The Gift that Keeps On Giving

Story by Serathin on SoFurry

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This was a fun piece that was voted on by my patreons and was the story that I wrote during my birthday month, and had a few people in said patreon who wanted to join in on the fun! After getting a mysterious gift things start to go completely off the rails and a birthday party becomes something else entirely. Warning, this one involves body horror and oviposition and has a few other bizarre themes. Enjoy!

Serathin whistled to himself as he got everything prepared for his birthday party, tail swishing around as he thought about the fun and frivolity he was about to have with others. Everything was ready to go including snacks, games, and anything else he might need in order to be a good host. Just as he put the large ice chest filled with liquor on the deck however he heard his doorbell ring that caused him to pause. Strange, he thought to himself as he made his way to the door, the invites he had sent out had the start time be a couple of hours from now in order to make sure that he was ready.

When he opened the door to greet his early guest he found himself staring at nothing but his front steps, and after a second of looking around he finally glanced down and saw a gift-wrapped package in front of his door. It confused the hybrid since he had already gotten most of his well-wishes and had told the guests coming that day that such things were not needed. As he picked it up he found it was quite heavy and brought it inside before closing the door behind him. Once he had gotten the large box on his table he looked for a tag and, seeing none, shrugged his shoulders slightly and decided to open it then and there.

There were several layers of wrapping paper and when he finally exposed the box underneath he found it to be some sort of clear plexiglass cube that contained... an egg? It was slightly bigger than an ostrich egg and had a shiny black shell. Once he had gotten the wrapping paper off and opened the box he reached inside to grab it and found that it had a slight squish to it. He also immediately noticed that the shell was quite slick to the point he had to practically cradle it in order to make sure it didn't fall to the floor, the last thing he wanted was for whatever contents were inside of it to make a mess as he continued to examine the ovoid structure of the gift he had gotten.

Though there were no instructions or anything on what it was or its intended use Serathin began to feel a strange need to do something with this egg, and as he thought about what he felt his pants begin to tent. Despite no one being there the mere fact the idea had popped into his mind caused him to blush slightly, as though someone would read his mind and see what he was considering. The more he hung onto the object though the more he rationalized that he had some time before the party started and given the nature of the gift it was from someone that clearly new him. After a few minutes of back and forth thoughts in his mind the hybrid made a decision that the chips were going to have to wait to be put out...

...this thing was going inside of him.

Serathin quickly made his way up the stairs with egg in hand and as soon as he was in the privacy of his bedroom he stripped off his clothes and laid down naked in his bed with the object in hand. At first he thought about getting some sort of lube to aid in the insertion but the slick, shiny surface of the egg felt like it would be enough. He couldn't believe he was using a sex toy so close to guests coming but the idea of this thing sitting inside of him was quickly overriding any other thoughts. After using a bit of gel that was on the egg to slicken himself up he spread his legs and began to sit down on top of the narrower point of the object.

At first the draconic sabrewolf thought that it might be hard to keep it steady while he attempted to stretch himself open but as soon as the egg was nestled between his cheeks it almost seemed to push itself in. He let out a soft gasp of pure pleasure as it began to stretch his tailhole open and when it soon became clear he had wedged it in so it wouldn't slip out of his grasp he brought one hand up to stroke himself. He was so hard that the throbbing member practically jumped in his hands when he grabbed onto it, growing more aroused with every inch of the egg inside of him. There was something strange about how satisfying it was to penetrate himself like this but as he started to get to the widest part of the egg those thoughts were pushed away by the sheer pleasure coming from his backside. Soon his mind was focused on only one thing; get the mysterious egg inside of him as he jerked himself off on his bed as he found his thighs straining to push his body and stretched tailhole down.

Suddenly Serathin felt his butt press against his sheets and it caused him to fall backwards, his hand that had been holding the egg finding that it was now being pulled inside of him. At that point the hybrid's mind rose up above the fog of lust and realized he was about to have something disappear into him that he wouldn't be able to retrieve, but when he attempted to slide his fingers in and grab onto it the last of the shiny black surface was disappearing into him. His legs quivered and both his hands gripped the side of the bed as his tailhole closed around the object, sealing it inside of him as he felt it travel up into him. The idea he had a strange rubber egg sex toy inside was immediately pushed aside from the waves of pleasure as feeling it continue to slide through him had caused him to orgasm.

