Venting your Problems

Story by Serathin on SoFurry

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A maintenance worker runs afoul when the cold storage she was working on has her make contact with an alien substance that changes her life, and body, completely.

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In the dark vastness of space a lone space station sat in high orbit over a gas giant, the swirling green and blue planet the perfect backdrop to those that walked inside the massive metal structure that hovered around it. While the planet itself was rather uninteresting the reason the station was there in the first place was because it sat right on the nexus of several mapped interstellar pathways that led to colonies that were on planets near the outer fringe of explored space. It was by no means a trading hub, but what the station specialized in was the analysis and documentation of artifacts or specimens that were found in these new regions of space. The wealth of scientific information that flowed through the computers on the station was more than any other region in the galaxy at that moment and though it was hard for regular traffic to come in and out those on the station believed it to be well worth the semi-isolation.

While the scientists were always happy about their situation there were others who weren't as happy with their situation, particularly those who dealt with the loading and unloading of samples in the major transport bay that was opposite the planet itself. Not only did they not get the same view as those that worked in the labs but there was always a near constant stream of ships coming in and out from the fringe worlds to unload whatever they found on the planet surface. One of those was a grey wolf who was bent over a piece of twisted metal scaffolding, which was glowing white hot as she aimed the gun-like device on it. As the plastisteel melted away until it got back to the part that was still straight she heard a shout that prompted her to turn off the tool and look down at the source of the noise.

"Stormy!" the huge muscular rhino said as the wolf pulled the blue-tinted goggles off her face and looked down. "Lab seven is complaining about their coolant system being down again and they haven't stopped bothering me since it happened, I need you to go there and fix it!"

Stormy sighed and leaned to the left until she slipped off the beam she was straddling, the energy tether she was attached to kicking in and slowing her fall until she landed on her feet on the deck bay below right in front of the rhino. "You literally told me to fix the damage that was caused by that runaway freighter and that it was top priority," the wolf growled. "Plus I know for a fact that Jerry fixed the coolant pipes for them last week and he told them to stop messing with the controls for it. If I go in there and find they blew another coil they're going to be the ones hanging from these guide rails."

"I don't care if they shoved ice cream into the vents," the rhino replied. "If the scientists say jump we say how high, that's the way it is around here. Now get going, if I get one more status update report from them I'll be the one that jumps off that beam and there won't be an energy tether to stop me."

"Oh, don't do that Taylor," Stormy said with a slight smirk as she walked past him. "If you do then it's another hole in this place that I have to fix." The wolf smirked when she heard the rhino scoff and stomp off to the next person that he was probably going to have to redirect to some menial task. She didn't mind having to do lab duty though, it beat the heat that accumulated in the docking bay from all the ships even if she was probably going to freeze her tail off rummaging around the coolant systems of the labs.

After switching out her tools Stormy made her way through the halls of the space station towards the research area, which was the biggest section of the station save for possibly the docking bay she just left. It was also the biggest pain in her neck since those that worked in that area knew they were the ones that brought in the credits that went into everyone else's paychecks as she went to lab seven. "Would like to see them make their big discoveries without any reactor power," Stormy grumbled to herself as she pressed her keycard against the scanner, seeing the screen flash green with the words that she had been given temporary access to the otherwise locked lab. "Or how much they would get done after a coolant leak turned them into popsicles..."

As the door opened Stormy quickly put her feelings aside and put on the best smile she could muster before entering into the lab proper. Inside there were half a dozen others all dressed in lab coats, most of them looking over machines that were probably worth as much as the station itself. As she walked inside one of the researchers that had been looking over a computer console screen suddenly saw her and immediately walked towards her. Before the lupine could even introduce herself she was taken by the hand and practically yanked off of her feet towards a large metal door in the back.

"You have to hurry!" the ocelot said, her voice practically shrieking as she pointed at one of the control panels that was on the door. "We have a bunch of samples that are about to reach dangerous temperatures, something that I've been trying to instill your oaf of a boss with the urgency of, and if we lose even one sample all our heads are going to roll! You need to fix this!"

"Alright!" Stormy replied, snapping a bit despite herself as she pressed her card against the scanner, only to watch the panel blink red and tell her that her access was denied. "Uh, hey, in order for me to fix this urgent problem of yours I need to actually get into the storage area."

"I... you do?" the ocelot replied, Stormy nodding her head curtly. "Well we're going to have to follow containment protocol then, get you into a suit and move everything in the area you're working from to another section of the cooler before-"

Stormy quickly waved a hand in front of the feline's face to cut her off, then rubbed her own muzzle in frustration. "Look, that process is going to take hours to fulfill and isn't necessary for me to just go in and access the coolant pipeline," Stormy informed her. "Listen, um, what's your name?"

"Clarissa," the ocelot replied.

"Listen Clarissa," Stormy continued on. "If this problem really is as bad as you say then we're wasting time here, and I don't know about you but I definitely have better things to do with my day. Either grant me access to the specimen containment unit or let your samples swelter as I get on the hazmat suit and start the process of moving all these samples that you say are in grave danger."

