Slippery When Wet

Story by iplank on SoFurry

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Mel is a quiet but bold woman who likes to party all night. Her absentminded friend invites her to have fun during the day for a change on the beach though, and gets distracted, leaving Mel to have a really bad day wandering alone. A strange encounter and a new friend may just be what Mel needed to recover the day. Can you give yourself five high fives at the same time? Because now Mel can.

(F TF SeaWitch)

Mel looked out at the ocean with her ultramarine eyes as the winds blew powerfully. It had been an odd day to put it kindly. Mel was fairly tall but also quite narrow. Her overall form was petite, but her height did not lack due to her impressively long legs. Her hair was raven and straight to her mid back, long bangs that brushed her lashes. She wore a form fitting grey sweater that was too long in the sleeves, which was normally not the sort of thing you wore to the beach but the weather had been unpredictable, so today at least her attire was not too far off point. She wore a loose long black skirt on under that and simple sandals. Her nails painted dark purple and her plush lips around her small mouth done in glossy black lipstick. The sky was filled with dark grey clouds but they were scattered apart and moving quickly. It occasionally rained a few drops and then the next moment was sunny and hot again- the wind was blasting today so the weather could not decide what it wanted to be. The beach was busy for those optimistic about the sunny breaks, and the waters filled with sailboats, windsailors, and surfers catching the sick waves. Not Mel though, she stood at the top of a very tall cliff overlooking everything, to get away from everyone down below. How did she come to be up here, in a place that is supposed to be off-limits to prevent lunatic divers from jumping off it?

Mel does not get out often, and when she does it is under the cover of night. She is pale as a ghost normally from living the night life. She mostly liked to go to real obscure bars to listen to the indie bands trying to make their big break, and she was a wizard of the pool tables. Her friend Celeste invited her to the beach today because she wanted to swim a bit, and several of her friends were hanging out for a small party. It sounded good on paper. Without anyone she knew there, Mel had been rather quiet and Celeste ended up wandering off with her other friends while Mel was lost in the crowd. Everyone else there knew several people, so friends would go off with one another, encounter another friend and go off in another direction, so everyone was scattered and Mel was just left standing there, rather aimless. Things really went south when she tried to hang out at the bachside bar. Some absolute dick named Bruce laughed at her because she was so busy looking around trying to figure out her surroundings that her skirt caught on the edge of the chalk sign at the front door and she almost stumbled onto her face. She didn't mind so much at first, but he continued to loom near her and taunt her about it. Like, really? Do you have nothing better to do? Mel only got one drink down at the bar counter when she heard a handsome guy talking to his friend about having a hard time finding any women that respond to his flirts. Normally Mel would never go out on a limb like this, but she really did feel stranded here and wanted to have some fun so she piped in to Al's conversation. She tried flirting with him a bit but he nervously shot her down! He had just been complaining he couldn't find a girl, and still turned her down! Was it because of her darker style? Did he think she is a goth or something? She grit her teeth. Did he turn her down because she is flat chested? Embarrassed, Mel got up to leave, and if that was not already the final nail in the coffin, some pig named Wayne immediately tried to scoop her up, making sleezy advances on her and following her to the doors. Unlike Mel, his attempts to flirt were much more aggressive, assuming since she was willing to try for a man that she would accept anyone. He even dared grab her arm to stop her from leaving and Mel snapped at that, turning and smacking him across the face. He let go of her quickly enough then, and Mel could feel everyone's eyes on them, and quickly fled.

A young man named Colin climbed up the steep cliff behind Mel to see her glaring at the people down at the beach, one eye closed, and pinching her index and thumb together repeatedly.

"They are so small compared to you! Crushing them all between your fingers, huh?" He chuckled. "Merciless."

She paused before lulling her head to the side to look at him over her brows. "And you are...?"

"Friend of Celeste. She told me to find you."

Mel cocked an eyebrow. "Really? She wanted someone to bring me back to her?"

"Mmm... well I didn't say that. I think it was more like, see how you're doing and report back."

She sighed. Mel questioned Colin being at the party at all, thinking him much younger than he was. They were actually the same age but Colin looked younger than he was. He stood up and offered her a hand, it was hard to talk up there because the wind was blasting them in the ears. When Mel went to stand up she wobbled, her heart rate jumping quickly. Her foot had partially gone to sleep sitting on the rocky ground and because she was so tall but also lean, she did not resist the wind well at all. Before Colin could grab her, she slipped and the wind sent her off the edge! Mel fell down to the ocean below and slammed into the water surface. She missed all the rocks at the bottom of the cliff but still hit the water hard enough to momentarily knock herself out. It was also plenty loud enough for a nearby mermaid to hear. Always sticking close to the beach, the silver scaled mermaid enjoyed beach parties herself later at night, when everyone was too drunk to make a cohesive story about a mermaid joining them. A mermaid's kiss had transformative magic, so it was not exactly given out often, but as it also gave the ability to breath under water, she rushed over to Mel's aid. The silver mermaid kissed the unconscious Mel and watched for her to take a breath and exhale to make sure it worked, before dashing away before Mel woke up and seen her.

