Boarish Taste

Story by iplank on SoFurry

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A man seemingly immune to seduction reveals his secret when his crush decides to make the first move, thanks to some intervention on behalf of the kitsune Keiko. The haunted brothel has never been so alive!

Shiroinami readied himself at the side of a river to catch and sell some more prize fish. He is a Kappa, so his green skin blends in with the brush at the river's side. His webbed digits were halfway between a turtle and human hands, so able to swim and still hold a fishing rod just fine. The plates of the lower shell mimicked human abs and pecs, and the upper shell was longer and the hump farther up to accommodate bipedal posture. His face was mostly occupied by a large but short beak, and like all Kappa there was no top portion of his skull. The inside was filled with water that rippled with strange patterns as he thought- the water was both his mind and spirit, removing it would be instantly fatal.

Shiroinami was surprised when no sooner had his fishing hook entered the water, it caught a fish! He was quick to yank it out, using his power over water to remove the fish before it put up too much of a fuss. It was an odd one indeed, as if it wanted to be caught. Shiroinami shrugged and turned to grab his cleaver, but turned back when he felt the fish's weight suddenly vanish! The fish was gone and a four-tailed red kitsune was beside him! He recognized it as Keiko, a kitsune Shiroinami's friend had picked on from time to time.

Keiko transformed her tails to rope and bound his neck and wrists. "Aha! Shiroinami, you are real close friends with that thug Daisuke, aren't you? Wasting good fish on that rotten tanuki..."

Shiroinami shrugged as much as he could while bound. "Practice is practice. I will be a master chef one day! And as much as he bullies folks, Daisuke has a good heart, he will make something of himself one day too, I am sure of it."

Keiko growled. "Your going to help me prank him back! You will prepare a heinously spicy fish that will liquefy his bowels instantly!"

"I don't have to do anything you say, fox."

"Oh, and why do you think that? You look rather tied up to me."

He motioned behind her. "Because you thought to bind me in the place where I am the most powerful."

A huge figure made of water stood over Keiko from the river, holding the point of an ice sword at her threateningly. Keiko quickly released her hold on Shiroinami.

The kappa rubbed the skin where the rope tails chaffed. "But one good prank does deserve another. How about this- you help me, and I will help you."

Seeing no better alternatives Keiko listened to his dilemma. A brothel in the red light district had been abandoned two years ago after one of its best girls killed herself suddenly within the building. Humans abandoned it as rumors flooded the area that the brothel was haunted by the regretful spirit of the woman. Sure enough, the pained soul of the woman did not pass on but transcended into the yokai known as a Kejoro. Being a yokai now, and still every bit as beautiful as she was in life- she now had Shiroinami's heart. He was not good with emotional situations though, and dared not approach the emotionally distraught spirit at risk of making things worse and botching his chance. Shiroinami wanted to send Keiko in his place, to face Zankoku and try to help her.

In the form of a normal fox, Keiko rushed to the red light district. She was already familiar with the area, as this was the best place to party and let loose. She smirked at the irony of people fleeing the brothel because it was haunted by a yokai- when Keiko and many other yokai came here regularly without anyone knowing or complaining. It took her a bit to find the specific building, since no one went there in two years. The place had fallen apart pretty badly in a relatively short time- if anyone purchased the land the would have to rip the building down, it was beyond the point of being repairable. Inside it was mostly empty, having been gutted two years ago during its evacuation. The street lamps were always lit in this area, so the light from the always-active streets filtered into the building even at night. Her soft paw pads made no sound as she slipped through the building, checking room by room and making her way to the higher floors.

Keiko stopped abruptly at the top of the stairs leading to the third and final floor- scrunching her body up and almost tumbling back down. There was a snare! She used her nocturnally adept fox eyes to spot it, and it was actually not a snare, but close. A single black strand of very long hair pulled taught across the way, low enough to meet her throat in fox form. If she rushed up the stairs without sensing it, it would have cut her throat open. Keiko turned to her demi human form and stepped over it, pausing again as she felt another on her shoulder. It ran from roof to floor! She squinted and seen against the darkness, hair trap wires all over the hall going in every direction, trap after trap! If she was not incredibly good at seeing in the dark they would be invisible, and deadly. They also unintentionally revealed Zankoku's location however- the hair trapped the hall up to the second door on the right from the top of the stairs, but not beyond that. That must be her room.

