Out Fox'd

Story by iplank on SoFurry

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Lord Daisuke, the jolly tanuki spirit of the forest finds himself rather lonely in bed- remedying this by sending out a summon for any interested in becoming his consort. Is it a blessing or curse when a deceptive woman named Kaida shows up, with more than one motive for being there?

An elegant woman in a white kimono walked carefully from a misty bamboo forest, stepping though a spirit gate to find the mist did not continue beyond. A small but ornate bridge crossed a small warm water lake to link the forest to a fair sized Asian castle in the middle. This was the home of the guardian spirit of this area, a jolly lord among the animals; the tanuki Daisuke.

The woman walked carefully, slowing down as she crossed the bridge, feeling eyes on her. She stopped entirely and looked up just in time to see the watcher land down on the bridge from the castle roof. It was early evening so the song of the crickets and cicada masked any sound the guard made in her approach.

"What business have you with lord Daisuke?" Her voice firm but feminine.

She was a harpy, with the legs and wings of a bird but body and head of a beautiful woman. But her attire gave her away as no ordinary harpy. She wore a weathered red tabard as a loincloth, embroidered in gold with the mark of her patron Suzaku. For a top she donned a shark skin poncho lined with shark teeth. Her talons were capped with bladed steel, and her face was hidden behind an aged wooden bird mask with a long beak made of bound bone shards of past victims. She is a seasoned warrior and demon of wind, a Tengu. Her feathers are stark white, with long tail feathers like a phoenix fowl, but her legs were very long and narrow making her more closely resemble a crane. Her long black hair was well groomed and straight at the top but got more wild and bristly as it went down.

The woman gave a slight bow, not at all intimidated. "And who are you? I should think it clear why I came...you're master sent out a summons, did he not?"

The Tengu jumped gracefully from the roof to land before the woman. "It is considered rude to ask another for their name without giving one. I am Hatsuko, the fore-guard of Lord Daisuke."

The woman unintentionally smirked at Hatsuko's scolding. "I am Kaida, a potential future consort for the lord."

Hatsuko kicked her long narrow leg up at Kaida in the blink of an eye and had the razor tips of her half-open talons against her throat before she could move, and held the stance with flawless balance. "You should have shape shifted farther away from the castle grounds, fox spirit."

Kaida laughed lightly. "Seen that, did you? You've excellent eyesight."

"Like a hawk. I am both the fletcher and archer who shot out the very summons you claim to be answering."

"And I am. If not, why would I bother coming? You would surely disembowel me if I attempted to be off with any of his valuables, and I come unarmed so surely I mean him no physical harm. What other reason could I have to be here?"

"And what reason do you have to take the form of a woman, rather than your own?"

Kaida lowered her gaze with a slight blush. "I am shy. This allows me to interact and get to introduce myself appropriately before fully exposing myself."

Hatsuko narrowed her eyes, thinking long and hard on what she should believe. Kitsune were well known to be cunning deceivers and playful tricksters. Dangerous and malicious were not among the words used to describe them. Hatsuko took her job very seriously though, and was meticulous in upholding the will of the castle's lord. Daisuke was well loved by the other forest spirits, but he was also naive. Finally sigh a sigh and a nod, Hatsuko lowered her talons and once again stood on both her feet, motioning for Kaida to continue to the castle with her wing. Before returning to the roof, Hatsuko's last bit of advise for Kaida was to at least take a form that would better entice Daisuke- the form of another tanuki.

