
Story by iplank on SoFurry

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Kyle is a nice guy but doesn't really stand out in a crowd. Relationships are few and far between and have always ended poorly. Feeling sorry for him, a wandering Fae casts a spell to manifest his desires into a partner for him and the next day- he finds an odd woman naked outside of his apartment, with no prior knowledge other than his name.

(F tf hybrid, ermine-goat anthro, feral)

Kyle was a good looking guy but also rather soft spoken, and generally avoided conflict so he had a habit of flying under everyone's radar. The few girlfriends he had in the past broke up with him simply because he was too timid, and they were looking for something a bit more thrilling. He would unknowingly strike it lucky this night however. As he slept his underpants tented from an erection and a minuscule woman appeared on his open windowsill. The little Fae women was no more than three inches tall and grinned devilishly as she fluttered into his bedroom in the cover of night and slid his underwear down. She barely leaned back in time to avoid the erection from smacking her across the face as it sprung out from its cloth confines- it was twice as big as her entire body! She wore no clothing in the first place, and quickly fluttered up and sat on the head of the penis. She was prepared to grind her tiny slit on the rubbery glans but heard Kyle groan in his sleep. An odd reaction. She used her magic to look into his dreams and seem a flurry of mixed feelings- turmoil of his past relationships. Well that soured the mood. But she had least had the power to solve this. She cast a spell that used the emotional energy spent on his past relationships and his desire to find someone right for himself and condensed that energy into power to grant his wish. She fluttered off his dick with a nod and smile and vanished back into the night.

Kyle woke up the next day not knowing anything happened at all in the night. It was his second day off, so he would be back to work tomorrow. He woke up slowly and got himself a cup of coffee, grabbed his guitar and went out to the fire exit. He would often strum his guitar idly with his legs dangling from the fire escape on the back of his apartment building, overlooking the narrow lane between buildings. As soon as he stepped out though he immediately spotted something very unusual. He seen something large and pale through the metal grating that made up the fire escape stairs, but when he walked to the edge to look over he immediately recognized a young woman, completely nude, sitting in a dumpster! Her butt had sunken in between garbage bags and it looked like she was stuck- flailing her arms and legs around trying to get herself back out.

"Uhhh, miss? Are you ok down there?"

She looked up at him confused for a moment, then made grabby hands toward him. "Kyle!"

"W-wuh? Uh, yes? Do I know you?"

She grinned. "Kyle!"

Was she on drugs? Actually now that he thought of it, her position makes it look like she fell into the dumpster... did she fall off the fire escape? Maybe she has brain damage. How did she lose all her clothing though? The bottom part of the fire escape was chained up and did not reach the ground so Kyle went down through the building and around to the lane way to help her out. Her hair was platinum blond to her shoulders and a bit frazzled. Her breasts were pudgy little A cup hills capped with extremely pale pink nipples and tiny areola. Her skin was abnormally pale, like she had not gone outside in years. Her eyes were bright and wide, and she seemed fully aware but at the same time, had a hard time understanding him, and only replied with one or two words. Her iris were purple as well, which as far as he knew was not a natural eye color. Kyle was getting nervous someone would walk by and see him talking with a young naked woman and think he was doing something to her, so he ushered her inside and scurried back to his apartment. He offered to call the police to see if anyone knew her but she looked worried and immediately moved to stop him. She knew his name, and did not want help from anyone else, but was unable to really tell him much of anything- including a name of her own. She had been pulled out of a dumpster so he offered for her to use his shower. She nodded and referred to it as 'inside rain' before skipping off to clean herself up.

Was he going to get in trouble for keeping her here? She seemed to have severe amnesia or something, but on the other hand seemed fully aware of what he was doing when he went to call the police, and knows his name for some reason. The last thing someone that confused and empty headed needed was to be even more panicked so he did not want to press the issue and try to call the authorities again. At least not yet. Kyle supposed the only other thing he could do right now was to take care of her himself till she remembered more. He got a shirt and pants for her to put on when she got out of the shower. When she came out she still sopping wet and looked like she was about to shake the water off when he quickly directed her back into the bathroom and told her to use the towel first. When she smiled he noted she had very slightly bucked teeth, and her eyes were slightly crossed too. If anything it made her look even more cute. It oddly made Kyle think of something he had not in many years. When he was really little he sort of admired how extravagant women's clothing looked, and had made up a queenly figure he tried to draw a few times. He used his favorite color to draw her eyes- purple. He also remembered the other boys making fun of him for the drawings and never drawing her again.

