper. As soon as Franklin opened the doors two dogs wearing human shirts bolted out, but once they ran off the building seemed empty, at least at a glance. Franklin went to find something to eat- Lydia went to work barricading the door to make sure no one wandered in while they were here. A bit curious, Patrick went to find the security room to check the security camera footage, offering to Crystal to join him, but Crystal said she needed to get cleaned up a bit and went straight to the bathrooms.

Lydia walked up to Franklin after blocking the doors. "So... I can sense the wish energy in the town. I haven't been able to pick up on it at all till now because I am still just a student... so..."

Frank sighed, swallowing a bite of a candybar. "There is a lot of it, yes."

"So, there is a good chance we are throwing ourselves in the fire."

"You mean the meteor?"

"Yea. It used the same power as the current wish- which means it is absolutely exploding with the same energy we are trying to avoid. We are trying to put out a metaphorical fire, while walking directly into it."

Franklin nodded. "Yes, well, it is certainly a possibility. We won't know till we get there, and if we cannot fix things with this plan we will all eventually transform regardless. The meteor definitely radiates the same power- but it only affects animals who meet a specific condition. We cannot tell the difference between one and the other, so it all looks like the same force to us- but only half of the energy seething from the town is actually a danger to us."

Crystal groaned and placed a hand on the wall behind the toilet, facing down toward it trying to throw up, but it did not work. She felt so bloated and full but no idea why. A few soft clicks in her hand and she noticed her fingers did not bend well, and it was hard to move one without the others. She pulled her arm back and gawked at her hand worried. A small burp escaped her mouth and then a huge burp so violent that it vibrated her vision! Her stomach started gurgling violently and she could visibly see it bloating up! She backed up quickly and turned to look in the mirror. She wasn't changing, was she? She can't be. But in the mirror she could see her ears enlarging and becoming pointed, sticking out from under her hair! She covered them with her hands as if that would somehow make them go away- but only called attention to her blackening, bulking nails. She let out several more burps involuntarily. Crystal bent over, holding onto the edge of the sink and squealed in surprised pleasure as her ass swelled up! It filled her skirt and tugged at the band. More fat and taught smooth skin billowed out, sending warm pleasure through her, like someone was squeezing her rump. It grew so big that it pulled the skirt tight and started to billow out over top of it, forcing the band to slide farther down her now very impressive cheeks. The feeling of having a growing butt turned her on, probably more than it should given the situation. Her panties started to press in on her pussy dangerously tight as her ass yanked them the other way. Her growing butt yanked the panties into her pussy so tight the clit became exposed over the band, which was partly a good thing because it grew too and could use the room. It stretched out longer like a flesh thorn till Crystal reached around and squeezed her butt cheeks in exploration, causing a surge of pleasure which caused the clit to throb thicker as well as longer. Her clit started to twitch as it stretched further and further, and her butt grew against her kneading it, swelling up between her fingers with fat bouncy flesh! She kept burping here and there and the bridge of her nose widened as well as her nostrils. Her canine teeth ached a bit and started to grow out sideways.

"Ooh... what is wrong with *urp* me? It shouldn't feel *UUURP* good, I am *uff* not animal..." Her voice slowly became deeper and deeper.

A surge of pleasure she fell completely to the floor onto all fours and her ass grew gigantic, causing her skirt to snap and sling off onto the floor beside her. Her panties were yanked so tight they had vanished entirely in the front- wedged completely between her swollen labia. Now exposed to the open air, she could see how giant her clit had grown. It had pulsing veins near the base that had grown so thick as to project from the skin. Another bulge traveled down the outer facing side, toward the tip. Likely a urethra, transforming it into a penis! Crystal was hit with another strong feeling of bloating as her body groaned and stretched bulkier, pulling her clothing tighter. A huge burp forced its way out of her, lasting so long she actually had to gasp for air once it ended, and as soon as she did the cartilage in her nose popped loudly, and the bridge of her nose expanded so large it eclipsed the center of her vision! Her nostrils flared larger at the end, pushing the end of her nose up into a snout so when she caught her breath she unintentionally snorted several times!

"I *snort* am not a-ahhh~! An ahh.. nimal. I hrrrNNN-!" Her skin actually creaked a bit from rapid growth, her bones groaned and popped and her organs sloshed around inside of her, forcing more burps out. "Oh *uuurp* Gods.... gunna... ex*burp*lode!"

