Inkei no Kami (God Of Cock)

Story by iplank on SoFurry

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Keiko the lovable troublemaker kitsune finds her lewd ways a hit with most of the people in Nippon, causing her benefactor's shrine to receive an abundance of donations. But every up side has its down, as an old and nearly forgotten kami named Mishaguji becomes jealous, and has just the plan to force Keiko to share...but does he have her as cornered as he thinks?

Many people gathered to Inari mountain to celebrate the restoration and expansion of its impressive shrine, once again booming with visitors. The long path up to the shrine proper had even added some new torii, putting the number of spirit gates to nearly 100. This place was best known for worshipping the God of rice, and the kitsune. It was the sudden uprising of kitsune legends that found the shrine restored to its full glory now. Stories of the helpful and admittedly mischievous spirits had spread gradually in the area, finally reaching a sharp peak just recently. The mayor of the nearby village bowed to the priests in charge, turning to a beautiful woman with a smile and nod.

She stood out even in all the bustle- she was taller than most the people there, and dressed in a beautiful white kimono with scarlet trim. She walked with a swing in her hips and with quick but careful steps. The bounce in her very impressive bust made it clear she wore no support under that. Her brown eyes had the glimmer of a child in a candy shop, and her hair was long silky black with an odd red sheen to it, though most was eclipsed under her rice hat.

The mayor glanced around to make sure no one was watching and bowed briefly to the woman- Keiko, a kitsune in human guise. What looked like seven brightly glinting jewels around her neck were actually small spheres of energy- remnant of her seven tails while she was disguised fully as human. He already knew she was a fox spirit though. The sudden donation to the shrine and its restored facilities came care of the mayor...after Keiko had a little 'fun' with him a week prior. Not that this wasn't the results she was looking for, she was still surprised he remembered any of their time at all with the sheer number of drinks they had. With the kitsune merchandise on the rise and these shrines restores, Keiko felt like she was getting credit for all the good she was doing. Not that she was doing it for the credit in the first place, but that didn't make it any less enjoyable. She has lived for ages now, and the naivety of much shorter-lived people often frustrated her, and she seen enough sad people moping around in her time.

It wasn't till the mayor was leaving back to his office in the village that Keiko noticed an albino snake with an oddly phallic head. It was near the base of a torii, and in spite of how close many peoples footfalls came to it, it did not budge from its place...and seemed to be looking right at Keiko. She grinned, glancing around to make sure no one was watching and walked up to it- following it through the spirit gate when it finally moved. On the other side was not the other torii leading up the mountain but another shrine entirely- a much more desolate one. You could tell it did not have many followers. The shrine slowly got abandoned as time went on, the size of its maintained areas shrank with its donations and available miko.

The snake took off ahead of her as a huge phallic shaped stone pillar smashed out of the warped stone pathway. When he emerged from around the pillar's base he was in his human...ish form. Mishaguji's head was basically that of a huge penis, though still having a human nose and mouth below. His skin was still marble white and he had a long snake tail waving around behind him. He had no need of clothing, standing sternly with his arms crossed before Keiko. From another, run-down barely standing torii, another figure emerged. A woman clad in a translucent cloak that revealed her nude form under it but none of its details. Her black hair was tied loosely into a pony tail, causing the loose hair to hang off her head looking rather like the glans of a penis as if to match Mishaguji. Unlike his tail though, Keiko could see the silhouette of numerous long thin tentacles. This is Mara, a demon of temptation, in contrast of Mishaguji who is a kami.

Mishaguji spoke up first. "Keiko...we haven't seen hide nor hair of you since Nobunaga's rampage across Nippon. A time of much change and turmoil, you can see the state of my shrine! We decide to check on our favorite fox, and what do we find?"

Keiko spread her arms out. "Your favorite fox!"

Mara scoffed. "You go down on more people than the actual god of cock, use cheap tricks to further your own wants, and leave the rest of us in the dust! You shouldn't even have a shrine in the first place!"

Keiko smiled sympathetically. "Hehe, well technically I don't. But as far as anyone's concerned at the moment..."