Taking her advise, she entered the main foyer wearing the same clothing but now a humanoid tanuki. Her tail though was considerably more grand than any normal tanuki- not only long but hugely bushy. Her kimono was done up respectably but the collar did leave a bit of a cleavage window, simply because the size of her ample bosom forced it out. Daisuke was already seated on a modest throne in the foyer, waiting for people to answer the summons- embarrassing as it may be. As much as the denizens of the forest enjoyed his company, his status prevented anyone from becoming too close to him. It was embarrassing he was so old now and never had a real girlfriend! Sure he wasn't a virgin, but aside from short lived flings he had nothing lasting, nothing truly meaningful. Kaida couldn't hide her smile completely as Daisuke blushed immediately as she entered his sight. There was any number of things that could bring people to his castle, but only currently one that would get them through the front door. Without knowing any other way to move forward Daisuke had Hatsuko send out a summons to various parts of the woods, calling any women who may think themselves worthy of him. He was looking for a bride, but if he got a few decent dates out of this he would still consider it a success. Daisuke knew it would be embarrassing to answer such a call, as it was plenty embarrassing to make it. He still expected gold diggers at least, or naive younger women struck with puppy love. But no, no one came. The summons was sent out late last night and now night once again, Kaida was the only one to have shown up so far. Good thing too- his pride was as bruised as his nerves at this point.

Kaida bowed deeply and with her sweet voice, introduced herself and spoke her purpose for being here. "Though, I must insist on getting to know each other properly. I may be a bit picky of who I choose to hold close, but I am forever loyal to those I do. Would dating first be an option?"

Daisuke had a bit of a pot belly on him, but was also well muscled. He won the entire forest for himself by driving off humans using his magic and might, preventing them from invading. Like all male tanuki, his pants were also quite loose in the crotch to allow room for his sizable nuts. He was not exactly the prime specimen of masculinity but he was still good looking- handsome even, in a modest way.

Daisuke shook his head. "Sadly, no. At least not in the normal sense. That is part of the problem in the first place. As the guardian of the forest, the easiest way to keep it safe is to keep myself hidden. If the enemy cannot bring me down, the forest automatically remains safe. You would be surprised how quickly Oni would move in on this area if given the opportunity." He paused a moment in thought. "O-oh, but I have guest rooms! And more than enough food and resources to host a good number for some time. You are welcome to stay here with me, I had already accounted for many...er, any potential consorts to stay here if they wanted. Obviously I must get to know you properly as well."

And so they spent some time awkwardly getting to know each other before the servants prepared a late dinner for their master and guest. Daisuke employed a Kappa chef who was an absolute master of seafood, aided by the presence of the river and lake literally right beside the castle. According to Kaida she was just a simple woman without much of a back story to tell. She never had any real enemies or close friends through her childhood, but was known for her cunning and often danced circles around people in terms of intellect. She chose her words and actions very carefully, so it is no small gesture for her to have come to the castle. Daisuke laughed, noting he was known for his own sort of cunning when he was young, but didn't go into detail, dismissing it quickly even though that only made Kaida even more interested in it. Kaida was quite beautiful, and her voice deep and womanly. She even ate her food carefully and elegantly! Daisuke was well composed but it was still clear he was nervous and uncertain how to approach things here, but Kaida was unwavering- like she already knew what was going to happen right down to the words spoken. She was clearly the type to ever be surprised by anything. She approached everything calmly and though of solutions to problems quickly. That made her seem all the more perfect for Daisuke- she could even be like an advisor to him! Had he lucked out and hit the jackpot on the first attempt!?

That night before bed he was having a hard time not thinking about her. He didn't want to jump the gun when there could be others- making an informed decision required more than one choice. It also made it a bit difficult to sleep when his mind was wandering about, and his penis stood in full attention of most these thoughts. He actually pondered masturbating to solve both these problems at once, but thought better of it. What if Kaida heard from her bedroom? Even if she couldn't, he wasn't some puppy dog- he shouldn't need to be so easily enticed! Between thoughts of Kaida and him trying to convince himself he didn't like her THAT much Daisuke tired himself to the point he finally fell asleep. When he woke the next day he found the consequences of that decision. A tanuki's balls were for more than mere mating- they are where the bulk of their spiritual powers are held. They are able to shape shift into all manner of forms using the already malleable skin of their impressive scrotums, and a leaf commonly just as a focus. When he woke the first thing he noticed when he rolled over was the weight of his balls. When he went to sleep they were each the size of a big egg- now they were each a baseball in size! He was surprised how large they had gotten in such a short time, though they have been considerably bigger a few times in the past.