She seemed sort of child-like and she was young looking, but also clearly adult in frame. The more Kyle tried to press her for information, the more she used the word 'wish'. Like she was trying to identify herself as his... wish? He was also pretty sure she put the shirt on backwards, but it was so ridiculously big on her it didn't really matter. When he sat with her on his couch to talk she immediately sat right up against him as if to flirt with him, but did not advance any further. Once Kyle decided he wasn't going to get any information out of her right now and started watching TV with her, she leaned on him and gently held his arm to snuggle close. Kyle had no idea what to think but couldn't bring himself to question it. He found a naked flirty amnesiac, it kind of seemed like a jackpot, but he also did not want to take advantage of her. She ended up falling asleep against him and he had to gently slip out of her grip after to check up on things on the internet. When she woke up again later they tried playing video games together- she learned surprisingly fast for someone who barely knew how to speak. He also noted she picked up a few more words as she played with him. Maybe her memory was slowly coming back.

Kyle let the woman have his bed while he slept on the couch. The window was right over the couch but the buildings around him were too tall to see the night sky through it. The only light at night was the glow from some neon signs just around the corners. He had a bit of a hard time getting to sleep, continuously thinking of the woman in the other room. A complete stranger that somehow knows him, but nothing else. He woke up later in the night and assumed he was still dreaming till the powerful pulse of pleasure hit him. He sat up on his elbows quickly, looking at the woman who had her face buried in his crotch!

"W-what are... you...?" His voice trailed off, again completely unsure of what was going on but unwilling to stop it.

She looked up at him but did not take her lips from around his dick, gently working his shaft while her tongue delicately ran up and down the shaft inside. She held herself up with one hand and cupped his balls with her other hand. Whenever she pulled up on his cock her tongue traced the corona of his glans skillfully. It certainly did not seem like an amateur job. So she somehow knows absolutely nothing, including about herself, but knows Kyle and still remembers how to give a great blowjob? Kyle had not gotten off in some time now so it did not take long to reach climax. She popped her head down, burying his entire dick in her mouth as he came and quickly swallowed it as it came. She let it settle down and start to go soft before she slowly slid back off.

"Did I do good?"

"Y-you can talk!"

"I... hard to think. I think but no... I not... words." She furrowed her brows in frustration, knowing she was barely understandable. Her voice was high toned but soft.

"Well you are already doing a lot better than before!"

"Because purpose." She seemed to cheer up a bit again.

"What purpose?"

"Me purpose."

Now he furrowed his brows a bit, trying to understand. "What is your purpose?"


"... I am your purpose? What does that mean...?"

She furrowed her brows again in thought. "I no have word for that."

Kyle suggested they just get some rest, and she agreed but unexpectedly she did not return to his bed. She climbed further up on him and plopped down, going to sleep on top of him, half wedged between him and the back of the couch! Again, Kyle had a hard time getting to sleep again because of it, but it was far too surreal and comfortable to actually complain about. When morning came he had to squeeze out from under her and woke her up accidentally as he had to dash back to his bedroom quickly to turn his work alarm off. He was so tired from the poor sleep the night before though, Kyle immediately called in sick to work. He just flopped back down on his bed and went to sleep again on top of the blankets, with his legs still draped off the side. When Kyle woke up again it was to the fire alarm and he stumbled off the bed onto the floor because of the odd position he fell asleep in! The alarm turned off as soon as he exited his bedroom and he seen the woman waving a towel around in the air by the open living room window, trying to fan the smoke out.

She smiled a bit nervously at him. "First meal is ready. Kyle hungry?"

She apparently cooked him breakfast... even though it was 1 in the afternoon. He was a bit unsure of it when he seen it. The bacon looked like charcoal, the sunny-side up eggs turned out scrambled, and she was afraid of using a knife to cut up little potato squares to fry so she attempted to fry mashed potatoes, but cooked them at the same time as the egg causing them to be mixed together. Luckily, Kyle was not a picky eater, and no one had ever made him breakfast before. The bacon tasted a bit charred obviously but for the most part it all still tasted alright, even though it looked like someone scraped it off the floor. When he was done eating, she presented him with several pieces of paper, with child-like drawings on them. She had found his notepad in the night and drawn up crude diagrams.

"This try to tell where... er... what me is."