Mishaguji shook his head. "You are one step from turning your shrine into an overpriced souvenir stand while me, an actual kami is forgotten in the past! You know how difficult the changes have been on some people since Oda Nobunaga!"

"W-well, let's be fair, your shrines took a nose dive since the Yamato era, and that was even before my time. That's why we hung out together occasionally in the first place, remember?"

Mara furrowed her brows in anger. "The point is you are making a mockery of the kami by parading yourself around like one!" Mara threw a bolt of red light to Mishaguji.

Mishaguji caught it in one hand and re-fired it from the other into Keiko. "As punishment you will be branded by my mark. To get rid of it there are multiple methods- either keep doing you're antics and use them instead to fund my shrine...or just stop with your tricks entirely. Kami have been fading from memory for too long, and then you blow past making a mockery of it, so even when shrines do return to the peoples attention it is a cheap, distorted view."

Keiko raised a brow, wondering what he did since the bolt didn't hurt her at all. She opened the collar of her kimono but there was no mark where the bolt hit. She blushed a bit as she checked much lower, and sure enough found a small bulge where there shouldn't be one. She laughed and then shape-shifted into her true form, a seven tailed red fox. To her surprise though, when she was going to step out of her too-big kimono she felt the furry balls on the inside of her thighs and looked between her legs to see her little red rocket! She returned to human form in frustration and shrugged her kimono back into place on her body.

Keiko narrowed her eyes at the two before her. "So that's why Mara is here. You are much more powerful than her but you are a cock god- you don't know any hexes. Mara isn't especially powerful but knows lots of hexes and curses."

Mishaguji blushed a bit now. "I am NOT a cock god! I am the kami of borders, and the fertility of the lands and...efforts in the conception of a child. Fertility and boundaries-" He smacked his palm on the side of the stone pillar. "A phallic stone pillar would naturally be an appropriate emblem. In any case, whenever you are ready to conform to my conditions I will remove the hex on you, simple as that. As a seven tails your power is immense but still no match for a true kami, you can't break it with your own power."

With that Mishaguji and Mara vanished from sight- having gone back to the human plain. Keiko sighed in frustration, but then grinned evilly as her first act with her new genitals was to take it out and take a piss on the stone pillar before she returned to the human world as well. This time she appeared on the other side of the torii wearing casual clothing. She had a long walk ahead of her to get to the wooded area where the torii to Lord Daisuke's summer home was. She had a plan to trick Mishaguji but it required her boyfriend Daisuke's help, and besides that she was hungry and didn't feel like spending money on fast food.

Kei hastily made her way to the village with the intent of cutting straight though, but felt a slight tingle in her new parts, as well as magic slowly welling up. Keiko was wearing a long black skirt and white top, no panties as it seemed like underwear rubbing on her new parts might make things worse. She had the urge to touch it or at least look to see what was going on with it, so she spotted the nearest mall and made a bee line for it. It was a strip mall and quite busy since it was almost White Day. On one hand there was tons of people around if something went awry, but on the other hand there was so many people that the odds of anyone looking specifically at her in the crowd was very low. Keiko slipped into the bathroom, which was thankfully barren of all but one other woman who was at the mirror looking like she was heading back out anyway. Since it was White Day coming up, 90% of the crowd out there was men, so the woman's bathroom was still a safe zone. She slipped into a stall and locked it behind her. Squatting by the toilet in the floor she pulled her skirt down to reveal it.