Serathin's hips bucked up into the air as a climax unlike anything he had ever felt before rocked his body, pushing back into the sheets as he let out an uncharacteristically loud cry of pure euphoria. He continued to cum for what felt like minutes as a heaviness settled into his stomach and eventually it was too much for him. The naked sabrewolf's head flopped to the side as he passed out while his mind swam in the warm afterglow of his insertion. As he laid there a bulge began to appear in his stomach, his hand subconsciously drifting towards it as it rippled and gurgled slightly before pushing out the purple fur even more...

When Serathin opened his eyes once more it was to the sound of his doorbell ringing, and when he woke up the first thing that went through his mind was that he had overslept and his guests were here. The second thing was that as he looked at his stomach it was distended to the point of being rotund. It was like he was pregnant as he slowly got up and as he heard the doorbell ring again he realized that either the egg had somehow expanded in his stomach or the resulting insertion had made him bloated. When he got on his feet everything felt off-balance and when he started to stand he got on the balls of his feet.

As the hybrid steadied himself Serathin heard the door downstairs opened and remembered that he had left it unlocked in order for people to just come in. He grunted as he looked down at his clothes and his belly and anything but the baggiest of sweats was going to fit over it. What concerned him even more though was that he could see his cock sticking out from beyond his belly. He was incredibly hard and throbbing still, and as he continued to watch it his head tilted in question as he watching something inky drip from the tip onto the ground.

"Hey Serathin!" a voice called out from beyond his bedroom. "You up there?!"

"Yeah!" Serathin called back, though as the swelling in his belly started to flatten his pectorals had started to fill out. "I just... need a moment..."

Serathin tried to say more but as he heard the one that was in his house respond that it's fine his hands went up to his throat. He found himself stumbling as something began to drip from his mouth, and as it coated his tongue he started to gasp. Whatever he had put inside of him was starting to move and it was spreading rapidly through his system. He stumbled backwards as a mixture of confusion and pleasure went through his entire body and it caused him to start to pant even with an increase of the saliva dripping from his lips. The draconic sabrewolf grabbed onto his head as his shoulders cracked and popped and his chest continued to barrel out. It wasn't just his body either, as Serathin felt his jaw snap something pushed inside of his skull as more of the shiny liquid began to leak out of his ears and nostrils.

"Unnnngggghhh..." Serathin managed to groan as he felt his tongue flopping around outside of his mouth as he was no longer able to close his mouth. When he caught a glimpse of himself in the mirror as he tried to make his way to the bathroom he could see streaks of the shiny black substance in his fur as his musculature warped and swelled right before his eyes. He stood there in shock before he made a face as his neck suddenly cracked, a black substance leaking into one of his eyes as his sides and chest began to stretch out.

It felt like something was growing inside of him, not only the egg itself but tentacles of alien flesh that pushed out his fur and scales as it grew through his form like an extra set of veins. As Serathin brought his quivering fingers to a particularly thick set of tentacles that were winding around his pectorals he let out a sharp gasp as his biceps tensed and bulged, the changes cascading down as the muscle thickened. When he flexed his arms reflexively in response he saw the black and silver fur tear, revealing a shiny black surface underneath as tendrils pushed their way out of the opening. The more his body grew the more he began to see black rubber skin exposed as a similar liquid substance oozed out, and though it caused the draconic sabrewolf to gasp and pant there was an undeniable pleasure to it, a powerful alien feeling of need to continue to grow as the tentacles slithering up his neck pushed into his skull.

The sudden increase of mass on his upper body caused the mutating Sabrewolf to fall backwards onto his bed once more, this time however his body writhed as he felt his draconic feet swell and push outwards while his cock did the same. His entire body felt like something was slithering inside of him and as his tail bulged with new growth his face locked into a snarl. The mass in his stomach continued to jiggle and push outwards and seemed to focus on his cock as it pushed out, the already rubbery flesh becoming bloated as the black substance became smeared over his bedsheets. As Serathin looked up at the ceiling his back arched as new muscle and sinew bulged while his ribcage popped to make more room, the sound of his sheets ripping filling the air as a row of spikes began to push out from his spine...

Meanwhile the several guests that had already gathered looked up at the ceiling as they heard a loud thud, some stopping the snacking that they had already started. "I'm starting to wonder if he's alright," the blue-scaled cobra said as he looked over at the husky that was sitting next to him, the canine shrugging his shoulders as he sipped his punch. "Maybe we should go check on him?"