He looked at the drawings but they were not much easier to understand than her jumbled mess of words. A faerie came in his window, cast a spell on him, which caused the woman to appear outside, but she tried to climb the fire escape only to fall off and land in the dumpster.

"So... you are saying some faerie godmother came and poofed you into existence... for...?"

"You! I am for you."

He chuckled, but sobered quickly when he seen her expression sadden at his disbelief. "So you are magical? How can I... can you prove it? Do something magic?"

"I am not faerie, I can't not, er, can not cast spells." She thought hard for a moment trying to think of how she could prove herself to her master. "What Kyle desire? I am for best like, so when you want more something, I can do!"

"D-desire? In a person? I dunno, I guess someone who likes to cuddle a lot, a good listener-"

The woman bopped him on the head playfully. "Those not things you see. I can't prove without showing."

"Oh. Right. Uhm..."

She crossed her arms at how long he was taking. "Big boobs?"

"Hah! Well yea, what guy doesn't li- er, I mean, yea. I guess I can appreciate larger endowments."

The woman lowered her brows at his terrible attempt at modesty. She felt a little bit dizzy though, and realized she was deviating from her purpose. She was making him uncomfortable by putting him on the spot like that and asking him embarrassing questions. She quickly changed gears and told him he should probably have a shower to help wake up first, giving him an out. Once he left the room she started to snoop around his apartment trying to find clues as to what he likes, till she spotted his PC which was still on from the night before- he forgot to shut it down, only the monitor was turned off. She did not see anything incriminating at first glance, but noticed the mouse was hovering over a folder. When she opened that folder she seen a sub folder inside titled 'XXX'. He had his porn folder on his desktop before because he lived alone anyway- but when she showed up he moved it into another folder to hide it. Not well enough, obviously. This had all the information she needed. She had a brief flashback of one of Kyle's memories, of losing one of his girlfriends after she found out he was into furries and she was very not. The woman smiled at finding this information though- it would be easy to prove her magical nature this way, because half animal people do not exist in the world otherwise. Even the woman was not completely knowledgeable on her origin, but she knew enough. She is literally created from Kyle's desire for someone, so the more desirable she is, and the more she can fill that void the more 'real' she becomes, and her jumbled and simplified thoughts start to clear.

When Kyle came out of the shower and got dressed in casual 'day off' clothes again he noticed the woman staring at him with a cheshire grin.

"What? Remember something? A name at least?"

"I have no name to remember..." She had a brief flash of his memories, of the drawing of the queen he made long ago that she was made to resemble. She stole her appearance, why not her name too? "Gossamer. Maybe my name is Gossamer?"

She shook her head a bit remembering what she was actually waiting for him to say. "I can has proof! Watch, I will change to be more like."

She closed her eyes and concentrated, she was perched on the edge of the couch like a cat with her hands between her legs gripping edge and her feet up as well- so her knees were up at her chest. Gossamer's legs popped off the couch almost causing her to stumble off- she had not changed their position at all, they were getting longer. Already quite long to begin with to allow her petite frame to match Kyle's height, even though she was otherwise quite small in comparison. The added length was put entirely onto her feet, stretching the distance between ankle and toes. About halfway through the extension her big toe was left behind, shrinking down to a hardly noticeable digit to far off the ground to be used. Her toes reduced in mass as they stretched farther away from the ankle, becoming less flexible and also much shorter and plumper. The skin on the bottoms bulged up from the shifting mass as well as on the base of each toe, turning into fat pink bubbles of flesh before turning grey-pink, then bruise purple, and finally completely black. Her toenails shrank drastically in width and increased slightly in length. They became small, sharp pointed translucent claws. Her feet transformed into paws, but very small paws. For how long her legs were, the paws were almost comically small.

Gossamer let out a high pitched sound with high reverberance that sounded almost like a mix between a deer and goat. She squirmed in her seat, sliding back further onto the couch as a quick but intense prickling feeling fired down her legs in several waves. It was hard to notice at first because it was stark white, and her skin was incredibly pale to begin with, but she was growing fur on her legs starting at her thighs and going down her leg. When the growth reached her ankles though it increased considerably. The fur grew long just behind the pads of her small paws, forming long trailing wisps from the fetlocks. Now with her rump more firmly on the couch she lifted up her hands and kept flexing them open and closed, but then realized Kyle could not see and instead turned them to face him. Her hands were developing pads as well but less pronounced than on her feet- though the skin on them still quickly turned black. Her nails once again shrank into small pointed claws and her fingers became only slightly shorter- her hands remained structured the same, just with stumpier digits. Fur started to grow on the backs of her hands, but not the inside- all skin that was immune to the growth of fur turned black while the rest remained ghostly pale. Kyle could not see, but her shirt was so loose that Gossamer could look down the collar and see her already tiny tits shrink completely into her and her already pale nipples and areola start to fade into the rest of her skin.

