She Dwells Below

Story by iplank on SoFurry

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Aden and Lilith are a husband and wife duo- one an adventurer and the other a researcher. After finding a large discovery, they secretly hunt their next find, theorizing they have discovered a clue to the location of the fabled Garden Of Eden, but Lilith unintentionally tastes of its forbidden fruit.

If anyone can guess the two shows that loosely inspired this, they deserve a gold star, lol. I will give you a hint- they are both extremely old anime that had live action movie adaptations.

(F TF giant Gastropod/Amphibian)

Aden and his wife Lilith were an explorer-researcher duo, and had been thus far unstoppable. They are coming off from their last discovery high, from trekking through the dangerous uncharted rainforests to find a temple that predates Sumerians- who were previously the eldest human civilization. It had held many mysteries that are still being puzzled over by researchers who proffer to sit still. There was no town or any signs of civilization around the temple for one, no human remains around it, the architecture did not match any other known civilization, and the temple was host to several metal holding containers used to preserve seeds of various plants. Eons before the metal ages.

What the other researchers had not found yet, Aden and Lilith were already on the trail of. The temple had no words or known glyphs, but rather imagery similar to those on the walls of a stone age cave, so it was up to interpretation, but they believed they were on course to find the legendary Garden Of Eden. It was some ways off from the temple, but they were plenty used to travel already. Aden always lead the way, he had an athletic build and was generally not afraid of anything. Lilith was tall but not at all strong and almost always too absorbed in thought to watch where she was going- so it was up to Aden to make sure she didn't walk off a cliff chasing a bug. Her hair was a voluminous honey blonde and wild- both from being naturally wavy and from her lack of care. She had thick round glasses on over her baby blue eyes- she couldn't see anything without them, and if anyone else put them on they would probably go blind.

They found a cave at the suspected area, but Aden needed to move some large rocks out of the way for them to fit in. They went inside with confidence but got progressively disheartened as they went and continued to find nothing. No cave drawings, no signs anyone had ever been there before them. Lilith did note though that because it is underground and so old, the structure of the cave system could have completely changed because of tectonic shifts. Their excitement was finally renewed an already dangerously deep distance into the ground. Aden paused at a pool of water to switch out the batteries in his flashlight and as soon as he cut the lights he realized the cave did not go completely dark. There was a pale cyan light coming from under the water! It looked like a small pool at first but the water filled another crack in the cave floor that went down quite far- and something was glowing under the water. Aden explored it a bit before ushering Lilith down with him and through it to the other side! The glow was from a cave, under the water in the other cave. It was filled with musty smelling, cool oxygen thanks to an abundance of bioluminescent plants and fungus- which is also where the glow came from. There was still no signs anyone had ever been here, but it was starting to look more garden-like. The cave fanned out in many directions so they had to simply pick one and go with it- taking more than one turn would just make them lost. The water rippled with both its own movement and from creatures inside. There was many frogs, newts and some primordial looking fish and other small creatures all over the place. So many critters this far underground needed a food source to form a proper ecosystem... like a garden.

They finally found their way to a lake dotted with large boulders and stalagmites to use as stepping stones or small islands. It was very warm at the lake- the heat radiating off from the water. The dark cave roof was dotted with a million glowing mushrooms looking like stars in an abyssal night sky. Several of the critters around here also had bioluminescent markings on them, to identify others of their species through the darkness or spook predators.

Lilith nodded with a grin. "I think this might be our most dangerous expedition yet." She chuckled at their boldness. "We are so far underground and didn't tell a soul about this place so if we get into trouble there is no one to call for help."

Aden nodded, keeping a hand near the large machete at his belt. "Well, why share the glory of what could be the greatest discovery of all? Besides most of the government funded big research teams would just rip the cave open and gut all of this stuff out to have on their lab tables by the end of the day- and ruin the actual location in the process. What I am really worried about is suffocating. Not only are we very far underground, we are also technically under water, how are we breathing at all?"