Mel woke up with a throat full of water in a panic. She dashed to the surface and coughed up a lot of water, though was confused as to why she still had her breath. Her lungs repulsed the built up water on their own and did not seem at all irritated by it, and she was not short on breath. Mel had to crane her neck back to look up the steep stone cliff she fell off of. It was far too dangerous to dive off of even when you are ready for it- she wasn't at all prepared to leap off. Leaning against the cliff she gathered up and started to ring out the sea water from her hair- her body and clothes had so much water on them it felt like she weighed fifty pounds more than she should. The wind on her water soaked form made her shiver as she walked onto the beach. At least the sand held the heat in from the sunny moments. Mel furrowed her brow as the shivers ran farther down her spine than should have been possible. She felt around and went wide-eyed as she felt her tailbone was much longer than it should be! She had a meaty, stumpy tail! It was only about six inches long but there was definitely a tail hidden under her skirt! She tugged on it a few times hoping maybe a sea cucumber or something had just latched onto her, but no, it was certainly part of her body.

Colin startled the crap out of her when he approached her again, having ran down the cliff to see if she was ok. She was nervous he would notice, even though the tail was hidden under her skirt. He tried to get her to go to the hospital to make sure she didn't have a concussion or serious injury from her fall but she insisted she was fine. Not only did she seem to have survived just fine, but she also did not want to go at risk of what would happen when doctors discover her tail. She did not want to end up in the news paper as some sort of mutant. Colin lead her further into the beach to where he had his stuff with most of Celeste's friend group and gave her his beach towel to try and dry off a bit quicker. The sunlight was too spotty today- it would take too long to dry normally, especially with her sweater holding so much liquid in it. Colin escorted Mel to the restaurant to use the bathrooms there and take her shirt off to ring it out into a sink. Once inside the shivers continued, but not because of the cold. The muscles in her back were shivering from change, and with each subtle twitch her tail grew a tiny bit longer. When her sweater was off she turned in the mirror and seen several black spots in her peripheral vision but as soon as she spotted them they shrank and vanished! What on earth was happening to her? She looked at herself dead-on in the mirror, sighing at her eye liner running a bit. She barely ever wore makeup, and even it backfires on her today. She ran the sink and just splashed water on her face to take it off entirely, but once it was off she looked back and it still looked like it was on. She narrowed her eyes at her reflection and the coloration faded away. Can she... control it?! She wanted it back and sure enough it faded back. Then she willed it further and her eyelids turned purple like she had eyeshadow on, except it was her actual skin color!

Mel tried it in various other places and her skin seemed to be able to change at will to whatever color she wanted! Was she turning into a chameleon?! She placed her hand on the edge of the sink and concentrated a moment, imagining what the part she covered looked like and sure enough her hand mimicked it perfectly. If you looked at her hand dead-on it was invisible. She touched her hand with her other one to convince herself it hadn't actually just vanished and noticed something else off. It did not just take the appearance of the edge of the sink- her skin was very firm and abnormally smooth. It was mimicking the texture of the sink as well! She tensed up and turned her skin to the texture of sand paper! What a bizarre power. At least she had full control of that much- she couldn't make her tail go away.

And speaking of- she slunk back into a stall to make sure no one walked in on this, so she could hike her skirt up and get a look at it. When she looked at it, its skin tried to mock hers so she had to will herself to let it be whatever its normal color was, so she could try and identify it. Glossy black was its default color it seemed, and the flesh trailed up her back a bit, dispersing into increasingly small black spots. The tail was a lot longer now, so it was still slowly growing and did not appear to be stopping anytime soon. She could move it, but not well. Even though it was growing past her knees by now it was not properly developed so the nerves within responded slowly to her input, and the muscles movement was also limited right now, and almost seemed to respond different on either side of it. It was tremendously thick, and felt very squishy. She grabbed and squeezed it and it felt like she was grabbing a giant tongue- her actual spinal column did not extend down into it, it did not contain any bones. Also like a tongue, she was able to scrunch it up or extend it to an extent, making it even fatter or longer and thinner by flexing the muscles within. Mel's toying with it seemed to ignite more changes though, causing her to bend over, bracing herself on the back of the toilet with her butt thrust out as the muscles squirmed and swelled! The muscle in her tail was twitching wildly on its own, but again it felt like there was more than one set of muscles- the ones on the left and right were not synced. She was breathing heavily, trying to suppress moans and the muscles all up her back locked up and her tail arched hard between her legs. She closed her eyes tightly at the feeling so she did not see rings of muscle press out of the soft surface on the underside of the tail. In a feeling like a good stretch only much more intense, her muscles yanked in two different directions and from the tip down- her tail split in half! The soft tails jiggled almost like they were made of gelatin as they finished pulling apart. She now had two tails that reached as low as her shins! When she started to recover herself and actually looked at them though, she realized they were not tails at all- they are tentacles! The rings of muscle that pressed out on their underside developed quickly into suctions cups! Her ability to change color and texture- those were abilities of an octopus!