Gossamer made another odd bleat in surprise, quickly jerking her head back as the prickly feeling fired up her neck. Before the fur even became visible on her throat, her head bowed forward forcefully from a pressure in her spine. Her neck let out several loud, hollow pops as it grew a bit longer. The fur grew extremely fast even in comparison to her legs, because it also grew a lot longer. So long in fact that as the platinum color bled from her hair to leave it pure white- you could not tell the difference between her hair and the fur around her neck. It formed into a massive fluffy mane! She quickly scrambled to pull the shirt off- she definitely did not need any more insulation with all that fur! As Gossamer pulled off the shirt it shoved all her mane into her face forcing her to hold her breath a second. Once the shirt popped off her mane slowly settled back down- being incredibly frizzy for a moment. Without the shirt, her fur started to advance onto her torso from her neck and shoulders, but was extremely fine unlike on her neck. It was powder soft and short enough that it did not hide any of the curvature of her body below. The fur was even more fine on her underside- you could see the pale peach tone of her skin through the fur on her chest and belly.

Gossamer cooed from the sensation of growth in her back, gathering into a pressure in her spine. She quickly got up onto the couch onto her hands and knees facing toward Kyle. She hooked her tiny finger claws on her pants and shimmied out of them knowing she would need the extra room in a moment.

She slowly bowed her back more and more as her voice raised in pitch. "A-aaa..aaaAAH!" Gossamer then quickly reversed, arching her back outward with the sound of several violent pops!

Her spine grew a bit in length, and two more sets of ribs extended her chest more. Her spine grew a bit longer after that, and her tail bone started to extend as well. The fur on her thighs quickly advanced now and overtake her rump and climb onto her tail but avoided the immediate area around her anus and vulva, leaving about an inch distance of bare skin. Her perineum shrank, drawing her vulva closer to the anus- aiming it backward more. The bare skin now exposed on the underside of the base of her tail, and around her privates formed an elongated diamond in shape. Gossamer also grinned as two black spots formed on her crotch and the darkness started to spread from them back toward her privates but not onto them. He did say he liked big tits. She cried out and lurched forward to counter the shift as her spine grew longer yet again, a bit in the torso and a lot in the tail. Her torso was quite long and incredibly flexible, but that also meant if she bent over at all while standing up she would just topple herself because her spine wouldn't have the strength to counter the shift in gravity. That is where her gargantuan tail came into play- its a counterweight so she can still balance her longer body. She quickly flopped over onto her side and squirmed onto her back, arching her body to grab her tail with both hands to try and counter the strong prickling feeling by touching the area, so the sensation was split between the two. As she slid her hands down her tail, her touch left very long, bushy fur in its wake. Even a bit longer than the fur around her neck, Gossamer's tail looked absolutely gigantic because of the volume of soft fur on it. Now that there was so much volume of fur it was much more noticeable- it was pure white but shone both teal and coral pink in the light; her fur is pearlecent.

Gossamer let out a distressed bleat and Kyle took a few steps forward, wanting to help her but not knowing what to do. Her face scrunched up in pain and her eyes closed tightly. Three openings were created in the skin along her hairline, stretched open by what looked like a disk of bone. Because it was stretched open it was unable to bleed, and because it was part of her transformation the broken veins quickly mended and re-routed inside. The disks widened, till each was about the thickness of a narrow can- like some smaller energy drinks came in. She opened her eyes again, breathing a bit heavily and he seen her iris had actually turned red, but were already fading back to purple. She looked straight up suddenly with more of a high pitched cry of pleasure. The feeling erupted from her head starting from the new growth but resonated through her entire skull- it was like the feeling of a good stretch, but in a part of her body that would never be able to have that feeling normally. The disk overlapping the front of either of her temples erupted outward very quickly into horns, forming a backward arch. The horns were not particularly long- about eight or nine inches total and were heavily ribbed. Like her fur, they were white but shimmered in coral pink and teal- but the pearlecent shine was much more prominent on the horns to the point where it was hard to miss in any lighting. A second later the disk in the middle of her forehead erupted into a third horn that jut straight out with no bend at all. The third horn was about ten inches long and rather than being ribbed, it was spiraled like a unicorn horn.

