
Story by iplank on SoFurry

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Mercer is a bit reluctant to go to a large ball with his girlfriend because of the size of the guest list, but starts to turn around to the idea when he finds out his identity will be hidden. It is a masquerade ball and everyone will be dawning a new identity for the night. A bit more literally thanks to enchantments on the masks...

(MtF Sheep)

Mercer was a bit nervous, getting dragged to the Stonewall Estate by his girlfriend Gwen. The estate was having a big ballroom party, but Mercer was more of the sit at home and relax sort of person when it came to having a good time. His own family was quite wealthy, but he had never gone to any of their own parties either. Gwen was a hard woman to say no to though- she was quite large for a woman, being a bit taller than Mercer himself and her long black hair was violently wavy to the lower half where it turned to huge loose curls. Mercer was dressed in formal black shirt and pants with a white vest on over it with a bit of a tail on it. He was used to wearing rather stuffy outfits as a sacrifice for looking so damn good though. And he got to see Gwen dressed up at least too- in a long sleeveless gold gown and a scarlet lilly in her hair.

She paused on the inside of the door and twirled to grin at Mercer. "And this is why there is no need to be nervous."

She motioned over a large table in the foyer absolutely covered in masks. It was a masquerade ball- everyone had to wear a mask to get in, so no one would know the true identity of anyone else there. Mercer's own family had a few magical artifacts in its possession so he was able to sense the presence of mana lingering over the table- some but not all of the masks were enchanted with some sort of spell. Gwen quickly spotted the mask she wanted- go figure, it was the strangest one. It was a full face mask of some sort of demon, but it had been long ago shattered in half- only half the mask remained. Mercer chose a small mask, thinking it the least obtrusive but was surprised by its weight- the inside of the mask was lined with a mirror--like material. It only covered his eyes and nose- it was made to look like the face of a lamb.

The estate was lavishly decorated, and the ballroom was bigger than most normal folk's entire homes. There looked to be nearly a hundred people attending- though few were dancing this early on.

Gwen smiled with a mouth of unusually sharp teeth. "So, want any punch? I am sure someone has spiked it already, so it will actually be half decent."

"I should be getting you drinks not the other way around."

Gwen raised and wagged her index at him. "Ah, ah. Your forgetting the masks."


"We aren't our normal selves here, it's a masquerade! Roleplay a little."

Mercer smiled and went along with it. The most obvious sign he first seen of the magic working was someone caught in the middle of a laugh let out a 'haaw' like a donkey bray. When Mercer looked over, the first thing he noticed was that they were wearing a donkey themed mask. So roleplay really is the theme of the night- enchantments included. Mercer started to lean into his role then. When Gwen returned with the drinks he happily accepted and then moved close to her, but made no moves and waited for her to speak before responding. Mercer immediately noticed himself feeling a bit more energetic as he acted more sheepish in Gwen's presence. The transition was so seamless he could not tell if it was because it was an unusually refreshing change, acting like someone completely different while disguised, or because the mask was actually altering him. Gwen asked him to dance and Mercer did not hesitate- being born into a wealthy family he had been taught how to dance gracefully already so he had all the confidence in his ability to.

As they twirled and bowed to the music though, Mercer noticed he was getting smaller. He seemed to be shrinking quite quickly, but a look around revealed he was only half right. He had gotten a bit smaller- Gwen had gotten a lot bigger! The strap on one side of her gown snapped as the muscles in specifically her right arm were now bigger, and plainly visible. Well that was a bit unusual. He supposed because her mask was shattered in half, it was only affecting half her body. In any other situation he may have been worried of anyone seeing her in this state, but looking around she was far from the only abnormality. There was one woman who had to stop dancing because she had become so tiny compared to her partner that they couldn't pull it off anymore. A woman turning into a bunny who had to stop because her now huge feet were getting stepped on. Then there was a donkey dancing with hippo woman, both stumbling around on feet not at all suited for dance and laughing at each other and having fun in spite of their inability. Not everyone seemed to change at the same pace- it seemed to be how accurately they played their roles. Mercer felt light headed as he twirled around with Gwen leading their dance. Rather than worry about his slight weakness, he simply leaned more onto Gwen. They managed to make it to the end of the song before Mercer stumbled out of his shoes because his feet had transformed.