Lilith raised an index finger matter-of-factly. "The heat in this underground lake is from subterranean volcanic activity- geothermal energy- created from heat and pressure thanks to the sun's radiation being trapped in the denser earth. It is what keeps our planet nice and toasty at the middle- having never cooled down from when the planet was originally just a ball of molten rock. The volcanic activity creates heat and gasses- both of which fuel the growth of all the plant life you see down here. Sulphur is poison to us but plants love it. Just like they love carbon monoxide. The plants are where the oxygen is coming from. It is also why this subsystem of caves doesn't just fill with water and overflow- the oxygen is trapped and causing the water to deflect down alternate paths- which is why the cave system suddenly became so complex. It was easier for the water to cut a new trail than to force its way up."

"So, if there was a large group of humans down here at once..."

Lilith nodded. "The air pressure would drop and the water level would rise. We are actually safer because we are the only ones here."

Lilith marvelled at all the small critters around them. Normally cave dwellers do not have eyes at all, but the species here did, because of the abundance of bioluminescence. Luciferin was the chemical that made the glow- glow. It was the same stuff in a firefly's butt. While she examined the strange creatures, Aden started to hop from rock to rock, trying to navigate across the lake. There was caves spreading out from all angles from the lake, but the lake room up most of the entire chamger. If they wanted to continue in a straight line- they would have to cross the lake. He did not need to go very far though before he noticed the contents of the lake. There was still another chamber inside of it, but without any stone walls this time. There was a gigantic bubble of air in the middle that housed what looked like a high concentration of plants. To maintain a bubble strong enough to hold up a small lake, the plants must be extremely heavy breathers- to the point where there are no plants like it alive in the world today, because they would be unable to survive anywhere else.

Aden helped Lilith navigate the jumps to get toward the middle. They would have to swim down to the side of the bubble- going through the top would cause them to fall straight down onto the plants. She also warned him ahead of time that the air pressure in the bubble was huge- it would be both difficult to breath even though it was likely all oxygen, and their ears would pop immediately on entering it and be unable to unpop till they left. It was bizarre, swimming DOWN to the surface of the water. Lilith had been right. The air was hot and extremely thick and hard to breath- and filled with strange smells. They were not even fully out of the water yet when a huge object passed quickly neary them, almost nipping Aden who then stumbled into the bubble!

He took out the machete. "Shit, there is bigger fish in the lake." He seen the shadow charge at them and quickly dove back, pulling Lilith back with him. "Holy shit!"

The large fish burst from the water and slammed into the ground where they had been, snapping its jaws lined with hundreds of small spike-like teeth. It had a needlessly high number of fins on its body similar to the Coelicanth- the eldest living species in the world today. When Aden pushed Lilith out of the way of the attack though, she stumbled and caught herself placing her hand on the edge of a pool of goo. She quickly took her hand back and wiped it off on her shirt. The goo was hidden in the middle of the strange small plants, and almost looked like it was moving around on its own.

Aden helped her to her feet again. "We need to get out of here, this bubble isn't safe." He could see at least three other of the fish's shadows swimming around the bubble very quickly, looking for the moment to lunge at them.

Rather than look for an opening between them, Aden cut an opening through them- deliberatly diving into the water in front of one to jam his blade into it. The blood and stunned body of the one would distract the other two. Holding onto Lilith tightly with his free hand he swam them to the surface again, going to a larger platform since he did not doubt the fish would try to leap out of the water if they stood on a narrow one. Just as they were climbing out another fish bit into Lilith's leg causing her to cry out in pain. Aden quickly thrust down and stabbed it in the face, causing it to let go and thrash itself off of the blade. Lilith pulled herself fully from the water and Aden quickly got his bag off to get the first aid kit out.

"Uh... Aden..."

"Don't worry, we can patch it up."

"I don't... think you need to."