Mel slipped her now only damp sweater back on and shuffled her skirt back proper. She needed to get home quickly. If she remained at the beach she would get found out, if she went to a hospital she would be found out. She had no idea how far this transformation was going to go, and needed privacy till she could sort this out. Plus, the changes started when she fell into the water, so there is a chance getting out of proximity to the beach may cancel the changes.

Colin nodded as she explained she was heading home. "You definitely should rest. I can give you a lift home if you need?"

"I will be fine, I got an unlimited bus pass and I don't live that far anyway."

"Alright, but if you feel dizzy or anything- go to a hospital. Sorry you had a shitty time down here. I would have found you sooner if I knew- Celeste isn't good at picking up on stuff like that. She is sort of an airh-... well, you know her as well as I do." He put a hand on her shoulder with a jokingly sympathetic look. "Its certainly not worth throwing yourself off a cliff."

Mel lowered her brows. "I didn't do it on purpose, obviously."

Colin chuckled. "Yea, well you DID climb the cliff, and climb under caution tape, past several keep out signs."

Mel rolled her eyes. "I thought the tape was put there by pranksters and the brush grew so tall I did not see the signs." Colin cocked his brow. "That's my story, and I am sticking to it."

"Well, if you ever want to try to have fun in the sun again, maybe hook me up next time, ya? I don't get distracted by any old thing like Celeste. And she talks about you often but I have never really seen you before. I mean, even your name- is it actually Mel, or is it short for Melody?"

Mel put a hand on her hip with a bit of a smile. "Melpomene, actually. Its Greek- the Muse of Tragedy."

Colin waved and watched her walk off toward the parking lot and bus stop, but Mel actually had something else in mind. She did need to get home quickly... but she had some odd new powers. It would be a shame to let them go to waste. Glancing back to make sure Colin had returned to the crowds she slipped back toward the beach. She walked up to the back of the restaurant, glancing out between the wooden platform that elevated the building off the sand. Seeing no one was looking her way she pulled her top off, tying the sweater around her hip and then quickly popping her bra off. Her skin tightened and darkened like a quickly spreading bruise and perfectly mocked the appearance of a black bikini top around her breasts- even though they were actually bare. Her nipples and areola flattened perfectly to her skin, so there was no way of telling she was actually topless without being dangerously close to examine it. The area of flesh even stick out more than the rest, and mimicked the texture of fabric. Now that her tiny tits were contained she cupped them with her hands and moaned softly as they inflated. The body of an octopus is quite amorphous, so it can be sculpted and changed at will. Her breasts swelled out to fill her hands and then really started to get sensitive as the nerves stretched. It squished out between her fingers forcing her to spread her hands more. She stopped when they were about a good D cup. Because the rest of her form was so tall and narrow, having breasts that were too big would really look weird on her. She gently let go of them when she was done, her hands hovered for a moment as she willed herself to stop. This was not the time to experiment with herself. She placed one hand on her forehead and ran it up through her hair, and as it passed through her air turned from raven to dark brown. Another pass turned it to light brown. She glanced around and seen a cute woman, and with a slight twitch and tightening of the skin in a few places Mel could feel her face assume the appearance of the woman she looked at. There, now no one would recognize her.

She entered the bar and immediately found Bruce again, whistling as she came in and saying she looked hot. Mel did not even acknowledge him as she went to the end of the counter to order a quick drink. She only had the chance to down one before- she wasn't even able to get a light buzz from that! She flashed Al a few quick glances from the end of the counter and was sure to let her eyes wander elsewhere once his locked on her cleavage. Yea, it figured. No interest before, but now she has huge tits and suddenly he is all for it. When her drink arrived the bartender told her it was already paid for by Al. Mel froze up a bit, smiling awkwardly as she mentally steadied herself. She wanted to throw the drink in his face and light it on fire, but that would give her intentions away. Under her skirt her tentacles were starting to coil around her legs so they did not expose themselves- they were now longer than her legs are, so if they fell limp they would be longer than her skirt was able to cover. What she did not notice however is that they were both getting a good bit fatter as well- like her original one did before it split. Two arms, two legs, and two tentacles- she is still two limbs short of eight.