Mercer's ankles had raised up as his feet stretched. His toes compacted together, forming into two large toes in the front while the big and pinky toe regressed in the back, being left behind as the foot stretched so they no longer touched the ground, but were still relatively close. All four digits were encapsulated in keratin as nails fused together and spread then thickened greatly into cloven hoof segments- turning black as they became more dense. Luckily Mercer was a graceful person, and adapted to the small surface area on which he had to stand now. His feet clacked lightly on the marble floor which made him feel more femanine- it was a sound not unlike that of high heeled shoes. Gwen lead him around, acting mischievous and looking to prank others now, she was continuing to get more muscular and her nails turned to claws. Mercer just followed along loyally- not participating but not stopping her either. Their devilish actions found Gwen flinching as horns broke the surface near her temples. Before growing out; the blood and feeling had drained from the areas the horns grew from, so she could not feel the skin break, and did not bleed. Gwen could still feel the horns growing, but it was through the movement of bone as the material of her skull expanded and stretched into the horns! Gwen's horns were somewhat narrow and started to curve down as they grew, and were still in the early stages of growth however.

Mercer's smaller body felt more lithe and womanly, though oddly his clothing did not become loose- in fact it fit more snug than before! He felt new muscle encapsulate his tailbone, but it did not seem to grow out at all- it just become a fat nub he could wiggle at will- and it was no trouble at all to pop it out over his pants, barely noticeable. Sheep do not have much of a tail at all. Mercer became a bit absent minded as he felt his penis and balls start to shrink more than the rest of his body had- and Gwen did not slow her pranking spree so he ended up losing her in the crowd for a time. Mercer slipped away into the bathroom and went to pee, mostly as an excuse to take it out and look at what was happening to it. Sure enough, his balls shrank to the size of grapes and his penis no more than two inches long. Still it shrank more- embarrassingly the reduction felt quite good. A sort of pleasurable tingle that made him squirm a bit from its unrelenting. Rather than regress with it- the nerves were just getting bunched up, preparing to be repurposed, not discarded. He felt an odd inward pressure, focused behind his scrotum- it almost felt like something slowly sliding into his body in a passage that did not exist- it was actually the feeling of the passage itself forming within. By the time his marble-sized balls were popped up into his torso by his tightening scrotum, they were already turning to ovaries. The scrotum continued to pull tighter, popping apart painlessly at the seam as the soft creased skin now became the inner labia! The vagina had already formed behind it, so as soon as the scrotum divided the passage was fully opened to the outside! His penis continued to shrink away- and since no one else was in the bathroom he decided to touch it and enjoy the pleasure it was already giving him regardless. He could only get two fingers and his thumb around it- the forskin now too long to expose the head even fully erect. Then he could only hold it between his thumb and index- and then only rub the head as it continued to shrink away. He had to touch it lighter and lighter as the nerves bunched up into the smaller form- which caused him to touch more nerves at a time than before, making it too sensitive to be rough with. It felt like the skin was pulled in two different directions as it shrank away into him- this was the division of the urethra from what had been the shaft- so that it now sat in the growing depression that was his inner vulva. 'He' was officially a 'she' now- at least during the party. The remnants of the head was now the clit- the foreskin now its hood. As she took her hand away a bit sad to see her old genitals go even temporarily, she noted her fingernails were turning dark and thickening as well- she would be without hands soon too.

Mercer tried to find Gwen, but only managed to find traces of the chaos she was sewing and gave up- not wanting to get lost herself in the crowds she stuck mostly to the ground floor. The huge hall had a second level that was the same space-- at the top of huge curved stairs on either side. Gwen was likely up there, since she was quite larger now and hard not to see, Mercer would have found her otherwise. Her ears started to grow larger and leaf shaped. New muscles formed in the base to allow them to pivot around, but the ears continued to grow larger to the point where the muscles could not keep up- and the ears flopped down to hang on either side of her head. Mercer could still move them, but not hold them up for more than a half second at a time because of the weight.

She glanced up at the balcony of the second level. "Gwen? Heeieeh!" She paused at the odd sound she had made. "Gweeheen, where aaeehre.... baaah!" Mercer quickly closed her lips tightly!

She already did not want to call out for the attention it would draw, but on top of that she was starting to bleat like a sheep! Her shirt sleeves were feeling more and more snug too, which made her feel a bit exposed. Mercer used her stiffening hands to rub her arms through the sleeves and was surprised to find there was no sleeves! She looked down and had to prod herself a few times to figure out what had happened. It still looked like there was sleeves there, but there was not. There was the start of sleeves at her shoulders but then it fused with her skin and became indistinguishable. The black ended at her wrists but was part of her actual arm- the fabric had become an ultra fine black fur on her! Mercer bleated again in surprise and wobbled over, having to catch herself on a nearby table because of the feeling in her legs! Her black pants were now doing the same thing, tightening and merging with her flesh on her legs from the bottom up! Her heart started to hammer quickly at that thought- if her pants became part of her body... her sex will be exposed. She had completely failed to notice it before in the guests that had turned faster than her- there was no ruptured clothing around. The clothes changed with them, becoming part of their body! The donkey had one gold-encased hoof with a sigil made of tiny cogs on it! It had been wearing a watch. The clues were all there for Mercer to have seen, but she was too caught up with herself and Gwen for it to register.