Stormy could see the look of conflict on the scientist's face on whether or not to just give her access or to follow the protocol that they are usually ingrained with. While technically the ocelot was right and that they did need to follow all the instructions she had given her it was a job she already didn't want to be on and trying to fix things in a hazsuit were a nightmare. She already had on her neoprene survival suit for the cold temperatures and if this was as simple a job as flushing the coolant pipes she didn't want to spend six hours gearing up for something that would take fifteen minutes. Finally it appeared the ocelot made her choice and brought up her arm, pulling back the sleeve to reveal a wrist computer that she typed several inputs onto.

"There, you have access," Clarissa explained with a slight huff. "It'll auto-revoke in twelve hours though, so you'll have to get another pass from someone else if it takes that long."

"If it takes that long I'm definitely going to be talking to someone about it," Stormy growled as she took her card and once more swiped it against the reader, this time seeing the screen turn green and the mechanisms within unlock for her. The ocelot gave her a brief scowl before moving back towards the screen she had been previously working on as the seals of the door released. The wolf just smirked and moved to the open door, feeling the frozen air on her exposed fur as she walked inside the metal room and closed the door behind her.

It appeared the coolant system was at least still functioning, Stormy thought to herself as she felt the dampening field of her suit kick in and provide a layer of warmth to her body. Inside the specimen containment vault there were smaller rooms that were also behind doors, all of them marked with various hazard warnings as she walked inside. Already she could tell that they had once more tampered with the settings of the cooling systems, her ears flattening and a scowl forming on her face as she looked at the readouts of the screen on the other side of the wall. Just as she had thought they had blown out not just one coolant coil, but three of them in various places along the vent, which meant she was in for a very, very long day...

Many hours later Stormy was crawling through the last vent that she needed to get into, her body wiggling along the ice-cold metal in order to reach the last coupling she would have to change to reroute the coolant to the new coils so she could get the final damaged coil out. Though her suit protected her from the majority of the environment it didn't stop her teeth from chattering as she went to the bypass and began to turn it. As she got it to where the liquid rerouted to the new pipe however she heard a loud pop and a loud hissing noise. Almost immediately her vision was filled with warnings of an environmental hazard as she realized the coolant junction in the corner of the vent she was in just ruptured.

Immediately she turned the valve to full shut-off, but even though that stopped the leak the way back through the vent was chilled to the point it would harm her greatly to pass through it. Fortunately there were plenty of other places that she could get out and crawled forward a little further to the next vent in her vision. Once she was there she opened it and began to carefully slide out into one of the specific specimen containment rooms. Unlike her main point of access through there was nothing that allowed her to easily climb down and she had to use the shelves in order to brace herself enough to get out.

Unfortunately due to the researchers keeping the rooms so cold a layer of coolant ice had formed on them and when she tried to brace herself she felt her palm slip and cause her to take a tumble. Once more her suit helped to soften her fall with an air cushion and as she laid there on her back cursing those that made this happen something else rolled off the shelf and landed on her stomach. As the wind got knocked out of her by the heavy canister the metal, made brittle by the intense cold, cracked and immediately something started to ooze out of it onto her suit. By the time Stormy had recovered from the shock of her fall and saw what was happening it appeared the entirety of its contents had been dumped onto her chest and stomach.

"Gross..." Stormy said as she tossed the tube aside, which sounded empty as it hit the metal floor, and looked at the oily black substance that was on her suit. "If this is some sort of alien discharge I'm going to kill all of them and no one would blame me for it." Though she tried to remain angry there was a sense of worry that came with it as she tried to find the shelf that it was on to identify it; most specimens were in here for a reason and the thought of having to go to some sort of quarantine caused her to shiver. Eventually she found where the tube had come from and got the reference number, then went over to the nearby computer in order to type it in and find out what was covering her.

When the file finally pulled up Stormy immediately felt a sense of relief when she saw that whatever it was the lab had rendered it completely inert. That was where the good news ended though as the substance that was dripping from her suit was from something called an Amalgamate, a creature that was discovered by a salvage crew... which was promptly taken over by alien species and was terrorizing several systems in the fringes of known space. It appeared the station was tasked in finding a way to neutralize the substance completely, and though it was inert they hadn't figured out if they could save those who had been transformed. Either way it was still not something that she wanted on her as she quickly moved to the door in order to get out of the vault and into a decontamination shower.

As she put her card against the door however she was met with a red light and the screen telling her that her access was denied. "You have GOT to be kidding me," Stormy growled as she tried several times, only to get the same result. "Revoking my access when I'm still in here... she's going to be lucky I don't blow her out of an airlock after this."

With her access through the vault locked there was only one way she could go, looking back up through the vent she had come out of. Unfortunately with the coolant build up it was going to be harder for her to get in then it was to get out, and it caused her to put her hands to her head in frustration. As soon as she did she felt something wiggle near her ears, and as she pulled her hands back to look at them she realized that they were covered in the strange substance. Some of it must have transferred onto her palms when she tossed the container aside, and whatever it was no longer seemed to be inert as the thin tendril wiggled into her ear.

Stormy wasn't sure what to do at this point; the alien substance was clearly trying to get inside her skull but there was nothing in the room she could do to remove it, and though she could activate the emergency alert on the door panel it would still take several minutes for them to get to her. Already she could feel whatever it was touching her mind and when it did strange thoughts and sensations began to fill her head. She saw herself on a lifeless planet, dormant and waiting until something had caused it to awaken. As she found herself looking down she gathered that she was looking at a memory as it saw something moving beneath her, no doubt one of the salvagers that had gotten infected before her perspective was that of falling.

