Sangaku Oppai (Mountainous Tits)

Story by iplank on SoFurry

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Vanity is not a bad looking woman by any stretch of the imagination but breasts are the one thing she doesn't have. When she encounters someone else who has it in spades, she is given the opportunity to fix that.

Vanity was a good looking woman but was unsatisfied with her appearance regardless. She was tall and slender with long toned legs, voluminous dark brown hair to her hips in big loose curls, and bright green almond shaped eyes. It wasn't that she did not think she was good looking, like everyone who seen her, she knew she was. What she lacked entirely was a pair of breasts. It wasn't that they were just small- it was hard to see if they even existed at all. She was 23 now and rocking a pair of B cups. Sure they were nice squishy pads when they were out- but put a shirt over them and you forgot they were there at all. No one else cared half as much as she did- but being herself, her opinion was by default the most integral.

Vanity is only half-Asian, but got along well enough in Japan. Her father had moved to Japan to be an English teacher and met her mother. Vanity's father kept close contact with the rest of his family in America, and always speaking English, he very much still embraced his former culture. So Vanity was always bounced between either culture and language between her parents, so she was not especially well versed in either, really.

One day Vanity had some time to kill and decided to take a more scenic route home. She walked the barely used street, looking over the river to her right on the other side. On her left was small shops. She spotted a man and woman laughing together while prancing around on the grass bare foot like two care-free lovers. Vanity blushed as her eyes were immediately drawn toward the prodigious chest of the woman. She was wearing a keyhole sweater and her tits stretched it so far it looked more like an entire doorway. If she dropped something in her cleavage it might take her a minute to find it again. Her hair was straight and glossy, to her chest like a curtain setting the stage. Vanity had no idea how she bounced around so light-footed in the grass with half her body weight on her chest. Because the averages were lower, bra cup sizes in Japan are much different from America- their G is more like a regular American D. These boobs would require a custom made bra- there was no way any stores (especially around here) would stock bras of that size because she would be guaranteed to be the only customer. Vanity had to look away quickly as the woman felt her eyes and glanced over. Vanity remained looking forward, trying her best to look casual and pretend she didn't see anything. The woman's bright red lips curled into a small smile as she seen the blush on Vanity's cheek. Unseen to Vanity, as she walked past the man nodded to the woman and turned into a tanuki and vanished into the taller grass by the river. With the stare of a huntress, the woman skipped to the road and quickly turned into a mouse to skitter after Vanity.

When Vanity reached the end of the street where it turned to more populated ones, the woman called to her while still in the form of a mouse. When Vanity turned the mouse skittered around and turned back into the woman, surprising her when she turned back.

"Ah! Geeze, you snuck up on me. C-can I help you?"

"Mmm~ I was about to ask you the same thing. I seen you...admiring."

Vanity's face went bright red again. "I didn't...I just never seen anyone so...big. It caught me by surprise."

The woman tilted her head, looking through Vanity's physical appearance at the state of her aura. "I see longing and desire in you as well though. Really- can I help you with something? Oh, I should probably pretense all this with..."

The woman held up a strange star that seemed to be slowly turning as it hovered in her palm. When Vanity went to take a closer look a crystal ball formed around it almost instantly, made of crystalline energy. A star ball!

Vanity gasped as it formed magically. "You're a yokai! A...uh, kitsune, right?"

The fox grinned with its mouth full of small fangs. Her nose extended out a bit and turning glossy black along with her lips. Her human ears grew out and coated in soft fox fur, and nine white tipped red fox tails appeared dancing behind her like billowing flame. Her now black hand closed the tiny clawed fingers around the orb, dispelling it again.

"My name is Kei. That is how I can throw around these fun bags with such a petite figure- magic! I can shape-shift into whatever I want. I can see you want something, and I am in the business of helping people. Especially if it has anything at all to do with these~" Kei squished her boobs from either side with her hands, making the cleavage bulge up out of the window in her sweater.