When Mel flashed him a smile, Al immediately changed seats to sit beside her on the corner of the counter. He jumped into small talk right away and Mel feinted interest, nodding along while barely listening. Her smile became increasingly genuine as he continued to talk without really letting her have a turn. He did not really care what she had to say, it wasn't her words that pitched the tent in his pants. The more he talked, the more her initial impression was proven- he was just a sleeze looking for a good time. He probably lost his last girlfriend when she realized he only wanted one thing from her. He was handsome, so Mel did not mind looking at him as he spout his nonsense, but she did still look forward to destroying him. Her time came when she finished her drink, feeling a bit lighter headed finally. She leaned in close to him, whispering that they should go somewhere private. He of course did not question it for a moment and followed her like a lost puppy. It looked like her ass was big now too from Al's perspective as he followed her, but in actuality what he was seeing was the base of her very thick tentacles.

Mel lured him around back and to the start of the brush that climbed the cliff, but did not actually ascend the slope. As soon as the two of them were well out of sight of anyone from the beach, her tentacles let go of her legs and flew out from under her skirt, wrapping around Al's legs and yanking him off his feet. He shouted in confusion but before he could yell for help she placed one tentacle over his mouth, gripping his skin with the suction cups so it could not be pulled off without ripping his face. Her appearance reverted to her normal form, though she noted she had a few black specs on her arms now as well, and her nipples and areola remained glossy black after reverting them from her faux bikini.

"So... you think women are just here to amuse you? Well, the next time you think about obtaining your next 'conquest', maybe think about how they feel first." She stepped over so she stood directly over him and undid her sweater so she could pop it back on over her bare chest. "If I catch you womanizing on these beaches again, I'll drown you in the ocean." She chuckled. "And don't bother trying to get help- no one will believe you when you tell them about my true form."

Mel retracted her tentacles, slithering them back under her skirt to hide and spit on the stunned silent Al as she left- her spit black as tar. It was... ink.

On her way back though she staggered a bit at the sudden feeling of stretching growth again. Her tentacles had never stopped growing but the growth was very subtle before, it was surging now. She let them hang loose, lifting her skirt a bit with them to look, but she lost a lot of control over them. The muscles did not respond correctly. She trembled a bit at the feeling as her tentacles once again started to split, but this time she had two to start- doubling the feeling! Her butt felt strange, and especially her hip bone- it did not feel like there should be room for everything and yet there was. When it finished in only a matter of moments she had four tentacles in a row forming a half-skirt of flesh behind her, under her normal skirt! They were all equal length, and all still growing very, very slowly. She pulled the waist of her skirt away from herself to look at the base and it was an odd appearance. Her butt cheeks basically became the base for the original two, which means she had two more for the additional tentacles- it looked like she had four butt cheeks! The twitches and pleasurable stretching alterations seemed to resonate deeper into her as well, touching on her most private of parts. Her hips themselves were starting to alter, she really had to hurry up and get out of here. But there was that shit Wayne who tried to force himself on her! She could not let that go unpunished. Mel let her skirt back into place and hid her tentacles under it again. Hesitating she could not help but look down the front as well at a very subtle tingling and sure enough seen her inner labia were turning a bruise purple as the glossy black flesh overtook her outer labia. How her biology worked at the end of all this was anyone's guess- on an actual octopus their beak is at the center of the tentacles... but she already had a mouth in a very different place. To change her into a normal octopus, almost her entire body would have to flip upside down.

Since her mind was getting used to it still, she found her tentacles slip every once and a while because Mel would mean to move her leg and move a tentacle instead. She was not used to having so many limbs to operate. She peeped into the bar again, scanning the people there for Wayne but did not see him. Bruce once again commented on her- not realizing the babe that was there not that long ago was also her. Mel gave him a tired stare and let him be, returning to the sand to look for Wayne on the beach. Bruce was annoying but not worth getting revenge on- besides she had to move fast and get out of here. She was regretting her plan already, she could feel her hips altering subtlety and was struggling to look like everything was normal. Mel wandered between groups of people scattered all over. Finally, she found him laughing it up with a bunch of drunks, but the moment she went to charge at him she felt her hip pop and for a moment it felt like her legs were not attached to her body. She nearly fell completely over before her leg joints re-settled! Argh, she cannot confront him like this, she needed to get out of here. Mel doubted she could even get home now, if her legs gave out even people on the bus would notice if she started crawling all over the place. She rushed back to the cliff. People were not supposed to go up there so she could ensure not a lot of people will be up there to spot her, and the brush was untamed and tall.