More memories filled her mind of the creature spreading and converting others after it had mutated its original host, turning others into more of it as it grew with a ravenous need. But that sentience she saw in those images that drove the salvager was not present in her, at least not that she could feel. Also the amalgamate wasn't spreading over her at all like it did to the one in her memory, which made her wonder just how extensively the researchers had altered it. Not only was there no alien presence that she felt in her mind she also found that since it had connected to her she had some control over it, which meant that she could get it to form into a single mass and then get it off of her.


From the sensations she got in her mind the amalgamate still had a lot of its mutagenic properties still, which meant that with her control over it she could use it on herself. Seeing that powerful creature that the salvager had turned into not only intrigued but aroused her, finding herself biting her lips as the thought of possibly using it for her own means. Without the alien need to spread it would just be like a tool... a tool at her disposal. No one would even have to know that it was inside her, with one little mental command she could absorb the entirety of the sample and then take the cracked canister and replace it once she had the ability to make more.

Even without her actively willing it the gooey substance had started to shift, disappearing from her fur as she pulled it into her body. Already she could feel the power that came from the alien material and that was enough to spur her on to do more as a tentacle formed on her neoprene body before pushing into her maw. The material that was in her ears continued to flow in while the rest was absorbed through her pores, and as it integrated into her flesh it also started to assimilate it. At first she thought to stop it from happening but after the pleasure and power she felt from it altering her body she couldn't help but let it continue to do so.

A moan came out of her lips as the last of the goo went inside her, and as she could feel the fur underneath her neoprene suit begin to shift from the skin underneath it the thought of that monster in the memory of the amalgamate continued to be in the forefront of her mind. Unlike the salvager it would be her choice to be a monster, her mind rationalizing all the things she could do with those tentacles as bulges began to form in the material on her back. The desire to want to completely integrate herself with the alien substance was so strong that she could already feel herself starting to transform. Forget being a lowly maintenance officer, she thought to herself as he tongue began to push past her lips, she could easily be the one in charge... not only of this department, but the entire station itself.

The desire for control was pushing her body over the edge and Stormy found less and less reason to keep the changes at bay as her fingers began to stretch. With her merging the alien substance to herself she quickly began to find out how to use it, watching a layer of webbing form over her clawed fingers on her arms while a tentacle pushed their way out of her palms and wiggled in the air. It was happening, she thought to herself as her feet popped through her boots, the material splitting as thickly taloned toes merged together while the muscles of her legs swelled, she was turning herself into a monster. As her arms quickly followed suit and her biceps and forearms bulged while transforming into more of the alien substance Stormy's muzzle formed into a grin, laughing in glee as her body became more alien by the second.

Her voice soon started to gurgle though as her already mutated tongue split into three, slithering out of her mouth as her skull began to reshape. Though her brain was being completely corrupted by the substance Stormy knew she was still running the show, and as her neoprene suit struggled to contain her growing breasts she wanted more. But as a pair of black horns began to push their way out of her skull the changes began to slow... and that caused Stormy to let out an inhuman growl. Her bulked up body was nowhere close to what she wanted it to be and when it finally came to a stop she knew what she had to do in order to spur the changes on further. While she could have just broken down the door to get outside she opted to go the route that she had originally thought to take, using her tentacles to pull her bigger body up in before using her clawed hands to pull her slightly amorphous body towards her new destination...

Meanwhile in the main lab Clarissa was still in front of her computer despite the rest of the researchers in her department already going home. Not only was she waiting for the maintenance person to finish with fixing their coolant system but she was also working on her pet project. When she had gotten the go ahead to study the amalgamate she was overjoyed at the prospect on working on such an exotic alien entity, but with all the abilities it had completely neutered and with no ability to provide it a host it was basically putting a probe in a blob of jelly all day. The worst part was her supervisors demanded constant updates in order to know how it was going and she was finding harder ways to say the same thing in a different way in order to satisfy them and not pull her from the entire thing.

She had just gone to get herself a cup of coffee and was finishing stirring it up when she noticed something flashing red in the corner of her screen. It was the emergency warning on the specimen containment system and after nearly dropping her coffee she quickly pulled up the system to see what was going on. At first she thought it might have been another coolant alarm, but when she saw the code she realized that it was actually an unauthorized sample removal. Her shock turned to a frown since she knew the only one that was here besides her was that wolf, and it quickly became anger when she saw what sample had been removed.

"How the hell did she even get in there," Clarissa said as she went over to the specimen containment vault, using her key card to unlock it and get inside. "I knew I should have never given her access in the first place." When she went to the room that contained the sample however she saw through the glass door that everything was still in its proper place and that the wolf wasn't even there. "Huh... that's... really weird..."

The ocelot researcher continued to look around for a second as though to try and see if there were any other possible intrusions before sighing and heading out of the vault and closing it behind her. It must have just been a shift in the sample, she reasoned as she headed back towards her computer to turn off the alarm, sometimes it happened in such a cold environment. When she got back she quickly deactivated the program and went back to work putting in her figures for the next progress report she needed to make. As she made a grab for her coffee however her fingers clenched nothing but empty air.