Daisuke's face turned red when he sat down at the dining table for breakfast and before he sat, the first place Kaida's eyes went were his crotch- even if for only the briefest moment. She said nothing of it, but he knew the bulge must be obvious. That got him thinking though. Daisuke asked Kaida over breakfast if she had done anything like this before. He thought she was a tanuki, which meant if she dated any others of her kind she surely would understand how these things happen. But alas- she had no experience. Not only a virgin but she was raised in a girls only school, so she had very little contact with men- ever!

After a very extravagant breakfast, Daisuke asked Hatsuko if there had been any sign of others arriving yet, to which she said no. He then took Kaida to the castle garden.

"Men and women are not so different as black and white as many are made to believe. I once thought girls to be alien when I was just a pup but I was wrong. There is such diversity in personalities, as I have learned from ruling over the forest, that you cannot categorise them so narrowly as gender. Just like some questions simply cannot be answered with a yes or no."

Kaida glanced at the bulge in his pants briefly again before averting her eyes to the garden's combed sands. "I...heard they can be quite large..."

"What, m- oh!" Now both their faces blushed. "S-some are I suppose. So are some women though."

She tilted her head slightly. "So it's like puzzle pieces. But how do you know if it is a fit? That sort of...intimacy comes much farther into a relationship. I would think it a bit too late by then to find out the pieces don't fit."

"I, uh...hmm, can't say I gave much thought about that. A relationship is a lot more than just sex anyway. If two people care enough for one another they can always make it work."

Kaida smiled timidly and held herself to his broad chest, lowering her voice. "It is so good to learn all this finally. All these years I was a bit afraid that I was too small...too tight for any big strong men to even fit. I imagine a really tight vagina would feel uncomfortable, gripping a penis so aggressively."

She stood back up straight, gave him a bright smile and walked off, likely not even realising she brushed his large package when she stood against him. Trying to keep straight faced as possible Daisuke could feel his heavy balls shift as they pulled tighter to his body and his crotch had an almost...congested feeling. He could swear they were a bit bigger now too! He wasn't sure if it was better or worse that she seemed oblivious to what she was doing to him. At least the curvature of his nuts effectively hid his erection.

Kaida enjoyed wandering the castle, she never seemed to be in the same place for more than a few moments. She often asked Daisuke about a painting or sculpture and then carried on her way, creating a lot of short conversations. On one hand it was great for getting to know her. On the other hand it meant he had no opportunity or complete privacy to relieve some of his...tension. He almost sort of wished no one else came to answer the summons because it would make it even harder still- and he at least got that wish, no one else showed up. Nearly dinner the following day and Kaida was the only one there still! He felt like he was holding back a tidal wave internally by then. His balls kept getting bigger and heavier, bouncing against his thighs lower and lower till the room in his pants became a little too minimal. Any bigger and he was afraid his legs would roll them against each other in an unfortunate angle, so he had to adjust them forward so they sit on the outward curve of his inner thighs, and just took smaller steps so they didn't have the room to roll between his legs again. This made the increasingly large bulge been more obvious however. And between always seeing Kaida sauntering by, and the gentle tugging on the base of his shaft by his heavily weighted scrotum, his dick just couldn't go soft! They are almost to the largest size they have ever been, but they got there in a fraction of the time!

At dinner time Daisuke tried to sit at the table before Kaida could notice, but he looked like there was a honeydew melon tucked in his pants- no one was going to miss that.

Kaida couldn't help but laugh. "Why are you stuffing your pants? You don't need to try to impress me with your size, I would think our earlier conversation attests to that."

"I am not stuffing my pants!" His voice cracked a bit from embarrassment which only added to it. "Male tanuki store power...down there, so it sort of accentuates any normal...buildup."

"Oh, so it gets bigger when you don't use it for too long? That is inconvenient. But, certainly good to know."

"Why is that?"

"Well it shows the degree of self control. If they returned to normal size everyone would know what you have done, since you are yet to choose a consort."