"I'm sure he's just getting something ready for the party," a gold-scaled dragon responded. "If you want to go up there and see though I'm sure he'd be alright with it Tana."

Tana nodded and went up to the stairs to check on the draconic sabrewolf, and when he got to the second floor he heard something come from the semi-open door that sounded like a groan. Fearing that Serathin had somehow hurt himself the cobra rushed inside and saw the hybrid lying on the bed with his legs twitching in the air. He rushed over to help but stopped short when he saw the quivering creature on the bed was laying in a pool of what looked like liquid latex and there were places where his fur and scale looked like it was being pushed out by something underneath his skin. As he let out a gasp the noise caused the head of the sabrewolf to bolt up and look at him, and as he did Tana's jaw dropped in shock when he saw the maw of the other man hanging loosely around a second shiny rubber muzzle like some sort of ill-fitting Halloween mask.

By the time the cobra's brain told him to turn and run it was too late as the legs of the mutating creature reached forward and grabbed his arms just like they were hands. Before Tana even knew what hit him he suddenly found the creature had twisted around and managed to throw him on the bed before landing on top of him. When he attempted to shout Serathin's name to snap out of whatever was transforming him he suddenly found a webbed rubber hand pressed against his snout with something slithering in past his lips that came from its palm. With the cobra effectively gagged he could continue to hear the increasingly monstrous rubber creature snarl and growl as the grabby feet that had grabbed him in the first place tore away his clothes while the shiny prehensile shaft quickly moved in.

Tana's back arched as the muscular creature on top of him began to push his cock inside, his own springing to life as the black pre that dripped from the tip relaxed and loosened him up before it slid into him with a slight squish. At the same time the cobra began to feel an intense need already starting to burn from deep in his chest, a hunger that was growing with every second of the tentacle inside of his mouth while he felt the ovipositor continue to slide deep into his stomach. What caused every muscle to freeze inside the cobra's body however was feeling the hot breath of the creature on top of him as it pressed his muzzle against his ear, then felt its tongue slide around the scales of his face before pushing his squishy black tentacle tongue into his ear.

The squirming and writhing of the beast on Tana suddenly lessened and the lean, muscular body of the cobra could only twitch in pure ecstasy as he felt the base of the ovipositor inside his tailhole swell. A muffled gurgle left the trapped male as something spherical pushed its way through the thick cock embedded in his tailhole and into him, feeling his own member throb hard as it started to become hard to think. A black substance leaked from his other ear before the tongue had pushed its way though, a similar substance leaking from his nostrils and then his eyes as black tendrils began to appear in the scalera. Both their bodies shuddered as the first egg was deposited into the cobra, followed quickly by a second as Tana's lust-filled mind also noted feeling a similar sensation in his ear as it was stretched from something traveling through Serathin's tongue...

Suddenly the door opened and a black-furred wolf with a green tattoo poked his head in through the door. "Hey guys, we heard some noise and-" his words were cut short as he saw hulking creature on top of the naked cobra, the thick tongue slithering out of Tana's ear before Serathin turned and looked at him with glowing blue irises against a field of black. "Nevermind!"

Juan quickly closed the door but Serathin nearly jumped the entire length of the room with his powerful muscles, taking his claws and smashing through the door before continuing on. For a few seconds Tana remained prone before turning over, his stomach swollen and his cock completely erect. His member was already starting to drip a shiny black fluid as he slowly sat up, his body twitching as the muscles of his limbs thickened. As he stood up and saw himself in the mirror he was drooling a black substance that also leaked from his ears, nose, and eyes, but it wasn't long before he let out a hiss as his head jerked and his tongue lengthened, fangs growing past his teeth while two large bulges began to push out the scales of his back.

Meanwhile those that had gathered for the party looked up in confusion at the large slamming noise and sound of loud footsteps running towards the door, Chaos peeking up the stairwell only to have the wolf practically fly by him. "Whoa Lorkos!" the husky said as he took a step back while the wolf fell into the wall opposite the stairs. "What's going on?"

There was a loud crash and as Lorkos turned himself around a huge shiny beast crashed down and hit the wall around the wolf so hard it caused cracks to form. Chaos dropped his cup when he saw the monster pin the other man against the wall and slide down his pants with his own prehensile rubber cock before pushing between his exposed cheeks. The only way the husky even could guess that the creature was Serathin was his face, but as he stood there frozen in horror he watched the fur and scale clinging to the rubber muzzle underneath get ripped right down the middle on his upper and lower jaw as his face unfurled into sections with his tongue whipping around in the air. By this point the cock of the creature was already pushing out the stomach of the trapped wolf as a smaller set of tentacles pushed out over the sabremonster's groin and stroked the hard cock between them.