Clarissa looked down at the empty space in confusion, then around the lab to try and see if she had accidently set it somewhere and had forgotten about it. She finally saw it was on a research bench underneath one of the vents, the cup just sitting there still steaming from before. Though she didn't remember bringing it over to that spot before checking out the alarm she blamed the lack of sleep for her memory gap and went over to grab it. Once she got over and picked it up she noticed something right as she put the liquid to her lips...

...the vent was open.

As she looked at it her confusion suddenly turned to shock and horror as several tentacles suddenly shot out of it, darting straight towards her and wrapping around her neck and shoulders. The coffee spilled to the ground as she was hoisted right off her feet and drawn towards the vent itself. When she tried to let out a scream one of the larger ones took advantage of her open mouth and pushed its way inside to muffle her. When she got up to eye level with the vent her eyes widened and her legs kicked in the air at the monster she saw sitting just a few inches away from the opening.

Stormy felt a smile form on her mutated mouth as she captured the ocelot she had been watching ever since she got to the lab, luring her in and capturing her without even needing to chase her down. With her prey firmly in her grasp she began to push her way out once more, though the arm with the tentacles wrapped around the fighting feline continued to remain outstretched. As her rubbery, vaguely lupine head popped out of the vent her tentacles continued to draw the ocelot towards her. Though the researcher was doomed the second that she had wrapped around her body Stormy wanted to hurry the process as the tentacle in her palm continued to push down into the throat of the researcher to spread the amalgamate she controlled even faster.

Once her entire upper body was halfway out of the vent Stormy was able to take Clarissa and pull her right into her grasp. The ocelot's eyes had already rolled back completely and a black substance was leaking from her nose, eyes, and ears as the struggling went to quivering from the alien corruption flowing into her. Already the areas where the monstrous wolf had wrapped around were starting to bulge and grow, but that wasn't what she was looking for when she had captured the ocelot. Stormy needed more mass to grow, and as the feline muzzle pushed into the slit where her palm tentacle came out of it stretched to push over her entire head and draw her inside.

Stormy had to use every ounce of her willpower to keep from letting out a low roar as the ocelot's mutating body slid into her arm, causing the forearm to bulge with the outline of her head as it slid inside. It didn't take much to draw out the psyche of the researcher and store it away within herself once that happened, and once she had done that the mass that was being rapidly converted was hers for the taking. Once she had gotten the shoulders inside the rest of it slid inside more easily, the legs becoming amorphous and turning black before being drawn inside as they looked more like tentacles.

It looked good enough to her that she decided to keep them there, Stormy watching the three tentacles in her palm now wrapping around one another as the outline of the ocelot's body melted away and flowed to the rest of her body. The stretched neoprene suit that had already started to tear in places finally gave out, revealing her thickly muscled chest and stomach as it swelled with more growth. She grunted and growled in complete pleasure as she found herself able to access the mind of the one she had just taken and learned even more about her new form, feeling the thick black mass of her neck sprouting tiny filaments that turned purple as they stretched out. The creature they had taken this sample from was not only a pure predator but one that desired nothing more but to spread as quickly as possible, and though Stormy didn't have the same drive she still got the tooles needed for it as her thighs and calves ballooned with more growth.

As her already hulking body grew thick with more muscle under her shiny black skin she suddenly hear something that caused her to turn her head. She lumbered over to the computer and saw that an alarm had gone off after detecting alien matter, which were the spores that she was now producing in order to get the amalgamate into even more people. Though her body had grown exceedingly powerful the threat of the guards on this station were something she didn't want to tangle with, especially if they tried to contain her thinking that she wasn't in control. Stormy knew that she was still perfectly fine and clear-headed as she reached to the computer, seeing the last bits of the feline she corrupted and absorbed disappearing as she grew several smaller tentacles to type for her.

Thanks to Clarissa's knowledge she was not only able to deactivate the alarms and say that it was just a false positive but also get another maintenance ticket in for the alarm and the coolant job she hadn't finished. Even though she had already gotten bigger it still wasn't enough for her; there was so much more potential with this amalgamate that she needed more, something bigger than the scrawny feline researcher she had just taken. Fortunately she knew someone that had enough meat on his bones that she could use it to get where she wanted... and as she saw her supervisor take the ticket and say he would take care of it himself an evil smile crossed her face. The stage was set, she just needed to get herself ready for her newest victims before they got there.

Part 2:

The rhino and tiger both waited for the hyperlift to drop them off at the research floor with angry looks on their faces, their arms crossed over their chests. "I can't believe that Stormy bailed on the end of that job," the tiger said with a slight growl. "I was just about to go off shift too."

"She wouldn't have even needed to go there if you had fixed their problem the first time Jerry," the rhino said with a huff.

"I did fix that problem Taylor," the tiger shot back. "I was in those vents for four hours fixing the damage they had done overclocking those systems, I can't be blamed if they didn't take my advice and did it again."