Mel was really having trouble walking as it felt like someone was pushing down on the front of her hip, like her pubic mound was being forced downward! The bones of her hips and legs were rapidly getting softer. Oh no... they were probably turning into tentacles too! It got harder to stand on her legs very quickly, her joints did not lock together properly with the bone turning soft and flexible. She very wobbly made her way into tall grass and sunk down onto her rump. Her tentacles all writhed around her, unsure of what to do like a nervous person who doesn't know what to do with their hands. Each tentacle had gotten bigger still, and were now all almost as long as she is tall, and still growing. Alone and muffled by the blasting wind at this height, Mel allowed herself to moan out loud- the feelings in her hips and privates were enough on their own to make her flinch in unexpected pleasure, but there was also a shifting, stretching feeling over most of her entire lower body too. Her pussy was no longer visible to her- it had shifted around the curve of her hip to face straight down and was progressing toward her anus, which was also shifting slightly forward to meet it halfway. Where bone softened and collapsed as her body reabsorbed the material- muscle bulk expanded giving her better control of her many limbs and also returning the rotund shape of her former hips. So it still looked like she had hips, just like the base of her tentacles looked like multiple ass cheeks- but unlike the real thing, hers were extremely squishy and bouncy.

Mel's legs became round and plump, but also lost almost all of their shape as they fattened up due to the bones within dissolving. Where bones were removed, much greater muscle mass took their place. This meant her limbs could either be very soft, or very hard depending on whether she tensed or relaxed them. Without bones, her rubbery feet lost their shape and her legs just ended in tapered points. The skin started to quickly darken, taking the glossy black of her other new limbs. Her legs were much thicker than any tentacle though.

Mel couldn't stand the feelings in her changing hips without doing anything anymore. She reached around her soft hip curves to find where her migrated vulva was. It was bigger, and the mound was larger making her outer labia very plush and rubbery. Her anus and pussy were both side by side and directly between her legs, so even if her legs didn't turn to mush it would be impossible to walk properly. She pawed at her vagina, but it was too far to penetrate now. She felt but did not hear a click as her spine popped a bit more forward. One of her vertebrae let go! Her spine must be softening too! She had more flexibility! As she slowly slipped her dainty little fingers into her honey pot she wondered if she willed that with her mind. Then she remembered what she could will with her thoughts and smiled. Her clit started to radiate pleasure all on its own and she shuddered and gasped in glee- she could mold her body, so she was deliberately stretching her clit out huge, which was activating all of the nerves in it at once! It swelled into a large marble size, then a throbbing pink ping pong ball. She reached around the clit so it caught in the crook between her middle and ring fingers and she grabbed her vaginal passage and pulled. Normally that would just squeeze the flesh but because there was no bone structure the passage just stretched with her grip! She unintentionally stretched her pussy huge! The pleasure spike send surges of growth down her deforming legs and at the very ends they started to split! Her legs were turning into two tentacles each... which put the count at eight- or ten if you count her human arms.

Mel forgot her worries about the changes for the time being completely and grinned at the control she had thanks to them. She took one hand back from her hungry pussy and her breasts started to expand again, her rigid nipples rising higher and higher as the fat round hills swelled toward the sky. She clawed at her right breast with her free hand, squeezing into the flesh hard- her sweater bunched up on top of them having been half pulled up by her arm and half pushed up by her breast's growth. Her mass did not change, just redistribute, so in spite of their size, her breasts did not weigh a lot even when they were huge- their mass was thin. The base of her legs started to shift and drift wider as they split, this caused the nerves to become active even without her touch, so to avoid overloading herself she let go of both her breasts and her pussy for a moment, shivering at the feelings. Her legs finally split to the base- now fully transformed into four tentacles. The new arrangement placed all eight of her new limbs in a perfectly spaced circle around her pussy and anus which took up the entire middle- where the mouth of an octopus would be.

She rest there for many minutes, just catching her breath and staring at her many limbs, all squirming around. They were still very, very slowly growing as well, getting still longer. Drunk on the absurdity of the situation she grinned to herself like a crazed beast and slumped down onto her back in the grass, facing the fast moving clouds in the blue sky. She grabbed both of her breasts tightly, curved all eight of her tentacles inward and rammed all of them into her pussy at once! The extremely elastic flesh squelched against itself as all eight limbs forced their way farther and farther inside, stretching her pussy huge. All of the suction cups were on the underside of the limbs, but when they curled around to enter her own body, all the suction cups then faced outward- dragging on the walls of her vagina. She actually had more control of the tentacles than any of her original limbs because they had no bones- nothing forcing them to be a specific shape or proportion. She lifted her hips and really got her extra arms in there- spiraling them around in her hungriest hole. It did not take long of experiencing these new pleasures before she popped- crushing the ends of all her tentacles together and forcing them back out of her trembling hips as her pussy clenched hard in orgasm. She flopped limp back into the grass as it started to mist her with a little bit of rain as one of the darker clouds raced toward her in the sky- the wind carrying the rain ahead of it. The warm sun, the fresh sea breeze, the afterglow of orgasm, the cool feeling of the rain making her wet yet again. The toll on her energy all the excitement, orgasm, and stress of her unusual day caught up to her all at once, and Mel fell asleep in the grass looking up at the sky.