He furrowed his brow and looked over to her leg to see her wipe the blood away from the small divots in her skin that soon after flattened out. In only a half minute the wound just vanished. He went to put his hand on her shoulder and she recoiled.

"Dont! Don't touch me right now, you might get contaminated."

"By what?! What is going on?"

"I touched a pool of goo down there by accident... I think that was it. That pool of quivering goo down in the bubble... is the Garden Of Eden."

"Not... what I pictured."

"Its primordial ooze- prototype single cell organisms in ultra-dense concentration. It is trapped under the water- if you exposed it to the open air I garantee it would explode into a thousand new types of plants in a matter of moments. The more a creature evolves the more complicated it becomes and the harder it is to evolve because new traits contradict or render others redundant. Those cells are a blank slate- brand new, never evolved. Neo Cells."

"So... how did that make you heal though?"

"The neo cells likely bonded to me, seeing my more evolved cells and following them blindly. But that also means my body had some of the evolutionary potential of the neo cells now."

"And it immediately figured out regeneration?"

"It is a pretty basic cell function but also look around you."

Aden looked around but did not see what she was hinting at, and shrugged. "Glowing plants and small critters."

"Due to the habitat most are amphibious. Extreme regeneration is a power of Salamander... an amphibian. There are many salamander in here." She pressed a hand down where her wound had been. "Super hot too, I don't think my regeneration would work well away from water to use as a heat sink."

"Why so hot?"

"Very fast cellular activity- friction creates heat. The larger the wound the more heat will be made restoring it, so without a heat sink of some kind it might not heal at all, because my body would start cooking itself trying to."

"So... you're saying you will turn into an amphibian if you stay down here? We have to get you the hell back out of the cave then!"

"Yea. But... don't touch me for a while, ok? Once they intigrate into my body they would have no reason to transfer to you, but if I have any neo cells on me that haven't found their way into my body they will absolutely skip on over to yours."

They quickly started heading back up the way they came. They were a very far way down though- it had been an entire day climbing down in the first place. It was night by the time they got to the lake and they were going to set up a temporary camp for the night at its shore. Now it was almost midnight and they were heading back up- Lilith snapped up a few bioluminescent mushrooms on their way up for them to snack on, knowing they were non toxic. They taste like crap, but they aren't poisonous. She noticed her hands were looking puffy after a while but decided to not call attention to it. Aden noticed when she flinched several times, going rigid from the squirming feeling in her back as muscles rearranged and grew. It felt like her back was trying to stretch but couldn't on its own.

Aden was very worried but Lilith reassured him it wasn't dangerous- whatever it ended up doing. The cells aren't advanced enough to be viral or even symbiotic, they would just play follow the leader with her own cells, but make it so she rapidly adapts to situations and environments, which was currently dark and wet. To try and get his mind off it she mentioned the lake was perfectly bowl shaped on the bottom. Some ancient civilisations seemed to think humans were created by an alien race, that life came from the cosmos. The shape of that lake makes it seem like a meteor impact- with the primordial ooze at the apex. The first single cell organisms may have crashed into Earth from elsewhere and then the rest of the dust and rock above collapsed back in, cocooning the site and allowing lifeforms to develop sheltered from the outside. Then again some people believed in vampires and werewolves and that they were a more pure, advanced product of the alien creators, so it was best to wait for more concrete evidence before buying into any one theory.

The two made it back to the second cave mouth- the first that was submerged in water, but they were both too tired. It was never a good idea to climb rocky surfaces when you are half asleep, never mind in the dark as well. As much as they wanted to book it out of there, slipping or getting crushed under displaced rocks did not help them either. While they slept though, Lilith continued to change. Her skin became quite soft and her bones started to soften. No longer so rigid, her spine was finally able to pop apart and grow new segments, lengthening itself. More and more of her midsection became baren as her shirt wasn't meant to cover such a long body. While her spine became more rubbery and flexible though, the bones of her shoulders and arms continued to get even softer, getting absorbed by her body to repurpose the material. To make up for the loss though, the muscle restructured and became more dense and solid so her arms could keep their form. They did bloat up a bit though- the curves becoming more round and less defined, especially her fingers. Her digits became much rounder and a bit shorter, making them look like big bumps on the end of her arms, and her fingernails vanished entirely. Four large bumps appeared on her back as well- very fleshy and soft. Her neck got proportionally longer with her torso as the final changes that night.