"I'm more concerned about what is going on with Stormy," Taylor stated. "I know that she was hot under the collar about having to replace three coolant coils today but I didn't think it would be bad enough that she would walk out on the job before it was finished. Let's talk to this Clarissa and see what's going on, maybe there was something else that happened and we can get both stories before we have to report on what happened."

The tiger just nodded and the two got to their floor a short while later, heading out to the research lab they were called too. After using their keycards to go inside they found that the room was completely empty and that the ocelot who called them there was nowhere in sight. With it being late in the space station's standard time cycle it wasn't odd to see that most people weren't there, but usually if someone put in a ticket there was someone they could talk to. The fact there wasn't just caused both of them to become even more irritated as they made their way to the specimen containment door.

When they got over to the heavy steel vault they saw that there was something attached to it, a note along with a keycard. "Sorry I'm not here in order to guide you," Taylor read after plucking the paper off of the door and reading it out-loud. "Take my key card and let yourselves in, one of the coolant junctions has ruptured and the last coil still needs replacing. It Stormy comes back tell her that I just couldn't wait and needed this done now, signed Clarissa."

"Looks like she knew that Stormy had just stepped out," Jerry stated as Taylor used the key card to let themselves into the specimen storage vault. "Figures that one of these scientists just wanted it done now and didn't bother to wait for her... she's lucky she's not here, would give her a piece of my mind."

"Don't forget its these scientists that get us all paid," the rhino replied with a huff. "Now lets go in and get that last coil fixed, you go further up towards the junction while I patch the pipe and then we can get both things done at once with much more speed so you can put your cranky ass back to bed."

Jerry just smirked and the two walked inside the vault, the door closing shortly after them. They could already see the still-open panel that Stormy used and the tiger slid his way up first, then turned around to give the bigger rhino a hand. "Geez Taylor, you gonna fit?" Jerry joked, smirking down at the rhino who just rolled his eyes.

"Don't be jealous that I can actually get muscle to stay on my body," Taylor shot back. "Now hurry up, I hate working in the coolant vents."

Jerry just chuckled and moved forward, heading towards the junction that had already been shut completely down. A layer of frost was already forming on the pipes where the coolant was backed up and Jerry knew he had to be careful when he changed the coil in case the built-up pressure caused the pipe to rupture. At the same time he could hear the sound of welding behind him and glanced back to see the rhino sealing the coolant pipe. Though it would be better for them to replace the whole junction they would put in a patch first and see if that worked, and possibly would keep the scientists from continually turning down the temperature.

After about an hour Jerry had popped the old coil out and put the new one in, hearing it whir to life once he had reconnected the power couplings into it. As he turned himself around so he could turn on the junction and redirect the flow back towards the new coil he saw that Taylor was still laying there with the plasma torch off. "Hey, you done with that patch yet?" Jerry asked, a grin forming on his muzzle once more. "You could have sealed that rupture by hand at that rate... Taylor?"

When there was no response from the rhino Jerry started to move forward, only to stop and gasp when the other man was suddenly pulled out of sight. After the initial shock wore off the tiger scrambled to get to the other side and turned the corner just in time to see him getting dragged towards the exit of the vent. Even though he wasn't sure what was going on he knew he had to do something and pressed his feet against the back vent wall, feeling the cold soak into his toes from the pipe before he pushed forward and used the icy floor of the vent to slide forward and grab onto him. When he latched onto the rhino's arm he quickly realized that what he had used to get there quickly was also starting to be his downfall as whatever was pulling Taylor back had started to do the same to him.

"Jerry... get... out..." Taylor said, groaning as Jerry continued to try and hold his own to keep the rhino from sliding backwards.

"No way Taylor!" Jerry shouted as he clicked his boots together to activate the spikes on them, which would normally not be used in a coolant vent due to scratching the metal walls, and dug his feet into the roof. "Kick free or something man, use those muscles!"

"It's... too late..." Taylor said, his breathing becoming increasingly labored as something black and shiny began to leak out of his nostrils. "She's... inside me now... so good..."

The words weren't making any sense to the tiger but as they were still being dragged along and the rhino's body started to hang out of the vent Jerry could finally see what was pulling him backwards. He almost let go of his crewmate from the sheer shock as he saw a number of tentacles that had buried themselves into his suit, exposing his grey skin that was becoming increasingly black as more than one looked as though they had slithered their way into the rhino's backside. As Jerry continued to sit there stunned he heard the rhino groan loudly and turn to his side where a number of tentacles were pushing out the neoprene suit he wore, especially out from his pectorals as the tiger saw they weren't just coming from his body but emerging from it as well. The last straw was when the two gave each other one last look as the tiger was about to go over the edge himself and he saw the rhino's eyes turn black, then open his mouth and attempt to wrap his mutated tongue around him before he let go.

Taylor immediately fell backwards into the room and Jerry was immediately able to see what had been dragging him back. The alien creature behind him was huge and its form shifted slightly as the tentacles that had emerged from Stormy's chest pulled the trapped rhino towards her. With nothing holding him back anymore Taylor's feet sank deep into the already muscular chest of the alien and caused the mass to ripple outwards with new muscle. Already the amalgamate had thoroughly infested the rhino's body and both Stormy and Jerry could see the effect that it was having as inky black tentacles began to emerge from the rhino's mouth while his eyes rolled completely back into his head.