It was quite small, either a very poorly endowed adult or a well endowed child's bits. It stood in full attention but that didn't go far- and under her long skirt it was entirely unnoticeable. The balls as well were a small penny-pouch size, and when she touched it Kei felt familiar flesh still there. The backside of the tiny scrotum trailed into puffy pussy lips behind! She still had her vagina, minus the clit, right behind the new equipment. Kei chuckled as this was seeming like less of a punishment by the second. Not only was she almost entirely unaffected other than the new additions- the additions were small and hardly any hindrance at all! In fact, since the piss was rerouted to the new set, it was more convenient than anything! She was starting to wonder if this negated her periods as well, because that would just be golden. Both ovaries and testicles are gonads, so she was left to wonder if the balls replaced hers or if she had two sets of gonads at once wasn't really something she could check. Smiling at how cute her diminutive pecker was she reached down with onto two fingers and a thumb to stroke it. It was a LOT less sensitive than her clit was but it was also much larger, thus the nerves were spread over a larger surface area. As it engorged itself, its coloration darkened and it became more and more sensitive as the blood bloated its form more taught. It felt like it was already at full erection, but she should have known better than to think Mishaguji would have left it at just that. What started as a little pecker turned full penis and then to a rigid dick. From three inches to six in a matter of seconds, slowing but not stopping till it achingly stretched to eight inches before it burst, firing long thick ropes of hot goo into the toilet. Her pussy clenched and glistened with juices as well, taking the orgasmic sensation much deeper into her body. Male orgasm was powerful but also very controlled, while a female orgasm wasn't really contained at all and emanated around their entire nether regions- which is why loss of lower muscle control temporarily is common during it. Right now Keiko got both types at the same time. Great feeling, but also made it impossible to contain her yips of pleasure that hopefully no one else heard. Especially since they were notably more fox-like than human sounding.

After a minute of catching her breath and letting her thoughts clear again, Kei looked down to see her dick still standing. It wasn't hard, but it wasn't getting soft either. It had some flexibility in it but this was the size she was going to have to deal with. Once her clothes were back in place, you couldn't tell the bump the dick made from any of the other ripples in the fabric of her skirt, so she shrugged it off. Keiko knew Mishaguji wanted results and knew Keiko would be stubborn, so there was likely more growth on the way. She glanced at an open rectangular window and her clothing dissolved into the air as she turned to her fox form. Her additional tails turned to tiny orbs of blue fox fire and she collected them in her mouth so no one would think twice about seeing her. She quickly jumped up into the window and slipped out of the opening and jumped back down to the ground outside the mall. She flinched as the long drop caused her cock to bob so heavily that it hit the ground under her lightly. She looked down at the plump red shaft...was it already longer? She dashed between buildings, around poles and between the legs of moving horses. In fox form she flowed like water- all anyone ever seen was a streak of orange-red fur. She had to be more and more careful as she went though, feeling the cock bounce a little more every so often. It was slow, but it was growing. Her balls were starting to heat up from friction against her inner thighs by the time she reached the forest. She jumped through the torii and resumed her mostly human form in the safety of the spirit realm.

Daisuke turned to her as soon as Keiko burst in though the doors of his castle. "Welcome back Kei. Happy almost birthday!" It was only then he noted she was nude and sporting a bit more in her nethers. "B-bad day?"

"Uugh! It was going fine earlier, but I ran into a real dick."

"But did you have to bring him home with you?"

Keiko lowered her brows at his attempt at humor. He had his master chef Kappa servant make them a grand dinner as usual- his specialty as well, seafood. Keiko went over her plot to pull a fast one on Mishaguji. Daisuke wasn't surprised she had already thought of a counter-plot. The lord tanuki had been a trickster back in his younger years but even his worst paled in comparison to her. She still seemed upset though, and darkening her mood wasn't an easy task. This in turn hurt Daisuke to see her like this, especially on the eve of her birthday.

Kei finished picking her fangs with a fish bone and flicked it away. "So that is the plan anyway. The tricky part will be Mara...but it should be fine either way."

Daisuke pat his round tummy as he finished eating as well, even though he ate three times as much. "So what is the problem? We will get you back to normal no matter what. You still look beautiful even with it."

Keiko sighed, glancing away. "But is what he said true? Am I making a mockery of real kami? I don't care so much about bargain-bin has-beens like Mishaguji, I seem slutty to you?"

Daisuke laughed. "You seem like my Kei. And you know what you are? True to yourself. You never give a damn what anyone thinks- you do what you think is fun, and share that with anyone you encounter. You never cared if it was slutty or not. Why care now? If it makes you and others happy, who gives a damn what people want to call it? Mishaguji is just trying to buy a ride on your fortune with guilt. But we both know he can't afford the ticket."