Her head was not done changing yet. Her lips tightened and squirmed at the feeling as ultra fine fur advanced onto her face and her entire skull became slightly more narrow- the shift in mass going forward and stretching her jaws out just slightly longer. Her nose grew a shade longer, putting the bottom closer to her top lip and the bridge of her nose flattened quite a bit, making it wider. The skin at the end of her now slightly triangular nose tip and her lips turned glossy black, and the two met in the middle, giving her a slightly goat face. Unlike a goat though, as the fur finished consuming her face two black dots appeared in the fur to mark her eyebrows, and three long whiskers grew out just over her upper lip, and two more from her eyebrows at half the length. Her ears became long and pointed as her face was finishing its changes, but became so large they flopped right over onto themselves. Her ears grew into giant elongated leaf shaped like a long-eared goat. The bare skin on the inner side of the large ears was black like the rest of her exposed flesh. Her nose and horns resembled a goat as well, but because her face just barely pushed out and the whiskers and coloration made her head more closely resemble a mink or ferret.

Gossamer was catching her breath still as she got up into her original cat-like pose, though her now very long body was steeply arched to achieve the pose. She grinned at the bewildered Kyle. Her still slightly crossed eyes changed a bit as she looked at him- her iris stretching sideways into horizontal slits. Her eyelashes were still long and full and pure black, which framed her eyes in contrast against all the white around it. Gossamer got up and walked over to him trying to be all sultry. His eyes were locked with hers, trying to understand the situation and her feelings, so he did not notice the black hills forming in her crotch. She put a hand on either shoulder as she was now much taller than him even though she was still petite in proportion. Gossamer giggled and pulled his face into her fluffy mane and hugged him. After a few moments though, she stood up straight again and thrust her hips into him, squishing something large and soft into his crotch! Kyle backed up a bit in surprise and then he seen her final touches.

Two large nipples stuck out from her crotch on two fat hills. As they both looked at it, the hills swelled out more, softly wobbling entirely on its own from the growth. As it stretched larger, the nipples grew as well, becoming both quite long and very thick. The fat hills grew together- fused in the middle- and once they reached the size of two cantaloupes the black flesh started to break up. Spots of pale skin started to appear- the flesh was only growing in peach toned now, causing the black skin to divide further and break up into increasingly small splotches and dots. As it grew still bigger Gossamer's legs bowed a bit and she moved both hands down from the feeling, cooing softly. She did not want to obstruct their view so her pudgy fingers only massaged the base of the top of the developing udder- where the soft bare flesh trailed onto her underside. Her fingers could start to feel thick veins under the surface- milk veins trailing into the base of the udder. Its growth started to push pressure out around itself as well, pushing on the sides of her hips and with a sudden jerk her hip bone popped and expanded. Her hips had been rather small for a woman, but quickly rounded out and then became even a bit wider than average. Her rump swelled a bit into a firm bubble butt to balance the growth. Now with more room, her udder continued to grow; the black flesh became several splotches orbited by several small black dots, while the majority of the udder was pale peach, but that too was starting to change. As the skin started to have a harder time keeping up the floppy squishy flesh started to firm up and pull more aggressively on her pleasure nerves causing Gossamer to squirm more. The pale peach flesh started to darken a bit and then blush powder pink, and finally a vibrant pink as the growth finally stopped. Her nipples were now full teats, and extremely fat, giving them a conical shape- making it easily identified as a goat's udder. Even when Gossamer stood erect on two legs, her udder did not completely flop between her legs- it was too pert. The bloated teats aimed at a diagonal angle, both forward and toward the floor. Each half of her udder was about the size of a basketball, making it quite large overall.

She did a bit of a twirl for him and threw up her arms to show off her body- her udder lagged a bit behind because of its weight. "Tadah! See? Gossamer can't do the magic, but I am still magical. I am for you, little magic person give me to you as random good deed."

"Wh- uh.. well... wow. How... I mean... you're a living being though?"

"I was made from another living being like others, just made different way. Gossamer was made from Kyle's desires. So the more you want me the more stronger I get."