Vanity quickly looked around to see if anyone was watching but no one would be around. This road was most populated by kids returning home from school, but that wouldn't be for a few hours still.

Vanity breathed out a small sigh. "Well, I don't want to seem...lewd...but-"

"Oh no, be as lewd as you want. Trust me I am down with pretty much anything."

"No! It isn't just...might sound like it is. I just always sort of wanted...boobs. I mean, not like THAT, those would snap me in half. Just...more than this." Vanity lowered her brows as she motioned at her own chest.

Kei squinted, then leaned forward looking at her chest. Then walked to the side to look at her in profile, trying to actually see any indication she even had breasts. "Well. You got a nice ass."

Vanity squeaked and turned to face Kei again to hide the curve of her rump. "That wasn't the issue!"

"Who are you trying to impress? Are you trying to win someone over, or better satisfy someone you already have?"

"Neither! Its...for...myself."


"Well, just to feel more...womanly? Is that sexist? That sounds kinda sexist. I like me, I am not super smart or talented but I am still a nice person. I guess I always wanted to be the full package, a good head and a good body. I don't look bad or anything but...I dunno, I always feel like I am missing out. And I was always sort of expecting it when I was a teen and then, nothing."

Kei seen Vanity was absentmindedly looking at her huge boobs as she spoke. Being a fox in actuality, Kei's sense of smell was good enough to pick up on even the slightest tinge of arousal.


Vanity's voice was a full pitch higher. "Y-yes."

"I could...enhance yours, if you really want. Just have to make up an excuse for your friends for when you show up several cup sizes bigger."

Vanity's eyes went wide. "Wait, really?! How? Kitsune can shapeshift themselves, but I didn't think they could change others...?"

Kei smirked. "True. We would need a specialized type of magic to do something like this, BUT." A string of one hundred wooden prayer beads materialized coiled up around her entire left arm. "I can channel the powers of other spiritual entities. So I don't need to have a power, I just need to know someone who does, and is willing to lend it."

"You know someone who can make boobs bigger?"

Kei lowered her eyebrows and stared at her for a second. "Really? You, don't know of any deities who are known to freely do that?"

"Boobs? No..."

Kei sighed. "Bodhisattva of Mercy- Kannon. Maybe you'd have got it if I mentioned she is Buddist, not Shinto. I mean the Mama Kannon shrine is decorated with wall to wall boobs. It is kinda its thing. It was made after Kannon blessed a starving mother and child with an abundance of milk and the boobs to house it. She is an avatar of mercy after all."

Kei took Vanity's hand and the two of them seemed to warp into the woods, out of sight of anyone. Kei actually used possession to walk her body there without her realizing or having to be directed. There was the stump of a gigantic elder tree in this area, the edges weathered smooth by rain and time. The inside had decomposed and filled with spongy moss making it a very comfortable seat. Kei sat her down and sat on the ground in front of her, looking like a kid in a candy shop- a little too eager to work her magic. The power of Kannon would be able to technically change her to any size, but Vanity didn't want crazy huge to inconvenience her regular life, and Kei did not want to dip into Kannon's power too much. Buddhism was technically an outside religion but had come to Japan and been welcomed in since long ago, back when it was the Land Of Wa. Shinto and Buddhism went along well enough together so as long as Kei was respectful she could take some power to help someone. Fox spirits as well come from China, and Korea as well, though in those regions they are more aggressive and malicious, where as in Japan they are simply wild cards.

There was a long moment where the two just looked at each other before Kei pointed out that Vanity actually needs to take her top off before anything else. She slipped it off a bit reluctantly with her face hot in embarrassment. At least her audience was a kitsune- no one she knew would hear about or believe this. Kei just touched the tips of all her tails to herself and her entire outfit seemed to disintegrate, since the entire thing was part of her illusory form- she wasn't really wearing anything to begin with. Vanity couldn't help but openly gawk at the huge fat spheres. They were magically enhanced so they did not quite obey any of the laws of physics. They flopped down but not nearly as far as they should, and they wobbled but bounced back with unusual elasticity. Breasts this big would hang to her lap normally, but only made it down to her navel. No proper bra size would fit them, so to compare them to something else in size, they were in between the small and huge sized beach balls. Kei pet the rotund sides of her huge tits and asked Vanity to use those as an example of a stopping point- don't go any bigger than those, they would immobilize her under normal situations.