Her torso inflated in every direction, stretching her out and pulling her shirt skin tight before the clasp on her bra snapped. Without the bra to restrain her at all, her skin bloated even further into the shirt and ripped it down the back. Her breasts grew as well, but much more slowly. Her ankles stretched out as her toes fused together. Her middle three toes fused and then re-split as two large toes with cloven hooves, while her large and pinky toe lagged behind the stretching of her ankles, devolving into tiny dew claws. The same started to happen with her hands as she clacked them aggressively against the floor in frustration at her inability to hold back the changes at all. Crystal's tailbone grew out and filled her already extremely overtaxed panties, pulling them into her pussy even worse. The new urethra connected to the end of her clit, officially making it a penis- but her vagina remained unchanged otherwise, so she had no balls and the dick would be shooting blanks. Her face started to stretch out, being dragged along with her snout. Both sets of canine teeth in her mouth grew beyond her lips and then curled upward growing bigger into two sets of tusks. Her ears continued to grow larger, becoming quite massive on her head and the two earrings in either one fused with her skin, turning into two metal thorns. The stud in her bottom lip seemed to be absorbed into her skin for now and vanished- her body was moving the metallic elements elsewhere. As her torso rounded out huge her legs and arms started to get longer so her gut did not rub against the floor. Her pectoral muscles were pressed farther forward by the expansion of her torso, which caused her breasts to be moved in front of her arms in her quadruped stance. She watched her hands sadly as they finished devolving into pig trotters. Her panties finally snapped off and got flung across the entire room by her tail which was shaped like a spring! Not even the gentle spiral of a normal pig tail- hers spiraled several times and was more stiff than a pigs tail, so it really was a fleshy spring. Her engorged, twitching clit bobbed with each throb, demanding attention. In a second surge of stiffness though, it felt like it was getting an erection too hard to handle. The tapered pink penis felt like it was trying to grow larger than the skin could allow, causing the pressure to backfire on it. The shaft started to twist toward the end, creating three loose spirals- the corkscrew penis of a porcine.

Crystal wanted to cry, but her body still churned and she still felt SO bloated. The only sound she made for several moments was soft burps, followed by a snort when she breathed back in. Her body groaned with tightness. She was a pig! What more could there be? As Crystal shook her head she seen how giant her ears were, and then she knew. Those were not pig ears. In a massive surge her body groaned and popped in rapid fire as she squealed in distress, interrupted only by a few involuntary burps! Her entire body was growing bigger, fast! But especially her hips grew massive! Her thighs started to balloon up massively round which made her already huge round butt gigantic! In spite of still having breasts hanging off her, eight additional nipples appeared down her torso and started to fatten up and turn into erect little teats. She felt new muscles twitch as she tried to adjust her stance and noticed two small underdeveloped limbs below her arms- looking a bit like plucked chicken wings, but rapidly developing. Her snout started to grow even longer, flopping down over her mouth and beyond! Two of her tusks remained the same, but the lower ones started to grow bigger and longer, jutting up off her head by quite some distance in large arcs! Crystal's dick started to tighten even more, pulling the spirals in so it was more of a twist than a spiral- but then the entire thing started to throb larger, thicker, and develop even more twists. Even though she was still on all fours, she watched as her eyes became level with the sinks, then the mirrors, then reached near the top of the mirror- so high up that she could feel the coolness on the surface of the roof just over her back. Her legs bloated up huge, making her small hooves almost comically small in comparison, including on her new limbs, already developed into a new pair of front legs identical to her original. She opened her mouth and deliberately forced out one last burp, finally getting rid of her internal pressure. She did not snort, but quietly trumpet what was now her trunk. She was extremely round and bloated looking everywhere. As a final cherry on top the expanded metal that had formerly been a mere lip stud emerged at the end of her trunk, as a huge septum ring and grew five stumpy spikes along the outward curve. Thanks to the size of the spiked ring, she could swing her trunk as a weapon. She was half pig, half elephant! A piggyderm.

Thanks to the loud squeals, burps, and snorts, it did not take the others long to figure out what happened. Lydia only momentarily looked inside to see what became of Crystal before sealing the door closed. Lydia and Franklin remained there outside of the door talking to her through it for a bit before distancing themselves from even the door. Crystal only understood some of what they were saying, but picked up on the general tone. Her mind had not transformed into an animal one but it had devolved to having the capacity of one- so her instincts were louder than her thoughts. When the others had completely abandoned her, she plopped down on her extremely plush rump and was able to use her trunk to get off her drill-penis, putting it through the ring so it was smushed against the very end. Crystal never had any interest in a relationship, but she was good looking so guys always tried. She always responded with aggression and insults to distance herself- just wanting to be alone. Crystal wished on a few occasions that she wasn't so good looking, so no one would bother asking in the first place. Now she sort of got her wish.