Daisuke's heart froze at that thought. It didn't even occur to him, and now that she seen him this big he was stuck for as long as she was staying here! He got so big so fast this situation completely caught him off guard! If he masturbated they would return to normal and she would know and likely be quite turned off. The only way she wouldn't know is if he had her leave. Either way he may be screwing up his one shot at winning her over! And Kaida was the only woman to show up! He had to just tough it out, unfortunately.

When it came time to go to sleep again, it was very difficult getting comfortable. The scrotum of tanuki was naturally extremely flexible and elastic so his sack didn't run out of space, but that meant there was so much of it and the balls were each so large and heavy that he almost got tangled up in himself whenever he rolled over. Laying on his stomach or back wouldn't work at all like this. His dreams were weird and sexual as well, reminding him of awkward teen years long ago. At least non of his dreams were wet ones- that would be embarrassing at his age. By the time he woke he was sweating, and gasped at the sight of his balls. Each one like a medicine ball both in size and weight. From his sitting position it was hard to move them at all, like they were chaining him in place. The mattress of the bed slanted down to them from their weight!

Kaida walked down to the foyer on her way to one of the balconies to get some fresh air before breakfast, only to pause at the sight of another woman tanuki. The woman wore an extravagantly billowing dress, and was waiting in the foyer, calmly looking around.

"Oh, hello, you must be Kaida, the other potential consort. I am Kagame, I am also here for lord Daisuke. I have already introduced myself to him."

Kaida narrowed her eyes, slowly walking around Kagame. "Where was the summons you answered?"

"In the northern grotto, near the village entrance."

Kaida quickly pointed at her. "Liar! I removed the arrow there myself! There were no summons left to answer! Why are you really here!?"

"Hah! I knew something was fishy around here! I am working for lord Daisuke. That is why no other women came here- you destroyed the notices before coming here so you would be the only one!"

Kaida stuttered a bit, taking a step back in confusion before burying her face in her hands and crying. "I...I just wanted to be with him! I have always loved lord Daisuke from afar! I couldn't bare to let anyone else take him when I know in my heart I could be the best for him, I could give myself to him completely!"

Kagame became flustered as soon as Kaida started crying, not knowing how to react. She gently took Kaida into her arms and pat her on the back trying to calm her down.

Kaida spoke up again in her usual deep womanly voice. "And didn't you know- you cannot trick a trickster."

Before Kagame could react the immediately dry-eyed Kaida yanked out the leaf from the top of Kagame's braid, and her guise was undone to reveal Daisuke himself. Daisuke's face turned red from being discovered so easily, and then even redder still when Kaida looked at his huge scrotum with a grin. So big that his pants couldn't possibly contain him he had to let it hang over the top- and it touched the ground from a fully standing position! He stuttered, trying to straighten his thoughts in a panic.

Kaida seemed unnervingly composed as usual. "Deceiving me, so early in a relationship? You have been hiding things from me from the very start! You even avoided telling me of your childhood."

"W-well it wasn't relevant to the current me! I didn't HIDE it, I just didn't feel like mentioning it. Look, I was a bit of a shitty kid, OK? I changed a lot when I got older, that old me, tricking and picking on people is long gone. I prefer to forget about it, because it isn't part of me anymore."

"You were...a bully?" She slowly crept closer to him.

"Yes. I didn't know better back then, and I thought I could raise myself up by shoving other people down."

Kaida motioned around them. "It looks like it worked."

"Sadly, yes."

"What about Keiko? Did you ever pick on her?"

Daisuke scrunched his brow in thought before shaking his head. "I can't remember anyone by that name."

Kaida grabbed his right nut aggressively. "Wrong answer."

The air in the room went cold and heavy with malice. Kaida's form burned away in blue soul fire. Naked now with black skin from knees and elbows to the tips of her digits, she wore the stockings of a red fox. Her ears were those of a fox, and waving randomly about behind her was five huge fluffy fox tails- she is a kitsune! Insulted by Daisuke as a single-tailed fox four hundred years ago, her childhood was a mess because of it. His insults came with all the other children turning their noses up at her, for no reason other than to leech off his popularity. Daisuke was in trouble- kitsune's magic was far more malicious than that of a tanuki, they could be just as much a demon as a clever forest spirit. With only five tails she would be quite limited, but still as powerful as Daisuke.