At the same time Juan ran in from the game room he had been looking through just in time to see Chaos running towards him in the panic, only for something black and shiny to coil around his waist and pull him backwards. The golden dragon was taken aback as he saw what used to be the tail of the sabrewolf continue to coil around the canine like a snake, which with it being almost twice as long as usual and covered in rubber made it look the part too, before the tip hovered over the head of the husky. Chaos stared upwards in wide-eyed fear as the tail tip opened like a flower similar to the new monster's muzzle before it darted down and engulfed the blue-haired husky's entire head while the tentacle within could be seen already slithering into his throat.

As the thick goo running down the bodies of both Lorkos and Chaos their clothes quickly dissolved away and the dragon saw they were both hard as a rock, and as the wolf was pulled closer into the rediciously muscular chest of the rubbery creature the husky's head was tipped back and something could clearly be seen being pushed down into the canine as his furred throat swelled with bulge after bulge. As the belly of Chaos began to grow swollen and lumpy Lorkos had been turned so that he faced away from Serathin, the wolf's eyes rolled into the back of his head from the sheer amount of pleasure being fed to him as his arms and legs were pulled into the slightly gooey mass of the male behind him. The stomach of the black-furred male became more distended by the second before traveling upwards, and as more tendrils wrapped around his cock and engulfed it Juan saw a similar swelling happening in the wolf's throat, except in reverse as the ovipositor inside of him pushed all the way out his mouth before merging with his tongue and wiggling in the air.

That was when Juan's brain clicked it was time to go but with Lorkos embedded fully in the monster and Chaos wrapped up in his tail with length to spare it didn't take much for Serathin to capture him, especially as the sides of his chest where the arms of the wolf had sunk into pushed out into a pair of rubber tentacles under the arms that wrapped around him. The gold dragon was able to watch up close as the muzzle of the wolf disappeared between the pecs of the creature with only the tentacle remaining wiggling out between his chest. As Juan squirmed the muzzle of the creature clamped down over his own, his cheeks bulging from the insertion as he also felt the hands of the creature press over his ears. As the dragon felt the tongue slide down into him and immediately felt something bulge out both it and his stretched maw his eyes widened as the tentacles emerged from the creature's palms and pushed into his skull. The shock and fear Juan's face suddenly became very relaxed as shiny black fluid began to drip from his nostrils before smaller tendrils emerged, his hands going to his stomach as it became swollen while his cock began to twitch and stretch...

Meanwhile a synth lion, black dragon with green fins, and black hybrid wingless dragon-wolf with green stripes stood at the front door knocking. "No one is answering," the lion said. "Do you think we should just walk in Jake?"

"Maybe it's around the back," the black dragon said. "You mind waiting here Dieter while Azrael and I check?"

Dieter nodded and the other two made their way around the side of the house to check to see if the party was back there, the lion holding onto the gift they had picked out. Just as the others disappeared around the corner they heard the door suddenly swing open, and as they were about to call out to Azrael and Jake they felt themselves get yanked inside. "Oh, Tana," Dieter said as he turned his head to see the cobra standing in front of him. "I'm here for... the... party..."

Dieter looked up and down the cobra to see he was completely naked and his muscles looked like they were practically bulging out of his scales, though the real note of concern was the huge shiny black dripping cock between his legs as well as a similar substance dripping out of his mouth. Before the synthetic lion could say anything the snout of the cobra seemed to peel back, revealing a second mouth that pushed its way out before clamping around their metallic muzzle. As Dieter tried to pull back in surprise he felt the tongue of the cobra snake in and fill his maw while he was pushed against the wall. Thick black goo began to leak from Tana's scales as the hands that held the lion split, a large shiny tentacle pushing its way out from each of his arms as his biceps and forearms became swollen and cylindrical.