>Disasterpiece Theatre<

That night, going over the videos in the security room, Patrick seen some strange stuff. He wished he could hear what all the people it recorded were saying but it did not record audio. He was surprised they still worked with no one managing them, but they only streamed video to the security room- they did not actually record anything unless they detected enough motion. The strangest Pat seen was a couple that decided to hunker down and use the shop as a shelter, just like his group was doing now. At night the guy sat on a knocked over shelf while the woman unzipped his fly, got him worked up with a slow blowjob. Either they were both incredibly inattentive or their minds were affected by the magic already and too horny to care, but every time she bobbed her head on his dick it was a bit longer, and the the glans a bit less defined. Like watching someone remove the shape from a lolipop with their licks, her sucks on his cock turned it from human to a long and tapered penis. His pubes thickened and shortened into fur which overtook his balls. Once he was plenty riled up she did a quick dance as she tossed her clothing off and sat on his transformed member. Fur started to grow on his chest as well, and spread from both chest and crotch slowly across his body, staying white on his front and turning pale brown on the rest. The woman seemed to be having more and more pleasure as time went on, really squirming in his lap after a while- and then Pat spotted the bulge on her lower gut. His dick must have grown again while inside of her! Nubs grew from his forehead and started to fork as they grew, turning into antlers. His tail bloomed into a triangular tuft and he started to lean back a bit. Between both sets of legs his furry balls grew bigger and hung lower. The bulge in her gut grew more pronounced and slid farther up her torso! He seemed to cry out and her gut inflated almost instantly into a small dome from all the cum, and some still splashed back out. But after a short pause she grinned and started grinding on him again, and then hopping on his shaft- he was still hard! His toes curled in pleasure and fused together, devolving into cloven hooves and his antlers grew still bigger. His nose and lips joined together on the end and turned black- but while his nose and its bridge got wider his face did not extend any. While his feet turned into cloven hooves his fingernails turned black and thick but remained nails- his hands were still human. He had transformed into an anthro buck.

The woman seemed short of breath, her thrusts into his crotch more desperate now like she had totally been consumed in lust. His balls grew a bit bigger still, and the bulge in her gut from the shaft returned in spite of the bloat created around it from all the cum. She could feel it ramming deeper and deeper, impossibly far into her body, almost feeling like it was in the back of her throat. He reached a second climax and her face turned red and her body filled with pressure, this time bubbling up higher into her torso. She cried out in pleasure and a few small spurts of cum actually came out of her throat, putting the taste in her mouth and smell into the air- which only made her hornier. The buck was looking tired now and said something- most likely suggesting they stop to let him rest but she did not. He was still hard so she resumed, except now she could only rock her hips and grind her butt into him- he was so huge his dick was lodged in place inside of her and would not budge. Her entire body started to radiate pleasure with every movement against his dick as she started to feel the same things he was. She opened her mouth and gurgled some almost-words as he reached climax again and this time she pursed her lips and blasted cum out onto the floor like it had gone straight through her without pause. The bulge could be seen all the way up her torso! Pat could even see it up the middle of where her rib cage is supposed to be, between her tits. His balls grew even bigger- now resting fully on the floor between their legs and growing up to meet them regardless. She bent her legs to rest along their tops and resumed grinding him. She felt herself up, especially the bulge up her body and he started to squirm from the feeling. His cock grew even bigger, shoving up into her mouth so hard it fused with it. It grew still bigger, stretching her torso and neck longer- bulging her neck thicker with the growth. Her arms hung limp at her sides now, too overwhelmed with pleasure to use them. His balls grew even bigger, pressing into her legs and the two started to fuse. What had been her legs now merged with the furry scrotum and welled up around the base of his dick to form a huge sheath for the mighty member. Her torso and especially her neck started to bulge rounder and longer from the gigantic cock growing in her. He came again and this time blasted enough cum out to paint a stripe across half the store, directly out of her mouth!

Now he was out of breath and looking exhausted completely, but finally examined her closely enough to realize what was happening. The bulge up her body was the urethra- his cock became so gigantic while inside of her that it fused with her, and was now overtaking her body. She was turning into his dick! He hobbled outside, dragging his girlfriend between his legs as he went, in search of some sort of cure or something- who knows what he would be thinking in a panicked moment like that. They did not return to the camera's range but Pat already knew the end of their story. His group had seen the buck leaned up against a building down the block some ways when they came to the store. He was now completely pinned to the ground by his own genitals. His balls were about five feet tall even with him sitting on top of them, resting in the groove between them and the start of his shaft. His dick was so gigantic it crossed the street and vanished into an ally on the opposite side- and might be long enough to pop out on the street on the other side of that too! His insatiable girlfriend was now his monstrous cock- which meant his cock was now insatiable. It never stopped radiating pleasure and cumming- it literally had a mind of its own. He was caught in a state of barely awake and sleeping, because she never let him rest or stop cumming, and she was far too large for him to even attempt to move anymore. The only sign that there was ever a female there was a pair of black tits on his crotch just over his shaft- a bit of female that tainted his body. The sight of him was crazy enough, but on par with everything else they had encountered. But having seen these security tapes and knowing his dick used to be another person was on a new level of crazy. Patrick had not even thought of that before. He might not even transform into an animal, he might transform into a mess of parts like the clerk at the other shop they visited- or turn into someone else's junk like this woman!

>Tiny, Loyal, and Well Armored<

He went to sleep quickly thanks only to being so damned tired as a result of the night before. When he woke up it was to Melissa snapping her fingers, trying to wake him. She was perfectly human again!

"Hey! Wow, you are a crazy deep sleeper."

"W-what happened? Where am I?"

"My place. Guess what? It turns out all that freaky stuff that happened was a result of a shooting star! Some arcane guild ended up fixing everything back to normal. You seemed really beat so no one woke you up, and I figured I would take you back to my place."

He rubbed some of the sleep from his eyes. "Damn, that is fantastic. You have no idea how scared I was out there! I seen some insane... stuff." He cleared his throat- his voice having raised a bit.

She cocked an eyebrow. "Are you ok?"