Keiko slid the door open to see an old musty bed, rotting curtains and clothing in the closet. This room did not get gutted like the others, because this was the haunting. Keiko moved an arm forward and the room was bathed in pale blue light as fox fire danced in the air, igniting and burning away still more snares within the room. Zankoku's voice seemed to come from all around, but Keiko still spotted her in the corner of her eye. Zankoku emerged from the mirror at the side of the room. In the mirror, a noose made of twisted bedsheets hung from the roof, but in the actual room it was not present. She wore a weathered white kimono with green trim and sash. Her hair was a healthy shimmering black, completely obscuring her head except the glowing blue iris of one eye, and it was so long it pooled on the ground at her feet. Kejoro was a type of yokai that used their hair as a weapon- not just these snares but she could manipulate and shape her hair as if it were a limb.

Zankoku wrapped her hair around Keiko's throat. "What do want? Are you trying to exercise me?!"

"N-no, I came to try and help, I just heard what happened here."

Zankoku sighed, lowering her head and releasing her hair grip. "It would seem foolish. It is not the life I wanted, but it was my job to seduce- to capture the hearts of men. But there was one man who captured mine, but...he never had any interest in me at all! I could never even make him consider following me back here, no matter what! I couldn't stand it! I realised I was just a character in a play...nothing I did seemed to have any consequence outside of these walls. I could seduce anyone I was made to here, but failed on the one and only man I tried to outside these cursed walls!"

Keiko thought long and hard on the story, asking who the man was. His name was Ren, and he was one of the hands of the local smithy- he and others he worked with cut through this area on the way to work daily. Keiko promised to return to Zankoku, but needed to do a little spying on Ren first- she can't fix anything with only half the story. Three days passed and Keiko still did not return though. Zankoku was resigned to her bleak fate, clinging to memories of better days.

At sunfall on the third day however, she heard the muffled voice of Ren and drifted to a hole in the floor that went right to the ground level. Ren and one of his coworkers Kaito gently opened the front doors and slipped inside, closing it behind themselves in spite of the darkness it invited. Why on earth were living men in a haunted, condemned brothel?

Kaito grabbed Ren, turning him to rest on the bottom steps in the empty main hall. "Ren, I seen the way you glance at me from time to time...with the heat from the bellows, so many hot, muscular men, surely you too get caught in the moment?"

Ren was completely dazed, still trying to get his head around Kaito taking him here so suddenly. "What are you getting at?"

Kaito wasn't having any subtlety right now and quickly kissed Ren! His short bristly facial hair scratching lightly on Ren's softer face. Kaito began to strip Ren, who neither helped nor resisted, but rather watched, breathing heavily from his pounding heart rate. Ren and Kaito always made rather flirty jokes together at work but no one- including them ever thought much of it. Kaito removed his shirt and unfastened his pants to release his dick. They were both surprised at its size, even to Ren it seemed bigger than he was used to- perhaps pushed farther by his suppressed desire playing out before him? It seemed as thick as always but at least a good inch longer. Kaito brought his face down, kneeling to Ren who sat on the steps. He ran the bridge of his nose up the shaft, teasing it and taking in the musk before reaching the end and taking it into his mouth. He seemed...bigger than Ren remembered as well, and Kaito's clothing seemed rather right on him as well. He gently sucked Ren, cupping his balls with one hand and holding his hip with the other. Ren could swear it felt like his dick was reaching rather and farther back in Kaito's throat! Ren blushed and came powerfully, embarrassed by how quickly he climaxed, but Kaito did not mind at all.

Kaito undid his own pants, pausing a second as he heard his shirt rip a bit from the movement. He was definitely bigger. He quickly flexed, hunching over forcing his top to completely explode off his veiny muscles. There was a mat of hair in the center of his chest, and covering either forearm, and compared to Ren he was gigantic. Most impressive was his balls, each a handful of their own and they hung several inches down in his relaxed sack! His foreskin seemed to pull farther back than was normal, and near the base almost looked to be fused partially to his gut like it was a sheath.