It didn't take long before the metal casings of the creature felt like they were filling with the goo as the lion was lifted into the air, ovipositor pushing into him as his stomach plates immediately began to become slightly distended. The glowing yellow eyes of the creature flickered briefly as Tana rolled his shoulders back before the lumps that had been forming there finally bursting into more tentacles that quickly snaked around to push into the lions. Eventually the lust and pleasure was too much for the robot and his eyes went completely as the first egg slipped into him the plates that made up his body began to soften and tendrils pushed out of between them. When the implantation was complete the mutated cobra quickly pulled out in search of more, leaving the transforming lion twitching on the floor until his eyes started back up with an ominous blue glow.

At around the same time Jake and Azrael had made it to the backyard of the house, only to find it completely empty save for one blue and white avian creature setting something up near the patio. 'Hey!" Jake called out, getting the avali's attention. "Are we the first to arrive for the party or something?"

"You must be the first!" the avali stated as the mask on his face lit up with a smile formed from the lights. "DJ Beep! At your service! I was actually just about to go up to the back door and give a knock because I had been told to set up here at this time and was sort of expecting someone to meet me back here at least."

No sooner had the words left the avian's speakers then the glass doors shattered, exploding outwards as a huge creature splinted the frame and landed on the patio in front of them. The mask on Beep turned to all exclamation marks and he attempted to fly away, only for the massive rubber monster to whip his tail out and catch him before he even left the ground. Jake and Azrael took a look at one another before bolting in opposite directions, but two more creatures had already come out and managed to grab them. Jake quickly found himself pinned to his back as he stared into the solid blue orbs of the partially mutated gold dragon before he suddenly found the shiny black whiskers on the creature's nostrils push into his ears. Azrael managed to get a few more steps before getting grabbed from behind by a hulking husky that had lumbered after hir on six limbs, finally being grabbed by the rubbery forepaws of Chaos as his massive arms flexed and brought hir up in the air against his stomach while the second pair ripped away her jean shorts.

"Actually, I think I quit!" Beep said as he tried to squirm out of Serathin's grasp only for the tentacle limbs to wrap around his wing arms. "I'll even send you the deposit!" Before the avali could say anything else he let out a low synthetic groan as the ovipositor that had slipped up against his exposed thighs wiggled into him, causing the avian's body to completely relax in the grip of the creature holding him. His own cock quickly grew hard and then stretched out even further from the infectious liquids being pumped into him, his toes and fingers quivering in ecstasy as his insides were starting to change even before the egg had been pushed inside of him.

Meanwhile Azrael's groans had turned to growls and snarls as hir muscles began to rapidly thicken after Chaos deposited the first of many eggs inside his bloated stomach into hir, hir bright green cock growing bigger by the second along with her breasts. With each pump of the other monster into hir it filled hir with more muscle while her claws and teeth lengthened into something more bestial in nature. Any thoughts of escape or fighting were quickly replaced with pure pleasure and the need to spread, her normally flat stomach growing with the eggs that would eventually flow out of hir ovipositor as hir growing tongue pushed its way from the black drool dripping from hir muzzle. As more of hir fur turned to rubbery skin underneath she let out a loud growl as her huge limbs began to shake, popping and stretching into new configurations just like the creature pumping his ovipositor into hir while a second set of forelimbs began to stretch out from hir sides.

At the same time Jake couldn't make any sound at all as his mouth was filled with the tentacle tongue of the other male, his eyes almost completely black already as his nostrils were stuffed as well. His body was the fastest to convert to the rubbery flesh of the others as more tendrils that pushed their way out of Juan's pectorals slithered around before going into the dragon beneath him, causing his back to arch. Just like the others he had already received several eggs and as his teeth grew sharper around the tentacle spreading open his maw the prehensile cock of the other dragon also stretched open his tailhole. The changing scales of both dragons began to have tentacles shift under their skin like thick veins while their tails split apart, which only served to wrap around the bodies of one another as Jake joined the others.

Though the one that started this all was completely consumed by the eggs that lay within him, feeling his ovipositor bulge with each one entering the avian creature riding it, a grin came across the rubbery face of the sabertoothed monster as he looked down at the quivering body stretched out before him. The mask that the creature wore began to ooze the thick black goo from the sides of it before the face of it flickered and change, the pink lights turning to blue before the actual mask itself began to crack. A mouth formed as the electronic face fused to its owner and more of the substance drooled out of it as a tentacle tongue wiggled in the air. All the creatures both inside and outside the house perked their heads up as they heard the sound of sirens coming their way, no doubt due to the neighbors hearing and seeing everything going on in the house...

...not that it mattered, the party was just getting started and there would be nothing that would stop them from giving out more gifts in celebration.

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