"Y-yea..." His clothes felt like they were sliding off!

He went wide-eyed as he looked down at himself and seen his body was shrinking! His nails were turning into claws and his body hair was growing, spreading, and turning to fur! Oh no, he had so much wish energy in him but he hadn't started to change yet, so when they fixed everything it did not change him back because he never turned yet, but still had the energy in him!

Melissa started to back away from him. "Uh..."

"N-no, it is not what you think." He blushed, hearing how small his voice was getting. "I'm not... I..." Even smaller. "Eh! No, help meee!" He tried to get up but that only caused his clothes to slump off.

Pat was only a foot tall now, and had a large tail behind him! His ears became more flat and round on the sides of his head and his front teeth became bucked and then grew even longer, well past his mouth! His face twitched and scrunched up at the feeling of long whiskers poking their way out of his face as his nose and jaws began to grow out, stretching his entire skull longer and more pointed! Melissa said something to him but her voice was so thunderous and huge compared to him now he did not understand her. She looked mad, and opened her front door pointing out of her home. She was throwing him out- he was contaminated! He was turning into a minuscule little field mouse like several of his neighbors had! He wobbled in place and tried to take a step toward her but fell onto his hands and feet- his spine no longer allowing him to walk on two legs! No! He tried to say something but his voice was so small and high pitched all that came out was squeaks! He was getting so small and weak! He looked down at his clothes and seen the button on his pants was so thick its width was the length of his arms from elbow to hand! He was still shrinking! How?! Even mice aren't THIS small! He felt so dizzy, so very weak. He got smaller and smaller. He tried to look up at Melissa but she was too huge compared to him, his eyes could not even see that far up! He didn't recognize anything around him anymore! He went to stagger forward again and this time his hands and feet fell through the strange net below him. Wait, net? He realized what looked like a net to him was the fabric of his pants- he was so small he could slip between the threads! And he was still getting smaller! The threads were like ropes to him, and then like large pipes, and still he shrank more and more. Finally Patrick had become so insignificantly tiny and weak that he woke up. It took him almost a full minute to realize it had been a dream. The world was not saved, Melissa was not a human, and he was not a mouse the size of a fleck of dust. He was only happy about one of those things.

The next day the three remaining humans gathered up and headed out again. They were close to their goal but surrounded by danger, every moment they spent still travelling was another moment they could succumb. They slipped past a small group of anthros- a cat and bunny going at it bent over a sports car. This group of anthros were acting a bit more like animals. It seems they have taken the end of the world as a free ticket to do whatever they want, and promptly robbed stores and stole vehicles and were now riding around town claiming their turf.

Lydia looked at Franklin as he winced. "What's wrong?"

Frank shook his head. "A lot of wish magic. First and second. And the guild is... that way."

He pointed toward the east side of the town where they were making their way toward. Twitching in the sky was a giant cock, taller than the two floor buildings around it. Humanoid but with a purpled head with a very broad, bumpy corona and large, hard, round bumps around the later half of the shaft. Slithering over and around buildings was a giant dark green snake with black tiger-like stripes, and a herd of sheep gathered around one anthro sheep girl resting on top of an udder the size of a truck. Due to their proximity to the guild building- these were most likely Franklin's former guild members. The people who almost found the cure. Unfortunately their proximity now also meant the area was filled with the power of the second wish. The sheep remained shepherded by the anthro who seemed to recognize Franklin, waving to him from where she was pinned by her own endowments as they approached the guild hall. The gigantic snake moved out of their way, but did not seem to actually notice them, so it just moved by chance. Franklin grumbled in frustration when they seen the front of the building and realized they would have to enter from the back. The front door was partially destroyed and completely blocked by an anthro tortoise whose shell was so huge he was stuck half in the building. Each scute on his shell had an arcane rune on it, and he appeared to be reading some scrolls he had been planning to flee the building with. As they came out of the alleyway beside the building to the back, Patrick tripped on some rubble and fell onto his hands. The ground felt... warm and soft though. He looked down to see not cement but skin rising up under them! Something long and fleshy was growing out of the road! All three of them got back quickly as the object grew large enough to tear out of the road and lash around free in the air! They followed the long nude tail back to see a gigantic rat on the opposite end of the street. Someone must have been trying to use the sewers to evacuate the town, but transformed and grew so fast that its tail got stuck till it finally grew large enough to bust out through the road!

Patrick looked at his hands, feeling his palm with his thumb where he fell. He landed on skin mostly, but grains from the broken up road still hurt his hand a bit. The skin felt odd where it touched down. He looked back up to see Lydia and Franklin standing about ten feet away, watching him.

"Oh come on guys, I just scuffed my hands a little, don't be so paranoid." He twitched a bit, feeling an odd sensation on his upper back as the skin started to bulk up. He looked back at his hands to see the skin there starting to turn black. "I just got a l-little dirt on my hands..."