When they woke up, Aden immediately started to panic again and Lilith had to calm him down. She took a more scientific approach, being curious about her changes rather than fearing them. She flexed and loosened the muscles in her arm and they seemed to change proportion a bit when she did. With a confident nod she told Aden to back up and put her arms forward. Her arms and especially her fingers stretched out tremendously, to the point where she could reach past Aden standing four feet back. Her extremely long fingers had a bit of webbing between them that was only visible when they stretched out. They were more like tentacles than fingers when extended.

"You got elastic powers?!"

Llith chuckled. "Not exactly. Slug limbs, these are the 'arms' of a sea slug. More like fins or weird wings really. They are called parapodium." She relaxed them back into the pseudo human arm shape, then flicked them to show how flexible it was. "No bones. Which makes them sort of like a tongue- muscle is the only thing giving it any solid form at all. Will make climbing easier though, eh? I have like a five foot reach, ha ha."

She stood fully up and wobbled a bit, tilting over backward. Sleeping on the rock made for bad circulation- her feet were still partially asleep. Before she could fall backward though, the fat bumps on her back extended out, reaching from under the back of her shirt and caught her against the wall behind her! She did not even know they were there till now- they reacted on instinct alone. They were four parapodia too! When she chuckled nervously in surprise, her skin started to glow in several spots! As if mirroring her blush, pale pink glow appeared as glowing spots down her arm and the entire ends of her back parapodia. Before she could fully even take it in though, she felt vibrations in the cave wall through the parapodia touching it.

"Something is coming!"

Aden reached for his machete but was not ready for the huge narrow creature that smashed up through the bottom of the rock walls and slammed him to the side! It looked like a gigantic worm. Aden tried to swipe at it as he got back up but it was very flexible and narrow, and easily evaded.

"What the hell is this thing? A worm on steroids?! I thought worms hate water."

"It isn't a worm, its a Lindwurm- a giant Caecilian from mythology. It is an amphibian as well- it has a spine and bones in there."

Now that she thought about it- that was probably where her elongated body comes from. She needed to figure out a way to help Aden or this thing was going to try and eat them both! She could technically use herself as a body shield since she can regenerate but that didn't solve the problem that just bought them time. She took a deep breath about to scream to try and startle it but realised her lung capacity was much larger than normal. She then took another breath without exhaling the first, then another. Breath after breath she continued to suck in more air and in turn her long throat started to bulge bigger and bigger- literally inflating like a balloon. The glow in her skin returned but this time more red than pink. Her throat grew to the point where it stretched partially transparent and then she tensed her throat muscles back in, crushing the air back out her nose with an extremely loud, long croak that rattled the cave walls! The power of a bullfrog!

The lindwurm froze up like someone cringing at the sound of nails on a chalkboard. These caves were extremely quiet normally other than the sound of water so creatures down here were adjusted to listening to miniscule sounds- something of this volume was decimating. Aden was shocked by the sound to, but he recovered much faster once he seen it was his wife and jammed the machete blade into the lindwurm. It thrashed wildly before yanking back into the wall and vanishing in retreat! Lilith's glowing spots turned to a soft blue before fading away.

Aden shook his head at her as he walked back over. "Part frog now too, huh?"

Lilith just shrugged. They gathered themselves and started to head back up, slipping through the water above. Lilith noted that she did not have to breath when passing through the water. Aden also got hungry much faster than she did. Amphibians are exothermic, they rely on outside heat and cooling, which means their metabolism is extremely slow compared to endothermic creatures and they can survive for a long time on very little. There are also species of frog and salamander that do not even have lungs- they breath entirely with their skin. When she fired up through the water, her newly shaped arms worked like wings and she passed through it like nothing.