Melpomene woke startled and a bit confused as to where she was, since she fell asleep without meaning to. It was not a blue but a black sky she woke to. She must have been asleep for three or four hours at least, it was night time! The moonlight gave the few passing clouds a glowing blue edge in the starry sky. There was a few pillars of smoke rising up from fires on the beach below. There was much less people there now obviously, but most of the beach parties were still going- the more casual visitors and the people who were there for the waters had all gone. She would still need to sneak by all the party goers, who would thankfully be most likely all drunk by now. The main problem Mel had to figure out was how to even move- she didn't have legs now! She could turn her tentacles into the shape and appearance of legs, but she could not walk on them like legs because there was no bones in them. She sat up and balanced on them. Each tentacle was longer than the entire rest of her body by at least a foot and half, and could be stretched longer if needed. Now that they had finished growing there was also a thin skirt of skin that attached them all to each other at the base. She groaned at the chill down her back- because she had not moved since the rain shower the ground below her had still been wet. She felt movement behind her though and looked back in surprise, seeing beads of water lifting off of her and out of her sweater and floating away. She had unintentionally willed herself dry. Half octopus in a mermaid configuration- that meant she is a Sea Witch. That means she does not just have physical powers- she also has minor water based magic. Though without any sort of spell book it would be completely up to trial and error to figure out just what she can do. Mel smirked and scanned the beach, and sure enough found Wayne in almost the same place he was before, swinging an empty beer bottle to the sound of a half assed camp fire song. Maybe she could get revenge before she left after all. It was dark, and she could camouflage easily now.

She went to crawl out of the grass though and grunted at the uncomfortable feeling of the dry grass on her soft tentacles. Mel completely stopped when she touched the small stones of the foot-formed path. The flesh on the underside of her tentacles was too tender to drag on dry land! How the heck was she going to get out of here and sneak home? Mel curled a tentacle and pressed it against the ground again. The outer facing side was stiffer and much less sensitive, but how would she twist all eight around to step like that? Then it dawned on her as Melpomene thought of other similar mythological creatures. She lowered herself onto her hands and twisted all of her tentacles behind her coiling them around themselves behind her, so the suction cups of the inner sides were all touching each other, and only the tougher outer sides were exposed. She then shoved herself back and lifted up with the eight limbs and stood upright. She moved them all in a wave motion and sure enough managed to slither forward! All coiled around each other they looked like the tail of a naga- she could move on land by slithering like a snake! Mel slithered in a circle, testing how high she could hold herself and at what point her tail became obvious under the skirt with a big grin, proud of herself for figuring it out. Her skirt was pretty long and black just like her tentacles default color, so at night it was surprisingly hard to tell at a glance anything was off. She shrank her boobs back down to a size she could at least stuff into her sweater to pull it back down. Her hair tightened and bounced up into ringlets and she turned it wine-red to make sure no one recognized her at a distance. She did not see Celeste specifically when she scanned the beach but she did see many of her friends- their party was slowed but not yet disbursed.

Melpomene slithered back to the beach, wobbling a bit as she hit the sand and had to adjust the way she moved for the much more loose ground, but it was not too hard. Everyone still on the beach were tired and/or drunk and not really in a mental state to closely examine anyone. The groups all gathered more tightly together forming clusters around firepits. This made finding Wayne easy- she just counted how many fires from the cliff to his. She motioned toward the water as she spotted a nice shell and the large conch flew from where the waves met the sand and landed in her hand almost twenty feet away. She smiled as the spines on its surface lengthened, and especially the one at the peak which grew tremendously into a long shaft- turning the conch shell into an oceanic staff. A black water welled in the hollow of the shell- a physical manifestation of her power as to be ready to go at a moments notice. She did not know what all she could do to Wayne, but she hopes it will hurt.

Just as she was within visible range of Wayne's trashed group she heard Colin's voice "Mel? Is... that you?"

The woman beside him cupped a hand over her mouth. "Uh oh..."

Mel froze, considering pretending it was not her, but this time she slacked on her disguise- her face was completely unaltered. Mel thought she would not get close enough to anyone she knew to need a better camouflage, but got tunnel vision as she approached Wayne and completely missed Colin.

"O-oh, hey... did not think you would still be here. I just... came back because I forgot something. But I got it now, so..."