He kept squirming and rotating his shoulders against the feeling, his skin compressing on his back. It tugged gently on the skin around the area, forcing it to grow out and then drawing in the new skin to layer it over and over. This caused it to become more and more leathery and dense, and also caused his back to bulge out so much it looked like he had a hump. It started to advance down as well, happening all over his back and even his butt cheeks! His shirt started to tear as it stretched the fabrics to make room! His hands darkened to a grayish pink, and turned completely black on the base of his fingers, and a circle of flesh on each segment of his fingers, but only the undersides. The black spots became thick and puffy as well, but unlike the skin on his back they did not harden- making his palms pillowy.

"O-oooh n-nooaarARK!" He surprised himself with a sudden burst of sound like a bark and his face stretched out as he moaned. "Wrrrt rrs...h-hark-happening?"

The end of his nose turned outward as the bridge widened only slightly, but advanced forward drastically. The end of his nose took on the M shape of a dog's, but turned pink instead of black. His teeth all sharpened and new teeth grew in to fill the gaps as the old ones became more narrow. His nails turned black and thickened into a claws and started to grow out longer. His fingers themselves thickened and shortened only very slightly. Fur started to grow in on the backs of his hands and forearms and spread. His ears changed to leaf shape and grew fur on their backs as his human hair fell away- the skin on the back of his neck was thickening now too. His skull narrowed slightly and his face grew out long, his nose and both jaws stretching long and narrow. His grunts turned into growls, and he made several sounds almost like a halfway between a cough and a bark. Pat fell forward and as soon as he did the impact caused his shirt to tear far enough that it fell off, the remains slid down his arms. He felt the skin thickening at the base of his penis and his pubes turning to fur, which caused his penis to start to erect from the changes, in opposition of his actual arousal level- which was flatlined. His tail bone started to stretch out, jamming itself into the back of his pants, forcing him to pull them down to stop the irritation. He bent himself down in the front to use his body to block Lydia's view of his genitals in the best attempt of modesty he could manage. The skin on his back was now bubbled up into thousands of stiff sections, forming together into a huge plate that covered his upper back like a mantle, then three narrow sections below that, and then another large section over his hips and ass! It looked like they were made up of dense scales- but they were not really scales.

He was pushed forward again by the change that forced him to fall over in the first place- his ankles stretching out from the front of his feet, turning him digitigrade. His toes all bulked up but became shorter, pressing together as fur grew over them and spread up his legs. His toenails turned into black claws as well, but unlike his hands, the claws stopped pretty short with blunt ends. On his hands, his claws just continued to grow, now at least two inches long each and very sharp! When the fur from his crotch and legs converted to overtake his newly grown tail, it became much longer and bushier, increasing the volume of the tail greatly. He wagged his tail violently; not out of joy but from irritation. The new muscles that controlled it needed to be used, needed to flex to get the blood flowing. His head finished stretching out into that of a dog as the fur made its way up the underside of his neck and around his head to finish the look. He was about to say something but it came out as a garbled half whimper half bark as his face stretched out a bit more! His muzzle became longer than any dogs, and got a bit more narrow as well, giving it a slightly pointed nose! He was panting heavily as he glanced under himself between his limbs to see his dick bobbing in the open, and stretching longer. It had only gotten a bit thicker, but a LOT longer. The glans had been stretched into obscurity, so the penis simply ended in a rather large urethral opening, making it sort of look like an elephant trunk. The knot at the base was only half correct for a canine- rather than have two or three segments at the base the knot only had a single bulge in the front- making it sort of look like his dick tried to swallow a chicken egg. Its length stretched beyond his gut, stopping at almost the top of his rib cage before it finally ended its growth. As soon as the growth ended, it started to bow and soften again- not actually aroused, but looking at his now extremely long penis made it return to its sheath slowly. His hips did not change, nor the general shape of his torso, so he should still be able to stand.

Patrick very slowly stood up, not used to balancing on paws. He changed into an anthro, but not an anthro of a single animal- he was a hybrid. Most of his head was dog, his fur, his legs, feet, and tail were totally canine. His arms were canine appearance but human in shape- he had pads in his palms but his fingers and hands were still almost entirely human in shape so he could still use them as normal. The claws on his hands however were definitely not canine. The armored shell on his back, his giant claws, and a penis that is 2/3rds the length of his entire body- the traits of an Armadillo! He is an anthro Armadoggo. He had a hard time speaking, though his tongue was still human shaped in his mouth so he could still speak English like anthros should. Surprised he did not make it to the end, but knowing he could not follow them now, Patrick stepped aside to let them get to the back door without him. Lydia yanked on the door several times before punching it in frustration. The back door was locked, Franklin did not have the key. Franklin was starting to eye the windows to see if they could break in some other way, but Patrick called over to them to move out of the way. Maybe he still had his uses. He tried to wedge his giant claws into the edges of the door and pry it open but the door was too solid- it might have worked if it was an older wooden door. Patrick then walked almost twenty feet back, motioning over to the others to wait still. He bent over, glaring at the door looking like he was going to try charging it. Franklin was not sure that would work- he might just break his shoulder. Pat charged at the door full blast, letting out a cry like a kung-fu master and just before he got to the door, jumped into the air and rolled into a perfect sphere! He wasn't just any armadillo- he was half of a three ringed armadillo, the only species able to roll itself into a perfect armored ball! He smashed the door and most of its frame into the building, slamming into it like a living wrecking ball! A moment later he rolled back out and then flopped onto the ground, dizzy as hell.