He couldn't even move at risk of her crushing his ball with her hands- or the tiny but sharp claws on her fingertips. He felt a wave of magic through him from the point of contact, resonating around inside his balls like a gentle, warm, tingling wave. He staggered back when his balls started to visibly surge in size. A strong outward pressure surged in pulsing waves, stretching the huge meaty spheres each time. He tried to get away from her grip but fell backward- or as close to falling as he was able to. His balls were too huge and heavy to allow him that much movement- he fell back till his scrotum went taught, then he fell straight down and his balls rocked back to meet him. In a sitting position they were almost as tall as he is! He groaned helplessly as they strained bigger and heavier still, and in complete defiance of the situation his cock was painfully erect. Even his taint started to swell up uncomfortably as the growth went all the way back to his prostate now. The pulsing expansion of the balls was starting to push him back a bit, fighting for more room. A deep muffled gurgling could be heard deep inside as they grew still, radiating heat, and each one contracting and relaxing slightly out of sync. His taint became so bloated and huge it felt like he was sitting on a pool noodle! Keiko grinned wickedly and backed up to give the wobbling spheres room as they shoved over tables and pedestals in the foyer to make more space. His urethra swelled huge making it look like his dick was filled to capacity, as a slow but steady stream of clear glistening pre trailed uncontrollably from the head. It started to feel like he was already cumming, but the pressure didn't let up, it just continued to grow. He desperately grabbed his shaft and tried to masturbate but the balls shoving up against it constantly made it quite difficult, and it didn't seem to be working. Keiko made it impossible either way- she planned it out better than that. The veins on the scrotum darkened and bulged outward as it finally started to become more round. With each ball the size of a small vehicle even his versatile scrotum couldn't keep up with the size and ran out of space. It pulled tighter the rounder it got, as all the slack in the skin vanished. His shaft was hard as stone an then his taint too, and finally the balls themselves. The pressure came from each ball trying to get bigger even though there was no room, it came from his prostate overfilled beyond capacity and unable to release, and it came from his now overtaxed scrotum, where it joined the rest of him and kept getting pulled by growth.

Writhing on the floor and humping uncontrollably, the sensations were too much for him to even notice when Keiko climbed the huge balls. She forced her weight down several times once she was on top, causing her to bounce up and down on the huge taught nuts. She commented on how smooth and hot they were before sitting comfortably in the groove between them. She sat with her legs away from him, so all he seen was her porcelain backside, round bottom, and the swollen peach against his skin. Her five huge glossy tails gently rested down on him, fanned out. With a wink over her shoulder she slid down the crevice of his massive nutsack like a playground slide, and as soon as Daisuke touched fluffy tail, as she dragged them over nearly the entire scrotum he reached his limit! With one final heave his balls grew, then contracted and started shrinking as his cock exploded with a near-constant pillar of ivory goo, so powerful it struck the roof before spraying every which way. Rather than gush out with each pulse it was spraying constantly and only paused with each pulse! Keiko glanced at the clock, sighing as she knew this would take a while and decided to raid his fridge while Daisuke was utterly paralyzed.

Keiko came back about a half hour later licking some whipped cream from her clawed fingertips, and assessed the huge mess before her. Daisuke lay in a small lake of spunk panting heavily. His balls were still as big as a watermelon each, simply because they couldn't shrink back down quick enough after having been so huge.

Daisuke looked at her nervously. "W-what do you plan on doing with me now?!"

Keiko shrugged. "Wanna see a kabuki show later?"

"I...uh, what?"

Keiko crossed her arms and walked closer. "What? Where do you wanna go on a date? You have many years of bullying me to make up for still after all."

"You...want to be my girlfriend still?"

She nudged his balls out of curiosity with her feet. "Unless you have a better plan to make it up to me?"

"N-no! That is quite alright! Anywhere you want to go, just...go easy on me?"

She turned to walk away. "I will consider it. Get your pants on and start showing me a good time already." She smiled back at him over her shoulder. "If you still got the balls."

Boarish Taste

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