With no warning Kei swung herself up and plopped back down, slapping her tits down into Vanity's lap and almost yanking her off the stump by accident with the weight! Yea, those were definitely solid slabs of meat. They moved around like they weighed next to nothing, but when they came into contact with another surface you could tell they were hefty as hell. Kei obviously wasn't going to take no for an answer and Vanity really wanted to anyway- she reached out to touch the huge boobs. The skin was so very taught, filled to the brim with fat. Breasts actually had a layer of muscle that encompassed them as well, that connected the skin to the fat tissue- which was why wearing a bra too much was bad. Muscle atrophy. Vanity ran her hands around the curvature of the outer breasts before cupping the bottom and hefting them up with some effort. The entire breast wobbled and jiggled as she bobbed them up and down with her hands. Normal breasts of this size would likely ripple like a water balloon when doing this, but the magically enhanced muscle layer held them too taught, so they bounced and jiggled like smaller breasts would instead.

While Vanity entertained herself, gazing half-lidded at the breasts lustfully- Kei gently cupped her hot palms over Vanity's tiny breasts. There was nothing wrong with small breasts, and if asked to choose a preferred size, Kei doubted she could decide. Small and big tits acted and reacted differently but not really better or worse- they both offered different things and fit different looks. If everyone was one size it would be boring- no matter what that size was. But she wanted bigger, and she wanted it for herself not anyone else or to fit a specific image, so Kei had no hesitations in helping her get there. Vanity's grip on Kei loosened as she sat back a bit more and let out a small gasp as the warmth filled her breasts and spread out around her. She looked down at herself and seen her soft mounds plumping up. She could feel the pressure against her skin increasing but not becoming uncomfortable as the skin stretched to accommodate. Her nipples became erect from the sensation and the feeling of Kei's palms rubbing them. Kei grinned and moved her hands down a bit so the erect nipples popped between her fingers and then closed her fingers on them, making Vanity cry out in surprise. With the nipples still pinched between fingers Kei started to push into the breasts gently and move her hands around slowly in a circular fashion, massaging the tissue as it bloated out. Vanity passed through C quickly enough and hit D, then fattened into a DD before she pulled back out of Kei's grip. She gasped for air like she had just run a marathon. The sensation had been filling her like a slow full-body orgasm and her heart rate and breathing had been increasing along with the size of her breasts.

Vanity looked at them, not sure how much she should take. There was more to think about than one would assume. How did she explain her size to the people who know her? At what size did she start to get automatically stereotyped as a bimbo? How big would they need to be before they started to inconvenience her? Japanese homes generally do not waste space- so a woman with large breasts could accidentally clear off a table or counter by turning too quickly. Taking a shower with a partner becomes impossible without slamming the other person against the wall. Tying your shoelaces suddenly becomes very difficult, and you can't look at over half your body because its been eclipsed! She did want more though. To feel the growing again, AND to be even larger, but she had to think practically about it as well.

Vanity grabbed her breasts and moaned immediately- they were so much more sensitive. " soft~"

Kei stood up straight with a mischievous grin. "Pretty soft, yea, but wanna know what the softest thing ever is?"