>Last Wish<

Once inside Lydia and Franklin looked around, not feeling particularly good about the state of the building. Part of the floor above them was collapsed, there was furniture broken all over the place, claw marks all over the floor and walls and even old dried blood here and there. One of the guild members may have gone fully feral and attacked the others. At least a few of them turned into sheep though- which definitely would not have attacked one another. In the main room of the ground floor, a figure slid out from the shadows.

"Oh Franklin! I knew you would find your way back here!" "I assumed he died a long time ago." "I sort of hoped he would turn into something wretched..." "I was so worried!"

The guild master emerged from the darkness, holding a book and some papers in one of his six mouths. His body was shaped mostly like a tiger, but his limbs and his digits were each a bit longer and more narrow than a normal tiger. Instead of fur, he was covered in sharp triangular silver scales that were shiny enough to partially reflect the room around him. Instead of a tail, he had a long serpentine neck capped with a dragon head, with a very long and very narrow muzzle. Branching from between his shoulders was five more of the same, but each one had different horns. The tail had no horns, then from left to right they had water buffalo horns, deer antlers, ram horns, bull horns, and finally a kirin horn. All of his heads branched from the original, so they all shared a single will, but formed contrasting aspects of his personality- and had only further differentiated now that they had their own heads with which to speak.

"We have our research here." "I tried the inverse projection myself but the flow of the unknown power interrupts mana conjuring." "I basically mean you can't cast spells if your transformed, even if you still have a human mind." "That's what I was implying, yes." "ANYWAY!" Once the other two quieted down the fourth head resumed. "These are the papers on how to do it, there are a few blanks you will still need to fill in, but we got most of it figured out. Whatever is powering the shooting stars is coming from outside our galaxy. Well beyond anyone's ability to travel to even with the most powerful teleportation spells." "So the only way to 'go' there is to project yourself. Unfortunately this means you cannot physically interact with whatever it is, but hopefully you can still figure out enough about it-" "To fix us!"

Franklin went to grab the book and papers and Lydia told him to stop, but he only hessitated a moment before grabbing it and passing it to Lydia. Franklin made sure to stay a full arms length away from either of them.

Frank motioned upstairs with a nod. "Go. I was already at my limit anyway. I can already feel it drawing itself into my body to finish me off."

"B-but I am still a student! You are way more qualified!"

"My time is up. You do not need to be the best at something to do it. Go- before my own body increases your chances of turning."

Lydia reluctantly took the book and papers and hustled upstairs. The meteor was on the third floor, and she would need to channel it to project her spiritual form through it back to its source and figure out what caused all this in the first place. Franklin hunched over as his spine squirmed and a bony growth erupted from behind him, ripping through his shirt. It stretched a thin membrane of skin off him which quickly thickened, forming a dorsal fin. His skin started to stiffen and grow out into sheets of enforced keratin- shield-shaped scales. The scales were aquamarine at their base but faded to salmon-pink at the tips. His beard hairs started to get longer toward his chin, quickly becoming a very long narrow beard, and also becoming more pale the farther down it went- the later half of the beard was snow white. The bridge of his nose widened and flattened out a bit, also pushing the end more level with his upper lift, which then became slightly cleft to meet his nose which now had a slightly triangular end to it. He flexed and bent his fingers as they started to bulk up and stretch tremendously. As soon as any of them touched another, the skin became fused and stretched between them into a membrane that did not grow scales over it. The skin of the membrane was a silvery grey. The huge fan like fins his hands stretched into became almost the same size as the rest of his arm- which actually did not transform at all other than to be covered in scales. He folded the fins up and as soon as it moved back, another segment of membrane fused from what used to be his pinky finger to his elbow, but that was as far as it changed. Because it did not start till after his human shaped arms; they looked as much like wings as they did fins, especially when folded back at his sides. His neck and face both started to stretch out at the same time, his grunts and cries of distress reverberated heavily, echoing the sound of a goat bleating. His bleats went up a pitch as he flinched in pain and two lines of blood traced his expanding face as horns started to emerge just over his temples. His legs stretched longer as his ankles raised off the floor. His balance rolled onto the front of his feet as his toes merged and then further onto the hooves his nails formed into. Four toes- two dew claws and two hoof segments.

The scales advanced down his legs but stopped just after his knees, then the skin under them turned silvery grey, and then just over his hooves he grew long white fur in, creating very long, trailing fetlocks. His legs had become like the rear legs of a goat- but much, much taller than goat legs should be. His rib cage grew three more sets of ribs, but each individual rib became a bit more narrow and they spaced themselves out a bit more, causing his torso to lose its human definition and look more barreled. He grew a tail that very quickly became huge. By the time it reached the ground at the end of his extremely tall goat legs it had only just started to develop fins on the end, and the scales of his body had only just started to run down its length. It grew along the floor as the scales raced down and the fin on the end became thick and huge- two flipper like fins of translucent material colored the same as the scales. His horns started to twist around forming rings, but did not stop growing. They became ribbed as the horns thickened still more, making the sound of grinding bone as they formed tight spirals on either side of his head that kept spinning as they grew longer and longer, also getting very heavy. His changes finally slowed to a stop and he looked over himself under the cloak that still covered him mostly. The body and tail of a fish, with wing like fins, goat legs and head and giant ram horns. The closest thing he could be approximated to is a Capricorn- but his goat and fish halves were blended much more than they should be.