"Yea, you're right." She adjusted her seating but as soon as Kei uncrossed her legs there was a thud against the bottom of the table that rattled the silverware. "Uh...feel like having a little fun before we go to sleep?"

"Uh, well...actually I was-"

Keiko lowered her brows again as she stood from the table. "I still have all my old parts."

"Oh! Right. Yes, yes I think I would be up for that."

As usual, Daisuke got into bed first, since he was much heavier than Kei he was always below. Jumping up just after him on all fours Keiko crawled over him, her tails slowly rocking back and forth spread out like a hand fan. Daisuke closed his eyes with a relaxed smile as he felt her foofy tails tickling his torso. Kei had to grab her nuts up to not obstruct her pussy and slide his shaft into her. He was a good size but more importantly his dick was real thick, Keiko smirked a bit noting her own cock was longer than his by at least two or three inches now. She rocked her hip forward and leaned back, then pushed herself down and rocked her hips back. When she rocked back to swallow his length completely her own balls rest against Daisuke's, and there was no comparison between those. Keiko's were about the size of a large egg each, Daisuke's were about the size of a small beach ball each! Each time Daisuke got deep into her, her own cock throbbed and slapped her stomach. It never hit the exact same place twice. Each time the glans were a little bit higher. Right over her navel to start, then a bit past. The weight started to be noticeably different as it grew past this point, and then again to start prodding the bottom curve of her impressive breasts. On the next forward thrust she bent her torso to lance her own cleavage with her cock, letting out a high pitched yip in surprise at the pleasure. Her fat wet pussy lips touching down on his tamed pubes, her soft scrotal flesh on his, and her taught, purpled, rubbery glans skin buried in her own pillowy soft tit flesh. She looked down with beet-red face at her balls which were like baseballs each now and her pussy clenched like a vicegrip as she orgasmed from it. The extreme pressure bulged all the veins on Daisuke's cock with trapped blood, stretching the nerves over them as far as he could take and he came in her explosively as well. Her cock felt like it was having an orgasm but it didn't shoot anything. Instead the feeling continued and she seen the shaft bulging well beyond just an overfilled urethra and pressurized veins snaking around the length. The shaft became as big around as a baseball bat at its widest point, exceeding the grip of a single hand. The orgasm in her love box died down but increased in the cock, concentrating toward the head to excruciating levels. The head of the cock looked like it was going to literally pop as it forced its way up through the cleavage, gaining several inches in a matter of seconds, and found its way into her mouth on the other side before it figuratively exploded. The swollen head barely fit in her mouth at all and the pressurized cum knocked her tongue down to blast right down her throat directly forcing her to choose when to breath in very carefully. The bloated monster was such a tight fit she could feel each coming blast alone by the urethra trying to pry her upper lip further. A moment after the blasts was just a steady trickle and the head softened enough to pull back past her teeth, the weight of the cock alone pulled itself from her mouth and flung some lingering strands of goo on the far wall. Again it did not return flaccid, nor did it stay erect. The semi stiff shaft that matched a baseball bat in girth and exceeded it in length, stood straight out from her waving back and forth with the slightest movements, not letting her forget for even a moment how heavy it is.

The next day arrived, and Mishaguji waited patiently for any signs of Keiko. In the form of the albino snake he traced the stone plates that made up the pathways, just out of boredom. It took him a few minutes to realise there was an unseen presence nearby. There was someone here in the spirit realm, while he was waiting in the mortal's plain. He felt like slapping his forehead if he had hands in this form. Her dick must be huge by now, of course she wouldn't walk to the shrine on the human side! He slipped through the torii taking on his humanoid form again. He felt Mara's presence but she did not reveal herself yet.

Keiko stood proudly with hands on hips till Mishaguji arrived, then lifted her kimono. "Hah! See? My magic IS strong enough, so stop wasting your effort and drop the curse already. Maybe if you had asked nicer I would have helped you out, but this wasn't the way." There was no phallus on her anymore!