The woman bowed her head a bit, letting her extravagantly long hair ripple like waves. "I am sorry- it's my fault you transformed!"

Mel quickly moved her tail behind herself self-consciously. "What... do you mean?"

The woman sat up straight and flipped a huge silver scaled fish tail over for Mel to see. "I am a mermaid."

A bit stunned and more than a bit confused, Mel quietly looked around to see if anyone was watching and slithered over to an empty place by the two of them. Colin wandered away from the fire of his own group because of this mermaid, Capri. She had apparently been a normal woman as well, till she found a bottle washed ashore that contained a mermaid's kiss, which transformed her. She also admitted to Melpomene that it was her fault she transformed into a sea witch. She was afraid of Mel drowning from her fall off the cliff, and could not swim her back to shore quickly without revealing herself in broad daylight, so the only alternative was to kiss Mel, imbueing her with water breathing. Capri seen Colin worrying about her on the beach earlier so she approached him alone at night to admit all this to him- thinking he was Mel's boyfriend or husband. Colin was baffled, not even knowing Mel was transforming in the first place, but given it was a real life mermaid that was telling him this he had little cause to doubt her. Mel surprised even Capri with her changes though- since it was not a mermaid she had transformed into. Mel brought her tail around and uncoiled the end just a bit to reveal the suction cups on the tender inside, showing them her 'tail' was actually eight more limbs.

"So, not that this isn't pretty damn cool, in its own way... how do I... uh, turn back?"

Capri bit her lip. "I... don't think you can. If there is a way, I don't know what it is. Because I have been a mermaid ever since I first changed."

Colin glanced between the nervous expressions. "W-well, you can move around on land like that, right Mel?" She shrugged and nodded. "Then you can still go to and from your regular apartment, you just have to do it stealthily. If you wear long skirts like that people won't be able to see the difference till you move around."

"And grocery shopping? A job? I can't do either of those without ever moving while someone sees me."

"Well, two people could live off one decent paying job. It would be tight, but it could work. I could do the shopping for you."

Mel blushed brightly. "A-are you saying you want to live together?! We barely know each other!"

Colin blushed a bit himself. "Well, I don't know. You needed a plan, and I am willing to help. It's up to you. I can't really think of an alternative- other than live off the ocean and the beach parties like Capri does."

After a long awkward silence Capri nodded toward Mel's staff. "What were you planning to do with that?"

"Revenge! The men on this beach were being absolute dicks to me, and I figured I had these cool new powers so why not give them a bit of what they deserve."

Colin looked at her. "Really? You never mentioned anyone specifically being mean to you before. What did they do?"

Mel crossed her arms, recalling their names. "Well there was this immature guy giving catcalls at the door of the restaurant, and when I tripped earlier he went on and on making stupid jokes about it."


"Yea. He do that often?"

"Bruce doesn't mean anything by it, he is just awkward as hell. He was probably just trying to socialize, seen you trip and tried to use that as an icebreaker. And being as awkward as he is, he probably lingered on the point far too long."

"O-ok, well there was also this guy, Al, who I overheard talking about needing a girlfriend. I foolishly thought he was sort of cute so I flirted with him and he totally shot me down! Then I returned later with an altered appearance and suddenly he was interested once I had huge boobs!"

"Well... to be fair, he can't help what he likes. You said you changed your appearance, not just you breasts, right?"


"So you don't actually know if it was your breasts. He might have liked you more based on another part of your appearance. You should not like or dislike someone based on appearance alone, but it is the first thing you know about a person to judge by."

Mel pointed toward Wayne. "Well that douche tried to force himself on me! He only backed off when I slapped him and called attention to us!"

Colin turned to look at him. "Wow..... Excuse me a second."

Capri and Mel watched as Colin walked over to Wayne and started talking to him. Wayne seemed to be passing him off for the most part, then Colin raised his voice, though was too far for the girls to hear what he was saying. Wayne laughed at him and Colin wound up and decked him! Wayne spun around and fell to the sand with blood trickling out of his nose which was now snapped sideways! Colin made his way back to the girls and calmly sat back down, checking his fist for damage.

Mel smiled timidly. She wanted to destroy Wayne herself, but this was somehow even more satisfying. "Ok..."

"What's up?"

"We... could try living together, so I can stay on land. But, just as roommates. For now."

"W- ok! Uh... well if you are ready now, I will go grab my stuff and we can head there right now. Everyone here is too drunk or tired to notice anything so there is no real risk of getting caught till we are back into the city proper and I can sort of break line of sight with myself- there probably isn't many people still awake even in the city."

Colin hustled off for a moment to gather his beach towel and his swimming trunks, sunlotion, etc. Capri turned to Melpomene with a bit of a giddy look in her eyes.

"So... was it as orgasmic for you? The transformation, I mean."