As if sensing her distress, Gwen jumped down to Mercer from the balcony- slamming into the floor hard enough to cause the nearby tables to jump a half inch. Gwen was huge now! Her body muscular, but mostly upper body- and her right arm specifically looked like it belonged on a creature twice her size! Her right arm along almost had equal mass to the entire rest of her body, extremely hugely muscular and riddled with veins! Her legs seemed mostly unchanged, only slightly muscular. Because of her lopsided changes, she actually had to hold herself up with the giant arm because it was too heavy to lift. Her left horn never grew any more than it already had, but the right one continued to grow in a long arch, ending behind her in a three quarters circle. The red lilly Gwen had in her hair seemed to melt into it- leaving her with a large streak of scarlet hair where it had been that was a bit longer than the rest of her hair. She had a long fang on her bottom right jaw that stuck out of her mouth as a proto tusk. The mask was also fused to her face- the dark material veining slightly to blend with her flesh but not too far from where it started, and it moved and flexed with the rest of her natural face. Her voice was echoed onto itself- her normal voice and then a much deeper version of her own voice both spoke at the same time. She immediately commented on how cute Mercer looked and patted her head, holding her close to shelter the view of her body from the other guests. Mercer's fretting stopped almost immediately and her thoughts wandered elsewhere, completely forgetting her worry right away. Sheep are herd animals- they get nervous when there is no one to follow. Mercer felt her mask after seeing what became of Gwen's, and sure enough she could feel where it started, but could not divide it from her face. The mirrored side was now part of her, and the mask itself was slowly becoming her true face.

Mercer quietly bleated as his wrists deformed and her hands stretched, compacting from the sides to become long and narrow and then started to compress, shortening and thickening while keeping the rounder structure. Like her feet, her thumb and pinky regressed more than the others, completely consumed by the hoof segments to make dew claws and the rest formed the two primary hoof segments. The feeling of the bone shifting was much more obvious in this because she was balancing her weight on the table when they shifted- causing her upper body to jostle slightly with each shift of the structure it was balancing with. She stretched and tensed her legs as if trying to squirm away from the changes of her pants becoming her- but obviously the changes followed. Her pant legs were already becoming part of her, so there was no squirming free of them. Gwen slapped her rump causing Mercer to bleat and give her a half-hearted dirty look, but then a glint of gold caught her eye.

"Heeieey! Those eaahrings don't go weeieeth your roaaahle."

Gwen looked surprised, touching her non-giant hand to them. "Oh, yea, you're right."

Mercer smiled a bit as Gwen started to take them off. "Meieh! Leeeht meeieh have theehem!"

Mercer did not have pierced ears, so rather than put them on normally, Gwen just smiled and pressed the earring onto his big floppy ears and the gold squirmed away, spreading across the skin- immediately fusing with her. They did not fuse with Gwen because they were inappropriate to the role she was playing, but now that Mercer was female- they adhered to her. The tiny emerald in each remained framed in gold at the very tip of the ear, the rest formed an elegant gold filigree embedded in the flesh of her ears. Even if she had been able to lift her ears before- she definitely could not now with gold embedded in it. The mask started to spread on her head now- spreading darkness to her ears, turning the flesh black and causing a super fine black fur to grow on it, and then advance on the face. Her lips turned black first, then the end of her nose. As Mercer bleated at the hollow pops her nose gave off as the bridge expanded wider, her voice raised several pitches.

Her pants had finally started to finish their fusion with his torso, her pussy now clearly visible to everyone who looked. It was like watching her rump emerge from a pool of black ink. As the last traces of the pants became flesh and fine black fuzz, her pussy started to change shape- the tightness of the pants now persisted in her skin! The taint started to compress, dragging her vulva and anus closer together till they were practically touching. Her outer labia started to inflate, becoming very pillowy and completely obscuring her clit within! It inflated till it vaguely resembled a fortune cookie made of soft rubber! Mercer gasped as she looked down at herself and in a burst of change, her ribs cracked and spread, but her white vest also compressed back on it. The two smushed together to become one, but the white material of the vest also bled downward- consuming more of her body than it had covered. Even though the two had become one- her nipples were not visible, having been regressed to nothing below already. Instead- two tiny nubs formed in her crotch. Mercer could not stop letting out subdued, breathy bleats- any sound she tried to make came out as a bleat, and with all the strange feelings in her body it was impossible to just not make sound. Her rear hooves clicked on the floor below her as she fidgeted, shifting her weight from on to the other while the changes happened.