Like anyone could assume, leaving the cave was considerably harder than entering due to it being so sloped. Going up was always going to be harder than going down. Except now that Lilith's body could adapt, it was. She could feel her leg muscles growing, her thighs bulking up considerably. Another frog-like trait; beefy legs. Unlike her amphibious traits though her feet started to adapt by fusing the bones together, making the foot increasingly more solid, but also inflexible and narrow. Too narrow for her shoes, which kept sliding around chafing her ankles till she just gave up and took them off, and emberassingly also discarded her panties because her thick thighs were causing them to not fit properly either. She examined her leg, and it looked real odd at the bottom. It just ended in what looked like a spike-shaped hoof. It made climbing easy because she could jam it into the looser rocks and soil to get footing, but she imagined it would be worse walking on normal ground.

The two were stopped however before it was even noon. They came to a wall of rock. The thrashing lindwurm must have caused a cave-in when it ran! Their path out was collapsed completely! When Aden was done shouting profanities at the collapse he went to grab the rocks but Lilith quickly stopped him. The cave was angled down the entire way- if he loosened the rocks they would roll toward them, not away. They would get crushed by it. It could also just cause even more to collapse from above and make the wall of rock even more impossible to penetrate. He asked what option they had and Lilith reluctantly noted the facts as the researcher in her was want to do. There was animals down below, and fish to boot. Lots of plants, and a supply of steadily circulating water. If they can't get out, they technically have what they need to survive inside 'Eden'.

Aden did not like that idea, but seen no alternative without risking an avalanche. Once they returned to the bottom at the lake garden, Aden started to set up camp, gathering loose rocks and using their supplies. Lilith went gathering for food, since her arms now had extended reach. To his surprise she returned with cooked fish! Apparently Lilith is able to use a neurotoxin from the skin of her arms to completely shut down their bodies, and then took it to one of the underwater volcanic vents, and cooked it in the searing water. Since they were in a cave, starting a fire wouldn't be a good idea. Not only do they have little to burn, but the smoke doesn't really have anywhere to go. While swimming around she grew a long fleshy tail too, but that helped her keep balance. It had rows of spots that can light up as well, but also has bone through it. Her spots started to glow pink again as she asked Aden not to be freaked out, and showed him another odd change. She stuck her tongue out, and it just kept coming. Writhing around, wiggling and getting used to the new muscles and length it extended out farther and farther. She could blast it out of her mouth like a frog, but it wasn't quite a frog tongue either. What at first looked like pale taste buds stood up as millions of little thorns when she tensed her tongue. It was half a frog tongue but also half a radula- a slug's tongue. The millions of super tiny teeth-like thorns were called denticles. When rigid, her tongue can be used as a weapon, and she is even able to secrete an acid from its surface like carnivorous slugs do- to drill holes through the shell of crabs and other creatures they prey on.

When they ate the fish they noted it didn't really taste like... anything. Lilith pointed out that one of the reasons the coelicanth survived for so long is because they also don't really taste like any other existing flavour. When they finished eating though Lilith whispered 'uh oh' and hunched over from the building feelings of more changes. She touched her tail to the water of the lake unknowingly and pulled it back quickly at the crackling sound. An electrical spark exploded through the water as soon as her tail touched it... the power of an electric eel. Her entire body started to groan and her bones gently popped and shifted under her skin as her entire body started to grow in size! One of the first tricks evolution learned was bigger is stronger- the world was ruled by megafauna before the ice age taught evolution to be more conservative. Her fingers extended and wiggled about just from the uncomfortable feelings in her shifting body. Her skirt was already strained by her tail, and was the first to snap off. Her shirt and bra tightened quickly as well after. It hugged her form impossibly tight, then threatened to strangle her before the seams started to bust. At the very least her legs continued to adapt, now taking the flat ground into consideration as well. The spike like hoof split into two segments making it cloven and the distance between it and her ankle started to grow longer and bulk up a bit like a proper hooved creature would have. Unlike other creatures though, when it seemed to be done, a blade-like arched claw grew from her ankle down to the ground behind her leg! It could pivot at the base like a simplistic digit- it essentially acted like a kick stand, or a training wheel on a bike. If she leaned back on her hooves the long bone claw would take the weight and keep her up. And her tail acted as a counter balance if she were to try to lean forward.