Upstairs Lydia was shocked to see two other humans talking to one another- one man and one woman. The dark skinned woman waved at Lydia as she approached. "Oh hey! Are you with my master, Franklin?"

"I... was. He made it to the building but..."

"Oh. Well, I guess you are our last hope then."

"Wait, who are you exactly? Why haven't you done the projection?"

She shrugged. "I can't shape magic- I am a cat. Franklin's cat, to be exact."

Lydia's eyes widened with understanding. "OH. That is why you can be here and still be safe. You aren't actually human, you are a cat disguised as one- so the magic has no effect on you at all."

"Yup. Names Lala. And uh, this doof is Benson. He is human but he is just a janitor. Been too scared to leave this floor so have been doing food runs for him to keep him alive."

Benson nodded sadly. "Don't know a lick about magic so afraid I am of no help..."

Lydia quickly spread out the papers she was given and opened the book to the first of many markers left in it. A lot of these spells were advanced stuff, so she had to double check every rune to make sure she wasn't misreading it. Unfortunately, that slowed her down considerably.

After about a half hour Benson bent over a bit, placing a hand on either pant let. "Oh, well... that is embarrassing. I don't know why... uh... oh. OHnn~" A bulge quickly grew in his pants too big to conceal.

Oh great, another person transforming in the same room as Lydia. She shuffled her way to the far side of the table and doubled down on her concentration, trying to zone him out while Lala watched him, embarrassed but too curious to look away. Benson started to grow a huge tail which pulled his pants down in the back. His dick quickly grew past his pants and pulled them down in the front, forcing them to just fall down entirely. His entire body started to get bigger, and his neck especially became absurdly thick! His dick was tapered, but already almost the same size he was! Lala had no idea what was happening to him but Lydia recognized the phallus. It wasn't a dick, its a dork. The strength left Benson's legs and he slammed heavily into the floor as he continued to grow rapidly all over- continuing to change into a Blue Whale. Even if Lydia did not transform as a result of being near him- if she did not use the spell quickly Benson will flatten the entire building under his body. His neck bloated up so huge you could no longer tell it was there- his head just transitioned directly into his expanding torso! His teeth started to crack and split, then split again, then split again. They became progressively smaller splinters as his gums tightened on their base to pull all the slivers into an even row and then semi fused back together- transforming from teeth into baleen.

The floor boards started to creak and splinter as Lydia tried the spell, hoping it worked. She was the last chance their world had. If she failed, the world was basically over. The inverted pets and anthro would have to rebuild the world from the ruins. It seemed like several long moments to Lydia after activating the spell, but in reality it was a fraction of a fraction of a second. She had infused her mind with whatever mana could be scrounged from the surrounding area- and the human mind was already capable of functioning at speeds far greater than the body can move at. That is why time in dreams seems so distorted- the mind can play out an entire week worth of events in a few minutes. Her spirit and perception was projected elsewhere- going far beyond her body for a time, following the faint traces of the unknown magic through the void of space. Far beyond their solar system where their physical bodies could never reach. She stopped suddenly in the void, looking around frantically for any clues. This was not a good sign- she did not even stop on a planet, she was just out in space! It wasn't even close to a planet! It took Lydia longer to spot it, than it did to spot Lydia. It was so monumentally colossal that Lydia had overlooked its form as just part of the scenery.

The God Astrelle plucked entire planets out of the sky and pulled bits off of them and flicked them out into space- enchanted with a fragment of her own power. Her torso was intangible to Lydia. When Astrelle moved, Lydia could see the borders of the body, but not the body itself. The God of Wishes had six arms that were concentrated enough that even Lydia could see those- fading into view shortly beyond the body they connected to. two on either side and a third that was both slightly between and behind the others. Her skin was a blue that was almost black, blending into the void easily. Her veins pulsed with a light so brilliant that they looked like hairline cracks in the skin, shining out energy from within. Her hair looked like a rainbow of vibrantly colored gasses suspended in the vacuum, and her head was featureless. Instead of a face, there was three masks arranged hovering in front of her. One angry, one sad, and one happy. Her legs were fully crossed below her, though she sat on nothing, and a long tail arched up under her and crossed her crossed legs.