The stiff nubs in her crotch started to jostle slightly as two soft hills formed below them, quickly swelling out with jiggly soft, rubbery skin. The stretching of the skin triggered new born pleasure nerves which caused Mercer to bleat louder. Her face started to deform further- her lips pulling tight toward her nose as the end of it became level with her lips. Her nostrils were small but wide and her upper lip had a cleft leading into it. The seams of the mask slowly vanished entirely into her face as it started to stretch outward, pulling her skull more narrow! Her head wasn't expanding at all, so the longer it got the more narrow it became, creating a very narrow muzzle covered in ultra-fine black fur. She shut her eyes tight as the final changes to her head took place and her eyes grew slightly to match the former mask, and became almond shaped. She opened her eyes with a look of surprise in them, and her memories of who she was before blanked. She remembered her name and coming here but little else. Her pupils started to stretch sideways. Mercer forgot she was supposed to be male, or human, yet was still plainly aware she was changing. The white of the former vest now covered her entire body and the very start of her four limbs and stopped there, now no signs of it having been clothing. The jiggle mounds in her crotch swelled bigger and bigger, and it became more obvious that they were fused together as they stretched outward into a fat, round udder. It stopped growing when it was about the size of two softballs pressed together- which was a pretty good size on her smaller body. Because a sheep is so close to the ground, the stiff teats of its udder do not hang down, but stick out diagonally to either side so they can be reached from the side. The black of the former sleeves finished encapsulating the remaining skin as all hooves completed. Her pupils finished stretching out rectangles.

After a few seconds of silence, Mercer realized her changes were complete. Her attention span now more fleeting than ever- her thoughts unable to focus on any one thing. Unable to think of what to do on her own, she just clacked down onto all fours and stuck to Gwen, shadowing her movements. Sheep operate on one simple concept- follow the leader.

Gwen grinned a fang-filled mouth at Mercer and leaned over to scritch her upper back. "Oh, you aren't done yet~"

As if enticed by her touch, Mercer's fur started to grow longer, but only the portion that was white! It grew in extremely thick and pushed out longer and wavier. It formed a dense mat on her and then started to extend even further. Her body started to look like a pillow, and still it grew more! She started to bleat again as the fur started to feel like a full body hug. It grew so big and long that it started to obstruct her movement, and she felt quite hot because of it. It almost looked like a balloon inflating! Gwen was egging it on, making it grow beyond the normal bounds! The wool did not grow on her limbs at all, but became so huge that it was consuming her limbs regardless! Her little woolen stump of a tail wiggled frantically as the sheep started to worry. Her neck was so thickly encased she could not bend it! The wall of wool started to advance so far out that it was dragging on the ground under her, billowing far over over- and reaching the sides of her head before Mercer put together a long enough string of thought to know to squirm back away from Gwen's touch, which caused the growth to finally stop! Mercer looked like a giant walking pom pom! It weighed so much her legs became wobbly from trying to hold it all up!

Mercer's hooves clicked on the floor as she looked around- her neck could not bend with all the wool around her, so she needed to turn her entire body. Almost all the guests were full animal by now- which means basically no one was paying any attention to her thankfully. Several were having fun playing with their new animal forms, some had fallen so deeply into their roles that they forgot they were supposed to be anything but animals and simply wandered about. A few animals still propped themselves up on the railings or tables to do human things in spite of their forms, and a good portion of them had taken to having sex with one another openly in the hall. Without human morals there was nothing stopping them from acting on arousal, and since most people came here in pairs- they were with loved ones who were now effectively naked. Gwen seemed to somewhat cheat the system- her mask was broken in half, so she was the only guest who was still at least half human. That did not stop her from wanting to have some kinky fun with Mercer in her new form, and the look in Mercer's eyes told her that she was up for whatever Gwen wanted- sheep are followers, not leaders. Mercer had not noticed till now, Gwen had swapped genders as well- she was a he. His pectorals were large enough to almost be able to imitate breasts. Gwen's golden gown opened up to reveal it was not a gown at all anymore. The inside was lined with neon pink flesh, covered in pulsing veins! It was a pair of huge wings growing from his lower back! Only the outer facing side of the membrane still looked like a gown when the wings are wrapped around his torso! As soon as the wings opened up, his phallus flopped out without anything to hold it back! Very long and a bit narrow, the later half of its underside was lined with a row of long narrow, semi-stiff tendrils, and the phallus itself had a tapered end. Its movement immediately indicated he had full control over it, like a tentacle as it reached for Mercer. Gwen was right- it is fun to roleplay sometimes.

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