Mel bristled a bit, and blushed. "Well... ye- I guess. Part of it, toward the end was pretty intense. My hips reformed and my naughty bits had to move." She reached down and squeezed her hip area. "Actually... I don't think I have hip bones anymore. Like, at all." Mel reached back and pressed in on her back not finding her spine either, then a little higher she found some. "My vertebrae are kinda rubbery, and it tapers off higher up than it should."

Capri tilted her head in thought, sending another wave through her ludicrously long hair. "Kinda weird, I got a mermaid's kiss and turned into a mermaid, but then you got kissed by me and turned into a sea witch. Imagine some poor girl getting turned into something like a half Sea Angel..." Capri shivered at the thought. "I wonder how many variants there are? I know kissing men does nothing, they seem immune. Guess there is no such thing as a merman."

"... shouldn't the male equivalent of a mermaid be a merbutler?"

Capri laughed. "I am pretty sure it comes from the word maiden, not maid. Speaking of men though... Colin seems really nice. You are lucky you have someone like him to help you try to keep living on land."

Mel nodded in thought, her expression darkening a bit. "How do you do it? Living in the ocean? Is there a sunken city or something where mermaids live?"

Capri shrugged. "I have not encountered any other mermaids yet. I dunno... first thing I realized when I became half fish is that life is relative. What people consider living on the land isn't the only way to live. I party, drink, and eat up on the beach with people all night, spend the day building my own underwater place and exploring. I am slowly getting farther from the beach each time I swim around but I still stick pretty close. The ocean is a huuuuge place, so it is kind of intimidating to just swim out into the middle of it. It doesn't sound like much of a life from the outside, but I have fun and I survive, so I guess that is all that really counts, right?"

Mel renewed her fading blush as she moved her limbs forward on her seat and started to uncoil her tentacles to give them a stretch. "And about that half fish part... we are sea creatures from the hip down so... do we like, lay eggs?"

Capri laughed, then placed a hand flat along the line where her scales started. "The womb and ovaries are over the halfway point. Only the outside of the vulva is changed to prevent water from getting in. All the important parts are still human, so we definitely still reproduce the same way. Now, whether our offspring are human or half sea creature- I do not know. Well, that is my biology anyway, you did not turn into the exact same thing as me, so."

Mel grabbed the end of one of her own tentacles, just curious to get to know it better now that the changes were all done. The skin almost felt wet from being so slippery even though it was dry. It was like trying to grab someone's tongue- there was no definitive shape to it so it squished and could easily slide out of someone's grip. The suction cups were a bit more solid, even when relaxed- the rigidity of an erect nipple. They were in rows of two, but so small and numerous she could not count them all on even one tentacle. They allowed her to grip whatever she wanted, latching on with a very powerful grip that relied on pressure tension. The suction cup forms a pocket of air, then presses the air out against an object while not allowing any back in- creating a vacuum seal. Melpomene was almost entirely half and half, with only a few very minor exceptions. Her ability to reshape herself, change her texture, and change her coloration extended to her entire body, including her hair. Her nipples, nails, and lips were now defaulted to glossy black like her octopus half. She also had some small dots of black skin on her fore arms and up her back, getting smaller and farther apart the farther up her back they go. Her octopus half also had a few specks of human toned skin at the very top, serving as a bit of dappled transition between the two halves. Of course, she could change the texture and color to make her entire form one or the other if she wanted, but this was her default.

Colin hustled back, and the two said goodbye to Capri for now. Capri invited them to find her again if they ran into trouble or just wanted someone to talk to who was in on her secret already. No matter how far she wandered in a day, Capri always returned to the beach as her true home. As Colin and Mel were leaving, Melpomene told him to hold on a moment. She glared at Wayne, holding his swollen face and trying to suck up blood into a towel. She thudded the pointy end of her ocean staff against the sands and the black water inside shimmered. Her smile returned to her face as Wayne yelled out in surprise as he pissed himself. Mel used her control of liquid to force his bladder empty.

She grinned to Colin with a half-nod. "Ok. Now we can go."

Beach Babe

(Mermaid TF, BE, F Solo) Capri had a reputation as a party girl, though in truth she was rather tame. Quite short and sprightly, she was charismatic and always played along, so while they often exhausted her she found herself in a lot of...

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Savage Love

(F tf werewolf) Oswald Valle stood in the brisk winter air, getting his footing on the snow. Two massive draft horses stand idle, rigged to a huge empty sled ready to be filled with downed trees. Being a lumberjack in the winter was...

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A Wolf By Any Other Name

(F tf [were]wolf) A woman raced through the thinning brambles of the deep forest toward the hidden and remote clearing at its heart. The young woman wore nothing but a giddy, mischievous smile. No one would find her here, and this was...

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