Vanity just slowly nodded not sure what to expect. Kei thrust her chest forward bouncing Vanity off the taught surface, knocking her flat on her back across the huge stumps soft surface. Before Vanity could ask what she was doing Kei's huge breasts cast their huge shadow over her and came down on top of her. Both women cooed at the sensation, their erect nipples jousting each other and poking into the areola just beside one another. The softest feeling of all was breast on breast, one softness against another! When letting their weight down Kei's huge monsters were big enough to swallow Vanity's breasts into them even with their increased size. Kei shook her chest back and forth, sending wobbling waves down her breasts and shaking Vanity's through convection. Breathlessly Vanity squeaked that she wanted bigger, giving in to the urge. The feeling was just too good to resist! It felt almost like Kei's boobs were sucking her in, but it was her breasts pushing into the soft flesh harder as they grew and swelled out. Slowly she was lifting Kei's huge tits with her own breasts! The feeling of the stiff nipples grinding each other was the sharpest and strongest pleasure, so Vanity directed her there. Normally just the breast itself was increased but that didn't have to be so. Vanity felt the pressure focus itself under the areola as it bloated and swelled up and out turning hot pink in colour and puffing up forming its own soft curve separate from the rest of the breast. The feeling of the nipples growing almost tickled it was so intense and focused. They stretched but also bloated as well, becoming thick and meaty. Kei raised an eyebrow as Vanity still did not tell her to finish. She had to pull away her own breasts a bit to get a good look at them, they were unusually large for a human but Vanity did not seem to mind. Without Kei's breasts against them Vanity herself reached up and grabbed her nipples with two fingers and a thumb and yanked them aggressively, making a motion almost as if milking a cow. When it took three fingers to properly grip them she finally stopped Kei. When fully erect they stuck straight out still, but because they were so big now they never became turgid- the blood pressure couldn't get high enough, so they were thick and rubbery. It felt good to squeeze and pull them.

Kei brought her boobs up from below, swinging them forward so her own erect nipples bumped the bottom of Vanity's and lifted them up so Vanity herself could get a better look at them, pointing them back up toward her face. Vanity bit her lip, seeing she may have gone a little too far. She wasn't adverse to having overly impressive teats looked slightly off compared to the rest. She needed to make her boobs bigger now to balance them out. But...not too much bigger. Their size was started to make her a little nervous about the weight. In general breasts don't weight a ton, it is not like they are lead weights, but it is a weight you cannot get rid of- its always there no matter what. Imagine holding a small weight in your hand, easy enough to lift. Now imagine holding it up in your hand forever. After a few hours its going to be a lot harder to keep up. You could counterbalance it with muscle mass in the back, but Vanity was not really the athletic type. Kei pulled away a bit, swinging her huge udders down and bringing her face in to suck one of Vanity's fat teats into her mouth, making her moan uncontrollably, while Kei's boobs covered her entire stomach and filled her lap as her legs squirmed from the pleasure and her panties dampened against her rosy plump nethers. The breasts started to press more and more into Kei's lips as they swelled and fattened more, reaching a full G and then a little bit more. With expert precision Kei reached a single finger down and poked her at the very top of her pussy, pressing down on the clit through its hood which was more than enough. Vanity kicked her legs without meaning to, squealing in pleasure. Her face and ears blood red as she orgasmed. Her violent squirming sending both sets of breasts into fits of jiggling like a plate of jello on a train ride.

As the spell completed and Vanity stopped growing with the orgasm the wooden beads on Kei's arm started to glow and turn into tiny butterflies one by one and scatter. Kei could tell Vanity was happy with this size, but neither of them were confident in her ability to bring herself to actually stop, so Kei made her orgasm to clear her head. Vanity spent a good time just sitting there examining and playing with her breasts. Rolling the squishy skin in her hands, tugging the nipples and swinging her chest around to see them swing. Without a bra they hung as low as Kei's, because unlike the fox's boobs they actually obeyed physics. They formed perfect teardrop shapes when in free-hang. Seeing her job well done Kei poofed back into her true fox form, gave Vanity a nod and skipped happily back into the forest. Vanity had to stretch the fabric of her shirt with her hands before even being able to squeeze her boobs back into it. She was looking forward to a life with these new beauties...though the one thing she was not looking forward to was trying to explain to her family how she grew four or five cup sizes in a single afternoon without sounding like a psychopath.

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