Astrelle spoke through thoughts- since she did not know any human language, and sound has nothing to carry through in space regardless. *A visitor! How curious. What is it that you wish?*

*You are the one who sends out the shooting stars that grant wishes?!*

*Oh! So they have found populated worlds after all. That is good to know.*

*W-we need you to undo a wish! Its causing chaos and destroying our world as we knew it! People are dying because they are trapped by their own body parts, or turned into feral animals and eating one another!*

Astrelle slowly lolled her head to her left, causing the sad mask to perfectly align with her head. *I wish people would be happy. I am unable to grant my own wishes.*

*Well two shooting stars passed our world, the first one was cool, its the second one that... kinda destroyed the world. We just need you to undo the last one.*

Astrelle quickly flipped her head over to her right, aligning with the angry mask. *That is not within my power to do!*

*W-why not?!*

She drew her head back a bit so that it was not behind any of the masks. *I am the God of wishes. My power is to grant the wishes of others. This means someone must wish something of me for me to make it so. I am exempt from my own powers.* Lydia was about to speak up again but Astrelle continued. *You can also not wish for a wish to be undone. Or more accurately, you should not. Should you wish for such a thing my power will cause reality to splinter, so that both wishes can exist- but in separate dimensions since they conflict with one another. Rather than save your world, you will create a new world that did not require saving- leaving your old world to remain doomed.*

Lydia's brow hardened in thought on how to fix this situation. She supposed she could think of an elaborate wish that caused her world to function still in spite of the chaos. Complicated wishes leave room for errors though, and she cannot remain projected here for long enough to be aware of any dire consequences an ill worded wish brings. Then she remembered the others talking about the person who made the wish. He supposedly made a video apologizing to the world that went viral just before everything fell apart. He seen the chaos his wish was bringing first hand, and regretted it.

*I wish you could hear the desires of the man who made that ill fated wish!*

Astrelle bowed forward placing her head in the happy mask. *Then so shall it be.* There was a long pause and Astrelle's head slowly sunk back behind the sad mask, before raising quickly to the happy one again. *His wish has been remade.*

*What did he change his wish to?*

*That he has the power to cause those transformations himself- and only if the subject truly desires it. Because he has remade his original wish, the effects of his first one are revoked.*

Lydia sighed in relief and was about to thank the God but hesitated. *And what about the things that happened as a side effect? The death and destruction?*

*That remains, I am afraid. It is too far removed from his original wish, and too dissimilar in effect to either wishes primary effects to be included in them.*

*Then I wish the death and destruction caused would be undone. You should have no problem granting an additional wish... unless there is a limit per person.*

*There is not. It has been done.*

Lydia thanked Astrelle as much as she could before the spell ran out of power and returned her to her body. To her surprise she was at work, not the guild hall. It undid everything, the world was saved! Everyone remembered what happened still though- she undid the death and destruction but failed to mention the memories. This meant she had another heated discussion with Mei, before declaring she quit. The guild remembered that Lydia saved the world, and immediately celebrated her victory, giving her an automatic seat in the guild. Franklin himself tutored her now, so she did not have to worry about working in the jewelry shop to make enough money to finish her classes- she was trained by a wizard personally to become a sorceress herself. Patrick was glad to finally return to his house and his old, normal life, though he could never forget seeing the things his neighbors became. He wondered how Melissa had done after he let her go- but did not have to wonder long. He did not know where to find her, but she knew where to find him. Once again human, Melissa returned to Patrick's place to... properly thank him for letting her crash at his place. The twins were reunited and returned home as well. Thanks to his brief psychic link, Jasper felt he knew his sister better than before. Her transformation left such an impact on her, Crystal actually had a piggyderm tattooed on her arm.

The guild master patted Lydia on her back after giving her the official sorceress' robes from the guild hall. "So, how does it feel to be the only human in the world to remain unchanged?"

She laughed. "Well I am sure glad it all worked out in the end. And it was wild... seeing an actual God out there in the cosmos..." She chuckled a bit. "I am a little disappointed I never got to experience what everyone else did. Sort of feel left out or... maybe survivor's guilt? Makes me wonder what I would have turned into, y'know?"

"Hah yea, if only you had the power to experience such things without creating chaos."

"Pff, I wish."


SPOIL tags - (CTRL+F);

F tf winged serpent chimera - (Beginning Of The End)

F tf rainbow multitailed fox anthro - (Going Down)

F tf Woman+cow+crane - (Unique Blend)

M tf Shiny Mega Gardevoir - (Psychic Type)

F tf H wild pig+elephant - (Big Girl)

M tf anthro buck, F tf his genitals - (Disasterpiece Theatre)

M tf Mouse > reverts > tf anthro dog+armadillo - (Tiny, Loyal and Well Armored)

M tf goat+fish - (Last Wish)

Her Needs

(FtM Donkey TF) Chastity took care of the cows on her own yet another day on the ranch. She had her friend to help her normally but she was on a bit of a break, having fun with this old magic tome she found in some inheritance she...

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Big Heat

(F tf macro[sort-of] bitch) In the city of Fathach Beag, two Fae sisters grew up quite close to one another. The elder sister Ava always looking out for and playing with the younger Maeve. Maeve remembers building forts out of fallen...

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Slippery When Wet

(F TF SeaWitch) Mel looked out at the ocean with her ultramarine eyes as the winds blew powerfully. It had been an odd day to put it kindly. Mel was fairly tall but also quite narrow. Her overall form was petite, but her height...

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