Kyle scratched his head. "How does that work?"

Gossamer just shrugged. "I don't even need to eat or sleep really. I am powered all from you."

Knowing he was the type to take things slow, Gossamer took his hand and pulled him to the couch with her to play video games. Now that her head was more sorted out she would be able to play much better with him. She sat right next to him and coiled her massive fluffy tail around both of them, sitting its end across their laps. A few times Gossamer cheated- slouching in her seat deliberately using her long body to put her udder on display, which immediately distracted Kyle allowing her to beat him in the game. Afterward they watched some TV and eventually just started talking about random things. She knew how the world worked, but lacked any real worldly knowledge because she has no memories- she was literally born yesterday. Gossamer had some of Kyle's memories, but she never actually lived them so there was no context behind them- so she was really interested in random stories about his life to fill in the blanks for her. As they spoke she slowly inched closer to him. He sat up on one arm of the couch and she was perched like a cat between his legs, inching closer veeerry slowly. She won't make any sexual advances on him without him making the first move- unlike his past girlfriends, Gossamer was only as frisky as he wanted. She was extremely touchy though. She started to gently massage his legs as he spoke, never breaking eye contact with him. As she inched closer her hands slid farther up, eventually slipping under his shirt to feel his chest and heart beat. His legs were buried under her soft tail and her legs pressed against the inside of his. Her warm, soft, rubbery udder pressed into his crotch. She eventually was laying on top of him, with her head curled beside his. Kyle ran out of interesting things to talk about and just started rambling but she didn't care- she just liked to listen to his voice. Because he had such a bad rest the night before, he fell asleep early this night, with Gossamer on top of him acting like a living blanket with all her fluff.

Kyle woke up frantically the next day to his alarm. He scrambled around to make himself look proper and run off to work. He could not afford to take more than one sick day, so he had no choice but to leave Gossamer behind. At work, his coworkers were a bit sour about him taking yesterday off and they subtly started to dump some of their work on him. He worked in a grocery store, but just in the back, taking inventory, labeling pallets and storing or unloading stock as needed. Thanks to his day off, he was assigned to the makeup inventory today- the worst department to keep stock, because the boxes were so small they fell over easily and the shelves were usually a horrid mess.

Kyle went to place a box and seen several piled up behind it that did not belong there and sighed. "I could clear half this shit off onto the floor and actually raise the organization level."

"Haha, do it!"

He nearly jumped out of his skin and dropped the box in his hand as he looked up at Gossamer laying across the top shelf, several feet above him. "W-what the hell are you doing here!?"

Gossamer pouted. "I thought you would want some friendly company. Work sucks otherwise, right?"

He blushed. "But your an... well, part animal. And your naked!"

"You want me to wear clothes again? It doesn't work well with fur, but-"

"That's not the issue! If someone spots you, I am in trouble and you... I have no idea what will happen to you. They might take you to some lab to dissect!"

Gossamer felt a gentle pressure all over her body and groaned a bit. She slowly got up onto all fours and tried to sit up but her limbs suddenly started to shorten and restructure! Her fingers shortened and plumped up more as her hands stretched, leaving her thumbs behind to devolve as her hands turned into paws to match her feet! Her skull started to compress more, forcing her face to stretch out giving her a fully mink shaped head, though keeping her wide goat nose, long ears, and horns. While all this happened her skin kept tightening, compressing and forcing a gentle but persistent pressure through her entire body as she shrank! She shrank till she was as tall as Kyle even though her body was so long, and then she shrank to the size of a child, and then even further she shrank! Her limbs now no longer allowed her to stand up, so her udder was having a hard time clearing the ground under her- her teats dragged. She made several of her surprised high pitch bleats, but luckily her voice shrank with the rest of her so the sound did not carry far to alert anyone to them. When it finally stopped she looked like a fully feral version of herself- except she was tiny.

She tried to say something but could only make strange high reverberence sounds- she could not speak English in this form. Kyle put his hand up for her to climb on and she quickly jumped down into it and slithered around his arm and up his sleeve! He wanted her to be safe, which meant keeping her a secret, so her body adjusted; shrinking her down to a size where she is easily hidden, but still with him. Her body skittering around under his shirt wasn't too bad, her fur was so light and fluffy it only mildly tickled. What really distracted him now was the feeling of her udder- her limbs in this form were too short to let it clear the distance so everywhere she went she dragged her teats across his skin. Her body was only about as long as his hands if you include his fingers, and then her tail was basically the same distance- so her entire form was about from his fingertips to his elbow. That made her entire head about the size of a marble- and her udder about twice that. Whenever someone came near him she would skitter onto his back to hide from view, making sure no one seen the bulge under his top. Work was no less difficult, and Gossamer being there made him a bit nervous, but he was glad she was there still. Talking to her while he worked made it go a lot faster.