Though the entire merging only took a minute it seemed like ages for the tiger as he watched his supervisor and friend get pulled deeper into the creature that had ensnared him while also transforming at the same time. The exposed parts of the rhino's body began to wiggle and swell as the black goo that made up the alien's body spread over him. It appeared that he was in a state of deep, blissful pleasure, his mouth hung open in a silent gasp before one of the tentacles that had emerged from the chest of the creature slithered into his maw to push him even deeper in. Soon the only thing that could be seen of the rhino was his head, but the alien creature that assimilated him made short work of that as a huge clawed hand reached up and pushed Taylor the rest of the way until his horn disappeared between her breasts.

The second that the last of the rhino disappeared Stormy let out another roar as her body grew once more, her already thick muscles growing as the amalgamate took the new mass and distributed it through her body. The feeling of power went straight to her head and as she felt her tail thicken into something more reptilian in nature while her thighs and calves pushed her even closer to the ceiling it only fed into her desire for more. At this point though her need for growth was satiated... for the moment, the rhino she had converted giving her so much more that she felt additional tentacles sprouting from her back just to put the new amalgamate. But while her need to keep packing on muscle was good for the moment there was still the matter of what to do with the panting creature in the vent, turning her head up to face the tiger that had just been staring in shock at his crewmate's disappearance.

Seeing this monster suddenly turn to face him was enough to snap Jerry out of his horrified trance, scrambling to move back into the vent just as the creature made a lunge for him. He could hear the bang of metal as he moved all the way back to the junction that Taylor had been fixing before all this happened. When he got to that corner he shivered from the cold pipes pressing against his back as he turned towards the entrance once more, staring at the opening even though his brain tried to tell his body to continue to run. When nothing came following him however he began to wonder if the creature had become too big to fit through the vents, which in that case all he would have to do is crawl through them until he could find a safe place to escape...

Suddenly there was another loud bang and the tiger yelped as he saw the shiny, rubbery alien head push its way up over the lip of the vent while one of its hands stretched out and clawed into the metal. Jerry once more attempted to run but it was far too late; the second that he turned to try and go down the other way the tentacles in Stormy's palm shot out and wrapped around his legs. With nothing to stop him the tiger quickly found himself sliding backwards towards the vent opening and the monster that was inside it. There was a loud bang as the tiger was whipped around the corner and then finally pulled back out into the vault where he hung there by the tentacles coiled around his legs.

"Please!" Jerry pleaded as he found himself face to face with the monster, who was even bigger than before to the point where the large horns Stormy had grown were practically scraping against the ceiling. "I'll do anything! Don't absorb me!"

Though that has been Stormy's intention the pleas of the feline caused a different idea to formulate in her mind, one aided by the memories of the salvager in which this original amalgamate came from. While it was well and good to be the biggest, baddest creature in the entire station eventually she will outgrow the ability of the space station to support her. While there was a room or two she was thinking of nesting in she would need others that could serve her and do thing that she couldn't. It would also help with the spread of her influence to the rest of the station since she was quickly growing to the point it would be hard for those in security not to notice her, and if she was going to be the queen of this station she would need servants...

After a few moments Jerry was lowered down onto the floor and the tentacles retracted from his legs, and for a few seconds the tiger thought that he had somehow appeared to the alien creature to preserve him. Before he could voice his thanks though the other hand of the creature suddenly pushed against his head, the webbed, rubbery fingers pushing up his muzzle as he felt the tentacle in her palm start to push past his lips. He let out a muffled grunt and as his eyes widened he could see the creature lean in and give him an evil smirk even with the small tendrils that grew over her lupine muzzle. As the tentacle pushed into his maw Jerry could already feel his skull starting to warp and reshape, the amalgamate cells assimilating his own as his thoughts started to grow fuzzy.

Stormy let out a slight hiss of approval as she could already see her influence starting to manifest in the tiger, the whites of his eyes turning black as her fingers morphed and stretched to continue to cover his head. With her huge paws it was easy to eventually completely cover him as she felt two of her fingers stretch out and begin to push into his ears in order to convert his mind more thoroughly. A loyal drone, a creature to serve her loyally as the body of the tiger began to quiver from the alien DNA spreading through his system. Since he wore a neoprene suit similar to the one she used to have Stormy could already see the changes taking place as his neck bulged and his chest began to swell.

As his throat bulged from the tentacle sliding down into it Jerry's mind was filling with new alien thoughts, seeing the creature before him in a new light as his eyes fused shut and his entire head became rubber-like. The word drone continued to echo in his mind, showing him how he would serve the queen and continue to spread to others. As he was reminded of watching the rhino get absorbed into his new master the idea of absorbing another for more power went from something that horrified him to exciting him, and as his thoughts were corrupted he could feel his arms swelling and the tentacles that had been spreading inside his body emerging out of his palms just like his new master.

The tiger's entire body was starting to grow at this point, the parts that were not covered by the shiny suit Stormy could see the fur melting and becoming black rubber just like her own form. He wouldn't have the same muscle growth that she did, that would be something he would have to get for himself as new thoughts entered her own mind as well. Just imagining this tiger, as well as others, converting and merging with the other members of this space station caused her entire body to shudder as the boots of the transforming creature popped to exposed thickly taloned feet. Since his physique had only grown slightly more muscular the suit he was able to cling to his body as the bulge between his legs grew even bigger from the combination of stimulation and a little extra added growth.