Lilith acted as the optimist for this expedition, but she was very clearly worried as she watched Aden become smaller and smaller than her. When her body finally stopped getting bigger she clutched her breasts for comfort, but her parapodium fingers were so long they wrapped around her entire torso and back again. At least her boobs kept up with the growth. They had a tiny row of bioluminescent dots too though. Her face altered slightly as well with the last change- getting two large spots of luminescent skin around her eyes- making it look like she has giant glowing eyes to predators to spook them off, though like her other spots they only glow when she gets emotional. Her nose also got a bit longer, putting the end closer to her mouth and her nostrils grew a bit bigger- she was identifying more scents. She was unable to see herself, but Aden was able to see that Lilith's iris were also a reflective blue now- bouncing light to allow her to see even in the pitch darkness. She was about to say something when squirming growth woke in her back once more for one final change. She bent back at first from the feeling but then the growth forced her to hunch forward. Her skin started to secrete a silvery thick fluid that quickly started to join together on the surface and rapidly harden. Her involuntary flexing during its formation caused it to become layered. The new growth had formed into huge curved rectangular plates of grey shell, like a clam or snail, shielding her entire backside. The plates had randomly placed, small rounded spikes on it as further protection, and four holes in the upper plates to allow her back parapodia out. The parapodia on her back were now slightly translucent though, and a bit more thin, making them look like translucent ribbons. They essentially acted like the tendrils of a jellyfish- drifting around behind her to feel her surroundings, and deliver neurotoxin to anything dumb enough to attack her.

"Oooh..." Lilith's neck inflated partially for a moment in a pout. "I am really different now. And my clothes are destroyed even. I might... be able to get the rocks out of the way. Between my acid spit and the fact I am huge now I could probably just smash through... if you wanted to escape. By yourself." She snapped the arms off her glasses since they no longer fit her larger head, so the glasses just rest on the bridge of her nose.

Aden furrowed his brows. "Why on earth would I leave you behind?"

"I look like a monster! Probably. I can't actually see myself, but I mean- ! Also... there are a lot of risks to trying to move those rocks, yea. But actually I was worried about something else. The neo cells are not contagious after they are assimilated, but because they can evolve extremely fast... they could evolve to be viral. And then they will be infective. I don't want to go out there if it means turning the world into... whatever you wanna call this." She motioned over herself. "Biologically I am superior. Stronger and healthier than any normal human could be, but... I doubt the world is ready to be populated by Neosapiens."

Aden just shook his head and walked up to her, pressing in on her very soft smooth skin, ushering her to lay back. Because she was so much bigger laying on her back actually caused her neck to bridge the gap over the water and rest her head on one of the stepping stones, with her hair veining out in the water around her head like rays from the sun. He climbed up onto her huge form and placed his hands on her breasts- which were average to her but huge to him. He kissed the bouncy surface of her boobs while kneading the flesh rhythmically and watched as the row of dots down the top of the breasts started to glow pink, brighter and brighter as he eased her tension with arousal. When she was moist, he slid down her body a bit and lined up with her pussy, placing his hands on either side of the large clit. They didn't need to go back to the surface- they had everything they needed right here. In spite of Lilith taking the forbidden fruit of Eden, Aden took her that eve. They still had a lot of research to do on what they found. Maybe after they would figure out a way to the surface without risk. But for now at least, she dwells below.

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