Mishaguji let out an unamused chuckle as he crossed his arms. A ring of phallic pillars burst out around Keiko. "Sorry Lord Daisuke. Your impersonation of her is spot on, but your particular type of woodland magic is too easily identified from mine and Kei's."

The false Keiko turned back to Daisuke, now trapped in a circle of stone. The real Keiko walked out sadly from between two of the shrine buildings. The lower half of her kimono was parted by the bobbing meat pillar, still stuck perpetually between soft and erect.

She got onto her knees and bowed her head till her forehead touched the ground. "I did not mean to offend anyone in the first place. I just wanted to have can have whatever you want from me. Just turn me back so we can all get on with our lives. I am sorry."

Mishaguji smiled. "There, that wasn't so hard, was it? My request wasn't unreasonable...I just knew you wouldn't cooperate simply with a request."

Mara finally appeared, literally rising from a shadow, and formed the runic array in her hand. If it was placed on someone who already had it, the two cancel each other out, breaking the curse. She approached Keiko cautiously at first, but the kitsune remained prone.

From her bowed position Kei addressed Mishaguji once more. "Do you have nothing to say to me at least?"

Mishaguji shrugged. "What do you mean?"

"Today is my birthday."

Mishaguji jumped back several feet as his heart practically jumped into his throat. "Shit, it is a trap Mara!"

An eighth tail lined itself up with the others behind Keiko as she jumped up faster than Mara could react. She grabbed Mara's hand and forced her to slam the runes into her own body! Instantly, Mara's labia bloated tremendously covering up her slit under her translucent veil. Her ovaries mutated and descended into them as the lips sealed together into a scrotum. Her entire body stiffened and started to bloat and stretch. She fell onto her ass as her legs and arms lost their strength, and slowly started to lose feeling as well. By the time she was twice her normal height her new balls had bloated to the size of beanbag chairs and her torso was looking awfully cylindrical. Her throat kept opening up on its own making it impossible to form words so only moans escaped her, as her head started to fatten into a familiar shape. Her body became so wide that her legs and arms were completely absorbed into it. She stood at triple her height now by merit of internal pressure alone, since she no longer had bones. Her balls were the size of Volkswagen beetles by the time her former throat- now urethra fully connected slit to balls and her head became the glans. She still had a nose and mouth below the glans, and retained her slew of tentacles though they were all tipped with glans now too!

Mishaguji grit his teeth in anger. "Keiko! You think I will turn you back now? Our power is equal now, so I can still mess you up as badly as you could me! I can make this last as long as I need to- do you really think it's worth it?"

Keiko slowly turned toward him and smiled. "How many women do you know that don't lie about their age?"

Mishaguji's heart sank and his body froze up. The sash on her kimono turned into a shimenawa as she opened the top portion and let it fall away to her hips. Her breasts were bound in place by bandaging cloth. Her fur grew in from elbow to fingertip and her nails turned back to tiny claws. Nine magatama orbited her neck a half foot away, each a different color. Kei's eight tails shifted slightly over to reveal the ninth as her fur turned the color of gold- though her human hair remained silky black. Each of her tails each fired a stream of fox fire that all coalesced into an eight branched, nine tipped sword.

With her free hand she made a flicking motion and Mishaguji was thrown off his feet through the front of one of the shrine buildings and by the time he exited the back, was moving with enough force to rip the entire back half of the building off, causing everything within to tumble along the ground shortly after. Before he even had the luxury of hitting the ground Keiko appeared by him and swung with her sword. He hit the ground and thankfully because of the angle, the farthest tip of the sword hit the ground stopping it just short of cutting him- leaving only a thin red line along the side of his throat. She swiped hard to the side as if to attack something else, and it took Mishaguji a moment to see all the pillars surrounding Daisuke in the background had been cut at the base, causing them to all fall in turn like a ring of dominos.

"K-Keiko! You wouldn't hurt an old friend would you!? I will do whatever you want!"

"I know you will." She shattered the curse on herself with her own power, but kept the cock of her own will. She smacked Mishaguji across the face with the heavy phallus before pointing to it. "It's not going to suck itself."

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