As the last of the tiger's body was converted, his tail thickening and swelling to look more like Stormy's mutated appendage the amalgamate wolf queen pulled her hand back. As soon as the tentacle left his mouth the shiny goo that was still shifting on the tiger's head sealed it shut; there was no reason for him to talk anymore as she saw the featureless, rubbery head that was only vaguely feline in nature. She could sense through their bond that he was more than willing to do anything to protect and serve his new queen. That raw thought process alone was enough to cause Stormy to have a wave of pleasure wash through her as the new amalgamate drone slowly stood up on his new feet.

With her desire to grow satisfied for the moment and a new drone standing next to her Stormy realized that she needed a new plan in order to gain even more. Just the two of them would not be enough to roam the corridors of the space station and convert anyone they meet, though the thought did cause her long, ropy tongue to slide around her muzzle, and she doubted that she could keep luring people here without eventually causing suspicion. Unfortunately her growth was definitely causing a few problems here and even if she could keep bringing people here the idea of having the seat of her power be a cold storage vault was less than idea. What she needed was a way to disguise either herself or Jerry so she could convert a few of the security guards and get a better idea of how they worked...

As she tried to think of ways to do that Stormy suddenly realized that she was starting to shrink, the vent she had pulled the tiger though slowly getting higher as her gooey body began to grow more compact. At first she started to feel panicked and wondered if she had done something to disrupt the amalgamate... but as she dug deeper in she realized that this was it merely trying to fulfill her wish. She gasped in slight surprise when she connected more fully with the alien substance and found that when the scientists had cauterized some of its abilities it had also granted it a new one. It appeared that this version of the amalgamate could allow her to revert back to her previous form, which was punctuated by the sprouting of fur out from the oily, shiny skin she had gotten used to.

Even as the tentacles retracted into her body and the alien features she had grown accustomed too were receding from her body it did not lessen the power she felt. If anything it made her feel even stronger, knowing that as she shrank back down to her feminine lupine form that the monster she had created still dwelled within her. The lips of her muzzle pulled up into a smile as the discovery of this new ability opened all sorts of avenue of possibilities, especially as she looked over at the drone she had created and began to think of a few tweaks that it could use. As she reached out her arm the fur once more was replaced with shiny black flesh and her fingers merged into a single tentacle that pushed into the chest of the tiger.

The drone shivered as it could feel something being pumped into him, but while a little of it was more of the amalgamate substance that would grow out his body there was something else that Stormy was giving him as well. The wolfess smiled as she began to see the shoulders of the drone broaden, his chest widening as a large lump began to stretch out from the new shoulder blades. It wasn't long until the head of the former tiger was joined by two more, another vaguely feline head being morphed on his right while the left was shaped into one with a distinct horn on its nose. Stormy breathed a slight sligh of relief as the psyche's she had absorbed through the merging and assimilation of her first two bodies was given to the drone, the three-headed creature looking even more alien and terrifying then when it just had one.

Once she was done with that Stormy used the knowledge that she had still retained from the ocelot as she opened the cold storage vault once more, the naked wolfess running over to her terminal in order to put her plan into motion. "Hello, security?" Stormy said once a connection had been established. "This is Stormy, I was doing maintenance in the cold storage room with my supervisor when a ruptured pipe knocked something over. Clarissa is looking into it now, she's the lab supervisor, but she said to give you this code and to send over a few guys just in case this turns into a containment issue..."

After a few minutes, long enough for Stormy to grab a nearby back-up suit so she wasn't naked, the wolf saw a three-man security team walking towards her. They were decked out in the usual fully body armored suit and carrying rifles, which was standard for a potential alien exposure incident as one walked up to her while the others stayed a few feet back. "Has anyone breached the containment protocol while you were here?" the officer asked Stormy, who quickly shook her head and informed them that it was just Clarissa and Taylor in the vault trying to see if they could figure out what happened. "Alright, we're going to do a quick check to make sure that they're still fine, and if the containment room is still secured then we can wait for hazmat to come in and clean everything up."

Stormy just nodded and watched the three walk past her, the security guards oblivious to the smirk that formed on her face as she walked behind them as they took up positions in a firing line facing the vault door. Unlike the wolf or anyone else anyone those in security had the ability to remotely access and open doors. With their guns raised they watched as the heavy steel door slowly opened, the fog of cold rolling out onto the lab floor as they called out for those inside to respond. Just as they were about to move forward the door was suddenly forced open the rest of the way and a monstrous three-headed creature charged straight towards them.

Two of the guards jumped towards the floor and behind one of the tables, but the third was not so lucky as he tried to get a shot off only to be pounced and pushed down. As the other two struggled to regain their footing they turned to see the thickly-muscled creature bring the guard up into a bear hug, hearing their third squad member cry out before it quickly became muffled. It wasn't long before the bodysuit of the man began to get pulled into the chest of the one holding him, and when he tried to push his arms into the creature's chest to push away they sank all the way up to the elbow. The two weren't sure of what to do to save their friend, but as the armored plate and neoprene suit underneath bulged before several oily black tentacles burst out from it.