With minimal direction with his huge hands, Kaito turned Ren over to have sex doggy style. Ren almost seemed smaller now, though his hips and butt were larger, as if to adapt to his current lover. His penis however was no smaller- tall and narrow like his whole body, even half flaccid now it was impressively long. Kaito's cock grew slowly, but in both length and girth as he shoved it into Ren's now impressive rump. He thrust powerfully, grunting a bit each time as his muscles seemed to tense up and swell larger with the twinges of pleasure coming from his loins. His balls grew still larger as well, becoming way larger than a humans. His arms and legs got still harrier, and he did not even notice his hands and feet stiffen and stretch, pulling together and compressing into cloven hooves. Small tusks formed at the corners of his mouth as Ren had to brace himself against the bottom step from more aggressive thrusts. Deeper grunts resonated in expanding lungs and nostrils as Kaito's nose grew and grew, starting to flatten a bit as his tusks still surpassed its growth. He gripped Ren tightly with his front legs, thrusting in powerfully as his huge balls bounced against Ren's balls and inner thighs. As he grew so much bigger than Ren, he had to hunch over considerably to hold this position and more than anywhere else, his hunched back erupted in prickly quill-like hairs. His ears became large, his curved tusks nearly nine inches long, and his face stretched into a large snout. The hair now covered his entire body and his final change was a short tasseled tail- Kaito had become a giant boar!

Kaito's huge nostrils jet hot air down on Ren, who had to focus his strength on bracing his comparatively tiny frame under the weight and animalistic aggression of his much larger lover. With a series of powerful grunts Kaito's huge balls blasted cum into the tiny male below, filling him to capacity and eventually forcing them apart from the pressure. The huge boar nuzzled Ren before plopping down beside him to rest, and Ren cuddled up to his furry body, even though the hair was so coarse. The two fell asleep quickly after.

Zankoku watched the entire event from above, even as Kaito's beastly body seemed to melt away into wisps of flame that lifted up and gathered into the form of a two tailed fox. Ren's enlarged booty and dick, and diminished body reverted to normal as well as a second two tailed fox emerged. Both kitsune merged together and returned to Keiko's demi human form to confront Zankoku again.

Keiko gave a slight bow. "You see now? Ren had no interest in you because he is gay, it had nothing to do with your ability to seduce."

Zankoku was a bit confused, looking at the men below and back to Keiko. "How did you get them here..?"

"I possessed their bodies- a power I got with my fourth tail. I only need two tails to transform so I split myself into both of them. Each of my tails contains its own soul, so I can divide as many times as I have tails."

Keiko explained further how she discovered all this by watching them as they worked. The two men liked each other for a long time, but neither made a move. Fearing another tragedy like Zankoku's she decided to possess the men and force them together, so their feelings would not continue to be hidden away. And where better for them to do it than at the brothel? Zankoku could never satisfy Ren, even if she was still alive, because he has no interest in women. But this way, she could still see him get satisfaction- as well as finally know she did not fail, she just fell for the wrong person. Keiko did not puppeteer them- she only used the possession to make sure this was the place they ended up, and that they confessed their feelings, the rest was their own doing. The transformations was Keiko making literal their desires for the night- for Ren to be dominated by a big, savage lover.

Though relieved now, Zankoku still found herself lost and alone. She could no longer seduce mortals, and the dilapidated brothel seen no company save Keiko and her antics now. It was then Keiko made mention of the Kappa Shiroinami. He had fallen for Zankoku from afar, but did not want to complicate her already delicate feelings. It was he who told Keiko about the haunted brothel and set all of these events in motion!

At Keiko's lead, Zankoku was brought to Shiroinami, and he introduced her to his three star seafood! She was a yokai now, just like Shiroinami and Keiko. Mortals had become closed off to her for the most part, but another world of strange and powerful beings has been opened up. Very grateful of the way things turned out thanks to Keiko, Shiroinami cooked her up an entire swordfish for her to devour, and cooked a 'firebomb fish' to trick Daisuke into eating to get him back for bullying Keiko. A kappa and a kejoro made for an odd couple, but they got along quite well and made each other happy, which was all one needed. Although...Keiko did dread what their children may look like.


Having struggled to get through her last adventure because of her lack of skill at shapeshifting, the now three tailed kitsune Keiko seeks help. She has refined her skill of seduction and learned to let loose and not allow her troubles to shackle her,...

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Long ago in Nippon, a new litter of weasel kits were born into the world. Deep in their burrow the tiny kits did not have to worry about the wars of humans going on just outside on the surface. Their parents were skilled and swift and brought back...

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Fox Dance

First Verse : Keiko And Kitsune In the mid 15th century Nippon, the land was in turmoil. The poor rarely lived long enough to mourn their status as resource hungry Daimyo and Shogun taxed them into non-existance to feed their own coffers. War...

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