Everyone went to the lunch room to eat during break, but Kyle usually went to one of the offices in the back. Half because he was usually left with most of the stock counting so he worked while he ate, and half because no one talked to him on his breaks anyway, so he preferred the quiet. Since no one else went there- especially during the breaks, Gossamer quickly started to grow and jumped out of his sleeve before she got caught in his shirt. Her humanoid features returned as her size was restored and she curled up around him. He just wanted to relax- he forgot to make a lunch the night before and was too rushed in the morning to grab anything so he had nothing to eat anyway. Gossamer's clit hardened as her pussy started to plumpen up in arousal. She grinned a bit, knowing the only reason she would get aroused is if he wanted her to. He could do with a little stress relief and Gossamer knew just the trick.

Gossamer leaned onto him, pushing her padded hands up under his shirt again, pushing him back in the chair till it slid back against the wall and he just slipped out of it entire to join her on the floor. She grabbed him and laid back, pulling him down over her and pressed his face into her taught, bouncy udder. He grabbed either of her fat teats and squished them in his hands as he rolled his face in the soft crevice between her mammaries. He ran his own hands up her body, feeling her squirm a bit under his touch and softy coo in pleasure. Once his hands were braced high enough he drew himself up and she hooked a finger on his pants as he pulled himself up, sliding the pants down as he slid himself into her. She was quite tight, deliberately sized to just barely fit his cock alone in her- she was literally built for him after all. With each thrust her body rippled, moving in a wave up from her hip to her head. She kept her hands curled just under her mane by her chest like an overturned animal. He watched her cute black nostrils flare as her breathing increased and looked into her slightly crossed eyes as she watched him with a subtle smile on her glossy black lips. Her iris had changed again- they cooled off to a sapphire blue now. It seemed they alter their color depending on her mood- happy, pleasant emotions were blue, while aggressive emotions turned them ruby red. Purple was neutral. Gossamer curled her tail up under him pressing in on his butt from behind and warming his back with the soft fluff. Her bouncy udder made loud *plap* sounds as it bounced against his crotch and shuddered with every thrust- the fat teats flopping back and forth on the ends. She curled her long torso up while half her back was still flat against the ground as he reached climax. Gossamer tossed her arms over his shoulders and kissed him as he came into her hard. His living desires wrapped around his cock.

His eyes shot open wide as he heard someone coming down the hall! They quickly pulled apart and he scrambled to get his clothing back into place. He stood up and turned to Gossamer but she was already gone, or hidden. One of the supervisors came into the room to grab some business cards, glancing at Kyle with a raised brow. He seemed flustered and slightly out of breath, even though he was just sitting there. Assuming he was just being weird, she left without actually questioning things.

Kyle looked around after she left. "Gossamer?"


He followed her tiny voice to find her once again shrunken into her feral form, at his feet tucked under the table. She also had a huge round stomach that was dragging on the ground! She had to shrink suddenly to hide- but the cum in her did not shrink along with her, stretching her huge! It was so big she actually could not walk properly so he had to lift her up and placed her in his pocket for now. Kyle laughed at the absurdity of the situation. It would take some getting used to, but Kyle would live life much happier from then on, accompanied by his desires- his cute little Gossamer.


(MtF Sheep) Mercer was a bit nervous, getting dragged to the Stonewall Estate by his girlfriend Gwen. The estate was having a big ballroom party, but Mercer was more of the sit at home and relax sort of person when it came to having a good...

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Jack Of All Horses

(M tf stallion, hippocampus, ichthyocentaur, hippogriff, longma, hippalectryon) This story is a long one- if you want to skip to a specific TF or just find your place again if you are reading in more than one go, just CTRL+F; 1]Hippogriff ...

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What You Wish For

(Entire planet TF feral, anthro, hyper) If you hate surprises you can CTRL+F 'SPOIL' to skip to bottom where there is a full list of tags for what transformation happen in what chapters. Since this story is large, here is a non-spoiler list of the...

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