"We have no choice," the squad leader said as he raised his gun. "Take them both down!" When the other man next to him didn't respond he was about to yell to follow his orders, only to find the other security guard had dropped his weapons and his hands were roaming all over his body. It didn't take long for him to see why; the security guard's uniform had something writhing underneath it like snakes and as his body started to twitch and convulse he could see the unseen invaders quickly slithering their way up to his helmet.

As the squad leader turned around he saw the wolf that they had met in the first place, but just as he was about to shout at her to run Stormy's body began to quickly shift as well. One of her feet had already looked monstrous compared to the others, which was where the tentacles had grown that were infesting the suit of the guard next to him, and the other quickly followed suit as she reached out her hands and wrapped up the last remaining guy in her coils. As he attempted to wiggle out of them he could still see the one that had been next to him growing, hearing his voice deepening and gurgling before the front glass of the helmet popped out and several black tentacles emerged from it. Further in the lab the three-headed creature had completely absorbed the one that it had captured, and as the last of the guard's legs disappeared into the creature's belly the already muscular monster's body shifted and swelled as it grew and thickened.

All that was left was the squad leader as the tentacles continued to coil around his body while Stormy's form continued to grow into the hulking beast she had become. Though she could easily infest this one like she had done with her other new drone, glancing down to see his new talons and claws bursting out of his suit as more amalgamate pushed its way out and coated the helmet, she had something special in mind for him. While he would eventually become one like the others there was quite a bit of knowledge in that head of his, which she wanted direct access too as she lowered her head to avoid hitting the ceiling and taking out a light. With the guard still struggling she bent down even more and slowly tilted her head back while stretching her jaws.

Almost immediately the guard knew where he was going and let out a scream as he tried to kick the snout of the creature, only to have his feet sink into the stretchy maw of the alien beneath him. It took all of Stormy's resolve not to gulp him down right away, savoring the absolute feeling of superiority she felt by taking his high-ranking officer and feeling him disappear down her gullet. Just like the others she had absorbed she was already transforming the humanoid creature into amalgamate, feeling it flowing into her and causing her to grow even stronger. By the time he was down to his waist she unfurled her tentacles from him; by this point the human had no means of escaping and even with his entire body being covered by that armored body suit she could see the changes happening to his infected form.

"Wha..." the head guard managed to say as he felt the alien goo already pushing up into his own helmet while his chest was engulfed by Stormy's rubbery muzzle. "What are... you..."

There was a dark chuckle that the guard heard in his head as he suddenly felt a slight pressure of the amalgamate suffusing inside of him, followed by a wave of pleasure. "I am..." Stormy said, taking a tentacle and pushing up the guard's head to see eye to eye even as she could see the black ichor filling it. "...your new queen."

If the guard had anything else to say the alien goo filling his throat prevented that as she pushed the rest of him down into her body. Since she didn't have a stomach the humanoid creature merely merged with the rest of her alien flesh, causing another growth spurt that caused her to growl in approval. While she hadn't needed to get bigger the extra muscle and tentacles were well-received, and while she could just use it to create another amalgamate drone body that she could insert the psyche of the guard into she found herself enjoying the growth even more. With the lab ceiling being about fourteen feet off the ground and her having to bend forward, something that was already happening as her incredibly powerful chest ballooned with more growth that caused a natural hunch to form, she estimated that she was nearly sixteen feet tall by that point.

As the other drones quickly fell into line and began to surround her, the guard drone still with his suit clinging to his enhanced form, she could feel the pure reverence that they had for their new queen. It would continue on even if they changed back to their normal forms and that caused a smile to form on her muzzle and her tentacles to wiggle around. If this is the amount of growth that she got from three people, minus what she used to create the three-headed drone that was now at least eight feet tall and would put most bodybuilders to shame, then she would definitely need to find a place where she could stretch her legs. There was one area that would be large enough that she could enjoy quite a bit of growth potential as well as take over the entire space station easily, her corrupted mind imagining the energy core chamber with thick layers of amalgamate growing from the walls that shined in the light of the reactor.

But that would have to be her end goal, Stormy thought to herself as she began to revert back while the others did the same save for the three-headed drone that remained in his amalgamate form. Not only was she going to need to consume so many others on this ship but also find additional bio-mass so she could create more drone bodies. As soon as she reached a critical mass of drones though they could take the station, and from there turn the ship bay she used to work at into a mass conversion facility. The amalgamate queen nodded to the others once they had gotten back to their normal bodies and together they went off to look for more to convert so that she could eventually rule more than just this one station...

Alien Attunement

The research station on the planet Gideon IV had been in operation for nearly two years, and even with that time they had only documented about a tenth of the flora and fauna that were believed to be on the planet. It had become a biological gold...

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Safe Harbor (3/3)

Reynard wasn't sure for how long he ran, all the rubber fox knew was that the longer he moved the more the gurgling in his insides increased. Even with his rubber skin starting to shift and the occasional swell of the white and red latex that was...

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Safe Harbor (2/3)

For what seemed like ages the bright white pillar of rubber that contained the fox continued to remain still, the vines practically merged together to form one solid mass to contain the creature within. Reynard had lost all track of time while he...

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